Results for 'decolonial thought'

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  1. Beyond the politics of decolonial thought.Bernard Matolino - 2024 - In Joseph A. Agbakoba & Marita Rainsborough (eds.), Beyond decolonial African philosophy: Africanity, Afrotopia, and transcolonial perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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  2. The Cannibal's Antidote for Resentment: Diffracting Ressentiment through Decolonial Thought.Pedro Brea - 2024 - Research in Phenomenology 54 (3):322-341.
    The purpose of this essay is to provide a diffractive reading of the concept of ressentiment through decolonial theory. I would like to see what sort of light this sheds on the psychological undercurrents that impose barriers on colonial and decolonial thought, as well as on the conceptual dynamism of ressentiment. This essay is split into two different experiments in thought. The first will be to diffract ressentiment through the works of Gloria Anzaldúa, Édouard Glissant, and (...)
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  3. Asma Lamrabet's theology : navigating Islam, gender equality and decolonial thought.Sara Borrillo - 2025 - In Mohammed Hashas (ed.), Contemporary Moroccan thought: on philosophy, theology, society, and culture. Boston: Brill.
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  4. Epistemic Disobedience, Independent Thought and Decolonial Freedom.Walter D. Mignolo - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):159-181.
    Once upon a time scholars assumed that the knowing subject in the disciplines is transparent, disincorporated from the known and untouched by the geo-political configuration of the world in which people are racially ranked and regions are racially configured. From a detached and neutral point of observation (that Colombian philosopher Santiago Castro-Gómez describes as the hubris of the zero point ), the knowing subject maps the world and its problems, classifies people and projects into what is good for them. Today (...)
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    Archipelagic Thought and Decoloniality. Thinking with Édouard Glissant.Marc Maesschalck - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 68:63-86.
    This article relates four concepts present in the thought of Édouard Glissant (poetics, optionality, exteriority, and unlearning) to show that they are also present in different authors of decolonial theory. These concepts lead us out of the framework of modern hypercriticism and allow us to enter into a philosophy of relation that opens up new possibilities for intercultural encounters. Through the constant recourse to the contrast between Glissant and the decolonial school, the text goes through its classic (...)
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  6. Decolonial realism: Ethics, politics and dialectics in Fanon and Dussel.George Ciccariello-Maher - 2014 - Contemporary Political Theory 13 (1):2-22.
    This article approaches contemporary European debates on the subject of realism through the lenses offered by two decolonial thinkers: Fanon and Dussel. Whereas both share with realism a fundamental emphasis on reality as the starting point for theory – an assumption shared by much decolonial thought – they nevertheless provide another layer of specificity in their consideration of the colonial condition, diagnosing a fundamental absence of reciprocity that dictates the course of decolonization as a transformation of reality. (...)
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    The Spacing of Decolonial Aesthetics.Don Thomas Deere - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):89-98.
    This essay develops on the aesthetic dimensions of decolonial thought in the work of Rodolfo Kusch and Enrique Dussel, who both point us to non-objectifying modes of thinking and being. Beyond a strictly epistemological approach, decolonial critique ought to offer an account of bodies, spaces, and movements that are the very condition of thought—that is to say, the condition of a mode of thinking otherwise, beyond the dominant colonial paradigm. This account of aesthetics involves the spacing (...)
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    Learning to Unlearn: Decolonial Reflections From Eurasia and the Americas.Madina Vladimirovna Tlostanova & Walter Mignolo - 2012 - Ohio State University Press.
    _Learning to Unlearn: Decolonial Reflections from Eurasia and the Americas _is a complex, multisided rethinking of the epistemic matrix of Western modernity and coloniality from the position of border epistemology. Colonial and imperial differences are the two key concepts to understanding how the logic of coloniality creates ontological and epistemic exteriorities. Being at once an enactment of decolonial thinking and an attempt to define its main grounds, mechanisms, and concepts, the book shifts the politics of knowledge from “studying (...)
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    Unpacking ontological security: A decolonial reading of scholarly impact.Riyad A. Shahjahan & Anne E. Wagner - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (8):779-791.
    Despite the growing debate about scholarly impact, an analysis of the onto-epistemic grammar underlying impact has remained absent. By taking a different analytical approach to examining impact, we interrogate the concept through the lens of decolonial thought. We offer an empathetic review of the impact scholarship and illuminate the limits of the modern imaginary that circumscribe critiques of impact in the literature, making visible the Eurocentric and provincial horizons of modern reason underlying these critiques and impact in general. (...)
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    A Jihadi Critique of the Modern State: Abū Qatāda in Conversation with Decolonial and (neo-)Marxist Thought.Jaan S. Islam - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (4):618-644.
    This paper analyzes the reception of decolonial and neo-Marxist thought in a jihadist critique of the modern state. The author argues that a study of Abū Qatāda al-Filisṭīnī, a prominent theorist of modern Jihadism and Salafism, reveals his nuanced interaction with theories of hegemony, ideology, and decolonization. An examination of Abū Qatāda’s critique of modern state institutions and ideology shows that he engages with philosophical critiques of sovereignty, hegemony, capitalism, and the nation-state and utilizes both neo-Marxist and (...) thought. This paper explores how Abū Qatāda theorizes the modern state as a colonial project, leading him to rationalize jihad, or violent resistance, as the only solution to realize paradigmatic change. It further shows how Abū Qatāda justifies opposition to the modern state and hegemony with seamless deployment of scripture and Islamic jurisprudence and insists that his political project builds on premodern Islamic theories of knowledge and government necessary for decolonization, albeit often without offering details. This study reveals a feature of jihadist thought that has remained largely unnoticed in the literature and is the first to explore the interactions between Salafism and critiques of the modern state. (shrink)
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  11. Communicology, Decoloniality, Chicana and Latina Phenomenology: Building Community Through Struggle.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (6):188.
    The present work considers the communicative dimensions of intellectual practices in an effort to discern how these practices can take full account of their own placement within and accountability to the human communities and cultures they cultivate. The discussion is framed with a focus on intellectual communities who have struggled against the dominance of Euromodern epistemological orientations that have constructed their own cultures and intellectual practices as irrelevant or, at best inferior. This struggle is a decolonial praxis. The development (...)
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    Towards a decolonial political theory: Thinking from the zone of nonbeing.Charles des Portes - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    This article offers to outline a direction for a decolonial political theory based on Aimé Césaire’s and Frantz Fanon’s thoughts. In doing so, I will first discuss some work of comparative political theory that could be associated with an attempt to decolonize political theory. Rather than a systematic critique of these works, this article aims to outline some of their limits from a decolonial perspective, such as their embedment in a continental ontology/logic, and their over-emphasis on methodology that (...)
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  13. An introduction to liberatory decolonial aesthetic thought : a South-South path, from indigenous and popular thought in América and from the sense of Xu in Chinese painting.Alejandro A. Vallega - 2021 - In Amy Allen & Eduardo Mendieta (eds.), Decolonizing ethics: the critical theory of Enrique Dussel. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    Aníbal Quijano and the Decolonial Turn.Nelson Maldonado-Torres - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    This review article proposes that Aníbal Quijano’s conceptualization and elaboration of the coloniality of power can be understood as part of a third major moment of the decolonial turn that is related to the activities of Indigenous and Black organizations and collectives in the context of the 500th anniversary of the ‘discovery’ of the Americas in the late 1980s and early 1990s. While Quijano frequently insists on the special status of ‘Latin America’ in his accounts of coloniality and decoloniality, (...)
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    Decolonial Feminist Community Psychology.Floretta Boonzaier & Taryn van Niekerk (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This edited volume seeks to critically engage with the diversity of feminist and post-colonial theory to counter hegemonic Western knowledge in mainstream community psychology. In doing so, it situates paradigms of thought and representation that capture the lived experiences of those in the global South. Specifically, the book takes an intersectional approach towards its reshaping of community psychology, centering African, black, postcolonial, and decolonial feminist critiques in its 1) critique of existing hegemonic Euro-American community psychology concepts, theories, and (...)
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    Precedence, trans* and the decolonial.Daniel Brittany Chávez & Rolando Vázquez - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (2):39-45.
    These words are a collaborative effort to think across different practices of knowing and sensing. They don’t pretend to compose a complete article. They are simply an assemblage that wants to open spaces for dwelling, for connecting, for dissenting. As such it gravitates around the images of Daniel Brittany Chávez’s performance: “Quisieron Enterrarnos … ”, his artist statement and Rolando’s notes on precedence, trans* and the decolonial. In this conversation, we are allies and accomplices in thinking through trans* as (...)
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    Vistas of modernity: decolonial aesthesis and the end of the contemporary.Rolando Vázquez - 2020 - Amsterdam: Mondriaan Fund.
    We are living in a time of polarization. Cultural and educational institutions are confronted with the responsibility to provide tools and spaces for critical reflection, for engagement, and, more fundamentally, for meeting and recognizing each other in our differences. In this decolonial essay Rolando Vázquez introduces his critique which offers an option for thinking and doing beyond the dominant paradigms. It provides a critical analysis of modernity understood broadly as the western project of civilization, while it seeks to overcome (...)
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    The decolonial Aquinas? Discerning epistemic worth for Aquinas in the decolonial academy.Callum David Scott - 2019 - South African Journal of Philosophy 38 (1):40-54.
    As the ideological constructor of the destruction of colonised peoples and knowledge, Western philosophy must bear its burden for complicity. Decoloniality is amid the discourses of critique contra modernity and its denigration of the colonised. In the South African academy, for instance, much support has been validly rendered to decoloniality, consequently those employing “Western” frameworks should be challenged to constant re-evaluation. Here, the virtues and vices of decoloniality will not be considered. Rather a discernment will be undertaken of the “epistemic (...)
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  19. José Mariátegui's East-South Decolonial Experiment.David Haekwon Kim - 2015 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 7 (2):157-179.
    Common notions of comparative philosophy tend to be strongly configured by the East-West axis. This essay suggests ways of seeing Latin American liberation philosophy as a form of comparative philosophy and an important Latin American thinker as being relevant for East-West political philosophy. The essay focuses on the Peruvian activist and intellectual, José Mariátegui, who is widely regarded to have been a leading Marxist, liberatory, and decolonial figure in 20th century Latin America. Like many “Third World” intellectuals of the (...)
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  20. Flat ontology and differentiation : in defence of Bennett's vital materialism, and some thoughts towards decolonial new materialisms for international law.Anna Grear - 2024 - In Matilda Arvidsson & Emily Jones (eds.), International law and posthuman theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Toward a Decolonial Praxis in Critical Peace Education: Postcolonial Insights and Pedagogic Possibilities.Basma Hajir & Kevin Kester - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (5):515-532.
    This paper argues for a decolonial praxis in critical peace education. Drawing on an integrative review method, the paper synthesises approaches, practices, and theories from peace and peace education literature with special attention paid to the concepts of critical peace education, cosmopolitanism, postcolonial thought, and decolonial action. The paper particularly explores the philosophical contributions of postcolonial and decolonial thought and how each could help toward decolonising approaches for critical peace education. The concept of ‘structural violence’ (...)
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    The Aisthetic-Cosmological Dimension of María Lugone's Decolonial Feminism.Alejandro A. Vallega - 2020 - Critical Philosophy of Race 8 (1-2):61-83.
    In her work on decolonial feminism María Lugones expands and strengthens the task of decolonial thinking. On the one hand this occurs as gender becomes explicitly part of the very ways of being under modernity, and this means that gender, race, and labor are always entangled in the coloniality of power. As a result decolonial thought may only occur by the critique of one's concrete situation in the living intersectionality in which identities and power relations are (...)
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    Critical theory in a decolonial age.Jan McArthur - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (10):1681-1692.
    This article considers the critical theory of the Frankfurt School in the context of decolonisation and asks whether it can have continuing relevance given its foundations in white, western traditions which bear the hallmarks of colonialism. Despite critical theory, particularly in its early radical figurations, situating itself as an alternative to traditional western philosophy it undoubtedly shares some of the myopic and Eurocentric traits of this tradition. Mindful of not wishing to perpetuate colonial impulses to appropriate Indigenous philosophies, this article (...)
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  24. To ’stay where you are’ as a decolonial gesture: Glissant’s philosophy of Caribbean history in the context of Césaire and Fanon.Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez - 2020 - In Jack Webb (ed.), Memory, Migration and (De)colonisation in the Caribbean and Beyond. Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London. pp. 133–151.
    The place of Glissant’s philosophy of decolonisation in relation to Fanon and Césaire has been theorised by some authors, but the emphasis has not been placed on the fact that Glissant refers to both his predecessors as examples of the absence of a link between the two tactics of resistance – un détour [a tactical diversion] and un retour [a return]. For Glissant, both Césaire and Fanon are still diverters and not properly producers of a new reality, of a real (...)
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  25. The Limitations and Dangers of Decolonial Philosophies.Gregory Fernando Pappas - 2017 - Radical Philosophy Review 20 (2):265-295.
    In this essay I pay homage to one of the most important but neglected philosophers of liberation in Latin America, Luis Villoro, by considering what possible lessons we can learn from his philosophy about how to approach injustices in the Americas. Villoro was sympathetic to liberatory-leftist philosophies but he became concerned with the direction they took once they grew into philosophical movements centered on shared beliefs or on totalizing theories that presume global explanatory power. These movements became vulnerable to extremes (...)
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    The Politics of Decolonial Investigations.Walter D. Mignolo & Walter D. Mignolo Walter D. Mignolo - 2021 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _The Politics of Decolonial Investigations_ Walter D. Mignolo provides a sweeping examination of how coloniality has operated around the world in its myriad forms from the sixteenth century to the twenty-first. Decolonial border thinking allows Mignolo to outline how the combination of the self-fashioned narratives of Western civilization and the hegemony of Eurocentric thought served to eradicate all knowledges in non-European languages and praxes of living and being. Mignolo also traces the geopolitical origins of racialized and (...)
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    Toward a decolonial global ethics.Robin Dunford - 2017 - Journal of Global Ethics 13 (3):380-397.
    ABSTRACTThis paper argues that decolonial theory can offer a distinctive and valuable ethical lens. Decolonial perspectives give rise to an ethics that is fundamentally global but distinct from, and critical of, moral cosmopolitanism. Decolonial ethics shares with cosmopolitanism a refusal to circumscribe normative commitments on the basis of existing political and cultural boundaries. It differs from cosmopolitanism, though, by virtue of its rejection of the individualism and universalism of cosmopolitan thought. Where cosmopolitan approaches tend to articulate (...)
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    Living Phenomenology as a Decolonial Practice.Lewis R. Gordon - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (6):175.
    This paper examines phenomenology as a living form of thought with significance for decolonial epistemic practice. After discussing how phenomenology addresses concerns of living thought, the author outlines disciplinary decadence as a form of colonial epistemic practice and offers his theory of teleological suspensions of disciplinarity among the decolonial epistemic practices that could be devoted not only to the decolonization of thought but also ideas pertaining to normative life.
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    On Justice, Pedagogy, and Decolonial(Izing) Praxis.Catherine E. Walsh - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (4):511-529.
    This paper goes beyond — transcends — “pedagogy as justice,” recognizing that justice, particularly in these present times, may not be enough. Its wager is with pedagogies of and for life; pedagogies that plant and cultivate, that push and enable other modes of living, despite the capitalist-modern-colonial-racist system, beyond the system, and in the system's margins, borders, fissures, and cracks. These pedagogies, as Catherine Walsh argues here, are necessarily tied to and constitutive of decolonial(izing) praxis, a praxis that, while (...)
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    ¿Puede Haber Una filosofía decolonial de la historia?Matthieu Renault & Rodolfo Wenger - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte:41-56.
    RESUMEN Este artículo intenta articular una serie de reflexiones dispersas sobre las relaciones entre el pensamiento de la historia y la crítica del eurocentrismo; o para decirlo de otra manera, y parafraseando el título de un ensayo de Santiago Castro-Gómez, se trata de proponer un conjunto de preguntas o "cuestiones abiertas" relativas a la posibilidad o imposibilidad de hacer una filosofía decolonial de la historia. ABSTRACT This article is an attempt to articulate a series of scattered reflections on the (...)
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    Latin American Decolonial Social Studies of Scientific Knowledge: Alliances and Tensions.Sandra Harding - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (6):1063-1087.
    A distinctive form of anticolonial analysis has been emerging from Latin America in recent decades. This decolonial theory argues that important new insights about modernity, its politics, and epistemology become visible if one starts off thinking about them from the experiences of those colonized by the Spanish and Portuguese in the Americas. For the decolonial theorists, European colonialism in the Americas, on the one hand, and modernity and capitalism in Europe, on the other hand, coproduced and coconstituted each (...)
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    Asking Different Questions: a Decolonial Reading of Merleau-Ponty’s Institution Course Notes.Lisa Guenther - 2022 - Chiasmi International 24:311-332.
    In this essay, I draw on Merleau-Ponty’s Institution Course Notes to clarify Patrick Wolfe’s claim that, for settler colonialism, “invasion is a structure, not an event.” I also engage critically with colonial assumptions in Merleau-Ponty’s own work, including his Eurocentric response to questions such as: “[I]s there a field of world history or universal history? Is there an intended accomplishment? A closure on itself? A true society?” In this essay, I ask different questions – with Merleau-Ponty, against him, and beyond (...)
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  33. Emmanuel Levinas’s Geopolitics: Overlooked Conversations between Rabbinical and Third World Decolonialisms.Santiago Slabodsky - 2010 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 18 (2):147-165.
    In this article, I re-evaluate critiques of Levinas's Eurocentrism by exploring his openness to decolonial theory. First, I survey Levinas's conceptual confrontation with imperialism, showing that his early Eurocentric work is revised in his later writing. Second, I explore the contextual reasons that led him to take that path, such as his previously overlooked conversations with the liberationist South American intellectual Enrique Dussel. Finally, I present the case for a revisitation of the current theoretical frameworks of Jewish thought. (...)
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  34. State of others: Levinas and decolonial Israel.Elad Lapidot - 2025 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    State of Others: Levinas and Decolonial Israel explores the relations between post-Holocaust Jewish thought and postcolonial thought through the work of Emmanuel Levinas. In the last decade, thinkers have criticized Levinas for his Eurocentrism; however, author Elad Lapidot argues that Levinas anticipated this critique and, from the 1960s onward, began setting the foundations for decolonial Jewish thought-and for decolonial Zionism. State of Others offers an innovative analysis of Levinas's intellectual project as articulated around a (...)
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    (U)topías del pensamiento decolonial: Guamán Poma y Euroamérica.Rodrigo Castro Orellana - 2020 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 11 (2):179-186.
    This article analyses some of the main aspects that characterize the genealogy of thought proposed by the so-called decolonial turn. The article focuses on a specific case: Walter Mignolo’s interpretation of the work of Guamán Poma de Ayala, Primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno (S. XVII). In this context, I will present a critique of the reduction made of Guamán to a frontier thinker whose hallmark would be to introduce the question of the coloniality of power. I will (...)
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  36. Emilio Uranga and Jorge Portilla on Accidentality as a Decolonial Tool.Juan Garcia Torres - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (1):55-80.
    Call ‘a substance’ a person who is at home in a relatively stable and unified sense-making framework: a social structure that to some degree specifies which categories are important for interpreting reality, which goals are worth pursing, which character traits are admirable, etc. Call ‘an accident’ a person who is not at home in one such framework. It is tempting to think that being a substance is preferable, but I present some considerations for thinking otherwise. Mexican philosophers Emilio Uranga and (...)
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    From Gender to Omeotlization: Toward a Decolonial Ontology.Susana E. Matallana-Peláez - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (3):373-392.
    This article examines the treatment of gender and the woman question in the ongoing Latin American decolonial debate. More specifically, it traces how the Zapatistas and other indigenous movements as well as some of the main mestizo male voices in this debate have endeavored to frame these issues and the criticism they have received from María Lugones and other decolonial feminists. It then points to some of the limitations in Lugones's own approach, and in a final stream of (...)
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    Un-thinking the West: The spirit of doing Black Theology of Liberation in decolonial times.Vuyani S. Vellem - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    It is indisputable that Black Theology of Liberation intentionally un-thinks the West. BTL has its own independent conceptual and theoretical foundations and can hold without the West if it rejects the architecture of Western knowledge as a final norm for life. This, however, is a spiritual matter which the article argues. The historical arrest of the progression of liberative logic and its promises might be self-inflicted by rearticulating and reinterpreting liberation strong thought. At a time when neofascism, which is (...)
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  39. Planetary activism at the end of the world: Feminist and posthumanist imaginaries beyond Man.Sanna Karkulehto, Aino-Kaisa Koistinen & Nóra Ugron - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (4):577-592.
    We are currently experiencing a planetary crisis that will lead, if worst comes to worst, to the end of the entire world as we know it. Several feminist scholars have suggested that if the Earth is to stay livable for humans and nonhumans alike, the ways in which many human beings – particularly in the wealthy parts of the world, infested with Eurocentrism, colonialism, neoliberalism, and capitalism – inhabit this planet requires radical, ethical, and political transformation. In this article, we (...)
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    Quand l’état critique est salutaire. Du procès du « décolonialisme » à l’urgence du décentrement.Stéphane Dufoix - 2022 - Astérion 27 (27).
    For some years now, the French social sciences –sociology in particular– have been undergoing a period of great tension that was essentially characterised by attacks on the “ideological” –and therefore unscientific– character of the discipline and its vulnerability to the invasion of “decolonialism” from the United States. However, most of these accusations are based on approximations, errors, and misunderstandings that need to be corrected in order to distinguish between, for example, the “decolonialism” denounced by neo-republicans –be they political or academic– (...)
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    Remaining with the Crossing: Social-Political Historical Critique at the Limit in Latin American Thought.Alejandro A. Vallega - 2012 - Research in Phenomenology 42 (2):229-250.
    Abstract If the question of the humanity of “the other“ may become a question, and not be reinscribed into Western colonizing patterns of thought, then its issuing must concern a limit (always arising beyond Western thought), a delimitation of existence that is risked and put at risk without recourse to the project or operation of that colonizing thought that situates it. Ideas of subjectivity, agency, and power-knowledge potential for progress, as well as rationalist instrumental thought used (...)
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    Towards a Situated Liberatory Aesthetic Thought.Alejandro A. Vallega - 2017 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 9 (2):184-194.
    The following response is divided in two parts. The first addresses some general issues about my Latin American Philosophy: From Identity to Radical Exteriority, which was the topic of a session at the 2015 meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. The second takes up in depth a point from each speaker: the question of developing “situated thought” as a way to undo and overcome the exclusion of non-Westernized thought and experience ; and the introduction of (...)
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  43. Abdellatif Laâbi and the decolonial roar : "all silence is death by default".Tina Dransfeldt Christensen - 2025 - In Mohammed Hashas (ed.), Contemporary Moroccan thought: on philosophy, theology, society, and culture. Boston: Brill.
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    Debating African Philosophy: Perspectives on Identity, Decolonial Ethics and Comparative Philosophy.George Hull (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    In African countries there has been a surge of intellectual interest in foregrounding ideas and thinkers of African origin--in philosophy as in other disciplines--that have been unjustly ignored or marginalized. African scholars have demonstrated that precolonial African cultures generated ideas and arguments which were at once truly philosophical and distinctively African, and several contemporary African thinkers are now established figures in the philosophical mainstream. Yet, despite the universality of its themes, relevant contributions from African philosophy have rarely permeated global philosophical (...)
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  45. Fatema Mernissi, the demon of coloniality and decolonial exorcisms.Raja Rhouni - 2025 - In Mohammed Hashas (ed.), Contemporary Moroccan thought: on philosophy, theology, society, and culture. Boston: Brill.
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    The traveling of ‘gender’ and its accompanying baggage: Thoughts on the translation of feminism(s), the globalization of discourses, and representational divides.Márgara Millán - 2016 - European Journal of Women's Studies 23 (1):6-27.
    This article reflects on the meaning and effects of three ongoing and simultaneous processes: the ‘globalization’ of feminism and gender discourses; the articulation of knowledge production in global structures and central locations; and the feminist dialogues between geopolitical divides such as ‘East/west’, ‘North/south’, ‘center/periphery’, and ‘indigenous/non-indigenous’. While the postwar East/west European divide is the specific focus, the article interweaves comparative elements from Latin America’s decolonial debate throughout in order to analyze the ways in which feminism as a disputed discourse (...)
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    Totalidad y exterioridad en el pensamiento de Enrique Dussel. Interpretación y problematización / Totality and exteriority in Enrique Dussel’s thought. Interpretation and problematization.Maximiliano Alberto Garbarino - 2020 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (2):43-54.
    Dos conceptos centrales para comprender la obra de Enrique Dussel son los de totalidad y exterioridad. Ambos aparecen en toda la variedad temática de su obra: en trabajos de ética, de historia de la filosofía, de filosofía política, teología o de crítica económica. Este artículo se propone un recorrido por ambos conceptos teniendo en cuenta la presencia de una doble argumentación: una de corte filosófica y otra de raíz histórica. El objetivo es poner en evidencia cierto reenvío de uno a (...)
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    Looking Forward to Progress: On Amy Allen's The End of Progress.Jordan Daniels - 2018 - Journal of World Philosophies 3 (2):110-113.
    In The End of Progress, Amy Allen connects post- and decolonial concerns about the implications of the concept of progress to contemporary critical theory. In the work of Jürgen Habermas and Axel Honneth, progress—as historical development and sociocultural learning—has taken on the load-bearing role in grounding normativity. Allen seeks to decolonize critical theory “from within” by recuperating Adorno and Foucault’s more ambivalent conceptions of progress. While such a move does not itself amount to “decolonizing” critical theory, Allen helps to (...)
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    Coloniality and the State: Race, Nation and Dependency.Walter D. Mignolo & Fábio Santino Bussmann - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (6):3-18.
    It is of concern that, until now, Western and Southern theories have not been able to provide a full conceptual understanding of the complicity of the elites and states of former colonies outside the West with the political domination they suffer from their Western counterparts. Decolonial thought, by exploring global epistemic designs, can fully explain such political dependency, which, for Aníbal Quijano, results from the local elites’ goal to racially identify with their Western peers (self-humanization), obstructing local nationalization. (...)
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  50. Relational Normative Thought in Ubuntu and Neo-Republicanism.Dorothea Gädeke - 2018 - In George Hull (ed.), Debating African Philosophy: Perspectives on Identity, Decolonial Ethics and Comparative Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 269-288.
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