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  1. What Does It Mean to Say, of ‘Thoughts’, That They ‘ Used to Count as Expressing the Essentialities of Things’? Hegel and the Older Metaphysics.Robb Dunphy - forthcoming - International Journal of Philosophical Studies:1-18.
    This essay is concerned with a passage from §24 of Hegel’s Encyclopaedia, in which Hegel characterises the concepts or ‘thoughts’ developed in the discipline of metaphysics by saying that they ‘used to count as expressing the essentialities of things’. I begin by drawing attention to Hegel’s use of the past tense in this passage and suggest that it looks problematic for conceptual realist interpreters of Hegel’s idealism, who want, roughly, to attribute to him the view that thoughts or ‘thought-determinations’ express (...)
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  2. A Priori and A Posteriori Knowledge in Hegel's Realphilosophie.Robb Dunphy - 2024 - In Ermylos Plevrakis, Hegels Philosophie der Realität. Leiden: Brill. pp. 192-213.
    In this chapter I consider three different positions on the a priori/a posteriori distinction that have been attributed to Hegel, specifically in the context of the epistemology of the metaphysical claims he defends in his Realphilosophie. I outline and briefly provide evidence for a reading of Hegel that understands him to retain the distinction in question, but to hold that the metaphysical claims he defends in the context of his philosophy of nature and his philosophy of spirit typically involve elements (...)
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  3. The Substantial Subject: The Logic and Appearance of Freedom in Hegel.George Saad - 2024 - Dissertation, Memorial University of Newfoundland
    While it is widely agreed that Hegel’s philosophy is a philosophy of freedom, the significance and scope of Hegel’s theory of freedom is disputed. Most scholarly work on this topic has been devoted to the socio-political philosophy of the Philosophy of Right. But Hegel also speaks of freedom in a way which extends beyond the concerns of his socio-political thought. This dissertation demonstrates how Hegel’s theory of freedom is more fully grasped when it is understood as a comprehensive philosophy which (...)
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  4. Hegel y la ciencia de los círculos. Reflexiones enciclopédicas sobre el saber en sentido especulativo.Sepúlveda Zambrano Pedro - 2023 - In Miguel Giusti, Thomas Sören Hoffmann & Agemir Bavaresco, Hegel y el círculo de las ciencias. Vol. 1. Editora Fundação Fênix. pp. 181-194.
    El presente escrito ofrece una serie de reflexiones acerca del concepto especulativo del saber. Con este fin, son reconstruidas las doctrinas del ser y del concepto en sus dimensiones sistemáticas. El acto de “decidirse a filosofar” y la noción de totalidad exhibirán, al final del camino, el sentido circular del “discurso del método hegeliano”.
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  5. Riddles of the body: Derrida and Hegel on corporeality and signs.Sarah Horton - 2022 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (1):95-112.
    Proper attention to the theme of corporeality is crucial for understanding Derrida’s analysis of Hegel in “The Pit and the Pyramid.” This article argues that Derrida’s essay compels us to face the impossibility of giving a wholly coherent account of embodiment. The _Aufhebung_ supposedly unites the exteriority of the corporeal with interiority in a higher unity that cancels and preserves them both; Hegel’s own text reveals, however, that meaning is primordially absent from the body that was thought to incarnate it. (...)
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  6. Hegel's phenomenology of the 'animalic soul' and the dementia of sense of the robot (english translation).Dieter Wandschneider - 2022 - In Wolfgang Neuser & Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer, Die Idee der Natur. Analyse, Ästhetik und Psychologie in Hegels Naturphilosophie. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 449–460.
    Without doubt already ‘higher’ animals which as such have phenomenal perception possess an animalic soul. The contrasting comparison of animal and robot proves to be revealing: What does the animal have that the robot does not? A key role here plays Hegel’s interpretation, which can be addressed as a phenomenology of the ‘animalic soul’. His dictum ‘Only what is living feels a lack’ refers to the principle of self-preservation which governs everything organic. Concerning higher animals this too appears as the (...)
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  7. Hegel's Anthropology: Transforming the Body.Jane Dryden - 2021 - In Joshua Wretzel & Sebastian Stein, Hegel's Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences: A Critical Guide. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 127-147.
    The trajectory of the “Anthropology” section of Hegel’s Encyclopedia brings us from the uncultivated, natural soul which humans share with non-human animals, to the point where it becomes an individual subject, ready to become the “I” of the “Phenomenology” section. Much of this entails the transformation of the body from something purely determined by nature to being a home for spirit as it freely relates itself to the world. The “Anthropology” thus dwells on the theme of liberation from nature. Especially (...)
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  8. Thomas Sören Hoffmann: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Eine Propädeutik. Wiesbaden, Marixverlag, 4ªed. 2020. [REVIEW]Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2021 - Revista de Estudios Kantianos 6 (2):265-270.
  9. Phenomenology as Metaphysics: On Heidegger's Interpretation of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.Ioannis Trisokkas - 2021 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 25 (2):125-154.
    The article reflects on Heidegger’s “metaphysical” interpretation of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. This interpretation is driven by two theses Heidegger holds: (1) that the Phenomenology is a necessary part of Hegel’s “system of science” and (2) that the Phenomenology is metaphysics. These two theses contrast with Houlgate’s “epistemological” interpretation, which claims that the Phenomenology is not a necessary part of Hegel’s system of science and that it is not metaphysics. The article shows that while Heidegger has an argument that establishes, (...)
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  10. Embodied Cognition, Habit, and Natural Agency in Hegel’s Anthropology.Italo Testa - 2020 - In Marina F. Bykova & Kenneth R. Westphal, The Palgrave Hegel Handbook. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 395-416.
    The aim of this chapter is to discuss the central role of the notion of " habit " (Gewohnheit) in Hegel's theory of " embodiment " (Verleiblichung) and to show that the philosophical outcome of the Anthropology is that habit, understood as a sensorimotor life form, is not only an enabling condition for there to be mindedness, but is more strongly an ontological constitutive condition of all its levels of manifestation. Moreover, I will argue that Hegel's approach somehow makes a (...)
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  11. La critica di Hegel al sapere immediato. Il confronto con Jacobi nella «Terza posizione del pensiero rispetto all’oggettività».Armando Manchisi - 2019 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 48 (1):91-118.
    In the paragraphs of the Encyclopedia (1830) dedicated to the «Third position of thought towards objectivity» Hegel critically examines Jacobi’s ‘immediate knowing’. My aim is to reconstruct the main arguments of these paragraphs, still little studied today, while trying to shed light on three issues: (a) the relevance given here to Jacobi’s philosophy; (b) the problems that arise within the epistemological models of immediacy; (c) the passage from the analysis of immediate knowing to the speculative thinking of the Logic.
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  12. Die schlußlogische Einheit der Philosophie. Zu Hegels spekulativ-enzyklopädischer Syllogistik.Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2019 - In Thomas Sören Hoffmann & Hardy Neumann, Hegel und das Projekt einer philosophischen Enzyklopädie. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. pp. 159-182.
    Wenn Hegels Denkweg in seiner Gesamtheit betrachtet wird, ist es möglich, in ihm zwei große Entwicklungsphasen zu unterscheiden, die sich ihrem Inhalt und ihrer Darstellungsform nach durch unterschiedliche Einteilungen, Formen der Vermittlung und innere Übergänge voneinander unterscheiden. Eine solche Gedankentotalität manifestiert jeweils einen spekulativ-enzyklopädischen Sinn, aus dem sich auch ihre Entwicklungslogik ergibt, bis sie sich zuletzt als konkreter Ausdruck der Idee zu erkennen gibt. Diese Gedankentotalität zeigte sich in der ersten Phase des Hegelschen Denkens in einer vorenzyklopädischen Weise, um im (...)
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  13. (1 other version)How Plato and Hegel Integrate the Sciences, the Arts, Religion, and Philosophy.Robert M. Wallace - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):391-402.
  14. Hegel’s “Idea of Life” and Internal Purposiveness.Daniel Lindquist - 2018 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 8 (2):376-408.
    The first part of the final section of Hegel's Science of Logic, the section on "The Idea", is titled "Life". Logic being the science of thought for Hegel, this section presents Hegel's account of the form of thought peculiar to thinking about living beings as living. Hegel's full account of this form of thought holds that a living being is (1) a functionally organized totality of members (2) that maintains itself in and through its environment (3) in the manner of (...)
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  15. Thomas Sören Hoffmann, "«La filosofía es, como el universo, circular en sí». Saber enciclopédico y autofundamentación de la filosofía en Hegel".Thomas Sören Hoffmann & Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2017 - In Hardy Neumann, Óscar Cubo & Agemir Bavaresco, Hegel y El Proyecto de Una Enciclopedia Filosófica: Comunicaciones Del II Congreso Germano-Latinoamericano Sobre la Filosofía de Hegel. Editora Fi. pp. 827-848.
  16. Logiikan ja reaalifilosofian suhteesta Hegelillä.Lauri Kallio - 2017 - Niin and Näin 24 (1):104-111.
    Logiikan ja reaalifilosofian suhde on keskeisimpiä Hegelin filosofian herättämiä kysymyksiä. Hegelin mukaan hänen systeeminsä ensimmäinen osa eli logiikka ja toisen ja kolmannen osan muodostava reaalifilosofia vastaavat toisiaan. Hegelin tuotannossa on kuitenkin aineksia monenlaisille tulkinnoille tästä vastaavuudesta. -/- Yleensä ajatellaan, ettei Hegel ei tarjonnut tyydyttävää selitystä logiikan ja reaalifilosofian suhteesta. Jos otamme tämän tulkinnan lähtökohdaksi, on kysyttävä, miltä osin Hegelin lupaama vastaavuus ei toteudu. Toiseksi on kysyttävä vastaavuusvaatimuksen merkitystä Hegelin filosofialle ylipäänsä. Johtaako luopuminen logiikan ja reaalifilosofian vastaavuudesta absoluuttisen idealismin hylkäämiseen?
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  17. Das Leben der Freiheit. Form und Wirklichkeit der Autonomie.Thomas Khurana - 2017 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
    Von einem Leben der Freiheit zu sprechen hat eine doppelte Bedeutung. Auf der einen Seite legt diese Wendung nahe, dass schon dem Leben das Merkmal der Freiheit zukommt. Zum anderen deutet der Ausdruck darauf hin, dass die Freiheit ein ihr eigenes Leben besitzen mag. In diesem doppelten Genitiv wird so ein Übergang angedeutet von der Freiheit, die dem Leben als solchem zukommt, zu dem eigenen Leben, das die Freiheit führt. Inwiefern aber ist schon das Leben frei und inwiefern besitzt auch (...)
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  18. The Oxford Handbook of Hegel.Dean Moyar (ed.) - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Features original articles by some of the most distinguished contemporary scholars of Hegel's thought, The most comprehensive collection of Hegel scholarship available in one volume, Examines Hegel's writing in a chronological order, from his very first published works to his very last, Includes chapters on the newly edited lecture series Hegel conducted in the 1820s Book jacket.
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  19. Comparison between Hegel’s Being-Nothing-Becoming and I-Ching’s Yin-Yang-I (Change).Ma Zhen - 2016 - Asian Research Journal of Arts and Social Sciences 1 (6):1-15.
    This article introduces a cross-cultural comparative study on Hegel’s Western triad of Being-Nothing-Becoming and I-Ching (including Tao-Teh-Ching, TTK)’s Eastern triad of Yin-Yang-I (Change). The study exposes the similarities and differences between the two triads in three aspects: concept, internal motivation, and external manifestation. Results include: (1) Hegel’s “Tao” is not identical to that of the Yin-Yang paradigm; (2) Hegel’s envision of Becoming is intrinsically far away from the essence of I-Ching’s I.
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  20. (1 other version)"Die Gewohnheit des Rechten": Zur Wirklichkeit der Freiheit in Gestalt der zweiten Natur.Thomas Khurana - 2015 - In J. Müller J. Kertscher, Lebensform und Praxisform. Mentis. pp. 299–318.
    Im §4 der Einleitung zu den Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts charakterisiert Hegel die Seinsweise, in der das »Reich der verwirklichten Freiheit« gegeben ist, als die einer zweiten Natur. Obwohl Hegel die spezifische Formel von der »zweiten Natur« hier nur noch ein weiteres Mal (GPhR § 151,301) direkt wieder aufnimmt, markiert sie eine ebenso grundlegende wie weitreichende Neubestimmung der Wirklichkeit der Freiheit, die in der zeitgenössischen Diskussion von erheblicher Bedeutung ist. Um genauer zu verstehen, welchen Sinn diese Bestimmung der Form (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Awakening to Madness and Habituation to Death in Hegel's Anthropology.Nicholas Mowad - 2013 - In David S. Stern, Essays on Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit: Imaginative Transformation and Ethical Action in Literature. State University of New York Press.
    Hegel argues that madness should not be understood as it had been traditionally, viz. ‘sleeping while awake,’ the intrusion of sleep or unconsciousness on waking, conscious life, but that rather madness must be understood as an inescapable possibility of waking life, and a constitutive part of consciousness itself.
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  22. (1 other version)How the Dreaming Soul Became the Feeling Soul, Between the 1827 and 1830 Editions of Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit: Empirical Psychology and the late Enlightenment.Jeffrey Reid - 2013 - In David S. Stern, Essays on Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit: Imaginative Transformation and Ethical Action in Literature. State University of New York Press. pp. 37-54.
    Why does Hegel change “Dreaming Soul” to “Feeling Soul” in the 1830 edition of the Philosophy of Subjective Spirit? By tracing the content of the Dreaming Soul section, through Hegel’s 1794 manuscript on psychology, to sources such as C.P. Moritz’s Magazin zur Erfahrungsseelenkunde, the paper shows how the section embraces a late Enlightenment mission: combating supposedly supernatural expressions of spiritual enthrallment by explaining them as pathological conditions of the soul. Responding to perceived attacks on the 1827 edition of the Encyclopedia (...)
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  23. Selbstorganisation und Selbstgesetzgebung. Form und Grenze einer Analogie in der Philosophie Kants und Hegels.Thomas Khurana - 2011 - Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology 16:9–27.
    The paper investigates philosophical conceptions of the living that were articulated in Kantian and Hegelian philosophy. The paper argues that in Kant and post-Kantian philosophy the conception of the living serves as a hinge or joint in order to mediate between conceptions of the realm of nature and conceptions of the realm of freedom. In opposition to the Cartesian tradition that had tried to grasp living beings in terms of organized machines, Kant characterizes living beings not only as organized, but (...)
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  24. "Outside and In: Hegel on natural history".David Kolb - 2011 - Poligrafi 16 (61-62):27-43.
    The relation between nature and spirit in Hegel is not as simple as slogans such as "nature has no history" or a simple interior/exterior dichotonmy would suggest.
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  25. A Unique Insight into the Nature of "Knowing" and of the Concept.Bhakti Madhava Puri - 2010 - The Harmonizer.
    The purpose of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit is to demonstrate that the Concept is the underlying reality or Truth that lies hidden to ordinary knowing. Once the Concept is revealed it becomes the object of scientific development in his Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, but because of its absolute nature the Concept and its development are identical while different simultaneously. On the absolute platform opposites are identical in their differences, just as the absolute value |1| is the same as the (...)
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  26. Finite, Spurious Infinite, True Infinite.Bhakti Madhava Puri - 2005 - GWFHegel.Org.
    A concise exposition of the development of the true infinite is found in Hegel's Encyclopedia Logic (EL92-95). It may be much easier to follow than the one given in the Science of Logic. The following paragraphs are from the Gerates, et al translation of that book, along with some parts of the "Additions" where I felt they were useful. At the end I give my interpretation of the development.
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  27. Inheriting, Earning, and Owning.Lydia L. Moland - 2003 - The Owl of Minerva 34 (2):139-170.
    Hegel’s “Anthropology” considers components of an agent’s practical identity that are not chosen but rather inherited: components such as the agent’s temperament, talents, and ethnic background. Through a discussion of habit and happiness, Hegel explores how these inherited traits can become part of the agent’s self-determination. I argue that this process provides a model for explaining how we are obligated within roles we do not choose—roles for instance within the family or as citizens of a state. Through evaluation of an (...)
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  28. Hegel's theory of mental activity: an introduction to theoretical spirit.Willem A. DeVries - 1988 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    An interpretation of Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit showing its continued relevance to contemporary issues in the philosophy of mind.
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  29. (1 other version)How the Dreaming Soul Became the Feeling Soul, between the 1827 and 1830 Editions of Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit.Jeffrey Reid - 1987 - In Eric von der Luft, Hegel's Philosophy of Spirit. pp. 37-54.
    Why does Hegel change “Dreaming Soul” to “Feeling Soul” in the 1830 edition of the Philosophy of Subjective Spirit? By tracing the content of the Dreaming Soul section, through Hegel’s 1794 manuscript on psychology, to sources such as C.P. Moritz’s Magazin zur Erfahrungsseelenkunde, the paper shows how the section embraces a late Enlightenment mission: combating supposedly supernatural expressions of spiritual enthrallment by explaining them as pathological conditions of the soul. Responding to perceived attacks on the 1827 edition of the Encyclopedia (...)
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  30. The Berlin Phenomenology. By G. W. F. Hegel. [REVIEW]James Collins - 1983 - Modern Schoolman 60 (3):208-209.
  31. "Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit," edited and translated with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by Michael J. Petry. [REVIEW]James Collins - 1979 - Modern Schoolman 56 (4):369-371.
  32. "Hegel's Philosophy of Nature," 3 vols., trans, with introd. by Michael John Petry. [REVIEW]James Collins - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 49 (2):162-165.