Results for 'creeping environmental damage'

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  1. Environmental Damage and the Puzzle of the Self-Torturer.Chrisoula Andreou - 2005 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 34 (1):95-108.
    I show, building on Warren Quinn's puzzle of the self-torturer, that destructive conduct with respect to the environment can flourish even in the absence of interpersonal conflicts. As Quinn's puzzle makes apparent, in cases where individually negligible effects are involved, an agent, whether it be an individual or a unified collective, can be led down a course of destruction simply as a result of following its informed and perfectly understandable but intransitive preferences. This is relevant with respect to environmental (...)
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  2. Post war environmental damage : a study in jus post bellum.Douglas Lackey - 2010 - In Larry May & Zachary Hoskins, International Criminal Law and Philosophy. Cambridge University Press.
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    Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Damage.J. Angelo Corlett - 1996 - Environmental Ethics 18 (2):195-207.
    I set forth and defend an analysis of corporate moral responsibility (retrospective moral liability), which, I argue, ought to serve as the foundation for corporate legal responsibility, punishment, and compensation for environmental damage caused by corporations.
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    Social Risk Early Warning of Environmental Damage of Large-Scale Construction Projects in China Based on Network Governance and LSTM Model.Junmin Fang, Dechun Huang & Jingrong Xu - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    With the improvement of citizens’ risk perception ability and environmental protection awareness, social conflicts caused by environmental problems in large-scale construction projects are becoming more and more frequent. Traditional social risk prevention management has some defects in obtaining risk data, such as limited coverage, poor availability, and insufficient timeliness, which makes it impossible to realize effective early warning of social risks in the era of big data. This paper focuses on the three environments of diversification of stakeholders, risk (...)
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  5. Economics, Ethics, and Long-Term Environmental Damages.Clive L. Spash - 1993 - Environmental Ethics 15 (2):117-132.
    Neither environmental economics nor environmental philosophy have adequately examined the moral implications of imposing environmental degradation and ecosystem instability upon our descendants. A neglected aspect of these problems is the supposed extent of the burden that the current generation is placing on future generations. The standard economic position on discounting implies an ethicaljudgment concerning future generations. If intergenerational obligations exist, then two types of intergenerational transfer must be considered: basic distributional transfers and compensatory transfers. Basic transfers have (...)
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    Deleuze and Environmental Damage[REVIEW]Thomas Nail - 2006 - Environmental Philosophy 3 (2):64-66.
  7.  19
    Questioning Customs and Traditions in Culinary Ethics: the Case of Cruel and Environmentally Damaging Food Practices.Louis-Etienne Pigeon & Lyne Letourneau - 2023 - Food Ethics 8 (1):1-17.
    Culinary traditions and food practices are at the center of our daily lives and therefore constitute an important part of culture. Whether they are part of significant rituals or simply routinely enacted, they tell us something about the way we relate to each other and to the non-human world. In other words, food practices have an ethical dimension. Our paper focuses on the possibility to make objective ethical assessments of problematic cultural practices rooted in culinary traditions as a reply to (...)
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    Modelling of combined creep and cyclic plasticity in a model component undergoing ratchetting using continuum damage mechanics.D. R. Hayhurst *, J. Makin, M. T. Wong & Q. Xu - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (16):1701-1728.
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    Companion for a damaged world. Book Review of: 'Veer ecology : a companion for environmental thinking' by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Lowell Duckert.Alice Gibson - 2019 - Radical Philosophy 2 (4):114-117.
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    How Useful are the Concepts of Familiarity, Biological Integrity, and Ecosystem Health for Evaluating Damages by GM Crops?Ulrich Heink, Robert Bartz & Ingo Kowarik - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (1):3-17.
    In the discussion about consequences of the release of genetically modified (GM) crops, the meaning of the term “environmental damage” is difficult to pin down. We discuss some established concepts and criteria for understanding and evaluating such damages. Focusing on the concepts of familiarity, biological integrity, and ecosystem health, we argue that, for the most part, these concepts are highly ambiguous. While environmental damage is mostly understood as significant adverse effects on conservation resources, these concepts may (...)
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    Failure of a welded pressure vessel due to creep: damage initiation, evolution and reheat cracking.F. Vakili-Tahami & D. R. Hayhurst - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (28):4383-4419.
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    Environmental Victims: Arguing the Costs.Christopher Williams - 1997 - Environmental Values 6 (1):3 - 30.
    The costs of anthropogenic environmental change are usually discussed in broad terms, for example embracing damage to the ecosystem or buildings. There has been little consideration of the direct human dimension – the cost to and of environmental victims – except in clinical terms. In order to prevent and minimise environmental victimisation it seems necessary to present cost arguments to governments and commerce. This paper outlines the personal, social and cash costs of environmental victimisation, using (...)
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    Environmental Legitimacy, Green Innovation, and Corporate Carbon Disclosure: Evidence from CDP China 100.Dayuan Li, Min Huang, Shenggang Ren, Xiaohong Chen & Lutao Ning - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (4):1089-1104.
    Firms worldwide are increasingly required to disclose their carbon emissions due to the environmental damage associated with climate change. Because there has been no previous literature focusing on the determinants of corporate carbon disclosure integrating environmental legitimacy and green innovation, the present study attempted to develop an original framework to fill the research gap. This study explored the influence of environmental legitimacy on corporate carbon disclosure, and investigated the role of green innovation as a mediator. With (...)
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  14. Environmental preservation and second-order procrastination.Chrisoula Andreou - 2007 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 35 (3):233–248.
    I argue that procrastination with respect to environmental preservation is in the class of procrastination problems that are particularly difficult to overcome because of the presence of factors that support second-order procrastination. If my reasoning is correct, then second-order procrastination can help explain the distressing fact — assuming it is a fact — that, despite widespread professions of serious concern, the issue of environmental preservation is not getting as much of our attention as it deserves. My reasoning also (...)
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  15. Environmental Security and Just Causes for War.Juha Räikkä & Andrei Rodin - 2015 - Almanac: Discourses of Ethics 10 (1):47-54.
    This article asks whether a country that suffers from serious environmental problems caused by another country could have a just cause for a defensive war? Danish philosopher Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen has argued that under certain conditions extreme poverty may give a just cause for a country to defensive war, if that poverty is caused by other countries. This raises the question whether the victims of environmental damages could also have a similar right to self-defense. Although the article concerns justice (...)
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    A comparison of the environmental sustainability of brick‐and‐mortar retailing and online retailing: Contrasting academic research and consumer perceptions.Patrick Klein & Bastian Popp - 2023 - Business and Society Review 128 (4):635-660.
    Sustainability has become paramount in society and retail. Therefore, this study aims to compare the environmental sustainability of brick‐and‐mortar retail and e‐commerce. A literature review identifies various factors, such as buildings, shopping trips, order bundling, returns, packaging, transport and logistics, and environmentally conscious behavior, that determine the channel that is superior in terms of environmental sustainability. While these factors are context‐specific and depend on several actors (e.g., consumers, retailers, and logistics service providers), most studies consider e‐commerce to be (...)
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  17.  77
    Pathways from Environmental Ethics to Pro-Environmental Behaviours? Insights from Psychology.Chelsea Batavia, Jeremy T. Bruskotter & Michael Paul Nelson - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (3):317-337.
    Though largely a theoretical endeavour, environmental ethics also has a practical agenda to help humans achieve environmental sustainability. Environmental ethicists have extensively debated the grounds, contents and implications of our moral obligations to nonhuman nature, offering up different notions of an ‘environmental ethic’ with the presumption that, if humans adopt such an environmental ethic, they will then engage in less environmentally damaging behaviours. We assess this presumption, drawing on psychological research to discuss whether or under (...)
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    Environmental degradation and the ambiguous social role of science and technology.Leo Marx - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (3):449-468.
    Recent anxieties about the deterioration of the global environment have had the effect of intensifying the ambiguity that surrounds the social roles of scientists and engineers. This has happened not merely, as suggested at the outset, because the environmental crisis has made their roles more conspicuous. Nor is it merely because recent disasters have alerted us to new, or hitherto unrecognized, social consequences of using the latest science-based technologies. What also requires recognition is that ideas about the social role (...)
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  19. Environmental Ethics in Modern Philosophy.Vyacheslav Kudashov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 23:53-61.
    A brief history of environmental consciousness in the western world places our views in perspective and provides a context for understanding the maze of related and unrelated thoughts, philosophies, and practices that we call “environmentalism”. Environmental ethics is a collection of independent ethicalgeneralizations, not a tight, rationally ordered set of rules. Environmental ethics is a collection of interrelated independent tendencies - a process field that is brought together for a long time. Ethics really results from people’s perceptions, (...)
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  20. Faking Nature: The Ethics of Environmental Restoration.Robert Elliot - 1997 - Routledge.
    Faking Nature explores the arguments surrounding the concept of ecological restoration. This is a crucial process in the modern world and is central to companies' environmental policy; whether areas restored after ecological destruction are less valuable than before the damage took place. Elliot discusses the pros and cons of the argument and examines the role of humans in the natural world. This volume is a timely and provocative analysis of the simultaneous destruction and restoration of the natural world (...)
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  21. Environmental Risks, Uncertainty and Intergenerational Ethics.Kristian Skagen Ekeli - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (4):421-448.
    The way our decisions and actions can affect future generations is surrounded by uncertainty. This is evident in current discussions of environmental risks related to global climate change, biotechnology and the use and storage of nuclear energy. The aim of this paper is to consider more closely how uncertainty affects our moral responsibility to future generations, and to what extent moral agents can be held responsible for activities that inflict risks on future people. It is argued that our moral (...)
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  22.  40
    Environmental Literacy and Educational Ideal.Andrew Brennan - 1994 - Environmental Values 3 (1):3 - 16.
    Environmental literacy is not encouraged by discipline-based education. Discipline-based education is damaging not only because it breaks the link between experience and theory but also because it encourages learners to believe that complex practical problems can be solved using the resources of just one or two specialist disciplines or frameworks of thought. It is argued that discipline-based education has been extremely successful, and its very success is a factor which explains some of our poor thinking about environmental problems. (...)
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    Reconstituting damaged ecologies: ethics for post-colonial development.F. I. Rodriguez - 1998 - Global Bioethics 11 (1-4):47-56.
    Contemporary development goals of the Philippines, like those of many post-colonial states in the Third Word, strongly emphasize the need to catch up with the living standards of western industrialized countries. This article argues that following the western model of development through industrialization can only exacerbate existing socio-economic and ecological problems. The article contends that an historically appropriate and total development should aim for a reconstitution of natural, social, and moral ecologies. Drawing from historical sources, the first part of the (...)
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    What is environmental politics?Elizabeth R. DeSombre - 2020 - Medford, MA: Polity.
    Scientific knowledge and technology alone cannot address environmental problems; they also involve difficult political choices and trade-offs both locally and globally. This concise introductory text explores the different ways in which society attempts to deal with the political decisions needed to prevent or recover from environmental damage.
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  25. Environmental harm: Political not biological.Mark Sagoff - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (1):81-88.
    In their fine paper, Evans et al. discuss the proposition that invasive non-native species are harmful. The question to ask is, “Harmful to whom?” Pathogens that make people sick and pests that damage their property—crops, for example—cause harms of kinds long understood in common law and recognized by public agencies. The concept of “ harm to the environment,” in contrast, has no standing in common law or legislation, no meaning for any empirical science, and no basis in a political (...)
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    Cultural Origins and Environmental Implications of Large Technological Systems.Rosalind Williams - 1993 - Science in Context 6 (2):377-403.
    The ArgumentThis essay argues that a prime source of contemporary technological pessimism is the loss of place that accompanied the conquest of space through the construction of large technological systems of transportation and communication. This loss may involve physical destruction, or it may involve the more subtle withdrawal of economic, political, and cultural meaning and power from localities in favor of these far-flung systems.The argument proceeds in five stages. First, key terms are defined, notably “environmental damage” and “technological (...)
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  27. May Artificial Intelligence take health and sustainability on a honeymoon? Towards green technologies for multidimensional health and environmental justice.Cristian Moyano-Fernández, Jon Rueda, Janet Delgado & Txetxu Ausín - 2024 - Global Bioethics 35 (1).
    The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare and epidemiology undoubtedly has many benefits for the population. However, due to its environmental impact, the use of AI can produce social inequalities and long-term environmental damages that may not be thoroughly contemplated. In this paper, we propose to consider the impacts of AI applications in medical care from the One Health paradigm and long-term global health. From health and environmental justice, rather than settling for a short and fleeting (...)
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    A review of WTO and environmental issues. [REVIEW]D. Peter Stonehouse - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 13 (1):121-144.
    Multiple negotiating rounds of the GeneralAgreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and World TradeOrganization (WTO) since 1947 have conferred economicbenefits through liberalized international trade. Agrowing body of evidence also points to linkagesbetween liberalized trade and damage to the globalenvironment, ecology, and natural resource base.Ironically, the increased economic well-beingconferred by trade liberalization ultimately providesthe basis for improved environmental protection. It isthe interim environmental damage due to tradeliberalization that is controversial and needingamelioration. The proposition here is to promotefurther (...)
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    Environmental Domination.Sharon R. Krause - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (4):443-468.
    In their vulnerability to arbitrary, exploitative uses of human power, many of Earth’s nonhuman parts are subject to environmental domination. People too are subject to environmental domination in ways that include but also extend beyond the special environmental burdens borne by those who are poor and marginalized. Despite the substantial inequalities that exist among us as human beings, we are all captured and exploited by the eco-damaging collective practices that constitute modern life for everyone today. Understanding the (...)
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    Environmental Ethics in Theory and Practical Application.Workineh Kelbessa - 2004 - Ethiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities 1.
    Environmental ethics is a critical study of the normative issues and principles relevant to the relationship between humans and the natural world. It covers various fields, ranging from the welfare of animals versus ecosystems to theories of the intrinsic value of nature. There are various approaches to environmental ethics. This paper examines some of the key positions presented by different environmental ethicists and their impacts on the natural environment. Some writers maintain that environmental ethics does not (...)
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    The importance of environmental justice in stream rehabilitation.Mick Hillman - 2004 - Ethics, Place and Environment 7 (1):19 – 43.
    New forms of river management have emerged following widespread recognition of the environmental damage caused by attempts to harness and control rivers for navigation, consumptive water use and power generation. A dominant top-down engineering-based paradigm is being challenged by catchment-framed, ecosystem-based approaches which claim to place greater emphasis on participation and equity. However, there has been limited attention given to examining these claims, and principles of justice are frequently left unarticulated or embedded in what is still presented as (...)
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    The ethics of environmentally responsible health care.Jessica Pierce (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book shows how environmental decline relates to human health and to health care practices in the U.S. and other industrialized countries. It outlines the environmental trends that will strongly affect health, and challenges us to see the connections between ways of practicing medicine and the very environmental problems that damage ecosystems and make people sick. In addition to philosophical analysis of the converging values of bioethics and envrionmental ethics, the book offers case studies as well (...)
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    Reparative Environmental Justice in a World of Wounds.Ben Almassi - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    Reparative Environmental Justice in a World of Wounds examines how we can repair human and biotic relationships damaged by environmental injustice, climate change, animal exploitation, and ecological destruction by arguing for the merits of a reparative approach to environmental justice and critically assessing challenges that come with it.
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    Environmental Neologisms Through the Lens of the Virtue Ethics of Catholicism and Stoicism.María Carmen Molina & Kai Whiting - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):386-413.
    The complexity and emotional/psychological responses to the environmental challenges of the 21st century has led to the coining and development of new words and concepts that, for some people, better describe how they are personally grappling with anthropogenic ecosystem damage and climate breakdown. This paper identifies some of the more commonly used environmental neologisms within scholarly literature and evaluates their usefulness and contradictions for those influenced by the virtue ethics promoted by the ancient Stoics and the Catholic (...)
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    The Role of Science in Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection Decisionmaking.John Lemons & Donald A. Brown - 1995 - In [no title]. Springer Verlag. pp. 11-38.
    Those designing sustainable development implementation schemes will inevitably look to scientists to help them understand sustainable development problems. Scientists have already made important contributions to the understanding of many serious environmental problems, such as the causal relationship between certain synthetic chemicals and destruction of the ozone layer. If scientists had not identified the relationship between upper atmospheric ozone concentrations and releases of chloroflorocarbons, government decisionmakers would not have agreed to action limiting their production. However, although causes and effects of (...)
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    Common But Differentiated: A Theory of Responsibility for Environmental Harm.Manuel Rodeiro - 2022 - Ethics and the Environment 27 (1):79-100.
    Environmental theorists and practitioners generally accept that responsibility for environmental harm is best understood as common but differentiated, yet little work has been done to philosophically articulate this idea. This paper develops this theory by bringing Iris Marion Young's two-tiered model of responsibility to bear on the topic of addressing and redressing environmental damage. I demonstrate how her approach can satisfy the commonality criterion (i.e. that everyone has a role to play in confronting environmental harm), (...)
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    Valuing Environmental Resources: A Constructive Approach.Robin Gregory, Sarah Lichtenstein & Paul Slovic - 1993 - Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 7 (2):177-197.
    The use of contingent valuation methods for estimating the economic value of environmental improvements and damages has increased significantly. However, doubts exist regarding the validity of the usual willingness to pay CV methods. In this article, we examine the CV approach in light of recent findings from behavioral decision research regarding the constructive nature of human preferences. We argue that a principal source of problems with conventional CV methods is that they impose unrealistic cognitive demands upon respondents. We propose (...)
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    A New Environmental Ethics: The Next Millennium for Life on Earth.Holmes Rolston - 2020 - Routledge.
    This Second Edition of A New Environmental Ethics: The Next Millennium for Life on Earth offers clear, powerful, and often moving thoughts from Holmes Rolston III, one of the first and most respected philosophers to write on the environment and often called the "father of environmental ethics." Rolston surveys the full spectrum of approaches in the field of environmental ethics and offers critical assessments of contemporary academic accounts. He draws on a lifetime of research and experience to (...)
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    The Psychology, Geography, and Architecture of Horror: How Places Creep Us Out.Francis T. McAndrew - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (2):47-62.
    Why do some types of settings and some combinations of sensory information induce a sense of dread in humans? This article brings empirical evidence from psychological research to bear on the experience of horror, and explains why the tried-and-true horror devices intuitively employed by writers and filmmakers work so well. Natural selection has favored individuals who gravitated toward environments containing the “right” physical and psychological features and avoided those which posed a threat. Places that contain a bad mix of these (...)
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    Avoiding bad genes: oxidatively damaged DNA in germ line and mate choice.Alberto Velando, Roxana Torres & Carlos Alonso-Alvarez - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1212-1219.
    August Weismann proposed that genetic changes in somatic cells cannot pass to germ cells and hence to next generations. Nevertheless, evidence is accumulating that some environmental effects can promote heritable changes in the DNA of germ cells, which implies that some somatic influence on germ line is possible. This influence is mostly detrimental and related to the presence of oxidative stress, which induces mutations and epigenetic changes. This effect should be stronger in males due to the particular characteristics of (...)
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    Environmental atrocities and non-sentient life.Claudia Card - 2004 - Ethics and the Environment 9 (1):23-45.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Environmental Atrocities and Non-Sentient LifeClaudia Card (bio)Environmental Atrocities and Non-Sentient Life1. To Whom (or to What) Can Evils Be Done?Mention of environmental atrocities calls to mind such catastrophes as major oil spills, which ruin the fishing (not to mention the fish) for extended periods. Such carelessness is not simply a disaster to human projects. It destroys or endangers species and ecosystems as well as individual organisms, (...)
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    Sustainability and Environmental Valuation.M. S. Common, R. K. Blamey & T. W. Norton - 1993 - Environmental Values 2 (4):299-334.
    For economists, sustainability and environmental valuation are connected in two ways. At the micro level, proper environmental valuation is required if projects are to be approved and rejected consistently with sustainability requirements. This is cost benefit analysis. At the macro level, many take the view that sustainability requires that national income measurement be modified so as to account for environmental damage. Such natural resource accounting is possible only if environmental damage is valued for incorporation (...)
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  43. Ocean-based salmon farming: A case study of "irreversible damage".H. Orri Stefansson - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics.
    Ocean-based salmon farming, as presently practiced, is thought to pose an existential threat to what we today think of as wild salmon. This raises ethical questions about, first, the value of wild salmon, and, second, the value of wild salmon of the particular type that exists today. This essay uses the debate around ocean-based salmon farming as a case study of ‘irreversible damage’, a concept that figures heavily in environmental laws and regulations, in particular, in the so-called ‘precautionary (...)
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    (1 other version)Aesthetic Insight: The Aesthetic Value of Damaged Environments.María José Alcaraz León - 2013 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 50 (2):169-186.
    In this article I start by assuming that positive aesthetic experiences of damaged nature are possible and I argue for the idea that the aesthetic pleasure derived from that contemplation might reveal something of the environment’s overall character. I hope to show that positive aesthetic experiences sometimes help to promote emotional attitudes that can lead to insight into the configuration of other non-aesthetic attitudes. In order to do so, I critically appeal to some of the thoughts Kant articulated about the (...)
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  45. Environmental risks: Scientific concepts and social perception.Paolo Vineis - 1995 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 16 (2).
    Using the example of air pollution, I criticize a restricted utilitarian view of environmental risks. It is likely that damage to health due to environmental pollution in Western countries is relatively modest in quantitative terms (especially when considering cancer and comparing such damage to the effects of some life-style exposures). However, a strictly quantitative approach, which ranks priorities according to the burden of disease attributable to single causes, is questionable because it does not consider such aspects (...)
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    Environmentally Responsible and Conventional Market Indices’ Reaction to Natural and Anthropogenic Adversity: A Comparative Analysis.Christos Kollias & Stephanos Papadamou - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (3):493-505.
    It is widely claimed that climate change has increased the magnitude and the frequency of natural phenomena such as storms, droughts, and floods with the concomitant costs in terms of damages and victims. This paper using weekly data from global stock market indices in a Fama–French model, examines how and to what extent market agents and investors react to such events. As a yardstick for comparison purposes, the possible market impact of industrial accidents is also incorporated and examined in the (...)
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    Environmental Rights in a Welfare State? A Comment on DeMerieux.Chris Miller - 2003 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 23 (1):111-125.
    The derivation of a category of ‘environmental rights’ (as argued in this journal by Margaret DeMerieux) from certain cases heard in the European Court of Human Rights is examined. Opposing the majority judicial opinion of that court, there is emerging a dissenting view which is reluctant to extend a rights perspective to those nuisances which can, in theory, be avoided by relocation of the family home. This critique is then extended to Marcic v Thames Water Utilities in which the (...)
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    Poverty, Puritanism and Environmental Conflict.Andrew Brennan - 1998 - Environmental Values 7 (3):305-331.
    The paper proposes two ideas: (1) The wilderness preservation movement has failed to identify key elements involved in situations of environmental conflict. (2) The same movement seems unaware of its location within a tradition which is both elitist and Puritan. Holmes Rolston's recent work on the apparent conflict between feeding people and saving nature appears to exemplify the two points. With respect to point (1), Rolston's treatment fails to address the institutional and structural features which set the agenda for (...)
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    Law, Ethics and Space: Space exploration and environmental values.Alexandra Taylor & Christopher Newman - 2018 - Etyka 56:51-74.
    There is copious scientific and technical literature analysing the issues of the environmental threat to orbital space. There is also now increasing legal awareness of the problems facing the space environment. These inquiries almost always focus on solutions based on processes, technology or providing sufficient alarm to jolt the international community into action. This discussion will adopt a different focus, providing an overview of the value system that is currently in place regarding human space activity and examining how this (...)
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    Only One Chance: How Environmental Pollution Impairs Brain Development.Philippe Grandjean - 2013 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Today, one out of every six children suffers from some form of neurodevelopmental abnormality. The causes are mostly unknown. Some environmental chemicals are known to cause brain damage and many more are suspected of it, but few have been tested for such effects. Philippe Grandjean provides an authoritative and engaging analysis of how environmental hazards can damage brain development and what we can do about it. The brain's development is uniquely sensitive to toxic chemicals, and even (...)
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