Results for 'democratic culture'

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  1.  24
    Ecohumanism, democratic culture and activist pedagogy: Attending to what the known demands of us.Nimrod Aloni & Wiel Veugelers - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (6):592-604.
    In two different occasions in the twentieth century John Dewey and Maxine Greene stressed the point that educators should attend to ‘what the known demands of us’. Following this dictum, from a critical perspective and with a constructive pedagogical spirit, in this paper we portray a new paradigm for values education that addresses the major challenges to the sustainable futures of young people in the third decade of the twenty first century as well as proposing transformative and empowering educational strategies. (...)
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    Democratic Despotism, Democratic Culture, and the Democratic Ideal.Robert Gooding-Williams - 2024 - The Monist 107 (1):26-38.
    In this paper, I outline Du Bois’s WWI-era theory of democracy, which comprises three parts: first, an historically specific explanation of the racially exclusionist character of the modern struggle for democracy; second, a justification of universal suffrage; and third, an account of democratic culture, the promotion of which he believed was necessary to supplement the enfranchisement of black people where white supremacy still threated the achievement of justice.
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  3. Democratic Culture and Moral Character. A Study in Culture and Personality.Jerome Braun - 2013
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    For Democratic Culture: A Political Problematic.Jeffrey C. Goldfarb - 1987 - Thesis Eleven 18-18 (1):32-55.
  5.  11
    Democratic Culture: Historical and Philosophical Essays.Akeel Bilgrami (ed.) - 2011 - New Delhi: Routledge India.
    Based on presentations at a conference in Varanasi, 2008.
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    Firms as coalitions of democratic cultures: towards an organizational theory of workplace democracy.Roberto Frega - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (3):405-428.
    The theory of the firm initially developed by Ronald Coase has made explicit the political nature of firms by putting hierarchy at the heart of the economic process. Theories of workplace democracy articulate this intuition in the normative terms of the conditions under which this political power can be legitimate. This paper presents an organizational theory of workplace democracy, and contends that the democratization of firms requires that we take their organizational dimension explicitly into account. It thus construes democracy as (...)
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  7. A democratic culture? : women, citizenship and subscriptional texts in early modern England.Edward Vallance - 2019 - In Cesare Cuttica & Markku Peltonen (eds.), Democracy and anti-democracy in early modern England, 1603-1689. Boston: Brill.
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    Public opinion and democratic culture: The French revolution.Chairperson Raymonde Monnier - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):175-180.
    (1996). Public opinion and democratic culture: The French revolution. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 175-180.
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    Envisioning a Democratic Culture of Difference: Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Dissent in Social Movements.Sheena J. Vachhani - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (4):745-757.
    Using two contemporary cases of the global #MeToo movement and UK-based collective Sisters Uncut, this paper argues that a more in-depth and critical concern with gendered difference is necessary for understanding radical democratic ethics, one that advances and develops current understandings of business ethics. It draws on practices of social activism and dissent through the context of Irigaray’s later writing on democratic politics and Ziarek’s analysis of dissensus and democracy that proceeds from an emphasis on alterity as the (...)
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    Corrupting Youth: Political Education, Democratic Culture, and Political Theory (review).Jennifer Tolbert Roberts - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):621-624.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Corrupting Youth: Political Education, Democratic Culture, and Political TheoryJennifer RobertsJ. Peter Euben. Corrupting Youth: Political Education, Democratic Culture, and Political Theory. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997. xvi 1 271 pp. Cloth, $55, £37.50; paper, $18.95, £13.95.Who, Socrates asks Meletus, improves the young men of Athens? The laws, Meletus replies. But which people, Socrates wants to know, which men? These very dicasts here. All of (...)
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    Corrupting Youth: Political Education, Democratic Culture, and Political Theory.J. Peter Euben - 1997 - Princeton University Press.
    In Corrupting Youth, Peter Euben explores the affinities between Socratic philosophy and Athenian democratic culture as a way to think about issues of politics and education, both ancient and modern. The book moves skillfully between antiquity and the present, from ancient to contemporary political theory, and from Athenian to American democracy. It draws together important recent work by political theorists with the views of classical scholars in ways that shine new light on significant theoretical debates such as those (...)
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    The dream of a democratic culture: Mortimer J. Adler and the Great books idea.Tim Lacy - 2013 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book presents a moderately revisionist history of the great books idea anchored in the following movements and struggles: fighting anti-intellectualism, advocating for the liberal arts, distributing cultural capital, and promoting a public philosophy, anchored in mid-century liberalism, that fostered a shared civic culture.
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    The council of Europe’s competences for democratic culture: Employing Badiou and Plato to move beyond tensions in the values it promotes.Michelle Tourbier - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (1):22-33.
    Designing education policy, curriculum and competences which promote and nourish the values and/or morals believed to underpin democratic culture is both contentious and something which has...
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    Symbols and reasons in democratization: cultural sociology meets deliberative democracy.Jensen Sass & John S. Dryzek - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (4):883-904.
    We develop an account of societal democratization that synthesizes cultural sociology and deliberative democracy. Cultural sociologists emphasize the symbolic inclusion of marginalized groups into the civil sphere. Deliberative democrats stress growth in the deliberative capacity of society. We argue that democratization entails the co-evolution of culture and reason. The basis of co-evolution is the performative construction of an inclusive demos, which requires a deliberative background but is also a source of the moral emotions that motivate deliberation. Since moral emotions (...)
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    Public opinion and democratic culture: The French revolution.Raymonde Monnier - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):175-180.
    (1996). Public opinion and democratic culture: The French revolution. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 175-180.
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    Rorty’s Moral Philosophy for Liberal Democratic Culture.Colin Koopman - 2007 - Contemporary Pragmatism 4 (2):45-64.
    Richard Rorty's moral writings offer a cogent summary of the moral content of contemporary liberal democratic culture. Rorty insists on a divide between our public and private lives, yet he claims that moral progress is primarily driven by the imagination of great poetry and philosophy . A pressing tension thus emerges between private imagination and public moral justification, which is also very real in contemporary liberal democratic culture itself. I sketch a way out of this problem, (...)
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  17.  30
    Democracies in the plural: A typology of democratic cultures.Alessandro Ferrara - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (4-5):393-402.
    This article aims at exploring one specific facet of pluralism: How can we conceive of a variety of democratic cultures that are not just local adaptations of one basic western-centric understanding of the democratic ethos? Drawing on Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Confucian sources, a convergence among diverse democratic cultures is cursorily highlighted on such elements as the priority of the common good, the acceptance of pluralism, the desirability of collegial deliberation, the equality of citizens, and the (...)
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    The knights of the wooden sword and the archangels of the thunder sword: the Renascença Portuguesa and the democratic culture.Adelaide Maria Muralha Vieira Machado - 2009 - Cultura:215-230.
    A partir da implantação da República, surgiu um movimento de intelectuais que procurou congregar e dinamizar num esforço comum os pensadores de várias áreas do conhecimento, através da revista A Águia, tendo em vista uma nova ordem moral e cívica dentro do ideal democrático. Procurámos dar a conhecer as linhas principais que consubstanciaram o espaço aberto pela revista, as influências recebidas e os debates que a animaram.
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    The gap between the real and the ideal: the right to education amid fiscal equity legislation in a democratic culture.Denise De Vito - 2007 - Ethics and Education 2 (2):173-180.
    Lack of understanding about the relationship between federal and state educational institutions brings confusion into discussions of democracy, equity and equality in schools. The 'right to education' continues to be espoused by American society as a birthright, yet it does not figure in federal documentation. This matter has repeatedly come to the attention of legislative courts, who have insisted that the question of education as a fundamental right be addressed. Numerous court cases have attempted to bring closure on this issue, (...)
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    The crisis of journalism reconsidered: democratic culture, professional codes, digital future.Jeffrey C. Alexander, Elizabeth Butler Breese & Marîa Luengo (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This collection of original essays brings a dramatically different perspective to bear on the contemporary "crisis of journalism." Rather than seeing technological and economic change as the primary causes of current anxieties, The Crisis of Journalism Reconsidered draws attention to the role played by the cultural commitments of journalism itself. Linking these professional ethics to the democratic aspirations of the broader societies in which journalists ply their craft, it examines how the new technologies are being shaped to sustain value (...)
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  21. Origins of Democratic Culture: Printing, Petitions, and the Public Sphere in Early-Modern England. By David Zaret.T. Harris - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (5):662-663.
  22. The Inner Ocean: Individualism and Democratic Culture. By George Kateb.J. C. Bertolini - 2004 - The European Legacy 9:379-379.
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    Public Reason and Democratic Culture.David Rasmussen - 2014 - Eco-Ethica 3:109-118.
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    A Popperian Interrogation of African Communalism in the Context of Nigerian Democratic Culture.Sunday Layi Oladipupo - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):236.
  25.  10
    Jerome Braun, Democratic Culture and Moral Character. A Study in Culture and Personality. [REVIEW]Rudolf J. Siebert & Dustin J. Byrd - 2015 - Critical Research on Religion 3 (2):223-227.
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    Review of George Kateb: The Inner Ocean: Individualism and Democratic Culture.[REVIEW]James M. Glass - 1994 - Ethics 105 (1):188-190.
  27.  26
    Art in Public : Politics, Economics, and a Democratic Culture.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book examines fundamental questions about funding for the arts: why should governments provide funding for the arts? What do the arts contribute to daily life? Do artists and their publics have a social responsibility? Challenging questionable assumptions about the state, the arts and a democratic society, Lambert Zuidervaart presents a vigorous case for government funding, based on crucial contributions the arts make to civil society. He argues that the arts contribute to democratic communication and a social economy, (...)
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    On Democratic Experimentalism: Toward a Culture of Love and Non-Violence.Lenart Škof - 2012 - Contemporary Pragmatism 9 (2):287-299.
    This essay rethinks democratic experimentalism from an ethical point of view, and look at its potential for the future by drawing on two key thinkers of the late 20th and early 21st century: Richard Rorty and Luce Irigaray. I explore the experimentalist character in Irigaray's later thought and point to a pragmatist link in her works, and then dynamize her original theory of sexual difference by pointing to G.H. Mead's symbolic interactionism. Then a revolutionary character of Irigaray's thought is (...)
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    Art in Public: Politics, Economics, and a Democratic Culture by zuidervaart, lambert.Jason Simus - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 70 (4):403-405.
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    Our Country Right or Wrong: A Pragmatic Response to Anti-Democratic Cultural Nationalism in China.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2010 - Contemporary Pragmatism 7 (2):45-69.
    Since Deng Xiaoping came into power, China has been described as pragmatic in its approach to politics and development, and in the nineties there has been a revival of interest in Chinese cultural tradition. What is the relation between these two phenomena? Do they coexist, separately in mutual indifference, or in tension? Has there been constructive engagement, or at the very least does the potential for such engagement exist? More specifically, what roles, if any, do they play in China's quest (...)
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  31.  52
    'Only Connect …' J. Peter Euben: Corrupting Youth. Political Education, Democratic Culture, and Political Theory . Pp. xvi + 270. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997 (US), 1998 (UK). Cased, £37.50/$55 (Paper, £13.95/$18.95). ISBN: 0-691-01202-4 (0-691-04828-2 pbk). [REVIEW]Paul Cartledge - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (01):156-.
  32.  24
    Of cultural dissonance: the UK’s adult literacy policies and the creation of democratic learning spaces.Gordon Ade-Ojo & Vicky Duckworth - unknown
    The broad aim of this paper is to track the evolution of adult literacy policy in the UK across three decades, highlighting convergences between policy phases and the promotion of democratic learning spaces. It is anchored onto the argument that, although it is generally accepted that democratic learning spaces are perceived as beneficial to adult literacy learners, policy has often deterred its promotion and, therefore, implementation. The paper identifies three block phases of adult literacy development: the seventies to (...)
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  33.  16
    Kateb, George. The Inner Ocean: Individualism and Democratic Culture. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992. Pp. 274. $27.95 (paper). [REVIEW]David Estlund - 1994 - In Peter Singer (ed.), Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Critical Multiculturalism.Chicago Cultural Studies Group - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (3):530.
    We would like to open some questions here about the institutional and cultural conditions of anything that might be called cultural studies or multiculturalism. By introducing cultural studies and multiculturalism many intellectuals aim at a more democratic culture. We share this aim. In this essay, however, we would like to argue that the projects of cultural studies and multiculturalism require: a more international model of cultural studies than the dominant Anglo-American versions; renewed attention to the institutional environments of (...)
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    Democratic Elements in Traditional Yoruba Society as a Basis for the Culture of Democracy in Africa and the Global Social Order.Olatunji Alabi Oyeshile - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (2):67-83.
    The paper examines democratic concepts or elements in traditional Yoruba society and their implications for the culture of democracy in Africa and the social order at the global level. One of the major problems confronting African states is the problem of governance. Political crises have metamorphosed into problems of ethnic conflict, war, corruption, economic stagnation, social disorder and paucity of sustainable development in Africa and these crises have also resulted in global disequilibrium. This paper revisits traditional Yoruba society, (...)
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    Cultural Imperialism and ‘Democratic Peace’.Catherine Audard - 2006 - In Rex Martin & David A. Reidy (eds.), Rawls's Law of Peoples. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 59–75.
    This chapter contains section titled: Cultural Imperialism in Rawls's Law of Peoples Rawls's Answers to the Charge Conclusion: Peace or Justice? Acknowledgements Notes.
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    Lambert Zuidervaart , Art in Public: Politics, Economics and a Democratic Culture . Reviewed by.Gregg M. Horowitz - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (1):91-92.
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    Denying Culture in the Transplant Arena: Technocratic Medicine's Myth of Democratization.Lesley A. Sharp - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (2):142-150.
    In the United States, organ transfer has generated a highly selective and overly specialized approach to bioethics. A dominant assumption is the myth of medical democracy: whereas professionals involved in this highly technocratic arena publicly embrace notions of medical equality, particularized practices expose another reality. The more specific ideological tenets of medical democracy read as follows: First, all potential transplant patients are equally deserving of replacement organs. Further, all citizens are entitled to equal access to these unusual commodities, which are (...)
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  39. Hegemony, Culture and Human Resources in Politics: the Democratic Transition in Serbia.Vojin Rakic - 2003 - UNDP and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences.
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    The Democratic Horizon: Hyperpluralism and the Renewal of Political Liberalism.Alessandro Ferrara - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Alessandro Ferrara explains what he terms "the democratic horizon" - the idea that democracy is no longer simply one form of government among others, but is instead almost universally regarded as the only legitimate form of government, the horizon to which most of us look. Professor Ferrara reviews the challenges under which democracies must operate, focusing on hyperpluralism, and impresses a new twist onto the framework of political liberalism. He shows that distinguishing real democracies from imitations can be difficult, (...)
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    Public culture of a democratic society: Comments on professor Rawls' Dewey lectures.Nathan Rotenstreich - 1983 - Journal of Value Inquiry 17 (2):143-150.
  42. Affective Attitudes and Democratic Political Culture التوجهات الانفعالية في الثقافة السياسية الديمقراطية.Raja Bahlul - 2023 - Tabayyun for Philosophical Studies 12 (45):71-107.
    There are many types of political culture as well as many elements to be found in each type of political culture. The present study will be limited in two ways. Firstly, we shall not deal with all the elements of political culture. We shall focus on what has been called the "Affective Attitudes" element, which we take to include feelings and emotional proclivities, which to us, are inseparable from values and evaluations. Secondly, we shall not focus on (...)
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  43.  10
    Towards New Democratic Imaginaries – Istanbul Seminars on Islam, Culture and Politics.Seyla Benhabib & Volker Kaul (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume combines rigorous empirical and theoretical analyses with political engagement to look beyond reductive short-hands that ignore the historical evolution and varieties of Islamic doctrine and that deny the complexities of Muslim societies' encounters with modernity itself. Are Islam and democracy compatible? Can we shed the language of 'Islam vs. the West' for new political imaginaries? The authors analyze struggles over political legitimacy since the Arab Spring and the rise of Al Qaeda and ISIS in their historical and political (...)
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  44.  39
    Menander and Democracy S. Lape: Reproducing Athens. Menander's Comedy, Democratic Culture, and the Hellenistic City . Pp. xvi + 294. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2004. Cased, £26.95. ISBN: 0-691-11583-. [REVIEW]Mark Golden - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):453-.
  45.  51
    Art in Public: Politics, Economics, and a Democratic Culture, by Lambert Zuidervaart. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, 338 pp. ISBN 978-0-521-11274-1 hb £55.00; 978-0-521-13017-2 pb £18.99. [REVIEW]Christopher Yates - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (S2):e17-e22.
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    Educating Beyond Cultural Diversity: Redrawing the Boundaries of a Democratic Plurality.Sharon Todd - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (2):101-111.
    In this paper I draw some distinctions between the terms “cultural diversity” and “plurality” and argue that a radical conception of plurality is needed in order both to re-imagine the boundaries of democratic education and to address more fully the political aspects of conflict that plurality gives rise to. This paper begins with a brief exploration of the usages of the term diversity in European documents that promote intercultural education as a democratic vehicle for overcoming social conflict between (...)
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  47.  14
    Culture and Democratic Theory: Toward a Theory of Symbolic Democracy.Orville Lee - 1998 - Constellations 5 (4):433-455.
  48. DIGITAL CULTURE AND THE INFORMATION REGIME: Political governance in times of democratic system crisis (4th edition).Jesus Enrrique Caldera Ynfante - 2023 - Techno Review 13 (10.37467/revtechno.v13.4817):1-17.
    The information regime is mediated by the culture of the electronic device. It is characterized by the control of the deluded citizen through the deployment of freedom, thereby nullifying the core issue of human life: freedom. Through phenomenological-hermeneutic methodology (Heidegger, 2002), this work starts from the world of digital life to direct the interpretation towards digital governance, all of which appears as a hermeneutic horizon the information regime. It is concluded that in this new social order the political and (...)
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    In search of a democratic school culture: an analysis from the lenses of critical realism.Senem Sanal-Erginel & Sıtkıye Kuter - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (4):605-625.
    Dewey’s understanding of democratic school life is regarded as the early foundation of democratic education (Cohen et al. 2009). Similarly, Biesta (2007) underlines the significant role of schools...
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    The Public Spirit in Democratic Age: Tocqueville on Public Sphere and Political Culture.Juan Antonio González de Requena - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (2):45-56.
    El actual debate sobre el papel de la "esfera pública" en la política moderna no asume un concepto único de lo "público". La reconstrucción habermasiana de la esfera pública enfatiza la apertura inclusiva de la interacción discursiva a través de la sociedad civil, pero también sus efectos políticos al proveer legitimación reflexiva y una formación racional de la opinión. La esfera pública también se relaciona con el aparecer en común y actuar juntos; o es vinculada con la cultura política, con (...)
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