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  1. (1 other version)THE ANALOGUE-DIGITAL DISTINCTION AND THE COGENCY OF KANT'S TRANSCENDENTAL ARGUMENTS.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2006 - Existentia: An International Journal of Philosophy (3-4):279-320.
    Hume's attempt to show that deduction is the only legitimate form of inference presupposes that enumerative induction is the only non-deductive form of inference. In actuality, enumerative induction is not even a form of inference: all supposed cases of enumerative induction are disguised cases of Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE), so far as they aren't simply cases of mentation of a purely associative kind and, consequently, of a kind that is non-inductive and otherwise non-inferential. The justification for IBE lies (...)
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  2. Analogue Computation and Representation.Corey J. Maley - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (3):739-769.
    Relative to digital computation, analogue computation has been neglected in the philosophical literature. To the extent that attention has been paid to analogue computation, it has been misunderstood. The received view—that analogue computation has to do essentially with continuity—is simply wrong, as shown by careful attention to historical examples of discontinuous, discrete analogue computers. Instead of the received view, I develop an account of analogue computation in terms of a particular type of analogue representation that allows for discontinuity. This account (...)
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  3. From Analogue to Digital.Annabel Astbury - 2009 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 44 (3):34.
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  4. BLEICHMAR Daniela, Paula De Vos, Kirstin Huffine and Kevin Sheehan.Del Moral Jose Angel & Analogıay Multiculturalismo’ Hermeneutica - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (3):649-652.
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  5. Hawking radiation and analogue experiments: A Bayesian analysis.Radin Dardashti, Stephan Hartmann, Karim P. Y. Thébault & Eric Winsberg - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 67:1-11.
    We present a Bayesian analysis of the epistemology of analogue experiments with particular reference to Hawking radiation. Provided such experiments can be externally validated via universality arguments, we prove that they are confirmatory in Bayesian terms. We then provide a formal model for the scaling behaviour of the confirmation measure for multiple distinct realisations of the analogue system and isolate a generic saturation feature. Finally, we demonstrate that different potential analogue realisations could provide different levels of confirmation. Our results thus (...)
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  6. Experimentation on Analogue Models.Susan G. Sterrett - 2017 - In Springer handbook of model-based science (2017). Springer. pp. 857-878.
    Summary Analogue models are actual physical setups used to model something else. They are especially useful when what we wish to investigate is difficult to observe or experiment upon due to size or distance in space or time: for example, if the thing we wish to investigate is too large, too far away, takes place on a time scale that is too long, does not yet exist or has ceased to exist. The range and variety of analogue models is too (...)
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    Analogue Gravity Phenomenology: Analogue Spacetimes and Horizons, from Theory to Experiment.Francesco Belgiorno, Sergio Cacciatori, Daniele Faccio, Vittorio Gorini, Stefano Liberati & Ugo Moschella (eds.) - 2013 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    Analogue Gravity Phenomenology is a collection of contributions that cover a vast range of areas in physics, ranging from surface wave propagation in fluids to nonlinear optics. The underlying common aspect of all these topics, and hence the main focus and perspective from which they are explained here, is the attempt to develop analogue models for gravitational systems. The original and main motivation of the field is the verification and study of Hawking radiation from a horizon: the enabling feature is (...)
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    Analogue Quantum Simulation: A New Instrument for Scientific Understanding.Dominik Hangleiter, Jacques Carolan & Karim Thebault - 2022 - Cham: Springer.
    This book presents fresh insights into analogue quantum simulation. It argues that these simulations are a new instrument of science. They require a bespoke philosophical analysis, sensitive to both the similarities to and the differences with conventional scientific practices such as analogical argument, experimentation, and classical simulation. -/- The analysis situates the various forms of analogue quantum simulation on the methodological map of modern science. In doing so, it clarifies the functions that analogue quantum simulation serves in scientific practice. To (...)
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    Analogue ontology and digital disruption.Robert Hassan - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (4):383-392.
    Pervasive digitality reveals us as analogue creatures that are unprepared for a world and a logic generated increasingly through automation. Promulgated by capitalism, digitality has created a new form of alienation, one far more powerful and comprehensive than that envisaged by either Marx or Lukács in the analogue-industrial age. Digital alienation-through-automation is the central process in our digital post-modernity. The effects reach increasing registers and spheres of culture, economy and politics. This essay considers the effects within the production of knowledge (...)
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  10. Compositionality and constituent structure in the analogue mind.Sam Clarke - 2023 - Philosophical Perspectives 37 (1):90-118.
    I argue that analogue mental representations possess a canonical decomposition into privileged constituents from which they compose. I motivate this suggestion, and rebut arguments to the contrary, through reflection on the approximate number system, whose representations are widely expected to have an analogue format. I then argue that arguments for the compositionality and constituent structure of these analogue representations generalize to other analogue mental representations posited in the human mind, such as those in early vision and visual imagery.
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    Analogue: On Zoe Leonard and Tacita Dean.Margaret Iversen - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (4):796-818.
    It is only now, with the rise of digitalization and the near-obsolescence of traditional technology, that we are becoming fully aware of the distinctive character of analogue photography. This owl-of-Minerva-like appreciation of the analogue has prompted photographic art practices that mine the medium for its specificity. Indeed, one could argue that analogue photography has only recently become a medium in the fullest sense of the term, for it is only when artists refuse to switch over to digital photographic technologies that (...)
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    An analogue of the Baire category theorem.Philipp Hieronymi - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):207-213.
    Every definably complete expansion of an ordered field satisfies an analogue of the Baire Category Theorem.
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    Analogue Apollo: Cybernetics and the Space Age.Christopher Johnson - 2008 - Paragraph 31 (3):304-326.
    This article re-examines some of the principal concepts of cybernetics — control, communication, feedback — and its preoccupation with the ‘coupling’ of human and machine in an increasingly automated world. Historically, the rise of cybernetics coincides with the so-called Space Age, where the kind of computerized control systems theorized in cybernetics were essential to the guidance and operation of the complex machinery required to place humans and machines in space. Taking the Apollo programme as a paradigmatic case of accelerated technological (...)
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  14.  49
    (2 other versions)Is There a Spatial Analogue of the Passage of Time?Peter J. Riggs - 2017 - Filosofiâ I Kosmologiâ 18 (1):12-21.
    It is exceedingly frequent for people to speak of the ‘passing of time’. We do not, on the other hand, speak of the ‘passing of space’. There do not seem to be any common locutions concerning spatial passage analogous to those of time’s assumed passage. Further, there is a long held belief in the philosophy of time that there is no spatial analogue of the passage of time. This opinion does not take into account circumstances that cannot be noticed in (...)
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  15.  46
    Analogue Quantum Simulation: A Philosophical Prospectus.Dominik Hangleiter, Jacques Carolan & Karim P. Y. Thebault - unknown
    This paper provides the first systematic philosophical analysis of an increasingly important part of modern scientific practice: analogue quantum simulation. We introduce the distinction between `simulation' and `emulation' as applied in the context of two case studies. Based upon this distinction, and building upon ideas from the recent philosophical literature on scientific understanding, we provide a normative framework to isolate and support the goals of scientists undertaking analogue quantum simulation and emulation. We expect our framework to be useful to both (...)
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  16.  41
    Analogue Models and Universal Machines. Paradigms of Epistemic Transparency in Artificial Intelligence.Hajo Greif - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (1):111-133.
    The problem of epistemic opacity in Artificial Intelligence is often characterised as a problem of intransparent algorithms that give rise to intransparent models. However, the degrees of transparency of an AI model should not be taken as an absolute measure of the properties of its algorithms but of the model’s degree of intelligibility to human users. Its epistemically relevant elements are to be specified on various levels above and beyond the computational one. In order to elucidate this claim, I first (...)
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    Analogue and Digital.Sean Cubitt - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):250-251.
  18. Confirmation via Analogue Simulation: What Dumb Holes Could Tell Us about Gravity.Radin Dardashti, Karim P. Y. Thébault & Eric Winsberg - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (1).
    In this article we argue for the existence of ‘analogue simulation’ as a novel form of scientific inference with the potential to be confirmatory. This notion is distinct from the modes of analogical reasoning detailed in the literature, and draws inspiration from fluid dynamical ‘dumb hole’ analogues to gravitational black holes. For that case, which is considered in detail, we defend the claim that the phenomena of gravitational Hawking radiation could be confirmed in the case that its counterpart is detected (...)
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    Analogue Magnitudes, the Generality Constraint, and Nonconceptual Thought.Jacob Beck - 2014 - Mind 123 (492):1155-1165.
    I reply to comments by David Miguel Gray and Grant Gillett concerning my paper, ‘The Generality Constraint and the Structure of Thought’.
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    “Logical Lantern”: Analogue of the Square of Opposition for Propositions in V.I. Markin’s Universal Language for Traditional Positive Syllogistic Theories.Oksana Cherkashina - 2024 - Logica Universalis 18 (1):35-47.
    In this paper is constructed an analogue of the square of opposition for propositions about relations between two non-empty sets. Unlike the classical square of opposition, the proposed scheme uses all logically possible syllogistic constants, formulated in V.I. Markin’s universal language for traditional positive syllogistic theories. This scheme can be called “Logical lantern”. The basic constants of this language are representing the five basic relations between two non-empty sets: equity, strict inclusion, reversed strict inclusion, intersection and exclusion (considered are only (...)
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    On a multilattice analogue of a hypersequent S5 calculus.Oleg Grigoriev & Yaroslav Petrukhin - 2019 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 28 (4):683-730.
    In this paper, we present a logic MMLS5n which is a combination of multilattice logic and modal logic S5. MMLS5n is an extension of Kamide and Shramko’s modal multilattice logic which is a multilattice analogue of S4. We present a cut-free hypersequent calculus for MMLS5n in the spirit of Restall’s one for S5 and develop a Kripke semantics for MMLS5n, following Kamide and Shramko’s approach. Moreover, we prove theorems for embedding MMLS5n into S5 and vice versa. As a result, we (...)
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  22. Projectible predicates in analogue and simulated systems.James Mattingly & Walter Warwick - 2009 - Synthese 169 (3):465 - 482.
    We investigate the relationship between two approaches to modeling physical systems. On the first approach, simplifying assumptions are made about the level of detail we choose to represent in a computational simulation with an eye toward tractability. On the second approach simpler, analogue physical systems are considered that have more or less well-defined connections to systems of interest that are themselves too difficult to probe experimentally. Our interest here is in the connections between the artifacts of modeling that appear in (...)
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    A slow growing analogue to buchholz' proof.Toshiyasu Arai - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 54 (2):101-120.
    In this, journal, W. Buchholz gave an elegant proof of a characterization theorem for provably total recursive functions in the theory IDv for the v-times iterated inductive definitions . He characterizes the classes of functions by Hardy functions. In this note we will show that a slow growing analogue to the theorem can be obtained by a slight modification of Buchholz' proof.
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  24. Subitising: analogue magnitude system or object file system?A. Krajcsi & Zs Palatinus - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 127-127.
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    Analogue Angels and Digital Diamonds: Tracing the Origins of New Media Art.John Charles Ryan - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (6).
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  26. The world is either digital or analogue.Francesco Berto & Jacopo Tagliabue - 2014 - Synthese 191 (3):481-497.
    We address an argument by Floridi (Synthese 168(1):151–178, 2009; 2011a), to the effect that digital and analogue are not features of reality, only of modes of presentation of reality. One can therefore have an informational ontology, like Floridi’s Informational Structural Realism, without commitment to a supposedly digital or analogue world. After introducing the topic in Sect. 1, in Sect. 2 we explain what the proposition expressed by the title of our paper means. In Sect. 3, we describe Floridi’s argument. In (...)
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    An Analogue of Transcendentalism.John B. Wilson - 1966 - Journal of the History of Ideas 27 (3):459.
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    An analogue of Hilbert's tenth problem for p-adic entire functions.Leonard Lipshitz & Thanases Pheidas - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (4):1301-1309.
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    The analogue of harmony; some reflections on Schiller's philosophical essays.Margaret C. Ives - 1970 - Pittsburgh, Pa.,: Duquesne University Press.
  30.  13
    Remediation, analogue corruption, and the signification of evil in digital games.Ewan Kirkland - 2010 - In Nancy Billias, Promoting and producing evil. New York: Rodopi. pp. 63--227.
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    A laboratory analogue of mirrored-self misidentification delusion: The role of hypnosis, suggestion, and demand characteristics.Michael H. Connors, Amanda J. Barnier, Robyn Langdon, Rochelle E. Cox, Vince Polito & Max Coltheart - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1510-1522.
    Mirrored-self misidentification is the delusional belief that one's own reflection in the mirror is a stranger. In two experiments, we tested the ability of hypnotic suggestion to model this condition. In Experiment 1, we compared two suggestions based on either the delusion's surface features (seeing a stranger in the mirror) or underlying processes (impaired face processing). Fifty-two high hypnotisable participants received one of these suggestions either with hypnosis or without in a wake control. In Experiment 2, we examined the extent (...)
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  32. What we cannot learn from analogue experiments.Karen Crowther, Niels S. Linnemann & Christian Wüthrich - 2019 - Synthese (Suppl 16):1-26.
    Analogue experiments have attracted interest for their potential to shed light on inaccessible domains. For instance, ‘dumb holes’ in fluids and Bose–Einstein condensates, as analogues of black holes, have been promoted as means of confirming the existence of Hawking radiation in real black holes. We compare analogue experiments with other cases of experiment and simulation in physics. We argue—contra recent claims in the philosophical literature—that analogue experiments are not capable of confirming the existence of particular phenomena in inaccessible target systems. (...)
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  33.  20
    Analogue magnitudes and knower-levels: Re-visiting the variability argument.James Negen & Barbara W. Sarnecka - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1252--1257.
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    Prospects for Analogue Confirmation.Paul Bartha - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):928-938.
    In analogical reasoning, observations about one or more source domains provide varying degrees of support for a conjecture about a target domain. Norton (2021) challenges the usefulness of formal models of analogical inference. Other philosophers (Dardashti et al. 2019) develop just such formal models in order to show how analogue experiments can confirm a hypothesis, even when the target domain is inaccessible. This paper defends the value of quasi-formal models of analogical reasoning. Such models are broadly compatible with Norton’s position, (...)
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    The G4i Analogue of a G3i Sequent Calculus.Rosalie Iemhoff - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (6):1493-1506.
    This paper provides a method to obtain terminating analytic calculi for a large class of intuitionistic modal logics. For a given logic L with a cut-free calculus G that is an extension of G3ip the method produces a terminating analytic calculus that is an extension of G4ip and equivalent to G. G4ip was introduced by Roy Dyckhoff in 1992 as a terminating analogue of the calculus G3ip for intuitionistic propositional logic. Thus this paper can be viewed as an extension of (...)
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    Analogue London.Lucy Harrison - 2002 - Angelaki 7 (1):213-215.
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    On Hide's magnetic analogue of Ertel's vorticity theorem.Wilfried Schröder & Hans-Jürgen Treder - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (10):1453-1455.
    The relativistic formulation of Hide's “magnetic analogue” of Ertel's potential vorticity theorem is Dirac's “new classical theory of electrons”.
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    A valuation ring analogue of von Neumann regularity.Claude Sureson - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 145 (2):204-222.
    We continue the study of a theory which is a valued analogue of the theory of regular rings studied by Carson, Lipshitz and Saracino, characterize it as the model companion of the theory of Prüfer rings, and prove its decidability. We then link it to the theory of p.p. rings developed by Weispfenning and show that it admits quantifier elimination in a related language.
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    Analogue Film, Digital Discourse, on Sean Cubitt's The Cinema Effect.Richard Misek - 2005 - Film-Philosophy 9 (3).
    Sean Cubitt _The Cinema Effect_ Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2004 ISBN 0-262-03312-7 456 pp.
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    Looking for an Analogue of Rice's Theorem in Circuit Complexity Theory.F. Stephan & B. Borchert - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (4):489-504.
    Rice's Theorem says that every nontrivia semantic property of programs is undecidable. In this spirit we show the following: Every nontrivia absolute counting property of circuits is UP-hard with respect to polynomial-time Turing reductions. For generators [31] we show a perfect analogue of Rice's Theorem.
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    Beyond format-specificity: Is analogue magnitude really the core abstract feature of the cultural number representation?Dénes Szűcs, Fruzsina Soltész & Usha Goswami - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):352-353.
    The issue of abstractness raises two distinct questions. First, is there a format-independent magnitude representation? Second, does analogue magnitude really play a crucial role in the development of human mathematics? We suggest that neither developmental nor cultural studies support this notion. The field needs to redefine the properties of the core number representation as used in human arithmetic.
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    Digital and analogue Phenomenology.Roberta Lanfredini - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (4):1059-1070.
    Phenomenology presents itself not as an explanation or interpretation of phenomena but as a description of them. Describing experience means making its internal structure explicit, which, in phenomenology, is an eidetic structure. The method of phenomenological explication or clarification is, however, by no means univocal. This paper aims to isolate the two fundamental ways in which phenomenological description is achieved. The first refers to a phenomenology of manifestation, based on the concept of determination or datum, which is realized in the (...)
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    Searching for an analogue of atr0 in the Weihrauch lattice.Takayuki Kihara, Alberto Marcone & Arno Pauly - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (3):1006-1043.
    There are close similarities between the Weihrauch lattice and the zoo of axiom systems in reverse mathematics. Following these similarities has often allowed researchers to translate results from one setting to the other. However, amongst the big five axiom systems from reverse mathematics, so far $\mathrm {ATR}_0$ has no identified counterpart in the Weihrauch degrees. We explore and evaluate several candidates, and conclude that the situation is complicated.
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    The Inaugural Address: Analogue Content.Christopher Peacocke - 1986 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 60 (1):1 - 17.
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    Preservativity logic: An analogue of interpretability logic for constructive theories.Rosalie Iemhoff - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (3):230-249.
    In this paper we study the modal behavior of Σ-preservativity, an extension of provability which is equivalent to interpretability for classical superarithmetical theories. We explain the connection between the principles of this logic and some well-known properties of HA, like the disjunction property and its admissible rules. We show that the intuitionistic modal logic given by the preservativity principles of HA known so far, is complete with respect to a certain class of frames.
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    Christianity as Model and Analogue in the Formation of the ‘Humanistic’ Buddhism of Tài X? and Hs?ng Yún.Yu-Shuang Yao & Richard Gombrich - 2018 - Buddhist Studies Review 34 (2):205-237.
    This article examines how modern Chinese Buddhism has been influenced by Christianity. For our purposes ‘modern Chinese Buddhism’ refers to a form of what has become known in the West as ‘Engaged Buddhism’, but in Chinese is known by titles which can be translated ‘Humanistic Buddhism’ or ‘Buddhism for Human Life’. This tradition was initiated on the Chinese mainland between the two World Wars by the monk Tài X?, and Part one of the article is devoted to him. Since the (...)
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    What Can We Learn From Analogue Experiments?Karim P. Y. Thebault - unknown
    In 1981 Unruh proposed that fluid mechanical experiments could be used to probe key aspects of the quantum phenomenology of black holes. In particular, he claimed that an analogue to Hawking radiation could be created within a fluid mechanical `dumb hole', with the event horizon replaced by a sonic horizon. Since then an entire sub-field of `analogue gravity' has been created. In 2016 Steinhauer reported the experimental observation of quantum Hawking radiation and its entanglement in a Bose-Einstein condensate analogue black (...)
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    An experimental analogue of repression: III. The effect of induced failure and success on memory measured by recall.Anchard Frederic Zeller - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (1):32.
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    Vantage perspective in analogue trauma memories: an experimental study.Nora Mooren, Julie Krans, Gérard Näring & Agnes van Minnen - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1261-1270.
    ABSTRACTVantage perspective during recall is thought to affect the emotionality and accessibility of distressing memories. This study aimed to test the effects of vantage perspective during recall...
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    Optical holography as an analogue for a neural reuse mechanism.Ann Speed, Stephen J. Verzi, John S. Wagner & Christina Warrender - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):291-292.
    We propose an analogy between optical holography and neural behavior as a hypothesis about the physical mechanisms of neural reuse. Specifically, parameters in optical holography (frequency, amplitude, and phase of the reference beam) may provide useful analogues for understanding the role of different parameters in determining the behavior of neurons (e.g., frequency, amplitude, and phase of spiking behavior).
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