Results for 'biodegradable'

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  1.  18
    Biodegradation of environmental pollutants by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium: Involvement of the lignin degrading system.John A. Bumpus & Steven D. Aust - 1987 - Bioessays 6 (4):166-170.
    The white‐rot fungus Phanrochaete chrysosporium has the ability to degrade a wide variety of structurally diverse organic compounds, including a number of environmentally persistent organopollutants. The unique biodegradative abilities of this fungus appears to be dependent upon its lignin‐degrading system. The non‐specific and partially extracellular nature of this system suggests that it may be useful as a supplementary means to treat organochemical wastes.
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    Biodegradables Seven Diary Fragments.Jacques Derrida & Peggy Kamuf - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (4):812-873.
    Those who have read me, in particular those who have read “Paul de Man’s War,” know very well that I would have quite easily accepted a genuine critique, the expression of an argued disagreement with my reading of de Man, with my evaluation of these articles from 1940-42, and so on. After all, what I wrote on this subject was complicated enough, divided, tormented, most often hazarded as hypothesis, open enough to discussion, itself discussing itself enough in advance for me (...)
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    Plastic scraps: biodegradable mulch films and the aesthetics of ‘good farming’ in US specialty crop production.Katherine Dentzman & Jessica R. Goldberger - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (1):83-96.
    Agriculture is a serious contributor to pollution and other environmental harms, making it an important site of action for the development of environmentally friendly products and practices. However, farmer adoption of such options is varied and dependent on a wide range of factors including the visual appeal of sustainable farming. Recent studies have shown that negative aesthetics related to more environmentally friendly ways of farming can delay or prevent adoption of such practices. Drawing on the concepts of good farming, cultural (...)
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    8 E-Phemera: Of Deconstruction, Biodegradability, and Nuclear War.Michael Naas - 2018 - In Matthias Fritsch, Philippe Lynes & David Wood (eds.), Eco-Deconstruction: Derrida and Environmental Philosophy. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 187-205.
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    From the selfish gene to selfish metabolism: Revisiting the central dogma.Víctor de Lorenzo - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (3):226-235.
    The standard representation of the Central Dogma (CD) of Molecular Biology conspicuously ignores metabolism. However, both the metabolites and the biochemical fluxes behind any biological phenomenon are encrypted in the DNA sequence. Metabolism constrains and even changes the information flow when the DNA‐encoded instructions conflict with the homeostasis of the biochemical network. Inspection of adaptive virulence programs and emergence of xenobiotic‐biodegradation pathways in environmental bacteria suggest that their main evolutionary drive is the expansion of their metabolic networks towards new chemical (...)
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  6.  12
    Decomposing Geschlecht: Thinking Mother/Land … with Soils.Elina Staikou - 2022 - Paragraph 45 (3):366-383.
    The article traces the motif of decomposition in Derrida’s Geschlecht III. It distinguishes Derrida’s understanding of the way decomposition affects sex, language, humanity and place through a logic of dissemination and divisibility from Heidegger’s reversal of decomposition in the polysemic gathering of the land. It shows how the working of the spectral figure of mother in its link to land through natality in Geschlecht III can be extended in its biodeconstructive formulation to a question of soil as multispecies ecology.
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    Connecting the philosophy of chemistry, green chemistry, and moral philosophy.Jean-Pierre Llored & Stéphane Sarrade - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 18 (2):125-152.
    This paper aims to connect philosophy of chemistry, green chemistry, and moral philosophy. We first characterize chemistry by underlining how chemists: co-define chemical bodies, operations, and transformations; always refer to active and context-sensitive bodies to explain the reactions under study; and develop strategies that require and intertwine with a molecular whole, its parts, and the surroundings at the same time within an explanation. We will then point out how green chemists are transforming their current activities in order to act upon (...)
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  8.  19
    De generatione et corruptione.Christopher John Fards Aristotle & Williams - 1922 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press. Edited by Harold H. Joachim.
  9.  25
    Environmental and Ecological Aspects in the Overall Assessment of Bioeconomy.András Székács - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (1):153-170.
    Bioeconomy solutions potentially reduce the utilization demand of natural resources, and therefore, represent steps towards circular economy, but are not per se equivalent to sustainability. Thus, production may remain to be achieved against losses in natural resources or at other environmental costs, and materials produced by bioeconomy are not necessarily biodegradable. As a consequence, the assumption that emerging bioeconomy by itself provides an environmentally sustainable economy is not justified, as technologies do not necessarily become sustainable merely through their conversion (...)
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    Humain malgré la maladie : pour une humanisation des pratiques de soin.Ericbert Tambou Kamgue - 2022 - Praxis Filosófica 55:115-130.
    La maladie est une épreuve pour le patient, ses proches ainsi que pour le personnel soignant. Son apparition dans l’existence d’un être humain est toujours une source d’angoisse pour lui et pour son entourage. Cette angoisse est d’autant plus grande quand la prise en charge n’est pas efficace ou quand le personnel soignant n’assume pas le rôle qui est le sien : prendre soin du malade. Face à une mauvaise prise en charge du malade, des doutes peuvent surgir chez lui (...)
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    The Plastic Turn by Ghosh, Ranjan (review).Maria Margaroni - 2024 - Substance 53 (3):149-155.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Plastic Turn by Ghosh, RanjanMaria MargaroniGhosh, Ranjan. The Plastic Turn. Cornell University Press, 2022. 224pp.In Plasticity at the Dusk of Writing: Dialectic, Destruction, Deconstruction (2005; 2010), Catherine Malabou argues that “the concept of plasticity is becoming both the dominant formal motif of interpretation and the most productive exegetical and heuristic tool of our time,” supplanting older theoretical paradigms such as “writing” and “the trace” (57). Almost twenty (...)
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  12.  19
    2018 AFHVS presidential address: Agriculture in the Plastic Age.Jessica R. Goldberger - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (4):899-904.
    In this address I discuss agricultural plastic use and plastic pollution mitigation strategies. I focus on agricultural plastic mulches, which offer many benefits to farmers, such as weed control, better moisture retention, and increased yield. The removal and disposal of widely used polyethylene plastic mulch, however, have detrimental environmental and health impacts. Are biodegradable plastic mulches a promising alternative? Biodegradable plastic mulches ideally offer the same benefits as PE plastic mulch, but biodegrade in soil or composting environments. I (...)
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  13. Polymer Delivery of Hydroxycamptothecin against C6 Glioma.Jing Hu - 2014 - Journal of Cancer Therapy 5:920-928.
    Hydroxycamptothecin is a potent antineoplastic agent that has shown efficacy against multiple tumor lines in vitro. eww140918dxn This is the first study to investigate the release, distribution, and efficacy of hydroxycamptothecin which was incorporated into the biodegradable polymer Polylactic Acid (PLA), and implant into brain directly. In vitro release curve generated showed that a large initial release occurred over the first three days and was followed by a steady, but considerably slower rate of release over the next 25 days. (...)
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    Talk the Talk or Walk the Walk? An Examination of Sustainability Accounting Implementation.W. Eric Lee & Amy M. Hageman - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (3):725-739.
    This study examines how ambiguity in corporate objectives affects managers’ choice between opposing sustainability and short-term profit goals. We test this question with an experiment in which we vary whether environmental sustainability is included explicitly as a strategic objective that is used for managers’ performance evaluations. Findings show that managers increase biodegradable production and correspondingly decrease short-term profit when environmental sustainability performance is explicitly incorporated within the company’s strategic objectives. Also, managers in the implicit incorporation group are more likely (...)
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  15.  38
    Environmental Biotechnology Research: Challenges and Opportunities in Latin America.Janeth Sanabria - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (4):681-694.
    Latin American countries have an extensive biological diversity and a tropical or subtropical climate. This condition has advantages for development and for the implementation of biotechnological solutions for environmental problems. Environmental biotechnology could be used to enhance biodegradation, waste recovery, and also for the development of biotechnology-based products to diagnose and reduce environmental impacts such as biosensors, biopesticides, biofertilizers and biofuels. To generate new environmental biotechnological products, Latin American countries must not only overcome the known limitations associated with investment in (...)
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  16.  28
    Bio matter in creative practises for fashion and design.Galina Mihaleva - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (4):1361-1365.
    Through an examination of the bacteria that produce the cellulose, an investigation of the growing process and properties, and a discussion of an artistic exploration, one can fully grasp bio cellulose’s potential in becoming a synergist for sustainable fashion. This new creative and radical approach re-imagines the future materials for fashion and other fields requiring textile applications that are grown and renewable. Questions how textile can be created to be sustainable, biodegradable and infinitely reusable and mainly what the paradigms (...)
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  17.  73
    Loving Your Mother: On the Woman-Nature Relation.Catherine Roach - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (1):46 - 59.
    In this essay I explore the relation between woman and nature. In the first half, I argue that the environmental slogan "Love Your Mother" is problematical because of the way "mother" and "motherhood" function in patriarchal culture. In the essay's second half, I argue that the question, "Are women closer to nature than men?" is conceptually flawed and that the nature-culture dualism upon which it is predicated is in need of being biodegraded for the sake of environmental soundness.
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  18.  25
    The Vertigos of Coining: ‘Michel Houellebecq’, Or, What Names Remain(s)?James Dutton - 2021 - Paragraph 44 (2):141-156.
    Writing remains. One could argue that it is precisely because of this uncanny and unpredictable survival that inscription holds an inextricable influence on culture. Deconstructive theory posits this as the ‘biodegradability’ of writing — that culture consumes writing's intended meaning, employing it as fuel for its own survival. In this article, I argue for Michel Houellebecq's awareness of this survival, suggesting that his texts stage their — and their author's — own biodegradability to interweave truth and fiction. Particularly, he utilizes (...)
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  19.  29
    Values in Nanomedical Research: A Discussion Based on the NANOCAN Project on Nanoparticles in Cancer Therapy and Diagnosis.Anders Strand - 2017 - NanoEthics 11 (3):259-271.
    The NANOCAN project aims to enhance our understanding of the behavior of nanomaterials in the body, focusing on biodegradable nanoparticles for cancer diagnostics, and targeted cancer drug delivery. There is a range of available and potentially useful nanoparticles and drugs that might be of interest to such a project. In this paper, we make values implied in—and relevant to—choices between these alternatives explicit, thereby offering a case study of how values enter research processes in this area. From a project (...)
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  20.  13
    Inheritance Indifferent to Legitimacy.Michael Peterson - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (1):110-120.
    This essay seeks to establish the sense in which Derrida’s stated indifference to questions of legitimate descent can function as an ethical or political principle, as he argues in “Marx and Sons.” We track Derrida’s response to accusations of a lack of fealty in texts such as “Marx and Sons,” “Biodegradables: Seven Diary Fragments,” and “Limited Inc a b c … ” alongside his problematization of a certain sense of inheritance or heritage. We argue that Derrida reveals the necessity of (...)
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  21. Thinking with Heidegger: Rethinking Environmental Theory and Practice.Kevin Michael DeLuca - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (1):67-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thinking with Heidegger:Rethinking Environmental Theory and PracticeKevin Michael DeLuca (bio)Environmentalism is tired. It is a movement both institutionalized and insipid. The vast majority of Americans claim to be environmentalists while buying ever more SUVs, leaf-blowers, and uncountable plastic consumer goods. Indeed, environmentalism itself has become just another practice of consumerism, a matter of buying Audubon memberships, Ansel Adams calendars, and 'biodegradable' plastic bags with one's Sierra Club credit (...)
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  22.  12
    Resisting Ex-Appropriation: Artistic Remains at Times of Environmental Instability.Joëlle Dubé - 2023 - Oxford Literary Review 45 (1):104-122.
    With rapidly spreading extractive practices on a global scale, the amount of residue generated raises the question of waste management and economic externalities. Are humans, and most crucially the Earth, equipped to welcome such an exponentially increasing quantity of restants? Artworks, as inexhaustible in their readings, are congenial to this idea of irreducible remains. In this paper, I argue Derrida’s treatment of remains might provide a waste-based approach to ecocriticism which, in turns, can be leveraged to articulate an insightful reading (...)
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  23.  47
    Everything Decomposes: Survivance Beyond the Human-Animal.Abigail Culpepper - 2024 - Derrida Today 17 (1):1-18.
    The notion of survivance is central to Derrida’s later thinking. Much of that thinking, for example in addressing the non–human in The Animal That Therefore I Am and The Beast and the Sovereign, is more precisely a thinking of the human in relation to the animal. Taking inspiration from the recent turn towards biodeconstruction, this essay works through the implications of survivance beyond the human-animal by considering the synergy between biological and textual survivance. And in so doing, this essay outlines (...)
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