Results for 'dialogical teaching, didactical institutionalization, group reasoning, interactional linguistics, metaphorical gesture'

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  1.  1
    Gestures’ Contribution to Collective Metaphorical Thinking in a Community of Philosophical Inquiry (CPI).Claire Polo - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:41-64.
    Gestures’ Contribution to Collective Metaphorical Thinking in a Community of Philosophical Inquiry (CPI). This paper explores an idea expressed by a student discussing where our thoughts come from: to think we have to move our hands. Such sentence echoes the literature on the role of gesture for thinking. This study also focuses on the collective advancement of reasoning in a CPI. The instructor chooses to conclude by asking each student to suggest an analogy of thinking. This closing sequence (...)
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    Access to Interaction and Context Through Situated Descriptions: A Study of Interpreting for Deafblind Persons.Eli Raanes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article focuses on how to provide environmental descriptions of the context with the intent of creating access to information and dialogical participation for deafblind persons. Multimodal interaction is needed to communicate with deafblind persons whose combined sensory loss impedes their access to the environment and ongoing interaction. Empirical data of interpreting for deafblind persons are analyzed to give insight into how this task may be performed. All communicative activities vary due to their context, participants, and aim. In this (...)
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    Constraining Metaphor and Metonymy in Language and Depiction: A Cognitive Semiotics Approach.Jordan Zlatev - 2024 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 69 (1):7-29.
    In cognitive semiotics, metaphor and metonymy are crucially treated as special forms of sign use. In contrast, researchers in cognitive linguistics have extended the scope of metaphor and metonymy far beyond the traditional understanding of these semiotic figures based on, respectively, iconicity and contiguity into purely mental processes. I argue that this has led to unbounded over-extension, and general confusion about what metaphor and metonymy actually are, and thus on how to be able to reliably identify them in language and (...)
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    Western medical ethics taught to junior medical students can cross cultural and linguistic boundaries.Valmae A. Ypinazar & Stephen A. Margolis - 2004 - BMC Medical Ethics 5 (1):1-7.
    Background Little is known about teaching medical ethics across cultural and linguistic boundaries. This study examined two successive cohorts of first year medical students in a six year undergraduate MBBS program. Methods The objective was to investigate whether Arabic speaking students studying medicine in an Arabic country would be able to correctly identify some of the principles of Western medical ethical reasoning. This cohort study was conducted on first year students in a six-year undergraduate program studying medicine in English, their (...)
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  5. From Immanent Transcendence to Cross-Bordering in Arts-Metaphor, Narrative and Existence.Vincent Shen & Chia-Hsun Chuang - 2006 - Philosophy and Culture 33 (10):21-36.
    People's desire not to limit the meaning of Hancang driving force, continuous development and self-transcendence, which is people from within and beyond the root driving force. The so-called "inner beyond" is not a process of idealism, which began with the desire, from the bottom of the body, and go up on the layer by layer through the heart of the development process裡and mental flexibility, and would therefore have to enhance and transform. We regard the body as I desire the presence (...)
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  6. Readymades in the Social Sphere: an Interview with Daniel Peltz.Feliz Lucia Molina - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):17-24.
    Since 2008 I have been closely following the conceptual/performance/video work of Daniel Peltz. Gently rendered through media installation, ethnographic, and performance strategies, Peltz’s work reverently and warmly engages the inner workings of social systems, leaving elegant rips and tears in any given socio/cultural quilt. He engages readymades (of social and media constructions) and uses what are identified as interruptionist/interventionist strategies to disrupt parts of an existing social system, thus allowing for something other to emerge. Like the stereoscope that requires two (...)
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  7.  17
    La protesta es Una Guerra: Un análisis de grafitis referidos a la protesta social en chile desde la metáfora conceptual.Víctor Patricio Vásquez-Bustos - 2022 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 32 (1):173-190.
    In October 2019, the so-called ‘social outbreak’ took place in Chile, a major socio-political conflict that led to an unprecedented constitutional change in the country. Under this context, the feminist movement takes on a prominent role, not only because of the massiveness of its demonstrations but also because of its influence on the achievement of gender parity in the constitutional process.The experiences of the protests were captured in the countless graffiti that have propagated in urban spaces since the social outbreak (...)
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    Phenomenology and cognitive linguistics in dialogue: A review of Ortega y Gasset's theory of emotive gesture as metaphor. [REVIEW]Noé Expósito Ropero & Augusto Soares da Silva - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (3):374-390.
    The present study pursues three objectives. First, to expose and discuss the contributions of the philosopher José Ortega y Gasset to the phenomenological study of gestures and emotive gesture. Secondly, to critically review one of the central theses defended by Ortega, according to which “every expressive phenomenon”—including, therefore, the emotive gesture—involves “a transposition, that is to say, an essential metaphor.” This thesis invites us, in the third objective, to establish a dialogue between phenomenology and cognitive linguistics (as developed (...)
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  9.  36
    Dialogical Communicative Interaction between Humans and Elephants: an Experiment in Semiotic Alignment.Ignasi Ribó - 2019 - Biosemiotics 12 (2):305-327.
    Theoretical and empirical contributions to the understanding of communicative interactions between heterospecifics are scarce and tend to apply a monological model of communication that focuses on the transfer of information from signallers to receivers. This study relies on an alternative model of communication, semiotic alignment, which sees communicative interaction as a dialogical process of joint semiosis resulting in the alignment of the interactants’ own-worlds. We conducted an experiment where dyads composed of an elephant instruction-giver and a human instruction-receiver needed (...)
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  10.  66
    Gestural modality and addressee perspective influence how we reason about time.Tasha N. Lewis & Elise Stickles - 2017 - Cognitive Linguistics 28 (1):45-76.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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  11.  41
    Learning argumentative capacities.Joaquim Dolz - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (2):227-251.
    In the fields of linguistics and psychology the didactic implementation of new knowledge relative to argumentative discourse and its acquisition has led us to develop a didactic sequence focused on the teaching of argumentation in 11–12 year old pupils. This sequence was experimented in six schools in order to assess the effect of these new educational methods on the capacities of pupils to treat the dialogic dimensions of argumentation in the writing of monologues. An analysis of the productions of the (...)
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  12.  57
    Messing Up the Mind? Analogical Reasoning with Metaphors.Eugen Fischer - 2014 - In Henrique Jales Ribeiro, Systematic Approaches to Argument by Analogy. Cham: Springer. pp. 129-148.
    One major facilitator of analogical reasoning is conceptual metaphor: cross-domain mappings that preserve relations and thereby motivate the extension of linguistic terms from the source to the target domain. Their conscious and explicit use in analogical reasoning has been helpful and productive in disciplines ranging from physics to psychology, and philosophy. At the same time, students of metaphor have suggested that partially unwitting use of conceptual metaphors led to unsound but intuitive conceptions of the mind, in philosophy and psychology. This (...)
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    Rethinking (Dis)Fluency Within the Scope of Interactional Linguistics and Gesture Studies.Loulou Kosmala - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:49-66.
    The study of so-called ‘disfluency’ phenomena (uh and um, filled and unfilled pauses, self-repairs and the like) has gained a lot of attention in various fields in linguistics in the past few decades, but a majority of studies tend to be production-oriented and often disregard fundamental aspects of face-to-face communication such as interactional dynamics and gesture. This paper presents a multimodal and multilevel model of “inter-fluency”, considering different levels of analysis, mainly, talk, gesture, and interaction, by combining (...)
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  14.  21
    Metaphor in the ‘‘Strict Father’’ and ‘‘Nurturant Parent’’ cognitive models: Theoretical issues raised in an empirical study.Alan Cienki - 2005 - Cognitive Linguistics 16 (2):279-312.
    The metaphorical components of two cognitive models of moral/political systems, presented in Lakoff (1996 [2002]), were tested empirically, using a set of televised debates between two candidates for US president as data. Few verbal metaphoric expressions were found in the data which directly reflected the conceptual metaphors proposed in the models. However, a large number of mostly non-metaphoric expressions were found which constitute entailments of the models. This suggests a form of reasoning according to the logic of the proposed (...)
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  15.  13
    Under the Talking-Tree: Proverbs as Reasons. The Dialogical Articulaton of Proverbs Within the Baule Tradition.Adjoua Bernadette Dango & Shahid Rahman - 2021 - In Teresa Lopez-Soto, Dialog Systems: A Perspective From Language, Logic and Computation. Springer Verlag. pp. 55-73.
    The Talking-Tree or Palaver Tree is a designated location in many African traditions where the community comes together to discuss, in a peaceful and constructive manner, issues of common interest. It is conceived as an open gathering space of interactive communication led by the stance that finding a compromise or common solution is the best way to consolidate a community. At times, the interchange taking place at a Talking-Tree may also transform into conflict management. Conflict management unfolds into several specific (...)
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  16. Didactic Sermons: A Selection.Jasper Hopkins - unknown
    The title of this present volume tends to be misleading. For it suggests that Nicholas’s didactic sermons are to be distinguished from his non-didactic ones—ones that are, say, more inspirational and less philosophical, or more devotional and less theological, or more situationally oriented and less Scripturally focused. Yet, in truth, all 293 of Nicholas’s sermons are highly didactic, highly pedagogical, highly exegetical.1 To be sure, there are inspirational and devotional elements; but they are subordinate to the primary purpose of teaching. (...)
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  17. Nicholas of cusa's didactic sermons: A selection.Jasper Hopkins - unknown
    The title of this present volume tends to be misleading. For it suggests that Nicholas’s didactic sermons are to be distinguished from his non-didactic ones—ones that are, say, more inspirational and less philosophical, or more devotional and less theological, or more situationally oriented and less Scripturally focused. Yet, in truth, all 293 of Nicholas’s sermons are highly didactic, highly pedagogical, highly exegetical.1 To be sure, there are inspirational and devotional elements; but they are subordinate to the primary purpose of teaching. (...)
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  18.  9
    The dialogic nature of double consciousness and double stimulation.Donna E. West - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (1-2):235-261.
    The objective in this paper is to demonstrate the indispensability of Peirce’s double consciousness to foster abductive reasoning, so that internal/external dialogue inform the worthiness of hunches. These forms of dialogue establish a mental give-and-take forum in which novel meanings/effects are particularly highlighted and noticed. Such attentional shifts are compelled by surprising states of affairs within the beholder’s internal, interpretive competencies, or from external factors (pictures, gestural or linguistic performatives). The dialogic nature of these signs pre-forms operations not possible non-dialogically; (...)
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  19.  79
    Instruction-in-Interaction: The Teaching and Learning of a Manual Skill. [REVIEW]Oskar Lindwall & Anna Ekström - 2012 - Human Studies 35 (1):27-49.
    This study takes an interest in instructions and instructed actions in the context of manual skills. The analysis focuses on a video recorded episode where a teacher demonstrates how to crochet chain stitches, requests a group of students to reproduce her actions, and then repeatedly corrects the attempts of one of the students. The initial request, and the students’ responses to it, could be seen as preliminary to the series of corrective sequences that come next: the request and the (...)
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  20.  15
    Polysubjectivity as a Factor of Social Development in the Context of Dialogization and Differentiation of Center–Region Relations in the Federal State.Иван Александрович Савельев - 2024 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 67 (2):97-116.
    The article explores the phenomenon of polysubjectivity as a factor of social development from the perspective of post-non-classical scientific methodology. The author proposes conceptualizing polysubjectivity (multiple subjectivity) as a category describing the multifaceted nature, diversity, and dynamics of the social environment. This environment is formed through the dialogue of managed subjects who are bearers of diverse value-goal structures, possess certain resources, and are interconnected with other subjects of social action. Attention is drawn to the dual nature of poly-subjectivity. On one (...)
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  21.  17
    Be sealed with the Holy Spirit: Behind the metaphor in Ephesians 1:13.Robby I. Chandra, Agustinus M. L. Batlajery & A. Christian Jonch - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):8.
    This study explores the phrase ‘sealed with the Holy Spirit’ of Ephesians 1:13 as a metaphor, which relates the status of the recipients with the seal. Past studies view that the metaphor teaches about covenant or unity in God’s protection, assurance, and ownership. This study hypothesises that the author uses metaphor to address the recipients who have a deeper sentiment with a seal meaning they are both Jewish and Gentile Christians but especially those who are slaves. The study combines the (...)
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    Styles of Discourse.Ioannis Vandoulakis & Tatiana Denisova (eds.) - 2021 - Kraków: Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie.
    The volume starts with the paper of Lynn Maurice Ferguson Arnold, former Premier of South Australia and former Minister of Education of Australia, concerning the Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (International Exposition of Art and Technology in Modern Life) that was held from 25 May to 25 November 1937 in Paris, France. The organization of the world exhibition had placed the Nazi German and the Soviet pavilions directly across from each other. Many papers are devoted (...)
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    Metaphors in the flesh: Metaphorical pantomimes in sports celebrations.Raymond W. Gibbs - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (1):67-96.
    When athletes make significant plays in sporting competitions, such as scoring a goal in soccer, a touchdown in American football, they often immediately express their joy by performing some bodily action for others to see and understand. Many sports celebrations are staged pantomimes that express metaphorical meanings as a part of athletes’ pretending to perform certain source-path-goal sequences of action from other competitive events. This article examines the possible metaphoricity in different sports celebrations and whether casual observers may understand (...)
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  24.  37
    Visuo-Kinetic Signs Are Inherently Metonymic: How Embodied Metonymy Motivates Forms, Functions, and Schematic Patterns in Gesture.Irene Mittelberg - 2009 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:346848.
    TThis paper aims to evidence the inherently metonymic nature of co-speech gestures. Arguing that motivation in gesture involves iconicity (similarity), indexicality (contiguity), and habit (conventionality) to varying degrees, it demonstrates how a set of metonymic principles may lend a certain systematicity to experientially grounded processes of gestural abstraction and enaction. Introducing visuo-kinetic signs as an umbrella term for co-speech gestures and signed languages, the paper shows how a frame-based approach to gesture may integrate different cognitive/functional linguistic and semiotic (...)
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  25. How Linguistic and Cultural Forces Shape Conceptions of Time: English and Mandarin Time in 3D.Orly Fuhrman, Kelly McCormick, Eva Chen, Heidi Jiang, Dingfang Shu, Shuaimei Mao & Lera Boroditsky - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (7):1305-1328.
    In this paper we examine how English and Mandarin speakers think about time, and we test how the patterns of thinking in the two groups relate to patterns in linguistic and cultural experience. In Mandarin, vertical spatial metaphors are used more frequently to talk about time than they are in English; English relies primarily on horizontal terms. We present results from two tasks comparing English and Mandarin speakers’ temporal reasoning. The tasks measure how people spatialize time in three-dimensional space, including (...)
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  26. Metaphtonymy: The Interaction of Metaphor and Metonymy in Expressions for Linguistic Action.Louis Goossens - 1990 - Cognitive Linguistics 1 (3):323-342.
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  27. A Prelinguistic Gestural Universal of Human Communication.Ulf Liszkowski, Penny Brown, Tara Callaghan, Akira Takada & Conny de Vos - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (4):698-713.
    Several cognitive accounts of human communication argue for a language-independent, prelinguistic basis of human communication and language. The current study provides evidence for the universality of a prelinguistic gestural basis for human communication. We used a standardized, semi-natural elicitation procedure in seven very different cultures around the world to test for the existence of preverbal pointing in infants and their caregivers. Results were that by 10–14 months of age, infants and their caregivers pointed in all cultures in the same basic (...)
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  28.  52
    Ambiguity and metaphor.Alan Bailin - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (172):151-169.
    We often consider semantic-pragmatic properties of language independently of each other. In actual texts, however, the properties frequently interact. For this reason a robust theory should allow us to account not only for semantic-pragmatic properties in isolation, but also for the ways in which they are combined. This is especially important for the understanding of literary texts because the exploitation of semantic-pragmatic properties is characteristic of literary language. This article argues that it is possible to account systematically for the occurrence (...)
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  29. REFLECTIVE AND DIALOGICAL APPROACHES IN ENGINEERING ETHICS EDUCATION.Lavinia Marin, Yousef Jalali, Alexandra Morrison & Cristina Voinea - 2025 - In Shannon Chance, Tom Børsen, Diana Adela Martin, Roland Tormey, Thomas Taro Lennerfors & Gunter Bombaerts, The Routledge international handbook of engineering ethics education. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 441-458.
    This chapter addresses the challenges of implementing reflective thinking in engineering ethics education (EEE). It examines existing methods for teaching ethical reflection in EEE and argues that pedagogical activities aiming to foster ethical reflection need to be infused with dialogical interactions and, at a deeper level, informed by dialogism. Dialogism is understood as a relational approach to inquiry in which interactions between moral agents enable them to develop their own understandings through the process of finding shared meanings with the (...)
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    Decolonizing Memory.Laurence J. Kirmayer - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (4):243-248.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Decolonizing MemoryLaurence J. Kirmayer*, MD (bio)In this far-reaching essay, Emily Walsh explores the significance of memory for coming to grips with the enduring legacy of colonialism in psychiatry. She argues that "for reasons of self-preservation, racialized individuals should reject collective memories underwritten by colonialism." Psychiatry can enable this process or collude with the structures of domination to silence and disable those who bear the brunt of the colonialist history (...)
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    Dialogic Teaching and Moral Learning: Self‐critique, Narrativity, Community and ‘Blind Spots’.Andrea R. English - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (2):160-176.
    In the current climate of high-stakes testing and performance-based accountability measures, there is a pressing need to reconsider the nature of teaching and what capacities one must develop to be a good teacher. Educational policy experts around the world have pointed out that policies focused disproportionately on student test outcomes can promote teaching practices that are reified and mechanical, and which lead to students developing mere memorisation skills, rather than critical thinking and conceptual understanding. Philosophers of dialogue and dialogic teaching (...)
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    Reasoning in Multiparty Dialogue Involving Patients with Schizophrenia.Ellen Breitholtz, Robin Cooper, Christine Howes & Mary Lavelle - 2021 - In Maxime Amblard, Michel Musiol & Manuel Rebuschi, (In)Coherence of Discourse: Formal and Conceptual Issues of Language. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag. pp. 43-63.
    Interacting with others frequently involves making common-sense inferences linking context, background knowledge, and beliefs to utterances in the dialogue. As language users we are generally good at this kind of dialogical reasoning, and might not even be aware we are involved in it while we engage in a conversation. However, sometimes it is not obvious how a particular contribution should be interpreted in terms of the underpinning assumptions warranting an inference. In dialogue involving participants who demonstrate atypical linguistic behavior, (...)
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    Analyzing Visual Metaphor and Metonymy to Understand Creativity in Fashion.Ryoko Uno, Eiko Matsuda & Bipin Indurkhya - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:387010.
    The role of figurative languages such as metaphor and metonymy in creativity has been studied in cognitive linguistics. These methods can also be applied to analyze non-linguistic data such as pictures and gestures. In this paper we analyze fashion design by focusing on visual metaphor and metonymy. The nature of creativity in fashion design is not fully studied from a cognitive perspective compared to other related fields such as art. We especially focus on the aspect of fashion design as a (...)
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  34.  65
    Being Interdisciplinary: Trading Zones in Cognitive Science.Paul Thagard - unknown
    By the early part of the twentieth century, academia in the English-speaking world had stabilized (or ossified!) into a set of scientific and humanistic disciplines that still survives at the century’s end. The natural sciences have such disciplines as physics, chemistry, and biology, and the social sciences include economics, psychology, and sociology. These disciplines provide a convenient organizing principle for university departments and professional organizations, but they often bear little relation to cuttingedge research, which can concern topics that cut across (...)
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    Enhancing Literacy and Communicative Skills of Students With Disabilities in Special Schools Through Dialogic Literary Gatherings.Aitana Fernández-Villardón, Rosa Valls-Carol, Patricia Melgar Alcantud & Itxaso Tellado - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:662639.
    Enhancing the quality of learning opportunities for students with disabilities and the learning level attained is a pending challenge. This challenge is especially relevant in the context of special schools, where the learning possibilities derived from interactions with others is limited. However, providing these students with a sufficient level of instrumental learning, such as literacy, and communicative and reasoning abilities is crucial for their subsequent educational and social opportunities. In this case study we analyse a special school that has implemented (...)
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    A metaphor in search of a source domain: The categories of Slavic aspect.Laura A. Janda - 2004 - Cognitive Linguistics 15 (4):471–527.
    I propose that human experience of matter provides the source domain for the metaphor that motivates the grammatical category of aspect in Russian. This model is a version of the universal TIME IS SPACE metaphor, according to which SITUATIONS ARE MATERIAL ENTITIES, and, more specifically, PERFECTIVE IS A DISCRETE SOLID OBJECT versus IMPERFECTIVE IS A FLUID SUBSTANCE. The contrast of discrete solid objects with fluid substances reveals a rich array of over a dozen properties; the isomorphism observed between those properties (...)
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  37. Developing argumentation strategies in electronic dialogs: Is modeling effective?Fabrizio Macagno, Elizabeth Mayweg-Paus & Deanna Kuhn - 2015 - Discourse Processes 53 (4):280-297.
    The study presented here examines how interacting with a more capable interlocutor influences use of argumentation strategies in electronic discourse. To address this question, 54 young adolescents participating in an intervention centered on electronic peer dialogs were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control condition. In both conditions, pairs who held the same position on a social issue engaged in a series of electronic dialogs with pairs who held an opposing position. In the experimental condition, in some dialogs, unbeknownst (...)
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    Animals and Human Society in Asia: Historical, Cultural and Ethical Perspectives.Chien-hui Li - 2022 - Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (2):203-205.
    From a largely Western phenomenon, the “animal turn” has, in recent years, gone global. Animals and Human Society in Asia: Historical, Cultural and Ethical Perspectives is just such a timely product that testifies to this trend.But why Asia? The editors, in their very helpful overview essay, have from the outset justified the volume's focus on Asia and ensured that this is not simply a matter of lacuna filling. The reasons they set out include: the fact that Asia is the cradle (...)
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    Response to June Boyce-Tillman, "Towards an Ecology of Music Education".Claudia Gluschankof - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (2):181-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 12.2 (2004) 181-186 [Access article in PDF] Response to June Boyce-Tillman, "Towards an Ecology of Music Education" Claudia Gluschankof Levinsky College of Education, Israel I begin with two confessions. First, music was not my favorite class at school. I cannot even recall what we did there. It did not at all connect with the powerful, meaningful place that music had in my private life, (...)
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    Rationalism and a Vygotskian Alternative to Business Ethics Education.David Ohreen - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 10:231-260.
    Studies have shown ethics education has not systematically improved the moral reasoning of business students and professionals and, therefore, its effectiveness should be seen as deeply questionable. Business ethics education has limited effect, in part, because it rests on rationalistic traditions within normative ethics, business theory, and cognitive psychology. Emphasis is usually placed on student’s rationally thinking about issues as a way of improving their critical analysis and reasoning skills. Yet by focusing primarily on its cognitive dimension, ethics education has (...)
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    Interactive Meditations.Emrys Westacott - 2002 - Teaching Philosophy 25 (1):41-52.
    This essay provides a number of interactive group activities that promote discussion of Descartes’ “Meditations” and “Discourse on Method”. The activities are suitable for small discussion groups (four of five students in each group) and supply students with well defined tasks rather than general questions. The activities consider a numerous topics in Descartes work, including (for example) how to defend the idea that reason should be the supreme epistemic authority, how Descartes distinguishes between dreams and waking experience, Descartes (...)
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    The Possibility of Transmission of Speech in the Qurʾān.Muhammed İsa Yüksek - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):273-290.
    In terms of classical tafsir literature, it is possible that the speeches made to a person or group in the Qurʾān carry messages for other individuals or groups. According to some approaches that emerged in the modern period, when the speech was made and to whom it was directed not only determine the meaning, but also limits it. This dilemma has to be based on the theoretical dimension. The most obvious example of the transition of the speech from direct (...)
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    Teaching Analogical Reasoning With Co-speech Gesture Shows Children Where to Look, but Only Boosts Learning for Some.Katharine F. Guarino & Elizabeth M. Wakefield - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In general, we know that gesture accompanying spoken instruction can help children learn. The present study was conducted to better understand how gesture can support children’s comprehension of spoken instruction and whether the benefit of teaching though speech and gesture over spoken instruction alone depends on differences in cognitive profile – prior knowledge children have that is related to a to-be-learned concept. To answer this question, we explored the impact of gesture instruction on children’s analogical reasoning (...)
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  44. The Post-Cinematic Gesture: Redhack.Ekin Erkan - 2020 - Zapruder World 6.
    Over the last thirty years, once staunchly film history scholars such as Thomas Elsaesser, Jane Gaines, Siegfried Zielinski, André Gaudreault and Benoît Turquety (to name just a few) have abandoned history for historiography and film studies for media archaeology. Considering the heightened attention given to kulturtechnik (Siegert), the database as a dominant symbolic metaphor,1 and the decentered networked tenants of the postmodern global present, cinema is taking on the characteristics of new media, existing in increasingly intertextual space. Thus, the term (...)
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    The Hands of Time: Temporal gestures in English speakers.Daniel Casasanto & Kyle Jasmin - 2012 - Cognitive Linguistics 23 (4):643–674.
    Do English speakers think about time the way they talk about it? In spoken English, time appears to flow along the sagittal axis (front/back): the future is ahead and the past is behind us. Here we show that when asked to gesture about past and future events deliberately, English speakers often use the sagittal axis, as language suggests they should. By contrast, when producing co-speech gestures spontaneously, they use the lateral axis (left/right) overwhelmingly more often, gesturing leftward for earlier (...)
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    Context of Contextualized Teaching Situations in the Initial Training of Mathematics Teachers at the Popular University of Cesar.Teovaldo García Romero, Ingris Trespalacio Buelvas, Wilcar Damián Cifuentes Álvarez, Hamilton Jair García Castro & Zaida Karina Peralta Luna - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1443-1464.
    The purpose of this research is to reflect on the role of the context environment of the contextualized situations of teaching school mathematics, which make significant contributions to the initial training of the mathematics teacher at the Universidad Popular del Cesar-Valledupar-Colombia, where the informants were the twelve students enrolled in the subjects of Elective III, Mathematics Didactics, History and Epistemology of Mathematics and Degree Work II, of the VI, VII, VIII and IX semesters respectively, of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics (...)
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    More Than Metaphors: Masculine-Gendered Names and the Knowability of God.Lynne C. Boughton - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):283-316.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MORE THAN METAPHORS: MASCULINEGENDERED NAMES AND THE KNOWABILITY OF GOD LYNNE C. BOUGHTON Chicago, Illinois W:HAT WAS ONCE a phenomenon confined to advocacy groups has appeared in ordinary Catholic parishes. Priests celebrating liturgies offer blessings "In the name of the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Holy Love." Such invocations of Persons of the Trinity by names indicative of divine action, as well as the " naming " of God (...)
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  48. Students' Use of Cultural Metaphors and Their Scientific Understandings Related to Heating.Fred Lubben, Tom Netshisaulu & Bob Campbell - 1999 - Science Education 83 (6):761-774.
    This study explores African students' use of cultural metaphoric reasoning in classifying everyday situations as hot or cold, as is part of Sotho cultural tradition. It documents the extent to which such metaphoric reasoning is related to the use of science (mis)conceptions of heating. Written probes were used to document cultural metaphoric reasoning and science misconceptions of students entering a university science program. The same instruments were used as postprobes after a 4-week teaching intervention using experimental cognitive conflict strategies for (...)
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    Primary students’ scientific reasoning and discourse during cooperative inquiry-based science activities.Robyn M. Gillies, Kim Nichols, Gilbert Burgh & Michele Haynes - 2013 - International Journal of Educational Research 63:127–140.
    Teaching children to ask and answer questions is critically important if they are to learn to talk and reason effectively together, particularly during inquiry-based science where they are required to investigate topics, consider alternative propositions and hypotheses, and problem-solve together to propose answers, explanations, and prediction to problems at hand. This study involved 108 students (53 boys and 55 girls) from seven, Year 7 teachers’ classrooms in five primary schools in Brisbane, Australia. Teachers were randomly allocated by school to one (...)
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  50. The art of teaching in the museum.Rika Burnham & Elliott Kai-Kee - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (1):65-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Art of Teaching in the MuseumRika Burnham (bio) and Elliott Kai-Kee (bio)A class is studying a small painting by Rembrandt in the galleries of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles. The museum educator has been inviting the assembled visitors to look ever more closely, guiding the class toward an understanding both of the painting itselfand of our reasons for studying it. The class has been anything (...)
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