Results for 'debates parlamentarios'

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  1. Hace cien años: un debate parlamentario en torno a la libertad de enseñanza.Conrado Vilanou - unknown
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    Uanálisis de la Existencia Fáctica de Los Desacuerdos Profundos No-Epistémicos En Los Debates Parlamentarios.David Bordonaba-Plou - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía: Universidad de Concepción 40:93-116.
    The factual existence of deep disagreements has an unclear status in the lite-rature. On the one hand, some authors claim that deep disagreements exist in practice, arguing that the parties involved will use non-rational persuasion tactics to resolve the disagreement. On the other hand, some argue that deep disagreements are only theoretically possible because practical constraints will push the parties to find rational ways to resolve the disagreement. This article empirically investigates the factual existence of deep disagreements by analyzing parliamentary (...)
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    Reseña de "Parlamentos. Teoría de la argumentación y debate parlamentario" de Roberto Marafioti (editor).Laura Andrea Ebenau - 2010 - Enfoques 22 (1):91-96.
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    (1 other version)De centauros a protegidos. La construcción del sujeto de la política indigenista argentina desde los debates parlamentarios (1880 – 1970)From centaurs to proteges. The construction of the subject of Argentina Indian policy in parliamentary debates[REVIEW]Diana Isabel Lenton - 2014 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 4 (2).
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    El libro de notas de la Administración de la Comisaría del Chubut (1880-1886. Tensiones entre colonos galeses y funcionarios del Estado. [REVIEW]Mario Emanuel Larreburo - forthcoming - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
    Inaugurado el 4 de diciembre de 1995, el Museo y Archivo Histórico Policial de la provincia del Chubut se encuentra en Rawson, la ciudad capital, y contiene numerosos documentos sobre diferentes momentos de la historia policial de la provincia. En este artículo nos proponemos presentar el libro de notas de la Administración de la Comisaría del Chubut correspondiente a los años 1880-1886. Consideramos que constituye una de las fuentes representativas de los primeros años de la colonia galesa de Chubut, debido (...)
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    Desacuerdos estratégicos y dinámicas de conflicto antagónicas.David Bordonaba-Plou - 2022 - Isegoría 66:25-25.
    The aim of this paper is twofold. First, to study strategic disagreements, i.e., those situations in which one of the parties uses an expression that allows it to restructure the debate and, in this way, obtain some strategic advantage to advance its political agenda. The paper examines this type of disagreement in a specific context: the parliamentary debates in the Spanish Congress of Deputies during the VIII Legislature. Second, to show that strategic disagreements constitute antagonistic conflict dynamics, i.e., situations (...)
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    Justicia constitucional, derechos humanos Y argumento contramayoritario.Rodolfo Vázquez - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:249-264.
    El autor, en el contexto del debate sobre la relación entre la justicia constitucional y el proceso democrático, argumenta a favor de considerar al control jurisdiccional de constitucionalidad como un requisito necesario, pero no suficiente, para la existencia de un Estado democrático de derecho. Tras analizar las posturas y argumentos generales de ese debate, así como aspectos singulares del modo en que se viene desarrollando en Latinoamérica, abogará por un modelo de democracia débil, en el que una serie de derechos, (...)
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    La non-rééligibilité en France et aux États-Unis.Noémie Marrel Févrat - 2022 - Temporalités 36.
    Cet article interroge la dimension temporelle de l’activité de représentation politique. En s’intéressant aux projets de limitation de la réélection des parlementaires en France et aux _term limits_ états-uniens, il met en évidence les conflits et intérêts qui s’articulent autour de la codification temporelle des mandats. L’idée de limiter le nombre de mandats parlementaires successifs autorisés n’emporte pas l’unanimité : les débats mêlent à la fois des anticipations des effets de la règle sur les pratiques politiques et des croyances à (...)
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    Recall, Recognition, and Implicit Knowledge.Anold Debate - 1991 - In William Kessen, Andrew Ortony & Fergus I. M. Craik (eds.), Memories, Thoughts, and Emotions: Essays in Honor of George Mandler. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 125.
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    Who Should Bring Up Our Children?A. Chesterton-Russell Debate - 1989 - The Chesterton Review 15 (4-1):441-452.
  11. Epistemic rights in a polarized world : the right to know and the abortion.Debate Lani Watson - 2020 - In Alessandra Tanesini & Michael P. Lynch (eds.), Polarisation, Arrogance, and Dogmatism: Philosophical Perspectives. London, UK: Routledge.
  12. Philosophy and computer science: Reflections on the program.Verification Debate - 1998 - In Terrell Ward Bynum & James Moor (eds.), The Digital Phoenix: How Computers are Changing Philosophy. Cambridge: Blackwell. pp. 253.
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  13. Selected papers from the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division 2003 Meeting Edited by Nicholas D. Smith.Externalism Debate - 2004 - Philosophical Studies 117 (3):429-430.
  14. Beermann, Wilhelm (2000) Die Radikalisierung der Sprachspiel-Philosophie: Wittgensteins These in 'Über Gewißheit'und ihre aktuele Bedeutung. Würzburg, Germany: Königs-hausen & Newmann, 194 pp. Bodeus, Richard (2000) Aristotle and the Theology of the Living Immortals. Trans. Jan Edward Garrett. New York: State University of New York Press, $19.95, 375 pp. [REVIEW]Monism-Dualism Debate - 2001 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 49:129-132.
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  15. Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism.Domestic-Labour Debate - 2008 - Historical Materialism 16 (4):237-243.
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  16. List of Contents: Volume 19, Number 2, April 2006.Synchronization Debates, Vladimir Dzhunushaliev, Md M. Ali, A. S. Majumdar, Dipankar Home & Force Laws - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (5).
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  17. Twenty-Five Years of Incomparable Research.Financial Performance Debate - forthcoming - Business and Society.
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  18. Un conditional vs. conditional critics of terrorist violence.A. Seemingly Endless Debate - 2006 - Public Affairs Quarterly 20 (4):363.
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  19. B. Y Chesterton, G. K.Debate Entre Russell - 1989 - The Chesterton Review 15 (4):441-451.
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  20. In Anthropology, the Image Can Never Have the Last Say the Ninth Annual Gdat Debate, Held in the University of Manchester on 6th December 1997.Bill Watson, Peter Wade & Group for Debates in Anthropological Theory - 1998
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  21. Postmodernism and the dialogue between religion and science.An Unfinished Debate - 1997 - Zygon 32 (4):461.
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    When inspiration strikes, don't bottle it up! Write to me at: Philosophy Now 43a Jerningham Road• London• SE14 5NQ, UK or email rick. lewis@ philosophynow. org Keep them short and keep them coming! [REVIEW]Free Debate - forthcoming - Philosophy Now.
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  23. News hound academics and religious schools under fire, oak felled and more Praise Of Putnam, Open Debate, Russell'S. Politics & Tom Scanlon - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 13:4.
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    When inspiration strikes, don't bottle it up! Write to me at: Philosophy Now 43a Jerningham Road• London• SE14 5NQ, UK or email rick. lewis@ philosophynow. org Keep them short and keep them coming! [REVIEW]God Correspondents, Debate Will Continue & No Doubt - forthcoming - Philosophy Now.
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    Redes de poder y sociabilidad en la élite política chilena. Los parlamentarios 1990-2005.Vicente Espinoza - 2010 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 26.
    Desde el retorno de la democracia en Chile, la alianza política que alcanzó el gobierno consolidó sus posiciones de poder e influencia sin conocer por 20 años alternancia o grandes cambios en sus formas de gestión. Aunque el control del gobierno cambió a una coalición diferente en 2010, la agrupación previa continúa existiendo y posee una significativa representación en el parlamento. ¿Qué expresa tal estabilidad? El argumento principal en este artículo es que un origen social similar de los parlamentarios (...)
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    Public Debate – An Act of Hostility?Charlotte Jørgensen - 1998 - Argumentation 12 (4):431-443.
    This paper focuses on eristic in political debate of the forensic, or confrontational, type. First, some findings on the enactment and persuasiveness of hostility in a series of Danish TV-debates 1975–85 are presented, including a list of the clearly hostile debater's characteristics and a subdivision of conspiracy arguments. This presentation serves to illustrate that hostility is less persuasive than argumentation practitioners and theorists tend to assume. Next, the widespread notion of debate as a genre half-way between the quarrel and (...)
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    Debating Humanity: Towards a Philosophical Sociology.Daniel Chernilo (ed.) - 2016 - United Kingdon: Cambridge University Press.
    Debating Humanity explores sociological and philosophical efforts to delineate key features of humanity that identify us as members of the human species. After challenging the normative contradictions of contemporary posthumanism, this book goes back to the foundational debate on humanism between Jean-Paul Sartre and Martin Heidegger in the 1940s and then re-assesses the implicit and explicit anthropological arguments put forward by seven leading postwar theorists: self-transcendence, adaptation, responsibility, language, strong evaluations, reflexivity and reproduction of life. Genuinely interdisciplinary and boldly argued, (...)
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  28. Hacia un orden parlamentario post-moderno. Derechas e izquierdas: una antinomia política ya superada.Gabriel del Estal Gutiérrez - 1992 - Revista Agustiniana 33 (100):337-393.
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    El debate sobre el cambio climático interpretado como un juego de persuasión.Jesús Pedro Zamora Bonilla & Leonardo Monzonís Forner - 2013 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 28 (1):77-96.
    Los científicos tratan de persuadir a sus colegas y, en última instancia, al conjunto de la sociedad, para que acepten sus tesis, descubrimientos y propuestas. Desarrollan para ello una serie de estrategias que pueden ser estudiadas como un “juego de persuasión” en el que intervienen, además de los procesos de argumentación formal e informal típicamente estudiados por la lógica y metodología de la ciencia, aspectos tradicionalmente considerados “sociológicos”. En este artículo se analiza el debate sobre la ciencia del cambio climático (...)
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  30. The Debate on Constitutional Courts and Their Authority between Legal and Political Constitutionalism.Valerio Fabbrizi - 2016 - Philosophica Critica 2 (2):47-70.
    The paper is focused on the criticisms that theorists of political constitutionalism raise against legal constitutionalism, especially with regard to the idea of representation and political sovereignty. At the same time, the intention is to reconstruct the debate between legal and political constitutionalism in contemporary liberalism, starting from the so-called counter-majoritarian difficulty. This debate concerns two different approaches: the political one rejects the idea of judicial review by the Supreme Court because it may establish a possible rule of the judges (...)
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  31. Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory.James Lawrence Dreier (ed.) - 2006 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory _features pairs of newly commissioned essays by some of the leading theorists working in the field today. Brings together fresh debates on the most controversial issues in moral theory Questions include: Are moral requirements derived from reason? How demanding is morality? Are virtues the proper starting point for moral theorizing? Lively debate format sharply defines the issues, and paves the way for further discussion. Will serve as an accessible introduction to the major topics (...)
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    Debating the Reality of Social Classes.Harold Kincaid - 2016 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 46 (2):189-209.
    This article first surveys a significant set of issues that are intertwined in asking whether social classes are real. It distinguishes two different notions of class: class as organized social entities and class as types of individuals based on individual characteristics. There is good evidence for some classes as social entities—ruling classes and underclasses in some societies—but other classes in contemporary society are sometimes best thought of in terms of types, not social entities. Implications are drawn for pluralist accounts of (...)
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  33. What is at Stake in Debates among Normative Realists?Tristram McPherson - 2013 - Noûs 49 (1):123-146.
    One class of central debates between normative realists appears to concern whether we should be naturalists or reductionists about the normative. However, metaethical discussion of naturalism and reduction is often inconsistent, murky, or uninformative. This can make it hard to see why commitments relative to these metaphysical categories should matter to normative realists. This paper aims to clarify the nature of these categories, and their significance in debates between normative realists. I develop and defend what I call the (...)
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    The relationship between the debate on the monetary system during the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties and East Zhejiang economic region.Yi Yang, Jie Tong & Zhou Chan - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe):349-360.
    Resumo: Não apenas as famílias aristocráticas indígenas, mas também as famílias de imigrantes do norte que viviam no Leste de Zhejiang, estavam envolvidas nos debates sobre teoria monetária e pensamento político, na Dinastia Jin Oriental e Dinastias do Sul. Os debates geralmente se concentravam nos preços das commodities e no trabalho forçado no Leste de Zhejiang. Esse fenômeno histórico especial reflete duas questões. Por um lado, o caos causado pela guerra no Norte e as famílias de estudiosos, migrando (...)
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    Debating Deliberative Democracy.James S. Fishkin & Peter Laslett (eds.) - 2003 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Debating Deliberative Democracy explores the nature and value of deliberation, the feasibility and desirability of consensus on contentious issues, the implications of institutional complexity and cultural diversity for democratic decision making, and the significance of voting and majority rule in deliberative arrangements. Investigates the nature and value of deliberation, the feasibility and desirability of consensus on contentious issues, the implications of institutional complexity and cultural diversity for democratic decision making, and the significance of voting and majority rule in deliberative arrangements. (...)
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  36. Philosophical debates about the definition of death: Who cares?Stuart J. Youngner & Robert M. Arnold - 2001 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 26 (5):527 – 537.
    Since the Harvard Committees bold and highly successful attempt to redefine death in 1968 (Harvard Ad Hoc committee, 1968), multiple controversies have arisen. Stimulated by several factors, including the inherent conceptual weakness of the Harvard Committees proposal, accumulated clinical experience, and the incessant push to expand the pool of potential organ donors, the lively debate about the definition of death has, for the most part, been confined to a relatively small group of academics who have created a large body of (...)
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    Debates sobre enseñanza de la historia: identidad canadiense, pensamiento histórico y conciencia histórica.Penney Clark - 2018 - Arbor 194 (788):441.
    Este artículo profundiza en los debates históricos y actuales en Canadá sobre la historia nacional y la enseñanza de la historia en el complicado escenario de trece jurisdicciones educativas de Canadá. En este trabajo se analizan los debates sobre los contenidos en la enseñanza de la historia y en los libros de texto, así como los enfoques en la escuela. Se analizan las formas en que un enfoque de pensamiento histórico está consolidándose en todo el país en el (...)
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    A debate over rights: philosophical enquiries.Matthew H. Kramer - 1998 - New York: Clarendon Press. Edited by N. E. Simmonds & Hillel Steiner.
    This collection of essays forms a lively debate over the fundamental characteristics of legal and moral rights. The essays examine whether rights fundamentally protect individuals' interests or whether they instead fundamentally enable individuals to make choices.
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    Stimulating debate: ethics in a multidisciplinary functional neurosurgery committee.P. J. Ford - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (2):106-109.
    Multidisciplinary healthcare committees meet regularly to discuss patients’ candidacy for emerging functional neurosurgical procedures, such as Deep Brain Stimulation . Through debate and discussion around the surgical candidacy of particular patients, functional neurosurgery programs begin to mold practice and policy supported both by scientific evidence and clear value choices. These neurosurgical decisions have special considerations not found in non-neurologic committees. The professional time used to resolve these conflicts provides opportunities for the emergence of careful, ethical practices simultaneous with the expansion (...)
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    Estrategias de descortesía en el discurso parlamentario chileno.Abelardo San Martín Núñez & Silvana Guerrero González - 2012 - Alpha (Osorno) 35:147-168.
    El propósito de este artículo es analizar las estrategias de descortesía verbal en una muestra de discurso parlamentario chileno. Para tal propósito se estudiaron las secuencias de discurso que manifestaban dichas estrategias en un corpus de 28 sesiones de la honorable Cámara de Diputados de Chile realizadas entre 2005 y 2007, en las que se discutieron diferentes asuntos polémicos de interés público. Para el análisis de la descortesía en el discurso político aquí realizado se consultaron los trabajos de Chilton y (...)
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    Debating Gender in Early Modern England, 1500–1700.C. Malcolmson & M. Suzuki - 2002 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book explores the construction of gender ideology in early modern England through an analysis of the querelle des femmes - the debate about the relationship between the sexes that originated on the continent during the middle ages and the Renaissance and developed in England into the Swetnam controversy, which revolved around the publication of Joseph Swetnam's The arraignment of lewd, forward, and inconstant women and the pamphlets which responded to its misogynist attacks. The volume contextualizes the debate in terms (...)
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    Debating the “Unresolved Potential Dangers of Genetic Engineering”. Public Science, Strategies of Enactment and Performance of Science in the Context of the West German Debate of Genetic Engineering.Anna Maria Schmidt - 2022 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 30 (4):501-527.
    In March 1986, a public symposium took place in Heidelberg about the “unresolved potential dangers of genetic engineering”. The event was organized by institutions affiliated with the environmental movement. Choosing this symposium as an example, the article shows how the public appearance of scientists can be understood as a form of political activism. The article shows how specialists from fields as diverse as biology, chemistry, physics, law and political sciences tried to place political messages by putting themselves in the limelight (...)
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    The Debate Over Coercive Rulership and the “Human Way” in Light of Recently Excavated Warring States Texts.Scott Cook - 2019 - In Shirley Chan (ed.), Dao Companion to the Excavated Guodian Bamboo Manuscripts. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 285-318.
    The debate over what constituted the most effective means of political control—governance through moral suasion or through coercive measures—was one that came to define the main battle lines between the Confucians and their “Legalist” rivals over the course of Warring States period China. While the importance of this debate is by no means new, recently unearthed Warring States manuscripts have done much to help shed new light upon the emergence of this debate: in particular the Chu-region bamboo manuscripts of Guodian (...)
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    Debate: Should Parents Should Be Able to Request Non-Resuscitation for All Extremely Premature Newborn Infants?Dominic J. C. Wilkinson & Julian Savulescu - forthcoming - Asian Bioethics Review:1-13.
    Infants who are born extremely prematurely can survive if they receive intensive medical treatment. However, they also have a high chance of dying, and a proportion of survivors have long-term health problems and disabilities. In many parts of the world, if parents request it, an extremely premature infant can receive palliative care rather than active survival-focused care at birth. But there are variations between countries as to whether or when this is permitted. To help inform ethical debates across Asia (...)
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    Transplantation debates in Romania between bioethics and religion.Gavriluta Cristina & Frunza Mihaela - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (31):49-71.
    In this paper, we thoroughly investigate the various solutions proposed to solve the problems of transplantation system in Romania. Three types of solutions are especially envisaged: legislative ones, institutional ones and cultural/religious ones. We carefully analyze the main ethical and logistical arguments on presumed consent and its alternatives in Romania: family consent provided by the relatives and mandated choice. Special attention is dedicated both to institutional solutions (organizational, educational and information issues) and to religious arguments and motivations, for there were (...)
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    Debating Religious Liberty and Discrimination.John Corvino, Sherif Girgis & Ryan T. Anderson - 2017 - Oup Usa.
    This book explores emerging conflicts about religious liberty and discrimination. In point-counterpoint format, it brings together longtime LGBT rights advocate John Corvino and rising conservative thinkers Ryan T. Anderson and Sherif Girgis to debate Religious Freedom Restoration Acts, anti-discrimination law, and age-old questions about identity, morality, and society.
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    Debating Cognitive Existentialism: Values and Orientations in Hermeneutic Philosophy of Science.Dimitri Ginev (ed.) - 2015 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    In _Debating Cognitive Existentialism_ the authors offer philosophical, cultural-theoretical, and sociological perspectives on the value of extending hermeneutic philosophy to the natural sciences. At stake is the universality of post-metaphysical hermeneutics.
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  48. Debates in Medieval Philosophy: Essential Readings and Contemporary Responses.Jeffrey Hause (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Debates in Medieval Philosophy: Essential Readings and Contemporary Responses aims to de-mystify medieval works by offering an illuminating, engaging introduction to the problems that medieval philosophers from Augustine through Ockham wrestled with. Each of the volume’s 11 units presents a debate that will enable students to return to the primary texts prepared to think critically and imaginatively about them. Debates include: Does Anselm have a hierarchical or a flat conception of free will? Is Abelard’s ethics conceptually impoverished? Does (...)
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    Debating gender.Brian D. Earp - 2021 - Think 20 (57):9-21.
    There is an ongoing public debate about sex, gender and identity that is often quite heated. This is an edited transcript of an informal lecture I recorded in 2019 to serve as a friendly guide to these complex issues. It represents my best attempt, not to score political points for any particular side, but to give an introductory map of the territory so that you can think for yourself, investigate further, and reach your own conclusions about such controversial questions as (...)
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    Debating social egg freezing: arguments from phases of life.Eva Weber-Guskar - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (3):325-333.
    So-called “social egg freezing” allows a woman to retain the possibility of trying to have a child with her own oocytes later in life, even after having become infertile in the strict sense of the word.There is a debate about whether it is morally permissible at all, the extent to which it should be permitted legally or even supported, and whether it is ethically desirable. This paper contributes some thoughts to the issue of ethical desirability. More precisely it deals with (...)
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