Results for 'automatic transcription'

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  1. Transcription automatique des interactions verbales. Limites observées et perspectives envisagées à partir d’un corpus de consultations médicales.Thomas Quellec Bertin - 2025 - Corpus 26 (26).
    Speech-to-Text applications have made dazzling progress in recent years (e.g. Whisper). However, since they are usually intended to generate texts conform to written standards, they tend to blur marks of an oral nature (e.g. repetitions, pauses in the stream of words, phatics like er…). Thus, even if such applications suggest huge benefits in terms of working time as well as transcription accuracy, they remain inadequate for verbal exchanges analysis. Relying on a sample of transcripts from medical consultations anticipating an (...)
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    Automatic phonetic segmentation of Hindi speech using hidden Markov model.Archana Balyan, S. S. Agrawal & Amita Dev - 2012 - AI and Society 27 (4):543-549.
    In this paper, we study the performance of baseline hidden Markov model (HMM) for segmentation of speech signals. It is applied on single-speaker segmentation task, using Hindi speech database. The automatic phoneme segmentation framework evolved imitates the human phoneme segmentation process. A set of 44 Hindi phonemes were chosen for the segmentation experiment, wherein we used continuous density hidden Markov model (CDHMM) with a mixture of Gaussian distribution. The left-to-right topology with no skip states has been selected as it (...)
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    From DNA transcription to visible structure: What the development of multicellular animals teaches us.Rosine Chandebois & Jacob Faber - 1987 - Acta Biotheoretica 36 (2):61-119.
    This article is concerned with the problem of the relation between the genetic information contained in the DNA and the emergence of visible structure in multicellular animals. The answer is sought in a reappraisal of the data of experimental embryology, considering molecular, cellular and organismal aspects. The presence of specific molecules only confers a tissue identity on the cells when their concentration exceeds the threshold of differentiation. When this condition is not fulfilled the activity of the genes that code for (...)
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    Mitigating ethical conflict and moral distress in the care of patients on ECMO: impact of an automatic ethics consultation protocol.M. Jeanne Wirpsa, Louanne M. Carabini, Kathy Johnson Neely, Camille Kroll & Lucia D. Wocial - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e63-e63.
    AimsThis study evaluates a protocol for early, routine ethics consultation for patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to support decision-making in the context of clinical uncertainty with the aim of mitigating ethical conflict and moral distress.MethodsWe conducted a single-site qualitative analysis of EC documentation for all patients receiving ECMO support from 15 August 2018 to 15 May 2019. Detailed analysis of 20 ethically complex cases with protracted ethics involvement identifies four key ethical domains: limits of prognostication, bridge to nowhere, burden of (...)
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    Automated Progress-Monitoring for Literate Language Use in Narrative Assessment.Carly Fox, Sharad Jones, Sandra Laing Gillam, Megan Israelsen-Augenstein, Sarah Schwartz & Ronald Bradley Gillam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Language sample analysis is an important practice for providing a culturally sensitive and accurate assessment of a child's language abilities. A child's usage of literate language devices in narrative samples has been shown to be a critical target for evaluation. While automated scoring systems have begun to appear in the field, no such system exists for conducting progress-monitoring on literate language usage within narratives. The current study aimed to develop a hard-coded scoring system called the Literate Language Use in Narrative (...)
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    Fine-Grained Analysis: Talk Therapy, Media, and the Microscopic Science of the Face-to-Face.Michael Lempert - 2019 - Isis 110 (1):24-47.
    “Mechanical objectivity,” which Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison trace to the mid-nineteenth century, often coincided with efforts to inscribe nature “directly,” such as through automatic registering machines. But what did this inscription entail? Addressing this question requires that we reexamine indexicalization: the shift in semiotic ideology whereby medial technologies are imagined and acted on as if they preserved material traces of the real. Indexicalization is no simple reflex of mechanical objectivity and is more varied and consequential than commonly imagined. (...)
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    Artist-Author in Action and Reflection.Michael Croft - 2022 - Phenomenology and Practice 17 (1).
    The question of conjoined artistic- and phenomenological research practice is explored through two realizations of a drawing-based practice, complemented with a language-based practice that includes transcriptions of a spoken monologue while and about drawing. Through adapting the sense that the monologue’s addressee is an apparently other person, and narrating this situation, the author expresses through the article that the experiential process of drawing is automatically phenomenological. In turn, the article is a presentation of how phenomenological reflection is implicit in the (...)
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    Transfer Learning and Semisupervised Adversarial Detection and Classification of COVID-19 in CT Images.Ariyo Oluwasanmi, Muhammad Umar Aftab, Zhiguang Qin, Son Tung Ngo, Thang Van Doan, Son Ba Nguyen & Son Hoang Nguyen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    The ongoing coronavirus 2019 pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 has resulted in a severe ramification on the global healthcare system, principally because of its easy transmission and the extended period of the virus survival on contaminated surfaces. With the advances in computer-aided diagnosis and artificial intelligence, this paper presents the application of deep learning and adversarial network for the automatic identification of COVID-19 pneumonia in computed tomography scans of the lungs. The complexity and time (...)
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    Caractérisation des échanges entre patients et médecins : approche outillée d’un corpus de consultations médicales.Ludovic Tanguy, Cécile Fabre, Lydia-Mai Ho-Dac & Josette Rebeyrolle - 2011 - Corpus 10:137-154.
    Nous présentons une étude fondée sur un corpus de transcriptions de consultations médicales, dans le cadre d’un projet interdisciplinaire qui explore la question des inégalités sociales de santé. L’objet de cet article est de montrer comment, en tant que linguistes familiers du traitement outillé des corpus, nous avons choisi d’aborder ce matériau qui fait l’objet de questionnements disciplinaires complémentaires, et quels éléments de caractérisation spécifiques nous sommes en mesure d’apporter en réponse à une demande émanant de la sphère médicale.
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  10. Handwritten Text Recognition of Ukrainian Manuscripts in the 21st Century: Possibilities, Challenges, and the Future of the First Generic AI-based Model.Aleksej Tikhonov & Achim Rabus - 2024 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 11:226-247.
    This article reports on developing and evaluating a generic Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) model created for the automatic computer-assisted transcription of Ukrainian handwriting publicly available via the HTR platform Transkribus. The model’s training process encompasses diverse datasets, including historical manuscripts by renowned poets Taras Shevchenko and Lesya Ukrainka, along with private correspondence used for the General Regionally Annotated Corpus of Ukrainian (GRAC) and a diary procured at the Holodomor Museum collection. We evaluate the model’s performance by comparing its (...)
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    Harnessing rhetorical figures for argument mining.Randy Allen Harris & Chrysanne Di Marco - 2017 - Argument and Computation 8 (3):289-310.
    The generalised, automated reconstruction of the reasoning structures underlying persuasive communication is an enormously challenging task. While this work in argument mining is increasingly informed by the rich tradition of argumentation studies outside the computational field, the rhetorical perspective on argumentation is thus far largely ignored. To explore the application of rhetorical insights in argument mining, we conduct a pilot study on the connection between rhetorical figures and argumentation structure. Rhetorical figures are linguistic devices that perform a variety of functions (...)
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    Des bruits dans mon corpus : des données à réduire au silence, à atténuer ou à écouter attentivement?Loïc Liégeois - 2025 - Corpus 26 (26).
    In the field of NLP, “noise” is a notion with many different meanings. This is also true in fields of linguistics in which the analysis of ecological data is central.In studies involving corpus linguistic methods, noise management is an essential process for data collection, data structuration and data analysis. Paradoxically, this step is almost never developed, or completely ignored.In this paper, we propose to focus on the management of noise during the various stages classically defined in the processing of an (...)
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  13. Margaret Benyon.Holography as Art & An Automatic Eden - 1989 - In Richard Kostelanetz (ed.), Esthetics contemporary. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
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    How do you know that? Automatic belief inferences in passing conversation.Paula Rubio-Fernández, Francis Mollica, Michelle Oraa Ali & Edward Gibson - 2019 - Cognition 193 (C):104011.
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    The relation between conscious and unconscious (automatic) influences: A declaration of independence.Larry L. Jacoby, Andrew P. Yonelinas & J. M. Jennings - 1997 - In Jonathan D. Cohen & Jonathan W. Schooler (eds.), Scientific Approaches to Consciousness. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 13--47.
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    A cognitive model of drug urges and drug-use behavior: Role of automatic and nonautomatic processes.Stephen T. Tiffany - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (2):147-168.
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  17. Automaticity in Virtuous Action.Clea F. Rees & Jonathan Webber - 2014 - In Nancy E. Snow & Franco V. Trivigno (eds.), The Philosophy and Psychology of Character and Happiness. New York: Routledge. pp. 75-90.
    Automaticity is rapid and effortless cognition that operates without conscious awareness or deliberative control. An action is virtuous to the degree that it meets the requirements of the ethical virtues in the circumstances. What contribution does automaticity make to the ethical virtue of an action? How far is the automaticity discussed by virtue ethicists consonant with, or even supported by, the findings of empirical psychology? We argue that the automaticity of virtuous action is automaticity not of skill, but of motivation. (...)
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  18.  31
    The effect of object–valence relations on automatic evaluation.Tal Moran & Yoav Bar-Anan - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (4):743-752.
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    Spurious transcription factor binding: Non‐functional or genetically redundant?Mikhail Spivakov - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (8):798-806.
    Transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) on the DNA are generally accepted as the key nodes of gene control. However, the multitudes of TFBSs identified in genome‐wide studies, some of them seemingly unconstrained in evolution, have prompted the view that in many cases TF binding may serve no biological function. Yet, insights from transcriptional biochemistry, population genetics and functional genomics suggest that rather than segregating into ‘functional’ or ‘non‐functional’, TFBS inputs to their target genes may be generally cumulative, with varying (...)
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  20. Ethical Automaticity.Michael Brownstein & Alex Madva - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42 (1):68-98.
    Social psychologists tell us that much of human behavior is automatic. It is natural to think that automatic behavioral dispositions are ethically desirable if and only if they are suitably governed by an agent’s reflective judgments. However, we identify a class of automatic dispositions that make normatively self-standing contributions to praiseworthy action and a well-lived life, independently of, or even in spite of, an agent’s reflective judgments about what to do. We argue that the fundamental questions for (...)
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    Diversity in agricultural technology adoption: How are automatic milking systems used and to what end?Rebecca L. Schewe & Diana Stuart - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):199-213.
    Adoption of technology in agriculture can significantly reorganize production and relationships amongst humans, animals, technology, and the natural environment. However, the adoption of agricultural technology is not homogenous, and diversity in integration leads to a diversity of outcomes and impacts. In this study, we examine the adoption of automated milking systems in small and midsize dairy farms in the US Midwest, the Netherlands, and Denmark. In contrast to technological determinism, we find significant variation amongst adopters in the implementation of AMS (...)
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  22.  13
    Splitting and reduction heuristics in automatic theorem proving.W. W. Bledsoe - 1971 - Artificial Intelligence 2 (1):55-77.
  23. Automatic Actions: Challenging Causalism.Ezio Di Nucci - 2011 - Rationality Markets and Morals 2 (1):179-200.
    I argue that so-called automatic actions – routine performances that we successfully and effortlessly complete without thinking such as turning a door handle, downshifting to 4th gear, or lighting up a cigarette – pose a challenge to causalism, because they do not appear to be preceded by the psychological states which, according to the causal theory of action, are necessary for intentional action. I argue that causalism cannot prove that agents are simply unaware of the relevant psychological states when (...)
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  24.  26
    What are reaction time indices of automatic imitation measuring?Richard Ramsey - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 65:240-254.
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    Dividing the self: Distinct neural substrates of task-based and automatic self-prioritization after brain damage.Jie Sui, Magdalena Chechlacz & Glyn W. Humphreys - 2012 - Cognition 122 (2):150-162.
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    Physiological Assessment of Engagement during HRI: Impact of Manual vs Automatic Mode.Nicolas Drougard, Raphaëlle Roy, Sébastien Scannella, Frederic Dehais & Caroline Ponzoni Carvalho Chanel - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    My favourite molecule: Polyamines, chromatin structure and transcription.Harry R. Matthews - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (8):561-566.
    Nucleosomes are the basic elements of chromatin structure. Polyamines, such as spermine and spermidine, are small ubiquitous molecules absolutely required for cell growth. Photoaffinity polyamines bind to specific locations in nucleosomes and can change the helical twist of DNA in nucleosomes. Acetylation of polyamines reduces their affinity for DNA and nucleosomes, thus the helical twist of DNA in nucleosomes could be regulated by cells through acetylation. I suggest that histone and polyamine acetylation act synergistically to modulate chromatin structure. On naked (...)
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    A neurocomputational theory of how rule-guided behaviors become automatic.Paul Kovacs, Sébastien Hélie, Andrew N. Tran & F. Gregory Ashby - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (3):488-508.
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  29. Are Automatic Conceptual Cores the Gold Standard of Semantic Processing? The Context‐Dependence of Spatial Meaning in Grounded Congruency Effects.Lauren A. M. Lebois, Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall & Lawrence W. Barsalou - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1764-1801.
    According to grounded cognition, words whose semantics contain sensory-motor features activate sensory-motor simulations, which, in turn, interact with spatial responses to produce grounded congruency effects. Growing evidence shows these congruency effects do not always occur, suggesting instead that the grounded features in a word's meaning do not become active automatically across contexts. Researchers sometimes use this as evidence that concepts are not grounded, further concluding that grounded information is peripheral to the amodal cores of concepts. We first review broad evidence (...)
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    Mind wandering at the fingertips: automatic parsing of subjective states based on response time variability.Mikaël Bastian & Jérôme Sackur - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    An experiment in knowledge-based automatic programming.David R. Barstow - 1979 - Artificial Intelligence 12 (2):73-119.
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    Independent Low-Rank Matrix Analysis-Based Automatic Artifact Reduction Technique Applied to Three BCI Paradigms.Suguru Kanoga, Takayuki Hoshino & Hideki Asoh - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Dropping Out or Keeping Up? Early-Dropouts, Late-Dropouts, and Maintainers Differ in Their Automatic Evaluations of Exercise Already before a 14-Week Exercise Course.Franziska Antoniewicz & Ralf Brand - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    (1 other version)La “cédula real de los Amaycha”. Contextualización, análisis y transcripción de un documento controversialThe “Amaychas´s Royal Decree” Contextualization, analysis and transcription of a controversial document.Jorge Sosa - 2015 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 5 (1).
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    Abnormal contents of consciousness: The transition from automatic to controlled processing.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1973 - In H. Jasper, L. Descarries, V. Castellucci & S. Rossignol (eds.), Consciousness: At the Frontiers of Neuroscience. Lippincott-Raven.
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    Affective states leak into movement execution: Automatic avoidance of threatening stimuli in fear of spider is visible in reach trajectories.Simona Buetti, Elsa Juan, Mike Rinck & Dirk Kerzel - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (7):1176-1188.
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    Papyrus Reisner III. The Records of a Building Project in the Early Twelfth Dynasty. Transcription and Commentary.Leonard H. Lesko & William Kelly Simpson - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (4):587.
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    The Falses In Turkish Texts’ Transcription With Arabic Character.İsmail Ünver - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:47-58.
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    Knowledge Gaps: A Challenge for Agent‐Based Automatic Task Completion.Goonmeet Bajaj, Sean Current, Daniel Schmidt, Bortik Bandyopadhyay, Christopher W. Myers & Srinivasan Parthasarathy - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (4):780-799.
    The study of human cognition and the study of artificial intelligence (AI) have a symbiotic relationship, with advancements in one field often informing or creating new work in the other. Human cognition has many capabilities modern AI systems cannot compete with. One such capability is the detection, identification, and resolution of knowledge gaps (KGs). Using these capabilities as inspiration, we examine how to incorporate detection, identification, and resolution of KGs in artificial agents. We present a paradigm that enables research on (...)
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    In-N's Wil-Malik: People and King; Folk Tales in the Cairene Dialect in Roman TranscriptionIn-Nas Wil-Malik: People and King; Folk Tales in the Cairene Dialect in Roman Transcription.Ernest T. Abdel-Massih, Motie Ibrahim Hassan & Karl-G. Prasse - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):153.
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    A Draft of Kant’s Reply to Hufeland: Autograph, Transcription (Wolfgang G. Bayerer), and English Translation.Yvonne Unna & Wolfgang G. Bayerer - 2012 - Kant Studien 103 (1):1-24.
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    Suggestion On Standart Writting In Transcription.İsmail Ünver - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:1-46.
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    Papyrus Reisner II. Accounts of the Dockyard Workshop at This in the Reign of Sesostris I. Transcription and Commentary.John A. Wilson & William Kelly Simpson - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (1):68.
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  44. Controlled & automatic processing: behavior, theory, and biological mechanisms.Walter Schneider & Jason M. Chein - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (3):525-559.
    This paper provides an overview of developments in a dual processing theory of automatic and controlled processing that began with the empirical and theoretical work described by Schneider and Shiffrin (1977) and Shiffrin and Schneider (1977) over a quarter century ago. A review of relevant empirical findings suggests that there is a set of core behavioral phenomena reflecting differences between controlled and automatic processing that must be addressed by a successful theory. These phenomena relate to: consistency in training, (...)
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    Bottom-up versus top-down: An alternative to the automatic-attended dilemma?J. P. Banquet, M. J. Smith & B. Renault - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):233-234.
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    Co‐transcriptional mRNP formation is coordinated within a molecular mRNP packaging station in S. cerevisiae.Dominik M. Meinel & Katja Sträßer - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (6):666-677.
    In eukaryotes, the messenger RNA (mRNA), the blueprint of a protein‐coding gene, is processed and packaged into a messenger ribonucleoprotein particle (mRNP) by mRNA‐binding proteins in the nucleus. The steps of mRNP formation – transcription, processing, packaging, and the orchestrated release of the export‐competent mRNP from the site of transcription for nuclear mRNA export – are tightly coupled to ensure a highly efficient and regulated process. The importance of highly accurate nuclear mRNP formation is illustrated by the fact (...)
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  47. Cross-cultural evidence that the nonverbal expression of pride is an automatic status signal.Jessica L. Tracy, Azim F. Shariff, Wanying Zhao & Joseph Henrich - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):163.
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    The influence of psychological resilience on the relation between automatic stimulus evaluation and attentional breadth for surprised faces.Maud Grol & Rudi De Raedt - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (1):146-157.
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    Ordinal Process Dissociation and the Measurement of Automatic and Controlled Processes.Elliot Hirshman - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (2):553-560.
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    Transcription phonétique des grands corpus littéraires. Les règles du jeu.Michel Bernard - 2006 - Corpus 5:143-158.
    Transcription phonétique des grands corpus littéraires. Les règles du jeu Le perfectionnement des phonétiseurs permet aujourd'hui d'envisager la transcription phonétique de grands ensembles textuels et, par conséquent, de doter la stylométrie de nouvelles capacités dans le domaine de l'analyse des effets sonores. Cet article montre, sur l'exemple d'une étude de La Règle du jeu de Michel Leiris menée à l'aide de LAIPTTS-SpeechMill (Université de Lausanne) et Mbrola (Faculté Polytechnique de Mons), quelles procédures et quelles précautions on se doit (...)
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