Results for 'Wu Jingxiong'

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  1.  18
    Wu Jingxiong fa xue wen xuan =.Jingxiong Wu - 2012 - Beijing: Zhongguo zheng fa da xue chu ban she. Edited by Wei Sun & Dongsong Li.
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    Essays in jurisprudence and legal philosophy.Jingxiong Wu - 1938 - [Shanghai]: Soochow University Law School. Edited by M. C. Liang.
  3. Fa hsüeh lun wen hsüan i chi.Jingxiong Wu - 1978
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  4. (1 other version)Fa lü zhe xue yan jiu.Jingxiong Wu - 1933 - Shanghai: Shanghai fa xue bian yi she.
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  5. Juridical essays and studies.Jingxiong Wu - 1928 - Shanghai, China,: The Commercial press.
    I. Constructive essays.--II. Critical essays.--III. Studies in Chinese law.--IV. Discussions and collaborations of the author's views.
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    Nei xin yue le zhi yuan quan.Jingxiong Wu - 1981 - Taibei Shi: Zong jing xiao San min shu ju.
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  7. The art of law and other essays juridical and literary.Jingxiong Wu - 1936 - Shanghai: Commercial Press.
    The art of law -- Proportionality between means and ends: a study in the art of law -- The function of legal methods in the balancing of interests: a study in the judicial process -- The legal systems of old and new China: a comparison -- Two forms of tortious liability in the modern Chinese law -- The problem of extraterritoriality in China -- A note on Rizæff Frères v. the Soviet Mercantile Fleet -- A note on the evidence in (...)
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  8. Zhongguo zhe xue zhi yue le jing shen =.Jingxiong Wu - 1979 - Taibei Shi: Fa xing suo Hua xin shu ju. Edited by Bingyi Zhu.
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    Two Excerpts (1933 and 1936).Wu Jingxiong - 2001 - In Stephen C. Angle & Marina Svensson, Chinese Human Rights Reader. M. E. Sharpe. pp. 161.
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  10. Dong xi fang zhi jian de fa lü zhe xue: Wu Jingxiong zao qi fa lü zhe xue si xiang zhi bi jiao yan jiu.Matthias Christian - 2004 - Beijing: Zhongguo zheng fa da xue chu ban she. Edited by Jingxiong Wu.
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  11. Is Vision for Action Unconscious?Wayne Wu - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (8):413-433.
    Empirical work and philosophical analysis have led to widespread acceptance that vision for action, served by the cortical dorsal stream, is unconscious. I argue that the empirical argument for this claim is unsound. That argument relies on subjects’ introspective reports. Yet on biological grounds, in light of the theory of primate cortical vision, introspection has no access to dorsal stream mediated visual states. It is thus wrongly assumed that introspective reports speak to absent phenomenology in the dorsal stream. In light (...)
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    The Effect of Workplace Negative Gossip on Employee Proactive Behavior in China: The Moderating Role of Traditionality.Xiangfan Wu, Ho Kwong Kwan, Long-Zeng Wu & Jie Ma - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):801-815.
    In this study, we examined the relationship between workplace negative gossip, as perceived by the targets, and proactive behavior by focusing on the mediating role of the target’s emotional exhaustion and the moderating role of the target’s traditionality. Our results from dyadic data on 234 supervisor–subordinate relationships in China revealed that workplace negative gossip was negatively related to proactive behavior; emotional exhaustion mediated this relationship; and traditionality strengthened both the relationship between workplace negative gossip and emotional exhaustion and the indirect (...)
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    Effects of Early Cues on the Processing of Chinese Relative Clauses: Evidence for Experience‐Based Theories.Fuyun Wu, Elsi Kaiser & Shravan Vasishth - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S4):1101-1133.
    We used Chinese prenominal relative clauses to test the predictions of two competing accounts of sentence comprehension difficulty: the experience-based account of Levy () and the Dependency Locality Theory. Given that in Chinese RCs, a classifier and/or a passive marker BEI can be added to the sentence-initial position, we manipulated the presence/absence of classifiers and the presence/absence of BEI, such that BEI sentences were passivized subject-extracted RCs, and no-BEI sentences were standard object-extracted RCs. We conducted two self-paced reading experiments, using (...)
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  14.  57
    The Butterfly as Companion: Meditations on the First Three Chapters of the Chuang Tzu.Kuang-Ming Wu - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (1):127-135.
  15.  79
    Determinants of Bribery in Asian Firms: Evidence from the World Business Environment Survey.Xun Wu - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):75-88.
    While it is widely believed that bribery is ubiquitous among Asian firms, few studies have offered systematic evidence of such activities, and the dynamics of bribery in Asian firms have not been well understood. The research reported here used World Business Environment Survey data to examine some distinct characteristics of bribery in Asian firms and to empirically test 10 hypotheses on determinants of bribery. We find that firm characteristics such as firm size, growth rate, and corporate governance are important determinants (...)
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  16. A Dream of a Stone: The Ethics of De-anthropocentrism.Tsaiyi Wu - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):413-428.
    De-anthropocentrism is the leitmotif of philosophy in the twenty-first century, encouraging diverse and competing thoughts as to how this goal may be achieved. This article argues that the method by which we may achieve de-anthropocentrism is ethical rather than metaphysical – it must involve a creation of the self, rather than an interpretation of the given human conditions. Through engagements with the thought of Nietzsche, Levinas, and Foucault, and a close reading of Baudelaire’s poem “La Beauté,” I will illustrate three (...)
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  17.  36
    Confrontational Maneuvering by Dissociation in Spokespersons’ Argumentative Replies at the Press Conferences of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Peng Wu - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (1):1-22.
    Within the framework of pragma-dialectics, this paper analyzes the use of dissociations in the spokespersons’ replies at the press conferences held by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs between 2015 and 2017. As shown in the research results, to cut down the authority of their opponents in criticizing China and to convince the international general public of the Chinese standpoints, four subtypes of dissociation are used, which can be differentiated as: “distorted” Term I versus “authentic” Term II, “ambiguous” Term I (...)
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  18.  57
    Chuang Tzu: World Philosopher at Play.Kuang-Ming Wu - 1985 - Philosophy East and West 35 (4):453-455.
  19.  62
    Business Ethical Perceptions of Business People in east China.Xinwen Wu - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (3):541-558.
    This paper deals with the ethical perceptions of business people and the current state of business ethics in east China. After surveying 800 business people in 59 enterprises and interviewing 42 chief executive officers, chairs and senior managers among them, thefollowing conclusions can be drawn: First of all, business ethics has become a new and popular topic in east China. Second, quite a lotof business people are pessimistic about the ethical standards of their superiors and co-workers, and about the ethical (...)
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  20.  15
    The Relationship Between the Duration of Attention to Pandemic News and Depression During the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019: The Roles of Risk Perception and Future Time Perspective.Lanting Wu, Xiaobao Li & Hochao Lyu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Since the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 in China, people have been exposed to a flood of media news related to the pandemic every day. Studies have shown that media news about public crisis events have a significant impact on individuals' depression. However, how and when the duration of attention to pandemic news predicts depression still remains an open question. This study established a moderated mediating model to investigate the relationship between the duration of attention to pandemic news and depression, (...)
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    The Study of the Relations among Ethical Considerations, Family Management and Organizational Performance in Corporate Governance.C. -F. Wu - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 68 (2):165-179.
    Corporate governance is increasingly becoming an issue of global concern, not least because we are more and more living in a corporate world that transcends international boundaries. The main purpose and motivation of this study is to determine how the international community should motivate businesses in fostering exemplary corporate governance, therefore eliminating obstacles to ethically exemplary behavior. The empirical approach utilized here has been applied to 161 businesses, both listed and over-the-counter (OTC) companies, with the results indicating that ethical considerations, (...)
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  22. Emotional Reactions Mediate the Effect of Music Listening on Creative Thinking: Perspective of the Arousal-and-Mood Hypothesis.He Wu-Jing, Wong Wan-Chi & N.-N. Hui Anna - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Ring structure theorems and arithmetic comprehension.Huishan Wu - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (1-2):145-160.
    Schur’s Lemma says that the endomorphism ring of a simple left R-module is a division ring. It plays a fundamental role to prove classical ring structure theorems like the Jacobson Density Theorem and the Wedderburn–Artin Theorem. We first define the endomorphism ring of simple left R-modules by their Π10\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}Π10\Pi ^{0}_{1}\end{document} subsets and show that Schur’s Lemma is provable in RCA0\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}RCA0\mathrm RCA_{0}\end{document}. A ring (...)
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  24. Multi-kernel regularized classifiers. Submitted to J.Q. Wu, Y. Ying & D. X. Zhou - forthcoming - Complexity.
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  25.  35
    “I Have No Comment”: Confrontational Maneuvering by Declaring a Standpoint Unallowed or Indisputable in Spokespersons’ Argumentative Replies at the Regular Press Conferences of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Peng Wu - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (4):489-519.
    As part of a research project on confrontational maneuvering in the spokespersons’ argumentative replies at the regular press conferences of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs between 2015 and 2018, this article analyzes, within the framework of Pragma-Dialectics, how the spokespersons declare a standpoint at issue unallowed or indisputable in order to avoid having to resolve a difference of opinion as it is, according to the questioning journalist, presented by their immediate opponents. Starting from the various rationales the spokespersons presuppose to (...)
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  26.  25
    Reporting of ethical considerations in clinical trials in Chinese nursing journals.Yanni Wu, Michelle Howarth, Chunlan Zhou, Xue Ji, Jiexia Ou & Xiaojin Li - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):973-983.
    Background: It is acknowledged that publishers now require all primary research papers to demonstrate that they have obtained ethical approval for their research. Objectives: To assess the rate of reporting of ethical approval in clinical trials in core nursing journals in mainland China. Research design: A retrospective observational study. Participants: All clinical trials published in all of the 12 core nursing periodicals from 2016 edition China Science and Technology Journal Citation Report (core version) between 2013 and 2016 were retrieved by (...)
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    Limited Cognitive Abilities and Dominance Hierarchies.Jiabin Wu & Hanyuan Huang - 2022 - Acta Biotheoretica 70 (3):1-19.
    We propose a novel model to explain the mechanisms underlying dominance hierarchical structures. Guided by a predetermined social convention, agents with limited cognitive abilities optimize their strategies in a Hawk-Dove game. We find that several commonly observed hierarchical structures in nature such as linear hierarchy and despotism, emerge as the total fitness-maximizing social structures given different levels of cognitive abilities.
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    (1 other version)Research on Improving Online Purchase Intention of Poverty-Alleviation Agricultural Products in China: From the Perspective of Institution-Based Trust.Xianghua Wu & Chao Yuan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Poverty alleviation by consumption is a powerful way to help the poor people get rid of poverty, which plays a significant role in China's rural revitalization. However, the achievement of poverty alleviation by consumption mostly depends on government procurement, and the enthusiasm of customers to participate is low, facing the severe challenge of poor sustainability. Helping the poor is the most common motivation for customers to buy poverty-alleviation agricultural products. However, as the negative events of poverty alleviation such as “tragic (...)
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  29.  20
    The Curriculum Reform of Design Education Based on the Orientation of Positive Psychology.Yi Wu & Kymn Kyungsun - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the process of China’s rapid development, the society has higher and higher requirements for educational reform. Different from other basic disciplines, design emphasizes practicality, which requires that in the process of design education reform, more attention should be paid to the stimulation of students’ subjective initiative and the improvement of students’ ability to solve problems in the face of setbacks. This paper methodically expounds on a more scientific manner of curriculum reform fit for China’s educational system, based on positive (...)
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  30.  19
    Gender Differences in the Distribution of Creativity Scores: Domain-Specific Patterns in Divergent Thinking and Creative Problem Solving.Wu-Jing He & Wan-chi Wong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study examined gender differences in the distribution of creative abilities through the lens of the greater male variability hypothesis, which postulated that men showed greater interindividual variability than women in both physical and psychological attributes. Two hundred and six undergraduate students in Hong Kong completed two creativity measures that evaluated different aspects of creativity, including: a divergent thinking test that aimed to assess idea generation and a creative problem-solving test that aimed to assess restructuring ability. The present findings (...)
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    Editorial: From Thinker to Doer: Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Maker, and Venture Capital.Yenchun Jim Wu, Chih-Hung Yuan & Mu-Yen Chen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Non-selective lexical access in bilinguals is spontaneous and independent of input monitoring: Evidence from eye tracking.Yan Jing Wu, Filipe Cristino, Charles Leek & Guillaume Thierry - 2013 - Cognition 129 (2):418-425.
  33.  24
    Parallel Stories in the Āvaśyakacūrṇi and the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya: A Preliminary Investigation.Juan Wu - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (2):315.
    While it has been known for several decades that the Āvaśyakacūrṇi of the Śvetāmbara Jaina tradition and the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya of the Buddhist tradition share some common narrative plots or motifs, so far no detailed study has been made to understand the different ways in which parallel narrative material is utilized in the two texts. Through a comparative study of stories of three characters in the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya and their counterparts in the Āvaśyakacūrṇi, this paper demonstrates that the Buddhists and (...)
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    Was the Global Settlement Effective in Mitigating Systematic Bias in Affiliated Analyst Recommendations?Minzhi Wu, Mark Wilson & Yi Wu - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):485-503.
    Regulators have recently relaxed some provisions of the Global Research Analyst Settlement of 2003 and associated reforms, which arose from charges that conflicts of interest within investment banks had induced the issuance of fraudulent or otherwise misleading analyst research reports. We examine the effectiveness of the Global Settlement in reducing the systematic optimism observed in stock recommendations of analysts whose employer is a merger and acquisition advisor for the covered firm, by comparing the optimism exhibited in stock recommendations issued by (...)
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    A ontologia da Phronesis: a leitura heideggeriana da ética de Aristóteles.Roberto Wu - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (1):95-110.
    O artigo discute conceitos da filosofia prática de Aristóteles e sua apropriação por Heidegger no período dos anos 1920. Para isso, o autor explora a interpretação heideggeriana do conceito de totalidade e sua relação com o particular, a fim de caracterizar a situação concreta como o solo hermenêutico das relações de compreensão. Investiga-se a conexão interna dos conceitos que se referem à praxis em Aristóteles, destacando-se a importância da phronesis na sua retomada ontológica por Heidegger. O artigo encerra indicando as (...)
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    Compromise Effect in Food Consumer Choices in China: An Analysis on Pork Products.Linhai Wu, Xiaoru Gong, Xiujuan Chen & Wuyang Hu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    International Comparative Study on PISA Mathematics Achievement Test Based on Cognitive Diagnostic Models.Xiaopeng Wu, Rongxiu Wu, Hua-Hua Chang, Qiping Kong & Yi Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Mohist Notion of Gongyi.Yun Wu & Amin Ebrahimi Afrouzi - 2020 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19 (2):269-287.
    The Mohists develop the concept of yi 義 to denote what is morally right in a normative sense. We argue that this concept has, as one of its necessary conditions, a requirement to not harm others. Additionally, we will show that the motivation of developing this concept is that it can be both universalized and publicly agreed upon, thus serving the Mohists’ endeavor to overcome human conflicts that make the world chaotic and unlivable. We argue therefore that the Mohist notion (...)
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  39.  33
    The Gospel of Self-ing: A Phenomenology of Sleep.Kuangming Wu - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):117-129.
    Sleep is consciousness naturally folded back to itself in the self-come-home-to-self, to find life nourished, renovated, and vitalized, all beyond objective management. Sleep can never be understood with direct conscious approach, but must be approached indirectly, implicatively, and alive coherently, as tried here. Sleep (A) is Spontaneity, (B) Self-Fullness, and so (C) sleep is life’s Gospel of Self-ing.
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    A longitudinal study of structural brain network changes with normal aging.Kai Wu, Yasuyuki Taki, Kazunori Sato, Haochen Qi, Ryuta Kawashima & Hiroshi Fukuda - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  41.  29
    Nonlinear Dynamics Characteristic of Risk Contagion in Financial Market Based on Agent Modeling and Complex Network.Binghui Wu & Tingting Duan - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-12.
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  42. Understanding Waste Management Behavior Among University Students in China: Environmental Knowledge, Personal Norms, and the Theory of Planned Behavior.Lingqiong Wu, Yan Zhu & Junqing Zhai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous studies have confirmed that individual waste management behavior is influenced by both rational-based and altruistic-oriented beliefs and attitudes. Scholars incorporated personal norms in Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior and confirmed its usefulness in predicting waste management behavior. However, limited attention has been paid to the interactions between the variables in the model. Scholars also commented that the cognitive dimension was largely neglected in the current socio-psychological framework of waste management behavior. This study intends to address this issue by incorporating (...)
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    Hyperchaos in a Conservative System with Nonhyperbolic Fixed Points.Aiguo Wu, Shijian Cang, Ruiye Zhang, Zenghui Wang & Zengqiang Chen - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-8.
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    Rational Inference of Beliefs and Desires From Emotional Expressions.Yang Wu, Chris L. Baker, Joshua B. Tenenbaum & Laura E. Schulz - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (3):850-884.
    We investigated people's ability to infer others’ mental states from their emotional reactions, manipulating whether agents wanted, expected, and caused an outcome. Participants recovered agents’ desires throughout. When the agent observed, but did not cause the outcome, participants’ ability to recover the agent's beliefs depended on the evidence they got. When the agent caused the event, participants’ judgments also depended on the probability of the action ; when actions were improbable given the mental states, people failed to recover the agent's (...)
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    Categories and functors in reverse and computable mathematics.Huishan Wu - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-31.
    This paper studies categories and functors in the context of reverse and computable mathematics. In ordinary reverse mathematics, we only focuses on categories whose objects and morphisms can be represented by natural numbers. We first consider morphism sets of categories and prove several associated theorems equivalent to ACA0\mathrm ACA_{0} over the base system RCA0\mathrm RCA_{0}. The Yoneda Lemma is a basic result in category theory and homological algebra. We then develop an effective version of the Yoneda Lemma in RCA0\mathrm RCA_{0} (...)
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  46. Social cues support learning about objects from statistics in infancy.Rachel Wu, Alison Gopnik, Daniel C. Richardson & Natasha Z. Kirkham - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    A Solution to Modeling Multilevel Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Data Obtained from Complex Survey Sampling to Avoid Conflated Parameter Estimates.Jiun-Yu Wu, John J. H. Lin, Mei-Wen Nian & Yi-Cheng Hsiao - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Self-cultivation and the legitimation of power: Governing China through education.Bin Wu & Nesta Devine - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (13):1192-1202.
    A revival of Confucianism in post-Mao China helped the government legitimate its power in the face of a new socio-political and economic situation. This paper specifically explores the role of Confucian self-cultivation in China’s governance. Drawing on Beetham’s theory of legitimation of power and Weber’s tri-typology of authority, we argue that self-cultivation, appealing to ingrained cultural values and traditions, fulfils the criteria of legitimation of power through two principles, namely, differentiation and community interest. In the context of suzhi education and (...)
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    Realism (fajia), human akrasia, and the Milieu for Ultimate Virtue.Kuang-Ming Wu - 2002 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 2 (1):21-44.
  50.  28
    Nonisolated degrees and the jump operator.Guohua Wu - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 117 (1-3):209-221.
    Say that a d.c.e. degree d is nonisolated if for any c.e. degree a
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