Results for 'contemporary relevance'

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  1.  40
    The Contemporary Relevance of Lester Ward.Robert C. Whittemore - 1963 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):27-39.
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  2. Contemporary relevance of Humes remarks on liberty and necessity.D. Walton - 1973 - Journal of Thought 8 (3):183-188.
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  3. Contemporary relevance of Sri Aurobindo.Kishor Gandhi - 1973 - Delhi,: Vivek Pub. House.
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    On the Contemporary Relevance of Jürgen Habermas’ Social Theory.Rainer Winter - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (7-8):5-9.
    This introduction discusses the contemporary relevance of Jürgen Habermas’ social theory following the publication of his recent work, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie (2019). It deals with his key topics and interventionist style of thinking. The essence of Habermas’ critical theory is its unwavering commitment to the utopia of communicative reason.
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    The contemporary relevance of John Dewey's theories on teaching and learning: Deweyan perspectives on standardization, accountability, and assessment in education.JuliAnna Ávila, A. G. Rud, Leonard J. Waks & Emer Ring (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Through expert analysis, this text proves that John Dewey's views on efficiency in education are as relevant as ever. By exploring Deweyan theories of teaching and learning, the volume illustrates how they can aid educators in navigating the theoretical and practical implications of accountability, standardization, and assessment. The Contemporary Relevance of John Dewey's Theories on Teaching and Learning deconstructs issues regarding accountability mechanisms, uniform assessment systems, and standardization processes through a Deweyan lens. Connecting the zeitgeist of the era (...)
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    The Contemporary Relevance of Adam Smith.Amartya Sen - 2013 - In Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli & Craig Smith, The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The primary concern of this chapter is the contemporary relevance of Smith’s thoughts and analyses. It begins by considering some contemporary uses and abuses of Smith that have coloured his historical reputation and discusses how some contemporary economists have failed to appreciate the richness of his discussion of morality and human behaviour. It seeks to dispel these abuses by focusing on his balanced argument for supporting a society with multiple institutions in which the market would do (...)
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  7. The Contemporary Relevance of Aristotle’s Thought.Enrico Berti - 2011 - Iris 3 (6):23-35.
    In order to explain the contemporary relevance of Aristotle’s thought, the following discussion explores various examples of Aristotelian theories, concepts, and distinctions which remain at the centre of the philosophical debate. From the domain of logic we consider the notion of category, which was developed by G. Ryle, the distinction between apophantic and semantic discourse, that was stressed by J. Austin, the debate on the principle of non- contradiction, and the theory of fallacies; from the domain of physics, (...)
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  8. The Contemporary Relevance of Ancient Logical Theory.John Corcoran - 1982 - Philosophical Quarterly 32 (126):76.
    This interesting and imaginative monograph is based on the author’s PhD dissertation supervised by Saul Kripke. It is dedicated to Timothy Smiley, whose interpretation of PRIOR ANALYTICS informs its approach. As suggested by its title, this short work demonstrates conclusively that Aristotle’s syllogistic is a suitable vehicle for fruitful discussion of contemporary issues in logical theory. Aristotle’s syllogistic is represented by Corcoran’s 1972 reconstruction. The review studies Lear’s treatment of Aristotle’s logic, his appreciation of the Corcoran-Smiley paradigm, and his (...)
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    Open society unresolved: the contemporary relevance of a contested idea.Christof Royer & Liviu Matei (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Central European University Press.
    Is the concept of open society still relevant in the 21st century? Do the current social, moral, and political realities call for a drastic revision of this concept? Here fifteen essays address real-world contemporary challenges to open society from a variety of perspectives. What unites the individual authors and chapters is an interest in open society's continuing usefulness and relevance to address current problems. And what distinguishes them is a rich variety of geographical and cultural backgrounds, and a (...)
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  10. The Contemporary Relevance of On the Problem of Empathy.Ingrid Vendrell Ferran - 2024 - In Timothy A. Burns, Edith Stein's on the Problem of Empathy: A Companion. Lexington Books.
    Written more than a hundred years ago, Stein’s On the Problem of Empathy is, today more than ever, essential reading material for anyone interested in social cognition. In this book – which still inspires current research – Stein provides a systematic account of the empathic experience. Stein’s view of empathy as a process, and her understanding of its main forms and functions in presenting the other as a spiritual being, provide valuable insights on the intersubjective nature of the human being. (...)
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  11. The Contemporary Relevance of Buddha.Amartya Sen - 2014 - Ethics and International Affairs 28 (1):15-27.
    The great poet and novelist Rabindranath Tagore once remarked that he was extremely sad that he was not alive when Gautama Buddha was still around. Tagore very much wished he could have had conversations with Buddha. I share that sentiment, but, like Rabindranath, I am also immensely grateful that, even now, we can enjoy—and learn from—the ideas and arguments that Buddha gave us twenty-five hundred years ago. Our world may be very different from what Buddha faced in the sixth century (...)
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    The contemporary relevance of the confucian idea of filial Piety.A. T. Nuyen - 2004 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 31 (4):433–450.
  13. The contemporary relevance of Maimonides (1935).Emmanuel Levinas - 2008 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 16 (1):91-94.
  14. The Contemporary Relevance of Hegel's Concept of Punishment.Wolfgang Schild - 2004 - In Robert B. Pippin, Otfried Höffe & Nicholas Walker, Hegel on Ethics and Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 150--179.
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    Beyond ‘contemporary relevance’: Reading critical theory today.Patrick Nitzschner - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (2):49-54.
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    The Contemporary Relevance of Hegel's Philosophy of Right.Thomas Nenon - 2001 - Dept. Of Philosophy, University of Memphis.
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  17. The contemporary relevance of Hegel's practical philosophy.Ludwig Siep - 2006 - In Katerina Deligiorgi, Hegel: New Directions. Chesham, Bucks: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
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    The Contemporary Relevance of Socrates' question to Euthyphro.Emrys Westacott - 2003 - Think 2 (5):69-72.
    Emrys Westacott explains one of the most famous and ubiquitous of all philosophical dilemmas.
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    Contemporary relevance of advaita vedānta.N. K. Devaraja - 1970 - Philosophy East and West 20 (2):129-136.
    Advaita vedanta a great tradition in metaphysical-Religious thought offers connected solutions of important logico-Epistemological and ethico-Religious problems. Its key concept is atman defined as pure awareness and identified with ultimate spiritual reality brahman. Metaphysically atman is light of awareness constituting core of experience. Ideal investigator as also religious saint approximates to the state of pure spectator or detached observer. Vedanta upholds ideal of jivanmukti making spiritual fulfillment amenable to verification and control in terms of actual lived experience.
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    (2 other versions)The Contemporary Relevance of Schillebeeckx's Political Theology: On Ecclesial Participation in the Saving Work of Christ.Christiane Alpers - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 61 (1):127-140.
    In this article I explore the relation between God's absolute governance of the world and ecclesial dominion over other communities in a shared political forum that seeks the greatest good of all. On this question I compare the positions of Colin Gunton, Robert Jenson, and Edward Schillebeeckx as representatives of three distinct political theologies. Whereas Gunton's reservation regarding the participation of the church's politics in divine governance shows excessive deference to human sinfulness, Jenson on the contrary tends to absorb God's (...)
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    The contemporary relevance of history: a study in approaches and methods.Salo Wittmayer Baron - 1986 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    This book explores the puzzling phenomenon of new veiling practices among lower middle class women in Cairo, Egypt.
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  22. “Boundless Compassion”: The Contemporary Relevance of Schopenhauer's Ethics.Michael Allen Fox - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (4):369-387.
    Schopenhauer had important things to say about ethics in both normative and meta-ethical senses, but his impact on the evolution of moral theory has been minimized by the unfortunate neglect of his philosophy in general. A contemporary assessment of his ethical views reveals that they are both imaginative and interesting, not least because they challenge assumptions held by more canonical figures in the history of philosophy, both before and after his time. Since the roots of ethics are currently being (...)
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    Traditional Confucianism and its Contemporary Relevance.Lin Hang - 2011 - Asian Philosophy 21 (4):437 - 445.
    After a century of its retreat from political and social stages in East Asia, Confucianism eventually found its revival together with the economic industrialization in the region. The awakening consciousness of the traditional Confucian values leads to a reconsideration of their implication on a modern society. Despite the criticism on the actual relevance of Confucianism and modernization, there are precious elements within the Confucian values which provide the relevance of Confucianism to the future, such as an ethic of (...)
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    Introduction: The Contemporary Relevance of Vilém Flusser.Anita Jóri & Maren Hartmann - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (7-8):57-72.
    In this article, we introduce Vilém Flusser’s theoretical trajectory from the philosophy of language and multilingualism to communication and media theory. Our focus lies on his works Kommunikologie [ Communicology] and Kommunikologie weiter denken [ Thinking Communicology Further]. Kommunikologie, which was written in Flusser’s mid-career in the 1970s, but only published in the 1990s, consists of a set of articles and lectures and offers, among other notions, a great distinction between dialogue and discourse. The article takes this differentiation and explains (...)
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    The Historical Significance and Contemporary Relevance of the Four-Seven Debate.Philip J. Ivanhoe - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (2):401-429.
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    Japanese spiritual resources and their contemporary relevance.Charles Wei-Hsun Fu - 1985 - Journal of Dharma 10:82-89.
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    Re-Establishing the Contemporary Relevance of Socratic Dialectic.Mark A. Wrathall - 1999 - Southwest Philosophy Review 15 (1):219-226.
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  28. Critical Notice: Contemporary Relevance of Ancient Logical Theory.John Corcoran & Micheal Scanlan - 1982 - Philosophical Quarterly 32 (1):76-86.
  29.  22
    (1 other version)Epicurus: His Continuing Influence and Contemporary Relevance.David B. Suits & Dane Gordon (eds.) - 2003 - Rochester: Cary Graphic Arts Press.
    The philosophy of Epicurus (c. 341-271 B. C. E.), has been a quietly pervasive influence for more than two millennia. At present, when many long revered ideologies are proven empty, Epicureanism is powerfully and refreshingly relevant, offering a straightforward way of dealing with the issues of life and death. The chapters in this book provide a kaleidoscope of contemporary opinions about Epicurus' teachings. They tell us also about the archeological discoveries that promise to augment the scant remains we have (...)
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    Men's passage to fatherhood: an analysis of the contemporary relevance of transition theory.Jan Draper - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (1):66-78.
    Men's passage to fatherhood: an analysis of the contemporary relevance of transition theory This paper presents a theoretical analysis of men's experiences of pregnancy, birth and early fatherhood. It does so using a framework of ritual transition theory and argues that despite its earlier structural‐functionalist roots, transition theory remains a valuable framework, illuminating contemporary transitions across the life course. The paper discusses the historical development of transition or ritual theory and, drawing upon data generated during longitudinal ethnographic (...)
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  31. Plato’s Republic and Its Contemporary Relevance in the Ethics of Rist and MacIntyre.Thomas M. Osborne - 2020 - In Barry David, Passionate Mind: Essays in Ancient Philosophy,Patristics, and Ethics Honoring Professor John M. Rist. Akademia. pp. 371-392.
    the contrast and similarity between Rist and Macintyre can be better understood if we take into account their different interpretations of the Republic, especially their 1) descriptions of the primary problem faced by Plato, 2) their interpretation of Plato’s response to the problem, and 3) their evaluation of the contemporary relevance of the problem and his response. The differences and similarities between the views of MacIntyre and Rist on the Republic reflect much larger difference and similarities on the (...)
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    Social theory: its origins, history, and contemporary relevance.Daniel W. Rossides - 1998 - Dix Hills, N.Y.: General Hall.
    Social Theory: Its Origins, History, and Contemporary Relevance analyzes the tradition of social theory in terms of its origins and changes in kind of societies ...
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    Dilthey today: a critical appraisal of the contemporary relevance of his work.Hans Peter Rickman - 1988 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    This volume provides a unique overview and analysis of the philosophy and thought of Wilhelm Dilthey, and examines his writings in terms of their contemporary relevance. Rickman contends that the hub of Dilthey's work was his philosophy of the human studies, and that his ideas were directly relevant to the future of the social sciences. The book focuses on Dilthey's contribution not only to philosophy but also to history, psychology, sociology, anthropology, literary criticism, and the methodology of human (...)
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    A Letter of Grateful and Affectionate Response to David Ray Griffin’s "Whitehead’s Radically Different Postmodern Philosophy: An Argument for Its Contemporary Relevance".Robert C. Neville - 2008 - Process Studies 37 (1):7-38.
    David R. Griffin’s new Whitehead’s Radically Different Post-modern Philosophy: An Argument for Its Contemporary Relevance (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2007) contains a chapter-long Whiteheadian response to several criticisms I have leveled against process theology. While encouraging his attempt to promote Whitehead as a preferred alternative to foundationalist modernism and postmodernism, I undertake to rebut Griffin’s arguments through discussions of the following topics: the one and the many (which Whitehead does not treat adequately), the finite (...)
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    The Common Good and/or the Human Rights: Analysis of Some Papal Social Encyclicals and their Contemporary Relevance.Wilson Muoha Maina - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (29):3-25.
    It is notable how some papal social encyclicals have interchangeably used the terms ' common good ' and 'human rights.' This article analyzes the papal common good teaching and its contemporary shift to include human rights. I also explore the differential nuances between the common good and the human rights. Human rights as advocated by civil societies are understood as arising from a conception of the nature of the human person. The common good has been expressed in practical ways (...)
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  36. Epistemic agency and the self-knowledge of reason: on the contemporary relevance of Kant’s method of faculty analysis.Thomas Land - 2021 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 13):3137-3154.
    Each of Kant’s three Critiques offers an account of the nature of a mental faculty and arrives at this account by means of a procedure I call ‘faculty analysis’. Faculty analysis is often regarded as among the least defensible aspects of Kant’s position; as a consequence, philosophers seeking to inherit Kantian ideas tend to transpose them into a different methodological context. I argue that this is a mistake: in fact faculty analysis is a live option for philosophical inquiry today. My (...)
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  37. Whitehead's Radically Different Postmodern Philosophy: An Argument for Its Contemporary Relevance.David Ray Griffin - 2007 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 28 (2):279-281.
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  38. Speculative metaphysics and the future of philosophy: The contemporary relevance of Whitehead's defence of speculative metaphysics.Arran Gare - 1999 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77 (2):127 – 145.
    While some philosophers and increasing numbers of scientists are striving to revive speculative metaphysics as a condition for further advancing science, solving the central problems of contemporary philosophy and confronting the major problems facing society, even philosophers decrying the increasingly marginal status of philosophy continue to ignore or denigrate their efforts. It is argued that this lack of appreciation and the associated misrepresentations of speculative metaphysics stems from the failure to appreciate work in this area as an ongoing tradition (...)
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    Jacques Maritain's Philosophy of Freedom and its Contemporary Relevance.David J. Klassen - 2022 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 38:88-118.
    This paper is in three parts. In the first part, I consider Maritain’s definition of freedom. He differentiates between two types of freedom: freedom of choice, which he also calls freedom from necessity, and freedom of autonomy or terminal freedom, also called freedom from constraint. The second part considers the three types of political philosophy of freedom identified by Maritain. They may respectively be called liberal individualism, statesponsored collectivism, and communal and personalist philosophy. The third political philosophy, communal and personalist, (...)
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    Confucian Ethic of Death with Dignity and Its Contemporary Relevance.Ping-Cheung Lo - 1999 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 19:313-333.
    This paper advances three claims. First, according to contemporary Western advocates of physician-assisted-suicide and voluntary euthanasia, "death with dignity" is understood negatively as bringing about death to avoid or prevent indignity, that is, to avoid a degrading existence. Second, there is a similar morally affirmative view on death with dignity in ancient China, in classical Confucianism in particular. Third, there is consonance as well as dissonance between these two ethics of death with dignity, such that the Confucian perspective would (...)
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    Whitehead's Radically Different Postmodern Philosophy: An Argument for its Contemporary Relevance.David Ray Griffin - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    Examines the postmodern implications of Whitehead’s metaphysical system.
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    Sri Aurobindo’s Philosophy of Nationalism and It’s Contemporary Relevance.Abhishek Kumar & Sudhir Singh - 2022 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 39 (1):33-42.
    There has been in recent decades very substantial work done on the concept of a nation, nationality and nationalism. In spite of the world coming together on many fronts—particularly, economy and a multicultural habitat formations especially in Europe and North America—these ideas remain politically volatile. In modern times, the idea of a nation has become powerfully associated with the idea of the state and the two notions are frequently used almost interchangeably. If among the emotional ties that form the basis (...)
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    The politics and promise of yoga: contemporary relevance of an ancient practice.Anjali H. Kanojia - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Yoga is a popular and beneficial evidence-based health practice. This book addresses the origins, explores yoga's evolution, and outlines current scientific research as well as contemporary discussions related to the possibilities as well as the politicization of this ancient Indian practice.
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    Husserl’s Critique of Psychologism: Its Historic Roots and Contemporary Relevance.John Wild - 1940 - In Marvin Farber, Philosophical essays in memory of Edmund Husserl. New York,: Greenwood Press. pp. 19-43.
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    What's Different About Anselm's Argument? The Contemporary Relevance of the 'Ontological'Proof.Bernard Wills - 2010 - Analecta Hermeneutica 2:1-11.
    There is a story related concerning Bertrand Russell that makes what I hope is anelegant introduction to the following paper. It is said that as a young man LordRussell, while out for a walk, became, in the course of his meditations, perfectlyconvinced of the validity of the ontological argument for the existence of God.Alas, he did not have a notebook handy and by the time he returned to his studyto write down his discovery found that he had completely lost the (...)
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  46. The Notion of Time in Francisco Suárez and its Contemporary Relevance.Patricia Díaz-Herrera - 2006 - Studia Neoaristotelica 3 (2):142-159.
    In the fiftieth disputation of his Disputationes metaphysicae (1597), Francisco Suárez distinguishes three notions of time. Suárez offers an account of the ways in which the predicate ‘when’ can be taken and presents a more general perspective based on the principle of duration, rather than the Aristotelian definition of time. His view differs from Aristotle’s and Aquinas’ account because Suárez emphasizes that time cannot be reduced to the number of the movement of the last sphere in the Aristotelian model of (...)
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  47. The Question of Punishment and the Contemporary Relevance of Thomas Aquinas.Peter Karl Koritansky - 2002 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    Justifying the human institution of punishment has been a central theme in the history of moral and political philosophy. At no time has this been more apparent than at the present, where this question has evoked a great debate between two schools of thought, namely, utilitarianism and retributivism. This thesis firstly attempts to articulate the central questions underlying this debate and to articulate the powerful criticisms each side renders against one another. It is our thesis that, whereas each side seems (...)
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    Seventeenth-century theories of emotion and their contemporary relevance.Gábor Boros - 2006 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 2 (1):125-142.
    This paper takes a look at seventeenth-century theories of emotion, and their influence on contemporary philosophical and psychological approaches to the subject. Although at a first glance some of these seventeenth-century theories may seem to be outdated, this is often a result of a simplistic reading, and in fact there are promising ways to “update” these theories. Reading seventeenth-century theories from our own perspective reveals new aspects of the work of our predecessors, which, in turn, can inspire further (...) developments. (shrink)
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  49. Los dilemas of democracy and its historical and contemporary relevance for citizenship.Etienne Balibar - 2012 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:9-29.
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    'Can error co-exist with supernatural knowledge'? Juan Martinez de ripalda's seventeenth century study of religious error and its contemporary relevance.John Perry - 2005 - Heythrop Journal 46 (4):476–492.
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