Results for 'concept of the person'

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  1. The concept of the person and the value of life.John Harris - 1999 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 9 (4):293-308.
    : The concept of the person has come to be intimately connected with questions about the value of life. It is applied to those sorts of beings who have some special value or moral importance and where we need to prioritize the needs or claims of different sorts of individuals. "Person" is a concept designating individuals like us in some important respects, but possibly including individuals who are very unlike us in other respects. What are these (...)
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    The Concept of the Person in St. Augustine’s De Trinitate.William Riordan O’Connor - 1982 - Augustinian Studies 13:133-143.
  3. The Concept of the Person in Whitehead’s Process Metaphysics.Martin Onwuegbusi - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (2).
    Whitehead holds that the person is a society consisting of all the momentary occasions of experience that make up the life history of the man. At each moment of experience a single soul is operative. Personal identity is maintained when the present soul inherits from its own superannuated soul all the values imbibed from its past momentary occasions, currently contribute its own new values during the present occasion, and subsequently passes them on to forthcoming new occasions which it will (...)
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  4. The Concept of the Person and the Future of Virtue Theory: MacMurray and MacIntyre.Esther Mcintosh - 2001 - Quodlibet 3.
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  5. The Concept of the Person.N. Alan - 1985 - In Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins & Steven Lukes (eds.), The Category of the person: anthropology, philosophy, history. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Debate on the Concept of the Person in Bioethics.Grzegorz Hołub - 2020 - Studia Ecologiae Et Bioethicae 18 (5).
    This article endeavours to sketch the debate about the concept of a person in the realm of bioethics. Initially, it sets out three understandings of the issue, namely the concept of a person in naturalistic philosophy, in the current of communitarianism and in one of the humanistic positions. The analysis of these approaches lead to the conclusion that a human person is perceived either as an empirical and psychological entity or as a free subjectivity creating (...)
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  7. The Concept of the Person Today.Paul R. Helsel - 1951 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 32 (2):153.
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  8. The confucian relational concept of the person and its modern predicament.Jiwei Ci - 1999 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 9 (4):325-346.
    : The Confucian relational concept of the person has been proposed as an epistemically more cogent and ethically more attractive alternative to that of liberal individualism. Two arguments are raised against this proposal without defending liberal individualism. Ethically, Confucianism is vitiated by certain unattractive features that cannot be removed without reducing the Confucian relational concept of the person to an abstract and not very helpful notion of human relatedness. Epistemically, Confucianism commits the essentialist fallacy of treating (...)
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    Concepts of the person in the symbolist philosophy of Viacheslav Ivanov.Robert Bird - 2009 - Studies in East European Thought 61 (2-3):89-96.
    Viacheslav Ivanov's concept of person underwent significant development in the course of his career. In his earliest works the person is a transient form that is to be superseded by union with the supra-personal, transcendent self. In works of his middle period Ivanov posits the person as an image of the transcendent self. Lastly, in the 1910s Ivanov integrated these two concepts into a hermeneutic view of the person as an agent of transcendence.
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  10. Stoic philosophy and the concept of the person.Troels Engberg-Pedersen - 1990 - In Christopher Gill (ed.), The Person and the human mind: issues in ancient and modern philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  11. Conception of the person in early Confucian thought.Kwong-loi Shun - 2004 - In Kwong-loi Shun & David B. Wong (eds.), Confucian Ethics: A Comparative Study of Self, Autonomy, and Community. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 183--199.
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    Affect, Agency, and Engagement: Conceptions of the Person in Philosophy, Neuropsychiatry, and Psychotherapy.Peter Binns - 1994 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1 (1):13-23.
  13. Antoni, Carlo-concept of the person and of aesthetics.S. Nosari - 1996 - Filosofia 47 (2):243-253.
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  14. The Troublesome Concept of the Person.Gordijn Bert - 1999 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 20 (4):347-359.
    In today'sbioethical debates, the concept of the person plays a major role. However, it does not hold this role justly. The purpose of this paper is to argue that the concept of the person is unsuited to be a central concept in bioethical debates, because its use is connected with serious problems. First, the concept is superfluous. Secondly, it is a confusing concept and it lacks pragmatic use. Thirdly, its use leads to simplifications. (...)
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  15. Is the concept of the person necessary for human rights?Jens David Ohlin - unknown
    The concept of the person is widely assumed to be indispensable for making a rights claim. But a survey of the concept's appearance in legal discourse reveals that the concept is stretched to the breaking point. Personhood stands at the center of debates as diverse as the legal status of embryos and animals to the rights and responsibilities of corporations and nations. This Note argues that personhood is a cluster concept with distinct components: the biological (...)
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    Max Scheler's Concept of the Person: An Ethics of Humanism, by Ron Perrin.Francis Dunlop - 1993 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 24 (2):193-194.
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    The concept of the person in the Parens patriae jurisdiction over previously competent persons.Sallyanne Payton - 1992 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17 (6):605-645.
    This article reviews the medieval law background of the parens patriae jurisdiction of the state as it has been exercised over incompetent persons who formerly were competent adults, concluding that the fiduciary standard implied in the statute De Prerogative Regis (1324), which is the basis for modern guardianship status, requires that the court and guardian adopt an attitude of respectful friendship toward the incompetent person, just as though they were to be accountable to the person himself, were he (...)
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  18. The relevance of the concept of the person for human rights ethics.B. De Mori - 2000 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 29 (1-2):138-156.
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    Towards a More Comprehensive Concept of the Person.F. S. C. Northrop - 1968 - In P. T. Raju & Alburey Castell (eds.), East-West studies on the problem of the self. The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 1--12.
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  20. The Concept of the Body of a Person.W. Dean Hazelton - 1975 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 56 (1):16.
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  21. Ambiguities in the psychiatric use of the concepts of the person: An analysis.Markus Heinimaa - 2000 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 7 (2):125-136.
    The recent discussion in scientific psychiatry has paid increasing attention to the role of concepts of the person in psychiatric discourse. What are the uses of concepts of the person, such as self or person, in psychiatric discourse? Does describing these uses clarify the significance of conceptual and empirical elements in conceptions of mental illness? I try to answer these questions in a philosophically informed textual analysis of one representative psychiatric article. I conclude that concepts of the (...)
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  22. Rawls’s normative conception of the person: A Kantian reinterpretation.Nythamar de Oliveira - 2007 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 52 (1):171-183.
    Trata-se de mostrar em que sentido a concepção normativa de pessoa em John Rawls pressupõe uma transformação semântica da concepção kantiana de subjetividade transcendental, em particular do seu ideal de personalidade. Uma reinterpretação kantiana da concepção normativa de pessoa logra explicar o dispositivo procedimental do equilíbrio reflexivo para responder a críticas comunitaristas em defesa do individualismo inerente ao liberalismo político, concebido não mais como uma doutrina abrangente da auto-identidade mas como um construtivismo, num modelo coerentista de justificativa epistêmico-moral. PALAVRAS-CHAVE – (...)
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    Thou who art: the concept of the personality of God.John Robinson - 2006 - London: Continuum.
    This ran against all that Robinson believed most deeply about belief in God- influenced as he was by the new wave of German the.
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    Confucian Conception of the Person and Social Justice - Focusing on Justification of Rawls’ Principles of Justice -. 이충한 - 2020 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 100:163-184.
    이 글은 ‘롤스의 정의론이 지닌 이론적 결함을 유교의 인간관을 통해 치료할 수 있는가’라는 문제의식에서 출발한다. 이러한 문제의식은 롤스가 유교의 인간관을 바탕으로 자신의 이론을 정당화할 경우 얻을 수 있는 이론적 혜택이 있는지를 비판적으로 검토하는 작업과 연결된다. 작업의 초점은 유교의 인간관이 롤스가 정의의 원칙을 정당화하는 과정에 개입함으로서 기여할 수 있는 부분들에 대한 검토와 해명을 시도함으로써 양자 간의 이상적 결합을 시도하는데 있다. 이러한 시도가 성공적인 것으로 밝혀진다면 기존의 정의론은 동양철학적 관점을 통해 새로운 이론적 방향을 발견하는 계기를 마련할 수도 있다. 보통 정의론은 인간의 본성과 (...)
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  25. Akan and Euro-American Concepts of the Person.Kwame Anthony Appiah - 2004 - In M. Brown Lee (ed.), African Philosophy: New and Traditional Perspectives. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 21--34.
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  26. Concepts of “Cultural Personality” in the Ideologies of the Third World.Boris S. Erassov - 1972 - Diogenes 20 (78):123-140.
    The wide diffusion of the concepts of “cultural personality” or “cultural originality” in the social thought of developing Asian and African countries is determined by a number of circumstances. These concepts, though they claim a theoretical understanding of the processes involved in the “entry of these countries into the 20th century,” all boil down to the basic fact that the source, the foundation and the decisive sphere for the processes of self-determination in developing Asian and African countries in the present (...)
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    The Concept of the Human Person in the Thought of C.S. Peirce.John Underwood Lewis - 1989 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 17 (52):9-9.
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    Max Scheler's concept of the person: an ethics of humanism.Ron Perrin - 1991 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    In Part I of this book Professor Perrin evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of Scheler's pioneering study. Part II provides an explication of the main features of Scheler's ethics and explores their implications in light of more recent studies of moral cognition and development.
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    Thou who art: The concept of the personality of God. By John A. T. Robinson.Paul Brazier - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (2):356–357.
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    Studies in Third Millennium Sumerian and Akkadian Personal Names: The Designation and Conception of the Personal God.Benjamin R. Foster & Robert A. Di Vito - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):537.
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    The legal concept of the person: A relational account.Paul Groarke - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (2):298-313.
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  32. Armando roa.The Concept of Mental Health 87 - 2002 - In Paulina Taboada, Kateryna Fedoryka Cuddeback & Patricia Donohue-White (eds.), Person, society, and value: towards a personalist concept of health. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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  33. The conception of a person as a series of mental events.Scott Campbell - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (2):339–358.
    It is argued that those who accept the psychological criterion of personal identity, such as Parfit and Shoemaker, should accept what I call the 'series' view of a person, according to which a person is a unified aggregate of mental events and states. As well as defending this view against objections, I argue that it allows the psychological theorist to avoid the two lives objection which the 'animalist' theorists have raised against it, an objection which causes great difficulties (...)
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  34. On the Concept of a Person as a Constitutive, Regulative Idea.Gunnar Skirbekk - 2009 - Skepsis: A Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research 20.
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    Concept of the Right to Health Care.Paulius Čelkis & Eglė Venckienė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):269-286.
    On the grounds of the fundamental value of the human rights, which is the human dignity, this article describes a basis of the right to health care in terms of quality, discloses its concept, reviews the spheres of health system in which this right is exercised: health care and public health. The right to health care is stressed as one of the fundamental rights, without which the person will not able to enjoy other rights: economic, political and social (...)
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    Rethinking the concept of a personal God: classical theism, personal theism, and alternative concepts of God.Thomas Schärtl, Christian Tapp & Veronika Wegener (eds.) - 2016 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    An Experiential Exercise that Introduces the Concept of the Personal Ethical Threshold to Develop Moral Courage.Debra R. Comer & Gina Vega - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 2 (2):171-197.
    This paper presents an experiential exercise introducing the concept of the personal ethical threshold (PET) to help explain why moral behavior does not always follow moral intention. An individual’s PET represents the individual’s vulnerability to situational factors, i.e., how little or much it takes for members of organizations to cross their proverbial line to act in a way they deem unethical. The PET reflects the interplay among the situation, the particular ethical issue, and the individual. Exploring the PET can (...)
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  38. The Unfolding of the Person Through the Four Historical Conceptions of Being.David G. Cernic - 1970 - Dissertation, Fordham University
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  39. Determinism and the concept of a person.Bernard Berofsky - 1964 - Journal of Philosophy 61 (September):461-475.
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    The Enriched Concept of a Person in a Post-Lacanian View on Schizophrenia.Wilfried Ver Eecke & Jennifer Grady - 1999 - The Personalist Forum 15 (2):215-228.
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    Two Second‐Personal Conceptions of the Dignity of Persons.Ariel Zylberman - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):921-943.
    In spite of the burgeoning philosophical literature on human dignity, Stephen Darwall's second-personal account of the dignity of persons has not received the attention it deserves. This article investigates Darwall's account and argues that it faces a dilemma, for it succumbs either to a problem of antecedence or to the wrong kind of reasons problem. But this need not mean one should reject a second-personal account. Instead, I argue that an alternative second-personal conception, one I will call relational, promises to (...)
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  42. An African Concept of Human Personality: The Yoruba Example.M. Akin-Makinde - 1984 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 7 (3):189-200.
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    William James's philosophy of the person: The concept of the strenuous life.Don Browning - 1975 - Zygon 10 (2):162-174.
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    Strawson on the concept of a person.Norman Burstein - 1971 - Mind 80 (319):449-452.
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    Gordon W. Allport’s Concept of the Human Person: On a Possible Dialogue between Philosophy and Psychology.Omi Jastrzebski - 2011 - The Pluralist 6 (1):71-86.
    For many years, modern social science and philosophy have been a battlefield of conflicting visions of the human person. There are many armies involved in this fight—among them the personalists who, even among themselves, represent different approaches to the understanding of the human person.G. W. Allport states that both philosophy and psychology are interested in the same common subject matter—that is, the human person.1 Allport's statement in this regard is very clear: personalistic psychology and philosophy must join (...)
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    11. The Concept of a Person.A. J. Ayer - 2014 - In Bernard Williams (ed.), Essays and Reviews: 1959-2002. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 45-47.
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    Biological determinism versus the concept of a person.Robert Miller - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):901-902.
    Rose presents an important critique of the determinism and reductionism of modern biology. However, such trends are probably temporary aberrations in the development of science. Another form of determinism which has deeper roots is emerging from modern studies of brain dynamics. To reconcile this evidence with the concept of a “person” will require more radical rethinking of our received notion of natural law.
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    Sartre's concept of a person: an analytic approach.Phyllis Sutton Morris - 1975 - Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
    A revision of the author's thesis, University of Michigan, 1969. Bibliography: p. [154]-161. Includes index.
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  49. The concept of a person’s good.John Skorupski - manuscript
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    (1 other version)The influence of the personality of the scientist on his theorizing: I. P. Pavlov and the concept of human signal systems.Alex Kozulin - 1981 - Studies in East European Thought 22 (4):249-256.
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