Results for 'arithmetical hierarchy'

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  1. Special Issue: Methods for Investigating Self-Referential Truth edited by Volker Halbach Volker Halbach/Editorial Introduction 3.Petr Hájek, Arithmetical Hierarchy Iii, Gerard Allwein & Wendy MacCaull - 2001 - Studia Logica 68:421-422.
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    The Arithmetical Hierarchy of Real Numbers.Xizhong Zheng & Klaus Weihrauch - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (1):51-66.
    A real number x is computable iff it is the limit of an effectively converging computable sequence of rational numbers, and x is left computable iff it is the supremum of a computable sequence of rational numbers. By applying the operations “sup” and “inf” alternately n times to computable sequences of rational numbers we introduce a non-collapsing hierarchy {Σn, Πn, Δn : n ∈ ℕ} of real numbers. We characterize the classes Σ2, Π2 and Δ2 in various ways and (...)
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    Refining the arithmetical hierarchy of classical principles.Makoto Fujiwara & Taishi Kurahashi - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (3):318-345.
    We refine the arithmetical hierarchy of various classical principles by finely investigating the derivability relations between these principles over Heyting arithmetic. We mainly investigate some restricted versions of the law of excluded middle, De Morgan's law, the double negation elimination, the collection principle and the constant domain axiom.
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    Fuzzy logic and arithmetical hierarchy III.Petr Hájek - 2001 - Studia Logica 68 (1):129-142.
    Fuzzy logic is understood as a logic with a comparative and truth-functional notion of truth. Arithmetical complexity of sets of tautologies and satisfiable sentences as well of sets of provable formulas of the most important systems of fuzzy predicate logic is determined or at least estimated.
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    Fuzzy logic and arithmetical hierarchy, II.Petr Hájek - 1997 - Studia Logica 58 (1):129-141.
    A very simple many-valued predicate calculus is presented; a completeness theorem is proved and the arithmetical complexity of some notions concerning provability is determined.
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    The logic of arithmetical hierarchy.Giorgie Dzhaparidze - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 66 (2):89-112.
    Formulas of the propositional modal language with the unary modal operators □, Σ1, 1, Σ2, 2,… are considered as schemata of sentences of arithmetic , where □A is interpreted as “A is PA-provable”, ΣnA as “A is PA-equivalent to a Σn-sentence” and nA as “A is PA-equivalent to a Boolean combination of Σn-sentences”. We give an axiomatization and show decidability of the sets of the modal formulas which are schemata of: PA-provable, true arithmetical sentences.
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    (1 other version)Learning theory in the arithmetic hierarchy.Achilles A. Beros - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (3):908-927.
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    Index sets in the arithmetical Hierarchy.Ulrike Brandt - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 37 (2):101-110.
    We prove the following results: every recursively enumerable set approximated by finite sets of some set M of recursively enumerable sets with index set in π 2 is an element of M , provided that the finite sets in M are canonically enumerable. If both the finite sets in M and in M̄ are canonically enumerable, then the index set of M is in σ 2 ∩ π 2 if and only if M consists exactly of the sets approximated by (...)
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    A Revision-Theoretic Analysis of the Arithmetical Hierarchy.Gian Aldo Antonelli - 1994 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35 (2):204-218.
    In this paper we apply the idea of Revision Rules, originally developed within the framework of the theory of truth and later extended to a general mode of definition, to the analysis of the arithmetical hierarchy. This is also intended as an example of how ideas and tools from philosophical logic can provide a different perspective on mathematically more “respectable” entities. Revision Rules were first introduced by A. Gupta and N. Belnap as tools in the theory of truth, (...)
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    A note on the arithmetical hierarchy.Stephen L. Bloom - 1968 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 9 (1):89-91.
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    (1 other version)Epistemic entrenchment and arithmetical hierarchy.Petr Hájek - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 62 (1):79-87.
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    Some contrasts between degrees and the arithmetical hierarchy.Alfred B. Manaster - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):301-304.
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    PAC learning, VC dimension, and the arithmetic hierarchy.Wesley Calvert - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (7-8):871-883.
    We compute that the index set of PAC-learnable concept classes is m-complete Σ30\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}Σ30{\Sigma^{0}_{3}}\end{document} within the set of indices for all concept classes of a reasonable form. All concept classes considered are computable enumerations of computable Π10\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}Π10{\Pi^{0}_{1}}\end{document} classes, in a sense made precise here. This family of concept classes is sufficient to cover all standard examples, and also has the property that PAC learnability (...)
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    Generalized R-Cohesiveness and the Arithmetical Hierarchy: A Correction to "Generalized Cohesiveness".Carl Jockusch & Tamara Lakins - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1078 - 1082.
    For $X \subseteq \omega$ , let $\lbrack X \rbrack^n$ denote the class of all n-element subsets of X. An infinite set $A \subseteq \omega$ is called n-r-cohesive if for each computable function $f: \lbrack \omega \rbrack^n \rightarrow \lbrace 0, 1 \rbrace$ there is a finite set F such that f is constant on $\lbrack A - F \rbrack^n$ . We show that for each n ≥ 2 there is no $\prod_n^0$ set $A \subseteq \omega$ which is n-r-cohesive. For n = (...)
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    Inside the Muchnik degrees II: The degree structures induced by the arithmetical hierarchy of countably continuous functions.K. Higuchi & T. Kihara - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (6):1201-1241.
    It is known that infinitely many Medvedev degrees exist inside the Muchnik degree of any nontrivial Π10 subset of Cantor space. We shed light on the fine structures inside these Muchnik degrees related to learnability and piecewise computability. As for nonempty Π10 subsets of Cantor space, we show the existence of a finite-Δ20-piecewise degree containing infinitely many finite-2-piecewise degrees, and a finite-2-piecewise degree containing infinitely many finite-Δ20-piecewise degrees 2 denotes the difference of two Πn0 sets), whereas the greatest degrees in (...)
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    Bounded arithmetic and the polynomial hierarchy.Jan Krajíček, Pavel Pudlák & Gaisi Takeuti - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 52 (1-2):143-153.
    T i 2 = S i +1 2 implies ∑ p i +1 ⊆ Δ p i +1 ⧸poly. S 2 and IΔ 0 ƒ are not finitely axiomatizable. The main tool is a Herbrand-type witnessing theorem for ∃∀∃ П b i -formulas provable in T i 2 where the witnessing functions are □ p i +1.
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    Relating the bounded arithmetic and polynomial time hierarchies.Samuel R. Buss - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 75 (1-2):67-77.
    The bounded arithmetic theory S2 is finitely axiomatized if and only if the polynomial hierarchy provably collapses. If T2i equals S2i + 1 then T2i is equal to S2 and proves that the polynomial time hierarchy collapses to ∑i + 3p, and, in fact, to the Boolean hierarchy over ∑i + 2p and to ∑i + 1p/poly.
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    Deciding arithmetic using SAD computers.Mark Hogarth - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (4):681-691.
    Presented here is a new result concerning the computational power of so-called SADn computers, a class of Turing-machine-based computers that can perform some non-Turing computable feats by utilising the geometry of a particular kind of general relativistic spacetime. It is shown that SADn can decide n-quantifier arithmetic but not (n+1)-quantifier arithmetic, a result that reveals how neatly the SADn family maps into the Kleene arithmetical hierarchy. Introduction Axiomatising computers The power of SAD computers Remarks regarding the concept of (...)
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    Subsystems of true arithmetic and hierarchies of functions.Z. Ratajczyk - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 64 (2):95-152.
    Ratajczyk, Z., Subsystems of true arithmetic and hierarchies of functions, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 64 95–152. The combinatorial method coming from the study of combinatorial sentences independent of PA is developed. Basing on this method we present the detailed analysis of provably recursive functions associated with higher levels of transfinite induction, I, and analyze combinatorial sentences independent of I. Our treatment of combinatorial sentences differs from the one given by McAloon [18] and gives more natural sentences. The same (...)
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    The Hausdorff-Ershov Hierarchy in Euclidean Spaces.Armin Hemmerling - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (3):323-350.
    The topological arithmetical hierarchy is the effective version of the Borel hierarchy. Its class Δta 2 is just large enough to include several types of pointsets in Euclidean spaces ℝ k which are fundamental in computable analysis. As a crossbreed of Hausdorff's difference hierarchy in the Borel class ΔB 2 and Ershov's hierarchy in the class Δ0 2 of the arithmetical hierarchy, the Hausdorff-Ershov hierarchy introduced in this paper gives a powerful classification (...)
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  21. Poincaré on the Foundations of Arithmetic and Geometry. Part 1: Against “Dependence-Hierarchy” Interpretations.Katherine Dunlop - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (2):274-308.
    The main goal of part 1 is to challenge the widely held view that Poincaré orders the sciences in a hierarchy of dependence, such that all others presuppose arithmetic. Commentators have suggested that the intuition that grounds the use of induction in arithmetic also underlies the conception of a continuum, that the consistency of geometrical axioms must be proved through arithmetical induction, and that arithmetical induction licenses the supposition that certain operations form a group. I criticize each (...)
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    The weakness of the Erdős–Moser theorem under arithmetic reductions.Ludovic Levy Patey & Ahmed Mimouni - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    The Erdős–Moser ([Formula: see text]) theorem says that every infinite tournament admits an infinite transitive subtournament. We study the computational behavior of the [Formula: see text] theorem with respect to the arithmetic hierarchy, and prove that [Formula: see text] instances of [Formula: see text] admit low[Formula: see text] solutions for every [Formula: see text], and that if a set [Formula: see text] is not arithmetical, then every instance of [Formula: see text] admits a solution relative to which [Formula: (...)
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  23. J. B. Paris. A hierarchy of cuts in models of arithmetic. Model theory of algebra and arithmetic, Proceedings of the Conference on Applications of Logic to Algebra and Arithmetic held at Karpacz, Poland, September 1–7, 1979, edited by L. Pacholski, J. Wierzejewski, and A. J. Wilkie, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 834, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1980, pp. 312–337. - George Mills. A tree analysis of unprovable combinatorial statements. Model theory of algebra and arithmetic, Proceedings of the Conference on Applications of Logic to Algebra and Arithmetic held at Karpacz, Poland, September 1–7, 1979, pp. 248–311. - Jussi Ketonen and Robert Solovay. Rapidly growing Ramsey functions. Annals of mathematics, ser. 2 vol. 113 , pp. 267–314. [REVIEW]A. J. Wilkie - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (4):1062-1066.
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    Polynomial local search in the polynomial hierarchy and witnessing in fragments of bounded arithmetic.Arnold Beckmann & Samuel R. Buss - 2009 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 9 (1):103-138.
    The complexity class of [Formula: see text]-polynomial local search problems is introduced and is used to give new witnessing theorems for fragments of bounded arithmetic. For 1 ≤ i ≤ k + 1, the [Formula: see text]-definable functions of [Formula: see text] are characterized in terms of [Formula: see text]-PLS problems. These [Formula: see text]-PLS problems can be defined in a weak base theory such as [Formula: see text], and proved to be total in [Formula: see text]. Furthermore, the [Formula: (...)
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    Abstract hierarchies and degrees.Ljubomir L. Ivanov - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (1):16-25.
    The aim of this paper is to enrich the algebraic-axiomatic approach to recursion theory developed in [1] by an analogue to the classical arithmetical hierarchy and an abstract notion of degree. The results presented here are rather initial and elementary; indeed, the main problem was the very choice of right abstract concepts.
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  26. Approximate counting by hashing in bounded arithmetic.Emil Jeřábek - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (3):829-860.
    We show how to formalize approximate counting via hash functions in subsystems of bounded arithmetic, using variants of the weak pigeonhole principle. We discuss several applications, including a proof of the tournament principle, and an improvement on the known relationship of the collapse of the bounded arithmetic hierarchy to the collapse of the polynomial-time hierarchy.
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    Some applications of forcing to hierarchy problems in arithmetic.Peter G. Hinman - 1969 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 15 (20-22):341-352.
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    Implicit Definability in Arithmetic.Stephen G. Simpson - 2016 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 57 (3):329-339.
    We consider implicit definability over the natural number system $\mathbb{N},+,\times,=$. We present a new proof of two theorems of Leo Harrington. The first theorem says that there exist implicitly definable subsets of $\mathbb{N}$ which are not explicitly definable from each other. The second theorem says that there exists a subset of $\mathbb{N}$ which is not implicitly definable but belongs to a countable, explicitly definable set of subsets of $\mathbb{N}$. Previous proofs of these theorems have used finite- or infinite-injury priority constructions. (...)
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    An intuitionistic formula hierarchy based on high‐school identities.Taus Brock-Nannestad & Danko Ilik - 2019 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 65 (1):57-79.
    We revisit the notion of intuitionistic equivalence and formal proof representations by adopting the view of formulas as exponential polynomials. After observing that most of the invertible proof rules of intuitionistic (minimal) propositional sequent calculi are formula (i.e., sequent) isomorphisms corresponding to the high‐school identities, we show that one can obtain a more compact variant of a proof system, consisting of non‐invertible proof rules only, and where the invertible proof rules have been replaced by a formula normalization procedure. Moreover, for (...)
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    Conservation Theorems on Semi-Classical Arithmetic.Makoto Fujiwara & Taishi Kurahashi - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1469-1496.
    We systematically study conservation theorems on theories of semi-classical arithmetic, which lie in-between classical arithmetic $\mathsf {PA}$ and intuitionistic arithmetic $\mathsf {HA}$. Using a generalized negative translation, we first provide a structured proof of the fact that $\mathsf {PA}$ is $\Pi _{k+2}$ -conservative over $\mathsf {HA} + {\Sigma _k}\text {-}\mathrm {LEM}$ where ${\Sigma _k}\text {-}\mathrm {LEM}$ is the axiom scheme of the law-of-excluded-middle restricted to formulas in $\Sigma _k$. In addition, we show that this conservation theorem is optimal in the (...)
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    On parallel hierarchies and Rki.Stephen Bloch - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 89 (2-3):231-273.
    This paper defines natural hierarchies of function and relation classes □i,kc and Δi,kc, constructed from parallel complexity classes in a manner analogous to the polynomial-time hierarchy. It is easily shown that □i−1,kp □c,kc □i,kp and similarly for the Δ classes. The class □i,3c coincides with the single-valued functions in Buss et al.'s class , and analogously for other growth rates. Furthermore, the class □i,kc comprises exactly the functions Σi,kb-definable in Ski−1, and if Tki−1 is Σi,kb-conservative over Ski−1, then □i,kp (...)
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    Partial collapses of the complexity hierarchy in models for fragments of bounded arithmetic.Zofia Adamowicz & Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 145 (1):91-95.
    For any n, we construct a model of in which each formula is equivalent to an formula.
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    Prenex normal form theorems in semi-classical arithmetic.Makoto Fujiwara & Taishi Kurahashi - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (3):1124-1153.
    Akama et al. [1] systematically studied an arithmetical hierarchy of the law of excluded middle and related principles in the context of first-order arithmetic. In that paper, they first provide a prenex normal form theorem as a justification of their semi-classical principles restricted to prenex formulas. However, there are some errors in their proof. In this paper, we provide a simple counterexample of their prenex normal form theorem [1, Theorem 2.7], then modify it in an appropriate way which (...)
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    Strengths and Weaknesses of LH Arithmetic.Chris Pollett & Randall Pruim - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (2):221-243.
    In this paper we provide a new arithmetic characterization of the levels of the og-time hierarchy . We define arithmetic classes equation image and equation image that correspond to equation image-LOGTIME and equation image-LOGTIME, respectively. We break equation image and equation image into natural hierarchies of subclasses equation image and equation image. We then define bounded arithmetic deduction systems equation image′ whose equation image-definable functions are precisely B. We show these theories are quite strong in that LIOpen proves for (...)
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    The provably total NP search problems of weak second order bounded arithmetic.Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk, Phuong Nguyen & Neil Thapen - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (6):419-446.
    We define a new NP search problem, the “local improvement” principle, about labellings of an acyclic, bounded-degree graph. We show that, provably in , it characterizes the consequences of and that natural restrictions of it characterize the consequences of and of the bounded arithmetic hierarchy. We also show that over V0 it characterizes the consequences of V1 and hence that, in some sense, a miniaturized version of the principle gives a new characterization of the consequences of . Throughout our (...)
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    (1 other version)Fragments of arithmetic.Wilfried Sieg - 1985 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 28 (1):33-71.
    We establish by elementary proof-theoretic means the conservativeness of two subsystems of analysis over primitive recursive arithmetic. The one subsystem was introduced by Friedman [6], the other is a strengthened version of a theory of Minc [14]; each has been shown to be of considerable interest for both mathematical practice and metamathematical investigations. The foundational significance of such conservation results is clear: they provide a direct finitist justification of the part of mathematical practice formalizable in these subsystems. The results are (...)
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    Higher complexity search problems for bounded arithmetic and a formalized no-gap theorem.Neil Thapen - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (7):665-680.
    We give a new characterization of the strict Σjb\forall {\Sigma^b_j} sentences provable using Σkb{\Sigma^b_k} induction, for 1 ≤ j ≤ k. As a small application we show that, in a certain sense, Buss’s witnessing theorem for strict Σkb{\Sigma^b_k} formulas already holds over the relatively weak theory PV. We exhibit a combinatorial principle with the property that a lower bound for it in constant-depth Frege would imply that the narrow CNFs with short depth j Frege refutations form a strict hierarchy (...)
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    A theorem on partial conservativity in arithmetic.Per Lindström - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (1):341 - 347.
    Improving on a result of Arana, we construct an effective family (φ r | r ∈ ℚ ⋂ [0, 1]) of Σ n -conservative Π n sentences, increasing in strength as r decreases, with the property that ¬φ p is Π n -conservative over PA + φ q whenever p < q. We also construct a family of Σ n sentences with properties as above except that the roles of Σ n and Π n are reversed. The latter result allows (...)
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  39. Notes on polynomially bounded arithmetic.Domenico Zambella - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (3):942-966.
    We characterize the collapse of Buss' bounded arithmetic in terms of the provable collapse of the polynomial time hierarchy. We include also some general model-theoretical investigations on fragments of bounded arithmetic.
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    The polynomial and linear time hierarchies in V0.Leszek A. Kołodziejczyk & Neil Thapen - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (5):509-514.
    We show that the bounded arithmetic theory V0 does not prove that the polynomial time hierarchy collapses to the linear time hierarchy . The result follows from a lower bound for bounded depth circuits computing prefix parity, where the circuits are allowed some auxiliary input; we derive this from a theorem of Ajtai.
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    The predicative Frege hierarchy.Albert Visser - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (2):129-153.
    In this paper, we characterize the strength of the predicative Frege hierarchy, , introduced by John Burgess in his book [J. Burgess, Fixing frege, in: Princeton Monographs in Philosophy, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2005]. We show that and are mutually interpretable. It follows that is mutually interpretable with Q. This fact was proved earlier by Mihai Ganea in [M. Ganea, Burgess’ PV is Robinson’s Q, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 619–624] using a different proof. Another consequence of the (...)
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    Jan Krajíček, Pavel Pudlák, and Gaisi Takeuti. Bounded arithmetic and the polynomial hierarchy. Ibid., vol. 52 , pp. 143–153. - Samuel R. Buss. Relating the bounded arithmetic and polynomial time hierarchies. Ibid., vol. 75 , pp. 67–77. - Domenico Zambella. Notes on polynomially bounded arithmetic. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 61 , pp. 942–966. [REVIEW]Stephen Cook - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1821-1823.
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    Kirby L. A. S. and Paris J. B.. Initial segments of models of Peano's axioms. Set theory and hierarchy theory V, Bierutowice, Poland 1976, edited by Lachlan A., Srebrny M., and Zarach A., Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 619, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1977, pp. 211–226.Paris J. B.. Some independence results for Peano arithmetic. [REVIEW]Stephen G. Simpson - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):482-483.
  44. Fermat’s last theorem proved in Hilbert arithmetic. III. The quantum-information unification of Fermat’s last theorem and Gleason’s theorem.Vasil Penchev - 2022 - Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 14 (12):1-30.
    The previous two parts of the paper demonstrate that the interpretation of Fermat’s last theorem (FLT) in Hilbert arithmetic meant both in a narrow sense and in a wide sense can suggest a proof by induction in Part I and by means of the Kochen - Specker theorem in Part II. The same interpretation can serve also for a proof FLT based on Gleason’s theorem and partly similar to that in Part II. The concept of (probabilistic) measure of a subspace (...)
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    Set Theory, Arithmetic, and Foundations of Mathematics: Theorems, Philosophies.Juliette Kennedy & Roman Kossak (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Machine generated contents note: 1. Introduction Juliette Kennedy and Roman Kossak; 2. Historical remarks on Suslin's problem Akihiro Kanamori; 3. The continuum hypothesis, the generic-multiverse of sets, and the [OMEGA] conjecture W. Hugh Woodin; 4. [omega]-Models of finite set theory Ali Enayat, James H. Schmerl and Albert Visser; 5. Tennenbaum's theorem for models of arithmetic Richard Kaye; 6. Hierarchies of subsystems of weak arithmetic Shahram Mohsenipour; 7. Diophantine correct open induction Sidney Raffer; 8. Tennenbaum's theorem and recursive reducts James H. (...)
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    Polynomial induction and length minimization in intuitionistic bounded arithmetic.Morteza Moniri - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (1):73-76.
    It is shown that the feasibly constructive arithmetic theory IPV does not prove LMIN, unless the polynomial hierarchy CPV-provably collapses. It is proved that PV plus LMIN intuitionistically proves PIND. It is observed that PV + PIND does not intuitionistically prove NPB, a scheme which states that the extended Frege systems are not polynomially bounded.
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    Classical and constructive hierarchies in extended intuitionistic analysis.Joan Rand Moschovakis - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (3):1015-1043.
    This paper introduces an extension A of Kleene's axiomatization of Brouwer's intuitionistic analysis, in which the classical arithmetical and analytical hierarchies are faithfully represented as hierarchies of the domains of continuity. A domain of continuity is a relation R(α) on Baire space with the property that every constructive partial functional defined on {α : R(α)} is continuous there. The domains of continuity for A coincide with the stable relations (those equivalent in A to their double negations), while every relation (...)
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    Quasi‐completeness and functions without fixed‐points.Ilnur I. Batyrshin - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (6):595-601.
    We prove a completeness criterion for quasi-reducibility and generalize it to higher levels of the arithmetical hierarchy. As an application of the criterion we obtain Q-completeness of the set of all pairs such that the prefix-free Kolmogorov complexity of x is less than n.
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    A note on definability in fragments of arithmetic with free unary predicates.Stanislav O. Speranski - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (5-6):507-516.
    We carry out a study of definability issues in the standard models of Presburger and Skolem arithmetics (henceforth referred to simply as Presburger and Skolem arithmetics, for short, because we only deal with these models, not the theories, thus there is no risk of confusion) supplied with free unary predicates—which are strongly related to definability in the monadic SOA (second-order arithmetic) without × or + , respectively. As a consequence, we obtain a very direct proof for ${\Pi^1_1}$ -completeness of Presburger, (...)
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  50.  28
    A note on fragments of uniform reflection in second order arithmetic.Emanuele Frittaion - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (3):451-465.
    We consider fragments of uniform reflection for formulas in the analytic hierarchy over theories of second order arithmetic. The main result is that for any second order arithmetic theory $T_0$ extending $\mathsf {RCA}_0$ and axiomatizable by a $\Pi ^1_{k+2}$ sentence, and for any $n\geq k+1$, T0+RFNΠn+21 = T0+TIΠn1,\begin{align*}T_0+ \mathrm{RFN}_{\varPi^1_{n+2}} \ = \ T_0 + \mathrm{TI}_{\varPi^1_n}, \end{align*} T0+RFNΣn+11 = T0+TIΠn1,\begin{align*}T_0+ \mathrm{RFN}_{\varSigma^1_{n+1}} \ = \ T_0+ \mathrm{TI}_{\varPi^1_n}^{-}, \end{align*} where T is $T_0$ augmented with full induction, and $\mathrm {TI}_{\varPi ^1_n}^{-}$ denotes the schema of transfinite induction (...)
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