Results for 'Wolfgang Kiinne'

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  1. Verstehen und Sinn.Wolfgang Kiinne - 1981 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 6:1-16.
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  2. Criteria of Abstractness.Wolfgang Kiinne - 1982 - In Barry Smith (ed.), Parts and Moments. Studies in Logic and Formal Ontology. Philosophia Verlag. pp. 401.
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    Infinity as a Transformative Concept in Science and Theology.Wolfgang Achtner - 2011 - In Michał Heller & W. H. Woodin (eds.), Infinity: new research frontiers. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 19.
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  4. (1 other version)Klassische und nichtklassische Aussagenlogik.Wolfgang Rautenberg - 1980 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 11 (2):405-407.
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  5. Ability and Possibility.Wolfgang Schwarz - 2020 - Philosophers' Imprint 20.
    According to the classical quantificational analysis of modals, an agent has the ability to perform an act iff relevant facts about the agent and her environment are compatible with her performing the act. The analysis faces a number of problems, many of which can be traced to the fact that it takes even accidental performance of an act as proof of the relevant ability. I argue that ability statements are systematically ambiguous: on one reading, accidental performance really is enough; on (...)
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    Explaining voluntary action: The role of mental content.Wolfgang Prinz - 1997 - In Martin Carrier & Peter Machamer (eds.), Mindscapes: Philosophy, Science, and the Mind. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 153--175.
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  7. Infinity in science and religion. The creative role of thinking about infinity.Wolfgang Achtner - 2005 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 47 (4):392-411.
    This article discusses the history of the concepts of potential infinity and actual infinity in the context of Christian theology, mathematical thinking and metaphysical reasoning. It shows that the structure of Ancient Greek rationality could not go beyond the concept of potential infinity, which is highlighted in Aristotle's metaphysics. The limitations of the metaphysical mind of ancient Greece were overcome through Christian theology and its concept of the infinite God, as formulated in Gregory of Nyssa's theology. That is how the (...)
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  8. The Aporetic Structure of Philosophical Problems.Wolfgang Barz - 2019 - Journal of Didactics of Philosophy 3 ((1)):5-18.
    The central idea of this essay is that philosophical thinking revolves around aporetic clusters, i.e., sets of individually plausible, but collectively inconsistent propositions. The task of philosophy is to dissolve such clusters, either by showing that the propositions in question, contrary to first impression, are compatible with each other, or by showing that it is permissible to abandon at least one of the propositions involved. This view of philosophical problems not only provides a very good description of well-understood philosophizing, but (...)
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  9. Non est non est est non. Zu Leibnizens Theorie der Negation.Wolfgang Lenzen - 1986 - Studia Leibnitiana 18 (1):1-37.
    Leibniz's development of a "calculus universalis" stands and falls with his theory of negation. During the entire period of the elaboration of the algebra of concepts, L1, Leibniz had to struggle hard to grasp the difference between propositional and conceptual negation. Within the framework of syllogistic, this difference seems to disappear because 'Omne A non B' may be taken to be equivalent to ‘Omne A est non-B’. Within the "universal calculus", however, the informal quantifier expression 'omne' is to be dropped. (...)
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    A Critical Examination of the Historical Origins of Connexive Logic.Wolfgang Lenzen - 2019 - History and Philosophy of Logic 41 (1):16-35.
    It is often assumed that Aristotle, Boethius, Chrysippus, and other ancient logicians advocated a connexive conception of implication according to which no proposition entails, or is entailed by, its own negation. Thus Aristotle claimed that the proposition ‘if B is not great, B itself is great […] is impossible’. Similarly, Boethius maintained that two implications of the type ‘If p then r’ and ‘If p then not-r’ are incompatible. Furthermore, Chrysippus proclaimed a conditional to be ‘sound when the contradictory of (...)
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  11. Generalized net structures of empirical theories. I.Wolfgang Balzer & Joseph D. Sneed - 1977 - Studia Logica 36 (3):195 - 211.
  12. Experimental Approaches to Action.Wolfgang Prinz - 2003 - In Johannes Roessler & Naomi Eilan (eds.), Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Neue Wege der Wissenschaftsphilosophie.Wolfgang Stegmüller - 1980 - New York: Springer.
    Der vorliegende Band enthalt sechs teilweise stark iiberarbeitete Aufsatze, die in der Zeit zwischen der Niederschrift des Buches Theorienstrnkturen und Theoriendynamik, Springer-Verlag 1973, im folgenden mit [Theoriendynamik] bezeichnet, und der Monographie The Strncturalist View of Theories. A Pos­ sible Analogue of the Bourbaki Programme in Physical Science, Springer-Ver­ lag 1979, im folgenden kurz [Strnkturalismus] genannt, entstanden sind. In diesen Abhandlungen werden jeweils gewisse Aspekte des strukturalistischen Theorienkonzeptes behandelt. Am starksten iiberarbeitet wurden die Auf­ satze II, IV, V und VI, die (...)
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  14. Interdisciplinary cases and disciplinary knowledge.Wolfgang Krohn - 2010 - In Robert Frodeman, Julie Thompson Klein & Carl Mitcham (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 32--49.
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  15. Wilhelm Dilthey a filozofia hermeneutyczna.Wolfgang RÖD - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:93-104.
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  16. Wilhelm Dilthey And Hermeneutic Philosophy.Wolfgang RÖd - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 7 (1):93-104.
    The article deals with some aspects of Dilthey’s thought. First, we examine those elements of Dilthey’s philosophy that play important role in the discussion of his ideas in the 20th century. Next, we refer to the relation of some representatives of late hermeneutics to Dilthey. Finally, we study and evaluate some views of Dilthey’s critics. Key words DILTHEY, HERMENEUTIC PHILOSOPHY.
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  17. (1 other version)Special relativity.Wolfgang Rindler - 1960 - New York,: Interscience Publishers.
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  18. Statistics and suspension.Wolfgang Freitag & Alexandra Zinke - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (10):2877-2880.
    It has recently been argued that some cases of naked statistical evidence license a high credence, but not an outright belief. If this is correct, there cannot be an unconditional bridge principle from credence to outright belief. We show that at least one prominent putative counterexample to such a bridge principle is based on a mistake, by demonstrating that the statistical evidence falls short not only of licensing rational belief, but also of justifying a high credence.
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    Moral und Kapital: Grundfragen der Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik.Wolfgang Kersting, Claus Langbehn & Frank Ahlmann (eds.) - 2008 - Paderborn: Mentis.
  20. Moralität und Sittlichkeit.Wolfgang Kuhlmann - 1986 - In Wolfgang Kuhlmann & Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (eds.), Moralität und Sittlichkeit: das Problem Hegels und die Diskursethik. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Ein Gerechter unter den Völkern.Wolfgang Huber - 2014 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 58 (2):87-98.
    Stephan H. Pfürtner (1922-2012) was a Catholic theologian who in the last stage of his academic career taught Social Ethics in the Department of Protestant Theology at Philipps-University in Marburg. The text, originally a lecture in commemoration of Stephan Pfürtner and his work, shows the close connection between biography and theology, between ethical experience and ethical reflection in his case. Empathetic Courage is shown by him in his successful effort to save three young Jewish women from death in the Concentration (...)
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    Hölderlins Zeichen.Wolfgang Janke - 1991 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 17:115-135.
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    Em defesa de um universalismo sóbrio.Wolfgang Kersting - 2001 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 46 (4):621-638.
    Em 1989, a era do realismo político chegou ao fim. &s condições foram modificadas de forma a substituir O modelo hobbesiano de paz pela intimidação que prevalecia até então, por um modelo consideravelmente mais desafiador, o modelo kantiano da paz pelo direito. Se, todavia, o paradigma de Huntington dadas civilizações em conflito estivesse correto, teríamos de esquecer Kant e lembrarmo-nos de Hobbes. A racionalidade pé-no-chão, a desconfiança sadia, a luta pela acumulação do poder e todos os demais instrumentos da caixa (...)
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    The logical structure of classical genetics.Wolfgang Balzer & Pablo Lorenzano - 2000 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31 (2):243-266.
    We present a reconstruction of so-called classical, formal or Mendelian genetics using a notation which we believe is more legible than that of earlier accounts, and lends itself easily to computer implementation, for instance in PROLOG. By drawing from, and emending, earlier work of Balzer and Dawe (1986,1997), the present account presents the three most important lines of development of classical genetics: the so-called Mendel's laws, linkage genetics and gene mapping, in the form of a theory-net. This shows that the (...)
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    What is (or at least appears to be) wrong with intuitionistic logic?Wolfgang Lenzen - 1991 - In Georg Schurz (ed.), Advances in Scientific Philosophy. pp. 173-186.
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    A model for science kinematics.Wolfgang Balzer, Bernhard Lauth & Gerhard Zoubek - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (4):519 - 548.
    A comprehensive model for describing various forms of developments in science is defined in precise, set-theoretic terms, and in the spirit of the structuralist approach in the philosophy of science. The model emends previous accounts in centering on single systems in a homogenous way, eliminating notions which essentially refer to sets of systems. This is achieved by eliminating the distinction between theoretical and non-theoretical terms as a primitive, and by introducing the notion of intended links. The force of the model (...)
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    Healthcare ethics knowledge during the course of nursing training—results of a cross-sectional study in Germany.Wolfgang Strube, Marianne Rabe, Jürgen Härlein & Florian Steger - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (3):225-235.
    Die Wissensvermittlung in Gesundheitsethik ermöglicht es Auszubildenden der Pflege, sich in ihrer zukünftigen Tätigkeit bei Entscheidungsprozessen des Behandlungsteams hinsichtlich pflegeethischer Fragestellungen einzubringen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde anhand der vorliegenden Studie die Entwicklung moralischer Positionen sowie pflegeethischer Kenntnisse von Pflegeauszubildenden sichtbar gemacht. An zwei Krankenpflegeschulen (Berlin und Fürth) wurden im Rahmen einer Panelstudie von August 2010 bis März 2011 Daten einer ersten Querschnittserhebung von Auszubildenden in der Pflege erhoben. Für die Studie wurde ein strukturierter Fragebogen verwendet. Die Studienteilnahme erfolgte freiwillig. Alle (...)
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    What Does It Mean When Managers Talk About Trust?Wolfgang Breuer, Andreas Knetsch & Astrid Juliane Salzmann - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):473-488.
    This paper investigates whether managerial rhetoric in the Management Discussion and Analysis section of 10-K filings can help gauge the level of managerial opportunism in a firm. We find that the use of trust-related words is connected to inefficient investment decisions and poor operating performance. Furthermore, firms making more frequent use of trust-related words are subject to less monitoring by institutional investors or analysts. Their accounting also relies more heavily on discretionary accruals. These results are consistent with the notion that (...)
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    Widersprüche in der Entwicklung der sozialistischen Gesellschaft in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.Wolfgang Eichhorn - 1959 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 7 (5-6):668.
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    The I: A dimensional account.Wolfgang Fasching - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (2):249-260.
    I have a clear idea of what it means that I have experiences in the past or future, and it does not seem to mean that experiences take place that possess certain content-characteristics, but simply and irreducibly thatIexperience them – i.e. that they are, at the time of their occurrence, experientially presentto me–, whatever their contents may be. So the central question regarding personal identity is: What is this “I”to whomthe experiences are present, and what is the nature of its (...)
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    Deterministic Causation.Wolfgang Spohn - 2001 - In Wolfgang Spohn, Marion Ledwig & Michael Esfeld (eds.), Current Issues in Causation. Mentis. pp. 21-46.
    This paper is the most complete presentation of my views on deterministic causation. It develops the deterministic theory in perfect parallel to my theory of probabilistic causation and thus unites the two aspects. It also argues that the theory presented is superior to all regularity and all counterfactual theories of causation.
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  32. Zum Phrixos des Euripides.Wolfgang Schadewaldt - 1928 - Hermes 63 (4):1-14.
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  33. Kant's categories of reality and existence.Wolfgang Schwarz - 1987 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 48 (2):343-346.
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    Main currents in contemporary German, British and American philosophy.Wolfgang Stegmüller & A. E. Blumberg - 1970 - Dordrecht,: Reidel.
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    Strukturwandel der Medizin und ärztliche Ethik: philosophische Überlegungen zu Grundfragen einer praktischen Wissenschaft.Wolfgang Wieland - 1986 - C. Winter.
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    Rationalismus der Weltbeherrschung: Studien zu Max Weber.Wolfgang Schluchter - 1980 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  37. An old pseudoproblem.Wolfgang Kohler - 1929 - Die Naturwissenschaften 17:395-401.
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    1. Die Geschichtlichkeit des Personenverstehens.Wolfgang R. Köhler - 2004 - In Personenverstehen: Zur Hermeneutik der Individualität. De Gruyter. pp. 13-28.
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  39. Die Logik des Freiheitsbegriffs.Wolfgang Marx - 1976 - Hegel-Studien 11:125-147.
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    Reflections on political scale.Wolfgang Streeck - 2019 - Jurisprudence 10 (1):1-14.
    ABSTRACTWhat is better for a country, to be big or to be small? And should sovereign statehood be centralised or distributed among countries of common cultural and institutional lineage? Debates on...
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  41. Der Kommos in Aischylos' Choephoren.Wolfgang Schadewaldt - 1932 - Hermes 67 (3):312-354.
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  42. Introspektion.Wolfgang Barz - 2019 - In Martin Grajner & Guido Melchior (eds.), Handbuch Erkenntnistheorie. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 129-135.
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    Zur Interdisziplinarität in den Kulturwissenschaften.Wolfgang Raible - 1999 - Das Mittelalter 4 (1).
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    Jischa M.: Ingenieurwissenschaften (engineering sciences).Wolfgang Rathgeber - 2006 - Poiesis and Praxis 4 (3):233-236.
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    (1 other version)Bemerkung Zur Axiomatik Der Vektorgeometrie.Wolfgang Rautenberg - 1963 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 9 (11):173-174.
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    Für eine philosophische Propädeutik an der Höheren Schule.Wolfgang Röd - 1957 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 11 (1):70 - 79.
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    Die Erforschung der Erweckungsbewegungen des 20. Jahrhunderts als Desiderat der internationalen Pietismusforschung.Wolfgang Reinhardt - 2005 - In Udo Sträter (ed.), Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 813-824.
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  48. Eigentum und Arbeit in Rousseaus politischer und ökonomischer Theorie.Wolfgang Roed - 1978 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 32 (2):260-278.
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    Entwicklung und Nutzung der Qualifikation der Facharbeiter als Faktor ökonomischer Effektivität.Wolfgang Rudolph - 1985 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 33 (1):53.
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    Musik und Wirklichkeit bei E.T.A. Hoffmann: zur Entstehung einer Musikanschauung der Romantik.Wolfgang Rüdiger - 1989 - Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus.
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