Results for 'agent protocols'

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  1.  24
    Communication Education, Modeling, and Protocols Transform Clinicians to Agents of Empowerment.Keith M. Swetz, Michael D. Barnett & Kathleen M. McKillip - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (11):40-42.
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  2. Hidden protocols: Modifying our expectations in an evolving world.Hans van Ditmarsch, Sujata Ghosh, Rineke Verbrugge & Yanjing Wang - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 208 (1):18--40.
    When agents know a protocol, this leads them to have expectations about future observations. Agents can update their knowledge by matching their actual observations with the expected ones. They eliminate states where they do not match. In this paper, we study how agents perceive protocols that are not commonly known, and propose a semantics-driven logical framework to reason about knowledge in such scenarios. In particular, we introduce the notion of epistemic expectation models and a propositional dynamic logic-style epistemic logic (...)
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    Verifying epistemic protocols under common knowledge.Yanjing Wang, Lakshmanan Kuppusamy & Jan van Eijck - 2009 - Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge - Tark ’09:257--266.
    Epistemic protocols are communication protocols aiming at transfer of knowledge in a controlled way. Typically, the preconditions or goals for protocol actions depend on the knowledge of agents, often in nested form. Informal epistemic protocol descriptions for muddy children, coordinated attack, dining cryptographers, Russian cards, secret key exchange are well known. The contribution of this paper is a formal study of a natural requirement on epistemic protocols, that the contents of the protocol can be assumed to be (...)
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  4.  76
    Retraction and Revocation in Agent Deliberation Dialogs.Peter McBurney & Simon Parsons - 2007 - Argumentation 21 (3):269-289.
    We present a generic denotational semantic framework for protocols for dialogs between rational and autonomous agents over action which allows for retraction and revocation of proposals for action. The semantic framework views participants in a deliberation dialog as jointly and incrementally manipulating the contents of shared spaces of action-intention tokens. The framework extends prior work by decoupling the identity of an agent who first articulates a proposal for action from the identity of any agent then empowered to (...)
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  5.  30
    Intensional Protocols for Dynamic Epistemic Logic.Suzanne Wijk, Rasmus Rendsvig & Hanna Lee - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (6):1077-1118.
    In dynamical multi-agent systems, agents are controlled by protocols. In choosing a class of formal protocols, an implicit choice is made concerning the types of agents, actions and dynamics representable. This paper investigates one such choice: An intensional protocol class for agent control in dynamic epistemic logic (DEL), called ‘DEL dynamical systems’. After illustrating how such protocols may be used in formalizing and analyzing information dynamics, the types of epistemic temporal models that they may generate (...)
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    Intensional Protocols for Dynamic Epistemic Logic.Hanna S. van Lee, Rasmus K. Rendsvig & Suzanne van Wijk - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (6):1077-1118.
    In dynamical multi-agent systems, agents are controlled by protocols. In choosing a class of formal protocols, an implicit choice is made concerning the types of agents, actions and dynamics representable. This paper investigates one such choice: An intensional protocol class for agent control in dynamic epistemic logic, called ‘DEL dynamical systems’. After illustrating how such protocols may be used in formalizing and analyzing information dynamics, the types of epistemic temporal models that they may generate are (...)
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  7.  64
    Protocol, pattern and paper: interactive stabilization of immunohistochemical knowledge.Hubertus Nederbragt - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (4):386-395.
    This paper analyzes the investigation of the distribution of the protein tenascin-C in canine mammary tumors. The method involved immunohistochemistry of tissue slices, performed by the application of an antibody to tenascin-C that specifically can be made visible for microscopic inspection. The first phase of the project is the making of the protocol, the second the deduction of a pattern of tenascin-C distribution in tumors and the third the writing of a paper. Each of the phases is analyzed separately, using (...)
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  8. Reasoning with protocols under imperfect information.Eric Pacuit & Sunil Simon - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):412-444.
    We introduce and study a PDL-style logic for reasoning about protocols, or plans, under imperfect information. Our paper touches on a number of issues surrounding the relationship between an agent’s abilities, available choices, and information in an interactive situation. The main question we address is under what circumstances can the agent commit to a protocol or plan, and what can she achieve by doing so?
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  9. To know or not to know: epistemic approaches to security protocol verification.Francien Dechesne & Yanjing Wang - 2010 - Synthese 177 (S1):51-76.
    Security properties naturally combine temporal aspects of protocols with aspects of knowledge of the agents. Since BAN-logic, there have been several initiatives and attempts to incorpórate epistemics into the analysis of security protocols. In this paper, we give an overview of work in the field and present it in a unified perspective, with comparisons on technical subtleties that have been employed in different approaches. Also, we study to which degree the use of epistemics is essential for the analysis (...)
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  10.  44
    Towards a multi-agent system for regulated information exchange in crime investigations.Pieter Dijkstra, Floris Bex, Henry Prakken & Kees de Vey Mestdagh - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 13 (1):133-151.
    This paper outlines a multi-agent architecture for regulated information exchange of crime investigation data between police forces. Interactions between police officers about information exchange are analysed as negotiation dialogues with embedded persuasion dialogues. An architecture is then proposed consisting of two agents, a requesting agent and a responding agent, and a communication language and protocol with which these agents can interact to promote optimal information exchange while respecting the law. Finally, dialogue policies are defined for the individual (...)
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  11.  71
    Padua: A protocol for argumentation dialogue using association rules. [REVIEW]Maya Wardeh, Trevor Bench-Capon & Frans Coenen - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 17 (3):183-215.
    We describe PADUA, a protocol designed to support two agents debating a classification by offering arguments based on association rules mined from individual datasets. We motivate the style of argumentation supported by PADUA, and describe the protocol. We discuss the strategies and tactics that can be employed by agents participating in a PADUA dialogue. PADUA is applied to a typical problem in the classification of routine claims for a hypothetical welfare benefit. We particularly address the problems that arise from the (...)
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  12.  59
    A common ontology of agent communication languages: Modeling mental attitudes and social commitments using roles.Guido Boella, Rossana Damiano, Joris Hulstijn & Leendert van der Torre - 2007 - Applied ontology 2 (3-4):217-265.
    There are two main traditions in defining a semantics for agent communication languages, based either on mental attitudes or on social commitments. These traditions share speech acts as operators with preconditions and effects, and agents playing roles like speaker and hearer, but otherwise they rely on distinct ontologies. They refer not only to either belief and intention or various notions of social commitment, but also to distinct speech acts and distinct kinds of dialogue. In this paper, we propose a (...)
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  13.  33
    A logic for extensional protocols.Ben Rodenhäuser - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (3-4):477-502.
    We study a logic for reasoning about agents that pass messages according to a protocol. Protocols are specified extensionally, as sets of sequences of ?legal? actions assigned to each state in a Kripke model. Message-passing events that are licensed by the protocol are modeled as updates in the style of dynamic epistemic logic. We also consider changes to the protocol by introducing message-encoding modalities, corresponding to communications actions that lead to protocol extensions. While in our general framework, messages are (...)
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  14.  72
    Update Semantics of Security Protocols.Arjen Hommersom, John-Jules Meyer & Erik De Vink - 2004 - Synthese 142 (2):229 - 267.
    We present a model-theoretic approach for reasoning about security protocols, applying recent insights from dynamic epistemic logics. This enables us to describe exactly the subsequent epistemic states of the agents participating in the protocol, using Kripke models and transitions between these based on updates of the agent's beliefs associated with steps in the protocol. As a case study we will consider the SRA Three Pass protocol and discuss the Wide-Mouthed Frog protocol.
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  15.  20
    Consensus of Second-Order Heterogeneous Hybrid Multiagent Systems via Event-Triggered Protocols.Hong Zhang, Yanhan Li & Ying Zheng - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-16.
    This paper investigates the event-based consensus problem for the heterogeneous hybrid multiagent system. First, the heterogeneous hybrid MAS is proposed which contains continuous and discrete-time subsystems with second-order and first-order heterogeneous dynamics. Second, the event-triggered protocols are proposed, which mainly include the event-based control laws and event-triggered conditions for different kinds of agents. Then, the consensus conclusions of fixed topology and switching topologies are obtained based on graph theory and nonnegative matrix theory, which include the constraints on control parameters, (...)
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  16.  18
    Everyone Knows That Everyone Knows: Gossip Protocols for Super Experts.Hans van Ditmarsch, Malvin Gattinger & Rahim Ramezanian - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (3):453-499.
    A gossip protocol is a procedure for sharing secrets in a network. The basic action in a gossip protocol is a pairwise message exchange (telephone call) wherein the calling agents exchange all the secrets they know. An agent who knows all secrets is an expert. The usual termination condition is that all agents are experts. Instead, we explore protocols wherein the termination condition is that all agents know that all agents are experts. We call such agents super experts. (...)
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  17.  52
    Executable specification of open multi-agent systems.Alexander Artikis & Marek Sergot - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (1):31-65.
    Multi-agent systems where the agents are developed by parties with competing interests, and where there is no access to an agent’s internal state, are often classified as ‘open’. The members of such systems may inadvertently fail to, or even deliberately choose not to, conform to the system specification. Consequently, it is necessary to specify the normative relations that may exist between the members, such as permission, obligation, and institutional power. We present a framework being developed for executable specification (...)
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  18.  57
    Hohfeld in cyberspace and other applications of normative reasoning in agent technology.Christen Krogh & Henning Herrestad - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 7 (1):81-96.
    Two areas of importance for agents and multiagent systems are investigated: design of agent programming languages, and design of agent communication languages. The paper contributes in the above mentioned areas by demonstrating improved or novel applications for deontic logic and normative reasoning. Examples are taken from computer-supported cooperative work, and electronic commerce.
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  19. LTL model checking for security protocols.Alessandro Armando, Roberto Carbone & Luca Compagna - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (4):403-429.
    Most model checking techniques for security protocols make a number of simplifying assumptions on the protocol and/or on its execution environment that greatly complicate or even prevent their applicability in some important cases. For instance, most techniques assume that communication between honest principals is controlled by a Dolev-Yao intruder, i.e. a malicious agent capable to overhear, divert, and fake messages. Yet we might be interested in establishing the security of a protocol that relies on a less unsecure channel (...)
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  20.  9
    Ontology negotiation in heterogeneous multi-agent systems: The ANEMONE system.Jurriaan van Diggelen, Robbert-Jan Beun, Frank Dignum, Rogier M. van Eijk & John-Jules Meyer - 2007 - Applied ontology 2 (3-4):267-303.
    In open heterogeneous multi-agent systems, communication is hampered by lack of common ontologies. Ontologies may differ in naming conventions, granularity and scope. In such an environment, the agents must possess the right conversational skills to effectively exchange information even when the speaker's ontology is only approximately translatable to the hearer's ontology. Furthermore, the agents must be able to autonomously establish an ontology translation by exchanging parts of their ontologies. In this paper, we propose a layered communication protocol in which (...)
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  21.  66
    Towards a multi-agent system for regulated information exchange in crime investigations.Pieter Dijkstra, Floris Bex, Henry Prakken & Kees Vey Mestdagdeh - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 13 (1):133-151.
    This paper outlines a multi-agent architecture for regulated information exchange of crime investigation data between police forces. Interactions between police officers about information exchange are analysed as negotiation dialogues with embedded persuasion dialogues. An architecture is then proposed consisting of two agents, a requesting agent and a responding agent, and a communication language and protocol with which these agents can interact to promote optimal information exchange while respecting the law. Finally, dialogue policies are defined for the individual (...)
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    Intermittent Time-Varying Formation Control for High-Order Networked Agents Subject to Discontinuous Communications.Lixin Wang, Zhe Luo, Xiaoqiang Li, Xinsan Li & Xiaogang Yang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    This paper investigates the leaderless and leader-follower time-varying formation design and analysis problems for a group of networked agents subject to discontinuous communications. Firstly, a leaderless time-varying formation control protocol is proposed via the intermittent control strategy, where the control input of each agent is constructed by the distributed local state information and formation instructions in the communication time unit, but it is zero in the noncommunication time unit. Then, an explicit formulation of the formation center function is determined (...)
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  23. Knowledge and planning in an action-based multi-agent framework: A case study.Oliver Schulte - unknown
    The situation calculus is a logical formalism that has been extensively developed for planning. We apply the formalism in a complex multi-agent domain, modelled on the game of Clue. We find that the situation calculus, with suitable extensions, supplies a unified representation of (1) the interaction protocol, or structure of the game, (2) the dynamics of the knowledge and common knowledge of the agents, and (3) principles of strategic planning.
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  24. A communication algorithm for teamwork in multi-agent environments.Egon van Baars & Rineke Verbrugge - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (4):431-461.
    Using a knowledge-based approach, we derive a protocol, MACOM1, for the sequence transmission problem from one agent to a group of agents. The protocol is correct for communication media where deletion and reordering errors may occur. Furthermore, it is shown that after k rounds the agents in the group attain depth k general knowledge about the members of the group and the values of the messages. Then, we adjust this algorithm for multi-agent communication for the process of teamwork. (...)
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  25.  48
    Social Epistemology and Validation in Agent-Based Social Simulation.David Anzola - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1333-1361.
    The literature in agent-based social simulation suggests that a model is validated when it is shown to ‘successfully’, ‘adequately’ or ‘satisfactorily’ represent the target phenomenon. The notion of ‘successful’, ‘adequate’ or ‘satisfactory’ representation, however, is both underspecified and difficult to generalise, in part, because practitioners use a multiplicity of criteria to judge representation, some of which are not entirely dependent on the testing of a computational model during validation processes. This article argues that practitioners should address social epistemology to (...)
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  26.  62
    The moral economy of Saint Thomas Aquinas: Agent sovereignty, customary law and market convention.John R. Owen - 2007 - The European Legacy 12 (1):39-54.
    The ethical authority carried in the conventions of fairness and human well-being has been widely adopted under the idea of “moral economy,” forming an eclectic and interdisciplinary debate. Significant, though external to this debate, is a corpus of medieval thought which exhibits a fundamental interest in legitimate market protocols, and the political rights and obligations of agents in relation to the common good of the community. This article asserts the imperative status of a customary basis for understanding not just (...)
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  27.  20
    Genes and genomes: High‐frequency induction of chromosomal rearrangements in mouse germ cells by the chemotherapeutic agent chlorambucil.Eugene M. Rinchik, Lorraine Flaherty & Liane B. Russell - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (12):831-836.
    Recent mutagenesis studies have demonstrated that the chemotherapeutic agent, chlorambucll (CHL), is highly mutagenic in male germ cells of the mouse. Post‐melotic germ cells, and especially early spermatids, are the most sensitive to the cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of this agent. Genetic, cytogenetic and molecular analyses of many induced mutations have shown that, in these germ‐cell stages, CHL induces predominantly chromosomal rearrangements (deletions and translocations), and mutation‐rate studies show that, in terms of tolerated doses, CHL is perhaps five (...)
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  28.  66
    Knowledge condition games.Sieuwert van Otterloo, Wiebe Van Der Hoek & Michael Wooldridge - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (4):425-452.
    Understanding the flow of knowledge in multi-agent protocols is essential when proving the correctness or security of such protocols. Current logical approaches, often based on model checking, are well suited for modeling knowledge in systems where agents do not act strategically. Things become more complicated in strategic settings. In this paper we show that such situations can be understood as a special type of game – a knowledge condition game – in which a coalition “wins” if it (...)
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  29.  13
    Knowledge Condition Games.Sieuwert Otterloo, Wiebe Hoek & Michael Wooldridge - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (4):425-452.
    Understanding the flow of knowledge in multi-agent protocols is essential when proving the correctness or security of such protocols. Current logical approaches, often based on model checking, are well suited for modeling knowledge in systems where agents do not act strategically. Things become more complicated in strategic settings. In this paper we show that such situations can be understood as a special type of game – a knowledge condition game – in which a coalition “wins” if it (...)
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  30.  94
    A knowledge based semantics of messages.Rohit Parikh & Ramaswamy Ramanujam - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (4):453-467.
    We investigate the semantics of messages, and argue that the meaning ofa message is naturally and usefully given in terms of how it affects theknowledge of the agents involved in the communication. We note thatthis semantics depends on the protocol used by the agents, and thus not only the message itself, but also the protocol appears as a parameter in the meaning. Understanding this dependence allows us to give formal explanations of a wide variety of notions including language dependence, implicature, (...)
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  31.  29
    Heris: ユーザグループと www の統合的情報検索システム.Yamada Seiji Mase Motohiro - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17:127-134.
    In this paper, we propose a framework for searching information through both the WWW and a human group. Though information retrieval using a searc engine in the WWW is very useful, we can not acquire local information owned by persons and not explicitly described in text. A user knows neither where target information is in the WWW nor who knows in a human group. Thus we integrate the information retrieval in the WWW with that in a human group, develop a (...)
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  32. Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right From Wrong.Wendell Wallach & Colin Allen - 2008 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    Computers are already approving financial transactions, controlling electrical supplies, and driving trains. Soon, service robots will be taking care of the elderly in their homes, and military robots will have their own targeting and firing protocols. Colin Allen and Wendell Wallach argue that as robots take on more and more responsibility, they must be programmed with moral decision-making abilities, for our own safety. Taking a fast paced tour through the latest thinking about philosophical ethics and artificial intelligence, the authors (...)
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  33.  74
    ‘How can we tell it to the children?’ A deliberation at the Institute of Social Research.David Kettler & Thomas Wheatland - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 111 (1):110-122.
    To introduce an archival protocol of a ‘Debate about methods in the social sciences, especially the conception of social science method represented by the Institute’, held on 17 January 1941 at the Institute of Social Research in New York, the article focuses on certain conflicts in substance and terms of discourse among members of the Institute, with special emphasis on Franz Neumann’s distinctive approaches, notwithstanding his professed loyalty to Max Horkheimer’s theory. These are seen to arise not only from Neumann’s (...)
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  34.  20
    Everyone Knows that Everyone Knows.Rahim Ramezanian, Rasoul Ramezanian, Hans van Ditmarsch & Malvin Gattinger - 2021 - In Mojtaba Mojtahedi, Shahid Rahman & MohammadSaleh Zarepour (eds.), Mathematics, Logic, and their Philosophies: Essays in Honour of Mohammad Ardeshir. Springer. pp. 117-133.
    A gossip protocolGossip protocol is a procedure for sharing secrets in a network. The basic action in a gossip protocolGossip protocol is a telephone call wherein the caller and the callee exchange all the secrets they know. An agent who knows all secrets is an expert. The usual termination condition is that all agents are experts. Instead, we explore some protocols wherein the termination condition is that all agents know that all agents are experts. We call such agents (...)
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  35.  91
    Normative autonomy and normative co-ordination: Declarative power, representation, and mandate. [REVIEW]Jonathan Gelati, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sartor & Guido Governatori - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 12 (1-2):53-81.
    In this paper we provide a formal analysis of the idea of normative co-ordination. We argue that this idea is based on the assumption that agents can achieve flexible co-ordination by conferring normative positions to other agents. These positions include duties, permissions, and powers. In particular, we explain the idea of declarative power, which consists in the capacity of the power-holder of creating normative positions, involving other agents, simply by proclaiming such positions. In addition, we account also for the concepts (...)
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    Primer on an ethics of AI-based decision support systems in the clinic.Matthias Braun, Patrik Hummel, Susanne Beck & Peter Dabrock - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):3-3.
    Making good decisions in extremely complex and difficult processes and situations has always been both a key task as well as a challenge in the clinic and has led to a large amount of clinical, legal and ethical routines, protocols and reflections in order to guarantee fair, participatory and up-to-date pathways for clinical decision-making. Nevertheless, the complexity of processes and physical phenomena, time as well as economic constraints and not least further endeavours as well as achievements in medicine and (...)
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  37.  52
    A probabilistic temporal epistemic logic: Strong completeness.Zoran Ognjanović, Angelina Ilić Stepić & Aleksandar Perović - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (1):94-138.
    The paper offers a formalization of reasoning about distributed multi-agent systems. The presented propositional probabilistic temporal epistemic logic $\textbf {PTEL}$ is developed in full detail: syntax, semantics, soundness and strong completeness theorems. As an example, we prove consistency of the blockchain protocol with respect to the given set of axioms expressed in the formal language of the logic. We explain how to extend $\textbf {PTEL}$ to axiomatize the corresponding first-order logic.
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  38. One hundred prisoners and a lightbulb — logic and computation.Hans van Ditmarsch & Jan van Eijck - unknown
    This is a case-study in knowledge representation. We analyze the ‘one hundred prisoners and a lightbulb’ puzzle. In this puzzle it is relevant what the agents (prisoners) know, how their knowledge changes due to observations, and how they affect the state of the world by changing facts, i.e., by their actions. These actions depend on the history of previous actions and observations. Part of its interest is that all actions are local, i.e. not publicly observable, and part of the problem (...)
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  39. The gamut of dynamic logics.Jan van Eijck - unknown
    Dynamic logic, broadly conceived, is the logic that analyses change by decomposing actions into their basic building blocks and by describing the results of performing actions in given states of the world. The actions studied by dynamic logic can be of various kinds: actions on the memory state of a computer, actions of a moving robot in a closed world, interactions between cognitive agents performing given communication protocols, actions that change the common ground between speaker and hearer in a (...)
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    Toward a Dynamic Logic of Questions.Johan van Benthem & Ştefan Minică - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (4):633-669.
    Questions are triggers for explicit events of ‘issue management’. We give a complete logic in dynamic-epistemic style for events of raising, refining, and resolving an issue, all in the presence of information flow through observation or communication. We explore extensions of the framework to multi-agent scenarios and long-term temporal protocols. We sketch a comparison with some alternative accounts.
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    Pandemic ethics and beyond: Creating space for virtues in the social professions.Sarah Banks - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (1):28-38.
    Background During the pandemic, social and health care professionals operated in ‘crisis conditions’. Some existing rules/protocols were not operational, many services were closed/curtailed, and new ‘blanket’ rules often seemed inappropriate or unfair. These experiences provide fertile ground for exploring the role of virtues in professional life and considering lessons for professional ethics in the future. Research design and aim This article draws on an international qualitative survey conducted online in May 2020, which aimed to explore the ethical challenges experienced (...)
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    Perception of the Sports Social Environment After the Development and Implementation of an Identification Tool for Contagious Risk Situations in Sports During the COVID-19 Pandemic.José Ramón Lete-Lasa, Rafael Martin-Acero, Javier Rico-Diaz, Joaquín Gomez-Varela & Dan Rio-Rodriguez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study details the methodological process for creating a tool for the identification of COVID-19 potential contagion situations in sports and physical education before, during, and after practice and competition. It is a tool that implies an educational and methodological process with all the agents of the sports system. This tool identifies the large number of interactions occurring through sports action and everything that surrounds it in training, competition, and organization. The aim is to prepare contingency protocols based on (...)
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    Tableaux for logics of time and knowledge with interactions relating to synchrony.Clare Dixon, Cláudia Nalon & Michael Fisher - 2004 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 14 (4):397-445.
    The paper describes tableaux based proof methods for temporal logics of knowledge allowing non-trivial interaction axioms between the modal and temporal components, namely those of synchrony and no learning and synchrony and perfect recall. The interaction axioms allow the description of how knowledge evolves over time and makes reasoning in such logics theoretically more complex. Such logics can be used to specify systems that involve the knowledge of processes or agents and which change over time, for example agent based (...)
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  44.  22
    Merging Frameworks for Interaction.Johan Benthem, Jelle Gerbrandy, Tomohiro Hoshi & Eric Pacuit - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (5):491-526.
    A variety of logical frameworks have been developed to study rational agents interacting over time. This paper takes a closer look at one particular interface, between two systems that both address the dynamics of knowledge and information flow. The first is Epistemic Temporal Logic (ETL) which uses linear or branching time models with added epistemic structure induced by agents’ different capabilities for observing events. The second framework is Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) that describes interactive processes in terms of epistemic event (...)
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    When our thoughts are not our own: Investigating agency misattributions using the Mind-to-Mind paradigm.Lauren Swiney & Paulo Sousa - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):589-602.
    At the core of the sense of agency for self-produced action is the sense that I, and not some other agent, am producing and directing those actions. While there is an ever-expanding body of empirical research investigating the sense of agency for bodily action, there has, to date, been little empirical investigation of the sense of agency for thought. The present study uses the novel Mind-to-Mind paradigm, in which the agentive source of a target thought is ambiguous, to measure (...)
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    A Formal Model of Communication and Context Awareness in Multiagent Systems.Julien Saunier, Flavien Balbo & Suzanne Pinson - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (2):219-247.
    Awareness is a concept that has been frequently studied in the context of Computer Supported Cooperative Work. However, other fields of computer science can benefit from this concept. Recent research in the multi-agent systems field has highlighted the relevance of complex interaction models such as multi-party communication and context awareness for simulation and adaptive systems. In this article, we present a generic interaction model that enables to use these different models in a standardized way. Emerging as a first-order abstraction, (...)
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  47. One hundred prisoners and a lightbulb — the logic.Hans van Ditmarsch & Jan van Eijck - unknown
    We model the ‘100 prisoners and a lightbulb’ puzzle in an epistemic logic incorporating dynamic operators for the effects of information changing events. Such events include both informative actions, where agents become more informed about the non-changing state of the world, and factual changes, wherein the world and the facts describing it change themselves as well. We specify the underlying nondeterministic protocol and verify its postconditions in a recent extension of the model checker DEMO with factual change. We also present (...)
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    Merging frameworks for interaction.Johan van Benthem, Jelle Gerbrandy, Tomohiro Hoshi & Eric Pacuit - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (5):491-526.
    A variety of logical frameworks have been developed to study rational agents interacting over time. This paper takes a closer look at one particular interface, between two systems that both address the dynamics of knowledge and information flow. The first is Epistemic Temporal Logic (ETL) which uses linear or branching time models with added epistemic structure induced by agents’ different capabilities for observing events. The second framework is Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) that describes interactive processes in terms of epistemic event (...)
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    Bystander effects: A concept in need of clarification.Bozidar Djordjevic - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (3):286.
    An increasing body of evidence indicates that the response to genotoxic agents such as radiation or drugs is a group phenomenon, rather than the summed response of individual independent cells to injury. Thus, a complex contagion-like response may spread beyond the initial impact of an agent to enlarge its effect. This indirect effect, termed “Bystander Effect,” is multifaceted and may play a significant role in the therapy of tumors and in carcinogenesis. A better understanding of this phenomenon is needed (...)
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    Merging DEL and ETL.Tomohiro Hoshi - 2010 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 19 (4):413-430.
    This paper surveys the interface between the two major logical trends that describe agents’ intelligent interaction over time: dynamic epistemic logic (DEL) and epistemic temporal logic (ETL). The initial attempt to “merge” DEL and ETL was made in van Benthem et al. (Merging frameworks for interaction: DEL and ETL, 2007) and followed up by van Benthem et al. (J Phil Logic 38(5):491–526, 2009) and Hoshi (Epistemic dynamics and protocol information. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University Stanford, 2009a). The merged framework provides a (...)
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