Results for 'Prescott Cheong'

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  1.  21
    A State of Uncertainty: An Analysis of Recent State Legislative Proposals to Regulate Preventive Services in the United States.Maxim Gakh, Cody Cris, Prescott Cheong & Courtney Coughenour - 2019 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 56:004695801984151.
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  2. Investigating gender and racial biases in DALL-E Mini Images.Marc Cheong, Ehsan Abedin, Marinus Ferreira, Ritsaart Willem Reimann, Shalom Chalson, Pamela Robinson, Joanne Byrne, Leah Ruppanner, Mark Alfano & Colin Klein - forthcoming - Acm Journal on Responsible Computing.
    Generative artificial intelligence systems based on transformers, including both text-generators like GPT-4 and image generators like DALL-E 3, have recently entered the popular consciousness. These tools, while impressive, are liable to reproduce, exacerbate, and reinforce extant human social biases, such as gender and racial biases. In this paper, we systematically review the extent to which DALL-E Mini suffers from this problem. In line with the Model Card published alongside DALL-E Mini by its creators, we find that the images it produces (...)
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  3. The Secular Problem of Evil: An Essay in Analytic Existentialism.Paul Prescott - 2021 - Religious Studies 57 (1):101-119.
    The existence of evil is often held to pose philosophical problems only for theists. I argue that the existence of evil gives rise to a philosophical problem which confronts theist and atheist alike. The problem is constituted by the following claims: (1) Successful human beings (i.e., those meeting their basic prudential interests) are committed to a good-enough world; (2) the actual world is not a good-enough world (i.e., sufficient evil exists). It follows that human beings must either (3a) maintain a (...)
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  4.  53
    Nietzsche and the Significance of Genealogy.Alexander Prescott-Couch - 2024 - Mind 133 (531):623-650.
    How is Nietzsche’s genealogy of morality relevant to his revaluation of values? I consider and reject three accounts: contingency accounts, pedigree accounts, and unmasking accounts. I then propose an alternative account. On this view, Nietzsche provides a ‘deconstructive genealogy’ that indicates whether and where we should expect to find unity in our current moral practices. Moreover, Nietzsche’s history contributes to a critique of contemporary morality because it reveals that morality is unlikely to have the kind of unity required by many (...)
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    Introducing the 21st Century's New Four Horsemen of the Coronapocalypse.Kang Hao Cheong & Michael C. Jones - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (7):2000063.
    As the world struggles through the COVID‐19 pandemic, we should also be asking what systems‐level measures will be needed to prevent this or even worse disasters from happening in the future. We argue that the pandemic is merely one of potentially myriad and pleiomorphic future global disasters generated by the same underlying dynamical system. We explain that there are four broad but easily identifiable systemic, pathologically networked conditions that are hurtling civilization toward potential self‐destruction. As long as these conditions are (...)
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  6. What Pessimism Is.Paul Prescott - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37:337-356.
    On the standard view, pessimism is a philosophically intractable topic. Against the standard view, I hold that pessimism is a stance, or compound of attitudes, commitments and intentions. This stance is marked by certain beliefs—first and foremost, that the bad prevails over the good—which are subject to an important qualifying condition: they are always about outcomes and states of affairs in which one is personally invested. This serves to distinguish pessimism from other views with which it is routinely conflated— including (...)
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  7. Readiness potentials driven by non-motoric processes.Prescott Alexander, Alexander Schlegel, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Adina L. Roskies, Thalia Wheatley & Peter Ulric Tse - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 39:38-47.
  8.  39
    Black Swans of CRISPR: Stochasticity and Complexity of Genetic Regulation.Kang Hao Cheong, Jin Ming Koh & Michael C. Jones - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (7):1900032.
    Graphical AbstractRecent waves of controversies surrounding genetic engineering have spilled into popular science in Twitter battles between reputable scientists and their followers. Here, a cautionary perspective on the possible blind spots and risks of CRISPR and related biotechnologies is presented, focusing in particular on the stochastic nature of cellular control processes.
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  9.  23
    Paradoxical Survival: Examining the Parrondo Effect across Biology.Kang Hao Cheong, Jin Ming Koh & Michael C. Jones - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (6):1900027.
    Parrondo's paradox, in which losing strategies can be combined to produce winning outcomes, has received much attention in mathematics and the physical sciences; a plethora of exciting applications has also been found in biology at an astounding pace. In this review paper, the authors examine a large range of recent developments of Parrondo's paradox in biology, across ecology and evolution, genetics, social and behavioral systems, cellular processes, and disease. Intriguing connections between numerous works are identified and analyzed, culminating in an (...)
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  10. The Unobserved Heterogeneneous Influence of Gamification and Novelty-Seeking Traits on Consumers’ Repurchase Intention in the Omnichannel Retailing.Cheong Kim, Francis Joseph Costello & Kun Chang Lee - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  11. Explanation and Manipulation.Alexander Prescott-Couch - 2017 - Noûs 51 (3):484-520.
    I argue that manipulationist theories of causation fail as accounts of causal structure, and thereby as theories of “actual causation” and causal explanation. I focus on two kinds of problem cases, which I call “Perceived Abnormality Cases” and “Ontological Dependence Cases.” The cases illustrate that basic facts about social systems—that individuals are sensitive to perceived abnormal conditions and that certain actions metaphysically depend on institutional rules—pose a challenge for manipulationist theories and for counterfactual theories more generally. I then show how (...)
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  12.  94
    Nietzsche, Genealogy, and Historical Individuals.Alexander Prescott-Couch - 2015 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 46 (1):99-109.
    ABSTRACT In On the Genealogy of Morality, Nietzsche sets out to answer the question of the value of morality by looking at the conditions under which it developed. However, there is a puzzle about why historical investigation should be required for assessing our moral practices, especially if the defining features of those practices have changed over time. The puzzle is that if morality is “historical,” then the features that will be revealed by historical investigation are ones that—ex hypothesi—are unlikely to (...)
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  13. Asymmetry in Online Social Networks.Marc Cheong - manuscript
    Varying degrees of symmetry can exist in a social network's connections. Some early online social networks (OSNs) were predicated on symmetrical connections, such as Facebook 'friendships' where both actors in a 'friendship' have an equal and reciprocal connection. Newer platforms -- Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook's 'Pages' inclusive -- are counterexamples of this, where 'following' another actor (friend, celebrity, business) does not guarantee a reciprocal exchange from the other. -/- This paper argues that the basic asymmetric connections in an OSN leads (...)
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    Deliberation through Misrepresentation? Inchoate Speech and the Division of Interpretive Labor.Alexander Prescott-Couch - 2021 - Journal of Political Philosophy 29 (4):496-518.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  15. Williams and Nietzsche on the Significance of History for Moral Philosophy.Alexander Prescott-Couch - 2014 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 45 (2):147-168.
    It is a truism that our current common sense morality is the product of a complicated historical development. Whether and in what way classic questions of moral philosophy need to be informed by this history is, however, a matter of controversy.Some recent work in meta-ethics has taken the broad contours of morality’s history as important for answering questions about the existence of moral facts and the justifications of our beliefs about such facts. For instance, moral diversity and the history of (...)
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  16.  57
    Narrative Understanding.Alexander Prescott-Couch - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy.
    Much work in history, anthropology, sociology, and political science has a narrative form — the events described are emplotted into stories. A number of recent critics of narrative have argued that the story form is a poor vehicle for social scientific explanation, as it often misleads us about the causal structure of the social world. Defenders of narrative typically claim that such criticisms miss the point of narrative. Even if narrative is not the best means for providing us with causal (...)
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  17. Ethical Dilemmas for @Celebrities: Promoting #Intimacy, Facing #Inauthenticity, and Defusing #Invectiveness.Marc Cheong - 2022 - Ethical Perspectives 29 (1):139-166.
    The rise of social-media-mediated celebrity culture raises several philosophical concerns. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see, for example, Hollywood actors being placed in the same bracket as YouTube artists and Instagram influencers. The increased perceived ‘connectivity’ afforded by social media allows online celebrities to reach more fans and increases the perceived engagement or intimacy in the fan-celebrity relationship. In this paper I argue that this online relationship, which is beneficial to celebrities (for brand development) and social media companies (in (...)
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  18. To Honor our Heroes: Analysis of the Obituaries of Australians Killed in Action in WWI and WWII.Marc Cheong & Mark Alfano - 2021 - 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR).
    Obituaries represent a prominent way of expressing the human universal of grief. According to philosophers, obituaries are a ritualized way of evaluating both individuals who have passed away and the communities that helped to shape them. The basic idea is that you can tell what it takes to count as a good person of a particular type in a particular community by seeing how persons of that type are described and celebrated in their obituaries. Obituaries of those killed in conflict, (...)
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  19. Experimental investigations of #authenticity online.Marc Cheong - manuscript
    The concept of 'authenticity' is highly valued on social media sites (SMSes), despite its ambiguous nature and definition. One interpretation of 'authenticity' by media scholars is a human's congruence with online portrayals of themselves (e.g. posting spontaneous photographs from their lives, or using real biodata online). For marketers and 'influencers', these patterns of behaviour can achieve certain gains: sales for a business, or success of a campaign. For existentialist philosophers, using 'authenticity' as a means to an end is against its (...)
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  20.  58
    Genealogy and the Structure of Interpretation.Alexander Prescott-Couch - 2015 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 46 (2):239-247.
    ABSTRACT In this article, I consider how Nietzsche's history of morality in On the Genealogy of Morality is relevant to his critique of morality. I argue that, on Nietzsche's view, morality's history is a guide to whether and where we should expect to find coherence in our current moral practice. It helps us “structure our interpretation” of morality. History is relevant to critique because it reveals that morality is unlikely to have the kind of coherence required by many of its (...)
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  21.  94
    Existentialism on Social Media: The ‘Look’ of the ‘Crowd’.Marc Cheong - 2023 - Journal of Human-Technology Relations 1.
    Social media has become a basis for helping us maintain human contact, especially as our alienation from our phenomenological experiences of ‘being human’ is becoming apparent due to the pandemic. I argue for how existentialist philosophy is crucial, more than ever, to interrogate our social media usage, which is a ‘necessary evil’ in our daily lives. Firstly, Kierkegaard’s critiques of the crowd and of the press are equally applicable to social media, which plays both roles: enabling an anonymous mass of (...)
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  22.  55
    The Philosopher as Reverse-Engineer.Alexander Prescott-Couch - 2024 - Analysis 84 (2):368-384.
    Philosophers do not have a reputation for being pragmatic. When offered a chance to avoid execution, Socrates used his window of escape to deliver a series.
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  23.  29
    Unpacking gender mainstreaming: a critical discourse analysis of agricultural and rural development policy in Myanmar and Nepal.Dawn D. Cheong, Bettina Bock & Dirk Roep - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-15.
    Conventional gender analysis of development policy does not adequately explain the slow progress towards gender equality. Our research analyses the gender discourses embedded in agricultural and rural development policies in Myanmar and Nepal. We find that both countries focus on increasing women’s participation in development activities as a core gender equality policy objective. This creates a binary categorisation of participating versus non-participating women and identifies women as responsible for improving their position. At the same time, gender (in)equality is defined exclusively (...)
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  24.  33
    'Twitter Is Dead, Long Live X!' A Decade of Microblog Research and Implications for Knowledge and Research.Marc Cheong - unknown
    Talk at the Philosophy [in:of:for:and] Digital Knowledge Infrastructures online workshop 2023 (28/09/2023).
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  25.  28
    (1 other version)Long-term evolution of business ethics in Hong Kong.Tsun Se Cheong, Felix Tang, Andy Cheng, Michal Wojewodzki & Sunny Chan - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
  26. Genealogy beyond Debunking.Alexander Prescott-Couch - 2023 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 47:171-194.
    Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality (GM) is often interpreted as providing a debunking argument of some kind. I consider different versions of such arguments and suggest that they face important challenges. Moving beyond debunking interpretations of GM, I consider Nietzsche’s claim that his genealogy should be used to assess the “value” of moral values. After explaining how to understand this claim, I consider different ways that history might be used to assess the value of beliefs, practices, and institutions. The (...)
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  27.  17
    A Study on the Formation of Tilaka in the History of Buddhist Tantrism.Seongjoon Cheong - 2007 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 22 (null):29-56.
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  28. A Tale of Two Anti-Heroes.Marc Cheong - 2022 - In Christian Cotton & Andrew M. Winters, Neon Genesis Evangelion and Philosophy. Open Universe.
    This book chapter in Neon Genesis Evangelion and Philosophy (Open Universe) draws parallels between the main anti-heroes in Albert Camus's The Stranger and Neon Genesis Evangelion, and introduces common existential concepts such as facticity/transcendence and bad faith, aimed at a general readership.
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    Development of Buddhist Tantrism Concern about Life and Death.Seongjoon Cheong - 2013 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 37:141-164.
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  30.  11
    Globalization and Migratory Processes in the Socio-reli-gious, Economic and Political Context of the Malay Muslims of Malaysia.John Cheong - 2008 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 25 (4):217-233.
    Globalization in Malaysia has introduced the Malay Muslim population to new ethno- religious dynamics at the urban-to-urban level internationally and rural-to-urban sphere nationally. At the international level, Malay Muslims who studied abroad have returned with alternate conceptions of Islam at odds with the local version as well as fostered transnational links to outsiders that later facilitated their religious influence locally. At the national level, Malay Muslim migration to an urban economy opened to global capitalism have produced reactionary discourses and attitudes (...)
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  31.  18
    Is Possible the Model of Cultivation of Mind in Curriculum?Hye-Jin Cheong - 2007 - Journal of Moral Education 18 (2):171.
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  32.  20
    Marriage Transmitted Debt in the Chinese Civil Code: The Beginning of a Solution Rather than the End.May Fong Cheong & Jie Huang - 2021 - Feminist Legal Studies 30 (1):1-27.
    This paper is the first to critically analyse how the newly enacted Chinese Civil Code addresses gender equality in the intersection of family and commercial contracting. It proposes ‘marriage transmitted debt’ (MTD) in China as a new concept as opposed to ‘sexually transmitted debt’ (STD) documented in English and Australian jurisprudence. MTD refers to the debt incurred by one spouse but transmitted to the other spouse due to the status of the marriage. Supported by empirical statistics, it shows that while (...)
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  33.  26
    Religion and Education in Froebel's Theory of Education : The Moral Educational Implication.Hye-Jin Cheong - 2005 - Journal of Moral Education 16 (2):151.
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  34.  27
    Repurposing Vaccines in the Fight against COVID‐19.Kang Hao Cheong - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (11):2000234.
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    Segmentation of Rhythmic Units in Word Speech by Japanese Infants and Toddlers.Yeonju Cheong & Izumi Uehara - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    When infants and toddlers are confronted with sequences of sounds, they are required to segment the sounds into meaningful units to achieve sufficient understanding. Rhythm has been regarded as a crucial cue for segmentation of speech sounds. Although previous intermodal methods indicated that infants and toddlers could detect differences in speech sounds based on stress-timed and syllable-timed units, these methods could not clearly indicate how infants and toddlers perform sound segmentation. Thus, the present study examined whether Japanese infants and toddlers (...)
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  36.  45
    The positive contribution of confucianism to the modernization of east asian business enterprises.Cheong K. Han - 1992 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 19 (2):171-181.
  37. The use of animals in medical education: A question of necessity vs. desirability.Josepha Cheong - 1989 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 10 (1).
    An issue in current animal welfare ethics is the use of animals in medical education. At stake is the conflict of pain and suffering of the animals vs. the benefit to the students. The educator's role is to balance these two concepts. If the animals do suffer, this has to be justified by clearly establishing the necessity of their use. Neither this justification nor the methods for making the decision are clear. Addressed in this discussion are the arguments for and (...)
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  38.  17
    Tweeting Prayers and Communicating Grief Over Michael Jackson Online.Pauline Hope Cheong & Jimmy Sanderson - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (5):328-340.
    Death and bereavement are human experiences that new media helps facilitate alongside creating new social grief practices that occur online. This study investigated how people’s postings and tweets facilitated the communication of grief after pop music icon Michael Jackson died. Drawing on past grief research, religion, and new media studies, a thematic analysis of 1,046 messages was conducted on three mediated sites (Twitter,, and Facebook). Results suggested that social media served as grieving spaces for people to accept Jackson’s death (...)
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  39. An existential-phenomenological look at cognitivedevelopment theory and research.M. P. Prescott & R. S. Valle - 1978 - In Ronald S. Valle & Mark King, Existential-phenomenological alternatives for psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 153--165.
  40. Unthinkable ≠ Unknowable: On Charlotte Delbo’s ‘II Faut Donner à Voir’.Paul Prescott - 2014 - Journal of Value Inquiry 48 (3):457-468.
    This paper is an attempt to articulate and defend a new imperative, Auschwitz survivor Charlotte Delbo’s 'Il faut donner à voir': “They must be made to see.” Assuming the ‘they’ in Delbo’s imperative is ‘us’ gives rise to three questions: (1) what must we see? (2) can we see it? and (3) why is it that we must? I maintain that what we must see is the reality of evil; that we are by and large unwilling, and often unable, to (...)
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  41.  34
    Rational Reconstruction and the Construction of an Interlocutor.Alexander Prescott-Couch - unknown
    There has been much recent work in philosophy of science on idealization – the way inaccurate representations can be used to understand a target system. My dissertation concerns a particular sort of idealization that is familiar but often overlooked: rational reconstruction. Rational reconstructions are “cleaned-up” – more coherent and accurate – versions of an individual’s or a group’s attitudes. They are the kind of idealized model that facilitates a crucial aim of the interpretive sciences, the understanding of another’s point of (...)
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  42.  87
    The scientific method and its extension to systems of many degrees of freedom.C. H. Prescott - 1938 - Philosophy of Science 5 (3):237-266.
    We are told that we live in a scientific world. All about us are the fruits of scientific research, and the products of scientific industry. But, in spite of this transformation of our material surroundings, scientific thought, or the scientific method as such, has had no effect upon the everyday thought and behaviour of our people. To be sure, along with the scientific gadgets a few scientific truths have been disseminated. They know the earth is round and moves about the (...)
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  43.  17
    Death Drugs - A Compounding Pharmacist’s Dilemma.Prescott C. Ensign & Jonathan Fast - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 16:247-265.
    Dr. Garrett Johnson received a call from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice asking if he would be interested in filling prescriptions for pentobarbital. Suddenly he faced a controversial issue - providing a drug used for the lethal injection of convicted criminals. Apparently big pharma was discontinuing the manufacture and sale of drugs used for human executions - primarily due to mounting pressure from death penalty activists and shareholders, legal appeals by inmates, media reports of botched lethal injections, etc. Texas (...)
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  44.  18
    Ethical Dilemmas in Hawaii’s First Public-Private Venture Capital Fund.Prescott C. Ensign - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 18:267-278.
    Are there any business decisions that do not have an ethical dimension? Who decides that a decision is unethical? What impact does ethics have in today’s business environment? The case focuses on the development of Hawaii’s first public-private venture capital fund by three very different entities: the State of Hawaii economic development corporation; a US mainland-based private equity investment firm; and a partnership of two serial entrepreneurs. The case uses a progressive disclosure format so students only read and analyze the (...)
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  45.  40
    Training in the Law of Armed Conflict - A NATO Perspective.Jody M. Prescott - 2008 - Journal of Military Ethics 7 (1):66-75.
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  46. The conversion of Hamilton Wheeler.Prescott Locke - 1917 - Bloomington, Ill.,: The Pandect publishing company.
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  47. Act of Lawyering and the Art of Communication: An Essay on Families-in-Crisis, the Adversarial Tradition, and the Social Work Model, The.Dana A. Prescott - 2007 - Legal Ethics 10:176.
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    Birth-Place.Holly Prescott - 2009 - Feminist Review 93 (1):101-108.
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  49. Challenging assumptions and making progress.Georgia Prescott - 2017 - In Babs Anderson, Philosophy for children: theories and praxis in teacher education. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Cutting, splicing, reordering, and elimination of DNA sequences in hypotrichous ciliates.David M. Prescott - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (5):317-324.
    Hypotrichous ciliates extensively process genomic DNA during their life cycle. Processing occurs after cell mating, beginning with multiple rounds of DNA replication to form polytene chromosomes. Thousands of transposonlike elements are then excised from the chromosomes and destroyed, and thousands of short, internal eliminated sequences (IESs) are excised from coding and noncoding parts of genes and destroyed. IES removal from a gene is accompanied by splicing of the remaining chromosomal DNA segments to form a transcriptionally competent gene. For some genes (...)
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