Results for 'engagement, existential situation, uncertainty, philosophy of finitude, secularity, postmodernity'

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  1.  13
    The concept of engagement.Caslav Koprivica - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (2):177-193.
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    The Concept of Engagement.Chaslav D. Koprivitsa - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (2):177-193.
    In this paper, we illuminate the basic features of the concept of engagement, which has only become possible in the secular world, with the emergence of the modern individual deprived of any stable, eternal order or hierarchy of values. Still, engagement is not only individual but also collective, as the lack of certainty about the truth affects not only the community and society but also motivates them to follow the same paradigm as the individual – themselves at stake, without knowing (...)
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    René Girard and Secular Modernity: Christ, Culture, and Crisis.Scott Cowdell - 2013 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    In _René Girard and Secular Modernity: Christ, Culture, and Crisis_, Scott Cowdell provides the first systematic interpretation of René Girard’s controversial approach to secular modernity. Cowdell identifies the scope, development, and implications of Girard’s thought, the centrality of Christ in Girard's thinking, and, in particular, Girard's distinctive take on the uniqueness and finality of Christ in terms of his impact on Western culture. In Girard’s singular vision, according to Cowdell, secular modernity has emerged thanks to the Bible’s exposure of the (...)
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  4. The Great Inland Sea: reflections on the buddhadharma in the post-secular age.Martin Kovan - 2008 - Colloquy 15:204-220.
    A text, written in 2005 and first published in 2008, exploring the prevalence of non-dualist philosophical and spiritual praxes, inserted from Buddhist and Hindu contexts into a Western postmodern one, in the post-9/11 era of intersecting existential crises: global terrorism/s, environmental urgency, and the geopolitical uncertainty ensuing from maladaptive responses to these security crises, among others. What ethical or philosophical role does the range of neo-nondualistic or neo-idealist metaphysics, East and West, broadly construed, have in engaging the social evolution (...)
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    Introduction.Luk Bouckaert - 1999 - Ethical Perspectives 6 (1):1-3.
    In the Thirties, European personalism was an inspirational philosophical movement, with its birthplace in France, but with proponents and sympathizers in many other countries as well. Following the Second World War, Christian-Democratic politicians translated personalistic ideas into a political doctrine. Sometimes they still refer to personalism, but most often this reference is little more than a nostalgic salute. In the mainstream of Anglo-Saxon political philosophy, there are practically no references to personalistic philosophers. Is personalism exhausted as a philosophy (...)
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    Existential Philosophy and Antiracism.TStorm Heter - 2022 - Sartre Studies International 28 (2):1-16.
    Lewis R. Gordon is Professor of Philosophy (and Head of the Department of Philosophy) at the University of Connecticut. His two most recent books are Freedom, Justice, and Decolonization (New York: Routledge, 2020) and Fear of Black Consciousness (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2022). Since his first monograph, Bad Faith and Antiblack Racism (1995), Gordon’s many writings have challenged Sartre scholars to move beyond narrowly Euro-centric ideas of reason, humanity, and existence. The existential philosophy pioneered (...)
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    Existential America.George Cotkin - 2003 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Europe's leading existential thinkers -- Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and Albert Camus -- all felt that Americans were too self-confident and shallow to accept their philosophy of responsibility, choice, and the absurd. "There is no pessimism in America regarding human nature and social organization," Sartre remarked in 1950, while Beauvoir wrote that Americans had no "feeling for sin and for remorse" and Camus derided American materialism and optimism. Existentialism, however, enjoyed rapid, widespread, and enduring popularity among Americans. (...)
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    German philosophy in the twentieth century.Julian Young - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The path taken by German philosophy in the twentieth century is one of the most exciting and controversial in the history of human thought, by turns radical and conservative and secular and religious. In this outstanding introduction, German Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: Dilthey to Honneth--the third and final volume in his trilogy, Julian Young examines the work of eight German philosophers and theologians of the period. He shows how they engaged with profound existential questions about individual (...)
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    Living Existentially.Jennifer Mei Sze Ang - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (1):133-147.
    John Cooper and Pierre Hadot suggest that contemporary philosophy can no longer be regarded as a way of life as it has become an academic discipline of study that is theoretical and abstract. According to them, for philosophy to be considered a way of life, it has to be able to shape one’s understanding of the world, guide how one should respond from moment to moment, and reach an existential level in defining one’s being. In this article, (...)
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    The Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy's Formation and" Postmodern" Thought: The First Twenty-Five Years.Charles E. Scott - 2012 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 26 (2):308-320.
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    Eugenic abortion, moral uncertainty, and social consequences.Michael J. Selgelid - 2001 - Monash Bioethics Review 20 (2):26-42.
    The proliferation of prenatal genetic testing likely to follow from advances in genetic science invites reconsideration of the moral status of abortion. In this article I examine arguments surrounding the moral status of the fetus. I conclude that secular philosophy should ultimately admit that the moral status of the fetus is uncertain, and that this uncertainty itself makes abortion morally problematic. While this does not imply that abortion is always morally wrong or that it should be legally prohibited, it (...)
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    After Christianity.Luca D'Isanto (ed.) - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    What has been the fate of Christianity since Nietzsche's famous announcement of the "death of God"? What is the possibility of religion, specifically Christianity, thriving in our postmodern era? In this provocative new book, Gianni Vattimo, leading Italian philosopher, politician, and framer of the European constitution, addresses these critical questions. When Vattimo was asked by a former teacher if he still believed in God, his reply was, "Well, I believe that I believe." This paradoxical declaration of faith serves as the (...)
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    Postmodernity's transcending: devaluing God.Laurence Paul Hemming - 2005 - Notre Dame IN: University of Notre Dame Press.
    In Postmodernity's Transcending: Devaluing God, Laurence Paul Hemming grapples with the philosophical weakness that characterizes postmodern theory, its privileging of the visual, and its reductive description of the self. He offers a profound challenge to many theologians and philosophers currently articulating questions concerning God, value, and the supposed "nihilism" of the postmodern situation. He does this by examining the origin and trajectory of the aesthetic sublime, beloved of postmodern theologians, philosophers, and theorists of art. Hemming's work undertakes on one (...)
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    Existential encounters for teachers.Maxine Greene - 1967 - New York,: Random House.
    The readings have been assembled with the specific intention of providing people in education with opportunities for first-hand encounters with men exploring facets of existence that concern those with responsibilities in the transformed world. The chapters will permit him to confront some of his own uncertainties; they will stir him to evaluate his commitments, and provide an introduction to a philosophic stance which has aroused interest among teacher: the diverse strains of thinking identified as existentialism. The selections are all pre-occupied (...)
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    Philosophy and the turn to religion.Hent de Vries - 1999 - Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    If religion once seemed to have played out its role in the intellectual and political history of Western secular modernity, it has now returned with a vengeance. In this engaging study, Hent de Vries argues that a turn to religion discernible in recent philosophy anticipates and accompanies this development in the contemporary world. Though the book reaches back to Immanuel Kant, Martin Heidegger, and earlier, it takes its inspiration from the tradition of French phenomenology, notably Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Luc Marion, (...)
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    American Catholic Theology at Century’s End: Postconciliar, Postmodern, Post-Thomistic.J. A. DiNoia - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (3):499-518.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AMERICAN OATHOLlC THEOLOGY AT CENTURY'S END: POS'I100NCIL!IAR, POSTMODERN, POST...THOMISTIC * J. A. D1No1A, O.P. Domiinican House of Studies Washiington, D.O. I N CENTURY'S END-.a iascinaiting recent hook describing the decades at the turn of the centuries from the 990s throiUgh the 1990s-cultural historian Hillel Schwartz writes: "The millennial year ~000 has gravitamona1l tides of maximal reach. Its entire precedirng hundred years, our century, has come to he felt as (...)
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    Fichte's Existential Logic.Amie Leigh Zimmer - 2020 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 34 (2):201-223.
    Rather than adopting a view of Fichte as a “proto-existentialist,” as some scholars have suggested, I instead aim to develop an account which articulates a fundamental existential structure which helps to elucidate and situate later notions of existential subjectivity by accounting for its condition of possibility. In this vein, existentialism not only articulates a certain kind of being in the world but a logical condition of the structure of subjectivity itself. I call this structuring condition existential logic, (...)
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    Das Verhältnis von Philosophie und Theologie im Denken Martin Heideggers (review). [REVIEW]Elisabeth Feist Hirsch - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):493-495.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 493 an improvement over what is available. In this way the English reader unable to go to the Spanish originals could benefit greatly. ANTON DONOSO University of Detroit Das Verhdltnis von Philosophie und Theologie im Denken Martin Heideggers. By Annemarie Gethmann-Siefert. Symposium, no. 47. (Freiburg/Miinchen: Karl Alber, 1974. Pp. 340) Sie'fert deals competently not only with Heidegger's own views on the relation between philosophy and theology (...)
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    Jewish Philosophy in a Secular Age.Kenneth Seeskin - 1990 - Suny Press.
    An examination of Jewish philosophy in the modern age and in light of secular philosophy. Ch. 8 (pp. 189-211), "Fackenheim's Dilemma, " deals with Emil Fackenheim's philosophy concerning the Holocaust, and the place of God and Judaism in a post-Holocaust world. Expounds on his theology, his existential theories, and his attitude to Jewish history.
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    Radical Romanticism: postmodern polytheism in Richard Rorty and John Milbank.Henk-Jan Prosman - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 81 (1):18-35.
    ABSTRACTThis article discusses the turn to polytheism in postmodern theory. In postmodernism, there is a strong interest in polytheism as an alternative to the much-criticized dominance of onto-theology in the philosophical tradition. The article argues that the new polytheism cannot be unequivocally understood as an alternative for an onto-theological way of thinking, or as a ‘liberation’ from monotheism. Already in Romanticism, the engagement with polytheism and paganism was ambiguous. There was the familiar superiority of Christian monotheism over polytheism. But there (...)
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    Asura's Harp: Engagement with Language as Buddhist Path (review).Kenneth K. Tanaka - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:182-187.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Asura’s Harp: Engagement with Language as Buddhist PathKenneth K. TanakaAsura’s Harp: Engagement with Language as Buddhist Path. By Dennis Hirota. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag, 2006. 156 pp.In Asura’s Harp, Hirota focuses on the Pure Land Buddhist thought of Shinran (1173–1263), the founder of Jōdo Shinshō school and one of the major figures of Japanese Buddhism. I believe Hirota’s main argument of the book is succinctly expressed on its back cover (...)
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    Retrieving Experience Subjectivity and Recognition in Feminist Politics.Laura Hengehold - 2001
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 17.1 (2003) 73-75 [Access article in PDF] Retrieving Experience: Subjectivity and Recognition in Feminist Politics. Sonia Kruks. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2001. Pp. xii + 200. $35.00 h.c. 0-8014-3387-8; $16.95 pbk. 0-8014-8417-0. Sonia Kruks' latest book, Retrieving Experience, is a valuable contribution to ongoing debates about the relevance of feminist philosophy in a period of relative political quietism. It also (...)
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    The Sacrality of the Secular: postmodern philosophy of religion.B. Onishi Bradley - 2018 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    As philosophers in the continental tradition have taken an interest in the return of religion, anthropologists and sociologists have rejected the once-dominant secularization thesis. Bradley B. Onishi connects these lines of thought to reveal how philosophy's religious investigations have enabled critical reflections on the category of the secular.
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    Theological poverty in continental philosophy: after Christian theology.Colby Dickinson - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Colby Dickinson proposes a new political theology rooted in the intersections between continental philosophy, heterodox theology, and orthodox theology. Moving beyond the idea that there is an irresolvable tension at the heart of theological discourse, the conflict between the two poles of theology is made intelligible. Dickinson discusses the opposing poles simply as manifestations of reform and revolution, characteristics intrinsic to the nature of theological discourse itself. Outlining the illuminating space of theology, Theological Poverty in Continental Philosophy breaks (...)
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    Dancing in God in an Accelerating Secular World: Resonating with Kierkegaard’s Critical Philosophical Theology.Curtis L. Thompson - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):88.
    This essay seeks to scrutinize Kierkegaard’s critical philosophical theology. The intent is to demonstrate how his religious thought, especially on God’s relation to the world and to the human being, can contribute to generating a cogent response to the challenges presented by our accelerating secular world. Apart from the narrative on the Dane’s passionate reflections, I employ two other narratives to facilitate this inquiry into Kierkegaard. The first of these facilitating narratives comes from highlighting the work on the concept of (...)
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    Reality.Gianni Vattimo - 2002 - Columbia University Press.
    What has been the fate of Christianity since Nietzsche's famous announcement of the "death of God"? What is the possibility of religion, specifically Christianity, thriving in our postmodern era? In this provocative new book, Gianni Vattimo, leading Italian philosopher, politician, and framer of the European constitution, addresses these critical questions. When Vattimo was asked by a former teacher if he still believed in God, his reply was, "Well, I believe that I believe." This paradoxical declaration of faith serves as the (...)
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    Philosophy’s Ambivalent Future.Deborah K. Heikes - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 22:39-43.
    Philosophy today is undergoing a transformation away from modernism. The problem is that it is far from clear what this transformation is moving toward. I examine the transition from the premodern to the modern philosophical world and contrast it with our current situation. While the moderns were clear in their rejection of Aristotelian scholasticism and sure of their methods, in our own time we are neither clear about the extent to which we reject modernism nor our methodology moving forward. (...)
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    After Christianity.Gianni Vattimo - 2002 - Columbia University Press.
    What has been the fate of Christianity since Nietzsche's famous announcement of the "death of God"? What is the possibility of religion, specifically Christianity, thriving in our postmodern era? In this provocative new book, Gianni Vattimo, leading Italian philosopher, politician, and framer of the European constitution, addresses these critical questions. When Vattimo was asked by a former teacher if he still believed in God, his reply was, "Well, I believe that I believe." This paradoxical declaration of faith serves as the (...)
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    Translation of Levinas’s Review of Lev Shestov’s Kierkegaard and the Existential Philosophy.James McLachlan - 2016 - Levinas Studies 11 (1):237-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Translation of Levinas’s Review of Lev Shestov’s Kierkegaard and the Existential PhilosophyJames McLachlan (bio)In 1937, Emmanuel Levinas published a review of Lev Shestov’s Kierkegaard and the Existential Philosophy.1 In one of the first studies in English on Levinas, Edith Wyschogrod claims: “What Levinas writes of Shestov’s analysis of Kierkegaard might well be taken as a program for his own future work.”2 The review of Shestov’s Kierkegaard (...)
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    Traversing the Imaginary: Richard Kearney and the Postmodern Challenge.Peter Gratton & John Panteleimon Manoussakis (eds.) - 2007 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    In recent years, Richard Kearney has emerged as a leading figure in the field of continental philosophy, widely recognized for his work in the areas of philosophical and religious hermeneutics, theory and practice of the imagination, and political thought. This much-anticipated--and long overdue--study is the first to reflect the full range and impact of Kearney's extensive contributions to contemporary philosophy. The book opens with Kearney's own "prelude" in which he traces his intellectual itinerary as it traverses the three (...)
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    Leaping out of our skins: Postmodern considerations in use of an electronic whiteboard to Foster critical engagement in early literacy lessons.Pamela A. Solvie - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (7):737–754.
    Postmodern theory is used to consider literacy instruction with and without an electronic whiteboard to investigate what it means to move beyond using technology to replicate older models of classroom structure that may be historically situated but that also limit or at least, do not support engagement in ways that may be possible through use of new technologies. Using postmodern theory in this regard is a way in which to consider again the thoughts and practices that tend to construct identities (...)
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    Existential and Meta-Existential Philosophy.Elias Capriles - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:47-53.
    In existential thought the thinking subject includes itself in its own thinking; this subject is not conceived as a substance that may be objectively determined, for its being lies in a making or constituting itself. Choice is thus the crucial concept of existential thought. Since choice involves awareness of the uncertainty of itspossible outcomes, anguish is inherent in it. Hence anguish in the face of our own freedom is essential to the human reality, and authenticity lies in facing (...)
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    Engaging Beauvoir on Surrogate Motherhood: An Existential Feminist Perspective.Zairu Nisha - 2025 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 42 (1):121-132.
    The paper critically engages with Simone de Beauvoir’s promising claim that reproductive technology is the emancipatory tool for women and the Indian problem of surrogacy. Beauvoir believes in voluntary motherhood in which reproductive technologies play a significant role in empowering women. Although in India, surrogacy is seen as a choice-based job, surrogate mothers are subjected to exploitation, commodification, poor living conditions, and unethical treatment. I argue that Beauvoir’s description of technology and motherhood needs further revision in today’s world where surrogacy (...)
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  34. Philosophical Hermeneutics Ⅰ: Early Heidegger, with a Preliminary Glance Back at Schleiermacher and Dilthey.Richard Palmer & Carine Lee - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (2):45-68.
    1施莱尔玛赫 contribution to the development施莱尔玛赫for hermeneutics in the development of Historically hermeneutics In order to make a decisive turn when he made ​​the future "general hermeneutics" , hermeneutics will be applied to all text interpretation. When the traditional hermeneutics contains In order to understand, description and application,施莱尔玛赫the attention is hermeneutics as "the art of understanding." 施莱尔玛赫also introduced the interpretation of psychology, can penetrate the text by means of its author's individuality and flexibility soul. He wanted to become a systematic hermeneutics, (...)
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    The Impact of Postmodernization on Existential Health in Sweden: Psychology of Religion's Function in Existential Public Health Analysis.Valerie DeMarinis - 2008 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 30 (1):57-74.
    The article presents a portrait and analysis of the existential-psychocultural situation in postmodern Sweden. Drawing from recent research exploring psychology of religion and existential worldviews, and the Swedish findings from the international World Values Survey, an argument is made for thinking about existential function and dysfunction as public health issues. This is portrayed against the background of Sweden as one of the most secularized countries and simultaneously a country with one of the most encompassing welfare systems. Psychology (...)
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    Book Review All Things Shining: Reading the Western Classics to Find Meaning in a Secular World Dreyfus Hubert Kelly Sean Dorrance Free Press New York. [REVIEW]Walter Gulick - 2013 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 34 (1):74-78.
    Rarely have I encountered a book like All Things Shining. It bravely engages issues that are truly significant for our time, yet flaws run through it like faults in the California landscape. The book has spawned contentious critique unusual for a work by contemporary philosophers. Before I offer my own critical analysis, it is fitting first to appreciate what Dreyfus and Kelly attempt to achieve.The foremost contemporary problems the authors combat are what they term "the burden of choice" and a (...)
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    Impure Postmodernity- Philosophy Today.David Kolb - 2011 - Postmodern Openings 2 (6):7-17.
    This essay discusses the situation of philosophy today in an era of mixed modern, postmodern, and traditional values and social patterns. It argues, with reference to postmodern architecture and to the German philosophers Hegel and Heidegger, that we should reject polarizing conceptual dualities, and that we need to seek out new kinds of less centered and less hierarchical unities that take advantage of the internal tensions and spacings within intellectual and cultural formations. It concludes with a discussion of the (...)
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    Ethical Uncertainty, Nietzschean Freedom, and the Continuing Need for an Existential Perspective.William C. Pamerleau - 2002 - Social Philosophy Today 18:31-43.
    Both existentialists and ethicists have made much of the concept of freedom. While these two camps make very different use of the concept, the relationship between the two is important: the nature and limits of freedom have an important bearing on moral responsibility, while the moral obligations to promote the development of freedom require that we understand just how free thinking is possible. In this paper, I will make some general observations about the prevailing trends in moral thought, both theoretically (...)
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    Utopia and the Contemporary British Novel by Caroline Edwards (review).Mark Schmitt - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):595-600.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Utopia and the Contemporary British Novel by Caroline EdwardsMark SchmittCaroline Edwards. Utopia and the Contemporary British Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. 277 pp. Paperback, ISBN 9781108712392.The development of the novel as a literary form is closely linked to the representational mode of realism and how it can convey the human experience of time. That the novel distinguishes itself substantially from earlier forms of literature in how it (...)
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    Why Theology Can and Should be Taught at Secular Universities: Lonergan on Intellectual Conversion.Patrick Giddy - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (3):527-543.
    Drawing on Bernard Lonergan's Method in Theology (1972) I argue that theology can be taught because personal knowledge, of which it is an instance, is at the heart of academic inquiry; and it should be taught because critical engagement with basic ways of taking one's life as a whole (religion in a broad sense) furnishes a critique of the typical oversights of contemporary culture. The appropriation of one's subjectivity entails an awareness of an existential dialectic that pushes towards a (...)
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  41. Different Voices, Perfect Storms, and Asking Grandma What She Thinks: Situating Experimental Philosophy in Relation to Feminist Philosophy.Gaile Pohlhaus - 2015 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 1 (1):1-24.
    At first glance it might appear that experimental philosophers and feminist philosophers would make good allies. Nonetheless, experimental philosophy has received criticism from feminist fronts, both for its methodology and for some of its guiding assumptions. Adding to this critical literature, I raise questions concerning the ways in which “differences” in intuitions are employed in experimental philosophy. Specifically, I distinguish between two ways in which differences in intuitions might play a role in philosophical practice, one which puts an (...)
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    Philosophy as Political Engagement: Revisiting Merleau-Ponty and Reopening the Communist Question.Diana Coole - 2003 - Contemporary Political Theory 2 (3):327-350.
    In this article, I revisit the work of the French political philosopher, Maurice Merleau-Ponty. A colleague of Sartre's until their quarrel, he sought to combine existentialism, Marxism and phenomenology. I begin by considering why Merleau-Ponty thought it was important, in confronting the problems of the present, to reconsider past ideas as well as political regimes. I also develop his distinctive methodology of dialectical engagement, his view of politics as a strategic field of forces, and his insistence that philosophy and (...)
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  43. Aux sources de la philosophie selon E. Weil II. Finitude et infinité de la liberté.Francis Guibal - 2004 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 84 (4):443-469.
    Entre la conscience transcendantale et le système spéculatif, la volonté de discours cohérent hésite avant de se trouver invinciblement reconduite à la finitude sans recours de sa position existentielle. De cette histoire de tensions irréductibles résulte pour la philosophie une exigence nouvelle : se comprendre en son originalité comme milieu du sens, d’un sens dialogal librement exigé et partagé, dont la forme vide travaille les interactions de l’existence finie jusqu’à la porter finalement au-delà d’elle-même. The want of a coherent discourse (...)
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  44. Post-Secular Philosophy: Between Philosophy and Theology.Phillip Blond (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    From Nietzsche to the present, the Western philosophical tradition has been dominated by a secular thinking that has dismissed discussion of God as largely irrelevant. In recent years however, the issue of theology has returned to spark some of the most controversial debates within contemporary philosophy. Discussions of theology by key contemporary philosophers such as Derrida and Levinas have placed religion at centre stage. _Post-Secular Philosophy_ is one of the first volumes to consider how God has been approached by (...)
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    Philosophy and Hip-Hop: ruminations on postmodern cultural form.Julius Bailey - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Philosophy and Hip-Hop: Ruminations on Postmodern Cultural Form opens up the philosophical life force that informs the construction of Hip-hop by turning the gaze of the philosopher upon those blind spots that exist within existing scholarship. Traditional Departments of Philosophy will find this book a solid companion in Contemporary Philosophy or Aesthetic Theory. Inside these pages is a project that parallels the themes of existential angst, corporate elitism, social consciousness, male privilege and masculinity. This book illustrates (...)
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    Women and Buddhist Philosophy: Engaging Zen Master Kim Iryŏp.Jin Y. Park - 2017 - Honolulu, HI, USA: University of Hawaii Press.
    Why and how do women engage with Buddhism and philosophy? The present volume aims to answer these questions by examining the life and philosophy of a Korean Zen Buddhist nun, Kim Iryŏp (1896–1971). The daughter of a pastor, Iryŏp began questioning Christian doctrine as a teenager. In a few years, she became increasingly involved in women’s movements in Korea, speaking against society’s control of female sexuality and demanding sexual freedom and free divorce for women. While in her late (...)
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    Social Situational Business Ethics Framing for Engaging with Ethics Issues.Simona Giorgi & Richard P. Nielsen - 2020 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 39 (1):1-42.
    This article considers the problem of how employees and observers of business ethics behaviors often do not know how to safely and effectively engage with business ethics issues and cases. The ameliorative method of social situational business ethics framing was analyzed. Key parts of the related literature from philosophy, sociology, organizational studies, and business ethics are reviewed. A literature gap between general framing theory and business ethics was identified with respect to the need for social situational framing in business (...)
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  48.  21
    Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought.Merold Westphal (ed.) - 1999 - Indiana University Press.
    Are postmodern philosophy and Christian thought so diametrically opposed that "never the twain shall meet"? Or are various postmodern philosophies, in spite of their secular provenance, open to religious appropriation?
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  49. Postmodern Sophistications: Philosophy, Architecture, and Tradition.David Kolb - 1990 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Kolb discusses postmodern architectural styles and theories within the context of philosophical ideas about modernism and postmodernism. He focuses on what it means to dwell in a world and within a history and to act from or against a tradition.
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    Learning as Existential Engagement With/in Place: Departing from Vandenberg and the Reams.Ruyu Hung - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (10):1130-1142.
    This article takes Vandenberg’s critique of Ream and Ream’s view on the Deweyan learning environment as a departing point to explore the educational meaning of place. The divergence between Vandenberg and the Reams reminds us that the place is not merely a physical site for learners to be located in but also a horizon to be engaged with. Vandenberg and the Reams provide readers with inspirational understandings of Dewey in different aspects. Yet they both seem to give little attention to (...)
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