Results for 'documentation'

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  1. Textes et communications sur le thème: philosophie et langage.Centre RéGional de Documentation PéDagogique & Poitiers[From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1969 - Poitiers: C.R.D.P..
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    Phénoménologies hégélienne et husserlienne ; Les classes sociales selon Marx: travaux des sessions d'études.Guy Planty-Bonjour & Centre de Recherche Et de Documentation Sur Hegel Et Sur Marx (eds.) - 1981 - Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
    Cette édition numérique a été réalisée à partir d'un support physique, parfois ancien, conservé au sein du dépôt légal de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, conformément à la loi n° 2012-287 du 1er mars 2012 relative à l'exploitation des Livres indisponibles du XXe siècle. Pages de début -- I -- Phénoménologies hégelienne et husserlienne Hegel et Husserl sur l'intersubjectivité Itinéraires phénoménologiques La dialectique de l'intentionnalité Essai de synthèse d'une méthode phénoménologique -- II -- Classes sociales selon Marx Imaginaire social et (...)
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  3. Document Acts.Barry Smith - 2014 - In Anita Konzelmann Ziv & Hans Bernhard Schmid, Institutions, Emotions, and Group Agents: Contributions to Social Ontology. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer. pp. 19-31.
    The theory of document acts is an extension of the more traditional theory of speech acts advanced by Austin and Searle. It is designed to do justice to the ways in which documents can be used to bring about a variety of effects in virtue of the fact that, where speech is evanescent, documents are continuant entities. This means that documents can be preserved in such a way that they can be inspected and modified at successive points in time and (...)
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    State documents on the examination of religious life.Andriy Yurush - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:215-227.
    State documents on the examination of religious life.
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    Documentation Status Socialization as an Ethnic-racial Socialization Dimension: Incorporating the Experience of Mixed-status Latinx Families.Fernanda Cross - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (1):264-279.
    Ethnic-racial socialization serves as a protective factor in the development of minority children. However, few studies have focused on mixed-status Latinx families to include the broad expression of their ethnic-racial socialization practices centering on their immigration experiences as they teach their children the risks and restrictions of having undocumented status. These parents adapt their ERS in accordance with their experiences of stress, fear, and discrimination, all of which shape the type and frequency of their socialization messages. Through documentation status (...)
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  6. Diagrams, Documents, and the Meshing of Plans.Barry Smith - 2013 - In András Benedek & Kristof Nyiri, How To Do Things With Pictures: Skill, Practice, Performance. Peter Lang Edition. pp. 165--179.
    There are two important ways in which, when dealing with documents, we go beyond the boundaries of linear text. First, by incorporating diagrams into documents, and second, by creating complexes of intermeshed documents which may be extended in space and evolve and grow through time. The thesis of this paper is that such aggregations of documents are today indispensable to practically all complex human achievements from law and finance to orchestral performance and organized warfare. Documents provide for what we can (...)
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    A Documental Archaeology as the Practical Schools of Confucianism in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty and the Formation of Joseon Silhak in the 18th Century - With The Seongho-school of Kiho-Namin and the Bukhak-school of Noron. 박용태 - 2022 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 99:119-148.
    청대 고증학은 고전과 경전의 복원(復原)을 통한 법고창신(法古創新) 온고지신(溫故知 新)의 방법론을 주창한 고전주의 학파이다. 하지만 18세기 고증학을 수용하였던 조선의 유학계는 협소한 자구(字句) 해석과 문자학적 훈고(訓誥)에 집중하는 고증학의 경전고변 이 학문적 실용성이 있는가에 대한 의문을 제기하며 또 하나의 지적유희에 젖어들어 훈고 적학 공리공론으로 고증학이 빠져들 것이라는 우려를 떨쳐내지 못하였다. 하지만 조선 중, 후기 유학자들이 고증학 전반에 대하여 비판적인 시각을 견지했던 것 은 아니다. 명청 교체기 초기 고증학의 명대 3대 유로(遺老)인 고염무, 황종희 왕부지 등 에 대해서 조선의 유학계에서는 매우 긍정적이고 우호적인 입장을 모여주는 (...)
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    Documenter les contre-fictions.Yves Citton - 2015 - Multitudes 61 (4):177-187.
    Quelques films récents donnent à voir à la fois un désir de documenter une réalité que l’appareillage dé-subjectivé de la caméra saisit mieux qu’une conscience humaine encombrée de clichés, et un besoin de réinjecter des fictions au sein de la réalité qu’on filme. Cette tension produit une dynamique contre-fictionnelle qui ouvre des voies prometteuses au geste documentaire.
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    Documentation of Capacity Assessment and Subsequent Consent in Patients Identified With Delirium.Scott Lamont, Cameron Stewart & Mary Chiarella - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (4):547-555.
    BackgroundDelirium is highly prevalent in the general hospital patient population, characterized by acute onset, fluctuating levels of consciousness, and global impairment of cognitive functioning. Mental capacity, its assessment and subsequent consent are therefore prominent within this cohort, yet under-explored.AimThis study of patients with delirium sought to determine the processes by which consent to medical treatment was attempted, how capacity was assessed, and any subsequent actions thereafter.MethodA retrospective documentation review of patients identified as having a delirium for the twelve months (...)
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    Documenting Dictatorship: Writing and Resistance in Chile's Vicaría de la Solidaridad.Vikki Bell - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (1):53-78.
    In Documentality (2013), Maurizio Ferraris argues that documents are at the heart of social institutions. Taking this notion as a cue, this piece considers a key organisation in the resistance to state violence and Pinochet's dictatorship in Chile, the Vicaría de la Solidaridad, and focuses on the remarkable document where the desperate stories of people detained, disappeared and murdered following the coup in 1973 were recorded. This process of registration adopted an overtly rational, administrative response akin to the ‘bio-political’ modes (...)
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    Documents: Fillers of Informational Gaps.Boris Hennig - 2014 - The Monist 97 (2):246-255.
    Something is a document insofar as its official function is to compensate for the impossibility of immediately acquiring information that has a function (= plays a role in a practice).
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    Documentation of Patients' Participation in Care at the End of Life.Irma Lindström, Fannie Gaston-Johansson & Ella Danielson - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (4):394-403.
    The aim of this study was to describe how patients’ participation in the care they received was documented in their health care records during the last three months of their lives. Two hundred and twenty-nine deceased adult persons were randomly identified from 12 municipalities in a Swedish county and their records were selected from different health care units. Content analysis was used to analyse the text. Four categories of patient participation were described: refusing offered care and treatments; appealing for relief; (...)
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    Documentality, Emotions, and Motivations. Why We Need a Kind of Internal Memory.Andrea Lavazza - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 57:51-66.
    Memory, as is well known, makes up a large part of our identity (even though the criterion of this “identity” is controversial). Documents – understood as inscriptions – make up our external memory in a peculiar way: they constitute both a stable anchor and a reference-point for our personal transformations over time. There is, however, also an internal memory, residing in our brain. This is based in part on external documentation; but it is of course not exclusively tied thereto. (...)
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    Musicographic Documents as Cultural Memory Devices.Ana Claudia Medeiros de Sousa & Bernardina Maria Juvenal Freire de Oliveira - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7245.
    This research aimed to identify the constituent elements of the musicographic document and whether they show signs of cultural memory and the composer's identity. This is a bibliographic and documentary research, using the indexical method. Data analysis and interpretation were based on a qualitative approach. The results indicated that the musicographic document brings together elements of the social structure, musical elements and technological elements capable of revealing the context of the production of the documentary item, as well as the traces (...)
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    Analyzing scientific knowledge in documents: The case of regulatory impact assessment.Katarína Staroňová - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (3):299-306.
    Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) is seen as a tool for increasing evidence-based policy making and as such it is being integrated into decision-making procedures on a wide range of issues. Based on systematic consultation, clear criteria for policy choice, and economic analysis of how costs and benefits impact on a wide range of affected parties, this tool operates by using scientific knowledge and technical analysis rather than political considerations. Scientific knowledge can be used to achieve instrumental learning (Radaelli, 2009, OECD), (...)
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    (1 other version)The Documents in Sokolowski’s Lois sacrées des cités grecques (LSCG).Edward M. Harris - 2015 - Kernos 28.
    This list of the documents found in Lois sacrées des cités grecques attempts to classify them in terms of the categories formulated in Harris, “Towards a Typology” (2015). 1. Attica. Athens. Calendar (probably subdivision of the polis) – early fifth century BCE (IG I3 234) The inscription is damaged, but contains the names of months (line 3: Thargelion; line 16: Gamelion), the names of gods, and animals to be sacrificed. The authority cannot be identified, but the non-standard sequence of mo...
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    Legal document assembly system for introducing law students with legal drafting.Marko Marković & Stevan Gostojić - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 31 (4):829-863.
    In this paper, we present a method for introducing law students to the writing of legal documents. The method uses a machine-readable representation of the legal knowledge to support document assembly and to help the students to understand how the assembly is performed. The knowledge base consists of enacted legislation, document templates, and assembly instructions. We propose a system called LEDAS (LEgal Document Assembly System) for the interactive assembly of legal documents. It guides users through the assembly process and provides (...)
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    Documentality: A Theory of Social Reality.Maurizio Ferraris & Giuliano Torrengo - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 57:11-27.
    In societies with a non-elementary degree of complexity, we find institutions, social roles, promises, marriages, corporations, enterprises, and the large variety of what we can label “social objects”. On the one hand, we commonly speak and think of such entities as if they existed on a par with entities such as tables and persons. On the other hand, there is a clear link between what people think and how people behave and the social domain. We argue that the widespread “reductionist” (...)
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    Misinterpreted Documents and Ignored Physical Facts: The History of ‘Hitler's Atomic Bomb’ needs to be corrected.Prof Dr Manfred Popp - 2016 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 39 (3):265-282.
    Zusammenfassung: Fehlinterpretierte Dokumente und ignorierte physikalische Fakten: Die Geschichte von,Hitlers Atombombe‘ muss korrigiert werden. Warum haben die deutschen Physiker während des Zweiten Weltkriegs keine Atombombe entwickelt? Seit mehr als 25 Jahren sind sich die Historiker einig, dass die deutschen Physiker wussten, wie eine Atombombe gebaut werden muss, dass aber ein Programm wie das amerikanische Manhattan‐Projekt zu ihrer Realisierung in Deutschland, erst recht während des Krieges, unmöglich war. Eine genaue Analyse aller erhaltenen Original‐Dokumente über die Arbeit an der Atombombe während des,Dritten (...)
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    Marbury Versus Madison: Documents and Commentary.Mark A. Graber & Michael Perhac - 2002 - CQ Press.
    Combines documents and analytical essays timed for the bicentennial in 2003. It explains the constitutional, political, philosophical background to judicial review, the historical record leading to this landmark case and the impact of the decision since 1803.
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    Documentation of Individualized Patient Care: a qualitative metasynthesis.Oili Kärkkäinen, Terese Bondas & Katie Eriksson - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (2):123-132.
    The aim of this study was to increase understanding of how individual patient care and the ethical principles prescribed for nursing care are implemented in nursing documentation. The method used was a metasynthesis of the results of 14 qualitative research reports. The results indicate that individualized patient care is not visible in nurses’ documentation of care. It seems that nurses describe their tasks more frequently than patients’ experiences of their care. The results also show that the structure of (...)
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    Misinterpreted Documents and Ignored Physical Facts: The History of ‘Hitler's Atomic Bomb’ needs to be corrected.Manfred Popp - 2016 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 39 (3):265-282.
    Zusammenfassung: Fehlinterpretierte Dokumente und ignorierte physikalische Fakten: Die Geschichte von,Hitlers Atombombe‘ muss korrigiert werden. Warum haben die deutschen Physiker während des Zweiten Weltkriegs keine Atombombe entwickelt? Seit mehr als 25 Jahren sind sich die Historiker einig, dass die deutschen Physiker wussten, wie eine Atombombe gebaut werden muss, dass aber ein Programm wie das amerikanische Manhattan‐Projekt zu ihrer Realisierung in Deutschland, erst recht während des Krieges, unmöglich war. Eine genaue Analyse aller erhaltenen Original‐Dokumente über die Arbeit an der Atombombe während des,Dritten (...)
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  23. Documents-The meaning of a mathematical text.Alain Herreman - 2000 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (2):295-302.
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    Documents of Doubt: The Photographic Conditions of Conceptual Art, Heather Diack (2020).Thomas Watson - 2020 - Philosophy of Photography 11 (1):142-147.
    Review of: Documents of Doubt: The Photographic Conditions of Conceptual Art, Heather Diack (2020)Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 296 pp.,ISBN 978-1-51790-757-0, p/bk, $30.00.
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    for Mathematical Documents.Michael Kohlhase - unknown
    The OMDoc (Open Mathematical Documents) format is a content markup scheme for (collections of) mathematical documents including articles, textbooks, interactive books, and courses. OMDoc also serves as the content language for agent communication of mathematical services on a mathematical software bus.
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    The Documents in Sokolowski’s Lois sacrées de l’Asie Mineure (LSAM ).Edward Harris & Jan‑Mathieu Carbon - 2015 - Kernos 28.
    This list of the documents found in Lois sacrées de l’Asie Minseure attempts to classify them in terms of the categories formulated in Harris, “Towards a Typology” (2015). 1. Sinope. Law/decree about a priesthood (polis) – third century BCE (I. Sinope 8) This appears to be a law/decree of the polis for the priest of Poseidon Helikonios (line 2) and mentions public rites (lines 2-3), but there is no enactment formula. On the other hand, it may have been a contract (...)
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    Documentation of Capacity and Identification of Substitute Decisionmakers in Ontario.Thomas C. Foreman, Dorothyann Curran, Joshua T. Landry & Michael A. Kekewich - 2014 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 23 (3):334-340.
    Documenting capacity assessments and identifying substitute decisionmakers in healthcare facilities is ethically required for optimal patient care. Lack of such documentation has the potential to generate confusion and contention among patients, their family members, and members of the healthcare team. An overview of our research at the Ottawa Hospital and issues that influence the consistency of documentation in the Canadian context are presented here, as well as ideas for the mitigation of these issues and ways to encourage better (...)
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  28. Documentation manual for occupational therapy: Writing SOAP notes.[author unknown] - 2017
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    Documentation: Produkt & Vision: eine Versuchsanordnung zwischen Kunst und Wirtschaft = product & vision: an experimental set-up between art and business.Mari Brellochs & Henrik Schrat (eds.) - 2006 - [Berlin]: Kadmos.
    This documents the exhibition and the artistic positions, describes the process of the project, and offers analysis of the cooperation experiment from the perspectives of the participating company, the consultants involved, and scholars of organisational science. This volume also places the project in an art theoretical framework.
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  30. Supplementary Document to "Why I am not an Absolutist (Or a First-Orderist)".Agustin Rayo - manuscript
    This is a supplementary document to my "Why I am not an Absolutist (Or a First-Orderist)", which is forthcoming in a volume on higher-order logic edited by Peter Fritz and Nick Jones.
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    Two Documents by Paul Levi.Paul Levi - 2017 - Historical Materialism 25 (1):175-183.
    This is a translation and critical edition of two documents on the Kapp Putsch and the origins of the united-front policy in the German Communist Party. The documents were written by the kpd leader Paul Levi and their titles and dates are, respectively: ‘Letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Germany’ and ‘Open Letter of the Zentrale of the United Communist Party of Germany’. They are a documentary appendix to our essay ‘Paul Levi and the Origins of (...)
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  32. The Ontology of Documents.Barry Smith - 2011 - In Okada Mitsuhiro, Proceedings of the Conference on Ontology and Analytical Metaphysics, February 24-25, 2011. Keio University Press. pp. 1-6.
    As is well known, speech acts such as acts of promising can have ontological consequences. For example an act of promising can give rise to a mutually correlated claim and obligation. Increasingly, speech acts in the narrow sense are being augmented by the use of documents of multiple different sorts. In this paper we analyze the results of this augmenta-tion from the ontological point of view, considering especially the domains of law and com-merce. We show how document acts are not (...)
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    The Documents in the Attic Orators: Laws and Decrees in the Public Speeches of the Demosthenic Corpus.Mirko Canevaro - 2013 - Oxford University Press.
    In this volume Canevaro studies the 'state' documents preserved in the public speeches of the Demosthenic corpus. Offering a comprehensive account of the documents in the corpora of the orators and in the manuscript tradition, Canevaro summarizes previous scholarship and delineates a new methodology for analyzing the documents.
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  34. Bridges: Documents of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue. Vol. 1: The Road to Reconciliation (1945–1985).[author unknown] - 2011
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  35. (1 other version)Business Documents of Murashû Sons of Nippur.A. T. Clay - 1907 - The Monist 17:139.
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  36. Beyond Human: Smart Contracts, Smart-Machines, and Documentality.David Koepsell - 2022 - In Jason Grant Allen & Peter Hunn, Smart Legal Contracts: Computable Law in Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press. pp. 327-337.
    The theory of documentality is a way of describing social reality. Developed by Italian philosopher Maurizio Ferraris, it says that the world of social objects is a world of documents, fundamentally. Specifically, it attempts to fill in gaps regarding the existence of objects whose dependence precedes traditional, written documents. Borrowing from Derrida, Ferraris concludes that no part of social reality exists outside of texts, while expanding the notion of texts to include inscriptions as memories in minds. Social reality is constructed (...)
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  37. Statement of Intent & Original Documents.Berit Soli-Holt, April Vannini & Jeremy Fernando - 2013 - Continent 3 (2):3-7.
    A year ago the documents included in this piece were sent out from three locations to three threads of thinkers. Including a small description of the drift process, the Welcome Letter, Protocol & Guidelines, as well as the Statement of Intent are reproduced here in their entirety. This statement was previously published by continent. in-between a conversation of the drift guest editors in issue 2.3.
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    Documents d'Asie Mineure XXXIV-XXXV.Louis Robert - 1985 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 109 (1):467-484.
    XXXIV. Zeus Thallos. Aux documents cités BCH 1983, s'ajoute une plaque du musée de Kütahya, représentant le dédicant avec deux chevaux. XXXV. Retour à Pergame. 1. Le décret de Pergame pour Attale III. Suite (cf. BCH 1984) de l'étude du décret OGI 332. Les honneurs accordés au roi, une couronne d'or comme «prix de la valeur», une statue équestre, la statue de culte comme parèdre d'Asclépios, ne sont pas des honneurs exorbitants, trahissant un abâtardissement oriental, mais les honneurs courants dans (...)
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    Documents from Islamic Chanceries.Norman Itzkowitz & S. M. Stern - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (4):436.
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    Why Translate Science?: Documents from Antiquity to the 16 th Century in the Historical West (Bactria to the Atlantic).Dimitri Gutas (ed.) - 2022 - BRILL.
    A collection of documents from antiquity to the 16th century in the historical West (Bactria to the Atlantic), in the original languages with an English translation and introductory essays, about the motivations and purposes of translation from and into Greek, Syriac, Middle Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin, as given in the personal statements by the translators, scholars, and historians of each society.
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    Document-based hits model for multi-document summarization.Xiaojun Wan - 2008 - In Tu-Bao Ho & Zhi-Hua Zhou, PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 454--465.
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    New documents on the prohibition of Grotius’ Annales et Historiae by the Roman Index.Jan Waszink - 2003 - Grotia 24 (1):77-137.
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    Documents from the Indian Women's Movement.Carol Wolkowitz, Vithubai Patel & Sujata Gothoskar - 1982 - Feminist Review 12 (1):92-103.
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  44. Documents Sur Jean Amazeur Imprimeur Parisien.René Gandilhon - 1958 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 20 (1):184-189.
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    Documents du Musée National d'Athènes.Semni Papaspyridi-Karouzou - 1937 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 61 (1):349-363.
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  46. Scripting Documents with XQuery: Virtual Documents in TNTBase.Michael Kohlhase - unknown
    This paper introduces the concept of Virtual Documents and its prototypical realization in our TNTBase system, a versioned XML database. VDs integrate XQuery-based computational facilities into documents like JSP/PHP do for relational queries. We view the integration of computation in documents as an enabling technology and evaluate it on a handfull of real-world use cases.
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    Documents in Thucydides.H. D. Westlake - 1973 - The Classical Review 23 (01):25-.
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    Sogdian Documents from Khotan, II: Letters and Miscellaneous Fragments.Bi Bo & Nicholas Sims-Williams - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (2):261.
    A group of Sogdian documents from the area of Khotan was recently acquired by Renmin University of China, Beijing. Four economic documents were edited in JAOS 130/4 ; the present article, comprising the edition of one complete letter and several fragments of letters, completes the publication of this collection, which adds to a growing body of evidence for the presence of Sogdian-speakers on the trade routes to the south of the Taklamakan desert.
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    Pranic Healing: Documenting Use, Expectations, and Perceived Benefits of a Little-Known Therapy in the United States.Tonya L. Schuster, Maritza Jauregui, Mary D. Clark & Joie P. Jones - 2012 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 26 (3).
    The aim of this exploratory study was to examine client demographics and expectations, reasons for use, sensations during treatment, and perceived outcomes of Pranic Healing, an energy healing system lacking in scientific documentation but whose use in the general population is becoming more widespread internationally. This study consisted of a cross-sectional survey of adults (18+ years of age) receiving care from 12 Pranic Healing practices in four different states in the U.S. (N = 179) completing online questionnaires. Closed-ended response (...)
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    Document And Time.Joshua Kates - 2014 - History and Theory 53 (2):155-174.
    This article explores what it calls the “documentarist” hypothesis: the belief that the subject matter of history, the past, is structurally absent and thus can be reached only by way of documents, testamentary traces of various sorts . The first part of the article works out the documentarist position through interpretations of creative works that embody it and of a variety of reflections on historiography—those of Michel de Certeau and Paul Ricoeur, as well as some “postmodern historiography.” It argues that (...)
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