Results for 'aesthetic practices'

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  1. Choosing Our Aesthetic Practices Wisely: Embodiment, Pleasure, and Justice.Sherri Irvin - forthcoming - Debates in Aesthetics.
    Aesthetic responses to human embodiment play important roles in our individual and social flourishing. Our ability to feel comfortable with and even take pleasure in our own embodiment contributes to our well-being, and our capacity to appreciate the embodiment of others contributes to our full recognition of them as persons and to their feeling of being valued and at home in the world. We are socialized into practices of appreciating bodily beauty: the facial and bodily qualities that a (...)
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  2. Aesthetic practices and normativity.Robbie Kubala - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (2):408–425.
    What should we do, aesthetically speaking, and why? Any adequate theory of aesthetic normativity must distinguish reasons internal and external to aesthetic practices. This structural distinction is necessary in order to reconcile our interest in aesthetic correctness with our interest in aesthetic value. I consider three case studies—score compliance in musical performance, the look of a mowed lawn, and literary interpretation—to show that facts about the correct actions to perform and the correct attitudes to have (...)
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    Everyday Aesthetic Practices, Ethics and Tact.Ossi Naukkarinen - 2014 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 7 (1):23-44.
    The essay addresses the issue of the relationships between everyday aesthetics and ethics from the point of view of tact. Tact is understood as an attitude towards behavior that guides action and thinking, and combines aesthetics with ethics. Tact and tactlessness may manifest themselves in action and speech but also in objects produced and used. I will argue that although tact is often pursued, tactful behavior will necessarily result in conflicting situations in which one is only in step with certain (...)
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    Producing and projecting data: Aesthetic practices of government data portals.Evelyn Ruppert & Helene Ratner - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    We develop the concept of ‘aesthetic practices’ to capture the work needed for population data to be disseminated via government data portals. Specifically, we look at the Census Hub of the European Statistical System and the Danish Ministry of Education’s Data Warehouse. These portals form part of open government data initiatives, which we understand as governing technologies. We argue that to function as such, aesthetic practices are required so that data produced at dispersed sites can be (...)
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    Approaching transcultural aesthetic practices from viewpoint of European tradition.Alessandra Caputo-Jaffe & Paula Martínez Sagredo - 2024 - Alpha (Osorno) 58:74-98.
    Resumen: En este artículo se estudia la dimensión estética de prácticas denominadas artísticas, que no fueron concebidas dentro de los cánones clásicos europeos del “Arte”. Nos centramos en el problema disciplinar que se genera al separar las prácticas estéticas -es decir todas aquellas manifestaciones sensibles- de culturas no-europeas de aquellas que sí pertenecen a los cánones académicos o institucionales de tradición europea; las primeras perteneciendo al ámbito de la antropología y arqueología y las segundas al arte y la estética. Sostenemos (...)
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  6. Evolution and Aesthetics.Evental Aesthetics - 2015 - Evental Aesthetics 4 (2):1-170.
    Is aesthetics a product of evolution? Are human aesthetic behaviors in fact evolutionary adaptations? The creation of artistic objects and experiences is an important aesthetic behavior. But so is the perception of aesthetic phenomena qua aesthetic. The question of evolutionary aesthetics is whether humans have evolved the capacity not only to make beautiful things but also to appreciate the aesthetic qualities in things. Are our near-universal love of music and cute baby animals essential to our (...)
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  7. Hijacking.Evental Aesthetics - 2014 - Evental Aesthetics 3 (2):1-61.
    A hijacking is a violent takeover, a misappropriation of something for a purpose other than its intended one, by parties other than those for whom the thing was meant. This issue explores the aesthetic practices and consequences of unauthorized repurposing.
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    Cultural revolution: aesthetic practice after autonomy.Sven Lütticken - 2017 - Berlin: Sternberg Press.
    In this collection of essays, art historian and critic Sven Lütticken focuses on aesthetic practice in a rapidly expanding cultural sphere. He analyzes its transformation by the capitalist cultural revolution, whose reshaping of art's autonomy has wrought a field of afters and posts. In a present moment teeming with erosions - where even history and the human are called into question - 'Cultural revolution: aesthetic practice after autonomy' reconsiders these changing values, for relegating such notions safely to the (...)
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    Political Enchantments: Aesthetic Practices and the Chinese State.Gloria Davies, Christian Sorace & Haun Saussy - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 46 (3):475-481.
    The special issue’s editors introduce the rationale for the following articles, all of which take up aspects of the relations among the production of artworks, the behavior of audiences, and the state’s interest in assembling, regulating, and transforming what it knows as its people through the responses to art.
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    Autonomy as Aesthetic Practice.Sven Lütticken - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (7-8):81-95.
    This essay examines various conceptions of autonomy in relation to recent artistic practices. Starting from the apparent opposition between modernist notions of the autonomy of art and theorizations of political autonomy, the text problematizes the notion of the autonomy of art by using Jacques Rancière’s notion of the aesthetic regime. Focusing on the importance of the act and performance in the art of the last decades, it is argued that while political and artistic autonomy may never quite converge, (...)
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    Culinary Turn: Küche, Kochen Und Essen Als Ästhetische Praxis / Aesthetic Practice of Cookery.Nicolaj van der Meulen (ed.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Kitchen, cooking, nutrition, and eating have become omnipresent cultural topics. They stand at the center of design, gastronomy, nutrition science, and agriculture. Artists have appropriated cooking as an aesthetic practice - in turn, cooks are adapting the staging practices that go with an artistic self-image. This development is accompanied by a philosophy of cooking as a speculative cultural technique. This volume investigates the dimensions of a new #on#culinary turn#off#, combining for the very first time contributions from the theory (...)
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  12. Wittgenstein on aesthetic practice: A critique of Weitz and Mandelbaum.Robert M. Seltzer - 1995 - Wittgenstein-Studien 2 (1).
  13.  27
    Aesthetic Practice and Civic Education: Aesthetic Education in Rousseau's Thought.F. A. N. Yun - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 4:010.
  14. Does a plausible construal of aesthetic value give us reason to emphasize some aesthetic practices over others?Andrew Wynn Owen - 2023 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics 15:522-532.
    I propose a construal of aesthetic value that gives us reason to emphasize some aesthetic practices over others. This construal rests on the existence of a central aesthetic value, namely apprehension-testing intricacy within an appropriate domain. I address three objections: the objection that asks how an aesthetic value based on intricacy can account for the value of minimalism; the objection that asks about the difference between intricacy within a medium and intricacy between media; and the (...)
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  15. Towards a Wittgensteinian Aesthetics. Wollheim and the Analysis of Aesthetic Practices.Giovanni Matteucci - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (1):67-83.
    In order to investigate the possibility to develop Wittgenstein's suggestions about aesthetics, this paper will focus on the organic perspective elaborated by Richard Wollheim in «Art and Its Objects». In this regard we will try to emphasize how the concept of art as a "form of live" - explicit in Wollheim - involves the analysis of the practices embodied in the experience of art starting from those of representation. The inception modes of such practices of representation need to (...)
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    ‘Half Tiger’: An interrogation of digital and mobile street culture and aesthetic practice in Johannesburg and Nairobi.Tegan Bristow - 2013 - Technoetic Arts 11 (3):221-230.
    In South African slang ‘Half-Tiger’ refers to five rand, half of a ‘Tiger’ (ten rand) and amounts to approximately 60 US cents. It is at the ‘Half-Tiger’ level of commerce where contemporary and deeply afro-urban digital cultural practice is found. A mass street level culture that in East Africa is driven by the mobile phone as socio-political development tool. And in South Africa by a booming media industry that has been hacked and gone viral. These cultures augment music, fashion, politics (...)
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    Drawing on Derrida: Aesthetic Practice as a Displacement of Learning.Margaret E. Manson - 2008 - Philosophy of Education 64:305-313.
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    Xian dai mei xue: zai zhen shi yu xin ling zhi jian = Contemporary aesthetics: practice and spirituality.Ziying Lü - 2007 - Taibei Xian Zhonghe Shi: Xin wen jing kai fa chu ban gu fen you xian gong si.
    本书谈到现代什么思想的根源,立论于集体审美意识,是来自于人类自原始社会以来的文化和审美经验的积淀,分别从东西方审美思想在历史、时空环境、社会、人文、哲学等各方面,在心灵思想与真实生活之间,探讨有关美的 命题.
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    Wandering Geographies: Aesthetic Practice along China's Belt and Road Initiative.Christina Yuen Zi Chung & Sasha Su-Ling Welland - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (2):372-416.
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    Qian Mu's Music Affection and His Music Aesthetic Practice.Z. I. Li-Ping - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 5:009.
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    Schiller's Drama and Its Aesthetic Practice of" Making the Past Serve the Present.P. A. N. Yi-he - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 1:013.
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  22. John Dewey and the theory of aesthetic practice.Mortimer R. Kadish - 1977 - In Steven M. Cahn (ed.), New studies in the philosophy of John Dewey. Hanover, N.H.: Published for the University of Vermont by the University Press of New England. pp. 78--95.
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  23. Aesthetic Value and the Practice of Aesthetic Valuing.Nick Riggle - 2024 - The Philosophical Review 133 (2):113–149.
    A theory of aesthetic value should explain what makes aesthetic value good. Current views about what makes aesthetic value good privilege the individual’s encounter with aesthetic value—listening to music, reading a novel, writing a poem, or viewing a painting. What makes aesthetic value good is its benefit to the individual appreciator. But engagement with aesthetic value is often a social, participatory matter: sharing and discussing aesthetic goods, imitating aesthetic agents, dancing, cooking, dining, (...)
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    Aesthetics in Practice: Valuing the Natural World.Emily Brady - 2006 - Environmental Values 15 (3):277 - 291.
    Aesthetic value, often viewed as subjective and even trivial compared to other environmental values, is commonly given low priority in policy debates. In this paper I argue that the seriousness and importance of aesthetic value cannot be denied when we recognise the ways that aesthetic experience is already embedded in a range of human practices. The first area of human practice considered involves the complex relationship between aesthetic experience and the development of an ethical attitude (...)
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  25. Practice makes perfect: the effect of dance training on the aesthetic judge.Barbara Montero - 2012 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11 (1):59-68.
    According to Hume, experience in observing art is one of the prerequisites for being an ideal art critic. But although Hume extols the value of observing art for the art critic, he says little about the value, for the art critic, of executing art. That is, he does not discuss whether ideal aesthetic judges should have practiced creating the form of art they are judging. In this paper, I address this issue. Contrary to some contemporary philosophers who claim that (...)
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    American Aesthetics: Theory and Practice.David Breeden - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (2-3):144-146.
    Hefty and serious—that is how this book feels when you pick it up. That was my subjective aesthetic experience anyway. Aesthetic judgment is, after all, one key to assessing our thoughts and perceptions. More on that soon, as you might expect.Hefty and serious also describes the questions with which the volume grapples: Is there, or can there be, a clear American Aesthetics, not merely aesthetics practiced by Americans? What would that look like? How would such a process affect (...)
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  27. You'll never drink alone: Wine tasting and aesthetic practice.Douglas Burnham & Ole Martin Skilleås - 2008 - In Fritz Allhoff (ed.), Wine and Philosophy. Blackwell.
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    Rediscovering Aesthetics: Transdisciplinary Voices from Art History, Philosophy, and Art Practice.Francis Halsall, Julia Alejandra Jansen & Tony O'Connor (eds.) - 2008 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    _Rediscovering Aesthetics_ brings together prominent international voices from art history, philosophy, and artistic practice to discuss the current role of aesthetics within and across their disciplines. Following a period in which theories and histories of art, art criticism, and artistic practice seemed to focus exclusively on political, social, or empirical interpretations of art, aesthetics is being rediscovered both as a vital arena for discussion and a valid interpretive approach outside its traditional philosophical domain. This volume is distinctive, because it provides (...)
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    Paulson' Ronald. Breaking and Remaking: Aesthetic Practice in England, 1700-1820.Dabney Townsend - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (3):271-272.
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    Ethics, Aesthetics, and Practical Philosophy.John Haldane - 2018 - The Monist 101 (1):1-8.
    The development of interest among academic philosophers in the aesthetics of everyday life is somewhat analogous to the broader development in moral philosophy of ‘applied’ or practical ethics. This fact is sometimes mentioned but rarely examined and it may be useful, therefore, to explore something of the course and causes of these two developments, in part better to understand them, but also to note blindspots and limitations in certain ways of thinking. In each case these limitations are related to ignorance (...)
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    Sensorial aesthetics in music practices.Kathleen Coessens (ed.) - 2019 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    The Western history of aesthetics is characterised by tension between theory and practice. Musicians listen, play, and then listen more profoundly in order to play differently, adapt the body, and sense the environment. They become deeply involved in the sensorial qualities of music practice. Artistic practice refers to the original meaning of aesthetics - the senses. Whereas Baumgarten and Goethe explored the relationship between sensibility and reason, sensation and thinking, later philosophers of aesthetics deemed the sensorial to be confused and (...)
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    Aesthetic Experience, Medical Practice, and Moral Judgement. Critical Remarks on Possibilities to Understand a Complex Relationship.Marcus Düwell - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (2):161-168.
    The aim of the paper is to examine the possible relationships between the different dimensions of aesthetics on the one hand, and medical practice and medical ethics on the other hand. Firstly, I consider whether the aesthetic perception of the human body is relevant for medical practice. Secondly, a possible analogy between the artistic process and medical action is examined. The third section concerns the comparison between medical ethical judgements and aesthetic judgement of taste. It is concluded that (...)
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    “Nothing is funnier than suffering”. Sport as a comic and perverse aesthetic practice.Andy Harvey - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (1):81-95.
    The article takes up diverse strands of psychoanalytic thinking to investigate how desire is manifested in male team sporting environments. In particular, it is posited that sporting desire shares a remarkable structural similarity to the joking relationship in that they both work through the overcoming of obstacles. In doing so unconscious desires are long-circuited and only emerge in radically altered form, upending traditional gender and sexual subjectivities in the process. The paper explores the concept of desire from perspectives that are (...)
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    Practical Form: Abstraction, Technique, and Beauty in Eighteenth-Century Aesthetics.Abigail Zitin - 2020 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    _A groundbreaking study of the development of form in eighteenth-century aesthetics_ In this original work, Abigail Zitin proposes a new history of the development of form as a concept in and for aesthetics. Her account substitutes women and artisans for the proverbial man of taste, asserting them as central figures in the rise of aesthetics as a field of philosophical inquiry in eighteenth-century Europe. She shows how the idea of formal abstraction so central to conceptions of beauty in this period (...)
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  35. Art, practical knowledge and aesthetic objectivity.David Carr - 1999 - Ratio 12 (3):240–256.
    It seems often to have been assumed by art theorists and aestheticians that concepts of art and the aesthetic are related, if not actually identical. In recent times, however, David Best has criticized this widespread assumption in the interests of marking a quite radical distinction between artistic and aesthetic concerns. But this claim may be considered problematic in turn, not only in terms of its denial of the conventional conception of art as implicated in the production of (...) effects, but also because it obscures our understanding of the objectivity of aesthetic judgement – and hence, ultimately, of the rational basis of artistic appreciation and endeavour. In the light of some critical attention to Joseph Dunne’s recent work on practical reason in Aristotle, the following paper argues that a suitably modified notion of phronesis may provide the key to understanding the relationship of aesthetic sensibility to artistic knowledge. (shrink)
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    (1 other version)Practical Aesthetic Knowledge: Goodman and Husserl on the Possibilities of Learning by Aesthetic Practices.Iris Laner - 2015 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 52 (2):164-189.
    In this article I aim to shed light on the question of whether aesthetic experience can constitute practical knowledge and, if so, how it achieves this. I will compare the approaches of Nelson Goodman and Edmund Husserl. Both authors treat the question of which benefits aesthetic experience can bring to certain basic skills. Though one could argue together with Goodman that repeated aesthetic experience allows for a trained and discriminating approach to artworks, Husserl argues that by viewing (...)
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  37. (1 other version)The Aesthetics of Risk in Artistic Practice: What is at Stake?Srajana Kaikini - 2020 - Kunstlicht 41 (4):44-53.
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    American aesthetics: theory and practice.Walter B. Gulick & Gary Slater (eds.) - 2020 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Although there are distinctly American artists-Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Grandma Moses, Thomas Hart Benton, and Andy Warhol, for example-very little attention has been devoted to formulating any distinctively American characteristics of aesthetic judgment and practice. This volume takes a step in this direction, presenting an introductory essay on the possibility of such a distinctly American tradition, and a collection of essays exploring particular examples from a variety of angles. Some of the essays in this collection extend pragmatist and process (...)
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    Schopenhauer and the Aesthetic Standpoint: Philosophy as a Practice of the Sublime.Sophia Vasalou - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    With its pessimistic vision and bleak message of world-denial, it has often been difficult to know how to engage with Schopenhauer's philosophy. Schopenhauer's arguments have seemed flawed and his doctrines marred by inconsistencies; his very pessimism almost too flamboyant to be believable. Yet a way of redrawing this engagement stands open, Sophia Vasalou argues, if we attend more closely to the visionary power of Schopenhauer's work. The aim of this book is to place the aesthetic character of Schopenhauer's standpoint (...)
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    Savkić, Sania (ed.): Culturas visuales indígenas y las prácticas estéticas en las Américas desde la antigüedad hasta el presente. Indigenous Visual Cultures and Aesthetic Practices in the Americas’ Past and Present. Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2019. 431 pp. ISBN 978-​3-​7861-​2831-​1. (Estudios Indiana, 13) Precio: € 34,00. [REVIEW]Christiane Clados - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (1):272-274.
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    Practicing Pragmatist Aesthetics: Critical Perspectives on the Arts.Wojciech Małecki (ed.) - 2014 - New York, NY: Editions Rodopi.
    This is the first collection in English devoted exclusively to pragmatist aesthetics. Its main aim is to employ the resources of that rich and exciting tradition in studying artistic phenomena such as film, sculpture, bio-art, poetry, the novel, cuisine, and various body arts. But it also attempts to provide a wider background for such studies by sketching the history of pragmatist reflection on the aesthetic and by discussing some of the main positions that this history has produced: the (...) conceptions of C.S. Peirce, William James, John Dewey, Joseph Margolis, Richard Shusterman (somaesthetics in particular), and others. (shrink)
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    Practical Aesthetics: Community Gardens and the New Sensibility.Nathan Nun - 2013 - Radical Philosophy Review 16 (2):663-677.
    This paper argues that community gardens, in addition to being economically practical, offer a promising example of an environment that fosters the new sensibility. After exploring Marcuse’s new sensibility and his critique of aesthetic experience under capitalism, the paper turns to some empirical studies of the benefits of the aesthetic qualities of community gardening. These studies correspond to Marcuse’s proposition that aesthetic environments can play a role in challenging domination. The last section of this paper considers how (...)
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    The Aesthetic Constitution of Genders.Nicholas Wiltsher - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11:516-548.
    This paper presses the programmatic idea that it is fruitful to think of genders as constituted by aesthetic rational social practices; in particular, that doing so can illuminate the relation between social role and self-identity. The first part of the paper describes rational social practices, and then interprets two social-role approaches to genders in light of that description. The interpretation places the two approaches in different domains of reason, one epistemic, one practical; this makes apparent the conceptual (...)
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    Book Review: Unruly Visions: The Aesthetic Practices of Queer Diaspora by Gayatri Gopinath. [REVIEW]Lars Olav Aaberg - 2020 - Feminist Review 126 (1):206-208.
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    The Aesthete in the City: The Philosophy and Practice of American Abstract Painting in the 1980s.David Carrier - 1994 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In the 1980s, when the American art market flourished, critics were heavily concerned with theory. In T_he Aesthete in the City_ David Carrier offers a personal view on the artistic activity of that decade. He begins with a theoretical perspective on the relationship between two very different forms of artwriting: art criticism and art history writing. Carrier surveys the developments within theory during the 1980s, focusing on constructive critical analysis of the then fashionable work of Jean Baudrillard, Walter Benjamin, T. (...)
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    Essays in Migratory Aesthetics: Cultural Practices Between Migration and Art-making.Sam Durrant & Catherine M. Lord - 2015 - BRILL.
    This volume addresses the impact of human movement on the aesthetic practices that make up the fabric of culture. The essays explore the ways in which cultural activities—ranging from the habitual gestures of the body to the production of specific artworks—register the impact of migration, from the forced transportation of slaves to the New World and of Jews to the death camps to the economic migration of peoples between the West and its erstwhile colonies; from the internal and (...)
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    Cleaning: Practicing Everyday Aesthetics and Care.Yuriko Saito - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:167-193.
    Performing various tasks to manage our daily lives does not fit comfortably with the predominant model of aesthetics, which consists of a disinterested spectator making a judgment on the aesthetic value of an object. Taking ‘cleaning’ as an example, this paper illuminates its rich aesthetic potential, which includes sensory and bodily engagement, development of aesthetic sensibility, activation of imagination, and cultivation of a care relationship with other people and the world.
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    Musical Practicing: A Hermeneutic Model for Integrating Technique and Aesthetics.Charise Hastings - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 48 (4):50-64.
    If you don’t feel it you can’t be taught it. Either you can play Schumann or you can’t. Successful performances of Western classical music exhibit both technical mastery and aesthetic insight. While legacies of music teachers have distilled schools of technique and stylistic performance practices, the aesthetic components of interpretation have not received systematic treatment. This may be due to inherent difficulties with teaching aesthetics: musical meaning is hard to express in words, and even demonstrating for students (...)
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    Aesthetics of Care: Practice in Everyday Life.Thomas Leddy - 2023 - British Journal of Aesthetics 65 (1):131-134.
    In Aesthetics of Care: Practice in Everyday Life, Yuriko Saito continues, and extends, her work in everyday aesthetics. Her writings on aesthetics have always h.
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    Practicing Positive Aesthetics.Tom Greaves - 2022 - Environmental Philosophy 19 (1):45-71.
    This paper rethinks positive aesthetics as a group of aesthetic practices rather than a set of doctrines or judgments. The paper begins by setting out a general approach to aesthetic practices based on Pierre Hadot’s notion of philosophical “spiritual exercises.” Three practices of positive aesthetics are then described: focusing the beauty of each thing; envisioning the beauty of everything; and allowing the beauty of all things. The paper warns against possible dangers to which each practice (...)
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