Results for 'Thomas Lempert'

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  1.  33
    Statistical information about reward timing is insufficient for promoting optimal persistence decisions.Karolina M. Lempert, Lena Schaefer, Darby Breslow, Thomas D. Peterson, Joseph W. Kable & Joseph T. McGuire - 2023 - Cognition 237 (C):105468.
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    Management of financial conflicts of interests in clinical practice guidelines in Germany: results from the public database GuidelineWatch.Hendrik Napierala, Luise Schäfer, Gisela Schott, Niklas Schurig & Thomas Lempert - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):65.
    The reliability of clinical practice guidelines has been disputed because guideline panel members are often burdened with financial conflicts of interest. Current recommendations for COI regulation advise not only detailed declaration but also active management of conflicts. To continuously assess COI declaration and management in German guidelines we established the public database LeitlinienWatch. We analyzed all German guidelines at the highest methodological level that included recommendations for pharmacological therapy according to five criteria: declaration and assessment of COI, composition of the (...)
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    Research and Invention: Investigations with Images in Contemporary Photography.Urs Lehmann & Thomas Seelig - 2007 - Verlag Scheidegger and Spiess.
    Der Katalog präsentiert acht zeitgenössische Fotografinnen und Fotografen aus ganz Europa und dem Libanon: Pierre Bismuth, Kristleifur Björnsson, Sanna Kannisto, Joachim Koester, Jochen Lempert, Walid Raad / The Atlas Group, Ana Torfs, Costa Vece. In ihren Arbeiten spiegelt sich die Auseinandersetzung mit Rechercheformen und Formfindungen der Wissenschaft in besonders aufschlussreicher Weise. Dabei stehen biologische Forschungen im südamerikanischen Regenwald neben soziologischen und historischen Fragestellungen, polit- wie geisteswissenschaftliche Perspektiven werden eingenommen oder imitiert.
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  4. The long-term viability of team reasoning.S. M. Amadae & Daniel Lempert - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (4):462-478.
    Team reasoning gives a simple, coherent, and rational explanation for human cooperative behavior. This paper investigates the robustness of team reasoning as an explanation for cooperative behavior, by assessing its long-run viability. We consider an evolutionary game theoretic model in which the population consists of team reasoners and ‘conventional’ individual reasoners. We find that changes in the ludic environment can affect evolutionary outcomes, and that in many circumstances, team reasoning may thrive, even under conditions that, at first glance, may seem (...)
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    Guest editors' introduction: Special issue on emergent and reconfigured forms of family life.Marjorie L. Devault & Lora Bex Lempert - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (1):6-10.
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  6. Analyse moralischer Argumentationen: Beschreibung eines Auswertungsverfahrens.Wilfried Spang & Wolfgang Lempert - 1989 - Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung. Edited by Wolfgang Lempert.
    [1] Textteil : Grundlagen, Prozeduren, Evaluation -- [2] Anhang : Interviewleitfaden, Tonbandtranskript und Auswertungsbeispiele.
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  7. Understanding scientists' computational modeling decisions about climate risk management strategies using values-informed mental models.Lauren Mayer, Kathleen Loa, Bryan Cwik, Nancy Tuana, Klaus Keller, Chad Gonnerman, Andrew Parker & Robert Lempert - 2017 - Global Environmental Change 42:107-116.
    When developing computational models to analyze the tradeoffs between climate risk management strategies (i.e., mitigation, adaptation, or geoengineering), scientists make explicit and implicit decisions that are influenced by their beliefs, values and preferences. Model descriptions typically include only the explicit decisions and are silent on value judgments that may explain these decisions. Eliciting scientists’ mental models, a systematic approach to determining how they think about climate risk management, can help to gain a clearer understanding of their modeling decisions. In order (...)
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    The Effects of Graduate.Darrin R. Lehman Richard E. Nisbett & Richard O. Lempert - 1993 - In Richard E. Nisbett, Rules for reasoning. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
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  9.  17
    Thomas von Aquin.Thomas Aquinas (ed.) - 1988 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA präsentieren seit ihrer Gründung durch Paul Wilpert im Jahre 1962 Arbeiten des Thomas-Instituts der Universität zu Köln. Das Kernstück der Publikationsreihe bilden die Akten der im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindenden Kölner Mediaevistentagungen, die vor über 50 Jahren von Josef Koch, dem Gründungsdirektor des Instituts, ins Leben gerufen wurden. Der interdisziplinäre Charakter dieser Kongresse prägt auch die Tagungsakten: Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA versammeln Beiträge aus allen mediävistischen Disziplinen - die mittelalterliche Geschichte, die Philosophie, die Theologie sowie die Kunst- und (...)
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  10. Uncertainty in Climate Change Research: An Integrated Approach.Linda Mearns, Chris Forest, Hayley Fowler, Robert Lempert & Robert Wilby (eds.) - forthcoming - Springer.
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  11.  37
    Thomas Reid - Essays on the Active Powers of Man.Thomas Reid, Knud Haakonssen & James Harris - 2010 - Edinburgh University Press.
    The Essays on the Active Powers of Man was Thomas Reid's last major work. It was conceived as part of one large work, intended as a final synoptic statement of his philosophy. The first and larger part was published three years earlier as Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man. These two works are united by Reid's basic philosophy of common sense, which sets out native principles by which the mind operates in both its intellectual and active aspects. The (...)
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  12.  10
    Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan: zur Logik des politischen Körpers.Thomas Schneider - 2003 - Springe: Zu Klampen!.
  13.  12
    Thomas Kuhn's Quasi‐Fideism.Thomas Marré - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (6):645-661.
    I argue that Kuhn's account of scientific practice is profitably understood as a kind of hinge epistemology: like our epistemic practices more generally, scientific inquiry is made possible precisely by the fact that certain things are not subject to doubt. In Kuhn's own words, ‘dogmatism’ is essential to scientific practice and one of the primary engines of its success. For this reason, I argue that Kuhn's account is a rich source for reflection on the relationship between faith and reason. At (...)
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    Thomas Szasz, primary values and major contentions.Thomas Szasz - 1983 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Edited by Richard E. Vatz & Lee S. Weinberg.
    "The complete list of the works of Thomas S. Szasz": pages 237-253.
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  15. Thomas Hobbes and the Ethics of Freedom.Thomas Pink - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (5):541 - 563.
    Abstract Freedom in the sense of free will is a multiway power to do any one of a number of things, leaving it up to us which one of a range of options by way of action we perform. What are the ethical implications of our possession of such a power? The paper examines the pre-Hobbesian scholastic view of writers such as Peter Lombard and Francisco Suárez: freedom as a multiway power is linked to the right to liberty understood as (...)
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  16.  43
    Thomas Aquinas on Virtue.Thomas M. Osborne - 2022 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Thomas Aquinas produced a voluminous body of work on moral theory, and much of that work is on virtue, particularly the status and value of the virtues as principles of virtuous acts, and the way in which a moral life can be organized around them schematically. Thomas Osborne presents Aquinas's account of virtue in its historical, philosophical and theological contexts, to show the reader what Aquinas himself wished to teach about virtue. His discussion makes the complexities of Aquinas's (...)
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  17. Thomas M. Lennon, ed., Cartesian Views: Papers Presented to Richard A. Watson Reviewed by.Thomas Vinci - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24 (5):343-345.
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    Thomae Rhaedi Britanni... peruigilia metaphysica desideratissima.Thomas Rhaedus, M. J., Joachimus Moersius & Johann Hallervord - 1616 - Prostant Apud Joannem Hallervordeum ..
  19. Sir Thomas Browne's Christian Morals with the Life of the Author.Thomas Browne, Samuel Johnson & S. C. Roberts - 1927 - Cambridge University Press.
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  20.  5
    (1 other version)The essential Thomas Paine.Thomas Paine - 1940 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. Edited by John Dos Passos.
    The impassioned democratic voice of the Age of Revolution, Paine possessed a gift for stating complex ideas in concise language. This accessible collection of highlights from the social and political philosopher's best-known works includes lengthy selections from Common Sense , The American Crisis , The Rights of Man , and The Age of Reason.
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  21. Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus on Individual Acts and the Ultimate End.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2011 - In Kent Emery Russell Friedman, Philosophy and Theology in the LOng Middle Ages. pp. 351-374.
    The distinction between Thomas and Scotus on threefold referral is superficially similar in that both use the same terminology of actual, virtual, and habitual referral. For Scotus, an act is virtually referred to the ultimate end through an agent’s somehow explicitly thinking about the end and some sort of causal connection between the virtually intended act and the actually intended act. For Thomas, someone with charity virtually refers his acts to God as the ultimate end not because the (...)
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    Thomas Kuhn.Thomas Nickles (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Contemporary Philosophy in Focus offers a series of introductory volumes to many of the dominant philosophical thinkers of the current age. Thomas Kuhn, the author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, is probably the best-known and most influential historian and philosopher of science of the last 25 years, and has become something of a cultural icon. His concepts of paradigm, paradigm change and incommensurability have changed the way we think about science. This volume offers an introduction to Kuhn's life (...)
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  23. Works of Thomas Hill Green, 3 volumes.Thomas Hill Green & Editor Nettleship, R. L. - 1885 - London: Longmans, Green, and Co..
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  24.  72
    The written liar and Thomas Oliver.Ivo Thomas - 1965 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 6 (3):201-208.
  25. Essay by Thomas Donaldson and Lee E. Preston presented at: The Toronto Conference–Reflections on Stakeholder Theory.Thomas Donaldson - 1994 - Business and Society 33 (1):105-108.
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  26.  43
    Non-therapeutic penile circumcision of minors: current controversies in UK law and medical ethics.Antony Lempert, James Chegwidden, Rebecca Steinfeld & Brian D. Earp - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (1):36-54.
    The current legal status and medical ethics of routine or religious penile circumcision of minors is a matter of ongoing controversy in many countries. We focus on the United Kingdom as an illustrative example, giving a detailed analysis of the most recent British Medical Association guidance from 2019. We argue that the guidance paints a confused and conflicting portrait of the law and ethics of the procedure in the UK context, reflecting deeper, unresolved moral and legal tensions surrounding child genital (...)
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  27.  34
    The De Malo of Thomas Aquinas.Thomas Hibbs - 2002 - International Philosophical Quarterly 42 (4):562-563.
  28.  10
    (4 other versions)The Writings of Thomas Paine: Not Dated.Thomas Paine (ed.) - 1996 - Routledge.
    Thomas Paine was a hugely influential revolutionary pamphleteer, whose writings were instrumental in bringing about some of the greatest political changes the world has seen. Paine's enduring importance lies not so much in the depth of his political philosophy as in his great abilities as a communicator of political ideas. Conway's Writings was the first complete critical collection of Paine's works, and his Life was the first account to show Paine in a positive light.
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    Siger of Brabant vs. Thomas Aquinas on Theology.Thomas P. Bukowski - 1987 - New Scholasticism 61 (1):25-32.
  30.  10
    III. Die Lehre des Thomas von Aquin zur Magie, 1. Texte aus dem Sentenzenkommentar.Thomas Linsenmann - 2000 - In Die Magie bei Thomas von Aquin. De Gruyter Akademie Forschung. pp. 99-140.
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  31. The life of Thomas Paine.Thomas Rickman - unknown
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  32. Thomas Jefferson aan Roger C. Weightman.Thomas Pangle - 2003 - Nexus 37.
    'Moge onze keuze het signaal zijn voor de oproep aan mensen om de ketenen te verbreken, waaronder de monnikachtige onwetendheid en het bijgeloof, die hen ertoe hadden overreed zichzelf vast te binden, en om de zegeningen en veiligheid van het zelfbestuur te aanvaarden.'.
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  33.  44
    The correspondence of Thomas Reid.Thomas Reid - 2002 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press. Edited by Paul Wood.
    Thomas Reid is now recognized as one of the towering figures of the Enlightenment. Best known for his published writings on epistemology and moral theory, he was also an accomplished mathematician and natural philosopher, as an earlier volume of his manuscripts edited by Paul Wood for the Edinburgh Reid Edition, Thomas Reid on the Animate Creation, has shown. The Correspondence of Thomas Reid collects all of the known letters to and from Reid in a fully annotated form. (...)
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    The last writings of Thomas S. Kuhn: incommensurability in science.Thomas S. Kuhn - 2022 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Bojana Mladenović.
    This book contains the text of Thomas Kuhn's unfinished book, The Plurality of Worlds: An Evolutionary Theory of Scientific Development, which Kuhn himself described as "a return to the central claims of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and the problems that it raised but did not resolve." The Plurality of Worlds is preceded by two related texts that Kuhn publicly delivered but never published in English: his paper "Scientific Knowledge as a Historical Product" and his Shearman Memorial Lectures, "The (...)
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  35. Thomas Morus Vtopia, Herausg. Von V. Michels Und T. Ziegler.Thomas More & Victor Karl T. Michels - 1895
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  36. Thomas Baldwin: G. E. Moore.Thomas Wetterström - 1992 - Theoria 58 (2/3):223.
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  37. The Collected Thoughts of Thomas Berry.Thomas Mary Berry - 1998 - Center for the Story of the Universe. Edited by Brian Swimme.
    Where are we? -- How did we get here? -- The millennial vision -- Where do we go? -- Psychic energy -- The North American continent -- Governance -- The university -- The corporation -- Religion -- The historical mission of our time.
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  38. The Yale Edition of The Complete Works of St. Thomas More: Volume 12.Thomas More - 1976 - Yale University Press.
    This edition will include all of More's extant works. Each volume will be edited by a specialist in the field of Renaissance studies and will include a comprehensive introduction. Latin texts will be accompanied by a facing English translation.
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    Zwischen Unmittelbarkeit und Vermittlung: das Gewissen in der Anthropologie und Ethik des Thomas von Aquin.Thomas Schwartz - 2001 - Münster: Lit.
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  40. Thomas Sören Hoffmann, "«La filosofía es, como el universo, circular en sí». Saber enciclopédico y autofundamentación de la filosofía en Hegel".Thomas Sören Hoffmann & Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2017 - In Hardy Neumann, Óscar Cubo & Agemir Bavaresco, Hegel y El Proyecto de Una Enciclopedia Filosófica: Comunicaciones Del II Congreso Germano-Latinoamericano Sobre la Filosofía de Hegel. Editora Fi. pp. 827-848.
  41.  6
    Common sense and other works by Thomas Paine.Thomas Paine - 2019 - Minneapolis: First Avenue Editions.
    Explore Thomas Paine's political and philosophical ideology in this collection of his most famous works.
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    Collected works of Thomas Moore Johnson: the great American Platonist.Thomas Moore Johnson - 2015 - Wiltshire, England: The Promethus Trust.
  43.  1
    Sciri, sive sceptices & scepticorum à jure disputationis exclusio: Authore Thoma Anglo ex Albiis East-Saxonum.Thomas White - 1663 - [S.N.].
  44.  21
    Thomas Reid and the University.Thomas Reid & Paul Wood - 2021 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Reid's ideas on education are a direct development of his theory of the mind, and the writings in this volume form an integral part of his philosophy that has, until now, been ignored.
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  45.  29
    Fine-Grained Analysis: Talk Therapy, Media, and the Microscopic Science of the Face-to-Face.Michael Lempert - 2019 - Isis 110 (1):24-47.
    “Mechanical objectivity,” which Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison trace to the mid-nineteenth century, often coincided with efforts to inscribe nature “directly,” such as through automatic registering machines. But what did this inscription entail? Addressing this question requires that we reexamine indexicalization: the shift in semiotic ideology whereby medial technologies are imagined and acted on as if they preserved material traces of the real. Indexicalization is no simple reflex of mechanical objectivity and is more varied and consequential than commonly imagined. This (...)
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  46.  10
    The works of Thomas Paine.Thomas Paine - 1934 - New York city,: W.H. Wise & company.
  47. The English Works of Thomas Hobbes vol. 3.Thomas Hobbes - 1839 - Bohn.
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  48. Michael stoltzner/thomas Uebel (hg.): Wiener kreis.Thomas Bruckner - 2008 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 61 (3):241.
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    Petri Thomae: In primum librum Sententiarum.Peter Thomae - 2003 - Franciscan Studies 61 (1):11-34.
  50.  89
    The commentary of St. Thomas Auqinas on Aristotle's treatise on the soul.Aquinas Saint Thomas - 1946 - [St. Paul,: [St. Paul.
    Aquinas Saint Thomas. The Commentary of St. Thomas Aquinas on Aristotle's Treatise on the soul Aquinas Saint Thomas TI-IE COMMENTARY. OF * ST. THOMAS AQUINAS ON I. Front Cover.
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