Results for 'career theories'

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  1.  14
    Social cognitive career theory: The experiences of Korean college student-athletes on dropping out of male team sports and creating pathways to empowerment.Benjamin H. Nam & Racheal C. Marshall - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The South Korean elite sport system is facing a wide range of problems that account for the high dropout rate among college student-athletes. However, research on dropout rates of student-athletes is so far been limited, which amplifies the actual voices of this group, their dropout experiences, and their challenges, while they were in the career transition process. Therefore, this study used a critical phenomenological approach as a primary methodological lens to gather information on 15 formal Korean male college student-athletes (...)
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    Understanding the Impact of the Psychological Cognitive Process on Student Learning Satisfaction: Combination of the Social Cognitive Career Theory and SOR Model.Guihua Zhang, Xiaoyao Yue, Yan Ye & Michael Yao-Ping Peng - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In higher education, student learning satisfaction is a significant predictor of learning that indicates the commitment students have to their learning and future academic achievement. The study combines the social cognitive career theory and the stimulus-organism-response model to explore the psychological cognition and attitudes derived from students during their learning, discusses the pattern of student learning satisfaction enhancement from the aspect of process, and further understands the relationships among social support systems, interaction relationships, self-efficacy, generic skills, and learning satisfaction. (...)
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    Factors Influencing Employees’ Subjective Wellbeing and Job Performance During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic: The Perspective of Social Cognitive Career Theory.Tzai-Chiao Lee, Michael Yao-Ping Peng, Lin Wang, Hao-Kai Hung & Din Jong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The novel coronavirus disease that emerged at the end of 2019 began threatening the health and lives of millions of people after a few weeks. However, social and economic problems derived from COVID-19 have changed the development of individuals and the whole country. This study examines the work conditions of Taiwanese versus mainland China employees, and evaluates the relationship between support mechanisms and subjective wellbeing from a social cognitive career theory perspective. In this study, a total of 623 Taiwanese (...)
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  4. Social Cognitive Career Theory : A Theory of Self (Efficacy) in Context.Steven D. Brown & Robert W. Lent - 2015 - In Frédéric Guay, Self-concept, motivation, and identity underpinning success with research and practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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  5. Key Teacher Attitudes for Sustainable Development of Student Employability by Social Cognitive Career Theory: The Mediating Roles of Self-Efficacy and Problem-Based Learning.Xiang Liu, Michael Yao-Ping Peng, Muhammad Khalid Anser, Wei-Loong Chong & Biqu Lin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The career of continental drift theory: An application of Imre Lakatos' analysis of scientific growth to the rise of drift theory.Henry Frankel - 1979 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 10 (1):21-66.
  7. Connecting Laws: Careers and Theories in the 1840s.Russell McCormmach & Christa Jungnickel - 2017 - In Russell McCormmach & Christa Jungnickel, The Second Physicist: On the History of Theoretical Physics in Germany. Springer Verlag.
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    A Differential Association Theory of Socialization to Commercialist Career Paths in Science.David R. Johnson - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (3):381-404.
    Drawing on sixty-one in-depth interviews conducted with commercial and noncommercial scientists at four universities in the United States, this paper examines why academic scientists embrace commercially oriented career paths in higher education. A central goal of this paper is to expand our descriptive and conceptual understanding of socialization in the academic profession by examining the explanatory power of differential association theory. Differential association theory emphasizes how patterns of behavior are learned through a process of interaction with different types of (...)
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    Métaphysique, théorie scientifique et expérience chez Descartes : ambiguïtés et difficultés: William Shea, The Magic of Numbers and Motion: The Scientific Career of René Descartes, Canton, MA, Science History Publications, U.S.A., 1991. [REVIEW]Maurice Gagnon - 1995 - Philosophiques 22 (2):371-383.
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    New Frontiers in Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems (CACGS): Implications From Career Construction Theory.S. Alvin Leung - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:786232.
    This article addresses the use of computer-assisted career guidance systems (CACGS) in career interventions. Major CACGS developed in the past decades were based on the trait-factor or person-environment fit approaches in their conceptualization and design. The strengths and limitations of these CACGS in addressing the career development needs of individuals are discussed. The Career Construction Theory (CCT) is a promising paradigm to guide the development of new generations of CACGS. The narrative tradition, career adaptability model, (...)
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    Exploring Female EFL Teachers’ Professional Agency for Their Sustainable Career Development in China: A Self-Discrepancy Theory Perspective.Xiaolei Ruan & Auli Toom - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A large and growing body of literature has investigated the role of teachers’ agency in their career trajectories. However, far too little attention has been paid to English as a Foreign Language teachers’, especially female EFL teachers’, professional agency for their career development in the Chinese higher education setting. To address this gap, this study explores female EFL teachers’ professional agency from a self-discrepancy theory perspective, namely, how the participating teachers have perceived discrepancies in their professional development and (...)
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  12. Women’s Careers at the Start of the 21st Century: Patterns and Paradoxes. [REVIEW]Deborah A. O’Neil, Margaret M. Hopkins & Diana Bilimoria - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (4):727 - 743.
    In this article we assess the extant literature on women’s careers appearing in selected career, management and psychology journals from 1990 to the present to determine what is currently known about the state of women’s careers at the dawn of the 21st century. Based on this review, we identify four patterns that cumulatively contribute to the current state of the literature on women’s careers: women’s careers are embedded in women’s larger-life contexts, families and careers are central to women’s lives, (...)
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    Career Success Criteria Clarity as a Predictor of Employment Outcomes.Lu Xin, Wenxia Zhou, Mengyi Li & Fangcheng Tang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:514288.
    Drawing on the goal-setting theory and social cognitive career theory (SCCT), this study empirically proposes an operational definition of career success criteria clarity (CSCC) and further explores its impact on career satisfaction, person–job fit, and subjective well-being through the mediating role of career decision-making self-efficacy (CDSE). A pilot study of 231 samples showed that the CSCC scale had good reliability and validity. To further test the effects of CSCC on crucial employment outcomes, as well as the (...)
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  14.  10
    (1 other version)Towards a Theory of Musical Reproduction: Notes, a Draft and Two Schemata.Henri Lonitz & Weiland Honban (eds.) - 2006 - Polity.
    At the beginning of his career in the 1920s, Adorno sketched a plan to write a major work on the theory of musical reproduction, a task he returned to time and again throughout his career but never completed. The choice of the word reproduction as opposed to interpretation indicates a primary supposition: that there is a clearly defined musical text whose precision exceeds what is visible on the page, and that the performer has the responsibility to reproduce it (...)
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    The Theory and Practice of Ontology.Leo Zaibert (ed.) - 2016 - Palgrave Macmillian.
    This book provides close examination of ontology and the work of Professor Barry Smith, one of the most prolific philosophers of the modern day. In this book numerous scholars who have collaborated with Smith explore the various disciplines in which the impact of his work has been felt over the breadth of his career, including biology, computer science and informatics, cognitive science, economics, genetics, geography, law, neurology, and philosophy itself. While offering in-depth perspectives on ontology, the book also expands (...)
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    American Aesthetics: Theory and Practice.David Breeden - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (2-3):144-146.
    Hefty and serious—that is how this book feels when you pick it up. That was my subjective aesthetic experience anyway. Aesthetic judgment is, after all, one key to assessing our thoughts and perceptions. More on that soon, as you might expect.Hefty and serious also describes the questions with which the volume grapples: Is there, or can there be, a clear American Aesthetics, not merely aesthetics practiced by Americans? What would that look like? How would such a process affect the minds (...)
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    Critical Theory from the Margins: Horizons of Possibility in the Age of Extremism.Saladdin Ahmed - 2023 - SUNY Press.
    Great critical theorists from Marx and Engels to Adorno and Horkheimer not only came from the margins but also stayed faithful to the plight of the marginalized. They refused to compromise about the struggle for equality and tried to universalize its emancipatory essence. From Marx to Benjamin, critical philosophers who showed fidelity to the cause were denied a career in European universities and made impoverished, stateless, and homeless. Marginalization and critical theory are inseparable; yet, today, Marxism is institutionalized, and (...)
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  18.  25
    Life Design Counseling: Theory, Methodology, Challenges, and Future Trends.Ya Wen, Kai Li, Huaruo Chen & Fei Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the rapid development of society and the dramatic change of environment, previous career counseling focusing on personal choice has been difficult to meet individuals’ needs. It is very meaningful and valuable to introduce the ideology of Life Design Counseling. In this mini review, we introduce and analyze the theory and methodology of LDC. This review puts forward challenges in the field of LDC, including the lack of attention to clients from multiple backgrounds and professional counselors, the lack of (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Isaiah Berlin, Political Theory and Liberal Culture.Alan Ryan - 1999 - Annual Review of Political Science 2 (June):345-362.
    The essay provides a short outline of Berlin's career and an assessment of his contribution to pluralist and liberal thought. He was a British academic with a Russian cast of mind, and an inhabitant of the ivory tower who was very much at home in the diplomatic and political world. Similarly, he was neither a historian of ideas nor a political philosopher in the narrow sense usually understood in the modern academy. Rather, he engaged in a trans-historical conversation about (...)
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  20. The Theory and Practice of Ontology - Festschrift for Barry Smith.Leo Zaibert (ed.) - 2016 - New York, USA: Palgrave / Macmillan.
    This book provides a close examination of ontology and of the work of Professor Barry Smith, one of the most prolific philosophers of the modern day. Numerous scholars explore the various disciplines in which the impact of Smith's work has been felt over the breadth of his career, including biology, computer science and informatics, cognitive science, economics, genetics, geography, law, neurology, and philosophy itself. While offering in-depth perspectives on ontology, the book also expands upon the breadth of Smith's influence. (...)
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  21.  23
    From Theory to Practice and Back: How the Concept of Implicit Bias was Implemented in Academe, and What this Means for Gender Theories of Organizational Change.Kathrin Zippel & Laura K. Nelson - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (3):330-357.
    Implicit bias is one of the most successful cases in recent memory of an academic concept being translated into practice. Its use in the National Science Foundation ADVANCE program—which seeks to promote gender equality in STEM careers through institutional transformation—has raised fundamental questions about organizational change. How do advocates translate theories into practice? What makes some concepts more tractable than others? What happens to theories through this translation process? We explore these questions using the ADVANCE program as a (...)
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  22. Evolutionary theory and theology: A mutually illuminative dialogue.Gloria L. Schaab - 2008 - Zygon 43 (1):9-18.
    Abstract.Scientific perspectives often are perceived to challenge biblically based cosmologies and theologies. Arthur Peacocke, biochemist and theologian, recognized that this challenge actually represents an opportunity for Christian theology to reenvision and reinterpret its traditions in ways that take into account scientific theories of evolution. In the course of his career, Peacocke offered a new paradigm for the dialogue between theology and science. This paper explores his proposals, in particular his theories of language, the God‐world relation, and the (...)
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    Theory versus Practice in German Chemistry: Erlenmeyer beyond the Flask.Alan J. Rocke - 2018 - Isis 109 (2):254-275.
    This essay examines the early career of the chemist Emil Erlenmeyer (1825–1909), focusing on his various endeavors in industrial consulting and entrepreneurship, and his eventual decisive turn, in 1862, to academic research and teaching. This case study offers insights into the developing relationship between theory-based academic research and artisanal and industrial practice in the German states during the 1850s and 1860s. Attention is paid to the relevance of this material to the contemporary historiography of “technoscience.”.
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  24. A Tale of Three Theories: Feyerabend and Popper on Progress and the Aim of Science.Luca Tambolo - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 51:33-41.
    In this paper, three theories of progress and the aim of science are discussed: the theory of progress as increasing explanatory power, advocated by Popper in The logic of scientific discovery ; the theory of progress as approximation to the truth, introduced by Popper in Conjectures and refutations ; the theory of progress as a steady increase of competing alternatives, which Feyerabend put forward in the essay “Reply to criticism. Comments on Smart, Sellars and Putnam” and defended as late (...)
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    Theories of the Logos.Ermanno Bencivenga - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This book offers insight into the nature of meaningful discourse. It presents an argument of great intellectual scope written by an author with more than four decades of experience. Readers will gain a deeper understanding into three theories of the logos: analytic, dialectical, and oceanic. The author first introduces and contrasts these three theories. He then assesses them with respect to their basic parameters: necessity, truth, negation, infinity, as well as their use in mathematics. Analytic Aristotelian logic has (...)
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    Mimetic theory and film.Paolo Diego Bubbio & Chris Fleming (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The interdisciplinary French-American thinker René Girard (1923-2015) has been one of the towering figures of the humanities in the last half-century. The title of René Girard's first book offered his own thesis in summary form: romantic lie and novelistic truth [mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque]. And yet, for a thinker whose career began by an engagement with literature, it came as a shock to some that, in La Conversion de l'art, Girard asserted that the novel may be an “outmoded” (...)
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    Theory can be more than it used to be: learning anthropology's method in a time of transition.Dominic Boyer, James D. Faubion & George E. Marcus (eds.) - 2015 - London: Cornell University Press.
    Within anthropology, as elsewhere in the human sciences, there is a tendency to divide knowledge making into two separate poles: conceptual (theory) vs. empirical (ethnography). In Theory Can Be More than It Used to Be, Dominic Boyer, James D. Faubion, and George E. Marcus argue that we need to take a step back from the assumption that we know what theory is to investigate how theory—a matter of concepts, of analytic practice, of medium of value, of professional ideology—operates in anthropology (...)
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    Theory of man.Cornelius Krusé - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (4):379-382.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 379 the minister of a very influential and liberal congregation. In 1860 he began publication in Cincinnati of The Dial, successor to the New England transcendentalist journal, and used its pages to promote religious liberalism, philosophical transcendentalism, and social reform. In 1863 he went to London where he became the head of the Ethical Society. Under the influence of Feuerbach and "left-Hegelians" he travelled widely in the (...)
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    Architectural Theory, Volume 1: An Anthology From Vitruvius to 1870 (review).Peg Rawes - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (2):111-115.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Architectural Theory, Volume 1: An Anthology from Vitruvius to 1870Peg RawesArchitectural Theory, Volume 1: An Anthology from Vitruvius to 1870, edited by Harry Francis Mallgrave. Malden MA, Oxford, Victoria: Blackwell Publishing, 2006, 590 pp., $49.95.This anthology is a rich and comprehensive documentation of the key stages that construct Western architectural theory, from Vitruvius's classical writing to Gottfried Semper's theories in late-nineteenth-century Europe. Comprised of 229 texts by (...)
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    Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Legal Theory, and Judicial Restraint.Frederic R. Kellogg - 2006 - Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, is considered by many to be the most influential American jurist. The voluminous literature devoted to his writings and legal thought, however, is diverse and inconsistent. In this study, Frederic R. Kellogg follows Holmes's intellectual path from his early writings through his judicial career. He offers a fresh perspective that addresses the views of Holmes's leading critics and explains his relevance to the controversy over judicial activism and restraint. Holmes is shown to be an original (...)
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  31.  12
    French Theory: How Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, & Co. Transformed the Intellectual Life of the United States.Jeff Fort (ed.) - 2008 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    “A great story, full of twists and turns.... Careers made and ruined, departments torn apart, writing programs turned into sensitivity seminars, political witch hunts, public opprobrium, ignorant media attacks, the whole ball of wax. Read it and laugh or read it and weep. I can hardly wait for the movie.” —Stanley Fish, _Think Again, New York Times_ “In such a difficult genre, full of traps and obstacles, French Theory is a success and a remarkable book in every respect: it is (...)
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  32.  14
    Figures of resistance: essays in feminist theory.Teresa de Lauretis - 2007 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Edited by Patricia White.
    The changing face of feminist discourse as reflected by the career of one of its preeminent scholars Figures of Resistance brings together the unpublished lectures and little-seen essays of internationally renowned theorist Teresa de Lauretis, spanning over twenty years of her finest work. Thirty years after the height of feminist theory, this collection invites us to reflect on the history of feminism and take a hard look at where it stands today. Selected essays include "Sexual Indifference and Lesbian Representation," (...)
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    Worthy constraints in albertus Magnus's theory of action.Colleen McCluskey - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (4):491-533.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.4 (2001) 491-533 [Access article in PDF] Worthy Constraints in Albertus Magnus's Theory of Action Colleen McCluskey Many medieval accounts of action focus upon the interaction between intellect and will in order to explain how human action comes about. What moves agents to act are their desires for certain goals, their deliberations about their goals, and what it will take to accomplish those (...)
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  34. An Exchange on Theory and Cultural Studies.Various Authors - 2013 - Cultural Studies Review 12 (1).
    The following exchange grew out of a series of posts to the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia discussion list. As a talking point leading into a regular meeting for early career cultural studies researchers in Brisbane, Melissa Gregg, Jean Burgess and Joshua Green quoted a passage from Simon During’s recent Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction in the hope of provoking a wider debate about the current state of Australian cultural studies. Various members of the list were duly provoked, and (...)
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  35. Leopold Blaustein’s Critique of Husserl’s Early Theory of Intentional Act, Object and Content.Marek Pokropski - 2015 - Studia Phaenomenologica 15:93-103.
    The aim of this article is to introduce the work of Leopold Blaustein — philosopher and psychologist, who studied under Kazimierz Twardowski in Lvov and under Husserl in Freiburg im Breisgau. In his short academic career Blaustein developed an original philosophy that drew upon both phenomenology and Twardowski’s analytical approach. One of his main publications concerns Husserl’s early theory of intentional act and object, introduced in Logische Untersuchungen. In the first part of the article I briefly present Blaustein’s biography (...)
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  36. Kant’s dynamical theory of matter in 1755, and its debt to speculative Newtonian experimentalism.Michela Massimi - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (4):525-543.
    This paper explores the scientific sources behind Kant’s early dynamic theory of matter in 1755, with a focus on two main Kant’s writings: Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens and On Fire. The year 1755 has often been portrayed by Kantian scholars as a turning point in the intellectual career of the young Kant, with his much debated conversion to Newton. Via a careful analysis of some salient themes in the two aforementioned works, and a reconstruction of (...)
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  37. Did Dewey Have a Theory of Truth?John Capps - 2018 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 54 (1):39.
    Despite increased interest in pragmatic theories of truth, Dewey’s approach has not received the same degree of attention as other pragmatists such as Peirce and James. This may seem rather surprising given the sheer quantity Dewey published in his lifetime, much of it focused on issues of epistemology and scientific inquiry. On the other hand, this might seem not surprising at all, since Dewey often went to some effort, especially near the end of his career, to avoid the (...)
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    A philosopher’s conception of Piaget: Piagetian theory reconsidered.Gary Kose - 1987 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 7 (1):52-57.
    Reviews the book, Beyond Piaget: A philosophical psychology by J. C. Brief . In Jean Piaget's long and prolific career he assumed many roles. In expounding a theory of cognitive development he raised philosophic questions by insisting on the importance of psychological states for explaining matters of epistemology. In accounting for the psychological nature of thought he stressed the influence of biological functions. And, when discussing the relationship between biology and psychology, he argued for the preeminence of logic and (...)
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    Bertrand Russell's bundle theory of particulars.Gülberk Koç Maclean - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Bertrand Russell's Bundle Theory of Particulars presents and evaluates Russell's arguments for two competing theories on the nature of particulars at different stages in his career: the substratum theory of particulars (1903-1913) and the bundle theory of particulars (1940-1948). Through its original focus on Russell's little known metaphysics in the later part of his career, this study explains why Russell's theory of particulars is relevant today. It argues that a Russellian realist bundle theory is indeed the best (...)
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  40. New theories for new instruments: Fabrizio Mordente's proportional compass and the genesis of Giordano Bruno's atomist geometry.Paolo Rossini - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 76:60-68.
    The aim of this article is to shed light on an understudied aspect of Giordano Bruno's intellectual biography, namely, his career as a mathematical practitioner. Early interpreters, especially, have criticized Bruno's mathematics for being “outdated” or too “concrete”. However, thanks to developments in the study of early modern mathematics and the rediscovery of Bruno's first mathematical writings (four dialogues on Fabrizio's Mordente proportional compass), we are in a position to better understand Bruno's mathematics. In particular, this article aims to (...)
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  41. Augustine’s “Illumination” Theory: Correcting Bonaventure and Gilson via Plotinus and Marius Victorinus.Sarah Catherine Byers - 2024 - In Douglas Hedley & Daniel J. Tolan, Participation in the divine: a philosophical history, from antiquity to the modern era. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. pp. 128-161.
    This chapter shows that Augustine’s “divine illumination theory of knowledge” is merely his belief that the human mind is capable of intellectual cognition because it naturally “participates” in the Divine Mind, as its image. Consequently, Bonaventure's and Gilson's claim that Augustine thought the human mind must be enlightened by special divine assistance in ordinary (non-mystical) intellectual cognition is erroneous. That is true of the whole of Augustine's writing career: earlier works such as On the Teacher and the Confessions agree (...)
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    Doing ethics in media: theories and practical applications.Jay Black - 2011 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Chris Roberts.
    Providing an accessible examination of ethics, Doing Ethics in Media, introduces students to ethical theory and provides a grounded discussion of ethics in the context of today's media outlets. Emphasizing the understanding of ethics, the text will help readers 'do ethics' expeditiously, honestly, and efficiently when they enter the workplace and need to make critical ethical decisions on deadline. The text is organized around six decision-making questions, and cases demonstrate the application of these questions to real-world scenarios. Each chapter focuses (...)
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  43. Four Seminal Thinkers in International Theory: Machiavelli, Grotius, Kant & Mazzini.Martin Wight - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Brian Porter.
    Martin Wight was one of the most profound and influential thinkers on international relations of his time; and his work is increasingly discussed, appraised, and drawn upon today. His earlier volume of posthumously-published lectures - International Theory: The Three Traditions - is now regarded as a seminal text. That volume is here complemented and completed. In these four lectures Wight takes the archetypal thinkers of the three traditions - Machiavelli, Grotius, and Kant - to whom he adds Mazzini, the father (...)
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  44. John Rawls' 'A Theory of Justice'.Benjamin Davies - 2018 - 1000-Word Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology.
    Some people are multi-billionaires; others die because they are too poor to afford food or medications. In many countries, people are denied rights to free speech, to participate in political life, or to pursue a career, because of their gender, religion, race or other factors, while their fellow citizens enjoy these rights. In many societies, what best predicts your future income, or whether you will attend college, is your parents’ income. -/- To many, these facts seem unjust. Others disagree: (...)
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  45. Inclusive Leadership and Career Sustainability: Mediating Roles of Supervisor Developmental Feedback and Thriving at Work.Yang-Chun Fang, Yan-Hong Ren, Jia-Yan Chen, Tachia Chin, Qing Yuan & Chien-Liang Lin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Career sustainability is a well-researched issue in academics and other sectors. Technology advancements and COVID-19 have jeopardized career sustainability. Numerous studies have explored the influence of individual characteristics on career sustainability, but few have focused on leadership. In addition, cultural factors must be considered because leadership is rooted in culture. In particular, inclusive leadership reflects traditional Chinese culture. Therefore, based on self-determination social exchange theories, we analyzed the effects of inclusive leadership on career sustainability as (...)
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    Social Creativity and Entrepreneurial Intentions of College Students: Mediated by Career Adaptability and Moderated by Parental Entrepreneurial Background.Libing Zhang, Qianqian Li, Ting Zhou, Chun Li, Chuanhua Gu & Xiuli Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Drawing on social cognitive career theory, this study aims to ascertain how social creativity influences college students’ entrepreneurial intentions, based on the mediating role of career adaptability and the moderating role of parental entrepreneurial background. A total of 715 college students completed an online survey designed to collect information on these variables. SPSS was used to test the model. The results indicate that after controlling for gender and individual entrepreneurial experience, college students with a high level of social (...)
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    Clinical nurse adherence to professional ethics: A grounded theory.Qingqing Yang, Zhihui Zheng, Shuqin Pang, Yilong Wu, Jujuan Liu, Jiahui Zhang, Xiahua Qiu, Yufeng Huang, Jia Xu & Liyue Xie - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (2):197-209.
    Background Professional ethics is the regulation and discipline of nurses’ daily nursing work. Nurses often encounter various ethical challenges and problems in their clinical work, but there are few studies on nurses' adherence to professional ethics. Research Aim An analysis of nursing adherence to nursing ethics from the perspective of clinical nurses in the Chinese public health system. Research Design This study adopts the grounded theory approach proposed by Strauss and Corbin. Participants and research context Between July 2021 and January (...)
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    “Not Theory, Thought”: Collingwood's Early Work on Art.Nancy S. Struever - 2020 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 53 (1):21-33.
    Collingwood’s “Libellus de Generatione: An Essay in Absolute Empiricism” was a tract of strenuous philosophical revisionism; never published, perhaps unpublishable, supposedly destroyed, it survived. He begins by stressing his obligations to David Hume; he offers his thematic: “absolute denial of any such concept as substance and the resolution of all reality into the reality of experience.” “The reality of mind is the process of its experience, its life, and nothing else”. Or, “the mind is a mirror... whose being is solely (...)
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    Philosophy and Theory in Educational Research: Writing in the Margin.Amanda Fulford & Naomi Hodgson (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    _Philosophy and Theory in Educational Research: Writing in the Margin_ explores the practise of reading and writing in philosophy of education and education theory. Showing that there is no ‘right way’ to approach research in educational philosophy, but illustrating its possibilities, this text invites an engagement with philosophy as a possibility for educational research. Drawing on their own research, theoretical and philosophical sources, the authors investigate the important issue of what it means to read and write when there is no (...)
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    Bloom’s Theory of Poetry.William Roger Schultz - 2002 - New Vico Studies 20:45-68.
    Vico’s theory of poetic origins greatly influenced Harold Bloom’s theory of poetry, called “the anxiety of influence.” Neither simple acceptance nor rejection, the complex influence is explained at main stages of Bloom’s career. In Bloom’s early writings, Vico’s ideas are virtually ignored. Starting with The Anxiety of Influence, Vico’s influence is acknowledged to be strong but it is repressed; Vico’s ideas are mentioned in only a few brief passages and usually presented through those of other thinkers, or are interpreted (...)
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