Results for 'float tank'

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  1.  52
    The Sensory Deprivation Tank – A Time Machine.Matthew T. Phillips - 2022 - Anthropology of Consciousness 33 (1):63-78.
    Anthropology of Consciousness, Volume 33, Issue 1, Page 63-78, Spring 2022.
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  2. Nozick o wiedzy i sceptycyzmie.Renata Ziemińska - 2002 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    Nozick is the author of the conditional definition of knowledge where two subjunctive conditionals replace internalistic notion of justification. If you know that p, you have true belief that p and also in the close possible worlds you would accept p when p is true and you would not accept p when p is false. Nozick agrees with skeptics that we do not know that we are not brains in the vat. But he claims that we do know all the (...)
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    The Mind, the Brain and the Face.David Cockburn - 1985 - Philosophy 60 (234):477-493.
    ‘Only of a living human being and what resembles a living human being can one say: it has sensations; it sees; is blind; hears, is deaf; is conscious or unconscious’. 1 ‘The human body is the best picture of the human soul’. Anyone who believes that Wittgenstein's remarks here embody important truths has quite a bit of explaining to do. What needs to be explained is why it is that enormous numbers of people, people who have never had the chance (...)
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  4. THIS IS NICE OF YOU. Introduction by Ben Segal.Gary Lutz - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):43-51.
    Reproduced with the kind permission of the author. Currently available in the collection I Looked Alive . © 2010 The Brooklyn Rail/Black Square Editions | ISBN 978-1934029-07-7 Originally published 2003 Four Walls Eight Windows. continent. 1.1 (2011): 43-51. Introduction Ben Segal What interests me is instigated language, language dishabituated from its ordinary doings, language startled by itself. I don't know where that sort of interest locates me, or leaves me, but a lot of the books I see in the stores (...)
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    Jacques Ranciere: An Introduction.Joseph J. Tanke - 2011 - Bloomsbury Academic.
    Jacques Rancière: An Introduction offers the first comprehensive introduction to the thought of one of today's most important and influential theorists. Joseph Tanke situates Rancière's distinctive approach against the backdrop of Continental philosophy and extends his insights into current discussions of art and politics. Tanke explains how Rancière's ideas allow us to understand art as having a deeper social role than is customarily assigned to it, as well as how political opposition can be revitalized. The book presents Rancière's body of (...)
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  6. Why Rancière Now?Joseph J. Tanke - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (2):1.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Why Rancière Now?Joseph J. Tanke (bio)I. IntroductionAs philosophy's representative at an art college, a question is put to me by my colleagues, students, and other art-world types frequently enough that it is worth considering systematically: Why Rancière now? The query is in large part prompted by a recent issue of Artforum devoted to the work of the French philosopher Jacques Rancière, the publication of which caps a seemingly overnight (...)
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  7. Profile: James M. Gustafson.A. Raft That Floats - 1995 - Zygon 30:155.
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    J'ai le cafard: Deleuze on the experience of thinking.Joseph J. Tanke - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (1):91-95.
  9.  52
    Reflections on the Philosophy and Anti-Philosophy of Art.Joseph J. Tanke - 2009 - Philosophy Today 53 (3):217-230.
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    The Specter of Manet: A Contribution to the Archaeology of Painting.Joseph J. Tanke - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (4):381-392.
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    The gentle way in governing: Foucault and the question of neoliberalism.Joseph Tanke - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (3):257-282.
    This essay challenges some of the recent scholarship which claims that Michel Foucault was more sympathetic to neoliberalism than is typically acknowledged. Accordingly, it considers the possible motivations for Foucault’s 1978-1979 lecture course, The Birth of Biopolitics; the relationship between liberalism and the various forms of power identified by Foucault; and, finally, claims that Foucault’s account of the ‘care of the self’ was itself informed by the neoliberal theory of human capital. It finds that Foucault regarded neoliberalism as coercive social (...)
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  12.  37
    Cynical Aesthetics: A Theme from Michel Foucault’s 1984 Lectures at the Collège de France.Joseph J. Tanke - 2002 - Philosophy Today 46 (2):170-184.
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  13.  10
    Absolute Fairness and Weighted Lotteries.Lukas Tank, Nils Wendler & Jan Peter Carstensen-Mainka - 2024 - Utilitas 36 (4):352-361.
    Weighted lottery proposals give guidance in rescue dilemma situations by balancing the demands of comparative and absolute fairness. While they do not advocate for saving the greater number outright, they are responsive to absolute fairness insofar as they show a certain sensitivity to the numbers involved. In this paper we investigate what criterion of absolute fairness we should demand weighted lotteries to fulfill. We do so by way of critically examining what is probably the most sophisticated weighted lottery on the (...)
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  14.  73
    The Unfair Burdens Argument Against Carbon Pricing.Lukas Tank - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (4):612-627.
    Carbon pricing is one of the most politically important approaches for the mitigation of climate change in the world today. Most political actors who are not committed to climate change denial favor carbon pricing, either as emissions trading or carbon taxation. In this article, I argue that carbon pricing should be considered unfair in most of its forms. I present a line of criticism called the Unfair Burdens Argument. It states that the most politically relevant ways to price carbon needlessly (...)
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  15.  47
    Against the budget view in climate ethics.Lukas Tank - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (7):1075-1088.
    The extent of our duties to mitigate climate change is commonly conceptualized in terms of temperature goals like the 1.5°C and the 2°C target and corresponding emissions budgets. While I do acknowledge the political advantages of any framework that is relatively easy to understand, I argue that this particular framework does not capture the true extent of our mitigation duties. Instead I argue for a more differentiated approach that is based on the well-known distinction between subsistence and luxury emissions. At (...)
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  16. Aesthetics and philosophy : from Baumgarten to Nietzsche.Joseph Tanke - 2023 - In Max Ryynänen & Zoltán Somhegyi (eds.), Aesthetic theory across the disciplines. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  17.  34
    Communicability Without Communication: Kant and Proust on Aesthetic Pleasure.Joseph Tanke - 2017 - Diacritics 45 (1):76-92.
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  18.  68
    (1 other version)The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière.Joseph J. Tanke - 2009 - Symposium 13 (1):152-155.
  19.  19
    Without mandate: James Bernauer from the ethics of thought to historical memory.Joseph Tanke - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (8):879-893.
    This special issue of Philosophy and Social Criticism is dedicated to James Bernauer, S.J. on the occasion of his retirement from full-time teaching. It contains original essays from Bernauer’s stu...
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  20. Which politics of aesthetics?Joseph J. Tanke - 2019 - In Scott Durham, Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar & Jacques Rancière (eds.), Distributions of the sensible: Rancière, between aesthetics and politics. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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  21.  59
    Climate Change and Non-Identity.Lukas Tank - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (1):84-96.
    What is the practical relevance of the Non-Identity Problem (NIP) for our climate change-related duties? Climate change and the NIP are often discussed together, but there is surprisingly little work on the practical relevance of the NIP for the ethics of climate change. The central claim of this article is that the NIP makes a relatively minor difference to our climate change-related duties even if we pursue what has become known as the ‘bite the bullet’ strategy: endorse a person-affecting view (...)
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  22.  12
    Hervé Guibert as Foucault might have imagined him.Joseph Tanke - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (8):921-932.
    This essay attempts to reconfigure our understanding of the relationship between Michel Foucault and the French photographer and writer Hervé Guibert. It contends that this relationship has been mi...
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  23.  83
    The care of self and environmental politics: Towards a Foucaultian account of dietary practice.Joseph J. Tanke - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (1):79-96.
    : This essay appropriates the understanding of ethics developed by Michel Foucault in his courses at the Collège de France from 1980 until his death in 1984, with the aim of formulating a progressive environmental politics. As such, it attempts to navigate some of the long–standing divides between the movement for animal rights and environmental ethics proper, finding in the practice of vegetarianism a form of self-relation that is conducive to critical forms of speech and politics. The final phase of (...)
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  24.  57
    The Doctrine of Double Effect and Killing Animals for Food.Lukas Tank & Stefanie Thiele - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (2):239-253.
    Producing food on a large scale without killing any animals seems currently impossible. This poses a challenge for deontological positions that involve a prohibition against killing sentient creatures: it seems that according to these positions omnivorous, vegetarian and vegan diets all rely on food produced in impermissible ways. In order to meet this challenge, deontologists might introduce consequentialist considerations into their theories, for example some principles that effectively require to kill as few animals as possible. This is the kind of (...)
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  25. Michel Foucault at the Collège de France, 1974-1976.Joseph Tanke - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (5-6):687-696.
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  26.  31
    Foucault's Philosophy of Art: A Genealogy of Modernity.Joseph J. Tanke - 2009 - Continuum.
    Introduction -- The stirrings of modernity -- Rupture -- Non-affirmative painting -- Anti-platonism -- The cynical legacy.
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  27.  5
    Klima.Lukas Tank - 2023 - In Michael Zichy (ed.), Handbuch Menschenbilder. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 903-918.
    Es gibt kaum Veröffentlichungen, die sich explizit mit der Relevanz des Klimawandels für Menschenbilder beschäftigen, aber es gibt eine Vielzahl von Debatten rund um den Klimawandel, die wichtige Anknüpfungspunkte zum Themenkomplex Menschenbilder beinhalten. Fünf dieser Diskussionen werden im Folgenden aufgegriffen und in ihrer Relevanz erläutert. Im Hinblick auf Menschenbilder berührt der Klimawandel insbesondere Fragen nach der Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos, nach zentralen menschliche Verhaltensfaktoren und nach dem guten bzw. sinnvollen menschlichen Leben.
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  28.  19
    Logics of rule and the politics of exodus: Twenty years of Empire.Joseph Tanke - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (7):956-963.
    This essay offers a new interpretation of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s landmark work of critical social theory Empire. It develops an account of the politics of exile by situating this political strategy in terms of Hardt and Negri’s claim that it is no longer feasible to confront capitalist power head-on. It attends closely to Hardt and Negri’s account of Empire’s pyramidal structure, and the problems that this structure creates for the multitude’s passage from virtuality to actuality. It criticizes the (...)
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  29.  24
    This Strange Idea of Art.Joseph Tanke - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (2):484-494.
    The writings of François Jullien are an indispensable starting point for those hoping to eschew the provincialism hampering many forms of art theory today. In the first instance, his writings help identify the limitations of aesthetic theory fashioned according to the European model. These "limitations" refer to both the practical limits that prevent such theory from taking account of the different forms of artistic production in our world more generally, as well as to the constitutive limits that define European thought (...)
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  30.  16
    The Bloomsbury Anthology of Aesthetics.Colin McQuillan & Joseph Tanke (eds.) - 2012 - Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Drawing from ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary sources, this textbook offers a comprehensive and systematic historical overview of aesthetic theory.
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    Utilitarismus und Armut.Lukas Tank - 2021 - In Gottfried Schweiger & Clemens Sedmak (eds.), Handbuch Philosophie Und Armut. J.B. Metzler. pp. 152-158.
    Der Utilitarismus ist eine der einflussreichsten Moraltheorien in der Geschichte der westlichen Philosophie und wurde historisch von Autoren wie Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill und Henry Sidgwick entscheidend geprägt. Er gehört zu den konsequentialistischen Moraltheorien; bewertet die Moralität von Handlungen also ausschließlich über deren Folgen und den Vergleich zu den Folgen anderer möglicher Handlungsoptionen. Allgemein gesprochen besagt der Utilitarismus, dass unser Handeln darauf zielen sollte, den Gesamtnutzen zu maximieren. Diese Forderung wird von verschiedenen Varianten des Utilitarismus unterschiedlich konkretisiert.
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  32.  11
    On the Powers of the False.Joseph J. Tanke - 2013 - In Christopher Falzon, Timothy O'Leary & Jana Sawicki (eds.), A Companion to Foucault. Malden Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 122–136.
    This essay is concerned with some of Michel Foucault's writings on art. The author talks about the analyses of painting Foucault conducted during the period in which Foucault was developing the philosophical methodology known as archaeology. Despite archaeology's strong epistemological orientation, that methodology gives rise to a form of seeing that suspends the imperatives for the production of meaning that accrue around works of art. Some of the consequences of this suspension are explored in the final section of this essay (...)
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  33.  74
    Sharing Sense.Joseph Tanke - 2011 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 15 (2):4-10.
  34.  37
    Book Review: The Ungovernable Society: A Genealogy of Authoritarian Liberalism. [REVIEW]Joseph Tanke - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (6):743-749.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Ahead of Print.
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  35. Note from the editors.James Bernauer, Edward McGushin & Joseph Tanke - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (5-6):515-515.
  36.  59
    The Culture of Confession from Augustine to Foucault. [REVIEW]Joseph J. Tanke - 2010 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 14 (1):162-165.
  37.  28
    The Changing Role of Health Care Professionals in Nursing Homes: A Systematic Literature Review of a Decade of Change.Arend R. van Stenis, Jessica van Wingerden & Isolde Kolkhuis Tanke - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  38.  53
    (1 other version)Economic and equity implications of land-use zoning in suburban agriculture.Adesoji Adelaja, Donn Derr & Karen Rose-Tank - 1989 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 2 (2):97-112.
    A cash-flow viability model is used to evaluate the impacts of land-use zoning on farm households in New Jersey. Findings suggest that zoning results in increased production expenses, lower efficiency and profitability, and the devaluation of land assets. Cash flow and economic viability are, thus, reduced. Impacts of zoning on farm incomes, off-farm incomes, revenues from land sales, indebtedness, and farm sizes were not statistically significant. The results suggest that the use of land-use zoning statutes to guarantee the existence of (...)
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  39.  45
    Think tanks, free market academics, and the triumph of the right.Fred Block - 2013 - Theory and Society 42 (6):647-651.
  40.  23
    Reinstatement, floating conclusions, and the credulity of Mental Model reasoning.Jean-Franĉois Bonnefon - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (4):621-631.
    Johnson‐Laird and coworkers' Mental Model theory of propositional reasoning is shown to be somewhere in between what logicians have defined as “credulous” and “skeptical” with respect to the conclusions it draws on default reasoning problems. It is then argued that in situations where skeptical reasoning has been shown to lead to problematic conclusions due to not being skeptical enough, the bolder Mental Model theory will likewise make counterintuitive predictions. This claim is supported by the consideration of two of those situations, (...)
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  41.  13
    Think Tanks, saber experto y formación de agenda política en el Chile actual.Juan Pablo Pinilla - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 32.
    El artículo indaga en los canales de influencia de los centros de estudio privados o think tanks en el proceso de formación de agenda política en Chile. Un esquema de clasificación para las organizaciones existentes en el país es propuesto, caracterizando los rasgos de centros académicos, centros de apoyo, centros partidarios y centros de gestión. Se busca describir el desenvolvimiento de las distintas organizaciones y determinar el rol de la gestión de saber experto en la definición de asuntos para la (...)
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    Think Tanks, Business and Civil Society: The Ethics of Promoting Pro-corporate Ideologies.Amon Barros & Scott Taylor - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (3):505-517.
    Think tanks became key political and economic actors during the twentieth century, creating and occupying an intellectual and political position between academic institutions, the state, civil society, and public debate on organization and management. Think tanks are especially active in setting frames for what constitutes politically and socially acceptable ways of thinking about economic activity and the rights or obligations of corporations. Their operation and influence has been acknowledged and analysed in political science and policy analysis, but in organization and (...)
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  43. On Floating Conclusions.Daniela Schuster, Jan Broersen & Henry Prakken - 2023 - Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, 16Th International Conference, Deon 2023.
    When there are two lines of argument that contradict each other but still end up with the same conclusion, this conclusion is called a floating conclusion. It is an open topic in skeptical defeasible reasoning if floating conclusions ought to be accepted. Inter- estingly, the answer seems to be changing for different examples. In this paper, we propose a solution for explaining the different treatments of the floating conclusion in the various examples from the literature. We collect the examples from (...)
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  44.  61
    The "Floating Asylum," the Armée du salut, and Le Corbusier: A Modernist Heterotopian/Utopian Project.Diane Morgan - 2014 - Utopian Studies 25 (1):87-124.
    A boat is a floating piece of space, a place without place, which lives by itself, which is closed in on itself and that is at the same time exposed to the infinity of the sea. Nowadays one cannot conceive a utopia that does not address itself to nomads, peoples and individuals, to the homeless, to the excluded. After World War I a concrete barge made its way up and down the Seine between Rouen and Paris.1 It was called the (...)
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  45. Floating free from physics: the metaphysics of quantum mechanics.Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo & Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart - unknown
    We discuss some methodological aspects of the relation between physics and metaphysics by dealing specifically with the case of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Our main claim is that current attempts to productively integrate quantum mechanics and metaphysics are best seen as approaches of what should be called ‘the metaphysics of science’, which is developed by applying already existing metaphysical concepts to scientific theories. We argue that, in this perspective, metaphysics must be understood as an autonomous discipline. It results that this metaphysics (...)
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  46. Free-floating from Reality.Dan Priel - 2008 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 21 (2):429-445.
    Matthew Kramer has recently proposed a distinction between norms that are free-floating and those that are not. The distinction, he argued, enables us to distinguish between norms that can be incorporated into the law and those that cannot. In this essay I argue that his distinction is based on several theoretical errors, and that even if it were successful, it is unclear why his distinction is relevant for the question of the boundaries between law and morality. I also provide many (...)
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  47.  32
    Floating Sovereignty: A Pathology or a Necessary Means of State Evolution?Dora Kostakopoulou - 2002 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 22 (1):135-156.
    The framing of the debate concerning sovereignty in terms of the dualism of retention or rejection conceals the floating character of sovereignty and constrains the capacity of the state to mutate, adapt and respond adequately to the diverse and complex processes which range in, through and above it. The paper develops the idea of floating sovereignty by putting forward four main propositions: (i) sovereignty's historical entanglement with statehood makes it unsuitable for non‐state political organisations; (ii) although the state has been (...)
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  48.  38
    Floating Reverie: A networked curation experiment.Carly Whitaker - 2014 - Technoetic Arts 12 (2):197-205.
    This article addresses the development of an online residency platform Floating Reverie, for artists who work in and around digital media. The particular focus of this article is on the methodology used by the curator of the residencies and the artists as a form of networked curation within a South African creative digital art context.
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  49. Fra tanke til skrift i Kina.Søren Egerod - 1995 - In Poul Lindegård Hjorth (ed.), Sprog og tanke: fire essays. København: Munksgaard.
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    Setting Floating Limits.David C. Thomasma - 1990 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 9 (3-4):133-146.
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