Results for 'Victoria Lindsay'

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  1.  19
    Applying foreign entry market strategies to UK higher education transnational education models.Victoria Lindsay & Christos Antoniou - 2016 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 20 (2-3):51-58.
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    The rock and the void: pastoral and loss in Joan Lindsay's Picnic at Hanging Rock and Peter Weir's film adaptation.Victoria Bladen - 2012 - Colloquy 23:159-184.
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    Civilizing Australia.Richard Haese - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 106 (1):118-127.
    Against the background of the Second World War and post-war cultural change in Australia, this review article discusses the establishment of the profession of art history and art curatorial scholarship in Australia in the 1940s and 1950s. The key figures in this transformation were Franz Philipp and Ursula Hoff (European ‘savant’ refugees from Nazism and anti-Semitism), and the British scholar Joseph Burke (appointed as Herald Professor of Fine Arts at Melbourne University). These figures played pivotal roles in Sir Keith Murdoch's (...)
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  4. The Art of Good Hope.Victoria McGeer - 2004 - Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1):100--127.
    What is hope? Though variously characterized as a cognitive attitude, an emotion, a disposition, and even a process or activity, hope, more deeply, a unifying and grounding force of human agency. We cannot live a human life without hope, therefore questions about the rationality of hope are properly recast as questions about what it means to hope well. This thesis is defended and elaborated as follows. First, it is argued that hope is an essential and distinctive feature of human agency, (...)
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    What is the theory without power set?Victoria Gitman, Joel David Hamkins & Thomas A. Johnstone - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (4-5):391-406.
    We show that the theory, consisting of the usual axioms of but with the power set axiom removed—specifically axiomatized by extensionality, foundation, pairing, union, infinity, separation, replacement and the assertion that every set can be well‐ordered—is weaker than commonly supposed and is inadequate to establish several basic facts often desired in its context. For example, there are models of in which ω1 is singular, in which every set of reals is countable, yet ω1 exists, in which there are sets of (...)
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    Impact of ectogenesis on the medicalisation of pregnancy and childbirth.Victoria Adkins - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):239-243.
    The medicalisation of pregnancy and childbirth has been encouraged by the continuing growth of technology that can be applied to the reproductive journey. Technology now has the potential to fully separate reproduction from the human body with the prospect of ectogenesis—the gestation of a fetus outside of the human body. This paper considers the issues that have been caused by the general medicalisation of pregnancy and childbirth and the impact that ectogenesis may have on these existing issues. The medicalisation of (...)
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    The exact strength of the class forcing theorem.Victoria Gitman, Joel David Hamkins, Peter Holy, Philipp Schlicht & Kameryn J. Williams - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (3):869-905.
    The class forcing theorem, which asserts that every class forcing notion ${\mathbb {P}}$ admits a forcing relation $\Vdash _{\mathbb {P}}$, that is, a relation satisfying the forcing relation recursion—it follows that statements true in the corresponding forcing extensions are forced and forced statements are true—is equivalent over Gödel–Bernays set theory $\text {GBC}$ to the principle of elementary transfinite recursion $\text {ETR}_{\text {Ord}}$ for class recursions of length $\text {Ord}$. It is also equivalent to the existence of truth predicates for the (...)
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  8.  88
    Is Neo‐Republicanism Bad for Women?M. Victoria Costa - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (4):921-936.
    The republican revival in political philosophy, political theory, and legal theory has produced an impressive range of novel interpretations of the historical figures of the republican tradition. It has also given rise to a variety of contemporary neo-republican theories that build on its historical themes. Although there have been some feminist discussions of its historical representatives, neo-republicanism has not generated a great deal of enthusiasm among feminists. The present paper examines Phillip Pettit's theory of freedom as nondomination in order to (...)
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    Virtual large cardinals.Victoria Gitman & Ralf Schindler - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (12):1317-1334.
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    A model of the generic Vopěnka principle in which the ordinals are not Mahlo.Victoria Gitman & Joel David Hamkins - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (1-2):245-265.
    The generic Vopěnka principle, we prove, is relatively consistent with the ordinals being non-Mahlo. Similarly, the generic Vopěnka scheme is relatively consistent with the ordinals being definably non-Mahlo. Indeed, the generic Vopěnka scheme is relatively consistent with the existence of a \-definable class containing no regular cardinals. In such a model, there can be no \-reflecting cardinals and hence also no remarkable cardinals. This latter fact answers negatively a question of Bagaria, Gitman and Schindler.
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    Ramsey-like cardinals.Victoria Gitman - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (2):519 - 540.
    One of the numerous characterizations of a Ramsey cardinal κ involves the existence of certain types of elementary embeddings for transitive sets of size κ satisfying a large fragment of ZFC. We introduce new large cardinal axioms generalizing the Ramsey elementary embeddings characterization and show that they form a natural hierarchy between weakly compact cardinals and measurable cardinals. These new axioms serve to further our knowledge about the elementary embedding properties of smaller large cardinals, in particular those still consistent with (...)
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  12. Philosophy of religion, fictionalism, and religious diversity.Victoria S. Harrison - 2010 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 68 (1-3):43-58.
    Until recently philosophy of religion has been almost exclusively focused upon the analysis of western religious ideas. The central concern of the discipline has been the concept God , as that concept has been understood within Judaeo-Christianity. However, this narrow remit threatens to render philosophy of religion irrelevant today. To avoid this philosophy of religion should become a genuinely multicultural discipline. But how, if at all, can philosophy of religion rise to this challenge? The paper considers fictionalism about religious discourse (...)
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    The pragmatics of defining religion in a multi-cultural world.Victoria S. Harrison - 2006 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 59 (3):133-152.
    Few seem to have difficulty in distinguishing between religious and secular institutions, yet there is widespread disagreement regarding what "religion" actually means. Indeed, some go so far as to question whether there is anything at all distinctive about religions. Hence, formulating a definition of "religion" that can command wide assent has proven to be an extremely difficult task. In this article I consider the most prominent of the many rival definitions that have been proposed, the majority falling within three basic (...)
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  14. Challenging the rhetoric of choice in prenatal screening.Victoria Seavilleklein - 2008 - Bioethics 23 (1):68-77.
    Prenatal screening, consisting of maternal serum screening and nuchal translucency screening, is on the verge of expansion, both by being offered to more pregnant women and by screening for more conditions. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have each recently recommended that screening be extended to all pregnant women regardless of age, disease history, or risk status. This screening is commonly justified by appeal to the value of autonomy, or women's (...)
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    Ramsey-like cardinals II.Victoria Gitman & P. D. Welch - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (2):541-560.
  16.  54
    The cognitive processes in informal reasoning.Victoria F. Shaw - 1996 - Thinking and Reasoning 2 (1):51 – 80.
    Two experiments investigated the factors that people consider when evaluating informal arguments in newspaper and magazine editorials. Experiment 1 showed that subjects were more likely to object to the truth of the premises and the conclusions of an argument than to the strength of the link between them. Experiment 1 also revealed two manipulations that helped subjects object to the link between premises and conclusions: rating how well the premises support the conclusions and rating the believability of the premises and (...)
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  17. The Myth of the Gendered Chromosome: Sex Selection and the Social Interest.Victoria Seavilleklein & Susan Sherwin - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (1):7-19.
    Sex selection technologies have become increasingly prevalent and accessible. We can find them advertised widely across the Internet and discussed in the popular media—an entry for “sex selection services” on Google generated 859,000 sites in April 2004. The available services fall into three main types: preconception sperm sorting followed either by intrauterine insemination of selected sperm or by in vitro fertilization ; preimplantation genetic diagnosis, by which embryos created by IVF are tested and only those of the desired sex are (...)
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  18.  35
    Effects of Ethical Certification and Ethical eWoM on Talent Attraction.Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Vignesh Yoganathan, Boris Bartikowski, Hongfei Liu & Micha Strack - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (3):535-548.
    Whilst previous studies indicate perceived company ethicality as a driver of job seekers’ job-pursuit intentions, it is poorly understood how and why ethical market signals actually affect their application decisions. Perceptions of company ethicality result from market signals that are either within the control of the company and from market signals that are beyond the company’s control. Building on communication and information processing theories, this study therefore considers both types of ethical market signals, and examines the psychological mechanisms through which (...)
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    Is the call to abandon p-values the red herring of the replicability crisis?Victoria Savalei & Elizabeth Dunn - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Do Clinical Ethicists Improve with Experience? And, If So, How Would We Know?Victoria Seavilleklein, Jennifer Flynn, Andrea Frolic, Frank Wagner & Katarina Lee-Ameduri - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (2-3):209-213.
    Lors de l’atelier organisé dans le cadre de l’atelier et du forum communautaire 2023 de la SCB-SCB, nous avons exploré et problématisé le concept d’ « amélioration » des éthiciens cliniques, dans le contexte plus large des discussions sur la professionnalisation de l’éthique clinique. Ce résumé présente les principaux points de vue d’éthiciens cliniques à travers le Canada sur ce sujet et comprend des suggestions sur les mesures que nous pourrions prendre sur le terrain pour permettre et soutenir l’amélioration des (...)
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  21.  90
    Meaning and Metaphor.Victoria Welby - 1893 - The Monist 3 (4):510-525.
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  22.  23
    Eastern philosophy of religion.Victoria S. Harrison - 2022 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This book selectively examines a range of ideas and arguments drawn from the philosophical traditions of South and East Asia, focusing on those that are especially relevant to the philosophy of religion. The book introduces key debates about the self and the nature of reality that unite the otherwise highly diverse philosophies of Indian and Chinese Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. The emphasis of the book is analytical rather than historical. Key issues are explained in a clear, precise, accessible manner, and (...)
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  23.  44
    Variation in Emotion and Cognition Among Fishes.Victoria A. Braithwaite, Felicity Huntingford & Ruud van den Bos - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (1):7-23.
    Increasing public concern for the welfare of fish species that human beings use and exploit has highlighted the need for better understanding of the cognitive status of fish and of their ability to experience negative emotions such as pain and fear. Moreover, studying emotion and cognition in fish species broadens our scientific understanding of how emotion and cognition are represented in the central nervous system and what kind of role they play in the organization of behavior. For instance, on a (...)
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    Developing trust.Victoria Mcgeer - 2002 - Philosophical Explorations 5 (1):21 – 38.
    This paper examines developing trust in two related senses: (1) rationally overcoming distrust, and (2) developing a mature capacity for trusting/distrusting. In focussing exclusively on the first problem, traditional philosophical discussions fail to address how an evidence- based paradigm of rationality is easily co-opted by (immature) agents in support of irrational distrust (or trust) - a manifestation of the second problem. Well-regulated trust requires developing a capacity to tolerate the uncertainties that chracterise relationships among fully autonomous self-directed agents. Early relationships (...)
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  25.  19
    Perspectives, Opportunities and Tensions in Ethical and Sustainable Luxury: Introduction to the Thematic Symposium.Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Iain Davies, Vignesh Yoganathan & Fraser McLeay - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (2):201-210.
    Scholars agree that the environmental and societal impacts of consumption require greater attention, and need examining in more diverse market contexts. This editorial essay focuses on the nascent area of ethical/sustainable luxury, and critically considers how the scope of ethical/sustainable consumption can be broadened in the luxury sector. We address the compatibility of ethicality/sustainability and luxury by examining a range of opportunities and inherent tensions in relation to improving the ethical/sustainable consumption practices within the luxury sector. We also introduce several (...)
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  26. Internal realism, religious pluralism and ontology.Victoria S. Harrison - 2008 - Philosophia 36 (1):97-110.
    Internalist pluralism is an attractive and elegant theory. However, there are two apparently powerful objections to this approach that prevent its widespread adoption. According to the first objection, the resulting analysis of religious belief systems is intrinsically atheistic; while according to the second objection, the analysis is unsatisfactory because it allows religious objects simply to be defined into existence. In this article, I demonstrate that an adherent of internalist pluralism can deflect both of these objections, and in the course of (...)
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    Variation in Emotion and Cognition Among Fishes.Victoria A. Braithwaite, Felicity Huntingford & Ruud den Bos - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (1):7-23.
    Increasing public concern for the welfare of fish species that human beings use and exploit has highlighted the need for better understanding of the cognitive status of fish and of their ability to experience negative emotions such as pain and fear. Moreover, studying emotion and cognition in fish species broadens our scientific understanding of how emotion and cognition are represented in the central nervous system and what kind of role they play in the organization of behavior. For instance, on a (...)
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  28.  51
    The Poetics of Purpose.Victoria N. Alexander - 2009 - Biosemiotics 2 (1):77-100.
    Hackles have been raised in biosemiotic circles by T. L. Short’s assertion that semiosis, as defined by Peirce, entails “acting for purposes” and therefore is not found below the level of the organism (2007a:174–177). This paper examines Short’s teleology and theory of purposeful behavior and offers a remedy to the disagreement. Remediation becomes possible when the issue is reframed in the terms of the complexity sciences, which allows intentionality to be understood as the interplay between local and global aspects of (...)
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    Parent–Child Roles in Decision Making About Medical Research.Victoria A. Miller, William W. Reynolds & Robert M. Nelson - 2008 - Ethics and Behavior 18 (2-3):161 – 181.
    Our objective is to understand how parents and children perceive their roles in decision making about research participation. Forty-five children (ages 4-15 years) with or without a chronic condition and 21 parents were the participants. A semistructured interview assessed perceptions of up to 4 hypothetical research scenarios with varying levels of risk, benefit, and complexity. Children were also administered the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Third Edition, to assess verbal ability, as a proxy for the child's cognitive development. The audiotaped interviews (...)
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    The Birth of the CrowdLaw Movement: Tech-Based Citizen Participation, Legitimacy and the Quality of Lawmaking.Victòria Alsina & José Luis Martí - 2018 - Analyse & Kritik 40 (2):337-358.
    One of the most urgent debates of our time is about the exact role that new technologies can and should play in our societies and particularly in our public decision-making processes. This paper is a first attempt to introduce the idea of CrowdLaw, defined as online public participation leveraging new technologies to tap into diverse sources of information, judgments and expertise at each stage of the law and policymaking cycle to improve the quality as well as the legitimacy of the (...)
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    Optimizing Children's Involvement in Decision Making Requires Moving Beyond the Concept of Ability.Victoria A. Miller - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (3):20-22.
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    Learning and Recall of Medical Treatment-Related Information in Older Adults Using the Differential Outcomes Procedure.Victoria Plaza, Michael Molina, Luis J. Fuentes & Angeles F. Estévez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  33.  45
    Does Levinas justify or transcend liberalism? Levinas on human liberation.Victoria Tahmasebi - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (5):523-544.
    Can Levinas be of any use for a radical political project beyond the liberal horizon? By illustrating the irreconcilability of Levinas’ ethico-politics to liberal conception of the individual, its rational peace and economic arrangement, this article argues that there is a radical distance between Levinas’ thought and the western liberal tradition. Yet demonstrating this irreducibility by itself does not expose the underlying radical possibilities of Levinas’ ethics. This task is accomplished by providing a new reading of the ‘third’ in which (...)
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  34. When science is “another world”: Relationships between worlds of family, friends, school, and science.Victoria B. Costa - 1995 - Science Education 79 (3):313-333.
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    Are ‘Optimistic’ Theories of Criminal Justice Psychologically Feasible? The Probative Case of Civic Republicanism.Victoria McGeer & Friederike Funk - 2017 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 11 (3):523-544.
    ‘Optimistic’ normative theories of criminal justice aim to justify criminal sanction in terms of its reprobative/rehabilitative value rather than its punitive nature as such. But do such theories accord with ordinary intuitions about what constitutes a ‘just’ response to wrongdoing? Recent empirical work on the psychology of punishers suggests that human beings have a ‘brutely retributive’ moral psychology, making them unlikely to endorse normative theories that sacrifice retribution for the sake of reprobation or rehabilitation; it would mean, for example, that (...)
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  36.  21
    Moral injury and the need to carry out ethically responsible research.Victoria Williamson, Dominic Murphy, Carl Castro, Eric Vermetten, Rakesh Jetly & Neil Greenberg - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (2):135-142.
    The need for research to advance scientific understanding must be balanced with ensuring the rights and wellbeing of participants are safeguarded, with some research topics posing more ethical quandaries for researchers than others. Moral injury is one such topic. Exposure to potentially morally injurious experiences can lead to significant distress, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and selfinjury. In this article, we discuss how the rapid expansion of research in the field of moral injury could threaten the wellbeing, dignity and (...)
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  37.  19
    Rawls, Citizenship, and Education.Victoria Costa - 2010 - Routledge.
    This book develops and applies a unified interpretation of John Rawls’ theory of justice as fairness in order to clarify the account of citizenship that Rawls relies upon, and the kind of educational policies that the state can legitimately pursue to promote social justice. Costa examines the role of the family as the "first school of justice" and its basic contribution to the moral and political development of children. It also argues that schools are necessary to supplement the education that (...)
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    Scott's problem for Proper Scott sets.Victoria Gitman - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (3):845-860.
    Some 40 years ago, Dana Scott proved that every countable Scott set is the standard system of a model of PA. Two decades later, Knight and Nadel extended his result to Scott sets of size ω₁. Here, I show that assuming the Proper Forcing Axiom (PFA), every A-proper Scott set is the standard system of a model of PA. I define that a Scott set X is proper if the quotient Boolean algebra X/Fin is a proper partial order and A-proper (...)
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  39. Caring as the unacknowledged matrix of evidence-based nursing.Victoria Min-Yi Wang & Brian Baigrie - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    In this article, we explicate evidence-based nursing (EBN), critically appraise its framework and respond to nurses’ concern that EBN sidelines the caring elements of nursing practice. We use resources from care ethics, especially Vrinda Dalmiya’s work that considers care as crucial for both epistemology and ethics, to show how EBN is compatible with, and indeed can be enhanced by, the caring aspects of nursing practice. We demonstrate that caring can act as a bridge between ‘external’ evidence and the other pillars (...)
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  40. Mold Cultures: Traditional Industry and Microbial Studies in Early Twentieth-Century Japan.Victoria Lee - 2015 - In Sharon Kingsland & Denise Phillips, New Perspectives on the History of Life Sciences and Agriculture. Springer Verlag.
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    Senso, significato, significatività.Victoria Welby - 1990 - Idee 13:145-154.
  42.  51
    A putative role for neurogenesis in neurocomputational terms: Inferences from a hippocampal model.Victoria I. Weisz & Pablo F. Argibay - 2009 - Cognition 112 (2):229-240.
  43.  42
    Stimulus familiarity modulates functional connectivity of the perirhinal cortex and anterior hippocampus during visual discrimination of faces and objects.Victoria C. McLelland, David Chan, Susanne Ferber & Morgan D. Barense - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  44.  26
    How Sustainable Luxury Influences Product Value Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions: A Comparative Study of Emerging vs. Developed Markets.Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Vignesh Yoganathan, Fabian Bartsch, Mbaye Fall Diallo & Hongfei Liu - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-26.
    Coinciding with the rising development of emerging markets, sustainable consumption practices in these markets are increasingly under scrutiny. In this context, we compare empirical results from consumers in four countries (three emerging markets and one developed market) in an experimental study to uncover patterns of preferences for sustainable luxury products (i.e., products that combine sustainability and luxury characteristics). Our findings illustrate that consumers’ quality, emotional, price, and social value perceptions, as well as purchase and electronic word-of-mouth intentions, are consistently higher (...)
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    AAPT, pregnancy loss and planning ahead.Victoria Adkins & Elizabeth Chloe Romanis - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (5):318-319.
    The commentaries in response to our feature paper1 are indicative of the varied perspectives that can be taken towards artificial amnion and placenta technology (AAPT) and more specifically its relationship with pregnancy (loss). Kennedy rightly argues that empirical research is essential for understanding the experiences of pregnancy loss and AAPT2 and our own advocacy of empirical research is evident in previous work.3–5 Kennedy also acknowledges the current impossibility of researching AAPT experiences since it has not yet been applied in clinical (...)
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    The Classical Greek Concept of Slavery.Victoria Cuffel - 1966 - Journal of the History of Ideas 27 (3):323.
  47. Feminist philosophy of religion and the problem of epistemic privilege.Victoria S. Harrison - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (5):685-696.
    There have been a number of developments within religious epistemology in recent years. Currently, the dominant view within mainstream philosophy of religion is, arguably, reformed epistemology. What is less well known is that feminist epistemologists have also been active recently within the philosophy of religion, advancing new perspectives from which to view the link between knowledge and religious experience. In this article I examine the claim by certain feminist religious epistemologists that women are both epistemically oppressed and epistemically privileged, and (...)
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    Ejercer, ejercitar y reparar: filosofía con infancias como práctica extramuros, como derecho, como ejercicio espiritual, como crítica al adultocentrismo y al androcentrismo.Martina Elida Victoria - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-29.
    En este artículo recuperamos algunos sentidos del filosofar y de la filosofía que consideramos fecundos para la comprensión de la práctica de la filosofía con infancias (FcI). Sostenemos la necesidad de revisitar la pregunta por la filosofía misma, así como algo de la historia de esta disciplina que nos ayude a identificar cuáles versiones de ella se ponen, o podrían poner, en juego en la práctica de la FcI. Así, apareció la necesidad de dar cuenta de la propuesta de filosofía (...)
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    Ecofeminism.Victoria Davion - 1991 - In Dale Jamieson, A Companion to Environmental Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 233–247.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Historical connections Value dualisms and the logic of domination Ecofeminism and animals Environmental racism Ecofeminism and critiques of development Charges of essentialism Mainstream approaches Social ecology and deep ecology Some future hopes for ecofeminism.
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  50. Definition and the Question of “Woman”.Victoria Barker - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (2):185-215.
    Within recent feminist philosophy, controversy has developed over the desirability, and indeed, the possibility of defining the central terms of its analysis—“woman,” “femininity,” etc. The controversy results largely from the undertheorization of the notion of definition; feminists have uncritically adopted an Aristotelian treatment of definition as entailing metaphysical, rather than merely linguistic, commitments. A “discursive” approach to definition, by contrast, allows us to define our terms, while avoiding the dangers of essentialism and universalism.
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