Results for 'aesthetic subjectivism'

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  1.  57
    Aesthetic Subjectivism and Pre-Modern Philosophy.Francis J. Kovach - 1966 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 40:209-215.
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  2. Aesthetic Higher-Order Evidence for Subjectivists.Luis Oliveira & Chris Mag Uidhir - 2023 - British Journal of Aesthetics 63 (2):235-249.
    Aesthetic subjectivism takes the truth of aesthetic judgments to be relative to the individual making that judgment. Despite widespread suspicion, however, this does not mean that one cannot be wrong about such judgments. Accordingly, this does not mean that one cannot gain higher-order evidence of error and fallibility that bears on the rationality of the aesthetic judgment in question. In this paper, we explain and explore these issues in some detail.
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    The Disagreement-Argument and Aesthetic Subjectivism.Francis J. Kovach - 1979 - New Scholasticism 53 (1):22-41.
  4.  51
    Minerva and the Muses - A Criticism of Aesthetic Subjectivism.Stefan Snævarr - 1996 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 9 (16).
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    Dietrich von Hildebrand's Defense of the Objectivity of Beauty of Music and His Critique of Aesthetic Subjectivism.Josef Seiferd - 2018 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 52 (1):7-22.
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    Subjectivism in Hume's Aesthetics - a reconsideration.Theopi Parisaki - 1999 - Philosophical Inquiry 21 (2):33-56.
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    Why Subjectivism is Always More Wrong than Objectivism Ever Can Be, Even in Aesthetics.Karel Boullart - 1985 - Philosophica 36.
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  8. An Aesthetics of Freedom: Friedrich Schiller’s Breakthough Beyond Subjectivism.D. C. Schindler - 2008 - Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society.
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    The Subjectivist Turn In Aesthetics: A Critical Analysis of Kant’s Theory of Appreciation.John Fisher & Jeffrey Maitland - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (4):726 - 751.
    Kant’s theory is especially instructive because he was logically more acute than many of his successors; and his awareness of the difficulties of his position was correspondingly higher. This leads him to a rich and complex theory of aesthetic appreciation which, because of the inherent difficulties in stating an internalist position, has its share of the ambiguities. Kant’s overall framework is so clear, however, that we shall go into some of the crucial ambiguities and argue against his theory under (...)
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    Aesthetical Ontology, Ontological Aesthetics: Rethinking Art and Beauty through Speculative Realism.Mario-Teodoro Ramírez - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 74:201-216.
    We thus propose to criticize the subjective-anthropological conception of beauty and to define the meaning of an ontological conception of the beautiful while at the same time inquiring into an aesthetic conception of ontology from the standpoint of speculative realism. We discuss first the general character of Kantian aesthetics, considered as the founding moment of modern aesthetic subjectivism. The first section reviews Gadamer’s criticisms of Kantianism before exposing, in the second section, the reinterpretation made by some neorealist (...)
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  11. Aesthetic Rationality.Keren Gorodeisky & Eric Marcus - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy 115 (3):113-140.
    We argue that the aesthetic domain falls inside the scope of rationality, but does so in its own way. Aesthetic judgment is a stance neither on whether a proposition is to be believed nor on whether an action is to be done, but on whether an object is to be appreciated. Aesthetic judgment is simply appreciation. Correlatively, reasons supporting theoretical, practical and aesthetic judgments operate in fundamentally different ways. The irreducibility of the aesthetic domain is (...)
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  12. Aesthetic properties.Sonia Sedivy - 2023 - In A. R. J. Fisher & Anna-Sofia Maurin (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Properties. London: Routledge.
    Aesthetic properties figure prominently in our daily lives, our conversations and many actions we take. Yet theoretical disagreement prevails over their nature, their variety, their epistemic and metaphysical status. This overview highlights the heterogeneity of aesthetic properties and examines repercussions for explanation. Aesthetic properties belong to natural objects or scenes, to artworks in any medium, to artefacts and built environments across historical eras; and they draw a wide variety of responses such as our perceptions, emotions or imaginative (...)
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    The Aesthetics of the Graz School.Venanzio Raspa (ed.) - 2010 - Ontos Verlag.
    This is the first volume devoted to the aesthetics of the Graz school. V. Raspa’s introduction gives an outline of the aesthetic themes and exponents of the school. D. Jacquette argues for a Meinongian subjectivistic aesthetic value theory. B. Langlet deals with aesthetic properties and emotions. Ch.G. Allesch presents Witasek's aesthetics in its historical context. Í. Vendrell Ferran investigates the aesthetic experience and quasi-feelings in Meinong, Witasek, Saxinger and Schwarz. R. Martinelli illustrates the musical aesthetics of (...)
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    The Semantics of Aesthetic Judgements.James O. Young (ed.) - 2017 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Are aesthetic judgements simply expressions of personal preference? If two people disagree about the beauty of a painting are both judgements valid or can someone be mistaken about the aesthetic value of an artwork? This volume brings together some of the leading philosophers of art and language to debate the status of aesthetic judgements.
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    The Aesthetics of Science: Beauty, Imagination and Understanding.Milena Ivanova & Steven French (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume builds on two recent developments in philosophy on the relationship between art and science: the notion of representation and the role of values in theory choice and the development of scientific theories. Its aim is to address questions regarding scientific creativity and imagination, the status of scientific performances--such as thought experiments and visual aids--and the role of aesthetic considerations in the context of discovery and justification of scientific theories. Several contributions focus on the concept of beauty as (...)
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  16. Aesthetics and Morals in the Philosophy of David Hume.Timothy M. Costelloe - 2007 - New York: Routledge.
    The book has two aims. First, to examine the extent and significance of the connection between Hume's aesthetics and his moral philosophy; and, second, to consider how, in light of the connection, his moral philosophy answers central questions in ethics. The first aim is realized in chapters 1-4. Chapter 1 examines Hume's essay "Of the Standard of Taste" to understand his search for a "standard" and how this affects the scope of his aesthetics. Chapter 2 establishes that he treats beauty (...)
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  17.  40
    The Aesthetic Significance of Nature's Otherness.Marianne O'brien - 2006 - Environmental Values 15 (1):99-111.
    In this article I consider and reflect upon the aesthetic significance of Simon Hail-wood's conception of nature as articulated in an earlier volume of this journal in his paper ‘The Value of Nature's Otherness’ (Hailwood 2000: 353–72). I provide a brief elucidation of Hailwood's conception of nature as other and I maintain that recognition of the value of nature's otherness and respect for nature's otherness requires as a necessary condition that one know and perceive that nature is other. I (...)
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  18. V—Aesthetics in Science: A Kantian Proposal.Angela Breitenbach - 2013 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 113 (1pt1):83-100.
    Can aesthetic judgements legitimately be linked to the success of scientific theories? I suggest that a satisfactory answer to this question should account for the persistent attraction that aesthetic considerations seem to have for scientists, while also explaining the apparent instability of the link between the beauty of a theory and its truth. I argue that two widespread tendencies in the literature, Pythagorean and subjectivist approaches, have difficulties meeting this twofold challenge. I propose a Kantian conception of (...) judgements as second‐order considerations, related to our own intellectual capacities for making sense of the world, and argue that it fares better. (shrink)
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    Transcendental aesthetics as failed apodictic aesthetics: Kant, Deleuze and the being of the sensible.Alessandra Campo - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 22.
    In Difference and Repetition, Deleuze defines his transcendental empiricism as an “apodictic” aesthetics, by which he means a science not simply of the sensible, but of the being of the sensible. Yet, to the extent that the sensibility which is at stake in the Transcendental Aesthetics is a sensibility without sensation, Kantian aesthetics is not apodictic. Sensation is the only contact we have with the being of the sensible, namely that which is exterior with respect to the interior of representation. (...)
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  20.  76
    Aesthetic Matters: Literature and the Politics of Disorientation.Paul Giles - 2013 - Substance 42 (2):99-113.
    Ever since Plato expelled artists from his ideal republic, the question of aesthetics has enjoyed a dubious status within the civic realm as well as among more rarefied circles of academia. Aesthetics in general have not enjoyed the intellectual prestige accorded to, say, linguistic philosophy or political history, which have traditionally been thought to grapple with more serious and substantive issues. Even when not tarnished with the popular notion of aestheticism as betokening a Wildean hedonism, the field has frequently been (...)
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    Computational Analysis Problem of Aesthetic Content in Fine-Art Paintings.Ольга Алексеевна Журавлева, Наталья Борисовна Савхалова, Андрей Владимирович Комаров, Денис Алексеевич Жердев, Анна Ивановна Демина, Эккарт Михаэльсен, Артем Владимирович Никоноров & Александр Юрьевич Нестеров - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (2):120-140.
    The article discusses the possibilities of the formal analysis of the fine-art painting composition on the basis of the classical definitions of beauty and computational aesthetics’ approaches of the second half of the 20th century he authors define the problem and consider solutions for the formalization of aesthetic perception in the context of aesthetic text, i.e., as part of the fine arts composition – a formal sequence of signs simply ordered in accordance with the syntactic rules’ system. The (...)
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  22. De gustibus est disputandum: An empirical investigation of the folk concept of aesthetic taste.Constant Bonard, Florian Cova & Steve Humbert-Droz - 2022 - In Jeremy Wyatt, Julia Zakkou & Dan Zeman (eds.), Perspectives on Taste: Aesthetics, Language, Metaphysics, and Experimental Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 77-108.
    Past research on folk aesthetics has suggested that most people are subjectivists when it comes to aesthetic judgment. However, most people also make a distinction between good and bad aesthetic taste. To understand the extent to which these two observations conflict with one another, we need a better understanding of people's everyday concept of aesthetic taste. In this paper, we present the results of a study in which participants drawn from a representative sample of the US population (...)
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  23. Heidegger's Aesthetics.Iain Thomson - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Heidegger is against the modern tradition of philosophical “aesthetics” because he is for the true “work of art” which, he argues, the aesthetic approach to art eclipses. Heidegger's critique of aesthetics and his advocacy of art thus form a complementary whole. Section 1 orients the reader by providing a brief overview of Heidegger's philosophical stand against aesthetics, for art. Section 2 explains Heidegger's philosophical critique of aesthetics, showing why he thinks aesthetics follows from modern “subjectivism” and leads to (...)
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    Some Thoughts on the Aesthetics of Retribution.Theodore Y. Blumoff - 2004 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 17 (2):233-254.
    There is a tendency among those who identify themselves as subjectivists on the issue of defining criminal intent to dismiss or minimize the role of actual non-trivial harm in the determination of criminal liability and punishment. That is to say, they are those who argue that an individual’s subjective intent is a sufficient indication of potential dangerousness and culpability to justify punishment. In this essay, the author presents a view, based on Adam Smith’s recognition of the “irregularity of the sentiments,” (...)
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    Aesthetic Inquiry in Education: Community, Transcendence, and the Meaning of Pedagogy.Hanan A. Alexander - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (2):1.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.2 (2003) 1-18 [Access article in PDF] Aesthetic Inquiry in Education:Community,Transcendence, and the Meaning of Pedagogy Hanan A. Alexander What does it mean to understand education as an art, to conceive inquiry in education aesthetically, or to assess pedagogy artistically? Answers to these queries are often grounded in Deweyan instrumentalism, neo-Marxist critical theory, or postmodern skepticism that tend to fall prey to (...)
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  26. Reflections on aesthetic judgement.B. R. Tilghman - 2004 - British Journal of Aesthetics 44 (3):248-260.
    Aesthetic realism is offered as a way of overcoming aesthetic disagreement and combating all forms of subjectivism, emotivism, and so on, with its thesis that aesthetic qualities really exist and the judgements about them are genuine statements of fact. This paper questions the intelligibility of that thesis together with its claim that aesthetic qualities are supervenient upon non-aesthetic ones. It is suggested that in this context supervenience amounts to little more than aspect perception and (...)
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    Introducing Aesthetics (review). [REVIEW]James McRai - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):515-516.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Introducing AestheticsJames McRaeIntroducing Aesthetics. By David E. W. Fenner. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003. Pp. 170.David E. W. Fenner's Introducing Aesthetics offers a comprehensive introduction to the major traditions of Western aesthetics. Fenner confines his study to Western aesthetics and does not address the aesthetic traditions of Asian philosophy. This is not, by any means, a limitation, as this restriction of scope makes Fenner's work more concise and (...)
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  28. De gustibus est disputandum: An empirical investigation of the folk concept of aesthetic taste.Bonard Constant Charles, Florian Cova & Steve Humbert-Droz - 2022 - In Jeremy Wyatt, Julia Zakkou & Dan Zeman (eds.), Perspectives on Taste: Aesthetics, Language, Metaphysics, and Experimental Philosophy. Routledge.
    Past research on folk aesthetics has suggested that most people are subjectivists when it comes to aesthetic judgment. However, most people also make a distinction between good and bad aesthetic taste. To understand the extent to which these two observations conflict with one another, we need a better understanding of people's everyday concept of aesthetic taste. In this paper, we present the results of a study in which participants drawn from a representative sample of the US population (...)
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    Towards a Feminist Aesthetics of Melancholia: Kristeva, Adorno, and Modern Women Writers.Ewa Ziarek - 2010 - Critical Horizons 11 (3):443 - 461.
    Melancholia is a hybrid concept, deployed in feminist and philosophical theories politics and aesthetics, but ‘properly” belonging to neither. This heterogeneity of melancholia as both an aesthetic and a political category allows us to interrogate the interrelationship between gender politics and aesthetics without, however, abolishing their differences. Reinterpreted in the context of a feminist aesthetics, melancholia not only points to art’s origin in the unjust and gendered division of labor and power but also to the ethical and political task (...)
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  30. Dufrenne, Kant, and the Aesthetic Attitude.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2023 - The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 21:565-590.
    This chapter reconstructs Dufrenne’s phenomenological interpretation of the aesthetic attitude. I argue that Dufrenne develops a fecund alternative to competing formulations, advances an innovative proposal for how artworks are perceived on their own terms, and undercuts the claim that a reliance on the subject-object frame- work in aesthetics entails a commitment to ‘subjectivism.’ On Dufrenne’s view, the aesthetic attitude is an intentional stance toward a special category of perceived object, which is defined by a ‘purposive’ mode of (...)
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    Diderot's Answer To The Problem Of Perception In The 18th Century Aesthetics.Ali Can Tural - 2024 - Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Humanities.
    The 18th century witnessed the transformation of aesthetics into an independent philosophical discipline. In this period, two main traditions emerged, based on which we can categorize aesthetic theorists. The first of these is classical or rationalist aesthetics, and the other is empiricist or subjective aesthetics. Because classical/rational aesthetic theories were largely based on Cartesian metaphysics, they also inherited the difficulties faced by Cartesian metaphysics. For Descartes, senseperception is not a reliable mode of cognition and truth only comes out (...)
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  32. Relativism, standards and aesthetic judgements.James O. Young - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (2):221 – 231.
    This paper explores the various available forms of relativism concerning aesthetic judgement and contrasts them with aesthetic absolutism. Two important distinctions are drawn. The first is between subjectivism (which relativizes judgements to an individual's sentiments or feelings) and the relativization of aesthetic judgements to intersubjective standards. The other is between relativism about aesthetic properties and relativism about the truth-values of aesthetic judgements. Several plausible forms of relativism about aesthetic properties are on offer, but (...)
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    The New Subjectivism: Art in the 1980s.Donald Kuspit - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (4):400-400.
  34. Towards a reasonable objectivism for aesthetic judgements.Elisabeth Schellekens - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (2):163-177.
    This paper is concerned with the possibility of an objectivism for aesthetic judgements capable of incorporating certain ‘subjectivist’ elements of aesthetic experience. The discussion focuses primarily on a desired cognitivism for aesthetic judgements, rather than on any putative realism of aesthetic properties. Two cognitivist theories of aesthetic judgements are discussed, one subjectivist, the other objectivist. It is argued that whilst the subjectivist theory relies too heavily upon analogies with secondary qualities, the objectivist account, which allows (...)
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  35.  72
    Beyond Hedonism about Aesthetic Value.James Shelley - 2023 - In Larissa Berger (ed.), Disinterested Pleasure and Beauty: Perspectives from Kantian and Contemporary Aesthetics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 257-274.
    In its simplest form, hedonism about aesthetic value, the standard account of aesthetic normativity, holds that an object’s aesthetic value is the value it possesses in virtue of its capacity to provide aesthetic pleasure. I argue that hedonism cannot be true because it cannot reconcile itself with our concern to make true aesthetic judgments. Then I argue for an alternative account of aesthetic normativity that is not only consistent with that concern but the very (...)
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    Crossing borders: Towards a cognitive aesthetic approach to Caravaggio and Beckett.Dario Del Degan - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (157):65-82.
    When conducting interart studies, difficulty arises comparing art forms due to differences in discourse between genres. The problem becomes compounded when certain art works extend their mode of communication beyond the boundaries of their genre. Interpreting such works tends to result in subjectivist readings that cannot be justified according to any predetermined analytical model. Rather than negating the subjective response, this article proposes that an artwork is realized within the mind. In examining critical responses to Caravaggio’s painting ‘Beheading of St. (...)
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  37. Teaching & learning guide for: Some questions in Hume's aesthetics.Christopher Williams - 2009 - Philosophy Compass 4 (1):292-295.
    David Hume's relatively short essay 'Of the Standard of Taste' deals with some of the most difficult issues in aesthetic theory. Apart from giving a few pregnant remarks, near the end of his discussion, on the role of morality in aesthetic evaluation, Hume tries to reconcile the idea that tastes are subjective (in the sense of not being answerable to the facts) with the idea that some objects of taste are better than others. 'Tastes', in this context, are (...)
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    Kant’s Regulative Principle of Aesthetic Excellence: The Ideal Aesthetic Experience.Rob van Gerwen - 1995 - Kant Studien 86 (3):331-345.
    It is rather intriguing that we will often try to persuade people of what we find beautiful, even though we do not believe that they may subsequently base their judgement of taste on our testimony. Typically, we think that the experience of beauty is such that we cannot leave it to others to be had. Moreover, we are often aware of the contingency of our own judgements’ foundation in our own experience. Nevertheless, we do think that certain aesthetic, evaluative (...)
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    Gadamer en die estetiese rekonstruksie van die antiaanse projek: Vir 'n kontekstuele kosmopolitanisme. (Gadamer and the aesthetical reconstruction of the Kantian project. For a contextual cosmopolitanism).Pieter Duvenage - 2002 - South African Journal of Philosophy 21 (4):306-329.
    This contribution has two motives. In the first place an unorthodox reading of Gadamer's work is provided. This unorthodox reading differs from an orthodox reading that normally places Gadamer's thinking in a certain etimological and historical constellation. It is unorthodox in the sense that Gadamer's hermeneutics is interpreted as a creative contemporary answer to the Kantian project. It is argued that Gadamer interprets Kant's project of the three Critiques from the third to the first (in reverse gear). In this process (...)
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    Philosophy of beauty.Francis Joseph Kovach - 1974 - Norman,: University of Oklahoma Press.
    There has long been a need for a work on the philosophy of beauty treating fundamental problems against the background of the history of aesthetics--ancient and medieval as well as modern and contemporary. This book answers that need with the comprehensive presentations of an objectivist philosophy of beauty to balance the currently popular aesthetic subjectivism. It includes a synopsis of views and theories expressed on the various questions about beauty by philosophers down through the ages. Kovach's acquaintance with (...)
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    Gusto, teorie della ricezione e competenze critiche. Alcune possibili tracce (e letture) di David Hume nel Novecento.Giacomo Fronzi - 2023 - Studi di Estetica 25.
    The 18th century is the age of aesthetics. This is evidenced not only by the birth of the discipline, but also by the extraordinary production in the field of aesthetic studies, particularly in Germany, England, France, and Italy. David Hume’s Of the standard of taste (1757), a veritable manifesto of aesthetic subjectivism, is also set within this framework. More than two and a half centuries later, how can it be read? In this paper, I will attempt to (...)
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  42. Teorie dell'oggetto estetico nel pensiero francese contemporaneo.Lorenzo Bartalesi - 2008 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 1 (2).
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    A Conciliatory Interpretation of the Meaning of Value Judgements in David Hume’s Philosophy.Carlota Salgadinho - 2023 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 27 (3):453-474.
    In this paper, I present an interpretation about the meaning of value judgements (moral and aesthetic) in the philosophy of David Hume. I state that although they are essentially descriptive of a fact (a sentiment that any spectator placed in the disinterested point of view can feel), these judgements also express a particular sentiment, at least in some cases. To achieve this aim, after introducing the questions and interpretative possibilities approached (section 1), I explain the interpretations called expressivist (mainly, (...)
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    Real Beauty.Eddy M. Zemach - 1997 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Aesthetics has typically been regarded as an arena where claims about truth cannot be made as questions about art seem to involve more matters of taste than knowledge. In _Real Beauty_, however, Eddy Zemach maintains that beauty, ugliness, gracefulness, gaudiness, and similar aesthetic properties are real features of public things and argues that whether these features are present is a matter of fact that can be empirically investigated. By examining the opposing nonrealistic views of Subjectivism, Noncognitivism, and Relativism, (...)
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    Beauty, Art, and the Polis.Alice Ramos - 2000 - CUA Press.
    Introduction by Ralph McInerny The essays in this volume, indebted in great part to Jacques Maritain and to other Neo-Thomists, represent a contribution to an understanding of beauty and the arts within the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition. As such they constitute a different voice in present-day discussions on beauty and aesthetics, a voice which nonetheless shares with many of its contemporaries concern over questions such as the relationship between beauty and morality, public funding of the arts and their educational role, objective and (...)
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    New Theory of Beauty.Guy Sircello - 1975 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    Ever since the eighteenth century, when Kant opened the floodgates of subjectivism in aesthetics, common men and philosophers alike have despaired of finding a basis for judgments about beauty. This book provides a comprehensive theory that encompasses beauty in art and nature, as well as intellectual, utilitarian, and moral beauty. The author argues that the beauty of objects can be reduced to the beauty of properties of those objects, which in turn can be understood in terms of "properties of (...)
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  47. Einführung in die philosophische Ästhetik.Maria Elisabeth Reicher - 2005 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
    Dieses Buch ist eine bewusst systematisch orientierte Einführung in die grundlegendsten Fragen der philosophischen Ästhetik. Es richtet sich in erster Linie an Studierende der Philosophie, aber auch an interessierte Laien und Vertreter/innen anderer Disziplinen. Zusammenfassungen, Übungsaufgaben und Literaturhinweise am Ende jedes Kapitels machen es auch für das Selbststudium geeignet. Aus dem Inhalt: I. Was ist philosophische Ästhetik? – Auf der Suche nach einer Definition der philosophischen Ästhetik – Die Gegenstände der philosophischen Ästhetik – Die Fragen der philosophischen Ästhetik – Die (...)
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    From hume’s “delicacy” to contemporary art.Anne Sejten - 2018 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 26 (54).
    David Hume’s essay “Of the Standard of Taste” —which represents a major step towards clarifying eighteenth-century philosophy’s dawning aesthetics in terms of taste—also relates closely to literal, physical taste. From the analogy between gustatory and critical taste, Hume, apt at judging works of art, puts together a contradictory argument of subjectivism and the normativity of common sense. However, a careful reading of the text unveils a way of appealing to art criticism as a vital component in edifying a philosophically (...)
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    Remembering nature through art: Hölderlin and the poetic representation of life.Camilla Flodin - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (3):411-426.
    For Friedrich Hölderlin, the mediatory role of aesthetics was central to overcoming the challenges of modern life, in particular human beings’ antagonistic relationship to nature. This article claims that Hölderlin preserves and improves what is true in Kant’s conception of the beautiful: that the experience of beauty concerns recognizing our dependence on nature, and that this recognition resonates in the works of artistic geniality as well. The article furthermore argues that the twentieth-century philosopher Theodor W. Adorno’s interpretation of Hölderlin sheds (...)
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  50. The psychology of philosophy: Associating philosophical views with psychological traits in professional philosophers.David B. Yaden & Derek E. Anderson - 2021 - Philosophical Psychology 34 (5):721-755.
    Do psychological traits predict philosophical views? We administered the PhilPapers Survey, created by David Bourget and David Chalmers, which consists of 30 views on central philosophical topics (e.g., epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of language) to a sample of professional philosophers (N = 314). We extended the PhilPapers survey to measure a number of psychological traits, such as personality, numeracy, well-being, lifestyle, and life experiences. We also included non-technical ‘translations’ of these views for eventual use in other (...)
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