Results for 'active learning'

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  1.  63
    Active learning as destituent potential: Agambenian philosophy of education and moderate steps towards the coming politics.Michael P. A. Murphy - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (1):66-78.
    Beginning in earnest in the late 1990s, educational researchers devoted increasing attention to the study of “active learning,” leading to a robust literature on the topic in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Meanwhile, during largely the same period, political theorists discovered the radical philosophy of Giorgio Agamben, which soon after began to ripple through more radical forms of philosophy of education. While both the SoTL works on active learning and writings of “Agambenian” philosophers of (...)
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  2. Actively Learning Object Names Across Ambiguous Situations.George Kachergis, Chen Yu & Richard M. Shiffrin - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (1):200-213.
    Previous research shows that people can use the co-occurrence of words and objects in ambiguous situations (i.e., containing multiple words and objects) to learn word meanings during a brief passive training period (Yu & Smith, 2007). However, learners in the world are not completely passive but can affect how their environment is structured by moving their heads, eyes, and even objects. These actions can indicate attention to a language teacher, who may then be more likely to name the attended objects. (...)
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    Active Learning: An Advantageous Yet Challenging Approach to Accounting Ethics Instruction.Stephen E. Loeb - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (1):221-230.
    In this paper I discuss the advantages and challenges of using active learning, when teaching an accounting ethics course offered in higher education . The willingness of an instructor to use active learning in an accounting ethics course may be influenced at least in part by that instructor’s assessment of the advantages and challenges of using active learning. Consequently, my paper may be of assistance to instructors with experience in teaching an accounting ethics course (...)
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    Active Learning-Reflective Exercises for Face-to-Face and Remote Delivery of Governance and Business Ethics Classes.Larry A. Wood & Peggy L. Hedges - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 18:181-198.
    Despite revisions to curriculum in ethics education in business schools, there continues to be high profile examples of unethical decision making regularly spotlighted in the media. Rather than simply teaching about behaviors and how they might impact decision makers and stakeholders, we describe a suite of activities used to highlight various behaviors and biases that impact the decisions individuals might make. These activities are intertwined with course materials regarding ethics and corporate governance to remind and help students better understand how (...)
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    Translating a Theory of Active Learning: An Attempt to Close the Research‐Practice Gap in Education.Michelene T. H. Chi - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (3):441-463.
    Closing the research‐practice gap cannot be achieved by one of the most promising methods, which is to distill and synthesize decades of research to see how the robust findings can work in practice. An alternative approach is proposed, which is to translate a theory of active learning for practitioners.
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  6. Active Learning Norwegian Preschool(er)s (ACTNOW) – Design of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of Staff Professional Development to Promote Physical Activity, Motor Skills, and Cognition in Preschoolers.Eivind Aadland, Hege Eikeland Tjomsland, Kjersti Johannessen, Ada Kristine Ofrim Nilsen, Geir Kåre Resaland, Øyvind Glosvik, Osvald Lykkebø, Rasmus Stokke, Lars Bo Andersen, Sigmund Alfred Anderssen, Karin Allor Pfeiffer, Phillip D. Tomporowski, Ingunn Størksen, John B. Bartholomew, Yngvar Ommundsen, Steven James Howard, Anthony D. Okely & Katrine Nyvoll Aadland - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    (1 other version)Introduces an active learning series targeting all health professionals Topics in Geriatric Health Literacy: Degree to which older patients have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand.Teleconferencing Sites & Stephen F. Austin - forthcoming - Ethics.
  8.  44
    Re-imagining active learning: Delving into darkness.Gloria Dall’Alba & Søren Bengtsen - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (14):1477-1489.
    Ample attention is being paid in the higher education literature to promoting active learning among students. However, critical examination of educational purposes and ends is largely lacki...
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  9. Using active learning to improve technical text comprehension and increase student participation.William C. Lasher - 2004 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 9.
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  10. Active learning strategies in a spatial concept learning game.Todd M. Gureckis & Doug Markant - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 3145--3150.
  11.  19
    Active Learning in Research Methods Classes Is Associated with Higher Knowledge and Confidence, Though not Evaluations or Satisfaction.Peter J. Allen & Frank D. Baughman - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  12. Philosophy Has Consequences! Developing Metacognition and Active Learning in the Ethics Classroom.Patrick Stokes - 2012 - Teaching Philosophy 35 (2):143-169.
    The importance of enchancing metacognition and encouraging active learning in philosophy teaching has been increasingly recognised in recent years. Yet traditional teaching methods have not always centralised helping students to become reflectively and critically aware of the quality and consistency of their own thinking. This is particularly relevant when teaching moral philosophy, where apparently inconsistent intuitions and responses are common. In this paper I discuss the theoretical basis of the relevance of metacognition and active learning for (...)
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    Active learning time in mixed age classes.Simon Veenman, Piet Lem & Ben Winkelmolen - 1985 - Educational Studies 11 (3):171-180.
  14.  44
    Feedback during active learning: elementary school teachers' beliefs and perceived problems.Linda van den Bergh, Anje Ros & Douwe Beijaard - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (4):418-430.
    Giving feedback during active learning is an important, though difficult, task for teachers. In the present study, the problems elementary school teachers perceive and the beliefs they hold regarding this task were investigated. It appeared that teachers believe conditional teacher skills, especially time management, hinder them most from giving good feedback. The most widely held belief was that ?feedback should be positive?. Teachers also believed that it is important to adopt a facilitative way of giving feedback, but they (...)
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    Active Learning: Approaches and Issues.T. R. Chaudhur & L. G. C. Hamey - 1997 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 7 (3-4):205-244.
  16. Semi-active learning (vol 3, pg 383, 1997).L. Fass - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (4).
  17. The active learning forum.Ari Bader-Natal, Jonathan Katzman & Matt Regan - 2017 - In Stephen Michael Kosslyn, Ben Nelson & Robert Kerrey, Building the intentional university: Minerva and the future of higher education. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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  18. Fully active learning.Joshua Fost, Rena Levitt & Stephen M. Kosslyn - 2017 - In Stephen Michael Kosslyn, Ben Nelson & Robert Kerrey, Building the intentional university: Minerva and the future of higher education. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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    From a well-prepared teacher to an on-the-spot facilitator: a reflection on delivering an active learning course.Hyowon Lee - 2015 - International Journal for Transformative Research 2 (1):26-34.
    In this article, I describe my experience of preparing and delivering a brand new computing undergraduate course in a new university and in doing so, share how the special institutional push of the active learning pedagogy of the university changed the way I prepared and delivered the course, and ended up transforming my own view of teaching. I was faced with an unusual cohort of students who were already familiar with active learning styles in classes, were (...)
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    Emergent learning in successive activities Learning in interaction in a laboratory context. [REVIEW]Baruch Schwarz, Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont, Alain Trognon & Pascale Marro - 2008 - Pragmatics and Cognition 16 (1):57-87.
    The present study focuses on the observation of learning processes as they emerge in the context of conversations among two students in three successive tasks designed to foster conceptual change in proportional reasoning. The three tasks were set according to a pre-test treatment post-test paradigm. In the pre-test and the post-test tasks, the two students solved individually several items in the presence of an experimenter. In the treatment task, the two students worked as a dyad to solve similar items; (...)
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  21. Charles Peirce's Rhetoric and the Pedagogy of Active Learning.James Liszka - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (7):781-788.
    Although John Dewey has had the most profound effect on education, less is known about the philosophy of education of the original founder of pragmatism, Charles Peirce Using Peirce’s theory of formal rhetoric, I try to show that Peirce’s philosophy of education, when fully understood, is aligned with Dewey’s pedagogy of experiential learning, and can provide a justification for the promotion of active learning in the classroom. Peirce’s rhetoric, as one part of his logical or semiotic theory, (...)
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  22.  6
    Spatial pedagogy: exploring semiotic functions of one teacher’s movement in an Active Learning Classroom.Xiaoqin Wu - forthcoming - Semiotica.
    A teacher’s use of classroom space via embodied movement enacts a specific spatial pedagogy and has a significant impact on the nature of teaching and learning that can take place. The ubiquity and large expenditure in renovating university learning environments have not been accompanied by well-informed research due to a tendency to background embodied movement in pedagogic investigations. This paper explores the semiotic potentials and pedagogic functions of one teacher’s embodied movement in an Active Learning Classroom (...)
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  23.  12
    Attention-Based Deep Entropy Active Learning Using Lexical Algorithm for Mental Health Treatment.Usman Ahmed, Suresh Kumar Mukhiya, Gautam Srivastava, Yngve Lamo & Jerry Chun-Wei Lin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    With the increasing prevalence of Internet usage, Internet-Delivered Psychological Treatment (IDPT) has become a valuable tool to develop improved treatments of mental disorders. IDPT becomes complicated and labor intensive because of overlapping emotion in mental health. To create a usable learning application for IDPT requires diverse labeled datasets containing an adequate set of linguistic properties to extract word representations and segmentations of emotions. In medical applications, it is challenging to successfully refine such datasets since emotion-aware labeling is time consuming. (...)
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  24.  45
    Hegelian Bildung as an Alternative to Active Learning in Childhood Education.Saeed Azadmanesh & Khosrow Bagheri Noaparast - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (2):195-212.
    This study aims to critique the concept of active learning in childhood education based on Hegelian Bildung. We have defined childhood education from the perspective of Hegel’s Bildung in The Phenomenology of Spirit. We describe childhood education as a ‘primary Bildung’ having the aim of ‘entering into the conceptual world’. This aim indicates that children can and are required to express their experiences in conceptual language. Finally, we critique the conceptual components of active learning from the (...)
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  25.  44
    A Unifying Computational Framework for Teaching and Active Learning.Scott Cheng-Hsin Yang, Wai Keen Vong, Yue Yu & Patrick Shafto - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (2):316-337.
    According to rational pedagogy models, learners take into account the way in which teachers generate evidence, and teachers take into account the way in which learners assimilate that evidence. The authors develop a framework for integrating rational pedagogy into models of active exploration, in which agents can take actions to influence the evidence they gather from the environment. The key idea is that a single agent can be both teacher and learner.
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  26.  28
    Active learning: social justice education and participatory action research. By Dana E. Wright. [REVIEW]Andrea Milligan - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (1):128-130.
  27.  21
    Communicating Politics: Using Active Learning to Demonstrate the Value of the Discipline.Matthew Johnson - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (3):315-335.
  28. Early years stories for the foundation stage: ideas and inspiration for active learning.Ross Deuchar - 2008 - Journal of Moral Education 37 (1):149-150.
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  29. Critical Perspective of Educational Innovation from Active Learning Methodologies.Romina Denise Jasso Alfieri, Vicente de Jesús Fernández Mora & Antonio Daniel García-Rojas - 2025 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 38:241-269.
    La complejidad de los desafíos que plantea el siglo XXI interpelan a la innovación, especialmente en el ámbito pedagógico, por su presencia, relevancia y potencialidad para la generación de soluciones, formas de acción y formación que sean asumibles por la ciudadanía, principalmente quienes están inmersos en su proceso educativo. Por ello, este trabajo tiene la finalidad de proponer las metodologías activas como medios idóneos para implementar la innovación educativa centrada en los procesos sociales, que ponga a las personas al centro (...)
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    Influence of Online Merging Offline Method on University Students’ Active Learning Through Learning Satisfaction.Huiju Yu, Shaofeng Wang, Jiaping Li, Gaojun Shi & Junfeng Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Students’ active learning behavior determines learning performance. In post-COVID-19 period, Online Merging Offline method become a common way of university students’ learning. However, at present, there are few studies in active learning behavior in the OMO mode. Combined with learning satisfaction and Technology Acceptance Model, this paper proposes an Online Active Learning Model to predict the influencing factors of college students’ active learning behavior and then analyzes the differences between (...)
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    Segmenting Brazilian legislative text using weak supervision and active learning.Felipe A. Siqueira, Diany Pressato, Fabíola S. F. Pereira, Nádia F. F. da Silva, Ellen Souza, Márcio S. Dias & André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law.
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    Giambattista Vico and Active Learning.Silvia Ruffo Fiore - 1994 - New Vico Studies 12:144-152.
  33. The Brewsters: an active learning experience in health professional ethics.Freeman Williams - 2011 - Houston, Texas: Archimage.
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    Teaching Ethics in Teacher Education: ICT-Enhanced, Case-Based and Active Learning Approach with Continuous Formative Assessment.Ahmet Göçen & Mehmet Akın Bulut - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (3):447-465.
    The teaching of ethics in teacher education programs is crucial for fostering the moral and ethical development of prospective teachers and shaping them into ethical role models for future students. This study, employing qualitative case study research, gathered data from undergraduates in teacher education programs to explore the best approaches for ethics education. It found that combining digital and case-based pedagogical methods, fostering an open-minded attitude among lecturers, and implementing a blend of Socratic and active learning techniques leads (...)
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  35. Active‐Constructive‐Interactive: A Conceptual Framework for Differentiating Learning Activities.Michelene T. H. Chi - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (1):73-105.
    Active, constructive, and interactive are terms that are commonly used in the cognitive and learning sciences. They describe activities that can be undertaken by learners. However, the literature is actually not explicit about how these terms can be defined; whether they are distinct; and whether they refer to overt manifestations, learning processes, or learning outcomes. Thus, a framework is provided here that offers a way to differentiate active, constructive, and interactive in terms of observable overt (...)
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  36.  25
    To Do or To Listen? Student Active Learning vs. the Lecture.Pål Anders Opdal - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (1):71-89.
    This paper is a discussion of the concept ‘student active forms of learning’. It aims not at conclusions, but at a perspicuous representation—a map for future navigation and understanding of the concept. From the perspective of philosophy of education, I characterize and discuss issues relating to student active learning in the paper. The context for my discussion is higher education. Further, I contrast student active learning to a form of learning that is allegedly (...)
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    The Activity of “Writing for Learning” in a Nursing Program.Line Wittek - 2013 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 14 (1):73 - 94.
    This article explores the activity of writing in higher education as a mediational means for student meaning making. From a dialogic perspective, writing is not about learning and applying formulas and making fixed kinds of texts, but about ways of working and ways of acting that brings writers, readers, resources and contexts into trajectories. The argument is that processes of writing enhance student meaning making and that these processes are formed by complex interaction. Contextual interpretation and use of mediational (...)
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  38.  49
    A Study of Graduate Students’ Achievement Motivation, Active Learning, and Active Confidence Based on Relevant Research.Jen-Chia Chang, Yu-Tai Wu & Jhen-Ni Ye - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Graduate students’ failure to graduate is of great concern, with the failure to graduate due to the dissertation being the most influential factor. However, there are many factors that influence the writing of a dissertation, and research on these factors that influence graduate students’ learning through emotion and cognition is still quite rare. A review of past research revealed that the main factor causing graduate students to drop out midway is not completing their thesis, followed by factors including insufficient (...)
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  39.  18
    Classroom perception in higher education: The impact of spatial factors on student satisfaction in lecture versus active learning classrooms.Shitao Jin & Lei Peng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Driven and influenced by learning theory and information technology, the form of the classroom environment in higher education is constantly changing. While traditional lecture classrooms focus on efficient learning modes and economical space layouts, active learning classrooms focus more on active learning psychology and adaptive space perception. Although existing studies have explored the development of educational and technological domains in the classroom, a comparative study of these two classroom environments and students’ learning perceptions (...)
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  40.  76
    Student-Inspired Activities for the Teaching and Learning of Engineering Ethics.E. Alpay - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1455-1468.
    Ethics teaching in engineering can be problematic because of student perceptions of its subjective, ambiguous and philosophical content. The use of discipline-specific case studies has helped to address such perceptions, as has practical decision making and problem solving approaches based on some ethical frameworks. However, a need exists for a wider range of creative methods in ethics education to help complement the variety of activities and learning experiences within the engineering curriculum. In this work, a novel approach is presented (...)
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  41. Designing Academic Conferences as a Learning Environment: How to Stimulate Active Learning at Academic Conferences?J. Verbeke - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):98-105.
    Context: The main aim in organizing academic conferences is to share and develop knowledge in the focus area of the conference. Most conferences, however, are organized in a traditional way: two or three keynote presentations and a series of parallel sessions where participants present their research work, mainly using PowerPoint or Prezi presentations, with little interaction between participants. Problem: Each year, a huge number of academic events and conferences is organized. Yet their typical design is mainly based on a passive (...)
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  42. M. Neil Browne is the Distinguished Teaching Professor of Economics at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. His PhD is in Economics from the University of Texas, and his JD is from the University of Toledo. Among his publications are Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Prentice Hall, 2001), and Striving for Excellence in College: Tips for Active Learning (Prentice Hall. [REVIEW]Genrikh Golin, Vandana Hunma & Mansoor Niaz - 2002 - Science & Education 11:523-524.
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  43.  20
    Perceptual learning in humans: An active, top-down-guided process.Heleen A. Slagter - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e406.
    Deep neural network (DNN) models of human-like vision are typically built by feeding blank slate DNN visual images as training data. However, the literature on human perception and perceptual learning suggests that developing DNNs that truly model human vision requires a shift in approach in which perception is not treated as a largely bottom-up process, but as an active, top-down-guided process.
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  44.  32
    Feats of Strength for Weak Utopianism: Giorgio Agamben, Educational Potentiality and the Studious Spatiality of the Active Learning Classroom.Michael P. A. Murphy - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (1):204-214.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 204-214, February 2021.
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  45. Building lesson plans for 21st century active learning.Ari Bader-Natal, Joshua Fost & James Genone - 2017 - In Stephen Michael Kosslyn, Ben Nelson & Robert Kerrey, Building the intentional university: Minerva and the future of higher education. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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    Query efficient posterior estimation in scientific experiments via Bayesian active learning.Kirthevasan Kandasamy, Jeff Schneider & Barnabás Póczos - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 243:45-56.
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    Reinforcement learning with limited reinforcement: Using Bayes risk for active learning in POMDPs.Finale Doshi-Velez, Joelle Pineau & Nicholas Roy - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 187-188 (C):115-132.
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  48. Inquiry Learning Activity: How to Build an Altitude Finder (Astrolabe) 6 th Grade Objectives.Emily Sheldon - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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  49.  22
    The planning illusion: does active planning of a learning route support learning as well as learners think it does?Wilco J. Bonestroo & Ton de Jong - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (5):559-571.
    Is actively planning one?s learning route through a learning domain beneficial for learning? Moreover, can learners accurately judge the extent to which planning has been beneficial for them? This study examined the effects of active planning on learning. Participants received a tool in which they created a learning route themselves before accessing learning material and, for comparison, also worked with a tool in which the route was planned automatically. Eighty-three participants participated in (...) sessions with both tools over two topics in statistics. Both tools were found to influence the learning process. However, results indicate inconsistency between participants? judgement of the relative effectiveness of the two types of tools and their actual learning outcomes. Although participants thought they had learned more when they actively created a plan themselves, knowledge tests showed no differences on performance between actively planning a learning route or receiving it ready-made. (shrink)
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  50. Learning science in a first grade science activity: A Vygotskian perspective.Daniel P. Shepardson - 1999 - Science Education 83 (5):621-638.
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