Results for 'Z. de MaclaughlinFisk'

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  1.  76
    A Dutch report on the ethics of neonatal care.Z. Versluys & R. de Leeuw - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (1):14-18.
    The Dutch Paediatric Association reports consensus among its members regarding the necessity to take the future quality of life into account when reaching decisions regarding the continuation or dis-continuation of life-prolonging treatment. The paramount importance of the discussion with the parents is stressed. Dissension exists regarding active euthanasia in the newborn, both opinions being respected. If dissension exists within the profession parents should be informed and if necessary referred to a doctor who shares their moral views.
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    Rituals of outspokenness and verbal conflict.Del Z. Kr & Melvin de la Cruz - 2016 - Pragmatics and Society 7 (2):265-290.
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    Abstracta Iranica. Supplément 1 (1978) to Studia IranicaAbstracta Iranica. Supplement 1 (1978) to Studia Iranica.Mark J. Dresden, C. -H. de Fouchécourt, Y. Richard, Z̆ Vesel, C. -H. de Fouchecourt & Z. Vesel - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):465.
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  4. Ziektekosten, zorg en verantwoordelijkheid van de overheid.Z. De - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Some philosophical reflections on the concept of justice.Z. Postma-De Beer - 1970 - Sovenga,: University of the North.
  6.  54
    Religious and Receptive Coping Importance for the Well-Being of Christian Outpatients and Parishioners.Margreet R. de Vries-Schot, Joseph Z. T. Pieper & Marinus H. F. van Uden - 2012 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 34 (2):173-189.
    This article presents the results of a study in The Netherlands among two groups of religious people: i.e., 165 Christian outpatients and 171 parishioners. In this study, we focused on the following main questions. To what degree did these two groups of Christians practice positive religious coping, negative religious coping and receptive coping? What are the relationships between these three coping strategies? To what degree were positive religious, negative religious and receptive coping activities related to the well-being of the respondents? (...)
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    Preconception care: A parenting protocol. A moral inquiry into the responsibilities of future parents towards their future children.Z. E. E. der & Inez de Beaufort - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (8):451-457.
    In the Netherlands fertility doctors increasingly formulate protocols, which oblige patients to quit their unhealthy lifestyle before they are admitted to IVF procedures. We argue that moral arguments could justify parenting protocols that concern all future parents. In the first part we argue that want-to-be parents have moral responsibilities towards their future children to prevent them from harm by diminishing or eliminating risk factors before as well as during the pregnancy. This is because of the future children's potential to become (...)
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    Probing the Relationship Between Home Numeracy and Children's Mathematical Skills: A Systematic Review.Belde Mutaf-Yıldız, Delphine Sasanguie, Bert De Smedt & Bert Reynvoet - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  9. Play and imagination: The psychological construction of novelty.Z. De Oliveira & Jaan Valsiner - 1997 - In Alan Fogel, Maria C. D. P. Lyra & Jaan Valsiner (eds.), Dynamics and indeterminism in developmental and social processes. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum.
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    Why Neuroethical Analyses of Invasiveness in Psychiatry Should Engage with Mental Health Service User Movement Knowledges and Considerations of Social In/Justice.A. Lee de Bie & Daniel Z. Buchman - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (1):25-28.
    Bluhm et al.’s (2023) qualitative study on psychiatric electroceutical interventions describes several types and characteristics of invasiveness identified by psychiatrists and people living with a...
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  11. WOCFAI 95. Second World Conference on the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, 3-7 July 1995.M. De Glas & Z. Pawlak (eds.) - 1995 - Angkor.
  12.  2
    O príncipe que contemplou sua alma: Leituras akbarianas do filme Bābā ʻ Azīz, de Nacer Khemir.Carlos Frederico Barboza de Souza & Camilla Moreira Alves - 2023 - Horizonte 21 (64):216408-216408.
    Este artigo tem como meta discutir duas questões: em que medida se pode entender que Ibn ‘Arabī e suas concepções influenciaram ou estão presentes na obra fílmica “Bābā ʻAzīz, o príncipe que contemplou sua alma”? Por outro lado, também se almeja ler algumas cenas desta produção cinematográfica a partir do pensamento do _Šay__ḫ al-akbar_. Neste sentido, em um primeiro momento, discute-se a concepção de “Cinema Espiritual” e “Cinema Místico”. Em seguida, apresenta-se as raízes da produção cinematográfica e artística de Nacer (...)
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    Thermodiffusion and molecular diffusion in binaryn-alkane mixtures: experiments and numerical analysis.S. Srinivasan, D. Alonso de Mezquia, M. M. Bou-Ali & M. Z. Saghir - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (34):4332-4344.
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    Unamuno: el poeta del pensamiento.Ángeles Cerón, Francisco de Jesús, Luis Álvarez Castro, Ángeles de León, José Miguel, Durán Ugalde, Carla María, Nazzareno Fioraso, Gemma Gordo Piñar, Hernández Moreno, Jesús Carlos, Claudio Maíz, Moreno Romo, Juan Carlos, Orejudo Pedrosa, Riccardo Pace, Carrillo Juárez & Carmen Dolores (eds.) - 2018 - Querétaro (México): Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
    If Unamuno had been able to choose how to be remembered, he would have wanted him to be a poet. This book wants to do justice to that happy possibility. But above all because Unamuno was a poet in the highest sense: he was while writing the same essay as a novel, or theater, letter or verse, and he was also a poet when he passionately lived all the facets of his intense existence. His intellectual work was poetic and his (...)
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  15. Hobbes and Existential Meaning. A Discussion between, INQ, an Inquirer, and X, a Political Philosopher.M. Macnamara & Z. Postma de Beer - 1988 - South African Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):9-17.
  16. Public interest.C. J. Auriacombe & Z. Postma De Beer - 1995 - South African Journal of Philosophy 14 (4):145-149.
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  17.  57
    Building machines that learn and think for themselves.Matthew Botvinick, David G. T. Barrett, Peter Battaglia, Nando de Freitas, Darshan Kumaran, Joel Z. Leibo, Timothy Lillicrap, Joseph Modayil, Shakir Mohamed, Neil C. Rabinowitz, Danilo J. Rezende, Adam Santoro, Tom Schaul, Christopher Summerfield, Greg Wayne, Theophane Weber, Daan Wierstra, Shane Legg & Demis Hassabis - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Frequency of Home Numeracy Activities Is Differentially Related to Basic Number Processing and Calculation Skills in Kindergartners.Belde Mutaf Yıldız, Delphine Sasanguie, Bert De Smedt & Bert Reynvoet - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  19. La philosophie de la nature de Isaac Newton.Z. Hajduk - 1988 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 24 (2):115-129.
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  20.  15
    Türkiye'de Türk Vatandaşlarına Tahsis Edilen Sanat ve Hizmetler Hakkında Kanunun.Önder Deni̇z - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 1):25-25.
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  21. Dismantlingfishpens in Laguna de Bay. PESAM bulletin, University of the Philippines, Los Baiios.Z. B. Catalan - 1986 - Laguna 6:8-10.
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    Soma Hızır Bey Camii Duvar Resimleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.Dilek Karaazi̇z Şener - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):715-715.
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  23. Système de philosophie juridique synthétique.Toma Živanović - 1970 - Paris,: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence.
    1. ptie. Science de la philosophie synthétique du droit et des sciences juridiques--2. ptie. Philosophie synthétique du droit et des sciences juridiques.--3. ptie. Philosophie synthétique des sciences juridiques. Logique et théorie de la connaissance juridique.
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    Robert Ginsberg, J.Z. Hubert, Philemon A. Peonides, Dinal V. Picotti C.Robert Ginsberg, J. Z. Hubert, Philemon A. Peonides & Dinal V. Picotti C. - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:613-613.
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  25.  14
    Michel Henry, lector de Meister Eckhart: Vínculo entre la mística especulativa y la fenomenología de la Vida.Z. Mario Di Giacomo - 2023 - Franciscanum 65 (180):1-62.
    En este artículo se revisa el lugar que ocupa Eckhart en L’essence de la manifestation, a fin de establecer correspondencias y afini­dades entre el místico renano y la peculiar concepción que de la fenomenología sostiene Michel Henry. Se trata de analizar la es­trecha cercanía entre el alma humana y Dios postulada por Meister Eckhart y su vinculación con la conocida noción de Vida presente en el autor francés. Henry es proclive a fundar una filosofía primera asociada a la pura autoafección, (...)
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  26.  14
    De un bello pensamiento filosófico a una acción específica: la paz en las memorias de Ángel Cuervo y Tomás Cuenca sobre la guerra de 1859-1862.Patricia Cardona Z. - 2021 - Co-herencia 18 (34):347-369.
    Este artículo analiza en dos escritos en primera persona, de Ángel Cuervo y Tomás Cuenca, la idea de paz en la Guerra por las Soberanías, que enfrentó a las fuerzas oficialistas del gobierno conservador presidido por Mariano Ospina con las de los liberales lideradas por Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera. A partir del análisis de ambos textos vistos en correlación con el contexto y con documentación de época de diversa índole, se estudian algunos avenimientos y de qué modo se incorpora el (...)
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  27. Bulletin d'histoire des doctrines médiévales: les XIVème et XVème siècles.Zªnon Kaluza - 1995 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 79 (1):113-159.
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  28.  39
    De Broglian probabilities in the double-slit experiment.M. Božić, Z. Marić & J. P. Vigier - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (11):1325-1344.
    A new probability interpretation of interference phenomena in the double-slit experiment is proposed. It differs from the standard interpretation (based on elementary events happening in complementary, mutually exclusive setups—arrivals of waves to the screen when one of the slits is closed) which encounters the “paradox” that the law of total probability is violated. This new interpretation is free of such difficulties and paradoxes since it is based on compatible elementary events (events happening in the same setup in which happenall events (...)
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  29. Les lacunes de la loi.Z. Ziembinski - 1966 - Logique Et Analyse 9:38-51.
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  30. Das Grundgesetz des Rechtes bei Kant, Fries und Nelson.Z. Torbov - 1974 - Kant Studien 65 (Sonderheft):283.
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  31. Quem é quem na pesquisa em letras e lingüística no Brasil.Luíz Antônio Marcuschi & Kazue S. M. de Barros (eds.) - 1992 - Recife: ANPOLL.
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  32. Le problème de la moralité interne du droit.Z. Ziembinski - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 278:169-177.
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  33. État de légitime défense. Batman ou la force obscure de la démocratie.Slavj Žižek - 2013 - In Laura Odello (ed.), Blockbuster: philosophie et cinéma. Paris: Les prairies ordinaires.
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    Le plus sublime des hystériques: Hegel passe.Slavoj Žižek - 1988 - [Malakoff]: Distribution, Distique.
  35. Le nouveau et merveilleux Homo sapiens (Aspects éthiques de la procréation artificielle).Z. Szawarski - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 268:49-67.
    [This is French title of the paper written in Polish.].
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    Albert Schweitzer: grenzenlose Menschlichkeit im Denken und Handeln: Katalog zur Dauerausstellung des Deutschen Albert-Schweitzer-Zentrums.Gottfried Schüz & Andrea Blochmann (eds.) - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Stiftung Deutsches Albert-Schweitzer-Zentrum.
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    Crisis política y cultura: un debate para la filosofía política de fin de siglo.Javier Ulises Ortíz - 1996 - Buenos Aires: Grupo Editor Latinoamericano.
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    Comparing quality of reporting between preprints and peer-reviewed articles in the biomedical literature.Olavo B. Amaral, Vanessa T. Bortoluzzi, Sylvia F. S. Guerra, Steven J. Burgess, Richard J. Abdill, Pedro B. Tan, Martin Modrák, Lieve van Egmond, Karina L. Hajdu, Igor R. Costa, Gerson D. Guercio, Flávia Z. Boos, Felippe E. Amorim, Evandro A. De-Souza, David E. Henshall, Danielle Rayêe, Clarissa B. Haas, Carlos A. M. Carvalho, Thiago C. Moulin, Victor G. S. Queiroz & Clarissa F. D. Carneiro - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundPreprint usage is growing rapidly in the life sciences; however, questions remain on the relative quality of preprints when compared to published articles. An objective dimension of quality that is readily measurable is completeness of reporting, as transparency can improve the reader’s ability to independently interpret data and reproduce findings.MethodsIn this observational study, we initially compared independent samples of articles published in bioRxiv and in PubMed-indexed journals in 2016 using a quality of reporting questionnaire. After that, we performed paired comparisons (...)
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  39. Jésus-Christ l'image et l'idée de l'être humain selon Paul A. Florensky.Z. Kijas - 1991 - Miscellanea Francescana 91 (1-2):3-22.
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  40.  14
    Naturaleza, significado, experiencia: hacia una reconstrucción de la filosofía.Martínez Ruíz, Carlos Mateo & Sergio Sánchez (eds.) - 2005 - Córdoba: Universitas - Editorial Científica Universitaria.
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  41.  9
    Le plus sublime des hystériques: [Hegel avec Lacan].Slavoj Žižek - 2011 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Que savons-nous de Lacan? Que savons-nous de Marx? Que savons-nous de Kant? Que savons-nous de la démocratie et du totalitarisme? De la bureaucratie et de la servitude? De la nécessité et de la contingence? De la représentation et des images? Du communisme et de la psychanalyse? De la déconstruction et de la philosophie analytique? Du Witz et du sérieux? Que savons-nous qui n’en soit pas un cliché mille fois rebattu – ou une conviction trop confortable? A travers une éblouissante lecture (...)
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  42. Studie z dějin sociologie a sociologické teorie.Eduard Urbánek (ed.) - 1992 - Praha: Univerzita Karlova.
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  43. The benchmark of patriotism-A review of'Wan qing da bianju zhong de sichao yu renwu'(Yuan Weishi on China's intellectual elite).Z. Y. Zi - 1997 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 28 (3).
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  44.  29
    Cause, Fault, Norm.John Z. - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (1):51-55.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cause, Fault, NormJohn Z. Sadler (bio)Keywordscriminality, mental disorder, responsibilityThanks to the commentators for their fine work. In my brief comments I cannot address all that is raised, but can touch upon everyone’s discussion briefly.In her commentary, Gwen Adshead reflects on her experience as a forensic psychiatrist and therapist for violent offenders. Although Adshead discusses a number of important points, I found her insight into why some vices find their (...)
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  45. Ahn, W., 81 Martin, JH. 233 Alterman, R., 205 Medin, DL, 81 Bookman, LA, 205 Bordage, Cl., 185.H. P. A. Boshuizen, H. C. Boxsahin, D. Chapman, Z. Dienes, N. V. Findler, J. C. Glasgow, V. Goel, R. M. Pilkington, Rumelhart de & H. G. Schmidt - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16:583.
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  46. La philosophie des sciences continentale et anglo-américaine.Z. Hajduk - 1986 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 22 (1):43-61.
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  47. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.Pavel Želivan - 1968 - Řím,:
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  48. Exploration oculomotrice du Réveille-Matin de Fernand Léger.Z. Kapoula, G. Daunys, O. Herbez & M. Menu - 2002 - Techne 15:83-92.
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  49. ST in ST. La signification de la contradiction dialectique dans la biologie contemporaine.Z. Kiczkova - 1985 - Filozofia 40 (2):189-199.
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  50. Kapitoly z dějin estetiky.Jaroslav Volek - 1969 - Praha,: Panton.
    Kniha, která vznikla na základě bohatých vědeckých a pedagogických zkušeností autora, přednášejícího na filosofické fakultě UK v Praze, je v současně době jedinou prací přehledového typu z oboru dějin estetických teorií a názorů vnaší literatuře. Obsahuje dějiny estetiky evropského okruhu od antiky až po začátek 20. století, v nichž Volek hledá smysl nauky o krásnu a sleduje přínosy jednotlivých osobností na pozadí dobového života společnosti.
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