Results for 'Michael Lempert'

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  1.  29
    Fine-Grained Analysis: Talk Therapy, Media, and the Microscopic Science of the Face-to-Face.Michael Lempert - 2019 - Isis 110 (1):24-47.
    “Mechanical objectivity,” which Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison trace to the mid-nineteenth century, often coincided with efforts to inscribe nature “directly,” such as through automatic registering machines. But what did this inscription entail? Addressing this question requires that we reexamine indexicalization: the shift in semiotic ideology whereby medial technologies are imagined and acted on as if they preserved material traces of the real. Indexicalization is no simple reflex of mechanical objectivity and is more varied and consequential than commonly imagined. This (...)
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    Pragmatic Constructivism: Revisiting William James's Critique of Herbert Spencer.Michael P. Lempert - 1997 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 11 (1):33-50.
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    The Academic Man: A Study in the Sociology of a Profession (Book).Michael P. Lempert - 1996 - Educational Studies 27 (3):236-241.
  4. Aspects of ethical agency. Making the ethical in social interaction / Webb Keane & Michael Lempert ; Freedom / Soumhya Venkatesan ; Responsibility / Catherine Trundle ; Emotion and affect / Teresa Kuan ; Happiness and wellbeing / Edward F. Fischer & Sam Victor ; Suffering and sympathy / Abby Mack & C. Jason Throop ; Ambiguity and difference. [REVIEW]Adam B. Seligman & Robert P. Weller - 2023 - In James Laidlaw, The Cambridge handbook for the anthropology of ethics. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
  5.  43
    Non-therapeutic penile circumcision of minors: current controversies in UK law and medical ethics.Antony Lempert, James Chegwidden, Rebecca Steinfeld & Brian D. Earp - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (1):36-54.
    The current legal status and medical ethics of routine or religious penile circumcision of minors is a matter of ongoing controversy in many countries. We focus on the United Kingdom as an illustrative example, giving a detailed analysis of the most recent British Medical Association guidance from 2019. We argue that the guidance paints a confused and conflicting portrait of the law and ethics of the procedure in the UK context, reflecting deeper, unresolved moral and legal tensions surrounding child genital (...)
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    Roadblocks to reforming UK guidelines on medically unnecessary penile circumcision: inconsistent safeguarding of bodily integrity.Antony Lempert - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (4):349-361.
    Medically unnecessary penile circumcision (MUPC) performed on a non-consenting child has been the subject of increasing critical attention in recent years. This paper provides a behind-the-scenes narrative of the politics of ethical policymaking in the United Kingdom in this area including a discussion about some potential barriers to reform. After a brief overview of ethical guidance for medically unnecessary surgical procedures on children in general and on their genitalia in particular, the paper takes a closer look at three contemporary documents (...)
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    Statistical information about reward timing is insufficient for promoting optimal persistence decisions.Karolina M. Lempert, Lena Schaefer, Darby Breslow, Thomas D. Peterson, Joseph W. Kable & Joseph T. McGuire - 2023 - Cognition 237 (C):105468.
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    The force of irony: On the morality of affirmative action and united steelworkers V. Weber.Richard Lempert - 1984 - Ethics 95 (1):86-89.
  9.  27
    Not Wanting Dialysis Does Not Necessarily Mean Non-Acceptance—Words Matter.Kenneth Lempert - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (8):94-96.
    The ethics consultant should consider addressing the following questions to help the involved parties decide how best to proceed: Were the implications of a no-dialysis decision understood?Is it kn...
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    An Invitation to Law and Social Science: Desert, Disputes, and Distribution.Richard O. Lempert & Joseph Sanders - 1986 - Longman Publishing Group.
  11. Can there be a progressive bioethics?Richard Lempert - 2010 - In Jonathan D. Moreno & Sam Berger, Progress in Bioethics: Science, Policy, and Politics. MIT Press.
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    Espace et géostratégie.Emmanuel Lempert - 2002 - Hermes 34:27.
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    Book Review: Couldn’t Keep It to Myself: Testimonies from Our Imprisoned Sisters, Convicted Survivors: The Imprisonment of Battered Women Who Kill. [REVIEW]Lora Bex Lempert - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (5):701-703.
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    (1 other version)Book Review: Women on Probation and Parole: A Feminist Critique of Community Programs and Services. [REVIEW]Lora Bex Lempert - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (4):532-534.
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  15. The long-term viability of team reasoning.S. M. Amadae & Daniel Lempert - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (4):462-478.
    Team reasoning gives a simple, coherent, and rational explanation for human cooperative behavior. This paper investigates the robustness of team reasoning as an explanation for cooperative behavior, by assessing its long-run viability. We consider an evolutionary game theoretic model in which the population consists of team reasoners and ‘conventional’ individual reasoners. We find that changes in the ludic environment can affect evolutionary outcomes, and that in many circumstances, team reasoning may thrive, even under conditions that, at first glance, may seem (...)
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    Guest editors' introduction: Special issue on emergent and reconfigured forms of family life.Marjorie L. Devault & Lora Bex Lempert - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (1):6-10.
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  17. Analyse moralischer Argumentationen: Beschreibung eines Auswertungsverfahrens.Wilfried Spang & Wolfgang Lempert - 1989 - Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung. Edited by Wolfgang Lempert.
    [1] Textteil : Grundlagen, Prozeduren, Evaluation -- [2] Anhang : Interviewleitfaden, Tonbandtranskript und Auswertungsbeispiele.
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  18. Understanding scientists' computational modeling decisions about climate risk management strategies using values-informed mental models.Lauren Mayer, Kathleen Loa, Bryan Cwik, Nancy Tuana, Klaus Keller, Chad Gonnerman, Andrew Parker & Robert Lempert - 2017 - Global Environmental Change 42:107-116.
    When developing computational models to analyze the tradeoffs between climate risk management strategies (i.e., mitigation, adaptation, or geoengineering), scientists make explicit and implicit decisions that are influenced by their beliefs, values and preferences. Model descriptions typically include only the explicit decisions and are silent on value judgments that may explain these decisions. Eliciting scientists’ mental models, a systematic approach to determining how they think about climate risk management, can help to gain a clearer understanding of their modeling decisions. In order (...)
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  19.  65
    Management of financial conflicts of interests in clinical practice guidelines in Germany: results from the public database GuidelineWatch.Hendrik Napierala, Luise Schäfer, Gisela Schott, Niklas Schurig & Thomas Lempert - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):65.
    The reliability of clinical practice guidelines has been disputed because guideline panel members are often burdened with financial conflicts of interest. Current recommendations for COI regulation advise not only detailed declaration but also active management of conflicts. To continuously assess COI declaration and management in German guidelines we established the public database LeitlinienWatch. We analyzed all German guidelines at the highest methodological level that included recommendations for pharmacological therapy according to five criteria: declaration and assessment of COI, composition of the (...)
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  20.  14
    The Effects of Graduate.Darrin R. Lehman Richard E. Nisbett & Richard O. Lempert - 1993 - In Richard E. Nisbett, Rules for reasoning. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
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  21. Uncertainty in Climate Change Research: An Integrated Approach.Linda Mearns, Chris Forest, Hayley Fowler, Robert Lempert & Robert Wilby (eds.) - forthcoming - Springer.
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  22. Justification without awareness: a defense of epistemic externalism.Michael Bergmann - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Virtually all philosophers agree that for a belief to be epistemically justified, it must satisfy certain conditions. Perhaps it must be supported by evidence. Or perhaps it must be reliably formed. Or perhaps there are some other "good-making" features it must have. But does a belief's justification also require some sort of awareness of its good-making features? The answer to this question has been hotly contested in contemporary epistemology, creating a deep divide among its practitioners. Internalists, who tend to focus (...)
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  23. Science Teaching: The Role of History and Philosophy of Science.Michael R. Matthews - 1994 - Routledge.
    History, Philosophy and Science Teaching argues that science teaching and science teacher education can be improved if teachers know something of the history and philosophy of science and if these topics are included in the science curriculum. The history and philosophy of science have important roles in many of the theoretical issues that science educators need to address: the goals of science education; what constitutes an appropriate science curriculum for all students; how science should be taught in traditional cultures; what (...)
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  24. Grief: A Philosophical Guide.Michael Cholbi - 2021 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    An engaging and illuminating exploration of grief—and why, despite its intense pain, it can also help us grow Experiencing grief at the death of a person we love or who matters to us—as universal as it is painful—is central to the human condition. Surprisingly, however, philosophers have rarely examined grief in any depth. In Grief, Michael Cholbi presents a groundbreaking philosophical exploration of this complex emotional event, offering valuable new insights about what grief is, whom we grieve, and how (...)
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    Georg Lukacs: From Romanticism to Bolshevism.Michael Löwy - 2023 - New York: Verso Books. Edited by Patrick Camiller.
    On the 100th anniversary of the publication of History and Class Consciousness, a new edition of this indispensable guide to Lukacs's thought and politics The philosophical and political development that converted Georg Lukács from a distinguished representative of Central European aesthetic vitalism into a major Marxist theorist and Communist militant has long remained an enigma. In this this now classic study, Michael Löwy for the first time traced and explained the extraordinary mutation that occurred in Lukács's thought between 1909 (...)
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  26.  53
    A Theory of Moral Education.Michael Hand - 2017 - London: Routledge.
    Children must be taught morality. They must be taught to recognise the authority of moral standards and to understand what makes them authoritative. But there’s a problem: the content and justification of morality are matters of reasonable disagreement among reasonable people. This makes it hard to see how educators can secure children’s commitment to moral standards without indoctrinating them. -/- In A Theory of Moral Education, Michael Hand tackles this problem head on. He sets out to show that moral (...)
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    Truth in Context: An Essay on Pluralism and Objectivity.Michael Patrick Lynch - 1998 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    A Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 1999 Academic debates about pluralism and truth have become increasingly polarized in recent years. One side embraces extreme relativism, deeming any talk of objective truth as philosophically naïve. The opposition, frequently arguing that any sort of relativism leads to nihilism, insists on an objective notion of truth according to which there is only one true story of the world. Both sides agree that there is no middle path. In Truth in Context, Michael Lynch (...)
  28. World without design: the ontological consequences of naturalism.Michael Cannon Rea - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophical naturalism, according to which philosophy is continuous with the natural sciences, has dominated the Western academy for well over a century, but Michael Rea claims that it is without rational foundation. Rea argues compellingly to the surprising conclusion that naturalists are committed to rejecting realism about material objects, materialism, and perhaps realism about other minds.
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    Better Humans?: Understanding the Enhancement Project.Michael Hauskeller - 2013 - Bristol, CT, USA: Routledge.
    Developments in medical science have afforded us the opportunity to improve and enhance the human species in ways unthinkable to previous generations. Whether it's making changes to mitochondrial DNA in a human egg, being prescribed Prozac, or having a facelift, our desire to live longer, feel better and look good has presented philosophers, medical practitioners and policy-makers with considerable ethical challenges. But what exactly constitutes human improvement? What do we mean when we talk of making "better" humans? In this book (...)
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  30. Biological species: Natural kinds, individuals, or what?Michael Ruse - 1987 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 38 (2):225-242.
    What are biological species? Aristotelians and Lockeans agree that they are natural kinds; but, evolutionary theory shows that neither traditional philosophical approach is truly adequate. Recently, Michael Ghiselin and David Hull have argued that species are individuals. This claim is shown to be against the spirit of much modern biology. It is concluded that species are natural kinds of a sort, and that any 'objectivity' they possess comes from their being at the focus of a consilience of inductions.
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    Plant-Thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life.Michael Marder - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    The margins of philosophy are populated by non-human, non-animal living beings, including plants. While contemporary philosophers tend to refrain from raising ontological and ethical concerns with vegetal life, Michael Marder puts this life at the forefront of the current deconstruction of metaphysics. He identifies the existential features of plant behavior and the vegetal heritage of human thought so as to affirm the potential of vegetation to resist the logic of totalization and to exceed the narrow confines of instrumentality. Reconstructing (...)
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    Feng Shui: Teaching About Science and Pseudoscience.Michael R. Matthews - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book provides a richly documented account of the historical, cultural, philosophical and practical dimensions of feng shui. It argues that where feng shui is entrenched educational systems have a responsibility to examine its claims, and that this examination provides opportunities for students to better learn about the key features of the nature of science, the demarcation of science and non-science, the characteristics of pseudoscience, and the engagement of science with culture and worldviews. The arguments presented for feng shui being (...)
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  33. In Praise of Reason: Why Rationality Matters for Democracy.Michael Patrick Lynch - 2012 - MIT Press.
    Why does reason matter, if in the end everything comes down to blind faith or gut instinct? Why not just go with what you believe even if it contradicts the evidence? Why bother with rational explanation when name-calling, manipulation, and force are so much more effective in our current cultural and political landscape? Michael Lynch's In Praise of Reason offers a spirited defense of reason and rationality in an era of widespread skepticism--when, for example, people reject scientific evidence about (...)
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    Das Überlegungsgleichgewicht als Lebensform. Versuch zu einem vertieften Verständnis der durch John Rawls bekannt gewordenen Rechtfertigungsmethode.Michael Schmidt - 2022 - Paderborn: Brill | mentis.
    The objective of this thesis – Reflective Equilibrium as a Form of Life – is to contribute to the deepening of understanding of the method of reflective equilibrium – a method of internal epistemic justification. In the first part of the study, four paradigmatic conceptions of the method will be analyzed in order to carve out a conceptual core: The ones by John Rawls – who coined the name of the method – Norman Daniels, Michael DePaul and Catherine Elgin. (...)
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  35. Nihilism before Nietzsche.Michael Allen Gillespie - 1995 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In the twentieth century, we often think of Nietzsche, nihilism, and the death of God as inextricably connected. But, in this pathbreaking work, Michael Gillespie argues that Nietzsche, in fact, misunderstood nihilism, and that his misunderstanding has misled nearly all succeeding thought about the subject. Reconstructing nihilism's intellectual and spiritual origins before it was given its determinitive definition by Nietzsche, Gillespie focuses on the crucial turning points in the development of nihilism, from Ockham and the nominalist revolution to Descartes, (...)
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  36.  17
    The path: what Chinese philosophers can teach us about the good life.Michael J. Puett - 2016 - New York: Simon & Schuster.
    For the first time an award-winning Harvard professor shares the lessons from his wildly popular course on classical Chinese philosophy, showing you how these ancient ideas can guide you on the path to a good life today. The lessons taught by ancient Chinese philosophers surprisingly still apply, and they challenge our fundamental assumptions about how to lead a fulfilled, happy, and successful life. Self-discovery, it turns out, comes through looking outward, not inward. Power comes from holding back. Good relationships come (...)
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    Hegel’s Dialectic and its Criticism.Michael Rosen - 1982 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel's philosophy has often been compared to a circle of circles: an ascending spiral to its admirers, but a vortex to its critics. The metaphor reflects Hegel's claim to offer a conception of philosophical reason so comprehensive as to include all others as partial forms of itself. It is a claim which faces the writer on Hegel with peculiar difficulties. Criticism, it would appear, can always be outflanked; criticism of the system can be turned back into criticism within the system. (...)
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  38.  11
    Antiphon the Athenian: Oratory, Law, and Justice in the Age of the Sophists.Michael Gagarin - 2002 - University of Texas Press.
    "Gagarin demonstrates persuasively that Antiphon the logographer is identical with the Antiphon who made intellectual contributions on more abstract topics." —Mervin R. Dilts, Professor of Classics, New York University Antiphon was a fifth-century Athenian intellectual (ca. 480-411 BCE) who created the profession of speechwriting while serving as an influential and highly sought-out adviser to litigants in the Athenian courts. Three of his speeches are preserved, together with three sets of Tetralogies (four hypothetical paired speeches), whose authenticity is sometimes doubted. Fragments (...)
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  39.  10
    Wittgenstein and the Study of Politics.Michael Temelini - 2015 - Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
    In Wittgenstein and the Study of Politics, Michael Temelini outlines an innovative new approach to understanding the political implications of Wittgenstein’s philosophy. Most political philosophers who have approached Wittgenstein have done so through the idea of therapeutic skepticism, implying politics that privilege conservatism or non-interference. Temelini interprets Wittgenstein differently, emphasizing his view that we come to understand the meanings of words and actions through a dialogue of comparison with other cases. Examining the work of Charles Taylor, Quentin Skinner, and (...)
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  40.  27
    Knowledge.Michael Welbourne - 2001 - Routledge.
    What is it about knowledge that makes us value it more highly than mere true belief? This question lies at the heart of epistemology and has challenged philosophers ever since it was first posed by Plato. Michael Welbourne's examination of the historical and contemporary answers to this question provides both an excellent introduction to the development of epistemology but also a new theory of the nature of knowledge. The early chapters introduce the main themes and questions that have provided (...)
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  41. Against Agent-Based Virtue Ethics.Michael S. Brady - 2004 - Philosophical Papers 33 (1):1-10.
    Abstract Agent-based virtue ethics is a unitary normative theory according to which the moral status of actions is entirely dependent upon the moral status of an agent's motives and character traits. One of the problems any such approach faces is to capture the common-sense distinction between an agent's doing the right thing, and her doing it for the right (or wrong) reason. In this paper I argue that agent-based virtue ethics ultimately fails to capture this kind of fine-grained distinction, and (...)
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  42.  25
    History, Philosophy and Science Teaching: New Perspectives.Michael R. Matthews (ed.) - 2017 - Springer Verlag.
    This anthology opens new perspectives in the domain of history, philosophy, and science teaching research. Its four sections are: first, science, culture and education; second, the teaching and learning of science; third, curriculum development and justification; and fourth, indoctrination. The first group of essays deal with the neglected topic of science education and the Enlightenment tradition. These essays show that many core commitments of modern science education have their roots in this tradition, and consequently all can benefit from a more (...)
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    The science of good and evil: why people cheat, gossip, care, share, and follow the golden rule.Michael Shermer - 2004 - New York: Times Books.
    In his third and final investigation into the science of belief, bestselling author Michael Shermer tackles the evolution of morality and ethics A century and a half after Darwin first proposed an “evolutionary ethics,” science has begun to tackle the roots of morality. Just as evolutionary biologists study why we are hungry (to motivate us to eat) or why sex is enjoyable (to motivate us to procreate), they are now searching for the roots of human nature. In The Science (...)
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  44. The Unity of Hume's Philosophical Project.Michael Williams - 2004 - Hume Studies 30 (2):265-296.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 30, Number 2, November 2004, pp. 265-296 A Symposium on Louis E. Loeb, Stability and Justification in Hume's Treatise The Unity of Hume's Philosophical Project MICHAEL WILLIAMS 1. Introduction In both his Treatise of Human Nature and Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Hume presents a protean figure.1 By turns, he appears as a naturalistic theorist of the mind, a proto-Positivist critic of speculative metaphysics, and an (...)
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  45.  24
    Herder's Philosophy.Michael N. Forster - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Johann Gottfried Herder is a towering figure in modern thought, but one who has hitherto been severely underappreciated. Michael Forster seeks to rectify that situation by exploring the full range of his ideas, and showing their enormous impact in philosophy, linguistics, anthropology, and comparative literature.
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    Education, Extremism, and Aversion to Compromise.Michael Hand - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (3):341-354.
    Schools plausibly have a role to play in countering radicalization by taking steps to prevent the acquisition of extremist beliefs, dispositions, and attitudes. A core component of the extremist mindset is aversion to compromise. Michael Hand inquires here into the possibility, desirability, and means of educating against this attitude. He argues that aversion to compromise is demonstrably undesirable and readiness to compromise demonstrably desirable, so discursive teaching of these attitudes should guide pupils toward these verdicts. And he identifies three (...)
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    Kierkegaard's concept of despair.Michael Theunissen - 2005 - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    The literature on Kierkegaard is often content to paraphrase. By contrast, Michael Theunissen articulates one of Kierkegaard's central ideas, his theory of despair, in a detailed and comprehensible manner and confronts it with alternatives. Understanding what Kierkegaard wrote on despair is vital not only because it illuminates his thought as a whole, but because his account of despair in The Sickness unto Death is the cornerstone of existentialism. Theunissen's book, published in German in 1993, is widely regarded as the (...)
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    Rethinking the Just War Tradition.Michael W. Brough, John W. Lango & Harry van der Linden (eds.) - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    The just war tradition is an evolving body of tenets for determining when resorting to war is just and how war may be justly executed. Rethinking the Just War Tradition provides a timely exploration in light of new security threats that have emerged since the end of the Cold War, including ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, threats of terror attacks, and genocidal conflicts within states. The contributors are philosophers, political scientists, a U.S. Army officer, and a senior analyst at (...)
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    Between Psychology and Philosophy: East-West Themes and Beyond.Michael Slote - 2019 - [Cham, Switzerland]: Springer Verlag.
    This open access book discusses a variety of important but unprecedented ways in which psychology can be useful to philosophy. The early chapters illustrate this theme via comparisons between Chinese and Western philosophy. It is argued that the Chinese notion of a heart-mind is superior to the Western concept of mind, but then, more even-handedly, the relative strengths and weaknesses of Chinese and Western thought overall are critically examined. In later chapters, the philosophical uses of psychology are treated more specifically (...)
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  50.  15
    Christian Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems.Michael C. Banner - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book addresses such key ethical issues as euthanasia, the environment, biotechnology, abortion, the family, sexual ethics, and the distribution of health care resources. Michael Banner argues that the task of Christian ethics is to understand the world and humankind in the light of the credal affirmations of the Christian faith, and to explicate this understanding in its significance for human action through a critical engagement with the concerns, claims and problems of other ethics. He illustrates both the distinctiveness (...)
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