Results for 'emotion differentiation'

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  1.  39
    Emotion differentiation dissected: between-category, within-category, and integral emotion differentiation, and their relation to well-being.Yasemin Erbas, Eva Ceulemans, Elisabeth S. Blanke, Laura Sels, Agneta Fischer & Peter Kuppens - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):258-271.
    ABSTRACTEmotion differentiation, the ability to describe and label our own emotions in a differentiated and specific manner, has been repeatedly associated with well-being. However, it is unclear exactly what type of differentiation is most strongly related to well-being: the ability to make fine-grained distinctions between emotions that are relatively closely related, the ability to make larger distinctions between very distinct emotions, or the combination of both. To determine which type of differentiation is most predictive of well-being, we (...)
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  2.  43
    Emotion differentiation and its relation with emotional well-being in adolescents.Hannah K. Lennarz, Anna Lichtwarck-Aschoff, Marieke E. Timmerman & Isabela Granic - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (3):651-657.
    ABSTRACTEmotion differentiation refers to the precision with which people can identify and distinguish their emotions and has been associated with well-being in adults. This study investigated ED and its relation with emotional well-being in adolescents. We used an experience sampling method with 72 participants to assess adolescents’ positive and negative emotions at different time points over the course of two weekends and a baseline questionnaire to assess emotional well-being. Differentiating negative emotions was related to less negativity intensity and propensity, (...)
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    An emotion-differentiated perspective on empathy with the emotion specific empathy questionnaire.Sally Olderbak, Claudia Sassenrath, Johannes Keller & Oliver Wilhelm - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  4.  41
    Negative emotion differentiation: Its personality and well-being correlates and a comparison of different assessment methods.Yasemin Erbas, Eva Ceulemans, Madeline Lee Pe, Peter Koval & Peter Kuppens - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (7):1196-1213.
  5.  27
    Is Negative Emotion Differentiation Associated With Emotion Regulation Choice? Investigations at the Person and Day Level.Mia S. O'Toole, Emma Elkjær & Mai B. Mikkelsen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Negative emotion differentiation has been suggested to be important for adaptive emotion regulation. However, knowledge concerning how ED may impact specific ER strategy choice remains surprisingly sparse. We therefore investigated if person-level negative ED was associated with habitual use of individual ER strategies, how person-level negative ED was associated with daily use of individual ER strategies, and finally how within-person daily fluctuations in negative ED were associated with daily use of individual ER strategies. During a 10-day experience (...)
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    Knowing me, knowing you: emotion differentiation in oneself is associated with recognition of others’ emotions.Jacob Israelashvili, Suzanne Oosterwijk, Disa Sauter & Agneta Fischer - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (7):1461-1471.
    ABSTRACTPrevious research has found that individuals vary greatly in emotion differentiation, that is, the extent to which they distinguish between different emotions when reporting on their own fe...
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    From Prejudice to Intergroup Emotions: Differentiated Reactions to Social Groups.Diane M. Mackie & Eliot R. Smith (eds.) - 2002 - Psychology Press.
    The theories or programs of research described in the chapters of this book move beyond the traditional evaluation model of prejudice, drawing on a broad range of theoretical ancestry to develop models of why, when, and how differentiated reactions to groups arise, and what their consequences might be. The chapters have in common a re-focusing of interest on emotion as a theoretical base for understanding differentiated reactions to, and differentiated behaviors toward, social groups. The contributions also share a focus (...)
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  8.  27
    Feel to Heal: Negative Emotion Differentiation Promotes Medication Adherence in Multiple Sclerosis.T. H. Stanley Seah, Shaima Almahmoud & Karin G. Coifman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that results in lower quality of life. Medication adherence is important for reducing relapse, disease progression, and MS-related symptoms, particularly during the early stages of MS. However, adherence may be impacted by negative emotional states. Therefore, it is important to identify protective factors. Past research suggests that the ability to discriminate between negative emotional states, also known as negative emotion differentiation, may be protective against enactment (...)
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    Nuanced aesthetic emotions: emotion differentiation is related to knowledge of the arts and curiosity.Kirill Fayn, Paul J. Silvia, Yasemin Erbas, Niko Tiliopoulos & Peter Kuppens - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (3):593-599.
    The ability to distinguish between emotions is considered indicative of well-being, but does emotion differentiation in an aesthetic context also reflect deeper and more knowledgeable aesthetic experiences? Here we examine whether positive and negative ED in response to artistic stimuli reflects higher fluency in an aesthetic domain. Particularly, we test whether knowledge of the arts and curiosity are associated with more fine-grained positive and negative aesthetic experiences. A sample of 214 people rated their positive and negative feelings in (...)
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  10.  44
    Cognitive fusion and emotion differentiation: does getting entangled with our thoughts dysregulate the generation, experience and regulation of emotion?Reut Plonsker, Dana Gavish Biran, Ariel Zvielli & Amit Bernstein - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (6):1286-1293.
    We tested whether cognitive fusion impairs emotion differentiation and thereby mediates relations between cognitive fusion and depression and panic symptoms among 55 adults, 50.9% women). Using visual stimuli, we elicited multiple emotion states and measured emotional intensity – the subjective emotion intensity of elicited emotions, as well as emotional differentiation – the degree of co-activation of multiple negative emotions when a specific emotion was elicited. First, as hypothesised, we found that cognitive fusion predicted lower (...)
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  11.  23
    Emotion regulation effectiveness accounts for the associations of self-reported emotion differentiation with well-being and depression.Charlotte Ottenstein - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (5):994-1002.
    Emotion differentiation has generally been viewed as a trait that is related to emotion regulation and well-being. There are theoretical considerations that state that the beneficial effect on well...
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  12.  95
    Knowing what you 're feeling and knowing what to do about it: Mapping the relation between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation'.Lisa Feldman Barrett, James Gross, Tamlin Conner Christensen & Michael Benvenuto - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (6):713-724.
    Individuals differ considerably in their emotion experience. Some experience emotions in a highly differentiated manner, clearly distinguishing among a variety of negative and positive discrete emotions. Others experience emotions in a relatively undifferentiated manner, treating a range of like-valence terms as interchangeable. Drawing on self-regulation theory, we hypothesised that individuals with highly differentiated emotion experience should be better able to regulate emotions than individuals with poorly differentiated emotion experience. In particular, we hypothesised that emotion differentiation (...)
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  13.  45
    Are emotional clarity and emotion differentiation related?Matthew Tyler Boden, Renee J. Thompson, Mügé Dizén, Howard Berenbaum & John P. Baker - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (6):961-978.
  14.  11
    Individual Differences in Negative Emotion Differentiation Predict Resting-State Spontaneous Emotional Regulatory Processes.Yali Wang, Chenyu Shangguan, Chuanhua Gu & Biying Hu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A differentiated look at emotions: association between gaze behaviour during the processing of affective videos and emotional granularity.Jonas Potthoff, Albert Wabnegger & Anne Schienle - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (8):1349-1356.
    The ability to distinguish between subtle differences among emotions of similar valence is labelled emotion differentiation (ED). Previous research has demonstrated that people high in ED are less likely to use disengagement regulation strategies (i.e. avoidance/distraction) during negative affective states.The present eye-tracking study examined associations between ED and visual attention/avoidance of affective stimuli. A total of 160 participants viewed emotional video clips (positive/ negative), which were concurrently presented with a non-affective distractor image. After each video, participants verbally described (...)
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    Differential Emotions Theory as a Theory of Personality Development.J. A. A. Abe - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (2):126-130.
    In The Face of Emotions, which was Carroll Izard’s first major attempt at elaborating his differential emotions theory (DET), he stated that the book “presents a theoretical framework for the study of emotions and their role in personality and interpersonal processes.” Yet, over the years, his contribution to personality theory has generally been overshadowed by the attention focused on his views on facial expressions and the structure of emotions. This article will begin with a brief overview of the DET perspective (...)
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  17.  54
    Differentiation of 13 positive emotions by appraisals.Eddie M. W. Tong - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (3):484-503.
    This research examined how strongly appraisals can differentiate positive emotions and how they differentiate positive emotions. Thirteen positive emotions were examined, namely, amusement, awe, challenge, compassion, contentment, gratitude, hope, interest, joy, pride, relief, romantic love and serenity. Participants from Singapore and the USA recalled an experience of each emotion and thereafter rated their appraisals of the experience. In general, the appraisals accurately classified the positive emotions at rates above chance levels, and the appraisal–emotion relationships conformed to predictions. Also, (...)
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  18.  12
    Effects of scaffolding emotion language use on emotion differentiation and psychological health: an experience-sampling study.T. H. Stanley Seah & Karin G. Coifman - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
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    Differential effects of emotional cues on components of prospective memory: an ERP study.Giorgia Cona, Matthias Kliegel & Patrizia S. Bisiacchi - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:119376.
    So far, little is known about the neurocognitive mechanisms associated with emotion effects on prospective memory (PM) performance. Thus, this study aimed at disentangling possible mechanisms for the effects of emotional valence of PM cues on the distinct phases composing PM by investigating event-related potentials (ERPs). Participants were engaged in an ongoing N-back task while being required to perform a PM task. The emotional valence of both the ongoing pictures and the PM cues was manipulated (pleasant, neutral, unpleasant). ERPs (...)
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  20.  26
    Differential Predictive Effect of Self-Regulation Behavior and the Combination of Self- vs. External Regulation Behavior on Executive Dysfunctions and Emotion Regulation Difficulties, in University Students.Jesús de la Fuente, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Mónica Pachón-Basallo, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Manuel Mariano Vera-Martínez & Magdalena P. Andrés-Romero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:876292.
    The aim of this research was to establish linear relations (association and prediction) and inferential relations between three constructs at different levels of psychological research –executive dysfunction(microanalysis),self-regulation(molecular level), andself-vs.external regulation(molar level), in the prediction of emotion regulation difficulties. We hypothesized that personal and contextual regulatory factors would be negatively related to levels of executive dysfunction and emotion regulation difficulties; by way of complement, non-regulatory and dysregulatory personal, and contextual factors would be positively related to these same difficulties. To (...)
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  21.  86
    Differentiation in cognitive and emotional meanings: An evolutionary analysis.Philip J. Barnard, David J. Duke, Richard W. Byrne & Iain Davidson - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (6):1155-1183.
    It is often argued that human emotions, and the cognitions that accompany them, involve refinements of, and extensions to, more basic functionality shared with other species. Such refinements may rely on common or on distinct processes and representations. Multi-level theories of cognition and affect make distinctions between qualitatively different types of representations often dealing with bodily, affective and cognitive attributes of self-related meanings. This paper will adopt a particular multi-level perspective on mental architecture and show how a mechanism of subsystem (...)
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  22.  20
    Differential effects of abstract and concrete processing on the reactivity of basic and self-conscious emotions.Oren Bornstein, Maayan Katzir, Almog Simchon & Tal Eyal - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (4):593-606.
    People experience various negative emotions in their everyday lives. They feel anger toward aggressive drivers, shame for making a mistake at work, and guilt for hurting another person. When these...
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  23.  16
    Emotional Competence Development in Graduate Education: The Differentiated Impact of a Self-Leadership Program Depending on Personality Traits.Adolfo Montalvo-Garcia, Margarita Martí-Ripoll & Josep Gallifa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:666455.
    There is little research on the effectiveness of self-leadership programs (SLPs) in graduate education based on the progress in emotional competences development (ECD), and only a few of the studies incorporate its relationship with personality traits (PTs). This article studies the differentiated impact of an optional SLP, which has eight workshops with a learner-centered and experiential approach, depending on PTs. With a quasi-experimentalex post factodesign, students' scores in EDC were analyzed according to their PT extremes:introversion, antagonism, lack of direction, neuroticism, (...)
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  24.  30
    Differentiating emotions in relation to deserved or undeserved outcomes: A retrospective study of real-life events.N. T. Feather & Ian R. McKee - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (5):955-977.
    How people react emotionally to the positive or negative events that they experience in their lives depends in part on whether particular outcomes are perceived to be deserved or undeserved. For ex...
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  25.  32
    Emotional expressions evoke a differential response in the fusiform face area.Bronson Harry, Mark A. Williams, Chris Davis & Jeesun Kim - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  26.  54
    Differentiation, Dynamical Integration and Functional Emotional Development.Linda A. Camras - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (2):138-146.
    In recent decades, considerable progress has been made in our understanding of emotional development. Yet no single current theory can fully encompass all of the empirical findings. Herein I propose that aspects of several theoretical approaches can be incorporated into a novel view that is informed by the dynamical systems perspective.
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  27.  46
    Physiological differentiation of emotional states.Magda B. Arnold - 1945 - Psychological Review 52 (1):35-48.
  28. Moral Emotions and Unethical Bargaining: The Differential Effects of Empathy and Perspective Taking in Deterring Deceitful Negotiation. [REVIEW]Taya R. Cohen - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (4):569-579.
    Two correlational studies tested whether personality differences in empathy and perspective taking differentially relate to disapproval of unethical negotiation strategies, such as lies and bribes. Across both studies, empathy, but not perspective taking, discouraged attacking opponents' networks, misrepresentation, inappropriate information gathering, and feigning emotions to manipulate opponents. These results suggest that unethical bargaining is more likely to be deterred by empathy than by perspective taking. Study 2 also tested whether individual differences in guilt proneness and shame proneness inhibited the endorsement (...)
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  29.  38
    Differential time-dependent effects of emotion on recollective experience and memory for contextual information.Tali Sharot & Andrew P. Yonelinas - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):538-547.
  30.  40
    Emotional facial expressions differentially influence predictions and performance for face recognition.Jason S. Nomi, Matthew G. Rhodes & Anne M. Cleary - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (1):141-149.
  31.  64
    Emotion regulation of fear and disgust: differential effects of reappraisal and suppression.Bunmi O. Olatunji, Hannah E. Berg & Zidong Zhao - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (2).
  32.  16
    The differential effects of related and unrelated emotions on judgments about media messages.Werner Wirth, Claudia Poggiolini & Rinaldo Kühne - 2021 - Communications 46 (1):127-149.
    The present study investigated the influence of related and unrelated emotions on judgments about a news article. An experimental study was designed to manipulate both the relatedness of an elicited emotion (i. e., anger) to the news article and processing depth. Following mood and emotion effects theory, related anger was expected to have a stronger effect on judgments about the media message than unrelated anger. Processing depth was expected to moderate this effect. The results showed a main effect (...)
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    Emotion Regulation in Rescue Workers: Differential Relationship With Perceived Work-Related Stress and Stress-Related Symptoms.Anne Gärtner, Alexander Behnke, Daniela Conrad, Iris-Tatjana Kolassa & Roberto Rojas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  34.  18
    Perceptual dimensions differentiate emotions.Lisa A. Cavanaugh, Deborah J. MacInnis & Allen M. Weiss - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (8).
    Individuals often describe objects in their world in terms of perceptual dimensions that span a variety of modalities; the visual (e.g., brightness: dark–bright), the auditory (e.g., loudness: quiet–loud), the gustatory (e.g., taste: sour–sweet), the tactile (e.g., hardness: soft vs. hard) and the kinaesthetic (e.g., speed: slow–fast). We ask whether individuals use perceptual dimensions to differentiate emotions from one another. Participants in two studies (one where respondents reported on abstract emotion concepts and a second where they reported on specific (...) episodes) rated the extent to which features anchoring 29 perceptual dimensions (e.g., temperature, texture and taste) are associated with 8 emotions (anger, fear, sadness, guilt, contentment, gratitude, pride and excitement). Results revealed that in both studies perceptual dimensions differentiate positive from negative emotions and high arousal from low arousal emotions. They also differentiate among emotions that are similar in arousal and valence (e.g., high arousal negative emotions such as anger and fear). Specific features that anchor particular perceptual dimensions (e.g., hot vs. cold) are also differentially associated with emotions. (shrink)
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  35.  45
    Emotions and language about motion: Differentiating affective dominance with syntax from valence with semantics.Sébastien Freddi, José Esteban & Vincent Dru - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 38:22-37.
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    Emotions are not always contagious: Longitudinal spreading of self-pride and group pride in homogeneous and status-differentiated groups.Ellen Delvaux, Loes Meeussen & Batja Mesquita - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (1):101-116.
  37.  53
    Evaluating differential predictions of emotional reactivity during repeated 20% carbon dioxide-enriched air challenge.Michael J. Zvolensky, Matthew T. Feldner, Georg H. Eifert & Sherry H. Stewart - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (6):767-786.
    The present study explored psychological predictors of response to a series of three 25 second inhalations of 20% carbon dioxide-enriched air in 60 nonclinical participants. Multiple regression analyses indicated that only anxiety sensitivity physical concerns predicted self-reported fear, whereas both physical anxiety sensitivity concerns and behavioural inhibition sensitivity independently predicted affective ratings of emotional arousal. In contrast, the psychological concerns anxiety sensitivity dimension predicted ratings of emotional displeasure (valence), and both psychological anxiety sensitivity concerns and behavioural inhibition sensitivity independently predicted (...)
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  38. Remembering emotional events-differential attention versus special mechanism.Sa Christianson, E. F. Loftus, G. R. Loftus & H. Hoffman - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):499-499.
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    Differential emotion attribution to neutral faces of own and other races.Chao S. Hu, Qiandong Wang, Tong Han, Ethan Weare & Genyue Fu - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (2).
  40. The Developmental Functions of Emotions: An Analysis in Terms of Differential Emotions Theory.Jo Ann A. Abe & Carroll E. Izard - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (5):523-549.
    A substantial body of theoretical literature testifies to the evolutionary functions of emotions. Relatively little has been written about their developmental functions. This article discusses the developmental functions of emotions from the perspective of differential emotions theory (DET; Izard, 1977, 1991). According to DET, although all the emotions retain their adaptive and motivational functions across the lifespan, different sets of emotions may become relatively more prominent in the different stages of life as they serve stage-related developmental processes. In the first (...)
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  41. The sociology of emotions and the history of social differentiation.Michael Hammond - 1983 - Sociological Theory 1:90-119.
    In Primitive Classification, Durkheim suggests using the notion of affectivity to explain the emergence of various social structures. This bold attempt to extend the role of affectivity in sociological thinking has been rejected by most social scientists. By greatly elaborating Durkheim's outline for a sociology of emotions, however, this essay suggests that there is a fruitful way to use affectivity in macrosociological theory. This model allows us to develop in a new way Durkheim's description of structural differentiation and stratification (...)
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  42.  33
    Differential impact of emotional task relevance on three indices of prioritised processing for fearful and angry facial expressions.Haakon G. Engen, Jonathan Smallwood & Tania Singer - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (1):175-184.
  43.  35
    Anger Strays, Fear Refrains: The Differential Effect of Negative Emotions on Consumers’ Ethical Judgments.Jatinder J. Singh, Nitika Garg, Rahul Govind & Scott J. Vitell - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (1):235-248.
    Although various factors have been studied for their influence on consumers’ ethical judgments, the role of incidental emotions has received relatively less attention. Recent research in consumer behavior has focused on studying the effect of specific incidental emotions on various aspects of consumer decision making. This paper investigates the effect of two negative, incidental emotional states of anger and fear on ethical judgment in a consumer context using a passive unethical behavior scenario. The paper presents two experimental studies. Study 1 (...)
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  44.  56
    Awe or horror: differentiating two emotional responses to schema incongruence.Pamela Marie Taylor & Yukiko Uchida - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (8):1548-1561.
    ABSTRACTExperiences that contradict one's core concepts elicit intense emotions. Such schema incongruence can elicit awe, wherein experiences that are too vast...
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    Toward the Constitution of Emotional Feelings: Synergistic Lessons From Izard’s Differential Emotions Theory and Affective Neuroscience.Jaak Panksepp - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (2):110-115.
    Cal Izard has provided psychology a robust vision of human emotional feelings. He has addressed the full spectrum of emotional-developmental-cognitive complexities entailed in clarifying seemingly impenetrable mysteries: How do we experience emotions and how do they guide cognitive development? Izard’s developmental studies of infant minds integrate the primal evolutionary affective foundations of our nature with the diverse paths of nurture, and are framed in ways that can promote human thriving. His multilayered vision of our emotional nature resonates well with modern (...)
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  46.  39
    Differential effects of emotionally versus neutrally cued autobiographical memories on performance of a subsequent cognitive task: effects of task difficulty.Kymberly D. Young - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Fact- and emotion-focused conversations elicit differential patterns of reporting and distress in children.Joanna Peplak & J. Zoe Klemfuss - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (7):1420-1428.
    We examined the role of emotion- versus fact-focused conversations in the details children reported about a stressful event and whether the details provided were prompted or spontaneously offered. We also tested how these conversational strategies, in conjunction with children’s emotion regulation skills, influenced children’s event-related distress. Children (N = 100 8- to 13-year-olds) experienced a stressor in the laboratory and were randomly assigned to participate in a fact-focused conversation (prompted about objective event elements) or an emotion-focused conversation (...)
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    Inducing and assessing differentiated emotion-feeling states in the laboratory.Pierre Philippot - 1993 - Cognition and Emotion 7 (2):171-193.
  49. Learning from Failure: Shame and Emotion Regulation in Virtue as Skill.Matt Stichter - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (2):341-354.
    On an account of virtue as skill, virtues are acquired in the ways that skills are acquired. In this paper I focus on one implication of that account that is deserving of greater attention, which is that becoming more skillful requires learning from one’s failures, but that turns out to be especially challenging when dealing with moral failures. In skill acquisition, skills are improved by deliberate practice, where you strive to correct past mistakes and learn how to overcome your current (...)
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    Distinct aspects of emotion dysregulation differentially correspond to magnitude and slope of the late positive potential to affective stimuli.W. John Monopoli, Ann Huet, Nicholas P. Allan, Matt R. Judah & Nóra Bunford - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (2):372-383.
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