Results for 'Władysław Henrich'

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  1. O Zagadnieniach podstawowych filozofii.Władysław Henrich - 1924 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 2 (3):269-302.
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  2. Filozofia i jej zadania (zamiast programu).Władysław Henrich - 1922 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 1 (1):1-18.
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    Henrich: Reply to Commentators.Dieter Henrich - 1970 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 1:55-60.
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  4. The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter.J. Henrich - 2016 - Princeton University Press.
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    Dies Ich, das viel besagt. Fichtes Einsicht nachdenken.Dieter Henrich - 2018 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann. Edited by Dieter Henrich.
    Auf den ersten Blick scheint Selbstbewusstsein zu dem zu gehören, was sich nahezu von selbst versteht. In anhaltendem Nachdenken stellt sich aber heraus, dass mit ihm der Philosophie eines ihrer schwierigsten und folgenreichsten Probleme aufgegeben ist. Vor über fünfzig Jahren erschien Dieter Henrichs Abhandlung Fichtes ursprüngliche Einsicht, welche dieses Problem ausarbeitete. Sie zeigte, dass es Fichte war, der als erster das Problem sicher erfasste und zum Leitthema seines Denkens werden liess. Dem unveränderten Abdruck dieses Textes folgt nun -- als um (...)
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    Discussion after Władysław Stróżewski’s Lecture.Władysław Stróżewski - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (9-10):157-161.
    Problems connected with the questions of: being-nonbeing, existence, modes of existence and alike, belong to the basic and most important in metaphysics. The article discusses some answers to the aforementioned issues, as proposed by the ancient philosophers, St Thomas Aquinas, R. Ingarden and A.N. Whitehead. In the Appendix some remarks are made on Aristotle’s and S. Thomas’ theory of act and potency.
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    Wladyslaw szumowski: Forerunner of contemporary philosophy of medicine.Wladyslaw Szumowski - forthcoming - Analecta Husserliana.
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  8. The weirdest people in the world?Joseph Henrich, Steven J. Heine & Ara Norenzayan - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):61-83.
    Behavioral scientists routinely publish broad claims about human psychology and behavior in the world's top journals based on samples drawn entirely from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) societies. Researchers – often implicitly – assume that either there is little variation across human populations, or that these “standard subjects” are as representative of the species as any other population. Are these assumptions justified? Here, our review of the comparative database from across the behavioral sciences suggests both that there is (...)
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    Dieter Henrich - "Sterbliche Gedanken": Dieter Henrich im Gespräch mit Alexandru Bulucz.Dieter Henrich - 2015 - Frankfurt am Main: Edition Faust. Edited by Alexandru Bulucz.
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    A history of six ideas: an essay in aesthetics.Władysław Tatarkiewicz - 1980 - Hingham, MA: distribution for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.
    The history of aesthetics, like the histories of other sciences, may be treated in a two-fold manner: as the history of the men who created the field of study, or as the history of the questions that have been raised and resolved in the course of its pursuit. The earlier History of Aesthetics (3 volumes, 1960-68, English-language edition 1970-74) by the author of the present book was a history of men, of writers and artists who in centuries past have spoken (...)
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  11. Spontaneously Emitting Atom in Front of a Two-Slit Interferometer.Władysław Żakowicz & Arkadiusz Orłowski - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (4):601-609.
    A fully quantum-mechanical description of the spontaneous emission from an excited two-level atom placed in front of a two-slit interferometer is given. Global modes of the electromagnetic field in a two slit system are derived within the Kirchhoff-Huygens diffraction approximation, serving as a base for the field quantization. The standard Fermi's golden rule, supplemented by a factor coming from the nontrivial mode structure caused by the presence of the two-slit interferometer, is used to show that interference results from the position-dependent (...)
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    Drogi rosyjskiej scholastyki.Władysław Arżanuchin - 2006 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11:193-210.
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    Contemporary Poles and Public Service.Władysław Bartoszewski & Maciej Bańkowski - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (9-10):7-14.
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    The Warsaw Uprising: Facts and Afterthoughts.Władysław Bartoszewski & Ewa Gieysztor - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (5):23-36.
    Sixty years that have passed since the Warsaw Uprising are meaningful on the life scale of human generations. The Uprising, planned for 2 or 3 days, lasted in fact for 63 days. That fact astounded the military experts and was even noticed by the German high command, which has to be mainly ascribed to the exceptional tension of patriotism of the soldiers and the population.The Germans suffered especially great losses on the average around 1,900 weekly, almost twice as many as (...)
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    Pensée et être-soi: leçons sur la subjectivité.Dieter Henrich - 2008 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    On considere communement que la philosophie de la subjectivite a ete definitivement depassee par les differents courants de pensee du XXe siecle. Alors que l'approche naturaliste des neurosciences vise a une reduction complete de la conscience individuelle aux activites neuronales du cerveau, la phenomenologie de l'intersubjectivite et la philosophie de la communication contemporaines presupposent comme acquis que la relation a autrui jouit d'une primaute ultime sur toute egoite du moi. Sans proner un simple retour a la metaphysique du sujet au (...)
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  16. Jewgienij Preobrażeński- podmiotowość klasy robotniczej a organizacja dyktatury proletariatu.Władysław Rychłowski - 1984 - Colloquia Communia 16 (5-6):255-262.
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  17. Ethics of the vienna circle and the lvov-warsaw school.Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz Schlick, Tadeusz Kotarbihski & Tadeusz Czezowski - 1990 - Dialectics and Humanism 17:30.
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    Piotr Wysz z Radolina i jego dzieło "Speculum aureum".Władysław Seńko - 1996 - Warszawa: Instytut Tomistyczny.
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    Relativism: thoughts and aphorisms.Wladyslaw Jozef Stankiewicz - 1972 - West Chesterfield, N.H.,: Girs Press.
  20. Aristoteles, ein moderner Aesthetiker.Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz - 1961 - Filosofia 12 (4 Supplemento):653.
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  21. L'estetica romantica del 1600.Władysław Tatarkiewicz - 1968 - Wrocław,: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    L'agir humain et ses fondements métaphysiques chez Jacques Maritain.Władysław Zuziak - 1994 - Krakow: Wydawn. Nauk Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej.
    Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universite catholique de Louvain, 1990.
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  23. The great theory of beauty and its decline.Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (2):165-180.
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    Foundations of Human Sociality - Economic Experiments and Ethnographic: Evidence From Fifteen Small-Scale Societies.Joseph Henrich, Robert Boyd, Samuel Bowles, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehr & Herbert Gintis (eds.) - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    What motives underlie the ways humans interact socially? Are these the same for all societies? Are these part of our nature, or influenced by our environments?Over the last decade, research in experimental economics has emphatically falsified the textbook representation of Homo economicus. Literally hundreds of experiments suggest that people care not only about their own material payoffs, but also about such things as fairness, equity and reciprocity. However, this research left fundamental questions unanswered: Are such social preferences stable components of (...)
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    Aesthetic Judgment and the Moral Image of the World: Studies in Kant.Dieter Henrich - 1992 - Stanford University Press.
    This is a collection of four essays on aesthetic, ethical, and political issues by the pre-eminent Kant scholar in Germany today, perhaps best known for rekindling interest in the great classical German tradition from Kant to Fichte.
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  26. Between Kant and Hegel: Lectures on German Idealism.Dieter Henrich - 2003 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Edited by David S. Pacini.
    Electrifying when first delivered in 1973, legendary in the years since, Dieter Henrich's lectures on German Idealism were the first contact a major German philosopher had made with an American audience since the onset of World War II. They remain one of the most eloquent explanations and interpretations of classical German philosophy and of the way it relates to the concerns of contemporary philosophy. Thanks to the editorial work of David Pacini, the lectures appear here with annotations linking them (...)
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  27. The unity of reason: essays on Kant's philosophy.Dieter Henrich - 1994 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Richard L. Velkley.
    In this collection comprising four of his most influential essays, Henrich proves himself unique in the conjunction of philosophical acumen, insight, and originality that he brings to Kant interpretation.
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    Władysław Krajewski, Konieczność, przypadek, prawo statystyczne (Necessity, Chance, Statistical Law). [REVIEW]Władysław Krajewski - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (4):169-171.
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    Entre le classicisme et la romantisme.Władysław Folkierski - 1925 - Cracovie,:
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    Z zagadnień etyki małżeńskiej i rodzinnej.Władysław Gasidło - 1994 - Kraków: "Czuwajmy".
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  31. Der Gang des Andenkens : Beobachtungen und Gedanken zu Hölderlins Gedicht.D. Henrich - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (3):549-550.
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  32. European Culture in the Writings of Friedirch Nietzsche and Universalism.Władysław Kaniowski - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (4-5):103-122.
  33. Marksistowska filozofia i socjologia.Władysław Kot - 1971 - Poznán,: Uniwersytet im. Adama Michiewicza.
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    Rapports présentés aux Congrès internationaux de philosophie.Władysław Mieczysław Kozłowski - 1935 - Prague,:
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  35. O dialektyce marksistowskiej.Władysław Krajewski - 1952 - [Warszawa]: Czytelnik; Wiedza Powszechna.
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    Resource loss, coping, alcohol expectancies and drinking in students.Władysław Łosiak - 2008 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 39 (3):149-153.
    Resource loss, coping, alcohol expectancies and drinking in students The aim of the study was to find relationships between resource loss treated as a stress indicator, coping, alcohol expectancies and drinking in college students. Results of a group of 125 first and second year students showed that there was a strong relationship between alcohol consumption and expectancies connected with alcohol. Some coping forms were also related to drinking but no relationship was found for resource loss.
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    Interpretacje zasady pomocniczości w literaturze współczesnej.Władysław Piwowarski - 1964 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 12 (2):89-94.
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  38. Le Systeme des valeurs et autres articles.Henrich Rickert & M. De Launay - 2008 - Archives de Philosophie 71 (2):333.
    Heinrich Rickert fut, avec Windelband et Lask, l’un des principaux représentants de l’école néokantienne de Heidelberg, qui se différencie essentiellement de l’école de Marbourg par la façon dont elle redéfinit l’idéalisme transcendantal à partir de la problématique de la validité, héritée notamment de la philosophie de Lotze.Les six articles réunis ici, publiés par Rickert dans la revue Logos entre 1911 et 1932, dessinent les grandes lignes d’une philosophie systématique des valeurs qui ne se veut pas seulement une théorie transcendantale du (...)
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    Forelæsninger og fragmenter.Henrich Steffens - 1967 - Oslo,: Tanum.
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    Hope for Man and the Universe. On Some Forgotten Aspects of Christian Universalism.Władysław Stróżewski - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (10-12):9-23.
    The paper attempts to show that Christian hope is not a product of religious fantasy. It finds today an ally in the dialogue with the natural sciences which started in recent years on the topic of the ultimate destiny of the world. The natural sciences have confirmed that the universe is doomed to physical annihilation. Humanity with its cultural riches, scientists say, is only an episode in universal history and doomed to perish. Hence, if the Earth is nothing more than (...)
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  41. Les variétés de l'expression.Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz - 1962 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 16 (1=59):75.
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  42. Parerga.Władysław Tatarkiewicz - 1978 - Warszawa: Państ. Wydaw. Naukowe.
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  43. Elementy logiki.Władysław Wolter - 1951 - Kraków,: Nakł. Państwowego Wydawn. Naukowego.
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  44. Czy aksjologia może przezwyciężyć ponowoczesny kryzys wartości?Władysław Zuziak - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 82 (2):295-310.
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  45. The Maturing of Consciousness toward Transcendence in the Philosophy of Jean Nabert.Władysław Zuziak - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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    The Course of Remembrance and Other Essays on Hölderlin.Dieter Henrich - 1997 - Stanford University Press.
    In a series of studies over the last 30 years, Henrich has shown that Hölderlin played a decisive role in the development of philosophy from Kant to Hegel. This book includes six of Henrich's most important essays on Hölderlin.
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    Identität und Objektivität: e. Unters. über Kants transzendentale Deduktion.Dieter Henrich - 1976 - Heidelberg: C. Winter.
  48. Division of labor, economic specialization, and the evolution of social stratification.Joseph Henrich & Robert Boyd - 2008 - Current Anthropology 49 (4):715-724.
    This paper presents a simple mathematical model that shows how economic inequality between social groups can arise and be maintained even when the only adaptive learning process driving cultural evolution increases individuals’ economic gains. The key assumptions are that human populations are structured into groups and that cultural learning is more likely to occur within than between groups. Then, if groups are sufficiently isolated and there are potential gains from specialization and exchange, stable stratification can sometimes result. This model predicts (...)
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  49. Approximative truth of fact-statements, laws, and theories.Władysław Krajewski - 1978 - Synthese 38 (2):275-279.
    The paper is a sketch of a conception of approximative truth (or verisimilitude). The concepts of relative error, and degree of inadequacy are introduced. By means of them the concept of truth-content of quantitative facts-statements, laws and theories is defined. Laws and theories accepted in science have a high truth-content, i.e. they are approximately true.
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    (1 other version)Über kants früheste ethik.Dieter Henrich - 1963 - Kant Studien 54 (1-4):404-431.
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