Results for 'Visiting mechanisms'

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  1.  28
    Visiting Mechanisms to Eradicate Torture: A Foucaultian Analysis. [REVIEW]Philipp Schmidinger - 2010 - Human Rights Review 11 (3):317-355.
    In this Article, I examine the Visiting Mechanisms under the Convention against Torture (CAT) and the Optional Protocol thereto (OPCAT), applying an analytic approach resting on Foucault’s Discipline and Punish. I argue that international Visiting Mechanisms essentially constitute disciplinary apparatuses as depicted by Foucault. However, because they fail to recognise this functional similarity, they do not effectively apply the methods of inducing panoptic power. Most notably the concept of ‘hierarchical observation’ is hardly utilised at all. The (...)
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    Completely Discretized, Finite Quantum Mechanics.Sean M. Carroll - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (6):1-13.
    I propose a version of quantum mechanics featuring a discrete and finite number of states that is plausibly a model of the real world. The model is based on standard unitary quantum theory of a closed system with a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. Given certain simple conditions on the spectrum of the Hamiltonian, Schrödinger evolution is periodic, and it is straightforward to replace continuous time with a discrete version, with the result that the system only visits a discrete and finite set (...)
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    God of the Gaps or the God of “Design and Dominion”? Re‐Visiting Newton's Theology.Eugenia Torrance - 2023 - Zygon 58 (1):64-78.
    Starting with Gottfried Leibniz, Isaac Newton's theology has often been caricatured as putting forward a “God of the gaps” argument for God's existence and continued involvement in the world. Peter Harrison has pointed out that this characterization of Newton's theology is “not entirely clear.” A closer look at Newton's letters and the drafts to the Opticks reveals that, rather than arguing God's providential ordering and care over the world, he takes these for granted and is reluctant to specify instances of (...)
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    A Local-Realistic Model of Quantum Mechanics Based on a Discrete Spacetime.Antonio Sciarretta - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (1):60-91.
    This paper presents a realistic, stochastic, and local model that reproduces nonrelativistic quantum mechanics results without using its mathematical formulation. The proposed model only uses integer-valued quantities and operations on probabilities, in particular assuming a discrete spacetime under the form of a Euclidean lattice. Individual particle trajectories are described as random walks. Transition probabilities are simple functions of a few quantities that are either randomly associated to the particles during their preparation, or stored in the lattice nodes they visit during (...)
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    Mach, Russell, and Scientific Philosophizing: Re-visiting the Realistic Empiricism of Evolutionary Culture.Majeda Ahmad Omar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:44-53.
    Ernst Mach’s and Bertrand Russell’s philosophical outlooks contributed to shaping the philosophy of science of the 20th century. Mach is a philosophical interpreter of science, a positivist, and a historian, considering the general principles of science as condensed economic descriptions of observed facts. Russell held a view of the nature and relation of philosophy to science and to logic that can be described as essentially consistent. In this article, the aim is to explore how both Mach and Russell defended the (...)
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    ‘Crises of Modernity’ Discourses and the Rise of Financial Technologies in a Contested Mechanized World.Marinus Ossewaarde - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (1):59-76.
    The aim of this article is to provide a discussion of scholarly ‘crisis of modernity’ discourses that have developed in the field of social philosophy. Re-visiting past and present discourses can be illuminating in at least three ways: it can reveal the broader picture of the present financialized and technologized world and the rise of financial technologies; it can provide scholars with new vocabularies, concepts, and metaphors to comprehend present-day phenomena and developments; and it can reveal the variety of (...)
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  7. Interacting Bosons at Finite Temperature: How Bogolubov Visited a Black Hole and Came Home Again. [REVIEW]S. A. Fulling, B.-G. Englert & M. D. Pilloff - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (1):87-110.
    The structure of the thermal equilibrium state of a weakly interacting Bose gas is of current interest. We calculate the density matrix of that state in two ways. The most effective method, in terms of yielding a simple, explicit answer, is to construct a generating function within the traditional framework of quantum statistical mechanics. The alternative method, arguably more interesting, is to construct the thermal state as a vector state in an artificial system with twice as many degrees of freedom. (...)
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  8.  7
    Managerial decision horizon and corporate greenwashing: Evidence from China.Jinyue Yu, Qiang Qiu & Yuyang Qiao - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Corporate greenwashing, a significant manifestation of the decoupling of corporate social responsibility, has attracted considerable attention from stakeholders. Based on the internal governance theory, this study examines listed Chinese companies from 2011 to 2021 to assess the effects of managerial decision horizons on corporate greenwashing behaviours. Our finding shows that a shorter managerial decision horizon exacerbates corporate greenwashing. The robustness of the result has been verified by employing various methods, including the use of instrumental variables, the two-stage Heckman model and (...)
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  9.  26
    (1 other version)Sociologie de la démocratisation des musées.Jacqueline Eidelman & Anne Jonchery - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 61 (3):, [ p.].
    Les nombreuses études de publics réalisées dans les musées et les expositions depuis un quart de siècle en France mettent en évidence une institution muséale aussi plurielle que ses publics. Elles montrent comment les caractéristiques de la visite se sont transformées, qu’il s’agisse du contexte, de l’organisation, de la nature de l’expérience de visite ou de son usage après coup. Elles relativisent également la thèse d’une reproduction sociale mécanique de l’intérêt pour les musées et par là même de la nature (...)
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  10. Cornell College: Program in Science and Religion.William E. Carroll - 1998 - Zygon 33 (2):271-274.
    Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, has established a new interdisciplinary program in science and religion. One of the features of this program is an undergraduate major in science and religion that requires substantial course work in at least one of the natural sciences as well as course work in philosophy, religion, and history. As a result of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation, Cornell College will offer a special course, God and Physics: From Aquinas to Quantum Mechanics (April (...)
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  11.  41
    Moral distress in nurses caring for patients with Covid-19.Henry J. Silverman, Raya Elfadel Kheirbek, Gyasi Moscou-Jackson & Jenni Day - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1137-1164.
    Background: Moral distress occurs when constraints prevent healthcare providers from acting in accordance with their core moral values to provide good patient care. The experience of moral distress in nurses might be magnified during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Objective: To explore causes of moral distress in nurses caring for Covid-19 patients and identify strategies to enhance their moral resiliency. Research design: A qualitative study using a qualitative content analysis of focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. We purposively sampled 31 nurses (...)
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  12.  67
    Experiences from a community advisory Board in the Implementation of early access to ART for all in Eswatini: a qualitative study.Charmaine Khudzie Mlambo, Eva Vernooij, Roos Geut, Eliane Vrolings, Buyisile Shongwe, Saima Jiwan, Yvette Fleming & Gavin Khumalo - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):50.
    Engaging communities in community-based health research is increasingly being adopted in low- and middle-income countries. The use of community advisory boards is one method of practicing community involvement in health research. To date, few studies provide in-depth accounts of the strategies that CAB members use to practice community engagement. We assessed the perspectives, experiences and practices of the first local CAB in Eswatini, which was implemented as part of the MaxART Early Access to ART for All study. Trained Swazi research (...)
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  13.  58
    Participatory Extension as Basis for the Work of Rural Extension Services in the Amazon.Benno Pokorny, Guilhermina Cayres & Westphalen Nunes - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (4):435-450.
    Public extension services play a key role in the implementation of strategies for rural development based on the sustainable management of natural resources. However, the sector suffers from restricted financial and human resources. Using experiences from participatory action research, a strategy for rural extension in the Amazon was defined to increase the efficiency and the relevance of external support for local resource users. This strategy considered activities initiated and coordinated by local people. Short-term facilitation visits provided continuous external support for (...)
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  14.  48
    Abstract Concepts and the Embodied Mind: Rethinking Grounded Cognition.Guy Dove - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Our thoughts depend on knowledge about objects, people, properties, and events. In order to think about where we left our keys, what we are going to make for dinner, when we last fed the dogs, and how we are going to survive our next visit with our family, we need to know something about locations, keys, cooking, dogs, survival, families, and so on. Researchers have sought to explain how our brains can store and access such general knowledge. A growing body (...)
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    Logiḳah be-peʻulah =.Doron Avital - 2012 - Or Yehudah: Zemorah-Bitan, motsiʼim le-or.
    Logic in Action/Doron Avital Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide (Napoleon Bonaparte) Introduction -/- This book was born on the battlefield and in nights of secretive special operations all around the Middle East, as well as in the corridors and lecture halls of Western Academia best schools. As a young boy, I was always mesmerized by stories of great men and women of action at fateful cross-roads of decision-making. Then, like as today, (...)
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  16.  50
    The Guidelines for Euthanasia in the Netherlands.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2002 - Ethical Perspectives 9 (1):3-20.
    The Dutch experience has influenced the debate on euthanasia and death with dignity around the globe, especially with regard to whether physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia should be legitimized or legalized. Review of the literature reveals complex and often contradictory views about this experience. Some claim the Netherlands offers a model for the world to follow; others believe the Netherlands represents danger rather than promise, that the Dutch experience is the definitive answer to why we should not make active euthanasia and (...)
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  17.  34
    Ethics committees for biomedical research in some African emerging countries: which establishment for which independence? A comparison with the USA and Canada.J. -P. Rwabihama, C. Girre & A. -M. Duguet - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4):243-249.
    Context The conduct of medical research led by Northern countries in developing countries raises ethical questions. The assessment of research protocols has to be twofold, with a first reading in the country of origin and a second one in the country where the research takes place. This reading should benefit from an independent local ethical review of protocols. Consequently, ethics committees for medical research are evolving in Africa. Objective To investigate the process of establishing ethics committees and their independence. Method (...)
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  18. Factors Associated with the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Rural Northern Victoria, Australia.Andrew J. Hamilton, Lisa Bourke, Geetha Ranmuthugala, Kristen M. Glenister & David Simmons - forthcoming - Health Care Analysis:1-13.
    About one-third of Australians use the services of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM); but debate about the role of CAM in public healthcare is vociferous. Despite this, the mechanisms driving CAM healthcare choices are not well understood, especially in rural Australia. From 2016 to 2018, 2,679 persons from the Goulburn Valley, northern Victoria, were surveyed, 28% (755) of whom reporting visiting CAM practitioners. A Generalized Linear Mixed Model was used to assess associations between various socio-demographic variables and the (...)
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  19.  28
    Life-sustaining treatments in end-stage chronic respiratory failure: A single-centre study.Jose Filipe da Purificacao Monteiro - 2017 - Clinical Ethics 13 (1):26-33.
    PurposeThe acute-on-chronic exacerbations of end-stage respiratory diseases often result in prolonged hospital stays, relating these events to ethical conflicts in the fields of medical futility and distributive justice. This study aimed to understand patients’ preferences for life-sustaining treatments when clinically stable and during regular follow-up visits, and to determine the factors that can influence these preferences.ProcedureThis was a prospective, observational, exploratory study using convenience sampling. Over a three-year period, the study enrolled 106 adult outpatients with end-stage pulmonary disease on long-term (...)
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  20.  68
    Descartes: The lost episodes.Paul S. MacDonald - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (4):437-460.
    This article is concerned with three exceptional episodes in Descartes's life, each of which had a profound impact on the development of his thought; several arguments are advanced and new primary material uncovered to support our contentions. First, he did indeed visit Prague in November 1620 and his experiences there shaped his later views of mechanical automata, optical illusions, and the pseudosciences. Second, his encounter with the mysterious Sieur de Chandoux (identified here for the first time) in November 1628 shows (...)
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  21.  84
    The dicey problem of new age science: Einstein, Hawking, and God at the casino.Dwaraknath Reddy - 2002 - Chittoor, [Andhra Pradesh]: Dwaraknath Reddy.
    Order flows from consistent laws. Our understanding of our universe is changing, but Reality behind it is unchanged. Einstein's relativity amended Newtonian determinism, and was in turn amended by quantum mechanics. Einstein saw a harmonious advance in knowledge, and said, 'God does not play dice'; but Stephen Hawking later saw a radical departure, and said, 'God is a gambler.' This author, a keen student of philosophy with a moderate background of science, sees in these conflicting conclusions the inevitable distortion when (...)
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  22.  22
    In search of feynman's Van.John Gribbin - manuscript
    Seven years after Richard Feynman died, I visited Caltech for the first time. One reason for the visit was to give a talk about the transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics, which draws so strongly on Feynman's own unusual ideas about the nature of electromagnetic radiation, now more than half a century old. It was, to say the least, an unusual feeling to be talking not just from the spot where Feynman himself used to lecture, but about his own work. And (...)
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  23.  22
    I never promised you a rose garden.… When landscape architecture becomes a laboratory for the Anthropocene.Henriette Steiner - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (2):178-201.
    In the summer of 2017, wildflower seeds were spread on a large, empty open space close to a motorway flyover just outside Copenhagen, Denmark. This was an effort to use non-mechanical methods to prepare the soil for an ‘urban forest’ to be established on the site, since the flowers’ roots would penetrate the ground and enable the planned new trees to settle. As a result, the site was transformed into a gorgeous meadow, and all summer long Copenhageners were invited to (...)
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  24.  20
    Constructing the Other by Means of Hospitality: the Case of Argentina.Maximiliano Korstanje - 2015 - Cultura 12 (1):145-157.
    In the hyper-mobile world of today, the industry of tourism and cultural entertainment, witnesses the multiplication of opportunities to travel. According to John Urry, we inhabit mobile cultures where being kind to strangers is a positive cultural value. This reality archives the bloody past of hospitality, which from the ideological fields facilitated, for instance, the conquest of the Americas. In the present discussion, I delve into the world of literature and explore Viaje a caballo por las provincias Argentinas [Journey on (...)
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  25.  54
    Reconsidering ‘ethics’ and ‘quality’ in healthcare research: the case for an iterative ethical paradigm.Fiona A. Stevenson, William Gibson, Caroline Pelletier, Vasiliki Chrysikou & Sophie Park - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):21.
    UK-based research conducted within a healthcare setting generally requires approval from the National Research Ethics Service. Research ethics committees are required to assess a vast range of proposals, differing in both their topic and methodology. We argue the methodological benchmarks with which research ethics committees are generally familiar and which form the basis of assessments of quality do not fit with the aims and objectives of many forms of qualitative inquiry and their more iterative goals of describing social processes/mechanisms (...)
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  26.  13
    Analysis of Financing Risk and Innovation Motivation Mechanism of Financial Service Industry Based on Internet of Things.Luya Li & Hongxun Li - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    It is of practical significance to introduce the Internet of Things technology into the financial service industry and find the driving factors and mechanisms of financial innovation to accelerate the promotion of financial innovation. This article starts from the perspective of banks and other supply chain financial institutions, takes mainstream trading products in the commodity trading market as the research object, uses the LA-VAR model, and fully considers the market price fluctuations and liquidity factors of supply chain financial inventory (...)
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  27.  18
    Pig Hearts and Machine-Lathed Kidneys: The Ethics of Staying Alive.Brendan Parent - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (4):46-47.
    To most people outside the relevant laboratories and operating rooms, xenotransplants and artificial organ transplants are bizarre. While the bizarre scares many away and angers others, Lesley A. Sharp approached it and asked, What behooves medical research to take organs out of pigs and primates and design organs out of metal and plastic and use them to replace failing organs in humans? Sharp attended years of conferences, visited countless hospitals and laboratories, and interviewed engineers, scientists, and surgeons to explore the (...)
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    Childhood Trauma and Cortisol Reactivity: An Investigation of the Role of Task Appraisals.Cory J. Counts, Annie T. Ginty, Jade M. Larsen, Taylor D. Kampf & Neha A. John-Henderson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundChildhood adversity is linked to adverse health in adulthood. One posited mechanistic pathway is through physiological responses to acute stress. Childhood adversity has been previously related to both exaggerated and blunted physiological responses to acute stress, however, less is known about the psychological mechanisms which may contribute to patterns of physiological reactivity linked to childhood adversity.ObjectiveIn the current work, we investigated the role of challenge and threat stress appraisals in explaining relationships between childhood adversity and cortisol reactivity in response (...)
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  29.  25
    The spaces of narrative consciousness: Or, what is your event?Law Alsobrook - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (3):239-244.
    Cyberspace, a term popularized in the 1984 novel Neuromancer, was used by William Gibson to describe the ‘consensual hallucination’ and interstitial online world that lies between the reality of our world and that of the surreal terrain of dreamscapes. While many attempts have been made to describe this intangible, yet seemingly perceptible space, the digital domain as a metaphor mirrors in many ways our own inadequate understanding of consciousness. Conversely, the physicist Michio Kaku explains that our reality is bounded by (...)
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  30.  50
    Kafka et le travail de la domination.Bernard Lahire - 2011 - Actuel Marx 49 (1):46-59.
    Kafka and the Work of Domination Is it reasonable to look for an apprehension of the practices of domination in the œuvre of a writer ? To be more specific, in the writings of Kafka whose short stories and novels are characterised by their formal innovations and their break with the codes of realist narration ? The social and historical analysis of his work clearly demonstrates that Kafka constantly strove to elucidate the mechanisms of the domination which he personally (...)
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  31.  32
    The Poetry of Relativity: Leopoldo Lugones' The Size of Space.Diego Hurtado de Mendoza & Miguel de Asúa - 2005 - Science in Context 18 (2):309-315.
    As in other countries, the public in Argentina became aware of the existence of something called “the theory of relativity” only after November 1919. Although the news of Arthur Eddington's eclipse expedition, which provided the first confirmation of Einstein's theory, was poorly reported in the newspapers, by the end of 1920 Einstein had become a household name for the educated middle class of Buenos Aires, the capital city of the country. This was in great measure the result of the activity (...)
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  32.  39
    Du téléphone fixe au portable.Laurence Bardin - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 112 (1):97.
    La réelle généralisation du téléphone en France, outil technique de médiation de la communication interpersonnelle ordinaire, date, après une longue gestation, d’une génération. Revisiter les enquêtes et analyses sur les usages sociaux du téléphone pendant le quart de siècle écoulé facilite, en prenant du recul, le suivi de l’évolution d’une appropriation, par les Français, qui ne fut pas seulement technique mais culturelle. Ce travail de remémorisation et de synthèse d’une révolution invisible préalable à la visibilité soudaine du téléphone portable dans (...)
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    Multisensory integration in Lepidoptera: Insights into flower‐visitor interactions.Michiyo Kinoshita, Finlay J. Stewart & Hisashi Ômura - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (4):1600086.
    As most work on flower foraging focuses on bees, studying Lepidoptera can offer fresh perspectives on how sensory capabilities shape the interaction between flowers and insects. Through a combination of innate preferences and learning, many Lepidoptera persistently visit particular flower species. Butterflies tend to rely on their highly developed sense of colour to locate rewarding flowers, while moths have evolved sophisticated olfactory systems towards the same end. However, these modalities can interact in complex ways; for instance, butterflies’ colour preference can (...)
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  34.  48
    Technology transfer: Institutions, models, and impacts on agriculture and rural life in the developing world. [REVIEW]Joseph J. Molnar & Curtis M. Jolly - 1988 - Agriculture and Human Values 5 (1-2):16-23.
    Technology transfer is a multi-level process of communication involving a variety of senders and receivers of ideas and materials. As a response to market failure, or as an effort to accelerate market-driven social change, technology transfer may combine public and private aparatus or rely solely on public institutional mechanisms to identify, develop, and deliver innovations and information. Technology transfer institutions include universities, government ministries, research institutes, and what may be termed the ‘project sector’. Four farm- and village-level change models (...)
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  35.  10
    To Quiz or to Shoot When Practicing Grammar? Catching and Holding the Interest of Child Learners: A Field Study.Cyril Brom, Lukáš Kolek, Jiří Lukavský, Filip Děchtěrenko & Kristina Volná - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Learning grammar requires practice and practicing grammar can be boring. We examined whether an instructional game with intrinsically integrated game mechanics promotes this practice: compared to rote learning through a quiz. We did so “in the field.” Tens of thousands children visited, in their leisure time, a public website with tens of attractive online games for children during a 6-week-long period. Of these children, 11,949 picked voluntarily our grammar training intervention. Thereafter, unbeknown to them, they were assigned either to the (...)
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  36.  88
    Layers of seeing and seeing through layers: The work of art in the age of digital imagery.Louisa Wood Ruby - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (2):pp. 51-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Layers of Seeing and Seeing through Layers: The Work of Art in the Age of Digital ImageryLouisa Wood Ruby (bio)Even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking in one element: its presence in time and space, its unique existence at the place where it happens to be. This unique existence of the work of art determined the history to which it was subject throughout the (...)
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  37. Is the Universe a Vast, Consciousness-created Virtual Reality Simulation?Bernard Haisch - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (1):48-60.
    Two luminaries of 20th century astrophysics were Sir James Jeans and Sir Arthur Eddington. Both took seriously the view that there is more to reality than the physical universe and more to consciousness than simply brain activity. In his Science and the Unseen World Eddington speculated about a spiritual world and that "conscious is not wholly, nor even primarily a device for receiving sense impressions." Jeans also speculated on the existence of a universal mind and a non-mechanical reality, writing in (...)
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    Modernism, Narrative and HumanismPragmatist Realism: The Cognitive Paradigm in American Realist Texts. [REVIEW]Virgil Nemoianu - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (3):654-654.
    Sheehan deals with relatively recent authors—Conrad, D. H. Lawrence, Virginia Woolf, Beckett. He is critical of humanism, by which he seems to understand a kind of anthropocentric and limitative image of human beings, imposed on the public by narrative, among other things. As against this, he is setting the animal, the mechanical, and the transcendental, but the definition of the latter is, to say the least, bizarre—“the ability to evade compromise and contingency”. Reformulating narrativity is, according to Sheehan, the best (...)
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  39.  96
    Scientific exchange: Jacques Loeb (1859–1924) and Emil Godlewski (1875–1944) as representatives of a transatlantic developmental biology. [REVIEW]Heiner Fangerau & Irmgard Müller - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (3):608-617.
    The German–American physiologist Jacques Loeb (1859–1924) and the Polish embryologist Emil Godlewski, jr. (1875–1944) contributed many valuable works to the body of developmental biology. Jacques Loeb was world famous at the beginning of the twentieth century for his development and demonstration of artificial parthenogenesis in 1899 and his experiments on regeneration. He served as a role model for the younger Polish experimenter Emil Godlewski, who began his career as a researcher like Loeb at the Zoological Station in Naples. Following Godlewski’s (...)
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    Physicians and Patients in Transition.David Mechanic - 1985 - Hastings Center Report 15 (6):9-12.
    Despite growing consumerism and skepticism about authority in the culture as a whole, most patients continue to be pliant. If there is a serious threat to physician autonomy, it is more likely to come from third‐party payers and new forms of medical practice, particularly the rise of for‐profit hospital chains, than from patients. Though physicians are restless, they will learn to adapt to the new conditions of practice.
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    The distribution of recalled items in simultaneous intentional and incidental learning.Arnold Mechanic - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (6):593.
  42.  16
    Health & Illness in Technological Societies.David Mechanic - 1973 - The Hastings Center Studies 1 (3):7.
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    The Ladies: Female Patronage of Restoration Drama, 1660-1700.David Roberts & Visiting Lecturer David Roberts - 1989 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This is the first in-depth study of a female audience that shows how and why women went to the theater in Restoration England. Robert challenges the assumption that a "ladies' faction" played an important part in encouraging the playhouses to present a more moral, less bawdy or "satirical" style of comedy, thus changing the course of English drama. He shows that there is no evidence of this faction, and that "sentimental" comedies really did cater to the interest of their female (...)
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  44. Awards, grants & fellowships.Humanities Visiting Scholar Grant - 1992 - Philosophy 8:1993.
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  45. Shrager.Diary of an Insane Cell Mechanic - 2005 - In M. Gorman, R. Tweney, D. Gooding & A. Kincannon (eds.), Scientific and Technological Thinking. Erlbaum.
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    Effects of orienting task, practice, and incentive on simultaneous incidental and intentional learning.Arnold Mechanic - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (4):393.
  47.  13
    The Supreme Court and Abortion: 2. Sidestepping Social Realities.David Mechanic - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (6):17-19.
  48.  32
    Visual and pronouncing responses, and the relation between orienting task and presentations in incidental learning.Arnold Mechanic & Joanne D'Andrea - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (3):343.
  49.  1
    Art, Rhythm, and the Truth of the Sensible. Henri Maldiney’s Phenomenological Aesthetics.A. Visiting Scholar at the Husserl Archives in Parishe is Currently Working on A. Phd Project Dealing & the Concept of Form in Merleau-Ponty’S. Philosophy - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):29-46.
    In this essay, I will examine Henri Maldiney’s phenomenological aesthetics, focusing on his claim that “art is the truth of the sensible.” This claim is presented by Maldiney in the context of a two-fold critique of Husserl’s and Heidegger’s respective attempts to phenomenologically elucidate the experience of artworks. According to Maldiney, both Husserl and Heidegger fail to recognize what he, following Erwin Straus, terms the “pathic” moment of sense experience, which is also the key moment of the aesthetic reception of (...)
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  50. Quantum Theory: An Appraisal.Bohmian Mechanics - 1995 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 184.
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