Results for 'clinical ethics, environmental ethics, end of the world, utilitarianism, deontology, procreation'

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  1. L’éthique clinique face à la fin du monde annoncée.Guillaume Durand - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (3):110-114.
    The Earth is increasingly hostile towards many living species and uninhabitable in some parts of the world. What is foretold in the coming decades is not the end of the world, but the end of the world as we know it. All over the world, many individuals (scientists, intellectuals, citizens) today believe in the inevitability of a collapse of our civilization and their existence is profoundly disrupted: can they still plan to start a family? Should they continue their studies, or (...)
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  2. Towards a Joyful Environmental Ethic: Open-ended curiosity as an Environmental Virtue.Justin Simpson - 2023 - Journal of Ethnobiology 43 (3).
    This paper seeks to advance the joyful environmental ethic of Robin Wall Kimmerer. According to Kimmerer's environmental ethic of gratitude and reciprocity, each person has a responsibility to share their unique gifts with the world in return for the gifts they have received from nature. Drawing on Karen Barad, this paper contends that nonhumans are active, open-ended, and relational singularities that also provide ontological gifts by coconstituting the very being of humans and the world. Since sharing one's gifts (...)
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    Clinical ethics and happiness.Raymond J. Devettere - 1993 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 18 (1):71-89.
    Most contemporary accounts of clinical ethics do not explain why clinicians should be ethical. Those few that do attempt an explanation usually claim that clinicians should be ethical because ethical behavior provides an important good for the patient – better care. Both these approaches ignore the customary traditional reason for being ethical, namely, the good of the moral agent. This good was commonly called ‘happiness’. The following article shows how the personal happiness of the moral agent provided a major (...)
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    Practical Environmental Ethics.A. Pablo Iannone - 2016 - Piscataway, NJ/UK: Transaction Publishers/Routledge.
    This essential volume for professionals and academics proposes a new approach to environmental ethics and to environmental policymaking in particular. All too frequently, policy makers focus only on what ends should ideally be pursued, ignoring whether the means have any negative unintended consequences. Such approaches tend to have a focus on consequentialist, deontological, virtue-centered, or care-based theories which makes them too singularly-minded. They are not suitable for dealing with the complexities of life and, especially, environmental policy making. (...)
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  5. Nature and Culture In Environmental Ethics.Iii Holmes Rolston - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 1:151-158.
    The pivotal claim in environmental ethics is that humans in their cultures are out of sustainable relationships to the natural environments comprising the landscapes on which these cultures are superimposed. But bringing such culture into more intelligent relationships with the natural world requires not so much “naturalizing culture” as discriminating recognition of the radical differences between nature and culture, on the basis of which a dialectical ethic of complementarity may be possible. How far nature can and ought be managed (...)
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  6. Contested frameworks in environmental ethics.Clare Palmer - 2014 - In Ricardo Rozzi, Steward Pickett, Clare Palmer, Juan Armesto & J. Baird Callicott, Linking ecology and ethics for a changing world. Springer. pp. 191-206.
    This paper provides an overview of some key, and contrasting, ideas in environmental ethics for those unfamiliar with the field. It outlines the ways in which environmental ethicists have defended different positions concerning what matters ethically, from those that focus on human beings (including issues of environmental justice and justice between generations) to those who argue that non-human animals, living organisms, ecosystems and species have some kind of moral status. The paper also considers different theoretical approaches to (...)
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    Book review: Edited by Ronald Sandler and Philip Cafaro. Environmental virtue ethics. New York and oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005. [REVIEW]Christopher Freiman - 2006 - Ethics and the Environment 11 (1):133-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Environmental Virtue EthicsChristopher Freiman (bio)Environmental Virtue Ethics, edited by Ronald Sandler and Philip Cafaro. New York and Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005, pp. 240. ISBN 0-7425-3389-1 (hardback), $75.00; ISBN 0-7425-3390-5 (paperback) $28.95.For most of its life, environmental ethics has been the province of consequentialism and deontology. But a growing number of environmental ethicists have found these act-centered theories too thin and limited to attend (...)
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    Consequentialism in Environmental Ethics.Avram Hiller - 2015 - In Stephen Mark Gardiner & Allen Thompson, The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Ethics. Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter summarizes consequentialist theory in its application to environmental ethics. It discusses several types of consequentialist theories, including classical utilitarianism, biocentric consequentialism, and ecocentric consequentialism. It contrasts consequentialist environmental ethics with deontological, virtue theoretic, and pragmatist alternatives, and it offers some reasons for favoring a consequentialist environmental ethic while discussing challenges that consequentialist theories must meet in order to properly account for environmental issues. Although there are significant challenges for the development of consequentialist environmental (...)
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  9. Utilitarianism, Deontology, and Ethical Veganism.Andrew Nesseler & Matthew Adelstein - 2024 - Journal of Animal Ethics 14 (1):1-8.
    Two individuals can both be ethical vegans but disagree on the normative basis of their moral beliefs. This article will look at the development of two competing theories that hold prominence in debates among animal advocates: utilitarianism and deontology. Next, we turn toward their divergence in epistemology, the moral status of experiences and individuals, and the limits of permissibility. Last, we unite utilitarianism and deontology by noting where they converge. This union comes from enlightenment thinking, the postulation of direct duties (...)
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  10. Procreation is Immoral on Environmental Grounds.Chad Vance - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (1):101-124.
    Some argue that procreation is immoral due to its negative environmental impact. Since living an “eco-gluttonous” lifestyle of excessive resource consumption is wrong in virtue of the fact that it increases greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact, then bringing another human being into existence must also be wrong, for exactly this same reason. I support this position. It has recently been the subject of criticism, however, primarily on the grounds that such a position (1) is guilty of (...)
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    Utilitarianism, Deontology and Virtue Ethics.Susan Stos - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 15:315-322.
    The concepts behind three of the principal normative ethical theories (utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics) are evident in a real-life scenario. This case study involves videotapes recorded from inside Grootvlei Prison, Bloemfontein, South Africa in 2002. Prisoners captured sensational footage of warders selling alcohol, drugs, loaded firearms and juveniles for sex to inmates. It was footage every journalist would want to broadcast and it was for sale to the highest bidder. The country’s three flagship current affairs programs, broadcast on three different (...)
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    Critical issues in future environmental ethics.Holmes Rolston - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (2):139-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Critical Issues in Future Environmental EthicsHolmes Rolston III (bio)1. Sustainable development vs. sustainable biosphere. The question is whether to prioritize development within environmental constraints, or whether to prioritize a sustainable biosphere and work out a suitable economy within that priority. Sustainable development, likely to remain the favored model, is also likely to prove an umbrella concept that requires little but superficial agreement, bringing a constant illusion of (...)
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    Nature and Culture In Environmental Ethics.Holmes Rolston - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 1:151-158.
    The pivotal claim in environmental ethics is that humans in their cultures are out of sustainable relationships to the natural environments comprising the landscapes on which these cultures are superimposed. But bringing such culture into more intelligent relationships with the natural world requires not so much “naturalizing culture” as discriminating recognition of the radical differences between nature and culture, on the basis of which a dialectical ethic of complementarity may be possible. How far nature can and ought be managed (...)
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  14. Business Ethics – Deontologically Revisited.Edwin R. Micewski & Carmelita Troy - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 72 (1):17-25.
    In this paper we look at business ethics from a deontological perspective. We address the theory of ethical decision-making and deontological ethics for business executives and explore the concept of “moral duty” as transcending mere gain and profit maximization. Two real-world cases that focus on accounting fraud as the ethical conception. Through these cases, we show that while accounting fraud – from a consequentialist perspective – may appear to provide a quick solution to a pressing problem, longer term effects of (...)
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    Toward a deontological environmental ethics.Hugh Mcdonald - 2001 - Environmental Ethics 23 (4):411-430.
    In this paper, I outline both a nonanthropocentric and non-subjective theory of intrinsic value which incorporates pragmatism in environmental ethics in a novel way. The theory, which I call creative actualization, is a non-hierarchical, nonsubjective theory of value which includes the value of nonhuman species and the biosphere. I argue that there are conditions to such values. These limitations include evaluations of actual improvement (meliorism) and reciprocity as conditions. These conditions are necessary limitations upon actions, i.e., duties. I incorporate (...)
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  16. Ethical Theory: Classical and Contemporary Readings.Louis P. Pojman - 1995 - Wadsworth. Edited by Louis P. Pojman.
    Part I: WHAT IS ETHICS? Plato: Socratic Morality: Crito. Suggestions for Further Reading. Part II: ETHICAL RELATIVISM VERSUS ETHICAL OBJECTIVISM. Herodotus: Custom is King. Thomas Aquinas: Objectivism: Natural Law. Ruth Benedict: A Defense of Ethical Relativism. Louis Pojman: A Critique of Ethical Relativism. Gilbert Harman: Moral Relativism Defended. Alan Gewirth: The Objective Status of Human Rights. Suggestions for Further Reading. Part III: MORALITY, SELF-INTEREST AND FUTURE SELVES. Plato: Why Be Moral? Richard Taylor: On the Socratic Dilemma. David Gauthier: Morality and (...)
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  17.  21
    Environmental Reporting Through an Ethical Looking Glass.Leanne Morrison, Trevor Wilmshurst & Sonia Shimeld - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (4):903-918.
    This paper adopts the lens of environmental ethics to explore whether there is a disparity between the ethical approaches of a company in comparison to those expressed by stakeholders in relation to environmental issues, specifically those communicated through the corporate environmental report. Discourse analysis is adopted to explore the environmental section of the sustainability reports of the case study company as compared to the responses of a sample of the company’s stakeholders, using the lens of three (...)
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    Value Judgement: Improving Our Ethical Beliefs.James Griffin - 1996 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    The book asks how, and how much, we can improve our ethical standards—not lift our behaviour closer to our standards but refine the standards themselves. To answer this question requires answering most of the major questions of ethics. So the book includes a discussion of what a good life is like, where the bounds of the natural world come, how values relate to that world (e.g. naturalism, realism), how great human capacities—the ones important to ethics—are, and where moral norms come (...)
  19.  33
    Clinical ethics: Balancing praxis and theory.Edmund D. Pellegrino - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):347-351.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Clinical Ethics: Balancing Praxis and TheoryEdmund D. Pellegrino (bio)When André Hellegers founded the Kennedy Institute, he envisioned a close collaboration between ethics and clinical practice. He even called for physician specialists whose expertise would be in both fields (Reich 1994, p. 324). A quarter of a century later, his vision and prediction have become realities. Clinical ethics is today a thriving entity with its own literature, (...)
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  20.  35
    Can Environmental Ethics Become a First Philosophy?Hugh P. McDonald - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 4:75-83.
    I briefly discuss first philosophy (metaphysics), including different “paradigms’ of first philosophy in the history of Western philosophy. I then discuss the rise of environmental ethics as a new field of philosophy and the debate over anthropocentric and non-anthropocentric values. I suggest that ecocentric value theories could constitute a new first philosophy using the “paradigm” of value in first philosophy and why they should constitute a first philosophy.
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    Applying Applied Ethics through Ethics Consulting in Bioethics.Willem Moore - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 3:69-74.
    In Rethinking Applied Ethics Today, this paper would like to advance the concept of Ethics Consulting as a means of applying Applied Ethics in the practice of Bioethics. Applied Ethics is frequently described as a discipline of Philosophy that concerns itself with the application of moral theories such as deontology andutilitarianism to real world dilemmas. These applications however often remain restricted to the academic world and rarely reach the actual practice of those in urgent need of ethical guidance. Ethics Consulting (...)
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  22.  51
    Practical Ethics in Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems.Kory P. Schaff & Tonatiuh Rodriguez-Nikl - 2023 - Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 40 (3):176-94.
    ABSTRACT Ethics is receiving increased emphasis in civil and environmental engineering. However, despite the proliferation of college textbooks and courses encouraging ethical reasoning, engineers in practice often limit their understanding narrowly to their individual actions. Broader issues of global importance are usually addressed in an ad-hoc manner, if at all. Our goal is to present the topic of ethics in a way that appeals to engineers, especially those receptive to ‘systems thinking’. Our broader motivation is to encourage the development (...)
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  23. Virtues and Animals: A Minimally Decent Ethic for Practical Living in a Non-ideal World.Cheryl Abbate - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (6):909-929.
    Traditional approaches to animal ethics commonly emerge from one of two influential ethical theories: Regan’s deontology (The case for animal rights. University of California, Berkeley, 1983) and Singer’s preference utilitarianism (Animal liberation. Avon Books, New York, 1975). I argue that both of the theories are unsuccessful at providing adequate protection for animals because they are unable to satisfy the three conditions of a minimally decent theory of animal protection. While Singer’s theory is overly permissive, Regan’s theory is too restrictive. I (...)
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  24.  23
    Case analysis in clinical ethics.Richard E. Ashcroft (ed.) - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Case Analysis in Clinical Ethics is an eclectic review from a team of leading ethicists covering the main methods for analysing ethical problems in modern medicine. Anneke Lucassen, a clinician, begins by presenting an ethically challenging genetics case drawn from her clinical experience. It is then analysed from different theoretical points of view. Each ethicist takes a particular approach, illustrating it in action and giving the reader a basic grounding in its central elements. Each chapter can be read (...)
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  25.  59
    Ethical clinical practice and sport psychology: When two worlds collide.Jeffrey L. Brown & Karen D. Cogan - 2006 - Ethics and Behavior 16 (1):15 – 23.
    From their own practices, the authors offer insight into potential ethical dilemmas that may frequently develop in an applied psychology setting in which sport psychology is also being practiced. Specific ethical situations offered for the reader's consideration include confidentiality with coaches, administration, parents, and athlete-clients; accountability in ethical billing practices and accurate diagnosing; identification of ethical boundaries in nontraditional practice settings (locker room, field, rink, etc.); and establishment of professional competence as it relates to professional practice and marketing.
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    Clinical Ethics Support for Healthcare Personnel: An Integrative Literature Review.Dara Rasoal, Kirsti Skovdahl, Mervyn Gifford & Annica Kihlgren - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (4):313-346.
    This study describes which clinical ethics approaches are available to support healthcare personnel in clinical practice in terms of their construction, functions and goals. Healthcare personnel frequently face ethically difficult situations in the course of their work and these issues cover a wide range of areas from prenatal care to end-of-life care. Although various forms of clinical ethics support have been developed, to our knowledge there is a lack of review studies describing which ethics support approaches are (...)
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  27. A Morally Deep World: An Essay on Moral Significance and Environmental Ethics.T. L. S. Sprigge - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (168):378.
    Lawrence Johnson advocates a major change in our attitude toward the nonhuman world. He argues that nonhuman animals, and ecosystems themselves, are morally significant beings with interests and rights. The author considers recent work in environmental ethics in the introduction and then presents his case with the utmost precision and clarity. Written in an attractive, nontechnical style, the book will be of particular interest to philosophers, environmentalists and ecologists.
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  28. Environmental Ethics: Theory in Practice.Ronald L. Sandler - 2017 - Oup Usa.
    An accessible yet rigorous introduction to the field, Environmental Ethics: Theory in Practice helps students develop the analytical skills to effectively identify and evaluate the social and ethical dimensions of environmental issues. Covering a wide variety of theories and critical perspectives, author Ronald Sandler considers their strengths and weaknesses, emphasizes their practical importance, and grounds the discussions in a multitude of both classic and contemporary cases and examples. FEATURES * Discusses a wide range of theories of environmental (...)
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    Environmental Ethics: A Very Short Introduction.Robin Attfield - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    Robin Attfield introduces environmental ethics, exploring the values involved in issues such as pollution, habitat loss, and climate change. Considering the different groups involved in environmental ethics, and the attitudes of the world's religions to environmental stewardship, he calls for action from us all to manage our environment ethically.
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    Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: An International Perspective.André Kidszun, Pablo Lezama-Del Valle, Jagdish Chinnappa, Priya Pais, Arpana Iyengar, Erwin J. Khoo, Janicke Syltern, Fajar Raza, Sarosh Saleem & John D. Lantos - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (1):35-45.
    In this article, we first review the development of clinical ethics in pediatrics in the United States. We report that, over the last 40 years, most children’s hospitals have ethics committees but that those committees are rarely consulted. We speculate that the reasons for the paucity of ethics consults might be because ethical dilemmas are aired in other venues. The role of the ethics consultant, then, might be to shape the institutional climate and create safe spaces for the discussion (...)
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    Clinical Ethics Consultation in Japan: What does it Mean to have a Functioning Ethics Consultation?Noriko Nagao & Yoshiyuki Takimoto - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (1):15-31.
    This research examines the current status of clinical ethics consultation (CEC) in Japan through a nationwide study conducted with chairs of ethics committees and clinical ethics committees among 1028 post-graduate clinical teaching hospitals. We also qualitatively analyzed their viewpoints of the CEC’s benefits and problems related to hospital consultation services to identify the critical points for CEC and inform the development of a correctly functioning system. The questionnaire included structured questions about hospital CEC organization and service purpose (...)
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  32.  95
    Environmental Ethics.Holmes Rolston - 1987
    Environmental Ethics is a systematic account of values carried by the natural world, coupled with an inquiry into duties toward animals, plants, species, and ecosystems. A comprehensive philosophy of nature is illustrated by and integrated with numerous actual examples of ethical decisions made in encounters with fauna and flora, endangered species, and threatened ecosystems. The ethics developed is informed throughout by ecological science and evolutionary biology, with attention to the logic of moving from what is in nature to what (...)
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    A Jamesian Approach to Environmental Ethics.Todd Lekan - 2012 - Contemporary Pragmatism 9 (1):5-24.
    James's moral philosophy is a valuable resource for environmental philosophy because it reveals and impugns some deep, unhelpful assumptions about the relationship between moral theory and the moral life. In particular, James's ethics demonstrates that the debates in environmental ethics are better regarded as disputes about ideals of the kind of self and world we want, rather than as disputes over abstract propositions about the intrinsic value of nature.
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    Towards an environmentally sensitive healthcare ethics: ten tasks and one model.Kristine Bærøe, Anand Singh Bhopal & TOrbjørn Gundersen - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):382-383.
    In the face of environmental crises such as climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss—which all adversely impact on health—Gils-Schmidt and Salloch explore whether physicians can be justified in taking climate issues into account in clinical care.1 While their approach centres on the ‘climate-sensitive’ decisions, physicians can carry out on the micro-level of clinical decision-making, they encourage further discussions on how climate-related issues can be included across different levels of decision-making in healthcare. We propose a list of tasks (...)
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  35. Refocusing environmental ethics: From intrinsic value to endorsable valuations.Lori Gruen - 2002 - Philosophy and Geography 5 (2):153 – 164.
    Establishing that nature has intrinsic value has been the primary goal of environmental philosophers. This goal has generated tremendous confusion. Part of the confusion stems from a conflation of two quite distinct concerns. The first concern is with establishing the moral considerability of the natural world which is captured by what I call "intrinsic value p ." The second concern attempts to address a perceived problem with the way nature has traditionally been valued, or as many environmentalists would suggest, (...)
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    Environmental Ethics – Values or Obligations? A Reply to O'Neill.Brian Baxter - 1999 - Environmental Values 8 (1):107-112.
    Onora O'Neill recently argued that environmental ethics could and should be reformulated in terms of a search for the obligations held by moral agents towards each other, with respect to the non-human world. The more popular alternative, which seeks to establish the intrinsic value of the non-human, is plagued with various theoretical difficulties attaching to the concept of value. It is here argued that O'Neill's attempt to determine fundamental obligations of moral agents on the basis of a non-universalisability criterion (...)
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    Does clinical ethics need a Land Ethic?Alistair Wardrope - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (4):531-543.
    A clinical ethics fit for the Anthropocene—our current geological era in which human activity is the primary determinant of environmental change—needs to incorporate environmental ethics to be fit for clinical practice. Conservationist Aldo Leopold’s essay ‘The Land Ethic’ is probably the most widely-cited source in environmental philosophy; but Leopold’s work, and environmental ethics generally, has made little impression on clinical ethics. The Land Ethic holds that “A thing is right when it tends to (...)
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    Environmental Ethics and Cultural Values: Philosophical Approaches to Eco-Axiology.Leila Ahmed - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):371-387.
    The paper "Environmental Ethics and Cultural Values related to the Philosophical Approaches to Eco-Axiology" examines the complex interplay of ethical concerns about the environment, cultural viewpoints, and human values. This research explores eco-axiology, the philosophical study of values in connection to the natural world, observing at how moral precepts influence how people interact with the natural world. For measuring, the research study used SPSS software and generated results, including descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA test analysis, which also explains the (...)
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    Some Questions on Confucian Relationality: Reading Human Becomings.David Elstein - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (1):172-181.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Some Questions on Confucian Relationality:Reading Human BecomingsDavid Elstein (bio)Human Becomings: Theorizing Persons for Confucian Role Ethics. By Roger T. Ames. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2021.This recent book by Roger Ames continues his (and Henry Rosemont's) project of articulating and defending the interpretation of Confucian thought using the category "role ethics." This project perhaps originated with Rosemont's 1991 article "Rights-Bearing Individuals and Role-Bearing Persons" and more recently (...)
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    African Environmental Ethics: A Critical Reader.Munamato Chemhuru (ed.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book focuses on under-explored and often neglected issues in contemporary African environmental philosophy and ethics. Critical issues such as the moral status of nature, African conceptions of animal moral status and rights, African conceptions of environmental justice, African relational Environmentalism, ubuntu, African theocentric and teleological environmentalism are addressed in this book. It is unique in so far as it goes beyond the generalized focus on African metaphysics and African ethics by exploring how these views might be understood (...)
  41.  76
    (1 other version)Environmental Ethics.Andrew Brennan & Norva Y. S. Lo - 1998 - In [no title]. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. pp. 333-336.
    Environmental ethics is the discipline in philosophy that studies themoral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moralstatus of, the environment and its non-human contents. This entrycovers: the challenge of environmental ethics to theanthropocentrism embedded in traditionalwestern ethical thinking; the development of the discipline fromthe 1960s and 1970s; the connection of deep ecology, feministenvironmental ethics, animism and social ecology to politics; theattempt to apply traditional ethical theories, includingconsequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics, to supportcontemporary environmental (...)
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    Environmental Ethics.Eugene Schlossberger - 2001 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 8 (2):15-26.
    This paper articulates a framework, “E,” for developing ethical claims about environmental issues. E is a general framework for constructing arguments and working out disputes, rather than a particular theory. It may be deployed in various ways by writers with quite different views to generate diverse arguments applying to a broad panoply of issues. E can serve as a common language between those who adopt anthropocentric and nonanthropocentric standpoints. E is anthropocentric in the sense that it begins with ideas (...)
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    Clinical Ethics: Theory and Practice.C. Barry Hoffmaster, Benjamin Freedman & Gwen Fraser - 1989 - Humana Press.
    There is the world of ideas and the world of practice; the French are often for sup pressing the one and the English the other; but neither is to be suppressed. -Matthew Arnold The Function of Criticism at the Present Time From its inception, bioethics has confronted the need to reconcile theory and practice. At first the confrontation was purely intellectual, as writers on ethical theory (within phi losophy, theology, or other humanistic disciplines) turned their attention to topics from the (...)
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  44. Environmental ethics and political conflict: A view from california.Carolyn Merchant - 1990 - Environmental Ethics 12 (1):45-68.
    l examine three approaches to environmental ethics and illustrate them with examples from California. An egocentric ethic is grounded in the self and based on the assumption that what is good for the individual is good for society. Historically associated with laissez faire capitalism and a religious ethic of human dominion over nature, this approach is exemplified by the extraction of natural resources from the commons by private interests. A homocentric ethic is grounded in society and is based on (...)
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  45. A Morally Deep World: An Essay on Moral Significance and Environmental Ethics.Lawrence E. Johnson - 1993 - Cambridge University Press.
    Lawrence Johnson advocates a major change in our attitude toward the nonhuman world. He argues that nonhuman animals, and ecosystems themselves, are morally significant beings with interests and rights. The author considers recent work in environmental ethics in the introduction and then presents his case with the utmost precision and clarity. Written in an attractive, nontechnical style, the book will be of particular interest to philosophers, environmentalists and ecologists.
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  46. Emotions and Clinical Ethics Support. A Moral Inquiry into Emotions in Moral Case Deliberation.Bert Molewijk, Dick Kleinlugtenbelt, Scott M. Pugh & Guy Widdershoven - 2011 - HEC Forum 23 (4):257-268.
    Emotions play an important part in moral life. Within clinical ethics support (CES), one should take into account the crucial role of emotions in moral cases in clinical practice. In this paper, we present an Aristotelian approach to emotions. We argue that CES can help participants deal with emotions by fostering a joint process of investigation of the role of emotions in a case. This investigation goes beyond empathy with and moral judgment of the emotions of the case (...)
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    From Ethics to Environmental Ethics.Lisa H. Newton - 2005 - In Business Ethics and the Natural Environment. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 81–113.
    This chapter contains section titled: Introduction Our Obligations to the Natural Environment Eight Perceptions of the Natural World Environmental Crises: A Short Catalog of Bad News Case 3: Great Apes as Bushmeat Notes.
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    Toward an Imagination-based Environmental Ethics.Yoshihiro Hayashi - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 23:37-43.
    The aim of this paper is to examine the role of imagination in environmental ethics and introduce an imaginative dimension as an essential part of environmental ethics. Imagination constitutes a basic condition for ethical thinking and action. Matters of environmental ethics have revealed the indispensable role of imagination in ethics. I’ll advance an imagination-based environmental ethics by developing Hans Jonas’ ethical thought. From his viewpoint, various effects of our action on nature and future generations, generally out (...)
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    Franciscan Environmental Ethics.Keith Warner - 2011 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 31 (1):143-160.
    THIS ESSAY SEEKS TO REDRESS THE SHORTCOMINGS OF CHRISTIAN ENVIronmental ethics by proposing Franciscan environmental ethics drawn from the affective and embodied experience of Francis of Assisi plus the Franciscan theological tradition that he inspired, as exemplified by Bonaventure and John Duns Scotus. Drawing its inspiration from the love Francis of Assisi had for nature, the Franciscan tradition holds that creation bursts with religious significance. This tradition interprets Francis' affective and direct sensory experience of the natural world with (...)
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    Buddhist Environmental Ethics.Dilipkumar Mohanta - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 33 (2):221-231.
    There is no greater threat today to the security of life on this earth than environmental degradation covering all aspects of Nature—plants, animals and human. It is imperative to take interest in a future which lies beyond the boundary of our short-sighted outlook and self-interests. Non-western and indigenous cultural approaches to environmental issues are relevant today. Following Buddhist Ethics we can extend love, compassion, and non-violence in practice and limit our greed, and also we can take interest in (...)
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