Results for 'critical research'

976 found
  1.  10
    Critical research and theorizing: a collection of essays from the critical pedagogy networker. 1988-2002.Robin Simmons - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (6):799-801.
    This book is the second volume of an edited collection made up of essays initially published in the Critical Pedagogy Networker (CPN) between 1988 and 2002. It should be read in conjunction with Vo...
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    Critical research methodologies: ethics and responsibilities.Rose Ann Torres & Dionisio Nyaga (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill.
    We live in a society that promotes the universal process of producing knowledge and truth making as fundamental social process. Such promotion of universality seems to subjugate others forms of knowing rendering them invisible, unintelligible, and ineligible and subsequently outside the community of knowing. This has material and symbolic consequences in terms of how research informs policy and subsequent victimization of those who live, and experience subjugation meted by Western truth making universalism. In the words of Foucault, this book (...)
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    The ethos of critical research and the idea of a coming research community.M. Simons, J. Masschelein & K. Quaghebeur - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (6):817–832.
    Critical educational research offers the researcher a position and an ethos of comfort. Even the declared recognition of the relativity of principles, norms or criteria so characteristic of much critical research does not prevent it from looking immediately for a way out of this uncomfortable situation i.e. to keep to the idea that comfort is needed and desirable. However, we suggest that this uncomfortable condition is constitutive for critical educational research and may be even (...)
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  4. The Political Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Research Agenda.Glen Whelan - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (4):709-737.
    ABSTRACT:I here advance a critical research agenda for the political perspective of corporate social responsibility (Political CSR). I argue that whilst the ‘Political’ CSR literature is notable for both its conceptual novelty and practical importance, its development has been hamstrung by four ambiguities, conflations and/or oversights. More positively, I argue that ‘Political’ CSR should be conceived as one potentialformof globalization, and not as aconsequenceof ‘globalization’; that contemporary Western MNCs should be presumed to engage in CSR for instrumental reasons; (...)
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    Critical religion and critical research on religion: Religion and politics as modern fictions.Timothy Fitzgerald - 2015 - Critical Research on Religion 3 (3):303-319.
    The purpose of this response piece is to summarize what is meant by “critical religion” as a contribution to the ongoing debates within the discipline, and specifically in relation to critical research on religion.
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    Blurred Researcher–Participant Boundaries in Critical Research: Do Non-clinicians and Clinicians Experience Similar Dual-Role Tensions?Jean Hay-Smith, Melanie Brown, Lynley Anderson & Gareth J. Treharne - 2018 - In Catriona Ida Macleod, Jacqueline Marx, Phindezwa Mnyaka & Gareth J. Treharne (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 145-161.
    Boundaries between research and clinical practice blur in health research conducted by clinician-researchers. We describe a typology, of clinician-researcher dual-role tensions, with two overarching catalysts: acting as a clinical resource for patient-participants and forming researcher–participant relationships mirroring clinician–patient relationships. Using the typology as an analytic template we explored blurred boundaries in five illustrative, non-clinician, critical studies. Like clinician-researchers, critical researchers act in ways that promote rapport and relationships with their participants, which can blur boundaries. While clinician-researchers (...)
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  7.  13
    Research Doctorate Programs in the United States: Continuity and Change.Marvin L. Goldberger, Brendan A. Maher, Pamela Ebert Flattau, Committee for the Study of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States & Conference Board of Associated Research Councils - 1995 - National Academies Press.
    Doctoral programs at U.S. universities play a critical role in the development of human resources both in the United States and abroad. This volume reports the results of an extensive study of U.S. research-doctorate programs in five broad fields: physical sciences and mathematics, engineering, social and behavioral sciences, biological sciences, and the humanities. Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States documents changes that have taken place in the size, structure, and quality of doctoral education since the widely used (...)
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  8. Critical Praxeological Analysis: Respecifying Critical Research.Phil Hutchinson & Khadijah Diskin - 2024 - Qualitative Research in Psychology 21 (4):512-535.
    In this paper we introduce Critical Praxeological Analysis (CPA). CPA respecifies critical studies and research by operationalising insights from gestalt psychology and, in particular, the praxeological and linguistic gestalts identified by Harold Garfinkel and Ludwig Wittgenstein. CPA offers a framework for analysing the in-situ production, maintenance, challenging, repair and overcoming of norms and structures. Using naturally occurring data, as well as fictional and imagined examples, CPA examines the meanings that situations have for the participants who constitute them. (...)
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    Towards Enhanced Perspectives of Critical Research Assessment.Theo Hug - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (3):338-340.
    Goldstein critically assesses assumptions of an ontic world in political psychology research and the role of beliefs in the context of efforts to achieve an “objective” understanding of ….
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    A Critical Research of Low Carbon, Green Growth Policy from the Viewpoint of Environmental Politics. 최순영 - 2010 - Environmental Philosophy 10 (10):225-255.
    본 논문은 2008년 8. 15 광복절 경축사에서 이명박 대통령이 제시한 저탄소 녹색성장에 대한 환경정치학적 성찰을 목적으로 한다. 이명박 대통령은 새로운 국가발전 모델로 저탄소 녹색성장을 내세웠다. 그리고 한국이 녹색성장의 세계적 리더로 나설 것임을 천명하였다. 2009년 12월 코펜하겐에서 개최된 유엔기후변화협약은(UNFCCC) 저탄소 녹색성장의 문제가 단지 미래의 국가비젼만이 아니라 모든 국가의 정치, 경제에 상당한 영향을 미칠 중요한 전지구적 현실임을 보여주었다. 이러한 점에서 이명박 정부가 제시한 저탄소 녹색성장 정책은 현실로 다가온 지구온난화에 대응하기 위한 CO2 감축, 산업구조의 변화, 화석 에너지 중심의 에너지 소비구조와 소비만능의 생활구조 변화의 (...)
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    Critical religion and critical research on religion: A response to the April 2016 editorial.Timothy Fitzgerald - 2016 - Critical Research on Religion 4 (3):307-313.
    This response takes up some of the editorial comments for further clarification and critique. My point has been that ‘politics’ is as much a modern invention as ‘religion’. We cannot understand the rhetorical function of ‘religion’ if we treat it as a stand-alone category referring to some supposed object or objects in the world. I am especially concerned here to keep in view the oscillating binary categories of which ‘religion' forms one parasitic half, and ‘politics' or ‘science' the other. This (...)
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  12.  34
    History of the Historical-Critical Research on the Old Testament. [REVIEW]Rainer Degen - 1971 - Philosophy and History 4 (2):218-220.
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    Blending critical realist and emancipatory practice development methodologies: making critical realism work in nursing research.Randal Parlour & Brendan McCormack - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (4):308-321.
    PARLOUR R and MCCORMACK B. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 308–321 Blending critical realist and emancipatory practice development methodologies: making critical realism work in nursing researchThis paper examines the efficacy of facilitation as a practice development intervention in changing practice within an Older Person setting and in implementing evidence into practice. It outlines the influences exerted by the critical realist paradigm in guiding emancipatory practice development activities and, in particular, how the former may be employed within an emancipatory (...)
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  14. The origins and sources of the milanese neoscholastic. Historical-critical research.Maurizio Mangiagalli - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99 (2):327-340.
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  15. Co-design and ethical artificial intelligence for health: An agenda for critical research and practice.Joseph Donia & James A. Shaw - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    Applications of artificial intelligence/machine learning in health care are dynamic and rapidly growing. One strategy for anticipating and addressing ethical challenges related to AI/ml for health care is patient and public involvement in the design of those technologies – often referred to as ‘co-design’. Co-design has a diverse intellectual and practical history, however, and has been conceptualized in many different ways. Moreover, AI/ml introduces challenges to co-design that are often underappreciated. Informed by perspectives from critical data studies and (...) digital health studies, we review the research literature on involvement in health care, and involvement in design, and examine the extent to which co-design as commonly conceptualized is capable of addressing the range of normative issues raised by AI/ml for health care. We suggest that AI/ml technologies have amplified and modified existing challenges related to patient and public involvement, and created entirely new challenges. We outline three pitfalls associated with co-design for ethical AI/ml for health care and conclude with suggestions for addressing these practical and conceptual challenges. (shrink)
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    Research in Emergency and Critical Care Settings: Debates, Obstacles and Solutions.Ayman El-Menyar, Mohammad Asim, Rifat Latifi & Hassan Al-Thani - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (6):1605-1626.
    Research is an integral part of evidence-based practice in the emergency department and critical care unit that improves patient management. It is important to understand the need and major obstacles for conducting research in emergency settings. Herein, we review the literature for the obligations, ethics and major implications of emergency research and the associated limiting factors influencing research activities in critical care and emergency settings. We reviewed research engines such as PubMed, MEDLINE, and (...)
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    Critical systemic thinking as a foundation for information systems research practice.Peter M. Bednar & Christine Welch - 2012 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 10 (3):144-155.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore a particular philosophical underpinning for Information Systems (IS) researchcritical systemic thinking (CST). Drawing upon previous work, the authors highlight the principal features of CST within the tradition of critical research and attempt to relate it to trends in the Italian school of IS research in recent years, as exemplified by the work of Claudio Ciborra but also evident in work by, e.g. Resca, Jacucci and D'Atri.Design/methodology/approachThis (...)
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  18.  27
    Critical action research applied in clinical placement development in aged care facilities.Lily D. Xiao, Moira Kelton & Jan Paterson - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (4):322-333.
    XIAO LD, KELTON M and PATERSON J. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 322–333 Critical action research applied in clinical placement development in aged care facilitiesThe aim of this study was to develop quality clinical placements in residential aged care facilities for undergraduate nursing students undertaking their nursing practicum topics. The proportion of people aged over 65 years is expected to increase steadily from 13% in 2006 to 26% of the total population in Australia in 2051. However, when demand is (...)
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  19.  55
    Critical Practical Analogy: A Research Tool for Reflecting and Making.Dino Alfier - 2011 - Journal of Research Practice 7 (1):Article P3.
    What contribution can visual art practice bring to interdisciplinary research? And how to give an account of practice-led research that acknowledges the need for interdisciplinary intelligibility? I consider these two questions by reflecting on the methodology--which I call "critical practical analogy" (CPA)--that I have developed while investigating the metaethical implications of French philosopher Simone Weil's notion of attention, during my practice-led PhD. In order to address the first question, I consider as a case study a research (...)
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    Critical Realism, Dialectics, and Qualitative Research Methods.John Michael Roberts - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (1):1-23.
    Critical realism has been an important advance in social science methodology because it develops a qualitative theory of causality which avoids some of the pitfalls of empiricist theories of causality. But while there has been ample work exploring the relationship between critical realism and qualitative research methods there has been noticeably less work exploring the relationship between dialectical critical realism and qualitative research methods. This seems strange especially since the founder of the philosophy of (...) realism, Roy Bhaskar, employs and develops a range of dialectical concepts in his later work in order to extend the main tenets of critical realism. The aim of this paper is to draw on Bhaskar's later work, as well as Marxism, to reorient a critical realist methodology towards a dialectical approach for qualitative research. In particular, the paper demonstrates how dialectical critical realism can begin to provide answers to three common criticisms made against original critical realist methodology: that the qualitative theory of causal powers and structures developed by critical realists is problematic; that critical realist methodology contains values which prove damaging to empirical research; and that critical realists often have difficulties in researching everyday qualitative dilemmas that people face in their daily lives. (shrink)
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    An invitation to critical social science of big data: from critical theory and critical research to omniresistance.Ulaş Başar Gezgin - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):187-195.
    How a social science of big data would look like? In this article, we exemplify such a social science through a number of cases. We start our discussion with the epistemic qualities of big data. We point out to the fact that contrary to the big data champions, big data is neither new nor a miracle without any error nor reliable and rigorous as assumed by its cheer leaders. Secondly, we identify three types of big data: natural big data, artificial (...)
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    Critical Subjects: Participatory Research Needs to Make Room for Debate.Inkeri Koskinen - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (6):733-751.
    Participatory research in anthropology attempts to turn informants into collaborators, even colleagues. Researchers generally accept the idea of different knowledge systems, and the practice of avoiding critical appraisal of alien knowledge systems, common in ethnography, is continued within participatory research. However, if the aim of participatory research is to turn informants into collaborators, or ideally colleagues, the ethical imperative of offering constructive criticism to colleagues should apply to them, too, even if they are seen as representing (...)
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    Defining institutional review board application quality: critical research gaps and future opportunities.Kimberley Serpico - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (1):19-35.
    The quality of a research study application sends a distinct signal to the institutional review board (IRB) about the skills, capacities, preparation, communication, experience, and resources of its authors. However, efforts to research and define IRB application quality have been insufficient. Inattention to the quality of an IRB application is consequential because the application precedes IRB review, and perceptions of quality between the two may be interrelated and interdependent. Without a clear understanding of quality, IRBs do not know (...)
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  24.  18
    Critical thinking: tools for evaluating research.Peter M. Nardi - 2017 - Oakland, California: University of California Press.
    Critical Thinking : A Methodology for Interpreting Information 'deconstructs' common errors in thinking and teaches students to become smarter consumers of research results. Written to complement a textbook or a collection of readings, this brief methods book strengthens students' ability to interpret information whenever and wherever data are used. It includes a wide range of examples along with end of chapter exercises for further discussion. This book will be a coursebook for the undergraduate social science courses where (...) thinking, numeracy, and data literacy are common learning objectives"--Provided by publisher. (shrink)
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    A critical realist methodology in empirical research: foundations, process, and payoffs.Catherine Hastings - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (5):458-473.
    This article describes and evaluates the application of an explicitly critical realist methodology to a quantitative doctoral research project on the causes of family homelessness in Australia. It...
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  26.  12
    Is critical economy at all possible? A research note on Márkus, Bence and Kis.Peter Beilharz - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 178 (1):3-6.
    This research note discusses the text of How Is Critical Economic Theory Possible, seeking to locate it in the moment of its own creation; against the object of its critique, in Das Kapital itself; and to relate it to the moment of the arrival of the Budapest School in Australia and its effects and influence on the emergent journal Thesis Eleven.
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    Criticality in world-class universities research: a critical discourse analysis of international education publications.Jian Li & Xue Eryong - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (12):1257-1271.
    This study aims to critically and systematically investigate the contemporary discourse within scholarship on world-class universities in different higher education context. It applies critical discourse analysis to review articles from some top higher education academic journals and books published between 2000 and 2019. Exploring the notion of world-class university involves international-level identities and models, national-level policies and strategies, and institutional-level responses and practices. Findings highlight the absence of a clear definition of the concept of world-class university, an obvious Western-dominated (...)
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  28.  9
    (1 other version)A Critical Examination of Ethics in Health Care and Biomedical Research: Voices and Visions.Richard M. Zaner - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book is a critical examination of certain basic issues and themes crucial to understanding how ethics currently interfaces with health care and biomedical research. Beginning with an overview of the field, it proceeds through a delineation of such key notions as trust and uncertainty, dialogue involving talk and listening, the vulnerability of the patient against the asymmetric power of the health professional, along with professional and individual responsibility. It emphasizes several themes fundamental to ethics and health care: (...)
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    Critical approaches in nursing theory and nursing research: implications for nursing practice.Thomas Foth, Dave Holmes, Manfred Hülsken-Giesler, Susanne Kreutzer & Hartmut Remmers (eds.) - 2017 - Göttingen: V & R unipress, Universitätsverlag Osnabrück.
    This comprehensive collection offers a unique look at nursing practice, theory, research and nursing history from various critical theoretical perspectives. It aims to initiate an international discussion among scholars from diverse countries, particularly Germany and Anglo-American countries, coming from distinctive schools of thought, e.g. German Critical theory and Post-structural approaches, and influenced by their respective histories of sciences. This book analyzes and criticizes nursing theory, nursing research and practice along several dimensions: Nursing Ethics, Subjectivity, Body and (...)
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  30.  19
    Critical evaluation of the guidelines of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity and of their application.Erja Moore & Liisa Räsänen - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (1).
    We have national guidelines for the responsible conduct of research (RCR) and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct in Finland. The guidelines have been formulated and updated by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity (TENK). In this article, we introduce and evaluate the national RCR guidelines. We also present statistics of alleged and proven RCR violation cases and frequency of appeals to TENK on the decisions or procedures of the primary institutions. In addition, we analyze the available (...)
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  31.  21
    A Critical Analysis of White Racial Framing and Comfort with Medical Research.Paige Nong, Melissa Creary, Jodyn Platt & Sharon Kardia - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (2):65-73.
    Objective Analyze racial differences in comfort with medical research using an alternative to the traditional approach that treats white people as a raceless norm.Methods Quantitative analysis of survey responses (n = 1,570) from Black and white residents of the US to identify relationships between perceptions of research as a right or a risk, and comfort participating in medical research.Results A lower proportion of white respondents reported that medical experimentation occurred without patient consent (p < 0.001) and a (...)
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  32.  49
    A critical examination of epistemological congruence between intersectionality and feminist poststructuralism: Toward an integrated framework for health research.Andrea Willett & Josephine Etowa - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12564.
    The theoretical perspectives of intersectionality and poststructuralism have contributed meaningfully to advancing issues of social injustice within the realm of women's health research. However, the question of whether the two approaches are epistemologically commensurate has been at the heart of a polarized debate within third‐ and fourth‐wave feminist literature in recent years. In this paper, we draw on the extant literature to explore existing dilemmas within this debate and critically reflect on points of epistemological tension and congruence between the (...)
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    Learning critical realist research by example: political decision-making in transport.Steve Melia - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 19 (3):285-303.
    This article illustrates the process of applied critical realist research using a case study of political decision-making in transport. Critical realism is often used to analyse socio-political cha...
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  34.  24
    Does Critical Theory Have a Place in Social Studies Research?: A Commentary.Sarah B. Shear - 2016 - Journal of Social Studies Research 40 (3):229-231.
    This commentary draws from the author's experiences as an early career scholar trying to navigate the field of social studies research. A number of questions and concerns are posed in seeking dialogue and action toward more emphasis and inclusion of critical theories in social studies.
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    Critical Approaches to Questions in Qualitative Research.Thalia M. Mulvihill & Raji Swaminathan - 2016 - Routledge.
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of critical approaches to questions in qualitative research. Written using examples from actual research and course work, this volume helps students and researchers learn to interrogate and inquire against the grain. For use by anyone doing qualitative research in Education, _Critical Approaches to Questions in Qualitative Research_ teaches that questions are tools for decision making in the research process. With exercises, sample questions, and outlines for planning research, this (...)
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    Critical realism as a fruitful approach to social work research as illustrated by two studies from the field of child and family welfare.Vibeke Samsonsen & Inger Kristin Heggdalsvik - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (1):18-32.
    This paper argues the case for taking a critical realist (CR) approach to social work research. The normativity in social work is often under-communicated in the social sciences, resulting in research that has an unclear value base as its starting point. Social work practice promotes social change and people's development, empowerment, and liberation. By taking a CR of view as a starting point for researching social problems, the focus shifts towards explaining phenomena by revealing and discussing the (...)
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  37.  21
    Current research in philosophy of science: proceedings of the P.S.A. Critical Research Problems Conference.Peter D. Asquith & Henry Ely Kyburg (eds.) - 1979 - East Lansing, Mich.: Philosophy of Science Association.
  38.  19
    The Recent Methods Debate in American Sociology and how Critical Realism fits into it.Douglas V. Porpora - 2016 - Journal of Critical Realism 15 (4):342-351.
    This article concerns a recent methodological debate in American sociology that generated widespread attention in the United States. It was a debate that spanned at least four journals: American Journal of Sociology, Sociological Methods & Research, Qualitative Sociology and American Journal of Cultural Sociology. As the debate was not just about methods per se but about the ‘theory of reality’ underlying each method and its ‘social ontology’, critical realism has much to say about it. Although at the end (...)
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    Félix Guattari: a critical introduction.Gary Genosko - 2009 - New York, NY: Distributed in the United States of America exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book offers a detailed look at Guattari's working methods in transdisciplinary experimentation from the time of his youth to his final years.His youthful adventures in the post-war Youth Hostels movement, decisive contact with institutional pedgagogy and the mentor figures of Fernand Oury and his brother Jean, give rise to an extraordinary penchant for organizational innovation in his life at Clinique de La Borde in Cour-Cheverny, France, and collective forms of expression manifested in publishing ventures and diverse collaborative research (...)
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    Anthropocentric tendencies in environmental education: a critical discourse analysis of nature-based learning.Nicole Ross - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (3):355-370.
    ABSTRACT Although environmental and eco-centric efforts have been made in education, the sphere of influence and cogency of these efforts is limited by their anthropocentric framing of the environment. In order to subvert anthropocentric ideals, it is necessary to reposition humans in relation to other living and non-living forms. This study examines the anthropocentric tendencies perpetuated in environmental education efforts. The impetus of this work is to locate specific moments wherein human dominion is invoked within educational efforts that purportedly champion (...)
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    Critical realism and its prospects for African development research and policy.James M. Njihia - 2011 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 3 (1):61-85.
    This paper outlines critical realism, a relatively new philosophy of science, in an attempt to increase awareness of it amongst African researchers. The paper argues that this school of thought has important implications for framing social science research and development policy in developing countries. Critical realism is a radical critique of the Western philosophy, especially positivism that is closely associated with rational choice theory and Western modernity. It has four discernible progressive phases, each of which is a (...)
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    Critical discourse analysis for nursing research.Jennifer L. Smith - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (1):60-70.
    Critical discourse analysis is a useful and productive qualitative methodology but has been underutilized within nursing research. In order to redress this deficiency the research presented in this article represents an exploration of the way in which critical discourse analysis may be applied to the analysis of public debates around policy for nursing practice. In this article the author discusses the history of the application of critical discourse analysis and provides an example of its application (...)
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    Responsible research and innovation in food systems: a critical review of the literature and future research avenues.R. P. Sabio & P. Lehoux - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-14.
    The integration of a Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach to food systems can contribute to redirect research and innovation toward the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 - Zero hunger - as well as other intertwined SDGs. Even though the scientific literature bridging RRI and food systems has grown over the past years, no critical reviews of this scholarship are currently available. This paper fills this gap by producing a critical review of the scientific literature on (...)
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    Critical thinking in nursing clinical practice, education and research: From attitudes to virtue.Anna Falcó-Pegueroles, Dolors Rodríguez-Martín, Sergio Ramos-Pozón & Esperanza Zuriguel-Pérez - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (1):e12332.
    Critical thinking is a complex, dynamic process formed by attitudes and strategic skills, with the aim of achieving a specific goal or objective. The attitudes, including the critical thinking attitudes, constitute an important part of the idea of good care, of the good professional. It could be said that they become a virtue of the nursing profession. In this context, the ethics of virtue is a theoretical framework that becomes essential for analyse the critical thinking concept in (...)
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    A Critical Review of Sustainable Business Indices and their Impact.Stephen J. Fowler & C. Hope - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (3):243-252.
    Most studies into the performance of socially responsible investment vehicles have focused on the performance of sustainable or socially responsible mutual funds. This research has been complemented recently by a number of studies that have examined the performance of sustainable investment indices. In both cases, the majority of studies have concluded that the returns of socially responsible investment vehicles have either underperformed, or failed to outperform, comparable market indices. Although the impact of sustainable indices to date has been limited, (...)
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    A Critical Analysis and Discussion of Clinical Research Ethics in the Russian Federation and Their Implications for Western Sponsored Trials.Christopher Leintz - 2012 - Bioethics 28 (5):263-268.
    Globalization, political upheavals, and Western economic struggles have caused a geographical reprioritization in the realm of drug development and human clinical research. Regulatory and cost hurdles as well as a saturation of research sites and subjects in Western countries have forced the pharmaceutical industry to place an unprecedented level of importance on emerging markets, injecting Western corporate initiatives into cultures historically and socially isolated from Western-centric value systems. One of the greatest recipients of this onslaught of Western business (...)
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    Brand experience: development of the conceptual framework and critical research propositions.Manoj Kumar Jha, Rekha D. Chikhalkar, Manoj Govind Kharat & Mukesh Govind Kharat - 2018 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 11 (3):340.
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    Bhavya on Mīmāṃsā =.Chr Bhåavaviveka, Lindtner & Adyar Library and Research Centre - 2001 - Chennai: Distributors, The Theosophical Pub. House. Edited by Chr Lindtner.
    Treatise on Mimamsa philosophy; critical edition.
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    Employing critical realism within and beyond social studies of health: tenets, applications, possible future research and action.Lee F. Monaghan - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (3):274-291.
    Critical realism provides an alternative to positivism and interpretivism. It foregrounds ontology and an evaluative approach to knowledge, while promoting eclectic reasoning, transdisciplinarity, and ethical research across the quantitative/qualitative, macro/micro and other divides. Health researchers have usefully employed critical realism, though it has also been dismissed as strange, a source of self-deception and hubris. Furthermore, it has been accused of dehumanizing many people. Responding to these charges, this article makes the case for carefully employing critical realism (...)
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    Book Review: Feminist Methodologies for Critical Researchers: Bridging Differences. By Joey Sprague. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 2005, 237 pp., $80.00 (cloth), $29.95. [REVIEW]Mary Jo Neitz - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (2):272-274.
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