Results for 'dynamic problem-solving'

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  1.  27
    Potential for Assessing Dynamic Problem-Solving at the Beginning of Higher Education Studies.Benő Csapó & Gyöngyvér Molnár - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:277958.
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  2. Beyond subgoaling: A dynamic knowledge generation framework for creative problem solving in cognitive architectures.Antonio Lieto - 2019 - Cognitive Systems Research 58:305-316.
    In this paper we propose a computational framework aimed at extending the problem solving capabilities of cognitive artificial agents through the introduction of a novel, goal-directed, dynamic knowledge generation mechanism obtained via a non monotonic reasoning procedure. In particular, the proposed framework relies on the assumption that certain classes of problems cannot be solved by simply learning or injecting new external knowledge in the declarative memory of a cognitive artificial agent but, on the other hand, require a (...)
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    ProblemSolving Phase Transitions During Team Collaboration.Travis J. Wiltshire, Jonathan E. Butner & Stephen M. Fiore - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (1):129-167.
    Multiple theories of problem-solving hypothesize that there are distinct qualitative phases exhibited during effective problem-solving. However, limited research has attempted to identify when transitions between phases occur. We integrate theory on collaborative problem-solving with dynamical systems theory suggesting that when a system is undergoing a phase transition it should exhibit a peak in entropy and that entropy levels should also relate to team performance. Communications from 40 teams that collaborated on a complex problem (...)
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    Multi‐Level Linguistic Alignment in a Dynamic Collaborative ProblemSolving Task.Nicholas D. Duran, Amie Paige & Sidney K. D'Mello - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (1):e13398.
    Cocreating meaning in collaboration is challenging. Success is often determined by people's abilities to coordinate their language to converge upon shared mental representations. Here we explore one set of low‐level linguistic behaviors, linguistic alignment, that both emerges from, and facilitates, outcomes of high‐level convergence. Linguistic alignment captures the ways people reuse, that is, “align to,” the lexical, syntactic, and semantic forms of others' utterances. Our focus is on the temporal change of multi‐level linguistic alignment, as well as how alignment is (...)
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    A comparison of information processing and dynamical systems perspectives on problem solving.Stephen K. Reed & Robin R. Vallacher - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (2):254-290.
    This article compares the information processing and dynamical systems perspectives on problem solving. Key theoretical constructs of the information-processing perspective include “searching” a “p...
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  6. Complex problem solving: A case for complex cognition?Joachim Funke - 2010 - Cognitive Processing 11 (1):133-142.
    Complex problem solving (CPS) emerged in the last 30 years in Europe as a new part of the psychology of thinking and problem solving. This paper introduces into the field and provides a personal view. Also, related concepts like macrocognition or operative intelligence will be explained in this context. Two examples for the assessment of CPS, Tailorshop and MicroDYN, are presented to illustrate the concept by means of their measurement devices. Also, the relation of complex cognition (...)
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  7. Editorial: Complex Problem Solving Beyond the Psychometric Approach.Wolfgang Schoppek, Annette Kluge, Magda Osman & Joachim Funke - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Complex problem solving (CPS) and related topics such as dynamic decision-making (DDM) and complex dynamic control (CDC) represent multifaceted psychological phenomena. In a broad sense, CPS encompasses learning, decision-making, and acting in complex and dynamic situations. Moreover, solutions to problems that people face in such situations are often generated in teams or groups. In turn, this adds another layer of complexity to the situation itself because of the emerging issues that arise from the social dynamics (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Problem Solving and Situated Cognition.David Kirsh - 2008 - In Murat Aydede & P. Robbins, The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 264--306.
    In the course of daily life we solve problems often enough that there is a special term to characterize the activity and the right to expect a scientific theory to explain its dynamics. The classical view in psychology is that to solve a problem a subject must frame it by creating an internal representation of the problem‘s structure, usually called a problem space. This space is an internally generable representation that is mathematically identical to a graph structure (...)
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  9.  26
    The temporal dynamics of insight problem solving – restructuring might not always be sudden.Merim Bilalić, Mario Graf, Nemanja Vaci & Amory H. Danek - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (1):1-37.
    Insight problems are likely to trigger an initial, inappropriate mental representation, which needs to be restructured in order to find the solution. Despite the widespread theoretical assumption t...
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    Cross‐National Comparisons of Complex ProblemSolving Strategies in Two Microworlds.C. Dominik Güss, Ma Teresa Tuason & Christiane Gerhard - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (3):489-520.
    Research in the fields of complex problem solving (CPS) and dynamic decision making using microworlds has been mainly conducted in Western industrialized countries. This study analyzes the CPS process by investigating thinking‐aloud protocols in five countries. Participants were 511 students from Brazil, Germany, India, the Philippines, and the United States who worked on two microworlds. On the basis of cultural‐psychological theories, specific cross‐national differences in CPS strategies were hypothesized. Following theories of situatedness of cognition, hypotheses about the (...)
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  11.  14
    Personality traits and complex problem solving: Personality disorders and their effects on complex problem-solving ability.Ulrike Kipman, Stephan Bartholdy, Marie Weiss, Wolfgang Aichhorn & Günter Schiepek - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Complex problem solving can be interpreted as the number of psychological mechanisms that allow us to reach our targets in difficult situations, that can be classified as complex, dynamic, non-transparent, interconnected, and multilayered, and also polytelic. The previous results demonstrated associations between the personality dimensions neuroticism, conscientiousness, and extraversion and problem-solving performance. However, there are no studies dealing with personality disorders in connection with CPS skills. Therefore, the current study examines a clinical sample consisting of (...)
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  12. Analysis of minimal complex systems and complex problem solving require different forms of causal cognition.Joachim Funke - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
    In the last 20 years, a stream of research emerged under the label of „complex problem solving“ (CPS). This research was intended to describe the way people deal with complex, dynamic, and intransparent situations. Complex computer-simulated scenarios were as stimulus material in psychological experiments. This line of research lead to subtle insights into the way how people deal with complexity and uncertainty. Besides these knowledge-rich, realistic, intransparent, complex, dynamic scenarios with many variables, a second line of (...)
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  13.  22
    The Role of Motivation in Complex Problem Solving.C. Dominik Güss, Madison Lee Burger & Dietrich Dörner - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:267153.
    The Role of Motivation in Complex Problem SolvingPrevious research on Complex Problem Solving (CPS) has primarily focused on cognitive factors as outlined below. The current paper discusses the role of motivation during CPS and argues that motivation, emotion, and cognition interact and cannot be studied in an isolated manner. Motivation is the process that determines the energization and direction of behavior (Heckhausen, 1991).Three motivation theories and their relation to CPS are examined: McClelland’s achievement motivation, Maslow’s hierarchy of (...)
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  14.  31
    Beyond Dyadic Coordination: Multimodal Behavioral Irregularity in Triads Predicts Facets of Collaborative Problem Solving.Mary Jean Amon, Hana Vrzakova & Sidney K. D'Mello - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (10):e12787.
    We hypothesize that effective collaboration is facilitated when individuals and environmental components form a synergy where they work together and regulate one another to produce stable patterns of behavior, or regularity, as well as adaptively reorganize to form new behaviors, or irregularity. We tested this hypothesis in a study with 32 triads who collaboratively solved a challenging visual computer programming task for 20 min following an introductory warm‐up phase. Multidimensional recurrence quantification analysis was used to examine fine‐grained (i.e., every 10 (...)
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  15. The role of emotions in complex problem-solving.Miriam Spering, Daniel Wagener & Joachim Funke - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19:1252-1261.
    The assumption that positive affect leads to a better performance in simple cognitive tasks has become well established. We address the question whether positive and negative emotions differentially influence performance in complex problem-solving in the same way. Emotions were induced by positive or negative feedback in 74 participants who had to manage a computer-simulated complex problem-solving scenario. Results show that overall scenario performance is not affected, but positive and negative emotions elicit distinguishable problem-solving strategies: (...)
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    Solving the Single-Vehicle Self-Driving Car Trolley Problem Using Risk Theory and Vehicle Dynamics.Rebecca Davnall - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):431-449.
    Questions of what a self-driving car ought to do if it encounters a situation analogous to the ‘trolley problem’ have dominated recent discussion of the ethics of self-driving cars. This paper argues that this interest is misplaced. If a trolley-style dilemma situation actually occurs, given the limits on what information will be available to the car, the dynamics of braking and tyre traction determine that, irrespective of outcome, it is always least risky for the car to brake in a (...)
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  17. The role of emotions in complex problem solving.Miriam Spering, Dietrich Wagener & Joachim Funke - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (8):1252-1261.
    The assumption that positive affect leads to a better performance in simple cognitive tasks has become well established. We address the question whether positive and negative emotions differentially influence performance in complex problem-solving in the same way. Emotions were induced by positive or negative feedback in 74 participants who had to manage a computer-simulated complex problem-solving scenario. Results show that overall scenario performance is not affected, but positive and negative emotions elicit distinguishable problem-solving strategies: (...)
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  18.  11
    A dual processing approach to complex problem solving.Wolfgang Schoppek - 2023 - Journal of Dynamic Decision Making 9.
    This paper reflects on Dietrich Dörner's observation that participants in complex dynamic control tasks exhibit a "tendency to economize", that is, they tend to minimize cognitive effort. I interpret this observation in terms of a dual processing approach and explore if the reluctance to adopt Type 2 processing could be rooted in biological energy saving. There is evidence that the energy available for the cortex at any point in time is quite limited. Therefore, effortful thinking comes at the cost (...)
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  19.  59
    The Positive Spiral Between Problem-Solving Management and Trust: A Study in Organizations for Individuals With Intellectual Disability.Yolanda Estreder, Vicente Martínez-Tur, Inés Tomás, Alice Maniezki, José Ramos & Luminiţa Pătraş - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    To achieve their goals, organizations for individuals with intellectual disability have to stimulate high-quality relationships between professionals and family members. Therefore, achieving professionals’ trust in family members has become a challenge. One relevant factor in explaining professional’s trust in families is the degree to which family members use the “problem-solving” conflict management strategy in their disputes–disagreements with professionals. It is reasonable to argue that when family members use problem-solving conflict management, professionals’ trust increases. Professionals’ trust, in (...)
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  20.  38
    Dynamic perceptual completion and the dynamic snapshot view to help solve the ‘two times’ problem.Ronald P. Gruber, Ryan P. Smith & Richard A. Block - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (4):773-790.
    Perceptual completion fills the gap for discrete perception to become continuous. Similarly, dynamic perceptual completion provides an experience of dynamic continuity. Our recent discovery of the ‘happening’ element of DPC completes the total experience for dynamism in the flow of time. However, a phenomenological explanation for these experiences is essential. The Snapshot Hypotheses especially the Dynamic Snapshot View provides the most comprehensive explanation. From that understanding the ‘two times’ problem can be addressed. The static time of (...)
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  21.  65
    Pluralism in Scientific Problem Solving. Why Inconsistency is No Big Deal.Diderik Batens - 2017 - Humana Mente 10 (32):149-177.
    Pluralism has many meanings. An assessment of the need for logical pluralism with respect to scientific knowledge requires insights in its domain of application. So first a specific form of epistemic pluralism will be defended. Knowledge turns out a patchwork of knowledge chunks. These serve descriptive as well as evaluative functions, may have competitors within the knowledge system, interact with each other, and display a characteristic dynamics caused by new information as well as by mutual readjustment. Logics play a role (...)
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  22. Can motto-goals outperform learning and performance goals? Influence of goal setting on performance and affect in a complex problem solving task.Miriam Sophia Rohe, Joachim Funke, Maja Storch & Julia Weber - 2016 - Journal of Dynamic Decision Making 2 (1):1-15.
    In this paper, we bring together research on complex problem solving with that on motivational psychology about goal setting. Complex problems require motivational effort because of their inherent difficulties. Goal Setting Theory has shown with simple tasks that high, specific performance goals lead to better performance outcome than do-your-best goals. However, in complex tasks, learning goals have proven more effective than performance goals. Based on the Zurich Resource Model, so-called motto-goals should activate a person’s resources through positive affect. (...)
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  23. Dynamic systems as tools for analysing human judgement.Joachim Funke - 2001 - Thinking and Reasoning 7 (1):69 – 89.
    With the advent of computers in the experimental labs, dynamic systems have become a new tool for research on problem solving and decision making. A short review of this research is given and the main features of these systems (connectivity and dynamics) are illustrated. To allow systematic approaches to the influential variables in this area, two formal frameworks (linear structural equations and finite state automata) are presented. Besides the formal background, the article sets out how the task (...)
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  24.  46
    Modeling and Solving the Dynamic Task Allocation Problem of Heterogeneous UAV Swarm in Unknown Environment.Qiang Peng, Husheng Wu & Na Li - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    As a NP-hard problem that needs to be solved in real time, the dynamic task allocation problem of unmanned aerial vehicle swarm has gradually become a difficulty and hotspot in the current planning field. Aiming at the problems of poor real-time performance and low quality of the solution in the dynamic task allocation of heterogeneous UAV swarm in uncertain environment, this paper establishes a dynamic task allocation model that can meet the actual needs and uses (...)
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  25.  20
    A Social Interpolation Model of Group ProblemSolving.Sabina J. Sloman, Robert L. Goldstone & Cleotilde Gonzalez - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (12):e13066.
    How do people use information from others to solve complex problems? Prior work has addressed this question by placing people in social learning situations where the problems they were asked to solve required varying degrees of exploration. This past work uncovered important interactions between groups' connectivity and the problem's complexity: the advantage of less connected networks over more connected networks increased as exploration was increasingly required for optimally solving the problem at hand. We propose the Social Interpolation (...)
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  26.  11
    Some evidence for the effectiveness of a brief error management training in complex, dynamic, and uncertain situations.C. Dominik Güss & Joanna Hermida - 2024 - Journal of Dynamic Decision Making 10:1-1.
    The current study explores the effects of a brief training program on complex problem solving (CPS) and dynamic decision making (DDM) performance in two computer-simulated tasks with different task characteristics, ChocoFine (N = 76) and WinFire (N = 99). Half of the participants in each simulation group received a brief training on 16 frequent CPS and DDM errors. We hypothesized that participants who received the training in errors would show better performance, report fewer errors, and show fewer (...)
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    A dynamic model of ethical reasoning in speech pathology.B. Kenny, M. Lincoln & S. Balandin - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (9):508-513.
    Ten new graduate speech pathologists recounted their experiences in managing workplace ethical dilemmas in semi-structured interviews. Their stories were analysed for elements that described the nature and management of the ethical dilemmas. Ethical reasoning themes were generated to reflect the participants’ approaches to managing these dilemmas. Finally, a conceptual model, the Dynamic Model of Ethical Reasoning, was developed. This model incorporates the elements of awareness, independent problem solving, supported problem solving, and decision and outcome evaluation. (...)
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  28. The problem of negative existentials does not exist: A case for dynamic semantics.Lenny Clapp - 2009 - Journal of Pragmatics 41 (7):1422-1434.
    The problem of negative existentials arises because utterances of such sentences have the paradoxical feature of denying what they presuppose, thus undermining their own truth. There are only two general strategies for solving the problem within the constraints traditional static semantics, and both strategies attempt to explain away this paradoxical feature. I argue that both strategies are fundamentally flawed, and that an adequate account of negative existentials must countenance, and not explain away, this paradoxical feature. Moreover, I (...)
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  29.  60
    High Regularities in Eye‐Movement Patterns Reveal the Dynamics of the Visual Working Memory Allocation Mechanism.Xiaohui Kong, Christian D. Schunn & Garrick L. Wallstrom - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (2):322-337.
    With only two to five slots of visual working memory (VWM), humans are able to quickly solve complex visual problems to near optimal solutions. To explain the paradox between tightly constrained VWM and impressively complex human visual problemsolving ability, we propose several principles for dynamic VWM allocation. In particular, we propose that complex visual information is represented in a temporal manner using only a few slots of VWM that include global and local visual chunks. We built a (...)
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  30. Solving the Problem of Logical Omniscience.Sinan Dogramaci - 2018 - Philosophical Issues 28 (1):107-128.
    This paper looks at three ways of addressing probabilism’s implausible requirement of logical omniscience. The first and most common strategy says it’s okay to require an ideally rational person to be logically omniscient. I argue that this view is indefensible on any interpretation of ‘ideally rational’. The second strategy says probabilism should be formulated not in terms of logically possible worlds but in terms of doxastically possible worlds, ways you think the world might be. I argue that, on the interpretation (...)
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    Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Implicit and Explicit Beliefs.Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (2):107-140.
    Epistemic logic with its possible worlds semantic model is a powerful framework that allows us to represent an agent’s information not only about propositional facts, but also about her own information. Nevertheless, agents represented in this framework are logically omniscient: their information is closed under logical consequence. This property, useful in some applications, is an unrealistic idealisation in some others. Many proposals to solve this problem focus on weakening the properties of the agent’s information, but some authors have argued (...)
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  32. It requires more than intelligence to solve consequential world problems.Joachim Funke - 2021 - Journal of Intelligence 9 (3):38.
    What are consequential world problems? As “grand societal challenges”, one might define them as problems that affect a large number of people, perhaps even the entire planet, including problems such as climate change, distributive justice, world peace, world nutrition, clean air and clean water, access to education, and many more. The “Sustainable Development Goals”, compiled by the United Nations, represent a collection of such global problems. From my point of view, these problems can be seen as complex. Such complex problems (...)
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  33.  15
    A Dynamic Opposite Learning Assisted Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm for the Flexible JobScheduling Problem.Yi Feng, Mengru Liu, Yuqian Zhang & Jinglin Wang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-19.
    Job shop scheduling problem is one of the most difficult optimization problems in manufacturing industry, and flexible job shop scheduling problem is an extension of the classical JSP, which further challenges the algorithm performance. In FJSP, a machine should be selected for each process from a given set, which introduces another decision element within the job path, making FJSP be more difficult than traditional JSP. In this paper, a variant of grasshopper optimization algorithm named dynamic opposite learning (...)
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    Distributed language and dynamics.Stephen J. Cowley - 2009 - Pragmatics and Cognition 17 (3):495-508.
    Language is coordination. Pursuing this, the present Special Issue of Pragmatics & Cognition challenges two widely held positions. First, the papers reject the claim that language is essentially ‘symbolic’. Second, they deny that minds represent verbal patterns. Rather, language is social, individual, and contributes the feeling of thinking. Simply, it is distributed. Elucidating this claim, the opening papers report empirically-based work on the anticipatory dynamics of reading, their cognitive consequences, Shakespearean theatre, what images evoke, and insight problem-solving. Having (...)
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  35.  18
    Has the Problem of the Motion of a Heavy Symmetric Top been Solved in Quadratures?Alexei A. Deriglazov - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (3):1-10.
    We have revised the problem of the motion of a heavy symmetric top. When formulating equations of the Lagrange top with the diagonal inertia tensor, the potential energy has more complicated form as compared with that assumed in the literature on dynamics of a rotating body. This implies the corresponding improvements in equations of motion. Using the Liouville’s theorem, we solve the improved equations in quadratures and present the explicit expressions for the resulting elliptic integrals.
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  36. Four Tails Problems for Dynamical Collapse Theories.Kelvin J. McQueen - 2015 - Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 49:10-18.
    The primary quantum mechanical equation of motion entails that measurements typically do not have determinate outcomes, but result in superpositions of all possible outcomes. Dynamical collapse theories (e.g. GRW) supplement this equation with a stochastic Gaussian collapse function, intended to collapse the superposition of outcomes into one outcome. But the Gaussian collapses are imperfect in a way that leaves the superpositions intact. This is the tails problem. There are several ways of making this problem more precise. But many (...)
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    Insightful thinking: Cognitive dynamics and material artifacts.Evridiki Fioratou & Stephen J. Cowley - 2009 - Pragmatics and Cognition 17 (3):549-572.
    We trace how cognition arises beyond the skin. Experimental work on insight problem solving is used to examine how external artifacts can be used to reach the goal of assembling a ‘cheap necklace’. Instead of asking how insight occurs ‘in the head’, our participants in Experiment 1 can either draw solution attempts or manipulate real objects. Even though performance with real chain links is significantly more successful than on paper, access to objects does not make this insight (...) simple: objects themselves do not shape cognition. This challenges extended mind views. While failure often results from the inappropriate application of hill-climbing, material artifacts can trigger solutions. In Experiment 2, we used ‘open link’ conditions of the concretized problem to prompt participants to act. Solutions arrived via insight, serendipity, or trial-and-error. By investigating how objects are used, we show that they do more than supplement neural events. Rather, participants monitor and anticipate the effects of action within an organism-environment system. By analogy, language too draws on experience of monitoring real-time effects as bodily dynamics play out in a normative and cultural world. In engaging with public language, it is likely that verbal patterns function by constraining anticipatory cognitive processes. (shrink)
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    Models of Competence in Solving Physics Problems.Jill H. Larkin, John McDermott, Dorothea P. Simon & Herbert A. Simon - 1980 - Cognitive Science 4 (4):317-345.
    We describe a set of two computer‐implemented models that solve physics problems in ways characteristic of more and less competent human solvers. The main features accounting for different competences are differences in strategy for selecting physics principles, and differences in the degree of automation in the process of applying a single principle. The models provide a good account of the order in which principles are applied by human solvers working problems in kinematics and dynamics. They also are sufficiently flexible to (...)
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    Relationship of trait curiosity to the dynamics of coping and quality of life in myocardial infarction patients.Dorota Włodarczyk - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (3):347-356.
    This study is a continuation of the work of Professor Kazimierz Wrześniewski. It concerns the role of curiositytrait in the dynamics of changes in coping and quality of life after a heart attack. The study was attended by 222 people after a heart attack, of whom 140 participated in the three stages of the study: at the beginning and at the end of cardiac rehabilitation and a year after leaving the resort. The participants aged 24-64 years. Curiosity-trait was measured by (...)
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    Engineering Dynamics: A Comprehensive Introduction.N. Jeremy Kasdin & Derek A. Paley - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    Engineering Dynamics spans the full range of mechanics problems, from one-dimensional particle kinematics to three-dimensional rigid-body dynamics, including an introduction to Lagrange's and Kane's methods. It skillfully blends an easy-to-read, conversational style with careful attention to the physics and mathematics of engineering dynamics, and emphasizes the formal systematic notation students need to solve problems correctly and succeed in more advanced courses.
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    Dynamic Analysis and FPGA Implementation of New Chaotic Neural Network and Optimization of Traveling Salesman Problem.Li Cui, Chaoyang Chen, Jie Jin & Fei Yu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    A neural network is a model of the brain’s cognitive process, with a highly interconnected multiprocessor architecture. The neural network has incredible potential, in the view of these artificial neural networks inherently having good learning capabilities and the ability to learn different input features. Based on this, this paper proposes a new chaotic neuron model and a new chaotic neural network model. It includes a linear matrix, a sine function, and a chaotic neural network composed of three chaotic neurons. One (...)
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  42. Solving the Proportion Problem: A Plea for Selectivity.Hsiang-Yun Chen - 2016 - Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 13:16-26.
    I argues that quantificational adverbs are unselective binders over individuals. The Lewisian analysis, however, fails to recognize the ambiguity in some quantificationally modified conditionals. That the Lewisian approach cannot predict some attested reading is known as the “proportion problem.” I propose a solution based on the following ideas: (a) quantificational adverbs bind selectively; (b) a singular indefinite and its anaphoric pronoun may introduce a plural discourse referent, and (c) plural predication is elusive.
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    Partial Dynamic Semantics for Anaphora: Compositionality without Syntactic Coindexation.Dag Trygve Truslew Haug - 2014 - Journal of Semantics 31 (4):fft008.
    This article points out problems in current dynamic treatments of anaphora and provides a new account that solves these by grafting Muskens' Compositional Discourse Representation Theory onto a partial theory of types. Partiality is exploited to keep track of which discourse referents have been introduced in the text (thus avoiding the overwrite problem) and to account for cases of anaphoric failure. Another key assumption is that the set of discourse referents is well-ordered, so that we can keep track (...)
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    Solving the “human problem”: The frontal feedback model.Raymond A. Noack - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):1043-1067.
    This paper argues that humans possess unique cognitive abilities due to the presence of a functional system that exists in the human brain that is absent in the non-human brain. This system, the frontal feedback system, was born in the hominin brain when the great phylogenetic expansion of the prefrontal cortex relative to posterior sensory regions surpassed a critical threshold. Surpassing that threshold effectively reversed the preferred direction of information flow in the highest association regions of the neocortex, producing the (...)
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    (1 other version)Thinking in Complexity: The Complex Dynamics of Matter, Mind, and Mankind.Klaus Mainzer - 1994 - Springer.
    The theory of nonlinear complex systems has become a successful and widely used problem-solving approach in the natural sciences - from laser physics, quantum chaos and meteorology to molecular modeling in chemistry and computer simulations of cell growth in biology. In recent times it has been recognized that many of the social, ecological and political problems of mankind are also of a global, complex and nonlinear nature. And one of the most exciting topics of present scientific and public (...)
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    A Model for Conceptualizing the Moral Dynamic in Health Care.Susan Foley Pierce - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (6):483-495.
    Ethics involves an organized, reasoned approach to gathering and processing data in order to arrive at decisions about what to do, what to value, and/or what virtues to cultivate. A model is proposed for conceptualizing this complex dynamic, which incorporates elements of both rule-and-principle ethics and the ethic of care. The model suggested here has two levels. The first level identifies the components that comprise philosophical reasoning; the second contextualizes and operationalizes the model in relation to the processor’s philosophical (...)
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  47. The preferred basis problem in the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics: why decoherence does not solve it.Meir Hemmo & Orly Shenker - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-25.
    We start by very briefly describing the measurement problem in quantum mechanics and its solution by the Many Worlds Interpretation. We then describe the preferred basis problem, and the role of decoherence in the MWI. We discuss a number of approaches to the preferred basis problem and argue that contrary to the received wisdom, decoherence by itself does not solve the problem. We address Wallace’s emergentist approach based on what he calls Dennett’s criterion, and we compare (...)
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    Dynamic functional connectivity estimation for neurofeedback emotion regulation paradigm with simultaneous EEG-fMRI analysis.Raziyeh Mosayebi, Amin Dehghani & Gholam-Ali Hossein-Zadeh - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:933538.
    Joint Analysis of EEG and fMRI datasets can bring new insight into brain mechanisms. In this paper, we employed the recently introduced Correlated Coupled Tensor Matrix Factorization (CCMTF) method for analysis of the emotion regulation paradigm based on EEG frontal asymmetry neurofeedback in the alpha frequency band with simultaneous fMRI. CCMTF method assumes that the co-variations of the common dimension (temporal dimension) between EEG and fMRI are correlated and not necessarily identical. The results of the CCMTF method suggested that EEG (...)
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    A Dynamic Version of Hylomorphism.Sylvain Roudaut - 2018 - Axiomathes 28 (1):13-36.
    This paper presents a version of hylomorphism that intends to solve problems faced by contemporary hylomorphism. After showing that attempts to understand form as sets or relation of essential properties fail at taking into account the dynamic development of substances, the paper suggests another version of hylomorphism able to solve these difficulties. A functionalist version of hylomorphism is then defended: the best way to understand how form can be present throughout all the developmental stages of a substance is to (...)
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    Dynamic Combination Evaluation Method of Rural Environmental Pollution Control Effect.Xinjie Li - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    In recent years, the problem of environmental pollution has become more and more serious, and environmental pollution has become a topic of concern. PM2.5, PM10, hazy weather, and other words about environmental pollution have become hot words and topics for the media and the public to talk about, and environmental pollution control is called for by the media and the public. This reflects the rapid development of economy and the obvious changes in people’s living standards, and people have higher (...)
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