Results for 'eternal Jew, Jewish identity, Israeli identity, myth, Zionism, Wandering Jew'

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  1.  34
    Creating National Identity through a Legend –The Case of the Wandering Jew.Israel Idalovichi - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (12):3-26.
    In this paper I propose to examine a mythical character that has a tremendous influence on the debate over the new Israeli-Jewish identity. The paper argues that the Wandering/Eternal Jew, aside from its intrinsic importance for Jewish History, functions as a mechanism through which the opposition with the Sabra is maintained in Israeli society. Present time history textbooks try to capture only those aspects of Israeli history relevant for modern contemporary society and culture, (...)
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  2. Intra-Group Epistemic Injustice: Jewish Identity, Whiteness, and Zionism.Dana Grabelsky - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (6):810-823.
    In this paper, I work towards a conceptualization of a new form of epistemic injustice – one that occurs within groups, as opposed to across groups – which I call ‘intra-group epistemic injustice’. Specifically, I focus on a case that occurs within the Jewish community, regarding what I and others see as the silencing of anti-Zionist Jews by Zionist Jews, via a conflation of Jewish identity with Zionism. Anti-Zionist Jews are accused by Zionist Jews of being ‘self-hating Jews’ (...)
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    The pale God: Israeli secularism and Spinoza's philosopy of culture.Gideon Katz - 2011 - Brighton, Ma: Academic Studies Press. Edited by Miriam Ron & Jacky Feldman.
    The Pale God examines the relationship between secularism and religious tradition. It begins with a description of the secular options as expressed by Israeli intellectuals, and describes how these options have led to a dead end. A new option must be sought, and one of the key sources for this option is the works of Spinoza. The author explains that unlike Nietzsche, who discussed "the death of God," Spinoza tried to undermine the authority of religious virtuosos and establish the (...)
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    Michael Polanyi and jewish identity.Paul Knepper - 2005 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (3):263-293.
    s Jewish identity contributed to his philosophical outlook. His life in a Hungarian-acculturated, nonobservant Jewish family in the last decades of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; his experience as a Jew emigrating from Hitler’s Germany; and his thoughts about Zionism informed his theory of knowledge. During the late 1930s and 1940s, he worked to reconcile his Jewish identity with his commitments to Christianity, and this tension contributed to his thinking about the nature of scientific discovery. The malapropism baptized Jew (...)
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    Ashkenazi Anxieties: A Transnational Social History of Jewish Genetic Admixture Modeling, 1971–1986.Elise K. Burton - 2022 - Journal of the History of Biology 55 (3):411-442.
    During the late 1970s and early 1980s, population geneticists sought computational solutions to integrate greater numbers of genetic traits into their debates about the ancestral relationships of human groups. At the same time, geneticists’ longstanding assumptions about Jewish communities, especially Ashkenazim, were challenged by a series of social, political, and intellectual developments. In Israel, the entrenched cultural and political dominance of Ashkenazi Jews faced major social upheaval. Meanwhile, to counteract lingering anti-Semitism in Europe and the United States, Arthur Koestler’s (...)
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  6.  55
    The New Mizrahi Narrative in Israel.Arie Kizel - 2014 - Resling.
    The trend to centralization of the Mizrahi narrative has become an integral part of the nationalistic, ethnic, religious, and ideological-political dimensions of the emerging, complex Israeli identity. This trend includes several forms of opposition: strong opposition to "melting pot" policies and their ideological leaders; opposition to the view that ethnicity is a dimension of the tension and schisms that threaten Israeli society; and, direct repulsion of attempts to silence and to dismiss Mizrahim and so marginalize them hegemonically. The (...)
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  7.  12
    Moses Hess and Modern Jewish Identity.Ken Koltun-Fromm - 2001 - Indiana University Press.
    "Koltun-Fromm’s reading of Hess is of crucial import for those who study the construction of self in the modern world as well as for those who are concerned with Hess and his contributions to modern thought.... a reading of Hess that is subtle, judicious, insightful, and well supported." —David Ellenson Moses Hess, a fascinating 19th-century German Jewish intellectual figure, was at times religious and secular, traditional and modern, practical and theoretical, socialist and nationalist. Ken Koltun-Fromm’s radical reinterpretation of his (...)
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  8. The Philosophical and Educational Challenges of the New Mizrahi Narrative in Israel: Critical Aspects.Arie Kizel - 2013 - International Journal of Jewish Education Research 5:281 - 302.
    The new Mizrahi narrative, presented by Israeli Mizrahi groups such as The Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow, presents a challenge to multi-cultural education. In particular, it repudiates the hegemonic meta-narrative of Ashkenazi-Zionist-Jewish-Israeli history that identifies the (White) Ashkenazi as the Zionist. The article summarizes a narrative-oriented academic research of the evolution of the new Mizrahi narrative in Israel, since the 1990s.It presents findings from historical, philosophical, and narrative analyses of texts from different periods of older and newer Mizrahi struggles (...)
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  9.  10
    The myth of the cultural Jew: culture and law in Jewish tradition.Roberta Rosenthal Kwall - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A myth exists that Jews can embrace the cultural components of Judaism without appreciating the legal aspects of the Jewish tradition. This myth suggests that law and culture are independent of one another. In reality, however, much of Jewish culture has a basis in Jewish law. Similarly, Jewish law produces Jewish culture. Roberta Rosenthal Kwall develops and applies a cultural analysis paradigm to the Jewish tradition that departs from the understanding of Jewish law (...)
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  10.  18
    Allosemitism and cosmisation.Jens Carlesson Magalhães & Fredrik Jansson - 2021 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 32 (2):20-35.
    In this article, we explore the fruitfulness of seeing allosemitism as an aspect of cosmisation. We explore possible tropes such as creating order from chaos, embracing Christian identity and supersessionism, and legitimising the Bible’s truth claims. Drawing from the Swedish press of the period 1770–1900, allosemitism and cosmisation are explored through the lens of three tenacious myths, all of which date back centuries: Blood Libel, the Wandering Jew and Israelite Indians. The ‘Jew’ as the Other is frequent in previous (...)
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  11.  39
    Zionism and the Biology of the Jews.Raphael Falk - 1998 - Science in Context 11 (3-4):587-607.
    The ArgumentWhereas eugenics aspired to redeem the human species by forcing it to face the realities of its biological nature, Zionism aspired to redeem the Jewish people by forcing it to face the realities of its biological existence. The Zionists claimed that Jews maintained their ancient distinct “racial” identity, and that their regrouping as a nation in their homeland would have profound eugenic consequences, primarily halting the degeneration they fell prey to because of the conditions imposed on them in (...)
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  12.  30
    Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity.Steven B. Smith - 1997 - Yale University Press.
    Baruch de Spinoza (1632-1677)--often recognized as the first modern Jewish thinker--was also a founder of modern liberal political philosophy. This book is the first to connect systematically these two aspects of Spinoza's legacy. Steven B. Smith shows that Spinoza was a politically engaged theorist who both advocated and embodied a new conception of the emancipated individual, a thinker who decisively influenced such diverse movements as the Enlightenment, liberalism, and political Zionism. Focusing on Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise, Smith argues that Spinoza (...)
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  13.  22
    Enlightenment in the Colony: The Jewish Question and the Crisis of Postcolonial Culture (review).Spencer Hawkins - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):61-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Enlightenment in the Colony: The Jewish Question and the Crisis of Postcolonial CultureSpencer Hawkins (bio)Mufti, Aamir. Enlightenment in the Colony: The Jewish Question and the Crisis of Postcolonial Culture. Princeton UP, NJ: Princeton, 2007. xv + 325 pp.Mufti’s comparison of the Jewish question and the Indian Partition invites readers to join building projects that delineate and then endanger minorities within nations. Literature about minorities speaks (...)
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  14. Multicultural Education in the Zionist State – The Mizrahi Challenge.Yossi Dahan & Gal Levy - 2000 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 19 (5/6):423-444.
    In this paper, we explore a specific variant of multicultural education inIsrael that developed within the dominant Jewish cultural identity, that isthe claim of Jews from Islamic countries (Mizrahi Jews) for educational autonomy. This demand arose against the backdrop of an aggressive nationalist ideology – Zionism – that claimed torepresent all Jews, and yet was too ambivalent toward its non-European Jewish subjects. The Mizrahi Jews' dual identity, as Jews and as products of the Arab culture, conflated with the (...)
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    Zion in the West: Cultural Zionism, Diasporic Doubles, and the “Direction” of Jewish Literary Identity in Kafka’s Der Verschollene.Joseph Metz - 2004 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 78 (4):646-671.
    This essay reads Der Verschollene in the context of Prague cultural Zionism and its conflict between Western Jewish assimilation and Eastern Jewish “authenticity.” The novel’s symbolic network articulates Kafka’s problematic relationship to cultural Zion-ist thought, his valorization of Yiddish culture, and his ambivalent understanding of his literary identity as an assimilated Western Jew. As Karl travels West, he paradoxically travels East: through the embodiment of Yiddish by his doubles (Delamarche, Robinson) and the return of Kafka’s “black” Eastern (...) actor friend Löwy from beneath “Negro,” Karl moves toward a “Teater von Oklahama” that is a symbolic “Yiddish Theater.” The West of Oklahama figures the “primitive,” “authentic” Eastern European East; however, the ambiguous metaphors that permit this progression toward “Zion” likewise ensure its ultimate instability. (shrink)
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    Reimagining Zionism and Coexistence after Oslo’s Death: Lessons from Hannah Arendt.Jonathan Graubart - 2019 - Arendt Studies 3:69-91.
    Zionism needs a fundamental overhaul given both the collapse of the Oslo-initiated peace process and the erosion of liberal values in Israeli society. There is no better guide than Hannah Arendt for such an undertaking. On the one hand, she provided a searing diagnosis of mainstream Zionism’s foundational shortcomings, which persist to the present. One is a creed that assumes an eternal anti-Semitism. Two is a corresponding insular nationalism, which rejects affirmative engagement with the outside. On the other (...)
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    Zionism and the Eros of science and technology.Noah Efron - 2011 - Zygon 46 (2):413-428.
    Abstract. From the earliest nineteenth-century manifestos through the big, technology-rich development projects of Israel's recent history, science and technology have loomed large in Zionist ideologies. There were several reasons for this. From the start, science and technology fit snuggly with many aims, ideals, and ideologies of Zionism. Science and technology offered means to establish Jewish title to the land. They made plain that Jewish settlement of Palestine was a Western project imbued with Western ideals. Science and technology (and (...)
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  18.  43
    The Jews Killed Moses: Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Question.Daniel Chernilo - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (3):89-104.
    Freud completed his last book, on Moses and Monotheism, in 1939, while in his London exile. Its publication was deemed untimely, as its two main theses could be construed as a form of Jewish self-hatred. The first claim questions Moses’ Jewish origins and contends that the founder of the Jews was in fact an Egyptian; the second suggests that the Jews killed Moses and then created his myth as a coping mechanism for concealing their terrible deed. In this (...)
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  19.  8
    Jews: Nearly Everything You Wanted To Know But Were Too Afraid To Ask.Peter Cave & Dan Cohn-Sherbok - 2018 - Sheffield: Equinox.
    Who are the Jews? What do they believe? Why is Israel so important to them? What's all this about self-hating Jews? These are just some of the questions that engage a Reform rabbi and a Humanist philosopher in their lively and intriguing conversations. From Antisemitism to Zionism, from animal slaughter kosher-style to the Zeitgeist of Jewish disparaging humour, rabbi Dan Cohn-Sherbok gives us the flavours, traditions and 'feel' of Jewish life and identity enmeshed in the importance of the (...)
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  20.  24
    Stones against the Iron Fist, Terror within the Nation: Alternating Structures of Violence and Cultural Identity in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.Scott Atran - 1990 - Politics and Society 18 (4):481-526.
    The framework of the Israel-Palestinian Arab conflict has evolved over the last half century through an instrumentalization of violence by the parties concerned. Two alternating "structures of violence" have emerged to define this instrumentality: the one Israeli, the other Palestinian. I call these structures of violence "alternating" rather than merely "reciprocating" because the one not only feeds off the other and actually practices on the other that which is merely fancied and projected as the other's intention but also because (...)
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  21.  62
    The first modern Jew: Spinoza and the history of an image.Daniel B. Schwartz - 2012 - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    Pioneering biblical critic, theorist of democracy, and legendary conflater of God and nature, Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) was excommunicated by the Sephardic Jews of Amsterdam in 1656 for his "horrible heresies" and "monstrous deeds." Yet, over the past three centuries, Spinoza's rupture with traditional Jewish beliefs and practices has elevated him to a prominent place in genealogies of Jewish modernity. The First Modern Jew provides a riveting look at how Spinoza went from being one of Judaism's (...)
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  22. Tsiyonut nusaḥ Leṿinas: zehut, musar ṿe-aḥarayut = Zionism, a Levinasian view: identity, ethics, responsibility.Hanokh Ben-Pazi - 2017 - Yerushalayim: ʻAmutat "Hilel ben Ḥayim".
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    Clashing Over Conversion: “Who is a Jew” and Media Representations of an Israeli Supreme Court Decision. [REVIEW]Bryna Bogoch & Yifat Holzman-Gazit - 2011 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 24 (4):423-445.
    Religion-state issues are particularly contentious in the Israeli context and they are often resolved by litigation before the Supreme Court in its capacity as the High Court of Justice. A recent controversy that reached Israel’s High Court of Justice in 2005 involved a petition to recognize the validity of non-Orthodox conversions to Judaism. This paper examines the role of the press in constructing the controversy and the image of the High Court of Justice by analyzing all the reports and (...)
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  24.  10
    Leibowitz and Levinas: between Judaism and universalism.Tal Sessler - 2022 - Boston: Academic Studies Press. Edited by Eylon Levy.
    Yeshayahu Leibowitz and Emmanuel Levinas were amongst the two leading Jewish thinkers to have emerged in the second half of the twentieth century. This book puts in dialogue these two titanic figures, particularly within the framework of their respective critiques of political theology, European totalitarianism, as well as their doctrinal approaches to the Zionist enterprise. This work constitutes a lens through which to reappraise some of the chief questions of contemporary Jewish identity, including the Holocaust, the State of (...)
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  25.  24
    A Hermeneutic Approach to the Formation of a Secular Culture in Modern Israel.Ruvik Rosenthal - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (5):533-542.
    The creation of the state of Israel was the outcome of the Zionist movement, which originated in Europe and was itself inspired by fundamental European ideas—Enlightenment, national self-determination, democracy and socialism. From its earliest days Zionism was primarily a secular movement that rejected the religious establishment and religious way of life of the Jews in the Diaspora. In many respects, however, the founders of the state and the principles on which they founded its institutions—the political, judicial, economic, social, and educational—were (...)
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  26.  15
    Jung's Wandering Archetype: Race and Religion in Analytical Psychology.Carrie B. Dohe - 2016 - Routledge.
    Is the Germanic god Wotan really an archaic archetype of the Spirit? Was the Third Reich at first a collective individuation process? After Friedrich Nietzsche heralded the "death of God," might the divine have been reborn as a collective form of self-redemption on German soil and in the Germanic soul? In _Jung’s Wandering Archetype_ Carrie Dohe presents a study of Jung’s writings on Germanic psychology from 1912 onwards, exploring the links between his views on religion and race and providing (...)
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    The Post-Zionist Condition.Hannan Hever - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (3):630-648.
    In the summer of 1991, the first issue of the Israeli journal Teoria Ubikoret published an essay of mine on Anton Shammas, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, who wrote the Hebrew novel Arabeskot .1 In this essay I traced Shammas's subversion of the Jewish ethnocentrism of the Hebrew literary canon.2 Shammas's novel reveals how the Hebrew canon in Israel, in the guise of the apparently neutral term Hebrew Literature, which only apparently bases itself on the Hebrew language as (...)
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  28.  11
    Israël et son prochain: d'après la Bible: et autres textes d'auteurs juifs anciens et contemporains.Salah Guemriche - 2018 - La Tour d'Aigues: Éditions de l'Aube.
    Cet essai relate le cheminement, à travers la Bible, d'une pensée libre, en opposition à la "rétention honteuse, chez les musulmans, pour aller à la découverte de la Torah et des Evangiles" (Youssef Seddik), et à leur "indifférence pour ce qui relève de la connaissance du monde juif, de son passé ou de sa pensée" (Victor Malka). En relevant, à travers l'épopée du peuple "inventeur du dieu unique", les codes qui fondent la morale juive, l'auteur a eu le sentiment de (...)
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    Israel şi Europa de Est – o relaţie spirituală dificilă/ Israel and Eastern Europe - A Difficult Spiritual Relationship.Leon Volovici - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (21):140-149.
    This work traces the evolution of Jewish representation(s) of Europe since the Emancipation, focusing on the cultural image of Europe among the Eastern-European Jewish intelligentsia, in relation with the process of building a modern, national Jewish identity. The author mentions the idea of “abandoning” Europe which occured in the Zionist ideology and in the post-Holocaust Israeli public discourse due to the impact of modern political antisemitism, and to the influence of the European national ideologies. This study (...)
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  30.  70
    National, Ethnic or Civic? Contesting Paradigms of Memory, Identity and Culture in Israel.Uri Ram - 2000 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 19 (5/6):405-422.
    Zionist national identity in Israel is today challenged by two mutuallyantagonistic alternatives: a liberal, secular, Post-Zionist civic identity, on the one hand, and ethnic, religious, Neo-Zionist nationalistic identity, on the other. The other, Zionist, hegemony contains an unsolvable tension between the national and the democratic facets of the state. The Post-Zionist trend seeks a relief of this tension by bracketing the nationalcharacter of the state, i.e., by separation of state and cultural community/ies; the Neo-Zionist trend seeks a relief of the (...)
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  31.  24
    Strangers in the Land: Blacks, Jews, Post-Holocaust America (review).Keith P. Feldman - 2010 - Intertexts 14 (1):63-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Strangers in the Land: Blacks, Jews, Post-Holocaust AmericaKeith P. Feldman (bio)Eric J. Sundquist. Strangers in the Land: Blacks, Jews, Post-Holocaust America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2005. 662 pp.Strangers in the Land: Blacks, Jews, Post-Holocaust America provides a wide-ranging, rich, and nuanced cultural history of what Eric J. Sundquist terms the "black-Jewish question" (2). In doing so, the book serves as both culmination and corrective to an already-expansive (...)
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    Security and Identity in Jewish Utopias of the Late Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries.Philip Smith - 2019 - Utopian Studies 30 (3):382-402.
    They were all staunch Alaskan Jews, which meant they were utopians, which meant they saw imperfection everywhere they looked.Zionism and science fiction, Doreet LeVitte Harten argues, have historically been conjoined in that both are predicated upon colonial enterprise, both involve a process of expansion and progress, and both rely fundamentally on a sense of wonder: “This ‘sense of wonder’ is central to the idea of Zionism, and with it—the element of terror so central to the definition of the sublime. Embedded (...)
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  33.  58
    The Radical New Perspective on Paul, Messianic Judaism and their connection to Christian Zionism.Philip La Grange Du Toit - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):8.
    The Radical New Perspective on Paul distinguishes between two subgroups of believers in Christ in Paul’s time: gentile believers and Jewish or Judaean believers. The same distinction is utilised in supporting contemporary Messianic Judaism, which presupposes an ongoing covenantal relationship between God and contemporary Jews that exists over and above Christianity. Many proponents of Christian Zionism, a Christian movement that envisions the Jews’ return to the land of Israel, utilise aspects of both the Radical New Perspective on Paul and (...)
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    The Palestinian Right of Return and the Justice of Zionism.Chaim Gans - 2004 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 5 (2):269-304.
    Supporters of a Palestinian right of return assume that Israeli Jews bear responsibility for both the past and present suffering of the Palestinian refugees. Accordingly, the Palestinian claim for return is a demand to realize this responsibility by way of the return of the refugees to their places of origin or to uninhabited regions in the Land of Israel/palestine. The purpose of this article is to examine the responsibility of the Israeli Jews for the Palestinian return of the (...)
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  35.  14
    Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy.Peter Trawny - 2015 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Andrew J. Mitchell.
    In 2014, the first three volumes of Heidegger’s Black Notebooks—the personal and philosophical notebooks that he kept during the war years—were published in Germany. These notebooks provide the first textual evidence of anti-Semitism in Heidegger’s philosophy, not simply in passing remarks, but as incorporated into his philosophical and political thinking itself. In Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy, Peter Trawny, the editor of those notebooks, offers the first evaluation of Heidegger’s philosophical project in light of the (...)
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    The Artless Jew: Medieval and Modern Affirmations and Denials of the Visual.Kalman P. Bland - 2001
    Conventional wisdom holds that Judaism is indifferent or even suspiciously hostile to the visual arts due to the Second Commandment's prohibition on creating "graven images," the dictates of monotheism, and historical happenstance. This intellectual history of medieval and modern Jewish attitudes toward art and representation overturns the modern assumption of Jewish iconophobia that denies to Jewish culture a visual dimension. Kalman Bland synthesizes evidence from medieval Jewish philosophy, mysticism, poetry, biblical commentaries, travelogues, and law, concluding that (...)
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  37.  14
    Radical French Thought and the Return of the "Jewish Question".Alan Astro (ed.) - 2015 - Indiana University Press.
    For English-speaking readers, this book serves as an introduction to an important French intellectual whose work, especially on the issues of antisemitism and anti-Zionism, runs counter to the hostility shown toward Jews by some representatives of contemporary critical theory. It presents for the first time in English five essays by Éric Marty, previously published in France, with a new preface by the author addressed to his American readers. The focus of these essays is the debate in France and elsewhere in (...)
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    (Re)producing the Israeli (European) body: Zionism, Anti-Black Racism and the Depo-Provera Affair.Bayan Abusneineh - 2021 - Feminist Review 128 (1):96-113.
    This article examines the Depo-Provera Affair—where Israeli doctors administered the contraceptive Depo-Provera to newly immigrated Ethiopian Jewish women—to argue that the Israeli settler colonial project depends on these forms of gendered anti-Black violence, through the management of Black African bodies. In 2013, then Israeli Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman admitted that they had administered Depo-Provera to Ethiopian immigrant women without their consent, after reproductive and civil rights activists in Israel called for an investigation after a drop (...)
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    Manufacturing national attachments: gift-giving, market exchange and the construction of Irish and Zionist diaspora bonds.Dan Lainer-Vos - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (1):73-106.
    This article explores nation building as an organizational accomplishment and uses the concept of boundary object to explain how the groups that compose the nation cooperate. Specifically, the article examines the mechanisms devised to secure a flow of money from the Irish-American and Jewish-American diasporas to their respective homelands. To overcome problems associated with conventional philanthropy, Irish and Jewish nationalists issued bonds and sold them to their American compatriots as a hybrid of a gift and an investment. In (...)
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    (1 other version)Israel's Mizrahim: “Other” Victims of Zionism or a Bridge to Regional Reconciliation?Franklin Hugh Adler - 2011 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2011 (156):61-75.
    ExcerptIt may come as a surprise to those unfamiliar with Israeli society, and especially to those who have been led to believe it composed primarily of European Jews who settled in the Middle East, that roughly half of Israel's Jewish population is made up of Jews who for millennia were deeply rooted in the region, and who were summarily expelled from Arab states after Israel was founded in 1948. In fact, this Arab Jewish population exceeds in number (...)
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    Revival? Rebirth? Renaissance?Konstanty Gebert - 2020 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 31 (1):65-75.
    Drawing on personal experience, the author discusses the vicissitudes of Jewish identity formation in the last two decades of Communist Poland and the first two decades which followed. He addresses the role of religion in the Jewish revival which occurred in that period, and sets it against other models of Jewish identity – Zionist, Yiddishist and assimilationist - on one hand, and the twin pressures of anti- and philosemitism in Polish society at large. This discussion is placed (...)
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    VICTIMS, FIGHTERS, SURVIVORS Quietism and Activism in Israeli Historical Consciousness.Dalia Ofer - 2010 - Common Knowledge 16 (3):493-517.
    A contribution to the sixth installment of the Common Knowledge symposium “Apology for Quietism,” this article reflects on the challenges that understanding the Holocaust posed for Jews in Palestine and has posed for them in Israel. Ofer concentrates on the images of victims, fighters, and survivors as they were formulated during the last years of World War II and after the establishment of the State of Israel. Behind these images stood historical, concrete human beings who were classified according to concepts (...)
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    Good Jew, Bad Jew.Steven Friedman & Laurence Piper - 2023 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 70 (177):54-76.
    In Good Jew, Bad Jew Steven Friedman argues that the meaning of anti-Semitism favoured by the Israeli government and its allies prioritises loyalty to the Israeli state over identification with the Jewish people. On this view, ‘good Jews’ are those who support the Israeli state, and ‘bad Jews’ are those who criticise Zionism. This framing reflects a discursive transition over decades linked to the desire to make Israel part of Europe politically and culturally. Not only has (...)
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    La philosophie juive.Marc Israël - 2012 - Paris: Eyrolles.
  45.  23
    The philosophical challenges of critical peace education in the Palestinian-Israeli context.Roi Silberberg - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (2):198-212.
    This article presents and analyzes two examples of peace education practices in the Israeli-Palestinian context. Zochrot is an organization dedicated to raising public awareness of the Palestinian Nakba, especially among Jews in Israel. The School for Peace is a Jewish-Arab organization that conducts encounter activities with the goal of encouraging participants to become active in relation to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Both practices are grounded in critical pedagogy and postcolonial literature, and their aim is to change existing power (...)
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    A Diasporic Critique of Diasporism.Julie Cooper - 2015 - Political Theory 43 (1):80-110.
    As the prospects for a negotiated two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict have dwindled, Jewish scholars in the United States have increasingly invoked the concept of diaspora to counter a purported Jewish consensus regarding Zionism. In this essay, I critique prominent exponents of this approach (Judith Butler, Jonathan and Daniel Boyarin) from a diasporic (i.e., non-Zionist) standpoint. My concern is not that Butler and the Boyarins attack Israel publicly, endorse a binational solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, (...)
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    A tale of trees and crooked timbers: Jacob Talmon and Isaiah Berlin on the question of Jewish Nationalism.Arie Dubnov - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (2):220-238.
    This essay seeks to examine the history of the intellectual comradeship between J.L. Talmon and the philosopher, political thinker, and historian of ideas, Isaiah Berlin (1909–1997). The scholarly dialog between the two began in 1947, continued until Talmon's death in 1980, and is well documented in their private correspondence. I argue that there were two levels to this dialog: First, both Berlin and Talmon took part in the Totalitarianism discourse, which was colored by Popperian terminology, and thus I claim that (...)
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    Mythes nationaux, mémoire et représentation de la guerre dans la presse israélienne.Ouzi Elyada - 2008 - Hermes 52:, [ p.].
    À sa création, Israël, État fondé sur la mémoire, présente au monde une quasi-unanimité pour façonner un récit national glorieux rompant avec la traditionnelle victimologie juive. Le nouveau « sabra » est bien différent du juif« passif » de la Shoah. Mais les guerres qui se succèdent forgent un nouveau récit, une nouvelle mémoire. La presse israélienne analysée dans cet article témoigne de ces variations. L'iden­tité israélienne devient le mélange d'une mémoire marquée par la Shoah et par un présent éprouvé (...)
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    Parting Ways: Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism.Judith Butler - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Judith Butler follows Edward Said's late suggestion that through a consideration of Palestinian dispossession in relation to Jewish diasporic traditions a new ethos can be forged for a one-state solution. Butler engages Jewish philosophical positions to articulate a critique of political Zionism and its practices of illegitimate state violence, nationalism, and state-sponsored racism. At the same time, she moves beyond communitarian frameworks, including Jewish ones, that fail to arrive at a radical democratic notion of political cohabitation. Butler (...)
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  50. Jewish Identity and Jewish Mothers: Who was a Jew according to Philo?Maren R. Niehoff - 1999 - The Studia Philonica Annual 11:31-54.
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