Results for 'Williams Pm'

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  1.  24
    Interrogating the Value of Return of Results for Diverse Populations: Perspectives from Precision Medicine Researchers.Caitlin E. McMahon, Nicole Foti, Melanie Jeske, William R. Britton, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Janet K. Shim & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (2):108-119.
    Background Over the last decade, the return of results (ROR) in precision medicine research (PMR) has become increasingly routine. Calls for individual rights to research results have extended the “duty to report” from clinically useful genetic information to traits and ancestry results. ROR has thus been reframed as inherently beneficial to research participants, without a needed focus on who benefits and how. This paper addresses this gap, particularly in the context of PMR aimed at increasing participant diversity, by providing investigator (...)
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  2. Pm Williams.Jaakko Hintikka & Rudolf Carnap - 1975 - In Rudolf Carnap, logical empiricist: materials and perspectives. Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 73--123.
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    Logicism and Principia Mathematica [review of William Demopoulos, Logicism and Its Philosophical Legacy. [REVIEW]Chris Pincock - 2015 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 35 (1):82-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:82 Reviews c:\users\arlene\documents\rj issues\type3501\rj 3501 061 red.docx 2015-07-10 4:07 PM LOGICISM BEYOND PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA Chris Pincock Philosophy / Ohio State U. Columbus, oh 43210–1365, usa [email protected] William Demopoulos. Logicism and Its Philosophical Legacy. Cambridge: Cambridge U. P., 2013. Pp. xii, 272. isbn: 9781107029804.£60.00; us$104.99 (hb). his book brings together eight previously published essays along with three new essays and a brief introduction. In one way or another, each essay (...)
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    Gilles Deleuze's Philosophy of Time: A Critical Introduction and Guide.James Williams - 2011 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Throughout his career, Deleuze developed a series of original philosophies of time and applied them successfully to many different fields. Now James Williams presents Deleuze's philosophy of time as the central concept that connects his philosophy as a whole. Through this conceptual approach, the book covers all the main periods of Deleuze's philosophy: the early studies of Hume, Nietzsche, Kant, Bergson and Spinoza, the two great philosophical works, Difference and Repetition and Logic of Sense, the Capitalism and Schizophrenia works (...)
  5.  85
    Species are individuals: Theoretical foundations for the claim.Mary B. Williams - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (4):578-590.
    This paper shows that species are individuals with respect to evolutionary theory in the sense that the laws of the theory deal with species as irreducible wholes rather than as sets of organisms. 'Species X' is an instantiation of a primitive term of the theory. I present a sketch of a proof that it cannot be defined within the theory as a set of organisms; the proof relies not on details of my axiomatization but rather on a generally accepted property (...)
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  6. Puzzling powers: the problem of fit.Neil Williams - 2010 - In Anna Marmodoro (ed.), The Metaphysics of Powers: Their Grounding and Their Manifestations. New York: Routledge. pp. 84--105.
    – The conjunction of three plausible theses about the nature of causal powers—that they are intrinsic, that their effects are produced mutually, and that the manifestations they are for are essential to them—leads to a problem concerning the ability of causal powers to work together to produce manifestations. I call this problem the problem of fit. Fortunately for proponents of a power-based metaphysic, the problem of fit is not insurmountable. Fit can be engineered if powers are properties whose natures are (...)
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  7. Letters From Elizabeth Williams to Anne Mowbray; or, Justice to Ourselves and Others, the Consequence of True Piety [Signed M- R-].R. M. & Elizabeth Williams - 1829
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  8. Philosophy as a humanistic discipline.Bernard Williams - 2000 - Philosophy 75 (4):477-496.
    What can--and what can't--philosophy do? What are its ethical risks--and its possible rewards? How does it differ from science? In Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline , Bernard Williams addresses these questions and presents a striking vision of philosophy as fundamentally different from science in its aims and methods even though there is still in philosophy "something that counts as getting it right." Written with his distinctive combination of rigor, imagination, depth, and humanism, the book amply demonstrates why Williams (...)
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  9.  82
    Altruism and reality: studies in the philosophy of the Bodhicaryavatara.Paul Williams - 1998 - Surrey: Curzon Press.
    This volume brings together Paul Williams's previously published papers on the Indian and Tibetan interpretations of selected verses from the eighth and ninth chapters of the Bodhicaryavatara. In addition, there is a much longer version of the paper 'Identifying the Object of Negation', and nearly half the book consists of a wholly new essay, 'The Absence of Self and the Removal of Pain', subtitled 'How Santideva Destroyed the Bodhisattva Path'. This book will be of interest to those concerned with (...)
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  10. Toleration, a Political or Moral Question?Bernard Williams - 1996 - Diogenes 44 (176):35-48.
    There is something obscure about the nature of toleration, at least when it is regarded as an attitude or a personal principle. Indeed, the problem about the nature of toleration is severe enough for us to raise the question whether, in a strict sense, it is possible at all. Perhaps, rather, it contains some contradiction or paradox which means that practices of toleration, when they exist, must rest on something other than the attitude of toleration as that has been classically (...)
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  11.  80
    The Role of Explanation in Discovery and Generalization: Evidence From Category Learning.Joseph J. Williams & Tania Lombrozo - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (5):776-806.
    Research in education and cognitive development suggests that explaining plays a key role in learning and generalization: When learners provide explanations—even to themselves—they learn more effectively and generalize more readily to novel situations. This paper proposes and tests a subsumptive constraints account of this effect. Motivated by philosophical theories of explanation, this account predicts that explaining guides learners to interpret what they are learning in terms of unifying patterns or regularities, which promotes the discovery of broad generalizations. Three experiments provide (...)
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  12.  78
    Groundless belief: an essay on the possibility of epistemology.Michael Williams - 1977 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Inspired by the work of Wilfrid Sellars, Michael Williams launches an all-out attack on what he calls "phenomenalism," the idea that our knowledge of the world rests on a perceptual or experiential foundation.
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  13. (1 other version)Ethics.Bernard Williams - 1995 - In A. C. Grayling (ed.), Philosophy 1: A Guide Through the Subject. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  14. (1 other version)What is Existence?C. J. F. Williams - 1984 - Mind 93 (369):146-149.
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  15.  51
    Hegel’s Ethics of Recognition.Robert R. Williams - 1997 - University of California Press.
    In this significant contribution to Hegel scholarship, Robert Williams develops the most comprehensive account to date of Hegel's concept of recognition. Fichte introduced the concept of recognition as a presupposition of both Rousseau's social contract and Kant's ethics. Williams shows that Hegel appropriated the concept of recognition as the general pattern of his concept of ethical life, breaking with natural law theory yet incorporating the Aristotelian view that rights and virtues are possible only within a certain kind of (...)
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  16. (2 other versions)On the elements of being: I.Donald Cary Williams - 1953 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (1):3--18.
    Metaphysics is the thoroughly empirical science. Every item of experience must be evidence for or against any hypothesis of speculative cosmology, and every experienced object must be an exemplar and test case for the categories of analytic ontology. Technically, therefore, one example ought for our present theme to be as good as another. The more dignified examples, however, are darkened with a patina of tradition and partisanship, while some frivolous ones are peculiarly perspicuous. Let us therefore imagine three lollipops, made (...)
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  17.  58
    The Powers Metaphysic.Neil E. Williams - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Neil E. Williams develops a systematic metaphysics centred on the idea of powers, as a rival to neo-Humeanism, the dominant systematic metaphysics in philosophy today. Williams takes powers to be inherently causal properties and uses them as the foundation of his explanations of causation, persistence, laws, and modality.
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  18.  16
    Qualitative analysis of MOS circuits.Brian C. Williams - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 24 (1-3):281-346.
  19.  97
    Hannah Arendt: critical assessments of leading political philosophers.Garrath Williams (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) is likely to be the first woman to join the canon of the great philosophers. Arendt's work has attracted a huge volume of scholarship. This collection reprints papers from the USA, Germany, France and the UK, where further scholarly work is emerging at an increasing pace. Given that there was vigorous debate of her work in her lifetime, that there have since been several waves of evaluation and re-evaluation, and because a new generation of scholars is now (...)
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  20.  36
    Qian Mu reads Zhuangzi: Regarding ‘there has not yet begun to be a “there has not yet begun to be nothing”’.John R. Williams - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (2):164-171.
    To advance our understanding of both the Book of Zhuāngzǐ 莊子 (c. fourth to third century BCE) and Qián Mù 錢穆 (1895–1990)’s Zhuāngzǐ studies 莊學, I aim to squarely face one of the more obscure passages in the former with recourse to an explanation from the latter. The passage in question is that from the second chapter beginning with the claim ‘there is a beginning’ (有始也者) and culminating with the claim that ‘there has not yet begun to be a “there (...)
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  21.  67
    Response to reviews of the World Medical Association Medical Ethics Manual.J. R. Williams - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (3):164-165.
    There are many challenges to be met when writing an introductory treatise on an academic topic. The subject matter must be presented in a simple but not oversimplified manner. Enough theory must be included to ground the discussion of specific issues but not so much as to overwhelm or bore the readers. The text should be long enough to do justice to the subject matter but short enough to be readily accessible, especially for readers such as healthcare professionals, whose primary (...)
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  22.  40
    The Ethos of Europe: Values, Law and Justice in the Eu.Andrew Williams - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Machine generated contents note: 1. Introduction; 2. Peace; 3. Rule of law; 4. Human rights; 5. Democracy; 6. Liberty; 7. The institutional ethos of the EU; 8. Towards the EU as a just institution; 9. Concluding proposals.
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  23.  60
    Is Husserl guilty of Sellars’ myth of the sensory given.Heath Williams - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6371-6389.
    This paper shows that Husserl is not guilty of Sellars’ myth of the sensory given. I firstly show that Husserl’s account of ‘sensations’ or ‘sense data’ seems to possess some of the attributes Sellars’ myth critiques. In response I show that, just as Sellars thinks that our ‘conceptual capacities’ afford us an awareness of a logical perceptual space that has a propositional structure, Husserl thinks that ‘acts of apprehension’ structure sensations to afford us perception that is similarly propositionally structured. Not (...)
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  24. Paul Ricceur, The Just Reviewed by.David Lay Williams - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21 (3):206-207.
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    Introducing the Modified Paranormal Belief Scale: Distinguishing Between Classic Paranormal Beliefs, Religious Paranormal Beliefs and Conventional Religiosity Among Undergraduates in Northern Ireland and Wales.Emyr Williams, Christopher Lewis & Leslie Francis - 2009 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 31 (3):345-356.
    Previous empirical studies concerned with the association between paranormal beliefs and conventional religiosity have produced conflicting evidence. Drawing on Rice's distinction between classic paranormal beliefs and religious paranormal beliefs, the present study proposed a modified form of the Tobacyk Revised Paranormal Belief Scale to produce separate scores for these two forms of paranormal belief, styled ‘religious paranormal beliefs’ and ‘classic paranormal beliefs’. Data provided by a sample of 143 undergraduate students in Northern Ireland and Wales, who completed the Francis Scale (...)
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  26.  91
    Some questions in Hume's aesthetics.Christopher Williams - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (2):157–169.
    The central problem posed in Hume's essay ‘Of the Standard of Taste’ concerns the mutual adjustment of two things: a skepticism about the correctness of tastes, and a belief that artistic productions genuinely differ in their merits. In response, Hume modifies the skepticism by proposing that the ‘joint verdict of true judges’ is the standard of taste. This article surveys three sets of issues in connection with this solution: the role of rules in grounding verdicts; the possibility of circularity in (...)
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  27.  17
    Sociology of Low Expectations: Recalibration as Innovation Work in Biomedicine.Clare Williams, Gabrielle Samuel & John Gardner - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (6):998-1021.
    Social scientists have drawn attention to the role of hype and optimistic visions of the future in providing momentum to biomedical innovation projects by encouraging innovation alliances. In this article, we show how less optimistic, uncertain, and modest visions of the future can also provide innovation projects with momentum. Scholars have highlighted the need for clinicians to carefully manage the expectations of their prospective patients. Using the example of a pioneering clinical team providing deep brain stimulation to children and young (...)
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  28.  99
    Anselm on truth.Thomas Williams & Sandra Visser - 2004 - In Brian Leftow (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Anselm. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 204-221.
    A good place to start in assessing a theory of truth is to ask whether the theory under discussion is consistent with Aristotle’s commonsensical definition of truth from Metaphysics 4: “What is false says of that which is that it is not, or of that which is not that it is; and what is true says of that which is that it is, or of that which is not that it is not.”1 Philosophers of a realist bent will be delighted (...)
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  29.  9
    Principles of Empirical Realism: Philosophical Essays.Donald Cary Williams - 1966 - Springfield, Ill.,: C.C. Thomas.
  30.  66
    MAKEUP AT WORK: Negotiating Appearance Rules in the Workplace.Christine L. Williams & Kirsten Dellinger - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (2):151-177.
    This study seeks to understand women's use of makeup in the workplace. The authors analyze 20 in-depth interviews with a diverse group of women who work in a variety of settings to examine the appearance rules that women confront at work and how these rules reproduce assumptions about sexuality and gender. The authors found that appropriate makeup use is strongly associated with assumptions about health, heterosexuality, and credibility in the workplace. They describe how these norms shape women's personal choices to (...)
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  31.  28
    Algorithms as folding: Reframing the analytical focus.Robin Williams, Claes-Fredrik Helgesson, Lukas Engelmann, Jeffrey Christensen, Jess Bier & Francis Lee - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    This article proposes an analytical approach to algorithms that stresses operations of folding. The aim of this approach is to broaden the common analytical focus on algorithms as biased and opaque black boxes, and to instead highlight the many relations that algorithms are interwoven with. Our proposed approach thus highlights how algorithms fold heterogeneous things: data, methods and objects with multiple ethical and political effects. We exemplify the utility of our approach by proposing three specific operations of folding—proximation, universalisation and (...)
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  32.  27
    (1 other version)Positive information facilitates response inhibition in older adults only when emotion is task-relevant.Samantha E. Williams, Eric J. Lenze & Jill D. Waring - 2020 - Tandf: Cognition and Emotion 34 (8):1632-1645.
    Volume 34, Issue 8, December 2020, Page 1632-1645.
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  33.  91
    Hierarchical minds and the perception/cognition distinction.Daniel Williams - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (2):275-297.
    Recent research in cognitive and computational neuroscience portrays the neocortex as a hierarchically structured prediction machine. Several theorists have drawn on this research to challenge the traditional distinction between perception and cognition – specifically, to challenge the very idea that perception and cognition constitute useful kinds from the perspective of cognitive neuroscience. In place of this traditional taxonomy, such theorists advocate a unified inferential hierarchy subject to substantial bi-directional message passing. I outline the nature of this challenge and then raise (...)
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    Some aspects of language and construction in the madhyamaka.Paul M. Williams - 1980 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 8 (1):1-45.
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  35.  78
    The Glass Escalator, Revisited: Gender Inequality in Neoliberal Times, SWS Feminist Lecturer.Christine L. Williams - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (5):609-629.
    When women work in male-dominated professions, they encounter a “glass ceiling” that prevents their ascension into the top jobs. Twenty years ago, I introduced the concept of the “glass escalator,” my term for the advantages that men receive in the so-called women’s professions, including the assumption that they are better suited than women for leadership positions. In this article, I revisit my original analysis and identify two major limitations of the concept: it fails to adequately address intersectionality; in particular, it (...)
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  36.  17
    Look, a Negro!: Philosophical Essays on Race, Culture and Politics.Robert Gooding-Williams - 2005 - Routledge.
    First published in 2006. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  37. On anti‐abortion violence.Jeremy Williams - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (2):273-296.
    Anti-abortion violence (‘AAV’) is anathema to almost everyone, on all sides of the abortion debate. Yet, as this article aims to show, it is far more difficult than has previously been recognised to avoid the deeply unpalatable conclusion that it can sometimes be justified. Some of the most frequently-occupied positions on the morality of abortion will imply precisely that conclusion, I argue, unless conjoined with an especially stringent and unattractive form of pacifism. This is true not only of strict anti-abortion (...)
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  38.  33
    Bayesian learning for cooperation in multi-agent systems.Mair Allen-Williams & Nicholas R. Jennings - 2009 - In L. Magnani (ed.), computational intelligence. pp. 321--360.
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  39. The Cultural Significance of the Indian State.L. F. Rushbrook Williams - 1938 - Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 86 (4478):1047-1063.
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  40. The psychology and theology of open-mindedness.Ryan Williams - 2021 - In Russell Re Manning (ed.), Mutual enrichment between psychology and theology. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  41. Whose woods are these.Donald H. Williams - 1972 - Thoreau Journal Quarterly 4:27-28.
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  42.  31
    Trust and privacy in the context of user-generated health data.Brandon Williams, Eliot Storer, Charles Lotterman, Rachel Conrad Bracken, Svetlana Borodina & Kirsten Ostherr - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (1).
    This study identifies and explores evolving concepts of trust and privacy in the context of user-generated health data. We define “user-generated health data” as data captured through devices or software and used outside of traditional clinical settings for tracking personal health data. The investigators conducted qualitative research through semistructured interviews with researchers, health technology start-up companies, and members of the general public to inquire why and how they interact with and understand the value of user-generated health data. We found significant (...)
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  43.  35
    Catholic social teaching: A communitarian democratic capitalism for the new world order.Oliver F. Williams - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (12):919 - 932.
    Catholic Social Teaching has taken a remarkable turn with the May 1991 document on economic ethics,Centesimus Annus. During their one hundred year history, church documents were notable for their courageous championing of the rights of the least advantaged; they were much less distinguished for their understanding of how markets and incentives function in capitalism. Most business leaders admired church teaching for its compassion but had little respect for its competence. With this most recent document, however, there is a growing conviction (...)
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  44. ÔMoral IncapacityÕ.B. Williams - 1995 - In Bernard Williams (ed.), Making Sense of Humanity: And Other Philosophical Papers 1982–1993. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Revisiting the Ferguson Report: Antiblack Concepts and the Practice of Policing.Robert Gooding-Williams - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (S2):S132-S137.
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    Gilles Deleuze's Logic of Sense: A Critical Introduction and Guide.James Williams - 2008 - Edinburgh University Press.
    This is the first critical study of The Logic of Sense, Gilles Deleuze's most important work on language and ethics, as well as the main source of his vital philosophy of the event.James Williams explains the originality of Deleuze's work with careful definitions of all his innovative terms and a detailed description of the complex structure he constructs. This reading makes connections to his ground-breaking work on literature, to his critical but also progressive relation to the sciences, and to (...)
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  47. In the Shadow of the Critique of Pure Reason: The Results of the Critical Philosophy Taken Into Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy.Howard Williams - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (13):63-77.
    Cuando nos ocupamos de temas como la propiedad, la teoría del castigo, la definición de ciudadanía y la teoría del Estado, suele pasar desapercibido el lecho que subyace al novedoso proyecto de filosofía crítica de Kant. Mi objetivo en este trabajo es sacar a la luz ese marco, a través de una somera enumeración de los tópicos centrales de la Crítica de la razón pura, desde el punto de vista de la enorme influencia que esta obra tuvo en la filosofía (...)
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    Groundless Belief: An Essay on the Possibility of Epistemology - Second Edition.Michael Williams - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    Inspired by the work of Wilfrid Sellars, Michael Williams launches an all-out attack on what he calls "phenomenalism," the idea that our knowledge of the world rests on a perceptual or experiential foundation. The point of this wider-than-normal usage of the term "phenomenalism," according to which even some forms of direct realism deserve to be called phenomenalistic, is to call attention to important continuities of thought between theories often thought to be competitors. Williams's target is not phenomenalism in (...)
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  49. Discounting versus maximum sustainable yield.Mary B. Williams - 1978 - In Richard I. Sikora & Brian Barry (eds.), Obligations to future generations. Cambridge, UK: White Horse Press. pp. 169--185.
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    Books in Review.Robert Gooding-Williams - 1984 - Political Theory 12 (4):623-626.
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