Results for 'exponential extension'

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  1.  22
    The Ethics of Exponential Life Extension through Brain Preservation.Michael A. Cerullo - 2016 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 26 (1):94-105.
    Chemical brain preservation allows the brain to be preserved for millennia. In the coming decades; the information in a chemically preserved brain may be able to be decoded and emulated in a computer. I first examine the history of brain preservation and recent advances that indicate this may soon be a real possibility. I then argue that chemical brain preservation should be viewed as a life-saving medical procedure. Any technology that significantly extends the human life span faces many potential criticisms. (...)
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    Exponential-constructible functions in P-minimal structures.Saskia Chambille, Pablo Cubides Kovacsics & Eva Leenknegt - 2019 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 20 (2):2050005.
    Exponential-constructible functions are an extension of the class of constructible functions. This extension was formulated by Cluckers and Loeser in the context of semi-algebraic and sub-analytic structures, when they studied stability under integration. In this paper, we will present a natural refinement of their definition that allows for stability results to hold within the wider class of [Formula: see text]-minimal structures. One of the main technical improvements is that we remove the requirement of definable Skolem functions from (...)
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    Comparison of exponential-logarithmic and logarithmic-exponential series.Salma Kuhlmann & Marcus Tressl - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (6):434-448.
    We explain how the field of logarithmic-exponential series constructed in 20 and 21 embeds as an exponential field in any field of exponential-logarithmic series constructed in 9, 6, and 13. On the other hand, we explain why no field of exponential-logarithmic series embeds in the field of logarithmic-exponential series. This clarifies why the two constructions are intrinsically different, in the sense that they produce non-isomorphic models of Thequation image; the elementary theory of the ordered field (...)
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    Most Simple Extensions of Are Undecidable.Nikolaos Galatos & Gavin St John - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (3):1156-1200.
    All known structural extensions of the substructural logic $\textbf{FL}_{\textbf{e}}$, the Full Lambek calculus with exchange/commutativity (corresponding to subvarieties of commutative residuated lattices axiomatized by $\{\vee, \cdot, 1\}$ -equations), have decidable theoremhood; in particular all the ones defined by knotted axioms enjoy strong decidability properties (such as the finite embeddability property). We provide infinitely many such extensions that have undecidable theoremhood, by encoding machines with undecidable halting problem. An even bigger class of extensions is shown to have undecidable deducibility problem (the (...)
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    Algebraic and Model Theoretic Properties of O-minimal Exponential Fields.Lothar Sebastian Krapp - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):529-530.
    An exponential $\exp $ on an ordered field .Thestructure. The structure is then called an ordered exponential field. A linearly ordered structure $$ is called o-minimal if every parametrically definable subset of M is a finite union of points and open intervals of M.The main subject of this thesis is the algebraic and model theoretic examination of o-minimal exponential fields $$ whose exponential satisfies the differential equation $\exp ' = \exp $ with initial condition $\exp (...)
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  6.  20
    Estimation for Parameters of Life of the Marshall-Olkin Generalized-Exponential Distribution Using Progressive Type-II Censored Data.Ahmed Elshahhat, Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Omer Mohamed Egeh & Berihan R. Elemary - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-36.
    A new three-parameter extension of the generalized-exponential distribution, which has various hazard rates that can be increasing, decreasing, bathtub, or inverted tub, known as the Marshall-Olkin generalized-exponential distribution has been considered. So, this article addresses the problem of estimating the unknown parameters and survival characteristics of the three-parameter MOGE lifetime distribution when the sample is obtained from progressive type-II censoring via maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Making use of the s-normality of classical estimators, two types of approximate (...)
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    Towards a theory of resource: an approach based on soft exponentials.Norihiro Kamide - 2007 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 17 (1):63-89.
    To express fine-grained resource-sensitive reasoning, a temporal soft linear logic (TSLL) is introduced as an extension of both Girard's (propositional classical) linear logic (CLL) and Lafont's (propositional classical) soft linear logic (SLL). It is known that the linear exponential operator in CLL can express a specific infinitely reusable resource, i.e. it is reusable not only for any number, but also many times. In contrast, the soft exponential operator in SLL, which is a weak version of the linear (...)
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  8.  11
    Timescale standard to discriminate between hyperbolic and exponential discounting and construction of a nonadditive discounting model.Yutaka Matsushita - 2022 - Theory and Decision 95 (1):33-54.
    Under the presupposition that human time perception is distorted in intertemporal choice, this study constructs a time scale in the framework of axiomatic measurement. First, the conditions (homogeneity of degree one or two) to identify the form of a time scale are proposed so that one can determine whether the hyperbolic or exponential is a more suitable function for modeling people’s discounting. Homogeneity of degree one implies that subjective time delay is measured by a power scale and its discount (...)
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    Modalities in linear logic weaker than the exponential “of course”: Algebraic and relational semantics. [REVIEW]Anna Bucalo - 1994 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 3 (3):211-232.
    We present a semantic study of a family of modal intuitionistic linear systems, providing various logics with both an algebraic semantics and a relational semantics, to obtain completeness results. We call modality a unary operator on formulas which satisfies only one rale (regularity), and we consider any subsetW of a list of axioms which defines the exponential of course of linear logic. We define an algebraic semantics by interpreting the modality as a unary operation on an IL-algebra. Then we (...)
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  10. On End‐Extensions of Models of ¬exp.Fernando Ferreira - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):1-18.
    Every model of IΔ0 is the tally part of a model of the stringlanguage theory Th-FO . We show how to “smoothly” introduce in Th-FO the binary length function, whereby it is possible to make exponential assumptions in models of Th-FO. These considerations entail that every model of IΔ0 + ¬exp is a proper initial segment of a model of Th-FO and that a modicum of bounded collection is true in these models.
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  11.  25
    The Lomax-Claim Model: Bivariate Extension and Applications to Financial Data.Jin Zhao, Humaira Faqiri, Zubair Ahmad, Walid Emam, M. Yusuf & A. M. Sharawy - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-17.
    The uses of statistical distributions for modeling real phenomena of nature have received considerable attention in the literature. The recent studies have pointed out the potential of statistical distributions in modeling data in applied sciences, particularly in financial sciences. Among them, the two-parameter Lomax distribution is one of the prominent models that can be used quite effectively for modeling data in management sciences, banking, finance, and actuarial sciences, among others. In the present article, we introduce a new three-parameter extension (...)
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  12.  83
    Big Data Analytics, Infectious Diseases and Associated Ethical Impacts.Chiara Garattini, Jade Raffle, Dewi N. Aisyah, Felicity Sartain & Zisis Kozlakidis - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (1):69-85.
    The exponential accumulation, processing and accrual of big data in healthcare are only possible through an equally rapidly evolving field of big data analytics. The latter offers the capacity to rationalize, understand and use big data to serve many different purposes, from improved services modelling to prediction of treatment outcomes, to greater patient and disease stratification. In the area of infectious diseases, the application of big data analytics has introduced a number of changes in the information accumulation models. These (...)
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  13.  35
    Species richness and the analytic geometry of latitudinal and altitudinal gradients.Root Gorelick - 2008 - Acta Biotheoretica 56 (3):197-203.
    Extensive empirical work has shown that species richness decreases roughly exponentially or quadratically with latitude. What appears to be a latitudinal gradient in fact may simply be a negative correlation of latitude with area at that latitude, due to convergence of lines of meridian at the poles. There is simply less area at high latitudes, which means fewer niches and fewer opportunities for speciation, hence diminished biodiversity at high latitudes. Similarly, analytic geometry of a cone shows that species number should (...)
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    The law of practice and localist neural network models.Andrew Heathcote & Scott Brown - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):479-480.
    An extensive survey by Heathcote et al. (in press) found that the Law of Practice is closer to an exponential than a power form. We show that this result is hard to obtain for models using leaky competitive units when practice affects only the input, but that it can be accommodated when practice affects shunting self-excitation.
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  15.  25
    Feasible Graphs and Colorings.Douglas Cenzer & Jeffrey Remmel - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (3):327-352.
    The problem of when a recursive graph has a recursive k-coloring has been extensively studied by Bean, Schmerl, Kierstead, Remmel, and others. In this paper, we study the polynomial time analogue of that problem. We develop a number of negative and positive results about colorings of polynomial time graphs. For example, we show that for any recursive graph G and for any k, there is a polynomial time graph G′ whose vertex set is {0,1}* such that there is an effective (...)
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  16. Lower Bounds for resolution and cutting plane proofs and monotone computations.Pavel Pudlak - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (3):981-998.
    We prove an exponential lower bound on the length of cutting plane proofs. The proof uses an extension of a lower bound for monotone circuits to circuits which compute with real numbers and use nondecreasing functions as gates. The latter result is of independent interest, since, in particular, it implies an exponential lower bound for some arithmetic circuits.
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  17.  32
    Dual weak pigeonhole principle, Boolean complexity, and derandomization.Emil Jeřábek - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 129 (1-3):1-37.
    We study the extension 123) of the theory S21 by instances of the dual weak pigeonhole principle for p-time functions, dWPHPx2x. We propose a natural framework for formalization of randomized algorithms in bounded arithmetic, and use it to provide a strengthening of Wilkie's witnessing theorem for S21+dWPHP. We construct a propositional proof system WF , which captures the Π1b-consequences of S21+dWPHP. We also show that WF p-simulates the Unstructured Extended Nullstellensatz proof system of Buss et al. 256). We prove (...)
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  18.  63
    Kripke models for subtheories of CZF.Rosalie Iemhoff - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (2):147-167.
    In this paper a method to construct Kripke models for subtheories of constructive set theory is introduced that uses constructions from classical model theory such as constructible sets and generic extensions. Under the main construction all axioms except the collection axioms can be shown to hold in the constructed Kripke model. It is shown that by carefully choosing the classical models various instances of the collection axioms, such as exponentiation, can be forced to hold as well. The paper does not (...)
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  19.  52
    Public announcements, public assignments and the complexity of their logic.Hans van Ditmarsch, Andreas Herzig & Tiago De Lima - 2012 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 22 (3):249-273.
    We study the extension of public announcement logic PAL by public assignments, which we call PALA. Just as in the case of PAL, the standard procedure for deciding PALA validity, i.e. the use of so-called reduction axioms to translate PALA formulae into formulae in epistemic logic EL, may lead to exponential growth. In this paper, we show that such a price is not mandatory, for we provide a polynomial translation of PALA into EL. This is based on abbreviations (...)
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  20. The ethics of big data: current and foreseeable issues in biomedical contexts.Brent Daniel Mittelstadt & Luciano Floridi - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (2):303–341.
    The capacity to collect and analyse data is growing exponentially. Referred to as ‘Big Data’, this scientific, social and technological trend has helped create destabilising amounts of information, which can challenge accepted social and ethical norms. Big Data remains a fuzzy idea, emerging across social, scientific, and business contexts sometimes seemingly related only by the gigantic size of the datasets being considered. As is often the case with the cutting edge of scientific and technological progress, understanding of the ethical implications (...)
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  21. The perils of cognitive enhancement and the urgent imperative to enhance the moral character of humanity.Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 25 (3):162-177.
    abstract As history shows, some human beings are capable of acting very immorally. 1 Technological advance and consequent exponential growth in cognitive power means that even rare evil individuals can act with catastrophic effect. The advance of science makes biological, nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction easier and easier to fabricate and, thus, increases the probability that they will come into the hands of small terrorist groups and deranged individuals. Cognitive enhancement by means of drugs, implants and biological (...)
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  22.  14
    What Does the General Public Know (or Not) About Neuroscience? Effects of Age, Region and Profession in Brazil.Analía Arévalo, Estefania Simoes, Fernanda Petinati & Guilherme Lepski - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The field of Neuroscience has experienced a growing interest in recent decades, which has led to an exponential growth in the amount of related information made available online as well as the market for Neuroscience-related courses. While this type of knowledge can be greatly beneficial to people working in science, health and education, it can also benefit individuals in other areas. For example, neuroscience knowledge can help people from all fields better understand and critique information about new discoveries or (...)
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  23.  7
    Contemporary issues for protecting patients in cancer research: workshop summary.Sharyl J. Nass - 2014 - Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. Edited by Margie Patlak.
    In the nearly 40 years since implementation of federal regulations governing the protection of human participants in research, the number of clinical studies has grown exponentially. These studies have become more complex, with multisite trials now common, and there is increasing use of archived biospecimens and related data, including genomics data. In addition, growing emphasis on targeted cancer therapies requires greater collaboration and sharing of research data to ensure that rare patient subsets are adequately represented. Electronic records enable more extensive (...)
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  24.  10
    Introduction to the study of law.Fierro Alvídrez & Felipe de Jesús - 2018 - Bloomington, IN: Palibrio.
    In this important work, Dr. Felipe Fierro offers a comprehensive view on the subject of Introduction to the Study of Law, in which he revives the use of Gnoseology, Philosophy, History and Logic as Auxiliary Sciences; and exposes how the abandonment of such has contributed to the exponential growth of Skepticism and Relativism, currently prevailing in the legal world. The above, through extensive experience in teaching Law from the Aristotelian-Thomistic platform, based on the elementary assumption that we must first (...)
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  25. On the restraining power of guards.Erich Grädel - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1719-1742.
    Guarded fragments of first-order logic were recently introduced by Andreka, van Benthem and Nemeti; they consist of relational first-order formulae whose quantifiers are appropriately relativized by atoms. These fragments are interesting because they extend in a natural way many propositional modal logics, because they have useful model-theoretic properties and especially because they are decidable classes that avoid the usual syntactic restrictions (on the arity of relation symbols, the quantifier pattern or the number of variables) of almost all other known decidable (...)
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  26.  39
    A Walk with Goodstein.David Fernández-Duque & Andreas Weiermann - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (1):1-19.
    Goodstein’s principle is arguably the first purely number-theoretic statement known to be independent of Peano arithmetic. It involves sequences of natural numbers which at first appear to diverge, but eventually decrease to zero. These sequences are defined relative to a notation system based on exponentiation for the natural numbers. In this article, we provide a self-contained and modern analysis of Goodstein’s principle, obtaining some variations and improvements. We explore notions of optimality for notation systems and apply them to the classical (...)
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  27.  47
    The Implicit Commitment of Arithmetical Theories and Its Semantic Core.Carlo Nicolai & Mario Piazza - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (4):913-937.
    According to the implicit commitment thesis, once accepting a mathematical formal system S, one is implicitly committed to additional resources not immediately available in S. Traditionally, this thesis has been understood as entailing that, in accepting S, we are bound to accept reflection principles for S and therefore claims in the language of S that are not derivable in S itself. It has recently become clear, however, that such reading of the implicit commitment thesis cannot be compatible with well-established positions (...)
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  28. Longtermism in an infinite world.Christian Tarsney & Hayden Wilkinson - 2025 - In Jacob Barrett, Hilary Greaves & David Thorstad, Essays on Longtermism: Present Action for the Distant Future. Oxford University Press.
    The case for longtermism depends on the vast potential scale of the future. But that same vastness also threatens to undermine the case for longtermism: If the universe as a whole, or the future in particular, contain infinite quantities of value and/or disvalue, then many of the theories of value that support longtermism (e.g., risk-neutral total utilitarianism) seem to imply that none of our available options are better than any other. If so, then even apparently vast effects on the far (...)
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  29.  16
    Inference on a New Lifetime Distribution under Progressive Type II Censoring for a Parallel-Series Structure.Atef F. Hashem & Salem A. Alyami - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-18.
    A new lifetime distribution, called exponential doubly Poisson distribution, is proposed with decreasing, increasing, and upside-down bathtub-shaped hazard rates. One of the reasons for introducing the new distribution is that it can describe the failure time of a system connected in the form of a parallel-series structure. Some properties of the proposed distribution are addressed. Four methods of estimation for the involved parameters are considered based on progressively type II censored data. These methods are maximum likelihood, moments, least squares, (...)
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  30.  84
    On Mathematical Instrumentalism.Patrick Caldon & Aleksandar Ignjatović - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (3):778 - 794.
    In this paper we devise some technical tools for dealing with problems connected with the philosophical view usually called mathematical instrumentalism. These tools are interesting in their own right, independently of their philosophical consequences. For example, we show that even though the fragment of Peano's Arithmetic known as IΣ₁ is a conservative extension of the equational theory of Primitive Recursive Arithmetic (PRA). IΣ₁ has a super-exponential speed-up over PRA. On the other hand, theories studied in the Program of (...)
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  31.  12
    Brother Secret, Sister Silence: Sibling Conspiracies Against Managerial Integrity.William Maria - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (3):219-234.
    I offer a new cartography of ethical resistance. I argue that there is an uncharted interaction between managerial secrecy and organizational silence, which may exponentially increase the incidence of corruption in ways not yet understood. Current methods used to raise levels of moral conduct in business and government practice appear blind to this powerful duo. Extensive literature reviews of secrecy and silence scholarships form the background for an early stage conceptual layout of the co-production of secrecy and silence.
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  32. Mathematical Models for Unstable Quantum Systems and Gamow States.Manuel Gadella, Sebastian Fortin, Juan Pablo Jorge & Marcelo Losada - 2022 - Entropy 24 (6):804.
    We review some results in the theory of non-relativistic quantum unstable systems. We account for the most important definitions of quantum resonances that we identify with unstable quantum systems. Then, we recall the properties and construction of Gamow states as vectors in some extensions of Hilbert spaces, called Rigged Hilbert Spaces. Gamow states account for the purely exponential decaying part of a resonance; the experimental exponential decay for long periods of time physically characterizes a resonance. We briefly discuss (...)
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  33. Womenomics en Japón: Mujer, neoliberalismo y paradigma productivista.Montserrat Crespín Perales - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 24 (2):63-86.
    Resumen: El concepto “womenomics” propone la idea de “comprar la economía femenina” designando con ello la necesidad de Japón de hacer esfuerzos por incluir exponencialmente a la mujer en el mercado laboral e introducir uno de los mecanismos para corregir un futuro de estancamiento y contracción del crecimiento económico. El concepto lo acuñó en 1999 Kathy M. Matsui al frente de la división de investigación en Asia de Economía, Materias primas y Estrategia del grupo de banca y valores más importantes (...)
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  34.  43
    Substitution Frege and extended Frege proof systems in non-classical logics.Emil Jeřábek - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 159 (1-2):1-48.
    We investigate the substitution Frege () proof system and its relationship to extended Frege () in the context of modal and superintuitionistic propositional logics. We show that is p-equivalent to tree-like , and we develop a “normal form” for -proofs. We establish connections between for a logic L, and for certain bimodal expansions of L.We then turn attention to specific families of modal and si logics. We prove p-equivalence of and for all extensions of , all tabular logics, all logics (...)
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  35.  75
    A recursion principle for linear orderings.Juha Oikkonen - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (1):82-96.
    The idea of this paper is to approach linear orderings as generalized ordinals and to study how they are made from their initial segments. First we look at how the equality of two linear orderings can be expressed in terms of equality of their initial segments. Then we shall use similar methods to define functions by recursion with respect to the initial segment relation. Our method is based on the use of a game where smaller and smaller initial segments of (...)
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  36.  29
    Resolution over linear equations and multilinear proofs.Ran Raz & Iddo Tzameret - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 155 (3):194-224.
    We develop and study the complexity of propositional proof systems of varying strength extending resolution by allowing it to operate with disjunctions of linear equations instead of clauses. We demonstrate polynomial-size refutations for hard tautologies like the pigeonhole principle, Tseitin graph tautologies and the clique-coloring tautologies in these proof systems. Using interpolation we establish an exponential-size lower bound on refutations in a certain, considerably strong, fragment of resolution over linear equations, as well as a general polynomial upper bound on (...)
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  37.  14
    Characterizing strongly admissible sets.Paul E. Dunne - 2020 - Argument and Computation 11 (3):239-255.
    The concept of strong admissibility plays an important role in dialectical proof procedures for grounded semantics allowing, as it does, concise proofs that an argument belongs to the grounded extension without having necessarily to construct this extension in full. One consequence of this property is that strong admissibility ceases to be a unique status semantics. In fact it is straightforward to construct examples for which the number of distinct strongly admissible sets is exponential in the number of (...)
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    Two variable first-order logic over ordered domains.Martin Otto - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):685-702.
    The satisfiability problem for the two-variable fragment of first-order logic is investigated over finite and infinite linearly ordered, respectively wellordered domains, as well as over finite and infinite domains in which one or several designated binary predicates are interpreted as arbitrary wellfounded relations. It is shown that FO 2 over ordered, respectively wellordered, domains or in the presence of one well-founded relation, is decidable for satisfiability as well as for finite satisfiability. Actually the complexity of these decision problems is essentially (...)
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    Deductive Systems and the Decidability Problem for Hybrid Logics.Michał Zawidzki - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book stands at the intersection of two topics: the decidability and computational complexity of hybrid logics, and the deductive systems designed for them. Hybrid logics are here divided into two groups: standard hybrid logics involving nominals as expressions of a separate sort, and non-standard hybrid logics, which do not involve nominals but whose expressive power matches the expressive power of binder-free standard hybrid logics.The original results of this book are split into two parts. This division reflects the division of (...)
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    Mind the gap please: ethical considerations in the transition of virtual consultations from crisis to usual care.Tania Moerenhout - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (1):36-37.
    Although telepsychiatry consultations have been tried and tested for several years, at least in relatively limited numbers and settings, the current COVID-19 pandemic has caused an exponential increase in their application. Even as lockdown restrictions were lifted and a return to face-to-face consultations was possible, many practitioners and patients decided to uphold teleconsultations for some or a large part of their interactions. This was mostly driven by the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic, as ongoing safety concerns, the need for (...)
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    A phase semantics for polarized linear logic and second order conservativity.Masahiro Hamano & Ryo Takemura - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (1):77-102.
    This paper presents a polarized phase semantics, with respect to which the linear fragment of second order polarized linear logic of Laurent [15] is complete. This is done by adding a topological structure to Girard's phase semantics [9]. The topological structure results naturally from the categorical construction developed by Hamano—Scott [12]. The polarity shifting operator ↓ (resp. ↑) is interpreted as an interior (resp. closure) operator in such a manner that positive (resp. negative) formulas correspond to open (resp. closed) facts. (...)
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  42. Complexity, Decidability and Completeness.Douglas Cenzer & Jeffrey B. Remmel - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (2):399 - 424.
    We give resource bounded versions of the Completeness Theorem for propositional and predicate logic. For example, it is well known that every computable consistent propositional theory has a computable complete consistent extension. We show that, when length is measured relative to the binary representation of natural numbers and formulas, every polynomial time decidable propositional theory has an exponential time (EXPTIME) complete consistent extension whereas there is a nondeterministic polynomial time (NP) decidable theory which has no polynomial time (...)
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    The coordination of cell growth and division — intentional or Incidental?John J. Tyson - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (2):72-77.
    During balanced growth of cells in culture all extensive properties of the culture — e.g. cell number, total mass, total DNA content — increase exponentially at the same specific growth rate. Therefore, in some average sense, each component of a cell must double between birth and division. For DNA there exists an elaborate mechanism to ensure precise replication of the genetic material and accurate partitioning of identical copies of the genome to the two daughter cells. Do cells possess another mechanism (...)
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    Polynomial games and determinacy.Tomoyuki Yamakami - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 80 (1):1-16.
    Two-player, zero-sum, non-cooperative, blindfold games in extensive form with incomplete information are considered in this paper. Any information about past moves which players played is stored in a database, and each player can access the database. A polynomial game is a game in which, at each step, all players withdraw at most a polynomial amount of previous information from the database. We show resource-bounded determinacy of some kinds of finite, zero-sum, polynomial games whose pay-off sets are computable by non-deterministic polynomial-time (...)
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    Cutting planes, connectivity, and threshold logic.Samuel R. Buss & Peter Clote - 1996 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 35 (1):33-62.
    Originating from work in operations research the cutting plane refutation systemCP is an extension of resolution, where unsatisfiable propositional logic formulas in conjunctive normal form are recognized by showing the non-existence of boolean solutions to associated families of linear inequalities. Polynomial sizeCP proofs are given for the undirecteds-t connectivity principle. The subsystemsCP q ofCP, forq≥2, are shown to be polynomially equivalent toCP, thus answering problem 19 from the list of open problems of [8]. We present a normal form theorem (...)
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    The digital life of the #migrantcaravan: Contextualizing Twitter as a spatial technology.Emmanuel Frimpong Boamah & Margath A. Walker - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    The Central American migrant caravans of 2018 are best understood as having been precipitated by entangled multi-scalar geopolitical histories among the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Unsurprisingly, the migrants traveling north to the United States garnered widespread attention on social media. So much so that the reaction to the caravan accelerated plans to deploy troops to the US southern border and deny Central Americans the opportunity to seek asylum. This example showcases how the digital world can have (...)
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    Binary models generated by their tally part.Fernando Ferreira - 1994 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 33 (4):283-289.
    We introduce a class of models of the bounded arithmetic theoryPV n . These models, which are generated by their tally part, have a curious feature: they have end-extensions or satisfyB∑ n b only in case they are closed under exponentiation. As an application, we show that if then the polynomial hierarchy does not collapse.
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    Exploiting Contextual Word Embedding of Authorship and Title of Articles for Discovering Citation Intent Classification.Muhammad Roman, Abdul Shahid, Muhammad Irfan Uddin, Qiaozhi Hua & Shazia Maqsood - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    The number of scientific publications is growing exponentially. Research articles cite other work for various reasons and, therefore, have been studied extensively to associate documents. It is argued that not all references carry the same level of importance. It is essential to understand the reason for citation, called citation intent or function. Text information can contribute well if new natural language processing techniques are applied to capture the context of text data. In this paper, we have used contextualized word embedding (...)
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  49. Propositional glue and the projection architecture of LFG.Avery D. Andrews - 2010 - Linguistics and Philosophy 33 (3):141-170.
    Although ‘glue semantics’ is the most extensively developed theory of semantic composition for LFG, it is not very well integrated into the LFG projection architecture, due to the absence of a simple and well-explained correspondence between glue-proofs and f-structures. In this paper I will show that we can improve this situation with two steps: (1) Replace the current quantificational formulations of glue (either Girard’s system F, or first order linear logic) with strictly propositional linear logic (the quantifier, unit and (...) free version of either MILL or ILL, depending on whether or not tensors are used). (2) Reverse the direction of the standard σ-projection from f-structure to meaning, giving one going from the (atomic nodes of) the glue-proof to the f-structure, rather than from the f-structure to a ‘semantic projection’ which is itself somehow related to the glue-proof. As a side effect, the standard semantic projection of LFG glue semantics can be dispensed with. A result is that LFG sentence structures acquire a level composed of strictly binary trees, constructed out of nodes representing function application and lambda abstraction, with a significant resemblance to external and internal merge in the Minimalist Program. This increased resemblance between frameworks might assist in making useful comparisons. (shrink)
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    Victorian Equations.Andrea Kelly Henderson - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (2):252-276.
    As familiar as the form of the mathematical equation is to us, the ostensibly simple act of equating unlike things was an achievement many centuries in the making, and one that would ultimately redefine European mathematical enquiry such that its bias toward geometry and the concrete would be displaced by a bias toward algebraic abstraction. The moment of that displacement was the nineteenth century, and its broader significance is on particularly striking display in the British context, where the implications of (...)
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