Results for 'Yunjiang Zhang'

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  1.  8
    Chan shi yu chan si.Yunjiang Zhang - 2014 - Beijing Shi: Zong jiao wen hua chu ban she.
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    Tang Junyi fo jiao zhe xue si xiang yan jiu =.Yunjiang Zhang - 2016 - Beijing: Gao deng jiao yu chu ban she.
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  3. Individualist Theories and Interpersonal Aggregation.Erik Zhang - 2024 - Ethics 134 (4):479-511.
    This article offers a solution to the numbers problem within an individualist moral framework. Its central aims are as follows: to rescue individualist moral theories, such as moral contractualism, from their long-standing problem with interpersonal aggregation; to demonstrate how, proceeding from an individualist mode of justification, we can nevertheless make the numbers count without directly counting the numbers; to provide an individualist rationale for accepting a partially aggregative criterion of adjudication for resolving interpersonal trade-offs; and finally, to develop an extensionally (...)
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  4. Reinterpreting Science as a Vocation.Tong Zhang - 2022 - Max Weber Studies 22 (1):55-73.
    Weber's 'science as a vocation' has often been viewed as a therapeutic concept with no functional significance in the fully bureaucratized and professionalized modern science. However, development in the philosophy of science in the last century, especially the Kuhn thesis of the discontinuity of scientific progress and the Duhem-Quine thesis of underdetermination, shows that Weber's distinction between science as a vocation and science as a profession (career) can potentially answer one of the oldest questions in science studies: What makes scientific (...)
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  5. Critical Realism: A Critical Evaluation.Tong Zhang - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (1):15-29.
    Critical realism, championed by its proponents as the most promising post-positivist social science paradigm, has gained significant influence in the last few decades. This paper provides a critical evaluation of the critical realism movement in the hope of facilitating more fruitful dialogues between its proponents and rivalling schools of sociologists. Two concerns are raised about contemporary critical realism. First, critical realism is not the only philosophical school against positivism and not necessarily the best. Second, critical realists exaggerate the importance of (...)
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    Climate Change Social Norms and Corporate Cash Holdings.Lei Zhang, Kiridaran Kanagaretnam & Jing Gao - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (3):661-683.
    We study the relationship between climate change social norms (CCSN) and corporate cash holdings for U.S. firms. We find that county-level CCSN is significantly positively associated with cash holdings. Our main finding is robust to a battery of robustness tests. In a subsample analysis, we find that firms have relatively low cash holdings in low CCSN counties even when faced with high climate risk. For such firms, the lack of cash buffer could be harmful to a broader set of stakeholders (...)
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  7. A Lewisian Logic of Causal Counterfactuals.Jiji Zhang - 2013 - Minds and Machines 23 (1):77-93.
    In the artificial intelligence literature a promising approach to counterfactual reasoning is to interpret counterfactual conditionals based on causal models. Different logics of such causal counterfactuals have been developed with respect to different classes of causal models. In this paper I characterize the class of causal models that are Lewisian in the sense that they validate the principles in Lewis’s well-known logic of counterfactuals. I then develop a system sound and complete with respect to this class. The resulting logic is (...)
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  8.  43
    Multilevel Examination of How and When Socially Responsible Human Resource Management Improves the Well-Being of Employees.Zhe Zhang, Juan Wang & Ming Jia - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (1):55-71.
    Although empirical evidence has shown that socially responsible human resource management practices positively influence employees’ outcomes, knowledge on the social impact of SRHRM practices on employee well-being has been limited. Drawing upon the social information processing theory and attribution theory, we investigate whether, how, and when SRHRM practices increase the well-being of employees. Using multiphase and multilevel data from 474 employees in 50 companies, we find that SRHRM practices positively predict employee well-being and that the relationship is mediated by employees’ (...)
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  9. The Illusion of Meritocracy.Tong Zhang - 2024 - Social Science Information 63 (1):114-128.
    Meritocracy claims to reward the meritorious with more resources, thereby achieving social efficiency and justice in a level playground. This article argues that the rise of meritocracy in a society is the institutional consequence of adopting progressive humanism, an ideal-type worldview that advocates the harmonious co-realization of individual achievement and social contribution. However, meritocracy is a self-defeating illusion because, even in a level playground, it only rewards conspicuous and wasteful display of ‘merit’ rather than genuine contributions to society. Similar to (...)
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    From left behind to leader: gender, agency, and food sovereignty in China.Li Zhang - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (4):1111-1123.
    Capitalist reforms usually drive outmigration of peasants to cities, while elders, children, and women responsible for their care are “left behind” in the countryside. The plight of these “left behind” populations is a major focus of recent agrarian studies in China. However, rural women are not merely passive victims of these transformations. Building on ethnographic research in Guangxi and Henan provinces from 2013 to 2017, and drawing on critical gender studies and feminist political ecology, I show how the food safety (...)
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  11.  58
    Research on the Influence Mechanism of Enterprises’ Participation in School Enterprise Cooperation Based on the Analysis Framework of Theory of Planned Behavior.Yuanbao Zhang, Junbin Wang, Xiangdong Shen & Jinyu Song - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    School enterprise cooperation, as the basic school running form of applied undergraduate education, is an important way to cultivate applied talents. However, at present, the lack of motivation for enterprises to participate in school enterprise cooperation and the resulting problem of “school hot and enterprise cold” seriously limit the talent training quality in China’s application-oriented universities. There is an urgent need to explore the influencing factors and mechanisms of enterprises’ participation in school enterprise cooperation to improve the training quality of (...)
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  12.  29
    Informed consent in pragmatic trials: results from a survey of trials published 2014–2019.Jennifer Zhe Zhang, Stuart G. Nicholls, Kelly Carroll, Hayden Peter Nix, Cory E. Goldstein, Spencer Phillips Hey, Jamie C. Brehaut, Paul C. McLean, Charles Weijer, Dean A. Fergusson & Monica Taljaard - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (1):34-40.
    ObjectivesTo describe reporting of informed consent in pragmatic trials, justifications for waivers of consent and reporting of alternative approaches to standard written consent. To identify factors associated with (1) not reporting and (2) not obtaining consent.MethodsSurvey of primary trial reports, published 2014–2019, identified using an electronic search filter for pragmatic trials implemented in MEDLINE, and registered in 1988 trials, 132 (6.6%) did not include a statement about participant consent, 1691 (85.0%) reported consent had been obtained, 139 (7.0%) reported a (...)
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  13.  27
    Social Communication of Transportation: A Bridge Model Connecting Tourism Destination and Psychological Perception.Ligang Zhang, Xingrong Wang, Yi Li, Yan Zhu, Feng Wei & Shaoqiong Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    As it is essential to explore the influence of social communications on transportation routes in tourism, this article aims to examine the impacts of social communications on transportation routes in the field of tourism and to further explore the relationship between tourism destinations and their psychological perceptions. In terms of links between different tourism destinations in space and time dimensions, our empirical analysis draws the following conclusions: the behavior of tourist flow is a mediating variable on the links between tourist (...)
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  14.  22
    Zero-Sum Construal of Workplace Success Promotes Initial Work Role Behavior by Activating Prevention Focus: Evidence From Chinese College and University Graduates.Haiyan Zhang & Shuwei Sun - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Emotion specificity, coherence, and cultural variation in conceptualizations of positive emotions: a study of body sensations and emotion recognition.Zaiyao Zhang, Felicia K. Zerwas & Dacher Keltner - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The present study examines the association between people’s interoceptive representation of physical sensations and the recognition of vocal and facial expressions of emotion. We used body maps to study the granularity of the interoceptive conceptualisation of 11 positive emotions (amusement, awe, compassion, contentment, desire, love, joy, interest, pride, relief, and triumph) and a new emotion recognition test (Emotion Expression Understanding Test) to assess the ability to recognise emotions from vocal and facial behaviour. Overall, we found evidence for distinct interoceptive conceptualizations (...)
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  16.  40
    Different Neural Correlates of Emotion-Label Words and Emotion-Laden Words: An ERP Study.Juan Zhang, Chenggang Wu, Yaxuan Meng & Zhen Yuan - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  17.  41
    Sinophobic Epidemics in America: Historical Discontinuity in Disease-related Yellow Peril Imaginaries of the Past and Present.Dennis Zhang - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (1):63-80.
    Modern scholarship has drawn hasty and numerous parallels between the Yellow Peril discourses of the 19th- and 20th-century plagues and the recent racialization of infectious disease in the 21st-century. While highlighting these similarities is politically useful against Sinophobic epidemic narratives, Michel Foucault argues that truly understanding the past’s continuity in the present requires a more rigorous genealogical approach. Employing this premise in a comparative analysis, this work demonstrates a critical discontinuity in the epidemic imaginary that framed the Chinese as pathogenic. (...)
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  18.  44
    The Negative and Positive Aspects of Employees’ Innovative Behavior: Role of Goals of Employees and Supervisors.Ying Zhang, Jian Zhang, Jacques Forest & Chunxiao Chen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  19.  17
    Analysis on Influences of College Students’ Psychological Capital in Entrepreneurial Learning Engagement.Baoge Zhang, Qiuyan Xu, Song Han & Lan Jiao - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Approximate rationality and ideal rationality.Snow Zhang - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-11.
    According to approximate Bayesianism, Bayesian norms are ideal norms worthy of approximation for non-ideal agents. This paper discusses one potential challenge for approximate Bayesianism: in non-transparent learning situations—situations where the agent does not learn what they have or have not learnt—it is unclear that the Bayesian norms are worth satisfying, let alone approximating. I discuss two replies to this challenge and find neither satisfactory. I suggest that what transpires is a general tension between approximate Bayesianism and the possibility of “non-ideal” (...)
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  21.  28
    Lax Integrability and Soliton Solutions for a Nonisospectral Integrodifferential System.Sheng Zhang & Siyu Hong - 2017 - Complexity:1-10.
    Searching for integrable systems and constructing their exact solutions are of both theoretical and practical value. In this paper, Ablowitz–Kaup–Newell–Segur spectral problem and its time evolution equation are first generalized by embedding a new spectral parameter. Based on the generalized AKNS spectral problem and its time evolution equation, Lax integrability of a nonisospectral integrodifferential system is then verified. Furthermore, exact solutions of the nonisospectral integrodifferential system are formulated through the inverse scattering transform method. Finally, in the case of reflectionless potentials, (...)
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  22.  27
    How does creativity influence dishonest behavior? An empirical study of Chinese students.Chen Zhang, Jixia Wu, Zhaoning Yang & Garon Perceval - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (2):147-161.
    ABSTRACT This research aims to clarify the relationship between creativity and dishonesty. Study 1 examined whether creativity primed by the scrambled sentence test could influence dishonesty. The results showed that primed individuals were less likely to act dishonestly. Study 2 investigated the association between creative style and spontaneous and instructed dishonesty. Rule-followers more often implemented spontaneous dishonest behavior but showed low accuracy in instructed lying tasks. The findings expand our understanding of the correlation between creativity and unethical behavior, which may (...)
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  23.  33
    Multiobjective Optimization of a Fractional-Order PID Controller for Pumped Turbine Governing System Using an Improved NSGA-III Algorithm under Multiworking Conditions.Chu Zhang, Tian Peng, Chaoshun Li, Wenlong Fu, Xin Xia & Xiaoming Xue - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-18.
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    The Dynamic Cross-Correlations between Mass Media News, New Media News, and Stock Returns.Zuochao Zhang, Yongjie Zhang, Dehua Shen & Wei Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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  25.  47
    Why Don’t I Help You? The Relationship between Role Stressors and Helping Behavior from a Cognitive Dissonance Perspective.Li Zhang, Ying Xia, Baowei Liu & Lu Han - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  26.  26
    Time-varying boundaries for diffusion models of decision making and response time.Shunan Zhang, Michael D. Lee, Joachim Vandekerckhove, Gunter Maris & Eric-Jan Wagenmakers - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:112331.
    Diffusion models are widely-used and successful accounts of the time course of two-choice decision making. Most diffusion models assume constant boundaries, which are the threshold levels of evidence that must be sampled from a stimulus to reach a decision. We summarize theoretical results from statistics that relate distributions of decisions and response times to diffusion models with time-varying boundaries. We then develop a computational method for finding time-varying boundaries from empirical data, and apply our new method to two problems. The (...)
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  27.  60
    Self-Oriented Empathy and Compassion Fatigue: The Serial Mediation of Dispositional Mindfulness and Counselor’s Self-Efficacy.Lin Zhang, Zhihong Ren, Guangrong Jiang, Dilana Hazer-Rau, Chunxiao Zhao, Congrong Shi, Lizu Lai & Yifei Yan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study aimed to explore the association between self-oriented empathy and compassion fatigue, and examine the potential mediating roles of dispositional mindfulness and the counselor’s self-efficacy. A total of 712 hotline psychological counselors were recruited from the Mental Health Service Platform at Central China Normal University, Ministry of Education during the outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 2019, then were asked to complete the questionnaires measuring self-oriented empathy, compassion fatigue, dispositional mindfulness, and counselor’s self-efficacy. Structural equation modeling was utilized to analyze (...)
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  28.  18
    EFL Students' Preferences for Written Corrective Feedback: Do Error Types, Language Proficiency, and Foreign Language Enjoyment Matter?Tiefu Zhang, Xuemei Chen, Jiehui Hu & Pattarapon Ketwan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, this study investigated the preference of learners of English as a foreign language for four types of written corrective feedback, which are often discussed in the literature, on grammatical, lexical, orthographic, and pragmatic errors. In particular, it concerned whether such preference is influenced by two learner variables, namely, foreign language enjoyment and proficiency level. The preference for selective vs. comprehensive WCF was also examined. The participants in the study were 117 University students in a (...)
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  29.  22
    How Saussure is misinterpreted in Cognitive Grammar.Shaojie Zhang & Yanfei Zhang - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (239):243-264.
    As the father of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure influences all aspects of linguistic development with no exception of Cognitive Grammar. A scrutiny of how Saussure is understood in Cognitive Grammar indicates that Saussurean linguistics is misinterpreted in terms of five core ideas: (1) langue, rather than parole, is given highest priority; (2) the internal relation of “signifier-signified” counts as the pairing of “form-meaning”; (3) “arbitrariness” is contradictory to “symbolicity”; (4) “arbitrariness” means “unmotivatedness”; (5) arbitrariness is not the inherent nature (...)
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  30.  23
    The Learning Signal in Perceptual Tuning of Speech: Bottom Up Versus Top‐Down Information.Xujin Zhang, Yunan Charles Wu & Lori L. Holt - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (3):e12947.
    Cognitive systems face a tension between stability and plasticity. The maintenance of long‐term representations that reflect the global regularities of the environment is often at odds with pressure to flexibly adjust to short‐term input regularities that may deviate from the norm. This tension is abundantly clear in speech communication when talkers with accents or dialects produce input that deviates from a listener's language community norms. Prior research demonstrates that when bottom‐up acoustic information or top‐down word knowledge is available to disambiguate (...)
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  31. Suffering as Divine Punishment.Tong Zhang - manuscript
    This article presents a theodicy based on a revision of the popular concept of God’s benevolence. If we follow the Protestant tradition by assuming that God is the exclusive source of virtue, the benevolence of God has to be radically different from the benevolence of a human being. A benevolent and almighty God who wishes to reward virtue and punish evil would design the world order similar to that in the allegory of the long spoons. Divine punishment is unforgiving, merciless, (...)
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    Individuals’ Perceptions of the Legitimacy of Emerging Market Multinationals: Ethical Foundations and Construct Validation.Jianhong Zhang, David L. Deephouse, Désirée van Gorp & Haico Ebbers - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (4):801-825.
    Entry of new organizations, including multinational enterprises from emerging markets, raises the ethical question of will they benefit society. The concept of legitimacy answers this question because it is the overall assessment of the appropriateness of organizational ends and means. Moreover, gaining legitimacy enables EMNEs to succeed in new host countries. Past work examined collective level indicators of the legitimacy of MNEs, but recent research recognizes the importance of individuals’ perceptions as the micro-foundation of legitimacy. This study first uses new (...)
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    C. S. Peirce on Jeremy Bentham: “A shallow logician” confined to analysis of “lower motives”.Yanxiang Zhang - 2024 - Theoria 90 (3):264-280.
    C.S. Peirce offered an evaluation of Bentham's philosophy to the effect that on some points Bentham's performance was of great value, but essentially, he was ‘a shallow logician’ confined to analysis of ‘lower motive’. This paper argues that Bentham's logic is deeply metaphysically based, multi‐levelled, and comprehensive. There are at least three constituent parts in his utilitarian logic: the first is his ontology, with its distinction between real and fictitious entities, and with pain and pleasure constituting the core real entities; (...)
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  34.  15
    Are Empty-Nest Elders Unhappy? Re-examining Chinese Empty-Nest Elders’ Subjective Well-Being Considering Social Changes.Yan Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Abnormal Whole Brain Functional Connectivity Pattern Homogeneity and Couplings in Migraine Without Aura.Yingxia Zhang, Hong Chen, Min Zeng, Junwei He, Guiqiang Qi, Shaojin Zhang & Rongbo Liu - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Previous studies have reported abnormal amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation and regional homogeneity in patients with migraine without aura using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging. However, how whole brain functional connectivity pattern homogeneity and its corresponding functional connectivity changes in patients with migraine without aura is unknown. In the current study, we employed a recently developed whole brain functional connectivity homogeneity method to identify the voxel-wise changes of functional connectivity patterns in 21 patients with migraine without aura and 21 gender and (...)
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    Being-in-the-Apple-store: a genetic phenomenological sociology of space.Vincent Qing Zhang - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (4):667-682.
    This study develops a genetic phenomenological sociology of space from the phenomenology and phenomenological sociology of space. Based on relational ontology, it argues that social space is a social relationship in genesis. An Apple walk-in store and an Apple online store are examples to illustrate the essence of social space. Any Apple store as a social space represents a set of social relations. The genetic phenomenological sociology of space in both store types includes two parts: first, the social ontology of (...)
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  37.  21
    The Impact of Perceived Risk on Consumers’ Cross-Platform Buying Behavior.Xiaoxue Zhang & Xiaofeng Yu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Mediation Role of Moral Personality Between Childhood Psychological Abuse and Cyberbullying Perpetration Attitudes of College Students.Hang Zhang, Xiaohua Sun, Liang Chen, Hongze Yang & Yandong Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  39. Empirical adaptationism revisited: is it testable and is it worth testing?Mingjun Zhang - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (6):1-23.
    Empirical adaptationism is often said to be an empirical claim about nature, which concerns the overall relative causal importance of natural selection in evolution compared with other evolutionary factors. Philosophers and biologists who have tried to clarify the meaning of empirical adaptationism usually share, explicitly or implicitly, two assumptions: (1) Empirical adaptationism is an empirical claim that is scientifically testable; (2) testing empirical adaptationism is scientifically valuable. In this article, I challenge these two assumptions and argue that both are unwarranted (...)
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  40. Qualitative Analysis of Content by.Yan Zhang & Barbara M. Wildemuth - 2005 - Human Brain Mapping 30 (7):2197-2206.
    The article describes an approach of systematic, rule guided qualitative text analysis, which tries to preserve some methodological strengths of quantitative content analysis and widen them to a concept of qualitative procedure. First the development of content analysis is delineated and the basic principles are explained (units of analysis, step models, working with categories, validity and reliability). Then the central procedures of qualitative content analysis, inductive development of categories and deductive application of categories, are worked out. The possibilities of computer (...)
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  41.  26
    Higher education and creative economy in East Asia: Co(labor)ation and knowledge socialism in the creative university.Xiyuan Zhang, Worapot Yodpet, Stefan Reindl, Hongjun Tian, Minghan Gou, Zongchen Li, Siyu Lin, Ruijie Song, Wenjing Wang, Petar Jandrić & Liz Jackson - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (4):418-431.
    This paper is a complete student-led, student-edited collective writing project (CWP) conducted virtually in Spring 2022 throughout the course Knowledge Socialism taught by professor Michael Peters for the Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal university. The CWP involves 4 international, 5 domestic Ph.D. students, and 2 senior Western scholars as reviewers, revealing their thoughts, arguments, understanding, and criticisms towards the creative economy status in East Asian countries (Japan and China mostly) higher education as reflected in the knowledge socialism narratives. Xiyuan as (...)
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  42. Why the Embodied Emotion Theory Is Better than the Evaluative.Yu Zhang - 2023 - International Philosophical Quarterly 63 (3):337-349.
    Supporters of the Evaluative Judgment Theories of Emotion mainly explore emotions from the perspective of cognitive evaluation and advocate that emotions are evaluative judgments. The Perceptual Theories of Emotion have made some modifications to the evaluative judgment of emotions, attempting to propose better theories. The Perceptual Theories of Emotion advocate verifying the similarities between emotions and perceptions through analogical reasoning. However, the Perceptual Theories of Emotion also have their problems. Compared to the Evaluative Judgment Theories of Emotion and the Perceptual (...)
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  43.  9
    Two types of resources: non-replicable material and replicable information, and their different distribution in society.Yehui Zhang - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-8.
    Resources are typically discussed in economics as factors of production. This article proposes defining resources from the perspective of human needs, thereby dividing resources into two categories: material resources and information resources. The key distinction lies in whether they can be replicated, which determines if their marginal cost of supply is zero, and leads to their different distribution in society. For material resources, the main indicator is wealth, and the distribution of wealth follows a power law. This means that a (...)
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  44.  13
    Reviving Cultural Heritage: Incorporating Prefabricated Elements in Mongolian Yurt Renewal Design.Jiahao Zhang - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1052-1068.
    This study extensively explores the multifaceted realm of Mongolian yurts, deeply ingrained in Mongolia's cultural heritage and emblematic of nomadic life. Through detailed case studies, it investigates the fusion of traditional craftsmanship with modern architectural principles and the application of prefabricated elements for yurt renewal. These yurts, situated in diverse sociocultural contexts, provide a comprehensive cross-section of their architectural heritage, spanning from ancestral to contemporary instances. The methodology involves a harmonious synthesis of indigenous wisdom, sustainable material selection, and precision prefabrication (...)
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    Career-Specific Parenting Practices and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Among Chinese Adolescents: The Interactive Effects of Parenting Practices and the Mediating Role of Autonomy.Yu Chi Zhang, Nan Zhou, Hongjian Cao, Yue Liang, Shulin Yu, Jian Li, Linyuan Deng, Ruixi Sun, Qinglu Wu, Ping Li, Qing Xiong, Ruihong Nie & Xiaoyi Fang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas: A Look at Financial Reporting by Firms Facing Product Harm Crises.Shafu Zhang, Like Jiang, Michel Magnan & Lixin Nancy Su - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (3):497-518.
    A product harm crisis undermines a firm’s reputation as well as its managers’ career outlook. To shake off the stigmatization resulting from the PHC and regain a firm’s legitimacy among stakeholders, managers usually face an ethical dilemma as they choose to be transparent about the crisis’ financial implications or to obfuscate them to neutralize the negative impact of the PHC. We find evidence that managers engage in income-increasing earnings management when their firms experience PHCs. Moreover, while income-increasing earnings management in (...)
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    Investigating the effects of professional learning communities on teacher commitment in China.Jia Zhang & Yuantao Sun - 2019 - Tandf: Educational Studies 46 (6):773-777.
    Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2020, Page 773-777.
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    Social Network Size and Subjective Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Future Time Perspective Among Community-Dwelling Retirees.Zhen Zhang, Jianxin Zhang, Na Zhao & Yang Yang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Nature and Motivation of Human Cooperation from Variant Public Goods Games.Yigui Zhang, Qin Zhu & Zhongqiu Li - 2024 - Human Nature 35 (4):411-429.
    This study aims to reveal the nature and motivation of human cooperation. By adopting the public goods game paradigm of competition and repetition, and introducing factors such as punishment and heterogeneous contributions, an experiment was conducted at Nanjing University in China, where 224 undergraduate students participated in seven games, including intragroup and intergroup competition. Meanwhile, participants’ social value orientation (SVO) was measured. The results indicated that cooperation (non-zero contribution) was the common choice for participants, but their contributions varied across rounds (...)
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  50.  7
    The political thought of David Hume: the origin of liberalism and the modern political imagination.Shuai Zhang - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Aaron Zubia's new book on Hume's political thought is both intriguing and insightful. He skilfully strips away the common labels often assigned to Hume, highlighting the complexity of his political...
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