Results for 'crying'

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  1.  36
    Teaching Anger.Cris Mayo - 2020 - Philosophy of Education 76 (1):1-19.
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    Unsettled Relations: Schools, Gay Marriage, and Educating for Sexuality.Cris Mayo - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (5):543-558.
    In this article, Cris Mayo examines the relationship among anti-LGBTQ policies, gay marriage, and sexuality education. Her concern is that because gay marriage is insufficiently different from heterosexual marriage, adding it as an issue to curriculum or broader culture debate elides rather than addresses sexual difference. In other words, marriage may be an assimilative aspiration that closes down discussions of what sexuality is and can mean, that sidesteps other related social issues such as health care for all, and that reinforces (...)
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  3. Philosophy of Education is Bent.Cris Mayo - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (5):471-476.
    Troubled times in education means that philosophers of education, who seem to never stop making defenses of our field, have to do so with more flexibility and a greater understanding of how peripheral we may have become. The only thing worse than a defensive philosopher is a confident and certain philosopher, so it may be that our very marginality will give us renewed energies for problematizing education. Occupying our marginal position carefully and in concert with other marginal inquiries, I think, (...)
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    Rumor and Relation.Cris Mayo - 2010 - Philosophy of Education 66:39-42.
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    Unexpected Generosity and Inevitable Trespass: Rethinking Intersectionality.Cris Mayo - 2015 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 51 (3):244-251.
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    Editing Postfeminist Fiction: Finding the Chic in Lit.Cris Mazza - 2000 - Symploke 8 (1):101-112.
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    L'esprit humain selon Pascal.Ed Benzécri - 1939 - Paris,: Alcan, Presses universitaires de France.
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    Lewd Critique.Cris Mayo - 2010 - Philosophy of Education 66:225-227.
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    Essai sur la nature et la portée de l'attitude métaphysique..Ed Benzécri - 1939 - Paris,: Alcan, Presses universitaires de France.
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  10. Laleen Jayamanne.Cries—A. Rural Tragedy - 1993 - In Sneja Marina Gunew & Anna Yeatman (eds.), Feminism and the politics of difference. St. Leonards, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin. pp. 73.
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    Humorous Relations: Attentiveness, pleasure and risk.Cris Mayo - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (2):175-186.
    This article focuses on the structures of humor and joke telling that require particular kinds of attentiveness and particular relationships between speaker and audience, or more specifically, between classmates. First, I will analyze the pedagogical and relational preconditions that are necessary for humor to work. If humor is to work well, the person engaging in humor needs to gauge their interlocutors carefully. I discuss, too, the kinds of listening necessary for listening for the joke, including attentiveness to complex possibilities for (...)
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  12. Audit culture and the politics of responsibility : beyond neoliberal responsibilization?Cris Shore - 2017 - In Susanna Trnka & Catherine Trundle (eds.), Competing responsibilities: the politics and ethics of contemporary life. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Cutting Members: Culture and the Problems of Authenticity, Fetishization, and Memory.Cris Mayo - 2003 - Philosophy of Education 59:68-73.
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  14. Tehnologia ca sistem.Ion Crișan - 1980 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică.
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    Relations and Uncertainty.Cris ma - 2013 - Philosophy of Education 69:400-402.
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    Testing Resistance: Busno‐cratic power, standardized tests, and care of the self.Cris Mayo - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (3):357–363.
    I will argue in what follows, following the insights of James Marshall on busno‐cratic power, that resistance to this new power is already well underway, and that this resistance is potentially problematic and potentially transgressive 1 . The self is not only a chooser in busno‐cratic land, it is also re‐commodifying itself and in so doing, beginning to struggle at the limits of its commodified situation. I will argue that commodified selves, as much as they are constrained, are also potent (...)
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    Gender diversities and sex education.Cris Mayo - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (5):654-662.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Material Differences.Cris Mayo - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:424-428.
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    Starve a Troll.Cris Mayo - 2017 - Philosophy of Education 73:464-467.
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    Aspirational Epistemological Flexibility: Some Movement Against Purity.Cris Mayo - 2015 - Philosophy of Education 71:233-235.
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    Jokes That Bern: One, and That’s Not Funny.Cris Mayo - 2016 - Philosophy of Education 72:164-166.
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    Disruptions of Desire: From Androgynes to Genderqueer.Cris Mayo - 2007 - Philosophy of Education 63:49-58.
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    Sly Decency.Cris Mayo - 2002 - Philosophy of Education 58:36-39.
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    Incongruity and Provisional Safety: Thinking Through Humor.Cris Mayo - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (6):509-521.
    The aim of this paper is to reconceive safety as a form of relation embedded in particular ways of speaking, listening and thinking. Moving away from safety as a relation that is achieved once and for all and afterwards remains safe avoids some of the disappointments of discourses of safety that seem to promise once a risk is taken or a gap is bridged that thereafter relations among people will be easier and calmer. This bumpier version of safety suggests that (...)
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    Whither European Citizenship?: Eros and Civilization Revisited.Cris Shore - 2004 - European Journal of Social Theory 7 (1):27-44.
    A claim frequently made about European Citizenship is that by decoupling ‘rights’ from ‘identity’ it challenges us to rethink the classical Westphalian model of citizenship. According to some EU scholars and constitutional experts, this beckons a new form of ‘supranational’ citizenship practice based not on emotional attachments to territory and cultural affinities (‘Eros’), but to the rights and values of a civil society – or what Habermas calls ‘constitutional patriotism’. This article uses anthropological insights to critique these arguments and to (...)
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    A State of Uncertainty: An Analysis of Recent State Legislative Proposals to Regulate Preventive Services in the United States.Maxim Gakh, Cody Cris, Prescott Cheong & Courtney Coughenour - 2019 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 56:004695801984151.
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    Being in on the Joke: Pedagogy, Race, Humor.Cris Mayo - 2008 - Philosophy of Education 64:244-252.
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    Civil Occasions: Polished Surfaces, Hard Grace, Wit, and Tact.Cris Mayo - 2009 - Philosophy of Education 65:238-240.
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    Certain Privilege: Rethinking White Agency.Cris Mayo - 2004 - Philosophy of Education 60:308-316.
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    Only Connect: Collaborations and Interdisciplinarity in Philosophy of Education.Cris Mayo - 2013 - Philosophy of Education 69:xi-xiii.
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    Books for Inner Development: The Yes: Guide.Ernest Bender & Cris Popenoe - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):337.
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    Introduction.Mordechai Gordon & Cris Mayo - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (2):115-119.
  33.  56
    Philosophers and professors behaving badly: Responses to ‘named or nameless’ by Besley, Jackson & Peters. An EPAT collective writing project.Tina Besley, Liz Jackson, Michael A. Peters, Nesta Devine, Cris Mayo, Georgina Tuari Stewart, E. Jayne White, Barbara Stengel, Gina A. Opiniano, Sean Sturm, Catherine Legg, Marek Tesar & Sonja Arndt - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (3):272-284.
  34.  24
    Creativity and Cognition in Extreme Environments: The Space Arts as a Case Study.Kathryn Hays, Cris Kubli & Roger Malina - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Humans, like all organisms, have evolved to survive in specific environments, while some elect or are forced to live and work in extreme environments. Understanding cognition as it relates to environmental conditions, we use 4E cognition as a framework to explore creativity in extreme environments. Our paper examines space arts as a case study through the history, present practices, and future possible arts in the context of humans beyond the Kármán boundary of the Earth’s atmosphere. We develop a proposed taxonomy (...)
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  35. v. 4. Escritos sociales. Escritos políticos.edición crítica Y. Notas por Rafael González Cañal & Hipólito B. Riesco Álvarez - 1983 - In Rolando Chuaqui (ed.), Obras completas, by Gödel Kurt. Edited by Mosterín Jesús. Alianza universidad. Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1981, 430 pp.Mosterín Jesús. Prólogo. Pp. 9–13.Mosterín Jesús. Introducción. Pp. 15–19, 35–36, 41, 45–54, 91, 95–96, 101–102, 105–106, 109, 113–114, 1. Editorial Trotta.
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    Imagining the Future: What Anarchism Brings to Education.Jennifer Logue & Cris Mayo - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (1):159-165.
    The authors review Judith Suissa's provocative book, Anarchism and Education: A Philosophical Perspective, a text that demonstrates the central role of education in anarchist theory. Suissa compellingly argues against the charges that anarchism is overly idealistic and impractical, instead seeing its potential for innovative and liberatory educational change. The authors suggest, however, that an enhanced conversation among critical pedagogy, antiracist pedagogy and anarchist thinking on education can help to show both the continued relevance of radical and creative thinking, and that (...)
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    Incorporating ethical principles into clinical research protocols: a tool for protocol writers and ethics committees.Rebecca H. Li, Mary C. Wacholtz, Mark Barnes, Liam Boggs, Susan Callery-D'Amico, Amy Davis, Alla Digilova, David Forster, Kate Heffernan, Maeve Luthin, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Lindsay McNair, Jennifer E. Miller, Jacquelyn Murphy, Luann Van Campen, Mark Wilenzick, Delia Wolf, Cris Woolston, Carmen Aldinger & Barbara E. Bierer - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (4):229-234.
    A novel Protocol Ethics Tool Kit (‘Ethics Tool Kit’) has been developed by a multi-stakeholder group of the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women9s Hospital and Harvard. The purpose of the Ethics Tool Kit is to facilitate effective recognition, consideration and deliberation of critical ethical issues in clinical trial protocols. The Ethics Tool Kit may be used by investigators and sponsors to develop a dedicated Ethics Section within a protocol to improve the consistency and transparency between clinical trial (...)
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  38. v. 9. [pt.] 1. San Macario / estudio introductorio, Jesus María Nieto Ibáñez ; edición crítica y notas, Antonio María Martín Rodríguez ; [pt.] 2. Escritos espirituales la "Lección cristiana" de Arias Montano. [REVIEW]Jesús Luis Paradinas Estudio Introductorio & Antonio María Martín Rodríguez edición crítica Y. Notas - 1983 - In Rolando Chuaqui (ed.), Obras completas, by Gödel Kurt. Edited by Mosterín Jesús. Alianza universidad. Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1981, 430 pp.Mosterín Jesús. Prólogo. Pp. 9–13.Mosterín Jesús. Introducción. Pp. 15–19, 35–36, 41, 45–54, 91, 95–96, 101–102, 105–106, 109, 113–114, 1. Editorial Trotta.
  39.  56
    Philosophy of education in a new key: Snapshot 2020 from the United States and Canada.Liz Jackson, Kal Alston, Lauren Bialystok, Larry Blum, Nicholas C. Burbules, Ann Chinnery, David T. Hansen, Kathy Hytten, Cris Mayo, Trevor Norris, Sarah M. Stitzlein, Winston C. Thompson, Leonard Waks, Michael A. Peters & Marek Tesar - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1130-1146.
    This article shares reflections from members of the community of philosophers of education in the United States and Canada who were invited to express their insights in response to the theme ‘Snaps...
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  40. Implications from cognitive neuropsychology for models of short-term and working memory.Randi C. Martin & Hamilton & A. Cris - 2007 - In Naoyuki Osaka, Robert H. Logie & Mark D'Esposito (eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory. Oxford University Press.
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    Collective obituary for Nel Noddings.Liz Jackson, D. C. Phillips, Susan Verducci, Lynda Stone, Barbara Stengel, Lynn Sargent De Jonghe, Cris Mayo, Michael S. Katz & Robert Lake - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (4):406-417.
    Liz JacksonEducation University of Hong KongNel Noddings is known around the world for her contributions to philosophy and philosophy of education. Her work on caring and relational ethics broke ne...
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  42. The Center Must Not Hold: White Women Philosophers on the Whiteness of Philosophy.George Yancy, Barbara Applebaum, Susan E. Babbitt, Alison Bailey, Berit Brogaard, Lisa Heldke, Sarah Hoagland, Cynthia Kaufman, Crista Lebens, Cris Mayo, Alexis Shotwell, Shannon Sullivan, Lisa Tessman & Audrey Thompson - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    In this collection, white women philosophers engage boldly in critical acts of exploring ways of naming and disrupting whiteness in terms of how it has defined the conceptual field of philosophy. Focuses on the whiteness of the epistemic and value-laden norms within philosophy itself, the text dares to identify the proverbial elephant in the room known as white supremacy and how that supremacy functions as the measure of reason, knowledge, and philosophical intelligibility.
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  43. v. 7. Discurso acerca de los cuentos de las brujas.Estudios Introductorios, Notas & Y. Edición crítica por Manuel Antonio Marcos Casquero E. Hipólito B. Riesco Alvarez - 1983 - In Rolando Chuaqui (ed.), Obras completas, by Gödel Kurt. Edited by Mosterín Jesús. Alianza universidad. Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1981, 430 pp.Mosterín Jesús. Prólogo. Pp. 9–13.Mosterín Jesús. Introducción. Pp. 15–19, 35–36, 41, 45–54, 91, 95–96, 101–102, 105–106, 109, 113–114, 1. Editorial Trotta.
  44. v. 5. Relaciones de Indias.Estudio Introductorio Y. Notas HistóRicas Por Jesús Paniagua PéRez & Nueva Granada Y. Virreinato de Perú [pt] 2. México edición crítica por Rafael González Cañal : [pt] 1 - 1983 - In Rolando Chuaqui (ed.), Obras completas, by Gödel Kurt. Edited by Mosterín Jesús. Alianza universidad. Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1981, 430 pp.Mosterín Jesús. Prólogo. Pp. 9–13.Mosterín Jesús. Introducción. Pp. 15–19, 35–36, 41, 45–54, 91, 95–96, 101–102, 105–106, 109, 113–114, 1. Editorial Trotta.
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    Implications from cognitive neuropsychology for models of short-term and working memory.Randi C. Martin & A. Cris Hamilton - 2007 - In Naoyuki Osaka, Robert H. Logie & Mark D'Esposito (eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 181.
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    Stop crying! The impact of situational demands on interpersonal emotion regulation.Lisanne S. Pauw, Disa A. Sauter, Gerben A. van Kleef & Agneta H. Fischer - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (8):1587-1598.
    Crying is a common response to emotional distress that elicits support from the environment. People may regulate another’s crying in several ways, such as by providing socio-affective support (e.g. comforting) or cognitive support (e.g. reappraisal), or by trying to emotionally disengage the other by suppression or distraction. We examined whether people adapt their interpersonal emotion regulation strategies to the situational context, by manipulating the regulatory demand of the situation in which someone is crying. Participants watched a video (...)
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    Crying Is in the Eyes of the Beholder: An Attribution Theory Framework of Crying at Work.William Becker, Samantha Conroy, Emilija Djurdjevic & Michael Gross - 2017 - Emotion Review 10 (2):125-137.
    This article contributes to research on emotion expression, attributions, and discrete work emotions by developing an observer-focused model to explain the outcomes of crying at work. Our model is focused on crying as a form of emotion expression because crying may be driven by different felt emotions or be used as a means of manipulation. In addition, the model focuses on observers, who must form perceptions of the emotion expression in order to determine an appropriate response. This (...)
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    Cri de philosophe: Ibn Rushd l'incompris.Ahmed Mellah - 2017 - Paris: Les Éditions du Panthéon.
    Le cri que porte l'intitulé de cet ouvrage est un appel aux lecteurs et aux historiens du Rushdisme à une halte réflexive sur ce que l'auteur appelle cri. Car le cri est une revendication légitime du philosophe. C'est une sorte de voix extra temporelle qui, par fidélité à l'esprit de sa philosophie, s'insurge et déclare que sa pensée a été trahie. Qui est donc ce philosophe à qui on a prêté tant de légendes et commis à son égard tant d'erreurs? (...)
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  49. Far Cry 2: Are You Sure about Being a Hero?Alberto Oya - 2022 - Andphilosophy.Com — the Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series.
    In this article it is argued that the videogame Far Cry 2 manages to take advantage of the heroic formula so characteristic of the first-person shooter videogame genre in a way that potentially prompts players to reflect on the ethical adequacy of their own decision to immerse themselves in a fictional scenario in which they take the role of a fictional character whose behaviour primarily, if not exclusively, consists in shooting.
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    Infant crying in context.Rami Nader, Elizabeth A. Job, Melanie Badali & Kenneth D. Craig - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):469-470.
    Our focus has been on the role of early cry as a commanding source of information about infant pain and distress that requires interpretation by an adult caregiver. Its inherent ambiguity may offer an adaptive advantage, as resolution requires adult presence and scrutiny of other behavioral, physical, and contextual factors.
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