Results for 'complaint'

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  1. California supreme court.I. Plaintiffs'complaints - forthcoming - Contemporary Issues in Bioethics.
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  2. Note E discussioni-notes and discussions.False Complaints - 1990 - Epistemologia 13:145-150.
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  3. Complaints and tournament population ethics.Abelard Podgorski - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 106 (2):344-367.
    In this paper, I develop an approach to population ethics which explains what we are permitted to do in virtue of the possible complaints against our action. This task is made difficult by a serious problem that arises when we attempt to generalize the view from two-option to many-option cases. The solution makes two significant moves – first, accepting that complaints are essentially pairwise comparative, and second, reimagining decision-making as a tournament between options competing two at a time. The right (...)
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    Legal complaints about midwives and the impact on the profession.Akram Peyman, Nahid Dehghan Nayeri, Mohammad Esmaeilpour Bandboni & Zahra Behboodi Moghadam - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):148-160.
    Introduction: Midwives play an important role in maintaining and increasing women’s health and well-being. Training professional midwives is one of the main policies of any healthcare system. Since the number of complaints against midwives has increased recently, this study was conducted to explore the perspectives of midwives regarding patients’ complaint to authorities and their impacts on the profession of midwifery. Methods: Being conducted in 2013, this qualitative study was the first of its type in Iran. Data were collected through (...)
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    Complaints filed against nursing professionals.Adaiele Lucia Nogueira Vieira da Silva, Mariluci Camargo Ferreira da Silva Candido, Sebastião Junior Henrique Duarte & Regina Maria dos Santos - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (8):889-901.
    Background:In their daily practice, Brazilian nurses have been met with complaints from co-workers and patients, as well as bioethical dilemmas intrinsic to the profession, particularly in the cont...
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  6. Aggregation, Complaints, and Risk.Joe Horton - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 45 (1):54-81.
    Several philosophers have defended versions of Minimax Complaint, or MC. According to MC, other things equal, we should act in the way that minimises the strongest individual complaint. In this paper, I argue that MC must be rejected because it has implausible implications in certain cases involving risk. In these cases, we can apply MC either ex ante, by focusing on the complaints that could be made based on the prospects that an act gives to people, or ex (...)
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  7. The complaint of peace.Desiderius Erasmus - 2017 - In Seymour Chwast (ed.), At war with war: 5000 years of conquests, invasions, and terrorist attacks: an illustrated timeline. London: Seven Stories Press.
  8. Complaints Management: What Place for Ethics?Marjolaine Frenette, Maude Laliberté & Jean-Philippe Payment - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (3):1.
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  9. Contractualism, Complaints, and Risk.Bastian Steuwer - 2021 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 19 (2).
    How should contractualists assess the permissibility of risky actions? Both main views on the question, ex ante and ex post, fail to distinguish between different kinds of risk. In this article, I argue that this overlooks a third alternative that I call “objective ex ante contractualism”. Objective ex ante substitutes discounting complaints by epistemic risk in favor of discounting by objective risk. I further argue in favor of this new view. Objective ex ante contractualism provides the best model of justifiability (...)
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    Patient complaints in Finland 2000-2004: a retrospective register study.L. Kuosmanen, R. Kaltiala-Heino, S. Suominen, J. Karkkainen, H. Hatonen, S. Ranta & M. Valimaki - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (11):788-792.
    Today, monitoring of patient complaints in healthcare services is being used as a tool for quality assurance systems and in the future development of services. This nationwide register study describes the number of all complaints processed, number of complaints between different state provinces, healthcare services and healthcare professionals, and outcomes of complaints in Finland during the period 2000–2004. All complaints processed at the State Provincial Offices and the National Authority for Medicolegal Affairs were analysed by statistical methods. Complaints about mental (...)
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  11. The Complaint of Peace. Transl. Ed. By A. Grieve. Quadricentennial Ed.Desiderius Erasmus - 1917
  12. Confucius' Complaints and the Analects' Account of the Good Life.Amy Olberding - 2013 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12 (4):417-440.
    The Analects appears to offer two bodies of testimony regarding the felt, experiential qualities of leading a life of virtue. In its ostensible record of Confucius’ more abstract and reflective claims, the text appears to suggest that virtue has considerable power to afford joy and insulate from sorrow. In the text’s inclusion of Confucius’ less studied and apparently more spontaneous remarks, however, he appears sometimes to complain of the life he leads, to feel its sorrows, and to possess some despair. (...)
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    Complaint Department.Nancy Mack - 2002 - Nexus 37 (2):18.
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  14. Complaints About Entitled To Complain.Marvin Schiller - 1967 - Analysis 28 (October):27-29.
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    The Québec Complaint Examination System: Stakeholder Perspectives on the Purpose and Intake of Complaints. [REVIEW]Michèle Clément & Éric Gagnon - 2006 - Health Care Analysis 14 (1):51-63.
    Québec's complaint examination system has devoted considerable effort to supporting dissatisfied users who may wish to register complaints. It is open to question, however, whether this level of effort has, in fact, aided users in filing their complaints, and whether, once filed, the intake and processing of complaints has been rigorous and fair. Has the intake and handling of complaints at least improved? This is the question we shall attempt to answer here by presenting the results of our study (...)
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    Reference groups and complaints about inequality.Marek Kośny - 2010 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 16 (1-2):97-119.
    Reference groups and complaints about inequality Although influence of reference population on assessment of individual position is well recognized on the ground of sociology, its impact is rarely taken into account in economic analysis of inequality. Few analyses that are concerned with issue of reference groups in the context of inequality and relative deprivation measurement deal, however, with single reference group. The aim of the paper is consideration on how concept of reference populations of different kind may be applied to (...)
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    Complaints and claims in the UK National Health Service.T. S. Usha Kiran Mrcog & N. S. Jayawickrama Mrcog - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (1):85-86.
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    Complaints Commissioners’ Assistance Function: System Navigator or Queue Jumper?Maude Laliberté, Julien Brisson, Marie-Eve Lemoine, Jean-Philippe Payment & Emilie Blackburn - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (3):52-55.
    This commentary invites reflection on the positive and negative outcomes of “assistances” provided by a Complaints Commissioner. While the goal of an assistance is to help the user navigate the health system, a lack of clarity and understanding of the process can lead to the user obtaining undue privileges. We suggest three key values to guide the equitable conduct of assistances and we suggest a mixed method research methodology to document the positive and negative impacts of assistances.
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    Hedged Turkish complaints and requests in the Problem-Solution text pattern.Çiğdem Karatepe - 2021 - Pragmatics and Society 12 (3):488-504.
    This study investigates to what extent Turkish formal complaint letters followed the ‘Problem-Solution Pattern’, and on how the writers expressed their wishes when they explained their problem and asked the authorities to amend a mistake. The study is based on a corpus of 134 Turkish complaint letters. It draws upon Flowerdew’s approach to the problem-solution pattern and the role of clause relations in this text pattern. Results showed that age-old Turkish rhetorical norms led writers’ choice of lexico-grammatical patterns (...)
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    The Complaint of Laban's Daughters.Millar Burrows - 1937 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 57 (3):259-276.
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    Hippocrates’ complaint and the scientific ethos in early modern England.Richard Yeo - 2018 - Annals of Science 75 (2):73-96.
    SUMMARYAmong the elements of the modern scientific ethos, as identified by R.K. Merton and others, is the commitment of individual effort to a long-term inquiry that may not bring substantial results in a lifetime. The challenge this presents was encapsulated in the aphorism of the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates of Kos: vita brevis, ars longa. This article explores how this complaint was answered in the early modern period by Francis Bacon’s call for the inauguration of the sciences over several (...)
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    Student complaints and appeals: the practitioner’s view.Liz Buckton - 2008 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 12 (1):11-14.
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    Complaints about Truth Relativism of MacFarlane and Stephenson. 최동호 - 2017 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 132:139-164.
    인식적 양상 및 취향에 대한 참 상대주의에 따르면, “p이다”와 같이 어떤 기준도 명시적으로 제시되지 않은 문장은 〈p이다〉는 명제를 표현하며, 이것은 판정자 혹은 판단자 상대적으로 진리치가 결정될 수 있다. 이런 참 상대주의 중에서 현재 가장 많은 학자들에 의해서 지지를 받고 있는 두 입장은 맥팔레인의 참 상대주의와 스티븐슨의 참 상대주의이다. 이들의 두드러진 차이점중에 하나는 그것들이 각각 ‘판정의 시간에서의 판정자’ 제한조건과 ‘평가상황의 시간에서의 판단자’ 제한조건을 갖는다는 점이다. 하지만 나는 ‘판정[단]자 중심성이라는 참 상대주의의 중요한 직관이 보다 널리 인정받는 데 있어서, 이들 제한조건이 불필요한 걸림돌이 (...)
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    Complaints and grievances in psychotherapy: a handbook of ethical practice.Fiona Palmer Barnes - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    This up-to-date and comprehensive handbook guides the reader, step-by-step, through all aspects of complaints and grievance management. It includes useful addresses, current codes of ethics from the major organizations, protocols and sample letters.
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  25. Justification, regret, and moral complaint: looking forward and looking backward on (and in) human life.R. Jay Wallace - 2012 - In Ulrike Heuer & Gerald Lang (eds.), Luck, Value, and Commitment: Themes from the Ethics of Bernard Williams. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press USA.
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    Hoccleve's Complaint and Isidore of Seville again.John A. Burrow - 1998 - Speculum 73 (2):424-428.
    In the course of the Complaint, which Thomas Hoccleve composed, probably in 1420, as the first part of his so-called Series, the poet claims to have derived comfort from a certain “lamentacioun of a woful man” which he found in a book. There he read of a dialogue between the woeful man and Reason; and he reports the lamentations of the one and the good advice of the other up to the point at which, he says, the owner of (...)
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  27. Complaints, gender and power in governing education.Sara Carlbaum - 2017 - In Christine Hudson, Malin Rönnblom & Katherine Teghtsoonian (eds.), Gender, governance and feminist analysis: missing in action? New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    What Makes Customers Discontent with Service Providers? An Empirical Analysis of Complaint Handling in Information and Communication Technology Services.C. Y. Chan Hubert & E. W. T. Ngai - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S1):73 - 110.
    The effectiveness of complaint handling and service recovery policies in customer retention has been the focus of both scholars and service organizations. In the past decade, Justice Theory has provided the basis of the dominant theoretical framework for complaint management and service recovery. However, it does not explicitly address unfair trade practices, which constitute an ethical issue. Favorable outcomes in complaint handling may not be able to restore the reputation of a company and the potential harm perceived (...)
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    The Transfer of Complaint: A Narcissistic Time-Share.Avital Ronell - 2017 - Paragraph 40 (3):279-293.
    Reflecting on the debts collected by Shoshana Felman's work, within the theoretical contexts of the time in which the 1977 Yale French Studies issue of ‘Psychoanalysis and Literature’ first appeared, this article takes as its point of departure Lacan's analysis of Hamlet's father as the barred Other, focusing on Hamlet's ‘complaint’. The nature of the complaint is then explored in relation to various writers and thinkers — Rilke, Benjamin, Nietzsche, Heidegger, among others — and more specifically via a (...)
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    A complaint lodged concerning a case of rape, and papers relating to the enquiry which followed.Amandine Regamey - 2015 - Clio 39.
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    Handling Complaints: Considerations for Prioritizing Complaints.Maude Laliberté, Lynne Casgrain & Karena Volesky - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (3):43-47.
    Overstretched resources and steady increases in the number of complaints filed with the offices of the Quebec Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner prompted us to investigate the complaint-handling systems of health-related organizations operating in Commonwealth and Western European countries. We also examined guidelines used to identify higher priority files (i.e., urgent files). Urgent files can then be prioritized in terms of the time taken to provide a conclusion as well as the depth of the examination. A system where a (...)
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    Health complaints, stress, and distress: Exploring the central role of negative affectivity.David Watson & James W. Pennebaker - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (2):234-254.
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    Odd Complaints and Doubtful Conditions: Norms of Hypochondria in Jane Austen and Catherine Belling.James Lindemann Nelson - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (2):193-200.
    In her final fragmentary novel Sanditon, Jane Austen develops a theme that pervades her work from her juvenilia onward: illness, and in particular, illness imagined, invented, or self-inflicted. While the “invention of odd complaints” is characteristically a token of folly or weakness throughout her writing, in this last work imagined illness is also both a symbol and a cause of how selves and societies degenerate. In the shifting world of Sanditon, hypochondria is the lubricant for a society bent on turning (...)
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  34. The Complaint Against God.Claus Westermann - 1998 - In T. Linafelt & T. K. Beal (eds.), God in the Fray. Fortress Press. pp. 233--41.
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  35. Scientific and bioethics complaint against the genetic engineering.M. Jost - 2007 - Proc. 3rd Southeast European Bioethics Forum–Integrative Bioethics. Mali Losinj 20:22.
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    Some Complaints About and Some Defenses of Applied Philosophy.Tziporah Kasachkoff - 1992 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 7 (1):5-9.
    Tziporah Kasachkoff received her doctorate in philosophy from New York University, teaches at The City University of New York, and has been a visiting professor at Ben Gurion University in the Negev, in Israel. Dr. Kasachkoff has published widely in applied philosophy and, since 1986, has been the editor of the American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy.
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    Measuring inequality by counting ‘complaints’: Theory and empirics.Kurt Devooght - 2003 - Economics and Philosophy 19 (2):241-263.
    This paper examines how people assess inequality of income distribution and how inequality could be measured. We start from the philosophical analysis of Temkin, who distinguishes nine plausible aspects of inequality. His approach is based on the concept of ‘complaints’ or distances between incomes. We examine the Temkin approach by means of the questionnaire-experimental method pioneered by Amiel and Cowell to find out whether the aspects of equality have any plausibility for student respondents and, if so, whether there are aspects (...)
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    Kripke & the existential complaint.Greg Ray - 1994 - Philosophical Studies 74 (2):121 - 135.
    Famously, Saul Kripke proposes that there are contingent a priori truths, and has offered a number of examples to illustrate his claim. The most well-known example involves the standard meter bar in Paris. Purportedly, a certain agent knows a priori that the bar is one meter long. However, in response to a long-standing objection to such examples - the "existential complaint" - generally only modified examples having a conditional form are now considered candidates for the contingent a priori. Gareth (...)
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    Ingroups and Outgroups in Complaints: Exploring Politic Behaviour in Nurses’ Discourse.María Virginia Lazaro-Salazar - 2017 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 27 (2):319-333.
    The relevance of social norms for understanding appropriate behaviour in context has taken central stage in politeness research in recent years, and particularly in studies of workplace interaction. As an example of this research, this paper explores the way in which a group of nurses interacting with their colleagues negotiates complaints. The data were collected in a ward of a public healthcare institution in New Zealand and consist of audio and video recordings of four roster meetings involving nurses and nurse (...)
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    (1 other version)Responding to direct complaints.Ping Liu & Huiying Liu - 2017 - Pragmatics and Cognition 24 (1):4-32.
    This article examines the role of metapragmatic expressions (MPEs) in constructing common ground (CG) in the call taker’s responses to customer direct complaints in telephone interactions in the framework of the socio-cognitive approach proposed and developed by Kecskes (2008,2010,2013,2017) and Kecskes and Zhang (2009,2013). Based on five extracts drawn from the data of about two hours of 15 recordings of telephone interactions that include successful complaint settlements made between customers and the customer service department of one Chinese airline, it (...)
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    Collective Obligations and Demandingness Complaints.Brian Berkey - 2019 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 6 (1):113-132.
    It has been suggested that understanding our obligations to address large-scale moral problems such as global poverty and the threat of severe climate change as fundamentally collective can allow us to insist that a great deal must be done about these problems while denying that there are very demanding obligations, applying to either individuals or collectives, to contribute to addressing them. I argue that this strategy for limiting demandingness fails because those who endorse collective obligations to address large-scale moral problems (...)
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    Normalizing Complaint: Scientists and the Challenge of Commercialization.Kelly Joslin Holloway - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (5):744-765.
    In recent decades, academic science has increasingly been directed toward commercializable ends by neoliberal governments. In this article, I outline a concern that academic scientists have not been consulted about the transformation of science, but nevertheless, in some ways accept commercialization as the way things are done. I focus on the ways in which academic scientists attempt to exercise agency, albeit within the parameters of the neoliberal knowledge economy. In this economy, scientific inquiry has transformed to be focused more on (...)
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    The Effect of Patient Complaints on Physicians in European and Commonwealth Countries with Public Healthcare Systems: A Scoping Review and Ethical Analysis.Erica Monteferrante, Karena Volesky, Julien Brisson, Harvey Sigman & Maude Laliberté - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (3):31-42.
    Bioethicists have long advocated for patients’ rights by deliberating on what physicians should or should not do for the well-being of patients. Part of this advocacy has involved challenging a paternalistic medical model where physicians are seen as authoritative figures above reproach. Through ombudsperson offices, patients can submit complaints that may lead to medical examiners conducting detailed examinations of physicians’ conduct and decision-making. Prior research indicates that complaints can have serious and broad effects on physicians. We conducted a scoping review (...)
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    A Note on Complaints and Deprivation.Antonio Abatemarco - 2010 - In Marisa Faggini, Concetto Paolo Vinci, Antonio Abatemarco, Rossella Aiello, F. T. Arecchi, Lucio Biggiero, Giovanna Bimonte, Sergio Bruno, Carl Chiarella, Maria Pia Di Gregorio, Giacomo Di Tollo, Simone Giansante, Jaime Gil Aluja, A. I͡U Khrennikov, Marianna Lyra, Riccardo Meucci, Guglielmo Monaco, Giancarlo Nota, Serena Sordi, Pietro Terna, Kumaraswamy Velupillai & Alessandro Vercelli (eds.), Decision Theory and Choices: A Complexity Approach. Springer Verlag Italia. pp. 213--219.
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    another ombudsman: Student complaints and appeals revisited.Nicholas Saunders - 2002 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 6 (2):55-58.
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  46. Hippocrates' complaint.Guido del Giudice - 2015 - la Biblioteca di Via Senato (9):04-09.
    The fascinating Journey of the Renaissance Medicine.
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    Possible people, complaints, and the distinction between genetic planning and genetic engineering.J. J. Delaney - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (7):410-414.
    Advances in the understanding of genetics have led to the belief that it may become possible to use genetic engineering to manipulate the DNA of humans at the embryonic stage to produce certain desirable traits. Although this currently cannot be done on a large scale, many people nevertheless object in principle to such practices. Most often, they argue that genetic enhancements would harm the children who were engineered, cause societal harms, or that the risks of perfecting the procedures are too (...)
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  48. (1 other version)The paradox of moral complaint.Saul Smilansky - 2006 - Utilitas 18 (3):284-290.
    When may someone complain, morally? And what, if any, is the relationship between legitimate moral complaint and one's own behaviour? I point out a perplexity about a certain class of moral complaints. Two very different conceptions of moral complaint seem to be operating, and they often have contrary implications. Moreover, both seem intuitively compelling. This is theoretically and practically troubling, but has not been sufficiently noticed. The Paradox of Moral Complaint seems to point to an inherent difficulty (...)
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    Patients’ experiences of malpractice in psychotherapy and psychological treatments: a qualitative study of filed complaints in Swedish healthcare.Annika Lindgren & Alexander Rozental - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (7):563-577.
    Malpractice issues in psychotherapy and psychological treatments refer to the unethical behavior of a psychologist or psychotherapist toward the patient. The current study reviewed complaints directed at psychologists and psychotherapists in Sweden with regard to possible incidents of malpractice. Eligible cases were retrieved from a database managed by the Health and Social Care Inspectorate [Inspektionen för vård och omsorg (IVO)], an administrative authority responsible for the safety and quality of healthcare and social services delivery. These cases were analyzed using thematic (...)
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    Miss Anscombe's complaint.Robert J. Richman - 1976 - Journal of Value Inquiry 10 (1):35-52.
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