Results for 'archives, catalogues, categories'

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  1. Cataloghi, categorie artistiche e apprezzamento del valore artistico.Elisa Caldarola - 2024 - In Davide Dal Sasso, Prima dell'archivio. Bologna: Il Mulino. pp. 239-250.
    Ci sono molti tipi di cataloghi d’arte. Alcuni presentano collezioni museali o raccolte private, altri le opere d’arte espo- ste in mostre temporanee, altri l’opera (completa o parziale) di qualche artista. Alcuni cataloghi listano soltanto le opere d’arte, altri mostrano alcuni aspetti dei contesti espositivi in cui le opere sono presentate al pubblico – installazioni permanenti di musei, o allestimenti temporanei in gallerie d’arte, per esempio. Tutti i cataloghi d’arte sono strumenti per comunicare al pubblico informazioni: i cataloghi possono essere (...)
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    BRACERS: the Bertrand Russell Archives Catalogue Entry and Retrieval System (I).Kenneth Blackwell - 1990 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 10 (2):158.
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  3. Wittgenstein's Nachlass: The Bergen Electronic Edition: Windows Individual User Version, Text and Facsimiles.The Wittgenstein Archives at Bergen (ed.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press.
    Wittgenstein's Nachlass: The Bergen Electronic Edition is the only CD-ROM to give you instant facsimile and text access to the 20,000 pages of the philosopher's Nachlass as catalogued by Professor von Wright in his 1982 publication The Wittgenstein Papers. -/- The result of 10 years of academic research and editorial work by the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen this electronic edition is the first scholarly resource to apply a uniform, well-documented, consistent set of editorial principles to the writings. (...)
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    A detailed catalogue of the second archives of Bertrand Russell.Kenneth Blackwell - 1992 - Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press. Edited by Carl Spadoni.
    Bertrand Russell's literary legacy encompasses an enormous quantity of correspondence and manuscripts. He first disposed of his papers to McMaster University in 1968, but withheld confidential files. The First Russell Archives as it is known at McMaster, was the subject of A detailed catalogue of the Archives of Bertrand Russell prior to the sale and was edited by Barry Feinberg. At the same time Russell and the staff at the Russell Peace Foundation continued to create new documents which arrived at (...)
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    Catalogue of Portraits of Naturalists, Mostly Botanists, in the Collections of the Hunt Institute, the Linnean Society of London, and the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Genéve. Michael T. Stieber, Anita L. Karg, Margot Walker, Gavin D. R. Bridson, Hervé M. Burdet, Marie M. Chautemps, Tina Moruzzi-BayoGuide to the Botanical Records and Papers in the Archives of the Hunt Institute, Part 2. Michael T. Stieber, Anita L. KargCatalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute. James J. White, Elizabeth R. Smith. [REVIEW]William Deiss - 1988 - Isis 79 (4):687-689.
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    The Catalogues of Archives of Scientists, Compiled by the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre. 1973-1978, and ContinuationJeannine Alston. [REVIEW]Michael Hoskin - 1982 - Isis 73 (1):111-111.
  7. catalogues: of Aristode, see Index of Names of Plutarch, see Index of Names categories, Aristotelian 117—18, 180 censors 78. [REVIEW]Asia Minor - 1997 - In Jonathan Barnes & Miriam T. Griffin, Philosophia togata. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 2--7.
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    A Detailed Catalogue of the Archives of Bertrand Russell. Archive Administrator and Editor Barry Feinberg.Bertrand Russell, Barry Feinberg & P. M. Fisher - 1967 - London: Continuum 1 Limited ; [Hamilton, Ont.] : Mills Memorial Library, McMaster University.
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    A Descriptive Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian and Urdu Manuscripts in the Library of the University of BombayKitāb al-AwrāqTa'rīkh. Vol. IX, pt. 1The Royal Archives of Egypt and the Origins of the Egyptian Expedition to Syria 1831-1841Ansāb al-Ashrāf. Vol. VHistoire des croisades et du royaume franc de Jérusalem. Vol. II. Monarchie franque et monarchie musulmane, l'equilibreKitab al-AwraqTa'rikh. Vol. IX, pt. 1Ansab al-Ashraf. Vol. VHistoire des croisades et du royaume franc de Jerusalem. Vol. II. Monarchie franque et monarchie musulmane, l'equilibre. [REVIEW]Philip K. Hitti, Khān Bahādur Professor Shaikh 'Abdu'L.-Ḳādir-E.-Sarfarāz, Al-Ṣūli, J. H. Dunne, Ibn-al-Furāt, Costi K. Zurayq, Asad J. Rustum, Al-Balādhuri, S. D. F. Goitein, René Grousset, Khan Bahadur Professor Shaikh 'Abdu'L.-Kadir-E.-Sarfaraz, Al-Suli, Ibn-al-Furat, Al-Baladhuri & Rene Grousset - 1937 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 57 (3):322.
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    The Human Rights After the Spanish Civil War.Adolfo Jorge Sánchez Hidalgo - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (3):379-395.
    The aim of this study is to characterize the weak discussion about the Human Rights in Franco’s time, not in general, but by testing Vallet de Goytisolo’s works. This author is deeply influenced by the lectures of M. Villey, Parisinian philosopher well-known by his denial of Human Rights. A comparative study of these authors will be done focusing on two - faced aspects : the strength and fragility of their doctrines. Both authors are defined as supporters of the Methodical Realism (...)
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    Comparing the Cataloguing of Indigenous Scholarships: First Steps and Finding.Julia Bullard, Sarah Dupont & Tamara Lee - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 48 (4):298-306.
    This paper provides an analysis of data collected on the continued prevalence of outdated, marginalizing terms in contemporary cataloguing practices, stemming from the Library of Congress Subject Heading term “Indians” and all its related terms. Using Manitoba Archival Information Network’s (MAIN) list of current LCSH and recommended alternatives as a foundation, we built a dataset from titles published in the last five years. We show a wide distribution of LCSH used to catalogue fiction and non-fiction, with outdated but recognized terms (...)
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    Nineteenth-century catalogues of nebulae and star clusters: Wolfgang Steinicke: Observing and cataloguing nebulae and star clusters: From Herschel to Dreyer’s New General Catalogue. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 660pp, £90.00, $140.00 HB.Woodruff T. Sullivan - 2011 - Metascience 21 (2):493-495.
    Nineteenth-century catalogues of nebulae and star clusters Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 1-3 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9593-6 Authors Woodruff T. Sullivan, Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Box 351580, Seattle, WA 98195, USA Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    From Archive to Archival Practices: Rethinking the Preservation of Mamluk Administrative Documents.Konrad Hirschler - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (1):1.
    This article proposes a new approach to the question of why so few Arabic documents have survived in their original archival context. Taking the Mamluk period as a case study it argues that the category “archive” itself needs to be reconfigured, away from the idea of fixed archival spaces, or even a Mamluk state archive, toward archival practices. These archival practices were spread across the Mamluk realm and involved numerous actors, which included the central bureaucracy in Cairo, individual secretaries, and, (...)
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  14. Identity Categories as Potential Coalitions.Anna Carastathis - 2013 - Signs 38 (4):941-965.
    Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw ends her landmark essay “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color” with a normative claim about coalitions. She suggests that we should reconceptualize identity groups as “in fact coalitions,” or at least as “potential coalitions waiting to be formed.” In this essay, I explore this largely overlooked claim by combining philosophical analysis with archival research I conducted at the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Historical Society Archive in San Francisco about Somos Hermanas, (...)
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    The Conservation, Cataloguing and Digitization of Fr. Luke Wadding's Papers at University College Dublin.Benjamin Hazard - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:477-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:At St. Isidore’s Franciscan College in Rome, the following maxim attributed to St. Patrick is inscribed above the door-way of the church: Si quae difficiles quaestiones in hac insula oriantur ad Sedem Apostolicam referantur; ut Christiani ita et Romani sitis.1 The college was founded in 1625 by Luke Wadding, O.F.M. and, under his direction, became a major seat of theological learning and political influence for the Irish in Rome.2 (...)
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    A Categorial Difficulty in Berkeley.Harry A. Nielsen - 1980 - Philosophy Research Archives 6:393-401.
    In Principles of Human Knowledge Berkeley speaks of the sensible qualities of an apple as being its parts. The paper argues that our words for sense-qualities play a role so unlike that of part-words that verbal atrocities would result from treating qualities as parts. Berkeley lends a surface plausibility to this move by focusing on a narrow selection of the normal linguistic accompaniment of the noun 'apple'. He puts out of mind the language of 'doing things with apples'— peeling, dicing, (...)
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  17. Locating sources, situating psychiatry, complicating categories : a journey through three German archives.Lara Keuck - 2022 - In Jenny Bangham, Xan Chacko & Judith Kaplan, Invisible Labour in Modern Science. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    The data archive as factory: Alienation and resistance of data processors.Jean-Christophe Plantin - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Archival data processing consists of cleaning and formatting data between the moment a dataset is deposited and its publication on the archive’s website. In this article, I approach data processing by combining scholarship on invisible labor in knowledge infrastructures with a Marxian framework and show the relevance of considering data processing as factory labor. Using this perspective to analyze ethnographic data collected during a six-month participatory observation at a U.S. data archive, I generate a taxonomy of the forms of alienation (...)
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  19.  23
    Im Archiv der Öffentlichkeit.Rudolf Maresch - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 4 (2):53-61.
    Durch den digitalen Medienwandel ist der Begriff der Öffentlichkeit problematisch geworden. Die Debatte fokussiert sich zumeist auf die Frage, ob die sogenannte bürgerliche Öffentlichkeit durch das Internet im Niedergang begriffen ist oder eine Intensivierung und Pluralisierung erfährt. Rudolf Maresch zeichnet die berühmte Untersuchung der Kategorie durch Jürgen Habermas nach und zieht den von ihm konstatierten Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit in Zweifel. Dagegen verweist er auf die gouvernementalen und medialen Prozesse, die jede Form von Kommunikation immer schon gesteuert haben. Öffentlichkeit sei daher (...)
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  20. Debates on the issue of psychological diagnosis have been raging for decades. In recent times, both sides in the debate have become more stubborn and self-righteous. The critics, especially, appear to be ineffectual and impotent. Poking fun at the more ludicrous of the hundreds of categories of mental disorder catalogued in the DSM-IV (the fourth edition of the). [REVIEW]Fred Newman & Kenneth Gergen - 1999 - In Lois Holzman, Performing psychology: a postmodern culture of the mind. New York: Routledge. pp. 73.
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    Im Archiv der Öffentlichkeit

    Rückblick auf eine fixe Idee, die das demokratische Bewusstsein vor fünfzig Jahren heimgesucht hat

    Kritische Öffentlichkeit und ihre Herstellung.
    Rudolf Maresch & Mercedes Bunz - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 2013 (2):53-70.
    Due to the transformation of digital media, the notion of “publicity” has become problematic. In most cases, the debate is focused on the question whether the internet causes a decline of so-called civic publicity or rather intensifies and pluralizes it. Rudolf Maresch outlines Jürgen Habermas's famous study of this category and challenges his claim concerning its “structural transformation,” referring to the governmental and medial processes which have always already controlled every form of communication. Publicity, he claims, is an epiphenomenon not (...)
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    On The Collective Catalogues Of Sivas Court Records.Abubekir Sıddık Yücel - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1059-1079.
    Court (Shar’iyya) recordings are at the forefront of primary written sources, which contain important documents related to Turkish history, sociology and culture. The court records shed light on city history of the period concerned with rich information and documents. These records are important books in which the documents related to the judicial, administrative, economic, architectural and social structure of a city as well as diplomatic correspondence between the center and the province were recorded. The purpose of this study is to (...)
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    Walter Benjamin’s Archive: Images, Texts, Signs Walter Benjamin Benjamin Handbuch. Leben-Werk-Wirkung.Michael Löwy - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (2):129-136.
    We are used to classifying different thinkers according to their general orientation: progressive or conservative, revolutionary or nostalgic of the past, materialist or idealist. Walter Benjamin does not fit into these categories. He is a revolutionary critic of the ideologies of progress, a materialist theologian, and his nostalgia for the past is at the service of his Marxist dreams for the future. It is therefore not surprising that so many different and conflicting readings of his work have developed since (...)
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  24. Scotism Made in Louvain. The Scholastic Culture of the Franciscans in Belgium. Exhibition at KU Leuven, Maurits Sabbe Library, June 3 - September 30, 2024. Catalogue.Andersen Claus A. & Jacob Schmutz (eds.) - 2024 - Louvain-la-Neuve:
    2024 marks the 400th anniversary of the publication of Theodor Smising’s giant volume De Deo Uno (printed in Antwerp in 1624), which was soon followed by a second volume, De Deo Trino (printed in Antwerp in 1626). Smising’s work was the first printed output of what developed into a specific tradition within early modern thought, the Louvain tradition of Scotism, itself but one part of the broad Scotist tradition that build upon the thought of John Duns Scotus (ca. 1266–1308). This (...)
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    Experimenting with the Archive: STS-ers As Analysts and Co-constructors of Databases and Other Archival Forms.Claire Waterton - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (5):645-676.
    This article is about recent attempts by scholars, database practitioners, and curators to experiment in theoretically interesting ways with the conceptual design and the building of databases, archives, and other information systems. This article uses the term ‘‘archive’’ as an overarching category to include a diversity of technologies used to inventory objects and knowledge, to commit them to memory and for future use. The category of ‘‘archive’’ might include forms as diverse as the simple spreadsheet, the species inventory, the computerized (...)
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  26. Les IA génératives visuelles entre perception d’archives et circuits de composition.Enzo D’Armenio - 2025 - Semiotica 2025 (262):213-257.
    Résumé Cet article aborde les intelligences artificielles génératives visuelles telles que Midjourney et DALL·E afin d’analyser leur fonctionnement sémiotique. Le point de départ est la définition de la discipline sémiotique proposée par Pierluigi Basso Fossali, décrivant celle-ci comme la science qui étudie la gestion sociale du sens, et qui s’articule en quatre sphères fondamentales : la perception, l’énonciation, la communication et la transmission. À partir de ce cadre théorique, l’objectif est de proposer et de décrire deux nouvelles configurations qui caractérisent (...)
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    Categories and functors in reverse and computable mathematics.Huishan Wu - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-31.
    This paper studies categories and functors in the context of reverse and computable mathematics. In ordinary reverse mathematics, we only focuses on categories whose objects and morphisms can be represented by natural numbers. We first consider morphism sets of categories and prove several associated theorems equivalent to ACA0\mathrm ACA_{0} over the base system RCA0\mathrm RCA_{0}. The Yoneda Lemma is a basic result in category theory and homological algebra. We then develop an effective version of the Yoneda Lemma (...)
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    Adhvc) virginevsqve helicon: A subtextual rape in ovid's catalogue of mountains (met. 2.219.Brian D. McPhee - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):769-775.
    In his lengthy survey of the cosmic devastation wrought by Phaethon's disastrous chariot ride, Ovid includes two catalogues detailing the scorching of the world's mountains and rivers. Ovid enlivens these lists through his usual play with sound patterns and revels in the opportunity to adapt so many Greek names to Latin prosody; for instance the opening line of the catalogue of mountains masterfully illustrates both of these features. The lists are also brimming with playful erudition. To take but a few (...)
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    Tomek Bartoszynski. On the structure of measurable filters on a countable set. Real analysis exchange, vol. 17 no. 2 , pp. 681–701. - Tomek Bartoszynski and Saharon Shelah. Intersection of < 2ℵ0 ultrafilters may have measure zero. Archive for mathematical logic, vol. 31 , pp. 221–226. - Tomek Bartoszynski and Haim Judah. Measure and Category—filters on ω. Set theory of the continuum, edited by H. Judah, W. Just, and H. Woodin, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute publications, vol. 26, Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, etc., 1992, pp. 175–201. - Tomek Bartoszynski, Martin Goldstern, Haim Judah, and Saharon Shelah. All meager filters may be null. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 117 , pp. 515–521. - Tomek Bartoszyński. Remarks on the intersection of filters. Topology and its applications, vol. 84 , pp. 139–143. [REVIEW]Claude Laflamme - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):388-389.
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    Constructions of categories of setoids from proof-irrelevant families.Erik Palmgren - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (1-2):51-66.
    When formalizing mathematics in constructive type theories, or more practically in proof assistants such as Coq or Agda, one is often using setoids. In this note we consider two categories of setoids with equality on objects and show, within intensional Martin-Löf type theory, that they are isomorphic. Both categories are constructed from a fixed proof-irrelevant family F of setoids. The objects of the categories form the index setoid I of the family, whereas the definition of arrows differs. (...)
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    The living record: Alan Lomax and the world archive of movement.Whitney E. Laemmli - 2018 - History of the Human Sciences 31 (5):23-51.
    In 1965, the American folklorist Alan Lomax set out on a mission: to view, code, catalogue and preserve the totality of the world’s dance traditions. Believing that dance carried otherwise inaccessible information about social structures, work practices and the history of human migration, Lomax and his collaborators gathered more than 250,000 feet of raw film footage and analyzed it using a new system of movement analysis. Lomax’s aims, however, went beyond the merely scientific. He hoped to use his ‘Choreometrics’ project (...)
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    Proxies and partial connections in an anthropologist's archive.Dmitry V. Arzyutov & David G. Anderson - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Science:1-17.
    This article examines the role of primary ethnographic materials – of field notes, letters and photographs – and even of the shelves and bookcases – in building accounts of the human condition. We trace the lives of incomplete and not-yet-found manuscripts, which have been treated as representative of whole archives, as well as closely held convictions and ideas in the history of anthropology. In so doing, we employ the notion of a ‘proxy’, or a set of signs and images which (...)
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    The politics of the liberal archive.Joyce Patrick - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (2):35-49.
    The idea of considering the archive as a political technology of liberal governmentality is developed in this article, questions of the uses of archives (important as these are) taking second place here to the politics apparent in the design and idea of one particular form of the archive. This form is the public archive as it became apparent in the 19th-century institution of the public library, the two chief examples being in Manchester and at the British Museum in London. The (...)
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  34. Fuzzy categories and religious polemics the daily life of Christians and muslims in the medieval and early modern mediterranean world.Gerard Wiegers - 2013 - Common Knowledge 19 (3):474-489.
    This contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium “Fuzzy Studies” argues, on the basis of recent research, that religious polemic is a phenomenon closely associated only with monotheist traditions. Focusing on religious polemics in medieval and early modern Islamic and Christian Spain, it analyzes polemical texts of diverse natures and from different centuries to see how their authors, by attacking both dogmatic and legal opinion, aimed to harden the amorphous boundaries between groups. On the Christian side, polemicists argued for the restriction (...)
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    Categories in Topics I 9: A New Plea For a Traditional Interpretation.Paolo Fait - 2023 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 105 (1):29-67.
    The list of katēgoriai presented at the start of Top. I 9 was traditionally interpreted as a version of the canonical Aristotelian list of categories, and as largely equivalent to the list we find in Categories 4. Accordingly, its first item, the ‘what it is’, was identified with the category of substance. This interpretation has been challenged by several scholars, all sharing the view that the ‘what it is’ in Top. I 9 cannot be substance, since it collects (...)
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  36. Glosse Categoriarum»: un commento anonimo del XII sec. alle «Categorie.Marco Sirtoli - 2016 - Noctua 3 (2):339-460.
    This work aims to a critical edition of an Aristotle’s Categories commentary, transmitted by M2 codex of St. Ambrose’s Chapter Archive in Milan. Written in Northern Italy, in the 12th century, it was probably a handbook for Chapter School. It is based upon some passages from the auctoritates, as it’s evident from the heading: incipiunt flores glosse categoriarum. It deals whit fundamental logical issues, and it presents a widespread use of the status’s theory, in order to solve some of (...)
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  37. Leibniz on Innate Ideas and Kant on the Origin of the Categories.Alberto Vanzo - 2018 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100 (1):19-45.
    In his essay against Eberhard, Kant denies that there are innate concepts. Several scholars take Kant’s statement at face value. They claim that Kant did not endorse concept innatism, that the categories are not innate concepts, and that Kant’s views on innateness are significantly different from Leibniz’s. This paper takes issue with those claims. It argues that Kant’s views on the origin of the intellectual concepts are remarkably similar to Leibniz’s. Given two widespread notions of innateness, the dispositional notion (...)
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    Which 'Athenodorus' Commented on Aristotle's Categories?Michael J. Griffin - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):199-208.
    The principate of Augustus coincided with a surge of interest in the short Aristotelian treatise which we now entitle Categories, contributing to its later installation at the outset of the philosophical curriculum and its traditional function as an introduction to logic. Thanks in part to remarks made by Plutarch and Porphyry , the origin of this interest has often been traced to Andronicus of Rhodes: his catalogue and publication of the Aristotelian corpus began with the Categories and may (...)
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    Using Linked Data to create provenance-rich metadata interlinks: the design and evaluation of the NAISC-L interlinking framework for libraries, archives and museums.Lucy McKenna, Christophe Debruyne & Declan O’Sullivan - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):921-947.
    Linked data have the capability to open up and share materials, held in libraries, archives and museums, in ways that are restricted by many existing metadata standards. Specifically, LD interlinking can be used to enrich data and to improve data discoverability on the Web through interlinking related resources across datasets and institutions. However, there is currently a notable lack of interlinking across leading LD projects in LAMs, impacting upon the discoverability of their materials. This research describes the Novel Authoritative Interlinking (...)
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    Manuscritos Filosóficos Coloniales conservados en el Archivo Nacional Histórico de Santiago de Chile / Colonial Philosophical Manuscripts Preserved in the National Historical Archive of Santiago de Chile. Abel Aravena Zamora.Abel Aravena Zamora - 2015 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 22:289.
    Our knowledge about colonial philosophical manuscripts preserved in the «Fondo Antiguo» and «Fondo Varios» at the National Historical Archive is limited almost exclusively to its listing and location. In some cases, there is a very brief description of the contents, identification of their philosophical tendency and some information about their authors. In order to expand our knowledge about them, we have tried here, on the one hand, to provide a more detailed description of the contents of the works, and, on (...)
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    Big Web data, small focus: An ethnosemiotic approach to culturally themed selective Web archiving.Saskia Huc-Hepher - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    This paper proposes a multimodal ethnosemiotic conceptual framework for culturally themed selective Web archiving, taking as a practical example the curation of the London French Special Collection in the UK Web Archive. Its focus on a particular ‘community’ is presented as advantageous in overcoming the sheer scale of data available on the Web; yet, it is argued that these ethnographic boundaries may be flawed if they do not map onto the collective self-perception of the London French. The approach establishes several (...)
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    Two Best Moments in the Bertrand Russell Archives.Kenneth Blackwell - 2019 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 38 (2):170-2.
    The author describes two outstanding moments in his work with Russell’s archives, over a period of 52 years, from readying them for sale in London to curating them at McMaster University. The highlights were being hired for the Russell Archives at McMaster and adoption of the correspondence catalogue by the University Library from its maintenance and development as a post-retirement project.
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    The Latin Tradition of Studying Porphyry’s Isagoge, ca 800-980 : A Working Catalogue of Manuscripts, Glosses and Diagrams. [REVIEW]Caterina Tarlazzi - 2020 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 87 (1):7-42.
    L’ Isagoge de Porphyre a été l’un des textes fondamentaux pour l’enseignement de la logique dans l’Occident latin. Cet article veut montrer son importance, à partir de l’étude des manuscrits, pour la période 800-980. L’introduction générale est suivie d’un catalogue des manuscrits qui transmettent l’ Isagoge, ou bien l’un des commentaires de Boèce à l’ Isagoge. Pour chaque manuscrit, sont indiqués la datation, le contenu général, les gloses et les diagrammes liés à l’ Isagoge.
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    Some remarks on category of the real line.Kyriakos Keremedis - 1999 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 38 (3):153-162.
    We find a characterization of the covering number $cov({\mathbb R})$ , of the real line in terms of trees. We also show that the cofinality of $cov({\mathbb R})$ is greater than or equal to ${\mathfrak n}_\lambda$ for every $\lambda \in cov({\mathbb R}),$ where $\mathfrak n_\lambda \geq add({\mathcal L})$ ( $add( {\mathcal L})$ is the additivity number of the ideal of all Lebesgue measure zero sets) is the least cardinal number k for which the statement: $(\exists{\mathcal G}\in [^\omega \omega ]^{\leq \lambda (...)
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    For a Genealogy of Decolonial Feminism: Living Archives of a Movement.Agustin Lao-Montes - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (3):582-600.
    The three volumes I am considering in this review essay constitute a living archive of the political and epistemic movement called decolonial feminism. Together, Tejiendo de Otro Modo: Feminismo, Epistemología, y Apuestas Descoloniales en el Abya Yala, Feminismo Descolonial: Nuevos aportes metodológicos a mas de una década, and Decolonial Feminism in Abya Yala, collect the principal contributions to the profoundly important production of critical theory and radical politics. The editors and contributors include a diversity of key figures in decolonial feminism, (...)
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  46. The Spatial Dynamics of National Minority Categories in Czechia– a Discourse Historical Perspective.Sylva Reznikova - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-16.
    The absence of a universally recognized definition of national minority is perceived as problematic by legal scholars on the international level as well as in domestic jurisdictions [Kymlicka, Will. 2015. Solidarity in diverse societies: Beyond neoliberal multiculturalism and welfare chauvinism. _Comparative Migration Studies_., Ringelheim, Julie. 2010. Minority Rights in a Time of Multiculturalism-The Evolving Scope of the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities. _Human rights law review_., Velázquez, Elisa Ortega. 2017. Minority rights for immigrants: From Multiculturalism (...)
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  47. Les catégories de la temporalité chez saint Augustin.Ladislas Boros - 1958 - Archives de Philosophie 21:323-85.
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    A History of John Henry Newman's Archival Papers.Stephen Kelly - 2013 - Newman Studies Journal 10 (1):68-81.
    This study traces the history of Newman’s personal papers that are archived at the Birmingham Oratory. Newman was the “master archivist” who spent considerable time during the last two decades of his life in assembling his papers. Subsequently, three major catalogues of Newman’s papers were prepared: the first began in 1920, under the supervision of Richard Garnett Bellasis and Henry Lewis Bellasis; a second catalogue was compiled in the mid-1950s by Yale University Library for microfilming Newman’s papers; the third catalogue (...)
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  49. Catégories et raison chez C.S. Peirce.Pierre Thibaud - 1989 - Archives de Philosophie 52 (4):539.
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  50. Category theory based on combinatory logic.M. W. Bunder - 1984 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 24 (1):1-16.
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