Results for 'cosmopolitan education'

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  1.  53
    Indirect cosmopolitan education: on the contribution of national education to attitudes towards foreigners.Pierre-Étienne Vandamme - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics 14 (1):114-132.
    ABSTRACTMany rich countries are witnessing the rise of xenophobic political parties. The opposition to immigration and global redistributive policies is high. How can we pursue global justice in such non-ideal circumstances? Whatever the way we want to pursue global justice, it seems that a change in the political ethos of citizens from rich countries will be necessary. They must come to internalize some genuine concern for foreigners and relativize national identities. Can education contribute to the promotion of such (...) ethos? An overtly cosmopolitan educational agenda is not likely to be endorsed in these societies where national ties and national priority may be considered fully legitimate by the majority. Nevertheless, this paper argues, some more achievable educational aims may have desirable cosmopolitan spillover effects although it is not their primary purpose. Decentration, empathy, critical thinking, understanding of social reality and social mix can be defended as necessary for a better domestic society. Yet these aims also make the widespread development of a cosmopolitan ethos more likely. This paper thus considers the arguments that can be made for these educational aims and their potential effects on citizens’ attitudes towards foreigners. Then, it discusses a possible tension with another aspect of national civic education: national integration. (shrink)
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    Good Will: Cosmopolitan education as a site for deliberation.Klas Roth - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (3):298-312.
    Why should we deliberate? I discuss a Kantian response to this query and argue that we cannot as rational beings avoid deliberation in principle; and that we have good reasons to consider the value and strength of Kant's philosophical investigations concerning fundamental moral issues and their relevance for the question of why we ought to deliberate. I also argue that deliberation is a wide duty. This means that it has to be set as an end, that it is meritorious, and (...)
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    Paideia and Cosmopolitan Education: On Subjectification, Politics and Justice.Rebecca Adami - 2015 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 4 (2):68-80.
    Can human rights in education enhance students and teachers capacity to reimagine their local community and to rethink the rules and laws that support such a social community? This paper is a political philosophical inquiry into human rights in education, drawing on the work of Hannah Arendt, Cornelius Castoriadis and Adriana Cavarero. By placing learning at the center of political philosophy through the notion of paideia, we need to ask how such an education can look like. According (...)
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    Cosmopolitan Education and Responsible World-Building.Ann Chinnery - 2009 - Philosophy of Education 65:263-265.
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    Cosmopolitan Education.Leonard J. Waks - 2008 - Philosophy of Education 64:215-218.
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    Cosmopolitan Education and Its Discontents.Leonard J. Waks - 2009 - Philosophy of Education 65:253-262.
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  7. (1 other version)Sources of Kant’s Cosmopolitanism: Basedow, Rousseau, and Cosmopolitan Education.Georg Cavallar - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (4):369-389.
    The goal of this essay is to analyse the influence of Johann Bernhard Basedow and Rousseau on Kant’s cosmopolitanism and concept of cosmopolitan education. It argues that both Basedow and Kant defined cosmopolitan education as non-denominational moral formation or Bildung, encompassing—in different forms—a thin version of moral religion following the core tenets of Christianity. Kant’s encounter with Basedow and the Philanthropinum in Dessau helps to understand the development of Kant’s concept of cosmopolitanism and educational theory ‘in (...)
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    Mencius’ extension of moral feelings: implications for cosmopolitan education.Charlene Tan - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (1):70-83.
    This article explores Mencius’ extension of moral feelings and its potential to address a key challenge in cosmopolitan education: how to motivate students to expand their existing affection and obligations towards their family and community to the rest of the world. Rather than strong universalism, a Mencian orientation is aligned with rooted cosmopolitanism that takes into account localised and cultural contexts that underpin, determine and give value to social practices. Mencius’ approach, as argued in this essay, highlights the (...)
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  9.  46
    Progress Ideal and its Implication in a Cosmopolitan Education from the Kantian Thought.Jefferson Moreno, Pablo Andrés Heredia Guzmán & Floralba del Rocío Aguilar-Gordón - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 20:311-334.
    The present work includes a discussion about the Kantian ideal of progress and its repercussions in the construction of a cosmopolitan education, by virtue of weighing its validity and the challenges it faces in contemporary times. The manuscript analyzes the Kantian postulates about progress to clarify the guidelines of a cosmopolitan education. The document is structured thanks to the bibliographic study and the consequent systematic review of an exploratory type and the help of the hermeneutical method. (...)
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  10.  25
    (1 other version)The Process Matters: Moral Constraints on Cosmopolitan Education.Matthew J. Hayden - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4).
    Cosmopolitan education aims to transmit cosmopolitan forms of life in order to participate morally in the world community. The primary characteristics of this cosmopolitan education are its acceptance of the shared humanity of all persons as a fact of human existence and as a motivating guide for human interaction, and the requirement of democratic inclusion in deliberations of the governance of those interactions, including morality. Such an education in cosmopolitan morality requires means that (...)
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  11.  66
    The Educational Limits of Ethical Cosmopolitanism: Towards the Importance of Virtue in Cosmopolitan Education and Communities.Andrew Peterson - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (3):227-242.
    Cosmopolitanism has become an influential theory in both political and, increasingly, educational discourse. In simple terms cosmopolitanism can be understood as a response to the globalised and diverse world in which we live. Diverse in nature, cosmopolitan ideas come in many forms. The focus here is on what have been termed 'strong' ethical forms of cosmopolitanism; that is, positions which conceptualise moral bonds and obligations as resulting from a shared, common humanity. The view that pupils should be taught that (...)
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  12.  27
    Benjamin Franklin: Colonial and cosmopolitan educator.Jonathan Messerli - 1968 - British Journal of Educational Studies 16 (1):43-59.
  13.  34
    The global relevance of Tagore’s cosmopolitan educational philosophy for social justice in a post-Westphalian world.Sunil Banga - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (3):611-625.
    This article suggests that Tagore’s conception of cosmopolitan education can provide the basis for advancing matters of global social justice, when considering the problem posed by Nancy Fraser in her essay ‘Reframing Justice in a Globalizing World’: ‘How can we integrate struggles against maldistribution, misrecognition and misrepresentation within a post-Westphalian frame?’. To this end, the article briefly reflects on the perspective of cosmopolitanism, setting the scene for an exploration of Tagore’s distinctive cosmopolitan educational philosophy. The article develops (...)
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    A Consideration about Meaning and Purpose of Cosmopolitan Education – Focused on Kant’s Pedagogy -. 권영우 - 2021 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 96:55-85.
    이 글은 세계시민교육의 의미와 목표에 대한 고찰을 시도한다. 오늘날 소위 세계화된 시대에 세계시민교육에 대한 많은 주장과 담론들이 존재한다. 하지만 세계시민교육이 어떠한 교육인지에 대해선 정확히 답하기 어려운 점이 있다. 이러한 점은 세계시민교육 의 아포리아로 이해될 수 있다. 이러한 난점에도 불구하고 세계시민교육은 칸트의 교육 론적 관점에 따라 도덕교육으로서 의미를 가질 수 있다고 생각한다. 하지만 도덕에 대한 여러 다양한 입장들로 인해 도덕교육으로서 세계시민교육도 명확히 정의내리기 어려운 한계를 지닌다. 교육은 인간을 길러내는 것 이상으로 인간이 사는 세계를 형성한다는 의 미를 지닌다. 이런 점에서 세계시민교육을 쉽게 (...)
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  15. Towards Education for 21st Century Democratic Citizenry — Philosophical Enquiry Advancing Cosmopolitan Engagement (P.E.A.C.E.) Curriculum: An Intentional Critique.Desiree' Moodley - 2021 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 41 (2):92 - 105.
    Doing philosophy for/with children and exposing students to multiple perspectives, exemplified within the Austrian Centre of Philosophy with Children’s implementation project of the Philosophical Enquiry Advancing Cosmopolitan Engagement (PEACE) curriculum in schooling, may offer a valuable written, taught, and tested curriculum for democratic citizenry. This paper provides an analysis that seeks to present, describe, critique, and make recommendations on the PEACE curriculum. The paper asks the question: In what ways does the Philosophical Enquiry Advancing Cosmopolitan Engagement as a (...)
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  16.  37
    A cosmopolitan design of teacher education and a progressive orientation towards the highest good.Klas Roth - 2013 - Ethics and Global Politics 5 (4).
  17.  59
    International Education and (Dis)embodied Cosmopolitanisms.Ravinder Kaur Sidhu & Gloria Dall'alba - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (4):413-431.
    This article is a critical examination of practices and representations that constitute international education. While international education has provided substantial contributions and benefits for nation-states and international students, we question the discourses and practices which inform the international education export industry. The ‘brand identities’ of receiving or host countries imply that they are welcoming, respectful of multiculturalism and have a well established intellectual history, in contrast to international students' embodied experiences. There is also a tendency to represent (...)
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  18.  35
    Education and a progressive orientation towards a cosmopolitan society.Klas Roth - 2012 - Ethics and Education 7 (1):59 - 73.
    Robin Barrow claims in his ?Moral education's modest agenda? that ?the task of moral education is to develop understanding, at the lowest level, of the expectations of society and, at the highest level, of the nature of morality???[that is, that moral education] should go on to develop understanding, not of a particular social code, but of the nature of morality ? of the principles that provide the framework within which practical decisions have to be made? [Barrow, R. (...)
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  19.  42
    Internationalizing Nussbaum’s model of cosmopolitan democratic education.Julian Culp - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (2):172-190.
    Nussbaum’s moral cosmopolitanism informs her capability-based theory of justice, which she uses in order to develop a distinctive model of cosmopolitan democratic education. I characterize Nussbaum’s educational model as a ‘statist model,’ however, because it regards cosmopolitan democratic education as necessary for realizing democratic arrangements at the domestic level. The socio-cultural diversity of virtually every nation, Nussbaum argues, renders it mandatory to educate citizens in a cosmopolitan fashion. Citizens must develop empathy and sympathy towards all (...)
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  20.  57
    Educational research, governmentality and the construction of the cosmopolitan citizen.Naomi Hodgson - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (2):177-187.
    The turn to cosmopolitanism in educational research on citizenship education is indicative of a wider discourse of cosmopolitanism evident throughout social and cultural policy. This discourse represents a more 'light-hearted' use of the term than the philosophical tradition offers. This discourse should not be dismissed, however, but, instead, attention should be paid to who the citizen is that is addressed by such language. An analysis informed by Foucault's concept of governmentality draws attention to the way in which the discourse (...)
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    Toward cosmopolitan ethics in teacher education: an ontological dimension of learning human rights.Rebecca Adami - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (1):29-38.
    There is a globalization trend in teacher education, emphasizing the role of teachers to make judgments based on human rights in their teaching profession. Rather than emphasizing the epistemological dimension of acquiring knowledge about human rights through teacher education, an ontological dimension is emphasized in this paper of what it means to become a professional teacher. An ontological dimension of ‘learning to become’ can be captured in critical examination of a cosmopolitan awareness of teachers in relation to (...)
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    Education for Democratic Citizenship and Peace: Proposal for a Cosmopolitan Model.Iftikhar Ahmad & Michelle Y. Szpara - forthcoming - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc.
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    Cosmopolitan Identity and Education.Klas Roth & Nicholas C. Burbules - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (3):205-208.
  24.  57
    (1 other version)Citizenship and Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies: Teaching for Cosmopolitan Values and Collective Identities.Kevin McDonough & Walter Feinberg (eds.) - 2003 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This book brings together essays by leading political, legal, and educational theorists to re-examine the requirements of citizenship education in liberal-democratic societies. The chapters in the book evaluate demands by minority groups for cultural recognition through education, and also examine arguments for and against citizenship education as a means of fostering a shared national identity.
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    Am I or can I be a citizen of the world? Examining the possibility of cosmopolitan-patriotic education in Israel.Eran Gusacov - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (2):213-226.
    ABSTRACTIt appears as if a discussion about the need for patriotic education is relevant not only for the Western countries, which have many nationalities and cultures, but also especially for the State of Israel, whose social cohesion is being weakened and there is a fear that the different factions in the society are unable to work together. In this paper, I take a much-needed first step for a systematic study of the issue of education for patriotism, as a (...)
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  26.  29
    Realizing the Beckian Vision: Cosmopolitan Cosmopolitanism and Low-Carbon China as Political Education.David Tyfield - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):301-309.
    ‘Methodological cosmopolitanism’ connotes a profound transformation of the (social) sciences as forms of public reflexive social analysis on learning to live well together through building homes in the world: what may be called the ‘Beckian vision’, in memory of Ulrich Beck. This short note considers how Beck’s concept of emancipatory catastrophism may not be the most productive development of his own programme. This is precisely brought out by a methodologically cosmopolitan analysis of a key East Asian response to the (...)
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  27.  14
    Education Viewed Through a Cosmopolitan Prism.David T. Hansen - 2008 - Philosophy of Education 64:206-214.
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    Arendt and cosmopolitanism: the human conditions of cosmopolitan teacher education.Matthew J. Hayden - 2013 - Ethics and Global Politics 5 (4).
    Despite the diversity of cosmopolitan philosophical thought, two constants remain: the significance of shared humanity and the idea that this fact should shape the way people live with each other. I will argue that Hannah Arendt’s conceptions of the human conditions of plurality, natality, and action offer cosmopolitan educators an improved grounding for their theoretical foundations and crucial points of emphasis for teacher education in opposition to the educationally destructive effects of standardization in education. Cosmopolitan (...)
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  29.  36
    Boundedness beyond reification: cosmopolitan teacher education as critique.Claudia Schumann - 2013 - Ethics and Global Politics 5 (4).
  30.  11
    Educating for civic dialogue in an age of uncivil discourse.Dennis Gunn - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Educating for Civic Dialogue in an Age of Uncivil Discourse addresses an urgent challenge-to help students learn the skills of civic engagement-by offering a framework for authentic cosmopolitan education. As an invitation to ongoing civil dialogue with diverse voices in the classroom, the book aims to foster the skills of democratic and global citizenship that allow students to find their voice as local, national, and global citizens outside of the classroom. It suggests practical ways that teachers can promote (...)
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    Learning Identities, Education and Community: Young Lives in the Cosmopolitan City.Ola Erstad, Øystein Gilje, Julian Sefton-Green & Hans Christian Arnseth - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a case study of children and young people in Groruddalen, Norway, as they live, study and work within the contexts of their families, educational institutions and informal activities. Examining learning as a life-wide concept, the study reveals how 'learning identities' are forged through complex interplays between young people and their communities, and how these identities translate and transfer across different locations and learning contexts. The authors also explore how diverse immigrant populations integrate and conceptualize their education (...)
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  32.  44
    Hesiod the cosmopolitan: utopian and dystopian discourse and ethico-political education.Marianna Papastephanou - 2008 - Ethics and Education 3 (2):89-105.
    The modern tendency to treat all Greek Golden Age textuality as apolitical and escapist has contributed to the ongoing neglect of the first Western educational text, Hesiod's Works and days. Most commentators have missed the interplay of utopian and dystopian images in Hesiodic poetry for lack of the appropriate conceptual framework. Once the escapist prejudice is overcome, the Hesiodic text appears as the first extant Occidental coupling of political utopianism with emancipatory ethico-political education. Once freed of its dated metaphysical-theological (...)
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  33.  84
    The Learning Society, the Unfinished Cosmopolitan, and Governing Education, Public Health and Crime Prevention at the Beginning of the Twenty‐First Century.Thomas S. Popkewitz, Ulf Olsson & Kenneth Petersson - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (4):431–449.
    The ‘learning society’ expresses principles of a universal humanity and a promise of progress that seem to transcend the nation. The paper indicates how this society is governed in the name of a cosmopolitan ideal that despite its universal pretensions embodies particular inclusions and exclusions. These occur through inscribing distinctions and differentiations between the characteristics of those who embody a cosmopolitan reason that brings social progress and personal fulfilment and those who do not embody the cosmopolitan principles (...)
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    Introduction: education and migration.Julian Culp & Danielle Zwarthoed - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics 14 (1):5-10.
    This introduction expounds educational problems that arise from transnational migration. It argues that it is high time to critically analyze normative issues of and in education under conditions of globalization because dominant approaches in normative philosophy of education tend to suffer from both a nationalist bias and a sedentary bias. The contributions to this special issue address normative problems pertaining to migration-related education from a variety of ethical and philosophical perspectives, including analytic applied ethics, continental philosophy, care (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Education for World Citizenship: Beyond national allegiance.Muna Golmohamad - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (4):466-486.
    A resurgence of national and international interest in citizenship education, citizenship and social cohesion has been coupled with an apparent emergence of a language of crisis (Sears & Hyslop‐Margison, 2006). Given this background, how can or should one consider a subjective sense of membership in a single political community? What this article hopes to show is that confining the subject of citizenship or patriotism to a national framework is inadequate in as much as there are grounds to argue for (...)
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  36. Human Rights and Cosmopolitan Democratic Education.Dale T. Snauwaert - 2009 - Philosophical Studies in Education 40:94 - 103.
  37.  31
    From globalist to cosmopolitan learning: on the reflexive modernization of teacher education.Niclas Rönnström - 2013 - Ethics and Global Politics 5 (4).
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    Walking with Diogenes: Cosmopolitan Accents in Philosophy and Education.David T. Hansen - 2009 - Philosophy of Education 65:1-13.
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    Cultivating a Cosmopolitan Consciousness: Returning to the Moral Grounds of Aesthetic Education.Suzanne S. Choo - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 48 (4):94-110.
    Now I maintain that the beautiful is the symbol of the morally good. What sort of face does radical evil have? What strikes Hannah Arendt, as she sought to profile Adolf Otto Eichmann, is how completely ordinary he appeared in court. She describes him as medium-sized, middle-aged with receding hair, ill-fitting teeth, and nearsighted eyes. Yet this was the man who had meticulously organized the mass deportation of Jews to the extermination camps during the Holocaust. Like his appearance, his personality (...)
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  40. Is Education for Patriotism Morally Required, Permitted or Unacceptable?Zdenko Kodelja - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (2):127-140.
    If patriotism is morally unacceptable, as some philosophers believe, then also education for patriotism cannot be tolerated, although some other non-moral reasons might be in favour of such education. However, it seems that not all types of patriotism can be convincingly rejected as morally unacceptable. Even more, if MacIntyre’s claim is correct that patriotism is not only a virtue but also the foundation of morality, then schools ought to cultivate patriotism. For, in this context, patriotism is morally required. (...)
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  41.  14
    The longings and limits of global citizenship education: the moral pedagogy of schooling in a cosmopolitan age.Jeffrey S. Dill - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is an empirical study of global citizenship education in ten secondary schools in the United States and Asia. Proponents seek to equip students with the consciousness and competencies necessary to make a world of universal benevolence, peace, and prosperity. However, many of the moral assumptions of global citizenship education are more complex and contradict these goals, and are just as likely to have the unintended consequence of reinforcing a more particular Western individualism. Dill argues that global (...)
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    Creating cosmopolitans: the case for literature. [REVIEW]Troy Jollimore & Sharon Barrios - 2006 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 25 (5-6):363-383.
    A cosmopolitan education must help us identify with those who are unlike us. In Martha Nussbaum’s words, students must learn “enough to recognize common aims, aspirations, and values, and enough about these common ends to see how variously they are instantiated in the many cultures and their histories.” It is commonly thought that reading serious literature will play a significant role in this process. However, this claim is challenged by theorists we call sentimentalists, who claim that the goals (...)
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    Chinese education and Pierre Bourdieu: Power of reproduction and potential for change.Guanglun Michael Mu - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (12):1249-1255.
    In the edited book “Bourdieu and Chinese Education”, a group of scholars in China, Australia, Canada, and the USA engage in a dialogue with Bourdieu and raise persistent questions not only about issues of equity, competition, and change in Chinese education, but also about the value, venture, and violence in using established Western intellectual frameworks for analysing Chinese education. In response to these questions, this special issue analyses and discusses Chinese rural education, teacher education, language (...)
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    Encountering education in the global: the selected works of Fazal Rizvi.Fazal Rizvi - 2014 - London: Routledge.
    In the World Library of Educationalists, international experts compile career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces extracts from books, key articles, salient research findings, major theoretical and practical contributions so the world can read them in a single manageable volume. Readers will be able to follow the themes and strands and see how their work contributes to the development of the field. This volume brings together the selected works of Fazal Rizvi.Born in India, Fazal Rizvi has (...)
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    International Educational Justice: Educational Resources for Students Living Abroad.Lindsey Schwartz - 2020 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 12 (1):78-99.
    As a result of globalization, the number of people living outside of their countries of origin is on the rise. Among them are children of primary and secondary school age of varying socio-economic backgrounds. This article addresses the education-related challenges that children in such circumstances face. I first identify two principles – an educational adequacy principle and a presumption of responsibility on the part of a host country for meeting children’s educationalneeds – which are widely employed to guide national (...)
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    Teaching Cosmopolitan Right.Jeremy Waldron - 2003 - In Kevin McDonough & Walter Feinberg, Citizenship and Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies: Teaching for Cosmopolitan Values and Collective Identities. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press UK.
    Jeremy Waldron’s essay centres around Martha Nussbaum’s ideas on cosmopolitan education: Nussbaum argues that we should make ‘world citizenship, rather than democratic or national citizenship, the focus for civic education’. The essay provides just a few examples to illustrate the concrete particularity of the world community for which we are urged by Nussbaum to take responsibility, with the aim of refuting the view of those who condemn cosmopolitanism as an abstraction. The arguments for and against Nussbaum’s idea (...)
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    Education.Amy Gutmann - 2003 - In R. G. Frey & Christopher Heath Wellman, A Companion to Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 498–511.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Multiple Educational Aims and Authorities Vouchers, Parental Choice, and Public Voice Curricular Controversies in a Multicultural Society Educating Cosmopolitans or Patriots? Affirmative Action, Academic Freedom, and Higher Education Democracy, Democratic Education, and Deliberation Acknowldgements.
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    The ‘Cosmopolitan’ Self Does her Homework.Marianna Papastephanou - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (4):597-612.
    Cosmopolitan concern for the whole world is often treated as oppositional to particular collectivities, to corresponding sensibilities and to the obligations that follow from them. Tensions revolve around demands made upon the self (depending on the emphasis on the local or the global) and infuse educational discourse accordingly. Culturalism approaches the self as a culturally or multiculturally shaped identity, monopolises the terrain of cosmopolitan debate and narrows the scope of cosmopolitan education only to encouraging hybridity of (...)
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    Educating Honorable Warriors.Susan Martinelli-Fernandez - 2006 - Journal of Military Ethics 5 (1):55-66.
    Kant is not typically considered a major figure in the just war tradition's canon, although his work has informed recent discussions about international justice and just war theory. More specifically, philosophers have suggested that Kant's work may provide a coherent, normatively practical just war theory, basing this claim, in the main, on his views on the goal of peace and its purpose of establishing a cosmopolitan civil society.1 Such discussions are mostly concerned with jus ad bellum and jus in (...)
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    Kant's Embedded Cosmopolitanism: History, Philosophy and Education for World Citizens.Georg Cavallar - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This book uncovers Kant s hidden theory of cosmopolitan education within the framework of his overall practical philosophy. The Kant brought out here turns out to be very different from current mainstream appropriations, which erroneously consider him one of the founding fathers of the new cosmopolitanism. Kant s Embedded Cosmopolitanism is a valuable source for students of political philosophy, cosmopolitanism, and Kant s ethics.".
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