Wendy Lynne Lee [17]Wendy Lee [8]Wendy Lynn Lee [1]
  1.  37
    Contemporary Feminist Theory and Activism: Six Global Issues.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2009 - Broadview.
    From divorce and property law to (more) equal pay and the recognition of reproductive rights, feminist theory and practice –– and sweat, risk, ...
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  2. Queering Ecological Feminism Erotophobia, Commodification, Art, and Lesbian Identity.Wendy Lynne Lee & Laura M. Dow - 2001 - Ethics and the Environment 6 (2):1-21.
    Utilizing examples from recent art, we critique Greta Gaard's argument that an inclusive ecofeminism must account for the role played by erotophobia in oppression. We suggest that while Gaard offers valuable insight into how fear of the erotic contributes to maintaining heteropatriarchal institutions, it fails to account for forms of oppression specific to lesbians. Moreover, Gaard's analysis unwittingly reinforces the conceptual, hence political, economic, and social invisibility of lesbians that, following Marilyn Frye, we argue is not merely consequent to compulsory (...)
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  3. On Ecology and Aesthetic Experience A Feminist Theory of Value and Praxis.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2006 - Ethics and the Environment 11 (1):21-41.
    My aim is to develop a feminist theory of value—an axiology—which unites two notions that seem to have little in common for a theorizing whose ultimate goal is justice-driven emancipatory action, namely, the ecological and the aesthetic. In this union lies the potential for a critical feminist political praxis capable of appreciating not only the value of human life, but those relationships upon which human and nonhuman life depend. A vital component of this praxis is, I argue, the potential for (...)
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  4. The Foundation Walls that are Carried by the House: A Critique of the Poverty of Stimulus Thesis and a Wittgensteinian—Dennettian Alternative.Wendy Lee - 1998 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 19 (2):177-194.
    A bedrock assumption made by cognitivist philosophers such as Noam Chomsky, and, more recently, Jerry Fodor and Steven Pinker is that the contexts within which children acquire a language inevitably exhibit a irremediable poverty of whatever stimuli are necessary to condition such acquisition and development. They argue that given this poverty, the basic rudiments of language must be innate; the task of the cognitivist is to theorize universal grammars, languages of thought, or language instincts to account for it. My argument, (...)
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  5.  14
    Defiant daughters: 21 women on art, activism, animals, and the sexual politics of meat.Kara Davis & Wendy Lee (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Lantern Books.
    When The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory by Carol J. Adams was published more than twenty years ago, it caused a immediate stir among writers and thinkers, feminists and animal rights activists alike. Never before had the relationship between patriarchy and meat eating been drawn so clearly, the idea that there lies a strong connection between the consumption of women and animals so plainly asserted. But, as the 21 personal stories in this anthology show, the impact of (...)
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  6. Aristotle's Ecological Conception of Living Things and its Significance for Feminist Theory.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2007 - Diametros 14:68-84.
    My aim in this paper is to contribute to the substantial body of feminist scholarship on the place of women in Aristotle’s psychic and political hierarchy. Whereas the traditional point of departure for such analyses is more typically Aristotle’s Politics, mine is his hylomorphic or organizational/ecological account of what defines a living thing and its powers in de Anima. My primary claim is that although his de Anima account does offer a more promising view of what defines particular kinds of (...)
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  7.  62
    Commentary on Ben Berger’s Attention Deficit Democracy.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2013 - Social Philosophy Today 29:153-158.
    In this review I argue that while Berger makes out a good argument that the language of civic engagement covers too much (and hence too little) and that education plays a vital role in developing civic-minded sensibilities, I am less sanguine that the strategies for the reform of our “attention deficit democracy” will achieve the desired effect in a political society dominated by the corrupting influence of corporations who actively seek to undermine just such sensibilities as anathema to their objectives. (...)
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  8. Commentary on Eric M. Cave's "Marital pluralism : making marriage safer for love".Wendy Lynne Lee - 2011 - In Adrianne McEvoy, Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003. New York, NY: Rodopi.
  9.  13
    Dewey & Climate Denial2.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2019 - Philosophy Now 135:16-20.
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    Environmental Pragmatism Revisited.Wendy Lynn Lee - 2008 - Environmental Philosophy 5 (1):9-22.
    Environmental pragmatism is rightly described as “cynical” if good reasons exist to worry its advocates would endorse oppressive measures to achieve its goals. Given the history of human chauvinism, moreover, this worry is not far-fetched. It is, however, misguided: conflation not-withstanding, human chauvinism and human-centeredness (anthropocentrism) are not the same thing. “Chauvinism” describes an objectionable but alterable course of human history; anthropocentrism is an indigenous feature of the experiential conditions of Homo sapiens from which no particular course of human history (...)
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  11.  39
    Eco Nihilism: The Philosophicalcb.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2017 - Lexington Books.
    Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse argues that there are no versions of conquest capital compatible with the fact of a finite planet, and that the pursuit of growth is destined to not only exhaust our planetary resources, but generate profound social injustice and geopolitical violence in its pursuit.
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    Never Merely ‘There’.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2012 - In Fritz Allhoff & Robert Arp, Tattoos – Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 151–164.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Story One: Sewn into My Skin is Written into My Story Story Two: Tattooing at Auschwitz – Ink, Terror, Death Story Three: Tattooing as a Practice of Writing, Unwriting, Inscription, and Counterinscription Story Four: ‘Real’ Tattoos and the Excesses of Meaning A Final Story: My Geckos.
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  13. On Discerning the Value in Domesticated Nature.Wendy Lee - 1992 - Dissertation, Lancaster University
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  14.  14
    On Marx.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2001 - London: Wadsworth.
    This brief text assists students in understanding Marx's philosophy and thinking so that they can more fully engage in useful, intelligent class dialogue and improve their understanding of course content. Part of the "Wadsworth Philosophers Series," (which will eventually consist of approximately 100 titles, each focusing on a single "thinker" from ancient times to the present), ON MARX is written by a philosopher deeply versed in the philosophy of this key thinker. Like other books in the series, this concise book (...)
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  15.  20
    On the (im)materiality of violence: Subjects, bodies, and the experience of pain.Wendy Lee - 2005 - Feminist Theory 6 (3):277-295.
    Appealing to theorists such as Judith Butler, Walter Benjamin, Michel Foucault, Donna Haraway, and Bibi Bakare-Yusef, the aim of the following is to show that, despite ongoing critique, Cartesian dualism continues to haunt our analyses of the relationship of the subject to embodiment, particularly with respect to the experience of pain. Taking Bakare-Yusef's critique of Elaine Scarry's account of institutionalized violence (slavery) as an example, I will argue, first, that the dualistic impulse which Bakare-Yusef identifies in Scarry's view has deep (...)
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  16.  83
    Restoring human-centerednes to environmental conscience: The ecocentrist's dilemma, the role of heterosexualized anthropomorphizing, and the significance of language to ecological feminism.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2009 - Ethics and the Environment 14 (1):pp. 29-51.
    I argue here that the centeredness of human experience as human is misrepresented by ecocentrists as identical with (or the cause of) human chauvinism, and that although centeredness describes an ineradicable feature of human consciousness, nothing necessarily follows from it other than what follows from any unique configuration of capacities and limitations. Appealing to the ways in which we use anthropomorphizing language, I argue that at the root of this misrepresentation is a failure to take seriously not only the perceptual (...)
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  17.  85
    The aesthetic appreciation of nature, scientific objectivity, and the standpoint of the subjugated: Anthropocentrism reimagined.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2005 - Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (2):235-250.
    In the following essay, I argue for an alternative anthropocentrism that, eschewing failed appeals to traditional moral principle, takes (a) as its point of departure the cognitive, perceptual, emotive, somatic, and epistemic conditions of our existence as members of Homo sapiens, and (b) one feature of our experience of/under these conditions particularly seriously as an avenue toward articulating this alternative, the capacity for aesthetic appreciation. To this end, I will explore, but ultimately reject philosopher Allen Carlson's ecological aesthetics, and I (...)
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    A GUIDE TO ARISTOTLE'S DE ANIMA- (C.M.) Cohoe (ed.) Aristotle's On the Soul. A Critical Guide. Pp. x + 282. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Cased, £75, US$99.99. ISBN: 978-1-108-48583-8. [REVIEW]Wendy Lynne Lee - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (1):87-89.
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  19. Bertram F. Malle, How the Mind Explains Behavior: Folk Explanations, Meaning, and Social Interaction. [REVIEW]Wendy Lee - 2005 - Philosophy in Review 25 (4):276-278.
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  20. Cheryl Brown Travis, ed., Evolution, Gender, and Rape. [REVIEW]Wendy Lee - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24:227-229.
  21. Doreen Kimura, Sex and Cognition. [REVIEW]Wendy Lee - 2003 - Philosophy in Review 23 (1):39-41.
  22.  22
    Environmentalism in Popular Culture. [REVIEW]Wendy Lynne Lee - 2010 - Environmental Ethics 32 (3):327-330.
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  23.  57
    Nicholas A. Robins. Mercury, Mining, and Empire: The Human and Ecological Cost of Colonial Silver in the Andes. [REVIEW]Wendy Lynne Lee - 2012 - Environmental Philosophy 9 (2):208-212.
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    Nature Ethics. [REVIEW]Wendy Lynne Lee - 2009 - Environmental Ethics 31 (2):217-220.
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  25. Naomi Zack, ed., Women of Color and Philosophy. [REVIEW]Wendy Lee - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21 (6):452-454.
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  26.  48
    Review of "The United States and Terrorism: An Ironic Perspective". [REVIEW]Wendy Lynne Lee - 2016 - Essays in Philosophy 17 (2):202-217.
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