Results for 'Wilhelm Meister'

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  1. What Time is it in Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre"?Wilhelm Meister & I. Festschrifi - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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    Wilhelm Meister in Lucinde's Eyes: On Schlegel's Dispute with Goethe.Malwina Rolka & Paweł Jędrzejko - 2023 - Philosophy and Literature 47 (2):310-326.
    In 1798, Friedrich Schlegel published a review of _Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship_, extolling Johann Wolfgang Goethe's book as a masterpiece. At the same time, he commenced work on _Lucinde_, which caused a moral scandal and was criticized widely. Here, I retrace several threads of Schlegel's novel that testify to the fact that his assessment of Goethe's work may not have been so unequivocally favorable as it might seem at first sight. When looking at _Wilhelm Meister_ through _Lucinde_'s eyes, we can (...)
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  3. Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre, ihr Sinn und ihre Bedeutung für die Gegenwart.Jonas Cohn - 1910 - Rivista di Filosofia 1:228.
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    Wilhelm Meisters Mignon - ein offenbares Rätsel. Name, Gestalt, Symbol, Wesen u..Hellmut Ammerlahn - 1968 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 42 (1):89-116.
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    [Wilhelm Troll (1897-1978). The tradition of idealistic morphology in the German botanical sciences of the 20th century]. [REVIEW]K. Meister - 2004 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 27 (2):221-247.
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  6. “Emergence” in Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship: Opaque Causality and the Novel.Thomas Manganaro - forthcoming - Emergence: Complexity and Organization.
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  7. Meister Eckeharts lehre vom göttlichen und geschöpflichen sein, dargestellt mit besonderer berücksichtigung der lateinischen schriften.Wilhelm Bange - 1937 - Limburg an der Lahn,: Pallottiner verlag.
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    Sobre Os anos de aprendizado de Wilhelm Meister.Reginaldo Rodrigues Raposo & Christian Gottfried Körner - 2022 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 27 (2):115-131.
    Tradução de Über Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (1796).
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    Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre. Der Weg von der ersten zur zweiten Fassung.Hans Reiss - 1965 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 39 (1):34-57.
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    Bildungskonzept und Bildungsroman: Goethe, Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre – Th. Mann, Der Zauberberg.Andreas Kablitz - 2019 - In Oliver Primavesi & Otfried Höffe (eds.), Bürger Bilden: Geisteswissenschaftliches Colloquium 2. De Gruyter. pp. 119-148.
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  11. K. Schlechta, Goethes Wilhelm Meister[REVIEW]J. Piguet - 1954 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 46:92.
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    Chronotopoi of the Good Life and Utopia: Bakhtin on Goethe’s Bildungsroman Wilhelm Meister and the carnivalesque.Norman Franke - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (9):879-892.
    This paper explores Bakhtin’s reception of Goethe’s Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre with a view to assess how Bakhtin’s interest in this early chronotopical masterpiece can be understood in the wider context of his utopian thinking and his political eschatologies. Bakhtin reads Goethe’s novel as a critique of totalitarian forms of Socialist Realism as well as Dostoyevsky’s bourgeois realism. Like his contemporary Ernst Bloch, Bakhtin praises the complexity and richness of Goethe’s concept of realism. In the wake of Hermann Cohen, Georg (...)
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    O aprendiz e o aprendizado: gênese e primeiras recepções de Wilhelm Meister, de Goethe.Manoela Hoffmann Oliveira - 2023 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 28 (2):01-19.
    O artigo apresenta o ciclo Meister e as recepções de Os anos de aprendizado de Wilhelm Meister, principalmente no que concernem ao protagonista. A ideia pedagógica foi identificada como central por Schiller, Körner e W. Humboldt, que delinearam as principais posições da crítica sobre Wilhelm Meister e sua realização individual, interpretanndo-a como completada. Os românticos da segunda recepção, F. Schlegel e Novalis, seguiram o mesmo entendimento. Não houve consenso, porém, sobre o que foi aprendido e (...)
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    Kung-Tse: Leben und Werk.Richard Wilhelm - 1950 - Frommann-Holzboog.
    Neben Leben und Werk des Konfuzius stehen seine Lehren im Zentrum der auch heute noch aufschlussreichen Betrachtung Richard Wilhelms aus dem Jahre 1925. Durch zahlreiche Ausspruche des 'Meisters' wird der Leser an 'Die Einheitslehre' und 'Die Organisation der menschlichen Gesellschaft' herangefuhrt. Dabei werden 'Das Buch der Wandlungen', 'Die Richtigstellung der Namen' und 'Die Sitte' intensiv besprochen. Abschliessend untersucht Wilhelm Konfuzius' rationalistische Haltung gegenuber der Esoterik. Der umfangreiche Anmerkungsapparat erleichtert den Zugang zu den uberlieferten Quellen.
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    Teatro, formación y vida en el Wilhelm Meister de Goethe.Marco Aurelio Werle - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 47:107-119.
    El artículo ofrece un estudio del Wilhelm Meister de Goethe, en especial, de Los años de aprendizaje, en cuanto paradigma del género que el romanticismo definió como “novela de formación” (Bildungsroman). También se toma en consideración la versión inicial de la novela, titulada La misión teatral. El tema fundamental es el de la formación por el teatro; éste es mucho más que un simple ideal artístico, por cuanto implica la identificación de teatro y vida, lo que determina el (...)
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    Slut-Shaming Metaphorologies: On Sexual Metaphor in Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister.Barbara N. Nagel - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 46 (2):304-324.
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  17. (1 other version)Wundt, Max, Goethes Wilhelm Meister und die Entwickelung des Lebensideals. [REVIEW]H. Lindau - 1913 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 18:500.
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    Anhang III . Die Vorbereitung der Meister-Mystik durch die Kloster -Volksprediger.Friedrich-Wilhelm Wentzlaff-Eggebert - 1969 - In Deutsche Mystik Zwischen Mittelalter Und Neuzeit: Einheit Und Wandlung Ihrer Erscheinungsformen. De Gruyter. pp. 346-356.
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    IV. Kapitel Die Vertiefung des unio-Erlebnisses in der Mystik der Meister.Friedrich-Wilhelm Wentzlaff-Eggebert - 1969 - In Deutsche Mystik Zwischen Mittelalter Und Neuzeit: Einheit Und Wandlung Ihrer Erscheinungsformen. De Gruyter. pp. 86-129.
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    Lenardos Tagebuch. Zum Romanbegriff in Goethes Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre.Klaus-Detlef Müller - 1979 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 53 (2):275-299.
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    Two Medicinalizations of Androgyny in Wilhelm Meisters Lehr jahre.Robert Tobin - 1990 - Semiotics:294-301.
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  22. Zum 22. Januar 1894 Ihrem Hochverehrten Meister Eduard Zeller Die Mitherausgeber des Archivs Für Geschichte der Philosophie.Hermann Diels, Wilhelm Dilthey, Benno Erdmann & Ludwig Stein - 1894
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  23. Utopie und Resignation. Schuberts Deutungen des Sehnsuchtsliedes aus Goethes ‘Wilhelm Meister’ von 1826.Andreas Dorschel - 1997 - Oxford German Studies 26:132-164.
    In the lied, music interprets poetry. Interpretation is not arbitrary. At the same time, there is no such thing as a single correct interpretation of something else – at any rate not of something as complex as a poem by Goethe. Mignon’s song of longing “Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt, / weiß, was ich leide” can be taken to manifest subjectivity utterly barren within itself. Yet the ability to express that state of mind transcends it; it implies imagination of something (...)
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    Von Der Macht Des Gemüths Durch Den Blossen Vorsatz Seiner Krankhaften Gefühle Meister Zu Seyn. 2E, Verbesserte Und Vermehrte Aufl., Herausg. Von C.W. Hufeland.Immanuel Kant & Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland - 2022 - Legare Street Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  25. Die schöne Seele in Goethes Wilhelm Meister und die Seele im Lukasevangelium.Horst Folkers - 2017 - In Angelica Löwe, Roman Lesmeister & Daniel Krochmalnik (eds.), Gesetz und Begehren: theologische, philosophische und psychoanalytische Perspektiven. München: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Körner, Schiller e W. Humboldt: a primeira recepção do Meister de Goethe.Reginaldo Rodrigues Raposo - 2022 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 27 (2):111-114.
    Apresentação à tradução de Sobre Os anos de aprendizado de Wilhelm Meister, de Christian Gottfried Körner, por Reginaldo Rodrigues Raposo.
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    Meister Eckhart and the Neoplatonic Heritage: The Thinker’s Way to God.Richard Woods - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (4):609-639.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MEISTER ECKHART AND THE NEOPLATONIC HERITAGE: THE THINKER'S WAY TO GOD RICHARD Wooos, O.P. Loyola University of Ohioago Ohicago, Illinois IN BOTH HIS LIFE rand preaching, Meister Eokrhart's " way" was pre-eminently.a spirituality of the mind. The srpeoulat:ive inqui.rires.and p:roibings thaJt animate his iSChD'l-·arly woliks 1also f!:>iervrude his sermons ·and treatisies, while a pastoral, homiletic inrberrtion iieciproca:1ly permeates the scholarly.worrks, particularly in regard to.the Meister'1s fascination (...)
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    Gottesgeburt und Selbstbewusstsein: Denken der Einheit bei Meister Eckhart und G.W.F. Hegel.Donata Schoeller - 1992 - Bernward-Morus.
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    Crossing the Finite Provinces of Meaning. Experience and Metaphor.Gerd Sebald - 2011 - Human Studies 34 (4):341-352.
    Schutz’s references to literature and arts in his theoretical works are manifold. But literature and theory are both a certain kind of a finite province of meaning, that means they are not easily accessible from the paramount reality of everyday life. Now there is another kind of referring to literature: metaphorizing it. Using it, as may be said with Lakoff and Johnson, to understand and to experience one kind of thing in terms of another. Literally metapherein means “to carry over”. (...)
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    Forming Humanity: Redeeming the German Bildung Tradition.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2019 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Introduction -- From paideia to humanism -- Pietism and the problem of human craft (Menschen-Kunst) -- The harmonious harp-playing of humanity: J. G. Herder -- Ethical formation and the invention of the religion of art -- The rise of the Bildungsroman and the commodification of literature -- Authorship and its resignation in Goethe's Wilhelm Meister -- "The Bildung of self-consciousness itself towards science": Hegel.
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    A Fenomenologia do Espírito como romance de formação.Bento Itamar Borges - 2010 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 55 (3):158-177.
    J.W. Goethe concluded in 1795 his novel Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship. Twelve years later, Hegel would publish his Phenomenology of Spirit. His “science of the experience of consciousness” and this new kind of novel appeared in historical conditions leading both literature and philosophy to pay attention to culture and to cultivation of identity by the hero himself. Goethe and Hegel converge in two masterpieces, close to each other in many aspects. This paper aims to present Hegel’s Phenomenology as an (...)
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    Ungewisse ZeitrechnungUncertain Regime of Time.Cornelia Zumbusch - 2020 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 94 (2):125-143.
    ZusammenfassungDie fragmentierte und scheinbar kontingente Struktur von Goethes Roman Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre folgt, so soll hier gezeigt werden, nicht zuletzt auch einem besonderen Zeitregime. Der Roman erprobt vor allem in seiner um Wilhelm und Lenardo gruppierten Handlung Formen des analeptischen Erzählens, das die Ereignisse nicht chronologisch-linear, sondern in wiederholten Rückgriffen und Zeitschleifen entwickelt. Dieses Erzählen von und in Vorgeschichten folgt einem Schema, das Goethe in den homerischen Epen vorgeprägt sieht, das aber auch mit Zeitreflexionen aus seinen geologischen Studien (...)
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    Formen des Nichtwissens der Aufklärung.Hans Adler & Rainer Godel (eds.) - 2010 - München: Fink.
    Preliminary Material /Hans Adler and Rainer Godel -- Formen des Nichtwissens im Zeitalter des Fragens /Hans Adler and Rainer Godel -- Das gewisse Etwas der Aufklärung /Hans Adler -- Zur Prekarität der Aufklärung. Vernunftkritik und das Paradigma der Anthropologie (Taine, Horkheimer / Adorno, Foucault, Lyotard) /Heinz Thoma -- Von den berechenbaren Grenzen des Nichtwissens zur Zeit der Aufklärung /Eberhard Knobloch -- L'effi cace de la raison /Bertrand Binoche -- Aufgeklärtes Nicht-Wissen /Rainer Enskat -- 'Fabelhaft' und 'wunderbar' in Aufklärungsdiskursen. Zur Genese (...)
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    O Complexo da Educação Em Lukács: Uma Contribuição Para a Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica.Karla Raphaella Costa Pereira & Frederico Jorge Ferreira Costa - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):186-204.
    Este artigo é uma pesquisa bibliográfica centrada na análise de cinco textos do marxista húngaro György Lukács cujo objetivo era compreender melhor como esse autor caracteriza o complexo da educação em sua teoria. As obras selecionadas para o estudo foram o capítulo A reprodução do livro Para uma ontologia do ser social 2, além de quatro ensaios dispersos em outras obras: O Poema pedagógico de Makarenko, Os anos de aprendizado de Wilhelm Meister, Lenin e os problemas de transição (...)
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    Fichte.Ludwig Siep - 1998 - In Simon Critchley & William Ralph Schroeder (eds.), A Companion to Continental Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 57–67.
    Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762–1814) was never Kant's student. But when he, as a private teacher without any university degree, anonymously published his first book, the Kritik aller Offenbarung (Critique of all revelation, 1791), even some of the most prominent German philosophers took it to be Kant's long‐expected philosophy of religion. Three years later he became the successor of one of the most influential Kantian philosophers, Karl Leonhard Reinhold, at the famous University of Jena. There he taught and published his theory (...)
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    The Concept of Totality: Visions of the Whole in the Work of Fredric Jameson.Jack Coopey - unknown
    The thesis presented here focuses on the concept of totality in the work of the contemporary cultural critic Fredric Jameson (1934–). By totality, we mean how the human heart enables the human body, but without the body, the heart has no part concerning the whole; they are mutually dependent. This work shall argue that totality is the allegorical figuration framing Jameson’s political critiques of modernity in The Political Unconscious (1981) and Postmodernism (1991). The postmodern world today as an absent totality (...)
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    Jung looking at the stars: chaos, cosmos and archetype.P. Bishop - 2009 - International Journal of Jungian Studies 1 (1):12-24.
    Taking as its starting-point an aphorism in The gay science, this paper examines Nietzsche's distinction between the ‘total character of the world’ and the ‘astral order in which we live’. It relates this distinction, not only to Nietzsche's earlier claim in The Birth of Tragedy that ‘it is only as an aesthetic phenomenon that existence and the world are eternally justified’, but also, via Goethe's Wilhelm Meister, to Jung's concept of archetypal structures. Finally, it examines the case of (...)
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    `First of the Moderns': Reading Carlyle Reading Goethe, Again.Trevor Hogan - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 72 (1):46-64.
    This article reads Carlyle as a reader of Goethe to recover why he proclaimed Goethe as the `benignant spiritual revolutionist' of modernity and `first of the moderns'. As Goethe's first major English translator, Thomas Carlyle was also arguably the first to grasp the nature and purpose of Goethe's project to interpret modernity as a revolutionary epoch involving changes in consciousness, culture and material development. For Carlyle, Goethe's Faust presents modern consciousness and culture from the side of elegy - as the (...)
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    »Ich ist Nicht-Ich« = »Alles ist Alles«. Goethe als Leser der Wissenschaftslehre.Serenella Iovino - 2002 - Fichte-Studien 19:55-94.
    Ende des Sommers 1818, während seines Aufenthalts in München, trifft Victor Cousin Schelling und läßt sich Fichtes Leben in Jena für seine Fragments philosophiques schildern. Der Philosoph wird als »le plus sincère, le plus vertueux, mais aussi le plus obstiné des hommes« charakterisiert. Er stellt ihn dann Goethe gegenüber, damals Geheimrat des Großherzogs Karl-August von Sachsen-Weimar: »Jamais deux hommes ne se convinrent moins que le grand poète et le grand philosophe«, sagt Cousin. Und die Gründe für diese Urteile sind mannigfaltig. (...)
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  40. Den intellektuella spärren.Wilhelm Klingberg - 1966 - Stockholm,: Natur o. kultur.
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    Monistische sonntagspredigten.Wilhelm Ostwald - 1914 - [n.p.]:
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    Die ästhetische Idee bei Kant..Wilhelm Vogt - 1906 - Gütersloh,: Druck von C. Bertelsmann.
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    (1 other version)Der phänomenologische Evidenzbegriff.Wilhelm Beimer - 1919 - Kant Studien 23 (1-3):269-301.
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    Bücherverzeichnisse.Wilhelm vonHG Humboldt - 2014 - In Briefe Bis Zur Heirat. 1781 Bis Juni 1791. De Gruyter. pp. 611-612.
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    Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft philosophischer Editionen im 25 Jahr– Rückblick und Ausblick.Wilhelm Jacobs - 1998 - In Hans Gerhard Senger (ed.), Philologie Und Philosophie: Beiträge Zur Vii. Internationalen Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Philosophischer Editionen. Tübingen: De Gruyter. pp. 8-14.
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  46. Schelling - Édition historique critique.Wilhelm G. Jacobs - 1975 - Archives de Philosophie 38 (3):401.
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    A Marxist Account of and Suggested Alternative to Capitalist Academic Publishing.Wilhelm Peekhaus - 2017 - International Review of Information Ethics 26.
    This paper examines and situates theoretically from a Marxist political economic perspective the capitalist model of academic publishing using Marx’s concepts of ‘primitive accumulation’ and ‘alienation.’ Primitive accumulation, understood as a continuing historical process necessary for capital accumulation, offers a theoretical framework to make sense of contemporary erosions of the knowledge commons that result from various enclosing strategies employed by capitalist academic journal publishers. As a theoretical complement, the article further suggests that some of the elements of alienation Marx articulated (...)
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  48. Das Lebensgefüge der Musik: eine Gesamtheits-Erkenntnis ihrer Wirkungskräfte.Wilhelm Dörfler & Switzerland Dornach - 1975 - Dornach: Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag.
    1. Grundgestalt, Bewegung, Stufung.--[Beilage]: Musik-Beispiele.
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    Notebooks, 1924-1954.Wilhelm Furtwängler & Michael Tanner - 1989
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  50. Los von England. Ihde, Wilhelm & [From Old Catalog] - 1940 - Leipzig,: Lühe-Verlag.
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