Results for 'boomerang effect'

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  1.  59
    The "boomerang" effect of radicalism in discursive psychology: A critical overview of the controversy with the social representations theory.Annamaria Silvana de Rosa - 2006 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 36 (2):161–201.
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    What Returns? Comprehending the “Boomerang Effect”.Dawn Herrera - 2024 - Arendt Studies 8:223-250.
    The “boomerang thesis” enjoys widespread currency in contemporary scholarship: that the means and ends of colonial domination would “spin back” to the metropole is an idea with intuitive grip. This article extrapolates the depth of meaning this metaphor contains, as well as what it conceals. It first considers the “boomerang” as it appears in Aimé Césaire’s Discourse on Colonialism, a poetic work that captures the moral and experiential return-effects of imperial violence. Turning to Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of (...)
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    International Discussions of Homosexuality: Boomeranging effects in power currents.A. A. Kondakov - 2018 - Sociology of Power 30 (1):14-32.
  4.  19
    The Fallacy of Religious Fundamentalism and Its Ontological Boomerang Effect; An African Worldview.Edeh &Nbsp & Peter Daniel - 2015 - Open Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):156-162.
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    The Generative Mechanism of Boomerang Intention: From the Perspective of Legacy Identification.Zehui Tian, Qinghong Yuan, Shanshan Qian & Yanyan Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Boomerang employment has become an increasingly significant third way to obtain employees, yet little research has focused on why does ex-employee want to come back. Drawing from social identity theory, we propose that legacy identification could increase boomerang intention and both perceived corporate prestige and psychological contract violation could affect boomerang intention through legacy identification. The cooperative relationship between the former organization and the current organization could enhance these effects. Results from a two-time points survey of 202 (...)
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  6. When Does Corporate Social Responsibility Backfire? Intentional Crises and the Insurance Value of CSR.Danni Zhang, Yusen Dong & Chunlin Liu - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Drawing on attribution theory and expectancy violation theory, this study investigates the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on stock market reactions in the context of intentional crises, during which stakeholders are likely to attribute crisis responsibility to the focal firm. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2012 to 2022, we find that in the context of an intentional crisis, the stock market reacts more negatively to firms with higher prior CSR performance. Two contingency factors (i.e., media (...)
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    “Nothing much had happened”: Settler colonialism in Hannah Arendt.David Myer Temin - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (3):514-538.
    Hannah Arendt’s account of imperialism has become an unlikely source of inspiration for scholars invested in anti-colonial and postcolonial critique. However, the role of settler colonialism in her thought has come under far less scrutiny. This essay reconstructs Arendt’s account of settler-colonization. It argues that Arendt’s republican analysis of imperialism hinges on her notion of the boomerang effect, which is absent in settler-colonial contexts. Arendt recognized some of the distinctive features of settler expansionism but reproduced many of the (...)
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  8.  57
    Think local, act global: Civic vigilance as cosmopolitan political motivation.Lior Erez - 2020 - Journal of Social Philosophy 51 (4):628-644.
    As even those who endorse it concede, cosmopolitanism has a motivational problem. There is a need for strategies to generate support of global norms conducive to cosmopolitanism, but which do not rely primarily on the motivating force of the moral argument. This article makes the case for civic vigilance as an answer to this problem. It argues that support for cosmopolitan norms could be advanced by encouraging a recognition of the ‘boomerang effect’: the ways in which global injustice (...)
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    Prospects for Realizing International Women’s Rights Law Through Local Governance: the Case of Cities for CEDAW.Anne Sisson Runyan & Rebecca Sanders - 2021 - Human Rights Review 22 (3):303-325.
    How best to realize international human rights law in practice has proved a vexing problem. The challenge is compounded in the USA, which has not ratified several treaties including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The Cities for CEDAW movement addresses this deficit by encouraging cities to endorse and implement CEDAW norms. In doing so, it seeks to catalyze a local boomerang effect, whereby progressive political momentum at the local level generates internal (...)
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  10.  46
    Religious Icons in Romanian Schools: Text and Context.Gisela Horvath & Rozalia Bako - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24):189-206.
    Public discourse on religious matters is a sensitive issue in Romania. It has raised heated debates for at least two reasons: on the one hand, the repressive policy of the Communist regime concerning religion created a strong boomerang-effect, a religious renaissance after 1989; on the other hand, there is a deep cleavage between the “two Romanias:” the urban and the rural, the modernized and the traditionalist, the liberal and the conservative. Religion still serves as a major cultural marker (...)
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  11.  17
    Attractive or repellent? How right-wing populist voters respond to figuratively framed anti-immigration rhetoric.Amber Boeynaems, Christian Burgers, Elly A. Konijn & Gerard J. Steen - 2023 - Communications 48 (4):502-522.
    The rhetoric employed by right-wing populist parties (RWPPs) has been seen as a driver for their success. This right-wing populist (RWP) rhetoric is partly characterized by the use of anti-immigration metaphors and hyperboles, which likely appeal to voters’ grievances. We tested the persuasive impact of figuratively framed RWP rhetoric among a unique sample of Dutch RWPP voters, reporting an experiment with a 2 (metaphor: present, absent) x 2 (hyperbole: present, absent) between-subjects design. Our findings challenge prevailing ideas about how supportive (...)
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  12.  42
    The sound of the big Bang.John Cramer - manuscript
    I'm Professor of Physics at the University of Washington in Seattle . I do basic research in ultra-relativistic heavy ion physics with the STAR experiment, using the RHIC facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory, colliding gold nuclei to produce systems that look something like the first microsecond of the Big Bang. I do not work much in cosmology and astrophysics, although I've published a paper or two in those areas, but I do write a bi-monthly science column for Analog Science Fiction/Fact (...)
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    Evaluating Skeptical Defenses.David O'Connor - 2008 - In God, Evil and Design: An Introduction to the Philosophical Issues. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 146–169.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Side‐Effects of Wykstra's Noseeum Defense Verdict on Noseeum Defenses Evaluating van Inwagen's Second Skeptical Defense Overall Verdict on Skeptical Defenses On to Substantive Defenses Suggested Reading.
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  14.  36
    BOOMERanG and the Sound of the Big Bang.John G. Cramer - unknown
    Two years ago, astrophysicists studying Type Ia supernovas discovered that our universe is a much stranger place than we had imagined, with invisible vacuum energy accelerating its expansion. (See my column about this in the May-1999 Analog.) However, new astrophysical observations from the BOOMERanG experiment (Balloon Observations Of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geomagnetics), a balloon-borne cryogenic microwave telescope measurement that flew at an altitude of about 24 miles over the Antarctic, indicate that our universe is also rather ordinary, in (...)
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  15. Stylized Resistance: Boomerang Perception and Latinas in the Twenty-First Century.Stephanie Rivera Berruz - 2020 - In Andrea J. Pitts, Mariana Ortega & José Medina, Theories of the Flesh: Latinx and Latin American Feminisms, Transformation, and Resistance. Oxford University Press. pp. 239-251.
    The chapter explores the perceptual and epistemic structures of boomerang perception, as developed by María Lugones, by focusing on contemporary lived experiences of Latinas of commercialization and homogenization. Boomerang perception is the mechanism through which people of color are constructed through a white imaginary lens and denied subjectivity. The internalization of boomerang perception subsequently yields horizontal hostilities whereby people of color construct each other through white eyes and engender a fake/real dichotomy that polices the boundaries of communities. (...)
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  16.  37
    Banlieues, sexes et le boomerang colonial.Rada Iveković - 2006 - Multitudes 1 (1):209-220.
    The decolonization of France is not over yet. Blind to what was coming , France is now badly hit by the boomerang : linguistic isolation, postcolonial studies in slumber, deafness towards the boys and girls of the suburbs : words are cruelly lacking for institutions to make sense of what’s happening. At a loss, the media can only multiply distortions in media coverage and the authorities produce repression/selection at the borders. In this paper, the author develops the apparent differences (...)
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  17.  21
    Editorial: Boomerangs at Dawn.N. J. H. Dent - 1980 - Philosophy 55:1.
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  18. Boomerang Theology: Reflections on Mateship.Gideon Goosen - 1987 - The Australasian Catholic Record 64:308-14.
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  19. Boomerang defense of rule following.Tomoji Shogenji - 1992 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):115-122.
    Can there be a good argument for the total denial of rule following? The question concerns the "total" denial, where the targeted rules include those meta-rules presumably required for philosophical argumentation. In this paper the author contends that such a self-undermining argument can never be a good argument even in a "reductio ad absurdum" form, but that the defender of rule following cannot dismiss a challenge on this ground when the opponent adopts "the virus strategy".
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    Boomerang attack on church-state separation.Sierichs William Jr - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (3):68.
  21.  15
    The World of Boomerangs.Yutaka Nishiyama - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (1):13-20.
    After touching on the three most common misconceptions regarding boomerangs, the author goes on to explain why a boomerang is crescent shaped.The author explains, using the principle of precession motion, why a boomerang turns leftward and why it falls sideways; and he performs a comprehensive analysis through the “right-hand rule,” using the example of a gyro top.The author also explains how to make and fly the boomerang he invented—one that can fly inside a room and come back (...)
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  22. Slingshots and boomerangs.Stephen Neale & Josh Dever - 1997 - Mind 106 (421):143-168.
    A “slingshot” proof suggested by Kurt Gödel (1944) has been recast by Stephen Neale (1995) as a deductive argument showing that no non-truthfunctional sentence connective can permit the combined use, within its scope, of two truth-functionally valid inference principles involving defi- nite descriptions. According to Neale, this result provides indirect support for Russell’s Theory of Descriptions and has broader philosophical repercussions because descriptions occur in non-truth-functional constructions used to motivate talk about (e.g.) necessity, time, probability, causation, obligation, facts, states of (...)
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  23.  28
    Fighting with Rotating Blades, Boomerangs, and Crushing Punches: A History of Mecha from a Robotics Point of View.N. Ambrosetti - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (1):59-85.
    This work is the extended version of a paper presented at the conference HMM2021, about the history of mechanical engineering. First, the initial cultural and industrial steps in the robotic field in Japan are introduced, to display the beginning of this interlaced path, before WW2; then, in the context of the aftermaths of the war, some famous anime heroes are presented as ancestors of the coming mecha anime series. The rising research in the field of robotics and more generally the (...)
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  24.  53
    From Time’s Boomerang to Pointillist Mosaic: Translating Cloud Atlas into Film.P. A. Harris & J. A. Parker - 2015 - Substance 44 (1):123-135.
  25.  95
    The Effect of Ethical Leadership Behavior on Ethical Climate, Turnover Intention, and Affective Commitment.A. Asuman Akdogan & Ozgur Demirtas - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (1):59-67.
    This study examines a mediated model of ethical leadership on ethical climate, turnover intention, and affective commitment. It is suggested that managers are role models in their organizations. Specifically, through ethical leadership behavior, managers can influence perceptions of ethical climate, which in turn will positively influence organizational members’ turnover intention, and affective commitment. The results indicate that ethical leadership has both direct and indirect effect on affective commitment and turnover intention. The indirect effect of ethical leadership involves shaping (...)
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  26. Doctrine of double effect.Alison McIntyre - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The doctrine (or principle) of double effect is often invoked to explain the permissibility of an action that causes a serious harm, such as the death of a human being, as a side effect of promoting some good end. According to the principle of double effect, sometimes it is permissible to cause a harm as a side effect (or “double effect”) of bringing about a good result even though it would not be permissible to cause (...)
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  27. Side-Effect effect without side effects: The pervasive impact of moral considerations on judgments of intentionality.Florian Cova & Hichem Naar - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (6):837-854.
    Studying the folk concept of intentional action, Knobe (2003a) discovered a puzzling asymmetry: most people consider some bad side effects as intentional while they consider some good side effects as unintentional. In this study, we extend these findings with new experiments. The first experiment shows that the very same effect can be found in ascriptions of intentionality in the case of means for action. The second and third experiments show that means are nevertheless generally judged more intentional than side (...)
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  28. The Effect of Outcome Severity on Moral Judgment and Interpersonal Goals of Perpetrators, Victims, and Bystanders.Lisa Katharina Https://Orcidorg Frisch, Markus Https://Orcidorg Kneer, Joachim Israel Krueger & Johannes Https://Orcidorg Ullrich - 2021 - European Journal of Social Psychology 51 (7):1158–1171.
    When two actors have the same mental state but one happens to harm another person (unlucky actor) and the other one does not (lucky actor), the latter elicits a milder moral judgement. To understand how this outcome effect would affect post-harm interactions between victims and perpetrators, we examined how the social role from which transgressions are perceived moderates the outcome effect, and how outcome effects on moral judgements transfer to agentic and communal interpersonal goals. Three vignette experiments (N (...)
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  29.  29
    Effect of a Moral Distress Consultation Service on Moral Distress, Empowerment, and a Healthy Work Environment.Elizabeth G. Epstein, Ruhee Shah & Mary Faith Marshall - 2021 - HEC Forum 35 (1):21-35.
    Background: Healthcare providers who are accountable for patient care safety and quality but who are not empowered to actualize them experience moral distress. Interventions to mitigate moral distress in the healthcare organization are needed. Objective: To evaluate the effect on moral distress and clinician empowerment of an established, health-system-wide intervention, Moral Distress Consultation. Methods: A quasi-experimental, mixed methods study using pre/post surveys, structured interviews, and evaluation of consult themes was used. Consults were requested by staff when moral distress was (...)
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  30.  99
    Effect of Ethical Climate on Turnover Intention: Linking Attitudinal- and Stress Theory.Jay P. Mulki, Jorge F. Jaramillo & William B. Locander - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (4):559-574.
    Attitudinal- and stress theory are used to investigate the effect of ethical climate on job outcomes. Responses from 208 service employees who work for a country health department were used to test a structural model that examines the process through which ethical climate (EC) affects turnover intention (TI). This study shows that the EC–TI relationship is fully mediated by role stress (RC), interpersonal conflict (IC), emotional exhaustion (EE), trust in supervisor (TS), and job satisfaction (JS). Results show that EC (...)
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  31.  74
    The effect of speaker-specific information on pragmatic inferences.Daniel Grodner & Julie Sedivy - 2011 - In Edward Gibson & Neal J. Pearlmutter, The Processing and Acquisition of Reference. MIT Press.
    Utterances can convey more information than they explicitly encode, and speakers exploit communicative conventions in order to say more with less. However, the burden this places on perceivers is not well understood. This chapter examines the effect of speaker-specific information on pragmatic inferences using data from an experiment which investigated the time course of the use of pragmatic information in language comprehension. Previous evidence suggests that comprehenders who encounter a referential form, including a modifier that commonly indicates contrastiveness, assume (...)
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  32.  96
    Effect of Business Education on Women and Men Students’ Attitudes on Corporate Responsibility in Society.Anna-Maija Lämsä, Meri Vehkaperä, Tuomas Puttonen & Hanna-Leena Pesonen - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (1):45-58.
    This article describes a survey among Finnish business students to find answers to the following questions: How do business students define a well-run company? What are their attitudes on the responsibilities of business in society? Do the attitudes of women students differ from those of men? What is the influence of business education on these attitudes? Our sample comprised 217 students pursuing a master's degree in business studies at two Finnish universities. The results show that, as a whole, students valued (...)
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  33.  60
    Atmosphere effect re-examined.Loren J. Chapman & Jean P. Chapman - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 58 (3):220.
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  34. Reversing the side-effect effect: the power of salient norms.Brian Robinson, Paul Stey & Mark Alfano - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (1):177-206.
    In the last decade, experimental philosophers have documented systematic asymmetries in the attributions of mental attitudes to agents who produce different types of side effects. We argue that this effect is driven not simply by the violation of a norm, but by salient-norm violation. As evidence for this hypothesis, we present two new studies in which two conflicting norms are present, and one or both of them is raised to salience. Expanding one’s view to these additional cases presents, we (...)
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  35. The Effect of Organizational Forces on Individual Morality: Judgment, Moral Approbation, and Behavior.Lori Verstegen Ryan - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (3):431-445.
    Abstract:To date, our understanding of ethical decision making and behavior in organizations has been concentrated in the area of moral judgment, largely because of the hundreds of studies done involving cognitive moral development. This paper addresses the problem of our relative lack of understanding in other areas of human morality by applying a recently developed construct—moral approbation—to illuminate the link between moral judgment and moral action. This recent work is extended here by exploring the effect that organizations have on (...)
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  36. The information effect: constructive memory, testimony, and epistemic luck.Kourken Michaelian - 2013 - Synthese 190 (12):2429-2456.
    The incorporation of post-event testimonial information into an agent’s memory representation of the event via constructive memory processes gives rise to the misinformation effect, in which the incorporation of inaccurate testimonial information results in the formation of a false memory belief. While psychological research has focussed primarily on the incorporation of inaccurate information, the incorporation of accurate information raises a particularly interesting epistemological question: do the resulting memory beliefs qualify as knowledge? It is intuitively plausible that they do not, (...)
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  37.  19
    Effect of Online Reviews and Crowd Cues on Restaurant Choice of Customer: Moderating Role of Gender and Perceived Crowding.Muhammad Asghar Ali, Ding Hooi Ting, Muhammad Ahmad-ur-Rahman, Shoukat Ali, Falik Shear & Muhammad Mazhar - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study is aimed to identify the relative effect of online review ratings and perceived crowding on purchase intentions of a consumer. Our study also investigated the contingent effect of gender and perceived crowding between the relationship of exogenous and endogenous variables. This study was conducted in the Malaysian restaurant industry. We applied the purposive sampling technique to identify respondents, the mall intercept survey method was used for data collection. Smart PLS software was applied for data analysis. This (...)
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  38. Effect of Product Presentation Videos on Consumers' Purchase Intention: The Role of Perceived Diagnosticity, Mental Imagery, and Product Rating.Zhendong Cheng, Bingjia Shao & Yong Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The product presentation videos on E-commerce platforms have a significant influence on consumers' purchase decisions, and enterprises have focused on choosing the type of product presentation videos. Based on the resource matching theory, mental imagery theory and cue utilization theory, this study investigated the influence of product presentation videos type on consumers' purchase intention and the moderating effect of product rating. Through three pre-experiments and two formal experiments, the results showed that the product usage video has a stronger (...) on consumers' purchase intention more than the product appearance video, which is mediated by perceived diagnosticity and mental imagery. In addition, product rating moderated the influence of product presentation videos type on consumers' purchase intention. The product usage video would improve consumers' purchase intention more than the product appearance video when the product rating is high; however, there is no significant difference in the impact of two types of videos on consumers' purchase intention when the product rating is low. This study supplements the research on product presentation videos and provides a reference for online retailers to select effective product presentation videos. (shrink)
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    The effect of mindfulness meditation on time perception.Robin Ss Kramer, Ulrich W. Weger & Dinkar Sharma - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):846-852.
    Research has increasingly focussed on the benefits of meditation in everyday life and performance. Mindfulness in particular improves attention, working memory capacity, and reading comprehension. Given its emphasis on moment-to-moment awareness, we hypothesised that mindfulness meditation would alter time perception. Using a within-subjects design, participants carried out a temporal bisection task, where several probe durations are compared to “short” and “long” standards. Following this, participants either listened to an audiobook or a meditation that focussed on the movement of breath in (...)
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    The Effect of Online Protests and Firm Responses on Shareholder and Consumer Evaluation.Tijs van den Broek, David Langley & Tobias Hornig - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (2):279-294.
    Protests that target firms’ socially irresponsible behavior are increasingly organized via digital media. This study uses two methods to investigate the effects that online protests and mitigating firm responses have on shareholders’ and consumers’ evaluation. The first method is a financial analysis that includes an event study which measures the effect of online protests on the target firm’s share price, as well as an investigation of the boundary effects of protest characteristics. The second method is an online experiment that (...)
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    The Nocebo Effect and Informed Consent—Taking Autonomy Seriously.Scott Gelfand - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (2):223-235.
    The nocebo effect, a phenomenon whereby learning about the possible side effects of a medical treatment increases the likelihood that one will suffer these side effects, continues to challenge physicians and ethicists. If a physician fully informs her patient as to the potential side effects of a medicine that may produce nocebogenic effects, which is usually conceived of as being a requirement associated with the duty to respect autonomy, she risks increasing the likelihood that her patient will experience these (...)
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    The Effect of Sustainability Standard Uncertainty on Certification Decisions of Firms in Emerging Economies.Ivan Montiel, Petra Christmann & Trevor Zink - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (3):667-681.
    Voluntary sustainability standards that establish global rules for firms’ environmental and/or social conduct and allow for verification of firm compliance via third-party certification hold the promise to govern firms’ sustainability conduct in a globalizing world economy. However, the recent proliferation of competing and overlapping global sustainability standards that have been developed by various stakeholders with different agendas, creates uncertainties for firms that likely reduce their propensity to adopt any standard. Without widespread adoption these standards cannot effectively govern firm conduct and (...)
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    Double effect, double intention, and asymmetric warfare.Steven Lee - 2004 - Journal of Military Ethics 3 (3):233-251.
    Modern warfare cannot be conducted without civilians being killed. In order to reconcile this fact with the principle of discrimination in just war theory, the principle is applied through the doctrine of double effect. But this doctrine is morally inadequate because it is too permissive regarding the risk to civilians. For this reason, Michael Walzer has suggested that the doctrine be supplemented with what he calls the idea of double intention: combatants are not only to refrain from intending to (...)
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    The Effect of Guanxi on Audit Quality in China.Jihong Liu, Yaping Wang & Liansheng Wu - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (4):621-638.
    Two types of guanxi have a close association with auditor independence in China: firm-level connections derived from state ownership and personal connections developed through management affiliations with external auditors. This article examines the effects of these two types of connection and their joint effect on audit quality. We find that state ownership and management affiliations with the external auditor both increase the probability of receiving a clean audit opinion in China. Furthermore, the probability increment brought by management affiliations for (...)
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    The polarity effect of evaluative language.Lucien Baumgartner, Pascale Https://Orcidorg Willemsen & Kevin Https://Orcidorg Reuter - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology.
    Recent research on thick terms like “rude” and “friendly” has revealed a polarity effect, according to which the evaluative content of positive thick terms like “friendly” and “courageous” can be more easily canceled than the evaluative content of negative terms like “rude” and “selfish”. In this paper, we study the polarity effect in greater detail. We first demonstrate that the polarity effect is insensitive to manipulations of embeddings (Study 1). Second, we show that the effect occurs (...)
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    The effect of co-occurrence and relational information on speeded evaluation.Tal Moran & Yoav Bar-Anan - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (1):144-155.
    ABSTRACTAfter co-occurrence of a neutral conditioned stimulus with an affective unconditioned stimulus, the evaluation of the CS acquires the US valence. This effect disappears when infor...
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    The Effect of Automatic vs. Reflective Emotions on Cognitive Control in Antisaccade Tasks and the Emotional Stroop Test.Maria T. Jarymowicz & Kamil K. Imbir - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (2):137-146.
    The article presents two studies based on the assumption that the effectiveness of cognitive control depends on the subject’s type of emotional state. Inhibitory control is taken into account, as the basic determinant of the antisaccade reactions and the emotional Stroop effect. The studies deal with differentiation of emotions on the basis of their origin: automatic vs. reflective. According to the main assumption, automatic emotions are diffusive, and decrease the effectiveness of cognitive control. The hypothesis predicted that performance level (...)
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  48. The modifier effect in within-category induction: Default inheritance in complex noun phrases.Martin Jönsson & James Hampton - 2012 - Language and Cognitive Processes 27:90-116.
    Within-category induction is the projection of a generic property from a class to a subtype of that class. The modifier effect refers to the discovery reported by Connolly et al., that the subtype statement tends to be judged less likely to be true than the original unmodified sentence. The effect was replicated and shown to be moderated by the typicality of the modifier. Likelihood judgements were also found to correlate between modified and unmodified versions of sentences. Experiment 2 (...)
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  49. Can double‐effect reasoning justify lethal organ donation?Adam Omelianchuk - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (6):648-654.
    The dead donor rule (DDR) prohibits retrieval protocols that would be lethal to the donor. Some argue that compliance with it can be maintained by satisfying the requirements of double‐effect reasoning (DER). If successful, one could support organ donation without reference to the definition of death while being faithful to an ethic that prohibits intentionally killing innocent human life. On the contrary, I argue that DER cannot make lethal organ donation compatible with the DDR, because there are plausible ways (...)
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    The Effect of CEOs’ Turnover on the Corporate Sustainability Performance of French Firms.Yohan Bernard, Laurence Godard & Mohamed Zouaoui - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (4):1049-1069.
    This paper examines the relationship between turnover among chief executive officers and corporate sustainability performance by identifying the influence of two major types of succession to the top job and the reasons for change. Our model also integrates the firm’s past prioritization of CSP and the impact of a company’s participation in the Global Reporting Initiative. Upper echelons theory and agency theory frameworks are adopted to understand CSP. Using an analysis of panel data for 88 public companies across 13 years (...)
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