Results for 'dissoi logoi'

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  1.  1
    Los Dissoi logoi sofísticos como antecedente de los diálogos socráticos: el uso de la prosa en los siglos V y IV a. C.Alba Marín Garzón - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-16.
    A lo largo de las siguientes páginas repasaremos el uso de la forma prosaica por parte de los sofistas y socráticos, viendo la influencia y relación entre ambos tipos de escritura. A este respecto, analizaremos los escritos sofísticos antinómicos resultantes de prácticas erísticas, ejemplificados por los llamados Dissoi Logoi. Consideraremos a continuación la influencia de este escrito sobre los Logoi Sokratikoi, desarrollados por los círculos de seguidores de Sócrates, buscando ver la correlación en la metodología y forma (...)
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    Dissoi Logoi. Zweierlei Ansichten: Ein Sophistischer Traktat. Text - Übersetzung - Kommentar.Peter Scholz & Alexander Becker (eds.) - 2004 - Akademie Verlag.
    Die Dissoi Logoi - "Zweierlei Ansichten" - sind ein kurzer Traktat, der als Anhang zu den Schriften des kaiserzeitlichen Skeptikers Sextus Empiricus uberliefert wurde. Der von einem anonymen Autor wahrscheinlich an der Wende vom 5. zum 4. Jh. verfasste Text gibt einen einzigartigen Einblick in die Debatten und den Unterricht der Sophisten. ".
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    Dissoi Logoi ; A Proto-Model of Pyrrhonism. 이윤철 - 2019 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 96:365-406.
    섹스토스 엠피리코스의 22편 원고 뭉치 끝자락에 일종의 부록처럼 첨부되어 발견된 《이중 논변》은 그 (부분적인) 논증만을 제외하곤 작성 연대나 저자 그리고 구성 의도 등에 대하여 아무런 정보가 전해지지 않는다. 철학사를 해석하는 학자들은, 주제에 대해 상반된 두 입장을 제시하는 《이중 논변》의 논의 방식이 고대의 소피스트들이 지향하던 ‘반박논증(antilogia)’의 형태이기도 하거니와, 지혜와 탁월함의 교육가능성 및 연설 기술과 같은 주제들은 소피스트들의 주된 논의거리였다는 점에 기인하여, 이를 대체로 소피스트식 상대주의 논증의 사례로 여겨왔다. 그러나 《이중 논변》은 자신의 논증 안에서 상대성 및 경험주의적 논변에 적극적으로 기대면서도 논리적 혹은 (...)
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  4. Dissoi logoi or dialexeis.Rosamond Kent Sprague - 1968 - Mind 77 (306):155-167.
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    Dissoì Lógoi § 5.Mariana Gardella - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 26:e02601.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar Dialex. § 5 a fin de mostrar que allí no sólo se hace uso de paradojas erísticas para la argumentación, sino que al mismo tiempo se propone un criterio para resolverlas. Para ello, en primer lugar, expongo algunas consideraciones generales sobre la datación, la autoría y la estructura de Dialex. que permitirán comprender las particularidades del quinto parágrafo del tratado. Luego, presento la traducción completa de Dialex. § 5 y señalo algunas semejanzas entre (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Excavating Dissoi logoi 4.Dominic Bailey - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 35:249-264.
  7. Los dissoì lógoi en las Nubes de Aristófanes: Esquema formal y punto de detención de la proliferación discursiva.Julián Gallego - 2006 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 10:177-193.
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  8. Metoda "dwu mów" w świetle świadectw przedplatońskich (The method of "dissoi logoi" in Pre-Platonic testimonies).Zbigniew Nerczuk - 2012 - Studia Antyczne I Mediewistyczne 10:37-50.
    The method of dissoi logoi in Pre-Platonic testimonies The paper analyzes some references to the method of "dissoi logoi" (which is called by Plato "antilogic") in Pre-Platonic testimonies such as Aristophanes’ The Clouds, fragments of Euripides' Antiope and The Phoenicians, and the anonymous work called "Dialexeis" (Dissoi logoi). The analysis of these Pre-platonic sources results in the following conclusions: (1) The method of dissoi logoi was the universal strategy adopted by the sophists (...)
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    Dating the So-called Dissoi Logoi.Thomas M. Conley - 1985 - Ancient Philosophy 5 (1):59-65.
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    Le meilleur est le plus trompeur. Quelques remarques à propos des Dissoi logoi 3.Mariana Gardella Hueso - 2020 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 1:3-25.
    Les Dissoi logoi posent de nombreux problèmes d’interprétation. Partant du troisième chapitre du traité, cette étude cherche à montrer que la soi-disant « thèse de l’identité » n’établit pas l’identité des prédicats opposés, mais leur relativité : certaines actions, telles que mentir, voler ou tuer, pourraient être considérées comme tantôt justes, tantôt injustes selon le kairos, c’est-à-dire le moment précis où il faut agir. Les vers de Cléobuline et d’Eschyle cités en faveur de celle-ci non seulement transmettent des (...)
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    The Logic of the Self-Refutation Argument in Dissoi Logoi 4.6.Sebastiano Molinelli - 2020 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 14 (2):195-202.
    Dissoi Logoi 4.6 presents a beautiful self-refutation argument, which I analyse here, offering a different assessment of its relation to self-contradiction and the Liar paradox from the only one available in the literature.
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    Nuevo análisis filosófico y estructural de los "Dissoì Lógoi".Daniel Moreno Moreno - 2015 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 40 (2):7-21.
    Aceptar que los Dissoì Lógoi fueron escritos a mitad del siglo V a.n.e., tal como propuso Santo Mazzarino, permite dejar de considerarlos un mero apéndice a los sofistas. Propongo un nuevo análisis de su estructura y considerar que los fragmentos 8 y 9 recogen la tesis criticada por el autor; no, como habitualmente son considerados, la tesis defendida por él. Se restituye así el aroma de las discusiones filosóficas antes de que Platón las sometiera a su criba.
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    Protágoras de Abdera, Dissoi Logoi. Textos relativistas, José Solana Dueso (ed.), Madrid 1996 (Akal, 214 págs.).Marisa G. Divenosa - 1998 - Méthexis 11 (1):153-156.
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    To Tell the Truth: Dissoi Logoi 4 & Aristotle's Response.Owen Goldin - 2002 - In Alexander P. D. Mourelatos, Victor Miles Caston & Daniel W. Graham (eds.), Presocratic philosophy: essays in honour of Alexander Mourelatos. Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate. pp. 232-49.
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    Antilogía y relativismo en Dissoì Lógoi §§ 1-3.Gardella Mariana - 2017 - Endoxa 40:31.
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    Two Thought Experiments in the Dissoi Logoi.Deborah Levine Gera - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (1):21-45.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Two Thought Experiments in the Dissoi LogoiDeborah Levine GeraRecent scholarship has stressed that it is not useful to speak of Greek scientific experimentation in sweeping fashion. The Greeks did perform scientific experiments, but the quantity, quality, and areas explored varied over different periods. Thus, while at certain times such testing procedures flourished, at other times very few actual experiments were performed. So, too, certain fields were more fruitful (...)
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    Contrasting arguments: an edition of the Dissoi logoi.Thomas M. Robinson (ed.) - 1979 - New York: Arno Press.
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    (1 other version)Commentary on: Victor Ferry's "The virtues of dissoi logoi".James Crosswhite - unknown
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    Les thèmes du «Protagoras» et les «Dissoi Logoi».E. Dupréel - 1921 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 23 (89):26-40.
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    “Se le lettere e la dottrina frutta mai nulla, ciò è in virtù non della verità, ma dell’impostura”. Sulla fertilità concettuale e altri aspetti rivelatori delle Bullshit come Dissoi Logoi.Simone Bernardi Della Rosa - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (2).
    Questo contributo teorico propone una prospettiva innovativa nel dibattito sul concetto di “bullshit”. L’ipotesi principale è che la vaghezza sia un elemento fondamentale delle bullshit, che si focalizza sull’attività. In questo modo si supera il dibattito in letteratura che mette al centro o l’intenzionalità dell’enunciatore o la struttura e il contenuto degli enunciati. Si sostiene inoltre che la vaghezza non debba essere considerata come un limite, ma come un’opportunità per comprendere situazioni comunicative complesse. Questo differente approccio, basato sulla tradizione pragmatista, (...)
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    The Philosophical Position of the Author of the Dissoi Logoi.P. Boot - 1982 - Philosophical Inquiry 4 (2):118-123.
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  22. The Double Arguments.Daniel Silvermintz - 2008 - In Patricia F. O'Grady (ed.), The Sophists: An Introduction. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 147-153.
    Provides an overview of the anonymous work of sophistic rhetoric known as Dissoi Logoi or Double Arguments.
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    Discursos Duplos , Tradução Anotada.Joseane Mara Prezotto - 2017 - Trans/Form/Ação 40 (1):253-288.
    Resumo: Tradução anotada do tratado anônimo sofístico datado do começo do séc. IV a.C., Dissoi Logoi, ou "Discursos Duplos". A apresentação do texto traz informações básicas sobre transmissão do texto, autoria, datação e uma pequena discussão sobre a caracterização das teses nele presentes. As notas da tradução analisam passagens e conceitos importantes, sugerem questões e inter-relações com outras obras, buscando traçar um panorama possível de interpretação do texto. O tratado, incompleto, compõe-se de nove pequenos capítulos que versam sobre (...)
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  24.  27
    A platonic parallel in the.Rosamond Kent Sprague - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):160-161.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:160 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY A PLATONIC PARALLEL IN THE DISSOI LOGOI The Dissoi Logoi or Two-/old Arguments (Diels-Kranz, II, 405-416) is an anonymous sophistic treatise written in literary Doric at some time subsequent to the end of the Peloponnesian War in 404-403.1 As early as 1911, A. E. Taylor wrote that the treatise "must be seriously reckoned with in any attempt to reconstruct the history (...)
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  25.  43
    Presocratic philosophy: essays in honour of Alexander Mourelatos.Alexander P. D. Mourelatos, Victor Miles Caston & Daniel W. Graham (eds.) - 2002 - Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate.
    This book presents some of the most recent trends and developments in Presocratic scholarship. A wide range of topics are covered - from the metaphysical to the moral to the methodological - as well as a broad a range of authors: from recognized figures such as Heraclitus and Parmenides to Sophistic thinkers whose place has traditionally been marginalized, such as Gorgias and the author of the Dissoi Logoi. Several of the pieces are concerned with the later reception and (...)
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  26.  37
    Hume's A Letter from a Gentleman, A Review Note.David Fate Norton - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):161.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS 161 2) You wish him to become what he is not, and no longer to be what he is now (literally: what he is now, no longer to be [283d 2-3]). 3) You wish for his death, since you wish him no longer to be (283d 5-6). The obvious way of dealing with this argument is to make precisely the distinction made by the author of (...)
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  27.  5
    Antilogy, Dialectic and Dialectic’s Objects in Plato’s Phaedrus.Jonathan Lavilla de Lera - 2022 - Méthexis 34 (1):24-41.
    Plato’s Phaedrus is a dialogue in which rhetoric is not only discussed, but also displayed. The first half of the plot depicts a rhetorical contest in which Socrates himself offers two opposite speeches on love, a kind of dissoi logoi. The current paper tries to explain that the second half of the dialogue offers the necessary keys to understand that for Plato true rhetoric is nothing but dialectic and that beyond the apparent antilogic exercise carried out by Socrates (...)
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    The Older Sophists. A Complete Translation by Several Hands of the Fragments in "Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker" edited by Diels-Kranz with a New Edition of Antiphon and of Euthydemus. [REVIEW]F. B. C. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (4):767-767.
    Werner Jaeger once remarked that fifth-century sophistry is the one ancient intellectual movement that is readily comprehensible to a modern mind. In the light of this fact, it is all the more surprising that until the publication of the present volume there has been no complete English version of the sophist material collected in the standard edition of Diels-Kranz. Kathleen Freeman’s Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers: A Complete Translation of the Fragments in Diels’ "Fragmente der Vorsokratiker" included some of the (...)
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    What’s So Funny About Arguing with God? A Case for Playful Argumentation from Jewish Literature.Don Waisanen, Hershey H. Friedman & Linda Weiser Friedman - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (1):57-80.
    In this paper, we show that God is portrayed in the Hebrew Bible and in the Rabbinic literature—some of the very Hebrew texts that have influenced the three major world religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—as One who can be argued with and even changes his mind. Contrary to fundamentalist positions, in the Hebrew Bible and other Jewish texts God is omniscient but enjoys good, playful argumentation, broadening the possibilities for reasoning and reasonability. Arguing with God has also had a (...)
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    Les logoi spermatikoi et le concept de semence dans la minéralogie et la cosmogonie de Paracelse.Hiro Hirai - 2008 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 2 (2):245-264.
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    Kyklikoi Logoi.Benjamin Haller - 2019 - Arion 27 (2):119-126.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kyklikoi Logoi BENJAMIN HALLER i. palinode I really think Steisichorus had it all wrong, This rank and futile puttering in palinodes. And Simonides: did Ceos boast no beauties on its shores? Skopas would have laughed. The flute girls’ tatter, On and on and on and on—who would have thought Of recantations for a promise posed while perched Amidst... pornography of pillows, feastingSick symposiasts fed beasts dragged down with (...)
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  32.  7
    Logoi and muthoi: further essays in Greek philosophy and literature.William Wians (ed.) - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Essays on Greek philosophy and literature from Homer and Hesiod to Aristotle. In Logoi and Muthoi, William Wians builds on his earlier volume Logos and Muthos, highlighting the richness and complexity of these terms that were once set firmly in opposition to one another as reason versus myth or rationality versus irrationality. It was once common to think of intellectual history representing a straightforward progression from mythology to rationality. These volumes, however, demonstrate the value of taking the two together, (...)
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    Logoi and Muthoi: Further Essays in Greek Philosophy and Literature edited by William Wians.Alberto Bernabé - 2021 - Aestimatio 2 (1).
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    Die Logoi der platonischen Sonnenanalogie.Christoph Poetsch - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 75 (2):235-273.
    In Plato's Republic, the Analogy of the Sun famously points out that as the Idea of the Good relates to the knowable Forms so does the Sun to the visible things. Yet, no one has ever questioned whether the consequences claimed to be caused by the sun – among them especially the vital genesis of all physical things – can, based on Plato's philosophy, actually be caused by the material body of the sun. Taking this as a point of departure, (...)
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    The logoi of Philosophers in Lucian of Samosata.Karin Schlapbach - 2010 - Classical Antiquity 29 (2):250-277.
    This paper explores Lucian's presentation of the philosopher as a creator of discourse. In particular, the paper argues that the lack of control over the discourse, once it is passed on, is at the core of Lucian's treatment of philosophers. An analysis of this eminently Platonic problem allows the interpretation both to go beyond the simplistic view that Lucian has no real philosophical interest at all but merely follows the Second Sophistic trend of subordinating philosophy to rhetoric, and to qualify (...)
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    Exoterikoi Logoi and Enkyklioi Logoi in the Corpus Aristotelicum and the Origin of the Idea of the Enkyklios Paideia.A. P. Bos - 1989 - Journal of the History of Ideas 50 (2):179-198.
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    Logoi and pathêmata: Aristotle and the modal/amodal distinction in modern theories of concepts.Lars Inderelst - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    'Concept' is a central notion in modern philosophy. This book deals with the philosopher Aristotle to compare modern theories of 'concepts' as he is said to be the predecessor both of classical theory and of modal theories of 'concepts' in the modern debate. Both pathêma and logos are central to his theory of language, thought, and concepts.
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  38. Logoi of the soul : phenomenological mindfulness in Plato's Phaedrus.Tanja Staehler - 2023 - In Susi Ferrarello & Christos Hadjioannou (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Empsychoi Logoi--Religious Innovations in Antiquity: Studies in Honour of Pieter Willem Van Der Horst.Alberdina Houtman, Albert de Jong & Magdalena Wilhelmina Misset-van de Weg (eds.) - 2008 - Boston: Brill.
    "The fact that religions show internal variation and develop over time is not only a problem for believers, but has also long engaged scholars. This is especially true for the religions of the ancient world, where the mere idea of innovation in religious matters evoked notions of revolution and destruction. The present volume brings together articles that study this transformation, ranging from broad overviews to detailed case-studies."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Peacocke Prize Essay—Towards an Eastern Orthodox Contemplation of Evolution: Maximus the confessor's Vision of the Phylogenetic Logoi.Andrew Jackson - 2023 - Zygon 58 (3):789-805.
    In recent years, several scholars have hinted at a resemblance between Maximus the Confessor's logoi cosmology and evolutionary biology. In this article, I develop these suggestions further and claim that the logoi (divine ideas or wills) do indeed behave in an evolutionary fashion, diverging hierarchically and interactively from the Logos. However, there the similarity ends, for the logoi are also purposeful, inviolable, and good, unlike evolution which is said to be random, ever‐changing, and cruel. But rather than (...)
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  41. Logos и logoi у Плотина: их природа и функция.Luc Brisson - 2009 - Schole 3 (2):433-444.
    The universe is the result of a production that pertains not to craft, but to nature. This production does not involve either reasoning or concepts, but is the result of a power that acts on matter like an imprint. The Intellect transmits the intelligible forms it harbors, to the hypostasis Soul, where they become rational formulas. The hypostasis Soul then transmits these rational formulas to the world soul, which produces animate and inanimate beings, as if it had been ordered to (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Socrates' "Flight into the Logoi": a non-standard interpretation of the founding document of Plato's dialectic.Rafael Ferber - 2023 - In Melina G. Mouzala (ed.), Ancient Greek Dialectic and Its Reception. De Gruyter.
    The paper proposes (1.) a non-standard interpretation of the proverbial expression “deuteros plous” by giving a fresh look to Phaedo, 99c9-d1. Then (2.) it proceeds to the philosophical problem raised in this passage according to this interpretation, that is, the problem of the “hypothesis” or the “unproved principle”. It indicates finally (3.) the kernel of truth contained in the standard Interpretation and it concludes with some remarks on the “weakness of the logoi”.
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    Treis logoi gia ton Aristotelē.Dēmētrios D. Lypourlēs - 2014 - Thessalonikē: Epikentro.
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  44. El logois de" lo Razonable" como Base para la Interpretación Jurídica.Luis Recaséns-Siches - 1956 - Dianoia 2:24-54.
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    Psiloì Lógoi - Discursos Nus.Paulo Butti de Lima - 2007 - Discurso 37:17-28.
    O artigo trata da apropriação dos elementos musicais pelo discurso filosófico na Antiguidade. Pretende mostrar a astuciosa incorporação da música pelo lógos, ou como a nudez da linguagem aproxima a palavra prosaca da filosofia ao som puro da aulética.
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    Le armi e i logoi: i generali di Teodosio nelle lettere di Libanio.Andrea Pellizzari - 2011 - História 60 (2):191-218.
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    Logos e logoi.Livio Rossetti & Ornella Bellini - 1991
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    Three Aspects of the Linguistic Communion (Koinōnia) in Plato’s Sophist: Articulation of Letters, Predication of Names and Accord (Homologia) of Logoi.Taha Karagöz - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36:215-234.
    In the Sophist, Plato presents the possibility of the separation of things in relation to each other based on the communion (koinōnia) of logos. In this study, I discuss the linguistic communion revealed in the dialogue by illuminating its three fundamental aspects: (1) Articulation of letters in names as communion on the syntactic level, (2) Predication of names in logoi as communion on the semantic level, (3) Homologoi of logoi as the ultimate communion of language. I thus conclude (...)
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  49. What Are the 'Hypothetical Logoi' of Dionysian Mystical Theology?Michael Harrington - 2010 - Studia Patristica 48:177-182.
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    Zeno’s Boêtheia Tôi Logôi.Phil Hopkins - 2006 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (1):1-25.
    This essay addresses two central issues that continue to trouble interpretation of Zeno’s paradoxes: 1) their solution, and 2) their place in the history of philosophy. I offer an account of Zeno’s work as pointing to an inevitable paradox generated by our ways of thinking and speaking about things, especially about things as existing in the continua of space and time. In so doing, I connect Zeno’s arguments to Parmenides’ critique of “naming” in Fragment 8, an approach that I believe (...)
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