Results for 'diversity and independence'

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  1.  23
    Explanatory Diversity and Embodied Cognitive Science: Reflexivity Motivates Pluralism.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - 2023 - In Mark-Oliver Casper & Giuseppe Flavio Artese (eds.), Situated Cognition Research: Methodological Foundations. Springer Verlag. pp. 51-76.
    Explanatory diversity is a salient feature of the sciences of the mind, where different projects focus on neural, psychological, cognitive, social or other explanations. The same happens within embodied cognitive science, where ecological, enactive, dynamical, phenomenological and other approaches differ from each other in their explanations of the embodied mind. As traditionally conceived, explanatory diversity is philosophically problematic, fueling debates about whether the different explanations are competing, compatible, or tangential. In contrast, this paper takes the perspective of embodied (...)
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  2. Diversity and philosophy at brown.David Estlund - unknown
    Controversy has recently erupted, at least in a recent story in the Independent, over the question of whether Brown's Philosophy Department has been inappropriately exclusionary of courses in other departments, of diverse philosophical traditions, and of non-white philosophers. These are questions well worth asking, although the article's critical stance requires some scrutiny. It is worth supplementing the article with some information that might help students think about whether they ought to call for changes in the Philosophy Department's policies or practices. (...)
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    Values, Diversity and the Justification of EU Institutions.Emanuela Ceva & Gideon Calder - 2009 - Political Studies 57 (4):828-845.
    Liberal theories of justice typically claim that political institutions should be justifiable to those who live under them – whatever their values. The more such values diverge, the greater the challenge of justifiability. Diversity of this kind becomes especially pronounced when the institutions in question are supra-national. Focusing on the case of the European Union, this paper aims to address a basic question: what kinds of value should inform the justification of political institutions facing a plurality of value systems? (...)
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  4. The Impact of Board Diversity and Gender Composition on Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Reputation.Stephen Bear, Noushi Rahman & Corinne Post - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (2):207 - 221.
    This article explores how the diversity of board resources and the number of women on boards affect firms' corporate social responsibility (CSR) ratings, and how, in turn, CSR influences corporate reputation. In addition, this article examines whether CSR ratings mediate the relationships among board resource diversity, gender composition, and corporate reputation. The OLS regression results using lagged data for independent and control variables were statistically significant for the gender composition hypotheses, but not for the resource diversitybased hypotheses. CSR (...)
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    Discourse, Diversity, and Free Choice.Wolfgang Schwarz - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 99 (1):48-67.
    ABSTRACT ‘You may have beer or wine’ suggests that you may have beer and you may have wine. Following Klinedinst, I argue that this ‘free choice’ effect is a special kind of scalar implicature, arising from the application of an unspecific predicate to a plurality (of worlds). I show that the implicature can be derived from general norms of cooperative communication, without postulating new grammatical rules or hidden lexical items. The derivation calls for an extension to the classical neo-Gricean model. (...)
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    Evidential Diversity and the Triangulation of Phenomena.Jaakko Kuorikoski & Caterina Marchionni - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (2):227-247.
    The article argues for the epistemic rationale of triangulation, namely, the use of multiple and independent sources of evidence. It claims that triangulation is to be understood as causal reasoning from data to phenomenon, and it rationalizes its epistemic value in terms of controlling for likely errors and biases of particular data-generating procedures. This perspective is employed to address objections against triangulation concerning the fallibility and scope of the inference, as well as problems of independence, incomparability, and discordance of (...)
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  7. Robustness and Independent Evidence.Jacob Stegenga & Tarun Menon - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (3):414-435.
    Robustness arguments hold that hypotheses are more likely to be true when they are confirmed by diverse kinds of evidence. Robustness arguments require the confirming evidence to be independent. We identify two kinds of independence appealed to in robustness arguments: ontic independence —when the multiple lines of evidence depend on different materials, assumptions, or theories—and probabilistic independence. Many assume that OI is sufficient for a robustness argument to be warranted. However, we argue that, as typically construed, OI (...)
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    Board Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Evidence from France.Rania Beji, Ouidad Yousfi, Nadia Loukil & Abdelwahed Omri - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (1):133-155.
    This study analyzes how the board’s characteristics could be associated with globally corporate social responsibility CSR and specific areas of CSR. It is drawn on all listed firms, in 2016, on the SBF120 between 2003 and 2016. Our results provide strong evidence that diversity in boards and diversity of boards globally are positively associated with corporate social performance. However, they influence differently specific dimensions of CSR performance. First, we show that large boards are positively associated with all areas (...)
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    The humble cosmopolitan: rights, diversity, and trans-state democracy.Luis Cabrera - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Cosmopolitanism is said by many critics to be arrogant. In emphasizing universal principles and granting no fundamental moral significance to national or other group belonging, it wrongly treats those making non-universalist claims as not authorized to speak, while treating those in non-Western societies as not qualified. This book works to address such objections. It does so in part by engaging the work of B.R. Ambedkar, architect of India's 1950 Constitution and revered champion of the country's Dalits (formerly "untouchables"). Ambedkar cited (...)
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  10.  58
    Board Gender Diversity and Women in Senior Management.Pallab Kumar Biswas, Larelle Chapple, Helen Roberts & Kevin Stainback - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):177-198.
    This study examines the influence of women’s board representation on the proportion of women senior managers in the United Kingdom (UK) from 1999 to 2019. We take a multi-theoretic approach, drawing on the trickle-down effect, critical mass theory, and agency theory, to explore several aspects of this topic. We find that more women on boards is associated with more women in senior management as suggested by the trickle-down perspective. We also find support for a critical mass effect; while one or (...)
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  11.  40
    Board Gender Diversity and Managerial Obfuscation: Evidence from the Readability of Narrative Disclosure in 10-K Reports.Muhammad Nadeem - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (1):153-177.
    The readability of 10-K reports, in terms of linguistic complexity, determines the usefulness of information disclosure for stakeholders, particularly individual investors. Since investors largely depend on the financial communication in 10-K reports, firms have an ethical and legal responsibility to present disclosures in a language investors can understand. However, motivated by self-interest, managers obfuscate such disclosures to mask their own actions and hide unfavourable information. Building on the managerial obfuscation hypothesis grounded in stakeholder-agency and ethical-sensitivity theories, I hypothesize and empirically (...)
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  12. Robustness, Diversity of Evidence, and Probabilistic Independence.Jonah N. Schupbach - 2015 - In Uskali Mäki, Stéphanie Ruphy, Gerhard Schurz & Ioannis Votsis (eds.), Recent Developments in the Philosophy of Science. Cham: Springer. pp. 305-316.
    In robustness analysis, hypotheses are supported to the extent that a result proves robust, and a result is robust to the extent that we detect it in diverse ways. But what precise sense of diversity is at work here? In this paper, I show that the formal explications of evidential diversity most often appealed to in work on robustness – which all draw in one way or another on probabilistic independence – fail to shed light on the (...)
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    Conceptual Roles of Evolvability across Evolutionary Biology: Between Diversity and Unification.Cristina Villegas, Alan C. Love, Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Ingo Brigandt & Günter P. Wagner - 2023 - In Thomas F. Hansen, David Houle, Mihaela Pavlicev & Christophe Pélabon (eds.), Evolvability: A Unifying Concept in Evolutionary Biology? National Geographic Books. pp. 35–54.
    A number of biologists and philosophers have noted the diversity of interpretations of evolvability in contemporary evolutionary research. Different clusters of research defined by co-citation patterns or shared methodological orientation sometimes concentrate on distinct conceptions of evolvability. We examine five different activities where the notion of evolvability plays conceptual roles in evolutionary biological investigation: setting a research agenda, characterization, explanation, prediction, and control. Our analysis of representative examples demonstrates how different conceptual roles of evolvability are quasi-independent and yet exhibit (...)
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  14.  29
    Cultural diversity and technological development. Author's reply.Adrian Vlot & Elsa R. de Powell - 2001 - Philosophia Reformata 66 (1):43-65.
    Every day half a million passengers, 1.5 million e-mails and 1.5 trillion dollars cross international borders. In his Jihad versus McWorld — How the planet is both falling apart and coming together Benjamin Barber2 argues vividly that our modern world is torn apart by two opposite tendencies: On one hand is the globalization into enormous economic structures with one global marketplace for gigantic ‘global players’ like McDonald’s and Microsoft, accompanied by a shallow, universal, mass culture and the consumerist and materialistic (...)
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    Board gender diversity and firm performance: evidence from India.Neeti Khetarpal Sanan - 2016 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 5 (1-2):1-18.
    This study examines the impact of board gender diversity on financial performance of listed Indian firms in a dynamic modelling framework. Using a firm-year unit of analysis, a sample of 148 publicly listed firms across multiple industries have been studied over a period of five financial years namely FY 2008–2009 to FY 2012–2013. Employing panel data analysis, percentage of women directors is taken as the independent variable and firm performance measured by return on assets and Tobin’s Q as the (...)
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  16.  5
    The Interpretation of “diaspora” in Chinese Language: its Diversity and Influence on Social Theory and Practice.N. Van & E. O. Leonteva - 2023 - Дискурс 9 (4):86-98.
    Introduction. The Chinese language, unlike Russian, has several terms, denoting different statuses of Chinese migrants, but there is no term such as “diaspora”. These features are interpreted by the authors along the lines of social ontology as independent sociological concepts, constructing particular migrant groups. The article’s oobjective is to show their internal coherence and correlation with the notion of “diaspora” as well as to outline the difficulties and problems occurring as the result of the interaction between researchers dealing with the (...)
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  17.  8
    Forgotten Pages in Baltic History: Diversity and Inclusion.Martyn Housden & David J. Smith (eds.) - 2011 - Editions Rodopi.
    The years from 1918 to 1945 remain central to European History. It was a breath-taking time during which the very best and very worst attributes of Mankind were on display. In the euphoria of peace which followed the end of the First World War, the Baltic States emerged as independent forces on the world stage, participating in thrilling experiments in national and transnational governance. Later, following economic collapse and in the face of rising totalitarianism among even Europe’s most cultured nations, (...)
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  18.  10
    Do independent directors inform the share of CSR criteria in executive compensation? Moderating effect of gender diversity.Mohamed Khenissi, Amal Hamrouni & Nadia Ben Farhat - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    This paper extends and enriches the current research on CSR, CEO compensation contracts and characteristics of the board of directors by examining an underexplored question related to the potential impact of independent board members on the share of CSR criteria in executive compensation. It also considers a potential moderating effect of gender diversity in this relationship. Empirical analyses of a sample French firms listed on the SBF120 index between 2014 and 2021 show that independent directors have no impact on (...)
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  19.  25
    Difference, Care and Autonomy: Culture and Human Rights in the Movement for Independent Living among the Japanese with Disabilities.Ichiro Numazaki - 2000 - Global Bioethics 13 (1-2):15-21.
    This paper examines the movement for independent living among the Japanese with disabilities from the perspective of multiculturalism and human rights. The IL movement questions the conventional idea, widely held by Japanese without disabilities, that disabled people are in need of special care and cannot live independently in ordinary communities. The IL movement advocates: 1) the reinterpretation of “disability” as mere “difference”, 2) the equal right to autonomy and social participation for the disabled, and 3) the unique right to care (...)
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  20.  5
    Diverse tests on an independent world.D. J. - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 26 (3):407-429.
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    The Diverse Ethics of Translational Research.Neema Sofaer & Nir Eyal - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (8):19-30.
    Commentators on the ethics of translational research find it morally problematic. Types of translational research are said to involve questionable benefits, special risks, additional barriers to informed consent, and severe conflicts of interest. Translational research conducted on the global poor is thought to exploit them and increase international disparities. Some commentators support especially stringent ethical review. However, such concerns are grounded only in pre-approval translational research (now called T1 ). Whether or not T1 has these features, translational research beyond approval (...)
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  22.  20
    The Value of Independence between Experts: Epistemic Autonomy and Different Perspectives.Jack Wright - forthcoming - Episteme:1-17.
    I offer two interpretations of independence between experts: (i) independence as deciding autonomously, and (ii) independence as having different perspectives. I argue that when experts are grouped together, independence of both kinds is valuable for the same reason: they reduce the likelihood of erroneous consensus by enabling a greater variety of critical viewpoints. In offering this argument, I show that a purported proof from Finnur Dellsén that groups of more autonomous experts are more reliable does not (...)
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  23.  10
    A Private Function: Independent Providers of Vocational Education and Training in Post-War England.Robin Simmons - 2024 - British Journal of Educational Studies 72 (6):765-782.
    This paper focuses on independent training providers (ITPs) – in other words, private companies – as suppliers of vocational education and training in post-war England. Whilst acknowledging the central role of further education (FE) colleges in delivering vocational learning, it draws attention to a large, diverse sector of ITPs operating alongside FE colleges, particularly during the 1960s and 1970s. Data suggest that around 15–20% of vocational learners were enrolled as fee-paying customers with private providers at that time – a figure (...)
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  24.  22
    Beyond the three monkeys of workforce diversity: Who hears, sees, and speaks up?Fatma Kusku, Ozlem Araci, Veysi Tanriverdi & Mustafa F. Ozbilgin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study was to explain differences between employees who feel a sense of belonging and those who feel a sense of otherness in terms of their opinions about diversity works in their organizations. We conducted an empirical study to examine the perceptual differences between two independent groups of the study “who feel a sense of belonging” and “who feel a sense of otherness.” We collected data from 792 employees working for organizations in different sizes, industries, and (...)
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  25.  49
    The Effects and the Mechanisms of Board Gender Diversity: Evidence from Financial Manipulation.Aida Sijamic Wahid - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):705-725.
    This study examines the impact of board gender diversity on financial misconduct. The findings suggest firms with gender-diverse boards commit fewer financial reporting mistakes and engage in less fraud. The findings hold after accounting for the potentially endogenous nature of board demographic characteristics via instrumental variable approach. Furthermore, the findings are consistent in pre- and post-regulation periods and hold for firms with good and bad governance. The findings do not seem driven by differences in effort or quality, in terms (...)
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  26.  38
    Diverse tests on an independent world.J. D. Trout - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 26 (3):407-429.
  27.  44
    Equality, Community, and Diversity in Cohen’s Socialist Ideal.Jason Brennan - 2015 - Analyse & Kritik 37 (1-2):113-130.
    The ‘community principle’ is crucial to G. A. Cohen’s argument for socialism, because it is the best independent argument he has adduced for his strongly egalitarian conclusions. Cohen argues that even small differences in wealth ought to be prohibited because they bring us out of community with one another. In this paper, I show that his underlying premises lead to some repugnant conclusions, and thus should be rejected. If Cohen is right that even small differences in wealth can upset community, (...)
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  28.  36
    Religious Commitment and the Benefits of Cognitive Diversity: a Reply to Trakakis.Kirk Lougheed - 2018 - Sophia 57 (3):501-513.
    Metaphilosophical discussions about the philosophy of religion are increasingly common. In a recent article in Sophia, N.N. Trakakis advances the view that Christian Philosophy is closer to ideology than philosophy. This is because philosophy conducted in the Socratic tradition tends to emphasize values antithetical to religious faith such as independence of thought, rationality, empiricism, and doubt. A philosopher must be able to follow the arguments wherever they lead, something that the religious believer cannot do. I argue that there are (...)
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  29.  7
    Independence Day in a would-be Christian nation.Timo Kallinen - 2022 - Approaching Religion 12 (3):32-47.
    When the West African nation of Ghana attained its independence from colonial rule in 1957, its traditional culture was to be promoted in all sectors of public life. Similarly, what was construed as Ghanaian traditional religion was to be treated equally with Christianity and Islam. The ritual offering of libations to ancestral spirits and deities was considered the Ghanaian equivalent to Christian and Muslim prayers, and it has been performed side by side with them in all sorts of national (...)
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  30. Independent alternatives: Ross’s puzzle and free choice.Richard Jefferson Booth - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (4):1241-1273.
    Orthodox semantics for natural language modals give rise to two puzzles for their interactions with disjunction: Ross’s puzzle and the puzzle of free choice permission. It is widely assumed that each puzzle can be explained in terms of the licensing of ‘Diversity’ inferences: from the truth of a possibility or necessity modal with an embedded disjunction, hearers infer that each disjunct is compatible with the relevant set of worlds. I argue that Diversity inferences are too weak to explain (...)
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  31.  68
    Independence of Hot and Cold Executive Function Deficits in High-Functioning Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.David L. Zimmerman, Tamara Ownsworth, Analise O'Donovan, Jacqueline Roberts & Matthew J. Gullo - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:170424.
    Individuals with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) display diverse deficits in social, cognitive and behavioral functioning. To date, there has been mixed findings on the profile of executive function deficits for high-functioning adults (IQ >70) with ASD. A conceptual distinction is commonly made between “cold” and “hot” executive functions. Cold executive functions refer to mechanistic higher-order cognitive operations (e.g., working memory), whereas hot executive functions entail cognitive abilities supported by emotional awareness and social perception (e.g., social cognition). This study aimed to (...)
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  32. Board Composition and Financial Performance: Uncovering the Effects of Diversity in an Emerging Economy. [REVIEW]Jyoti D. Mahadeo, Teerooven Soobaroyen & Vanisha Oogarah Hanuman - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (3):375-388.
    We examine the key elements of board diversity (or heterogeneity) amongst listed companies operating in an emerging economy (Mauritius) and the extent to which these influence financial performance. Specifically, we ask whether there is evidence of tangible benefits in pursuing a strategy of board diversity in terms of gender-, age-, educational background and independence in a corporate context which has long been dominated by family-led and ‘closed’ boardrooms. In light of recent corporate governance developments which appear to (...)
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  33. Simple systems and phylogenetic diversity.William C. Wimsatt - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (2):267-275.
    The simple systems methodology is a powerful reductionistic research strategy. It has problems as implemented in developmental genetics because the organisms studied are few and unrepresentative. Stronger inferences require independent arguments that key traits are widely distributed phylogenetically. Evolutionary and developmental mechanisms of generative entrenchment and self-organization provide possible support, and are also necessary components of a developmental systems approach.
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    Consciousness and cognition may be mediated by multiple independent coherent ensembles.E. Roy John, Paul Easton & Robert Isenhart - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6 (1):3-39.
    Short-term or working memory provides temporary storage of information in the brain after an experience and is associated with conscious awareness. Neurons sensitive to the multiple stimulus attributes comprising an experience are distributed within many brain regions. Such distributed cell assemblies, activated by an event, are the most plausible system to represent the WM of that event. Studies with a variety of imaging technologies have implicated widespread brain regions in the mediation of WM for different categories of information. Each kind (...)
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  35.  12
    A Tale of Tartaglia’s Libro Sesto & La Gionta in Quesiti et Inventioni Diverse : Exploring the Historical and Cultural Foundations.Raffaele Pisano - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24:1-29.
    Forums, I extensively analysed Tartaglia’s corpus: science of weights, geometry, arithmetic, mathematics and physics–trajectories of the projectiles, fortifications, included its intelligibility science in the military architecture. The latter is exposed in Book VI of the Quesiti et invention diverse. In Quesiti there is La Gionta del sesto libro—a kind of appendix to the Book VI containing drawings of the geometric shape of the Italian fortifications. It is based on Euclidean geometry and other figures where a scale is displayed. The interest—included (...)
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    Human rights and the diversity of value.Hillel Steiner - 2012 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15 (4):395-406.
    This paper argues that the independence from intercultural disagreement, that Peter Jones attributes to human rights, implies that those rights are best understood as modelled on the Will Theory of rights and are derived from each person’s foundational right to equal (negative) freedom.
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    Transforming Human Resource Management Systems to Cope with Diversity.Fernando Martín-Alcázar, Pedro M. Romero-Fernández & Gonzalo Sánchez-Gardey - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (4):511-531.
    The purpose of this study is to examine how workgroup diversity can be managed through specific strategic human resource management systems. Our review shows that ‘affirmative action’ and traditional ‘diversity management’ approaches have failed to simultaneously achieve business and social justice outcomes of diversity. As previous literature has shown, the benefits of diversity cannot be achieved with isolated interventions. To the contrary, a complete organizational culture change is required, in order to promote appreciation of individual differences. (...)
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    Systemic Diversity of Modern Capitalism.Tadeusz Kowalik - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (10-12):103-120.
    The article analyzes the scope and depth of systemic differences between national economies in the modern world, focusing on the experience of Central Europe in the process of the enlargement of European Union. The core argument of the article is that the world needs not one model of development, but more diversity and more experimentation, encouraging entrepreneurship and institutional change. There is no one best model that can be implemented in any country, independent of its tradition and culture. Globalization (...)
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    The Impact of the Dual Board Structure and Board Diversity: Evidence from Chinese Initial Public Offerings.Hisham Farag & Chris Mallin - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (2):333-349.
    Chinese listed companies have a two-tier governance structure that comprises a supervisory board/committee and the board of directors. However, as there is no hierarchical relationship between them, the two boards are independent. This is different from the governance mechanism in Continental Europe in which the SB appoints the directors of the management board; in this sense, the Chinese two-tier governance structure is unique. We investigate the impact of governance characteristics and ownership structure on gender diversity of both the BoD (...)
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    Justice, Legitimacy, and Diversity: Political Authority Between Realism and Moralism.Emanuela Ceva & Enzo Rossi (eds.) - 2012 - Routledge.
    Most contemporary political philosophers take justice—rather than legitimacy—to be the fundamental virtue of political institutions vis-à-vis the challenges of ethical diversity. Justice-driven theorists are primarily concerned with finding mutually acceptable terms to arbitrate the claims of conflicting individuals and groups. Legitimacy-driven theorists, instead, focus on the conditions under which those exercising political authority on an ethically heterogeneous polity are entitled to do so. But what difference would it make to the management of ethical diversity in liberal democratic societies (...)
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    Corporate Governance and Supplemental Environmental Projects: A Restorative Justice Approach.Muhammad Nadeem - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (2):261-280.
    Firms have traditionally responded to environmental violations by increasing information disclosure and/or communication to manage stakeholder perceptions. As such, these approaches may be symbolic in nature, with no genuine intention to improve the environment. We draw from restorative justice grounded in stakeholder theory and explore a relatively new approach in the form of supplemental environmental projects aimed at restoring the environment, and empirically examine the role of corporate governance in firms’ decisions to undertake reparative actions. Using environmental violations and SEPs (...)
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    Are Demographic Attributes and Firm Characteristics Drivers of Gender Diversity? Investigating Women’s Positions on French Boards of Directors.Mehdi Nekhili & Hayette Gatfaoui - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (2):227-249.
    In this article, we examine the factors determining the representation of women on boards of directors by considering three main questions. The first question deals with the relationship between characteristics of ownership and governance on one side, and female directorship on the other. The second major question concerns the demographic attributes of women directors, such as nationality, foreign experience, educational level, business expertise, and connections to external sources. The third important question refers to women in senior positions on French boards (...)
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    Three tests of the Vulnerability-Stress-Adaptation Model: Independent prediction, mediation, and generalizability.Jaclyn M. Ross, Teresa P. Nguyen, Benjamin R. Karney & Thomas N. Bradbury - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveEfforts to understand why some marriages thrive while others falter are not well integrated conceptually and rely heavily on data collected from White middle-class samples. The Vulnerability-Stress-Adaptation Model is used here to integrate prior efforts and is tested using data collected from couples living with low incomes.BackgroundThe VSA Model assumes that enduring vulnerabilities, stress, and couple communication account for unique variance in relationship satisfaction, that communication mediates the effects of vulnerabilities and stress on satisfaction, and that the predictors of satisfaction (...)
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  44. "Introspection and Incorrigibility" (1966) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 80, 595-637.Charles Raff - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 80 (4):595-63.
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    Pygopus and the Wnt signaling pathway: A diverse set of connections.Shannon Jessen, Bingnan Gu & Xing Dai - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (5):448-456.
    Identification of Pygopus in Drosophila as a dedicated component of the Wg (fly homolog of mammalian Wnt) signaling cascade initiated many inquiries into the mechanism of its function. Surprisingly, the nearly exclusive role for Pygopus in Wg signal transduction in flies is not seen in mice, where Pygopus appears to have both Wnt‐related and Wnt‐independent functions. This review addresses the initial findings of Pygopus as a Wg/Wnt co‐activator in light of recent data from both fly and mammalian studies. We compare (...)
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  46.  17
    The Relationship Between the Need to Belong and Nature Relatedness: The Moderating Role of Independent Self-Construal.Liman Man Wai Li, Mengru Liu & Kenichi Ito - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The perception of the relationship between humans and nature is important for promoting not only pro-environmental behaviors but also psychological well-being. The present research explored how people’s self-construal would moderate the relationship between the need to belong, the desire for social acceptance and connectedness and perceived nature relatedness. Two studies using community samples with diverse demographic characteristics in two different cultures obtained consistent findings. The results showed that independent self-construal, which emphasizes separateness from others in the social contexts, moderated the (...)
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    Why Bad Things Happen to Good Organizations: The Link Between Governance and Asset Diversions in Public Charities.Erica Harris, Christine Petrovits & Michelle H. Yetman - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1):149-166.
    In the United States, the IRS now requires charities to publicly disclose any significant asset diversion, which is the theft or unauthorized use of assets, that the charity identifies during the year. We use this new disclosure to investigate whether strong governance reduces the likelihood of a charitable asset diversion. Specifically, for a sample of 1528 charities from 2008 to 2012, we simultaneously examine eleven measures of governance that capture four broad governance constructs: board monitoring, independence of key individuals, (...)
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    Reasonable Pluralism and the Procedure-Independent Standard in Epistemic Democracy.W. Mittendorf - 2023 - In Ingolf U. Dalferth & Marlene A. Block (eds.), Autonomy, Diversity and the Common Good. Mohr Siebeck. pp. 231-240.
    Deliberative theories of democracy place the legitimacy of the use of coercive political power in democratic procedures and outcomes produced through a process of fair, equal, and reasoned deliberation. Under debate is whether mutual respect requires the use of ‘public reasons’ rather than ‘the whole truth’ in democratic deliberations. Many deliberative democrats have rejected the public reason requirement as too exclusionary and unfriendly to reasonable pluralism, opting instead for an epistemic theory of democracy that places legitimacy in the epistemic function (...)
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    Exploring the Role of Gut Microbiota Diversity in Early Childhood Stunting: A Multi-Center Longitudinal Study.Loso Judijanto, Indah Budiastutik, Sugiatmi Sugiatmi, Marlenywati Marlenywati, Elly Trisnawati, Jiarti Kusbandiyah & Andiyan Andiyan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:681-690.
    Early childhood stunting is a significant global health issue with profound implications for children's physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development. While factors like nutrition, environment, and genetics have been extensively studied, the role of gut microbiota diversity in the mechanisms underlying stunting remains not well understood. This multi-center longitudinal study aimed to evaluate the relationship between gut microbiota diversity and the incidence of stunting in early childhood. The analysis of stool samples revealed that stunted children exhibited lower gut microbiota (...)
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    Economic Policy Uncertainty and Climate Change: Evidence from CO2 Emission.Mohammed Benlemlih & Çiğdem Vural Yavaş - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-27.
    In this paper, we study the relationship between Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions. Using an extensive dataset from 23 countries consisting of 6800 firm-year observations, we provide strong evidence that EPU increases firms’ CO 2 emissions. Our main inference is robust when using alternative measures of CO 2 emissions and EPU, alternative econometric specifications and samples, and several approaches to control for possible endogeneity. In a set of additional analyses, we first show that a (...)
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