Results for 'freedom of research'

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  1.  17
    The Crises and Freedoms of Researching Your Own Life.Caroline Pearce - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (1):Article M2.
    There has been much work highlighting the benefits of autoethnographic research yet little acknowledgement of the demands researching your own life makes on the emotional and mental wellbeing of the researcher. This paper explores the consequences that can arise as a result of autoethnographic research by detailing the crises involved in researching a topic that the researcher has experienced herself. This paper discusses the re-emergence of my grief over the death of my mother as I researched into the (...)
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    Freedom of information legislation and utilization of evaluation research: Exploring some relationships.R. V. Segsworth - 1989 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 2 (4):49-61.
    The basic hypothesis tested in the article is that the existence of Freedom of Information legislation in a state enhances utilization of evaluation research. The investigation of this research question leads to a tentative rejection of this hypothesis. Factors such as weak Freedom of Information Acts, unsympathetic implementation, and the lack of useful and timely information in agency-sponsored evaluations may discourage legislatures from actively using Freedom of Information provisions to obtain such studies.
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  3.  13
    The freedom of teaching and research.S. E. - 1973 - Minerva 11 (4):433-441.
  4.  47
    Freedom of Information and Research Data.James Wilson - 2011 - Research Ethics 7 (3):107-111.
    Research data produced in both universities and the NHS are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This article examines the practical and ethical implications of freedom of information for research data, arguing that increased openness is both here to stay and is ethically justifiable. Researchers need to learn how best to cope with this.
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    No Strings Attached? Potential Effects of External Funding on Freedom of Research.René Chester Goduscheit - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (1):1-15.
    Universities are increasingly pushed to apply for external funding for their research and incentivised for making an impact in the society surrounding them. The consequences of these third-mission activities for the degree of freedom of the research, the potential to make a substantial research contribution and the ethical challenges of this increased dependency on external funding are often neglected. The implications of external sponsorship of research depend on the level of influence of the sponsor in (...)
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    Ethics review and freedom of information requests in qualitative research.Kevin Walby & Alex Luscombe - 2018 - Research Ethics 14 (4):1-15.
    Freedom of information requests are increasingly used in sociology, criminology and other social science disciplines to examine government practices and processes. University ethical review boards in Canada have not typically subjected researchers’ FOI requests to independent review, although this may be changing in the United Kingdom and Australia, reflective of what Haggerty calls ‘ethics creep’. Here we present four arguments for why FOI requests in the social sciences should not be subject to formal ethical review by ERBs. These four (...)
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    What constitutional protection for freedom of scientific research?A. Santosuosso, V. Sellaroli & E. Fabio - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (6):342-344.
    Is freedom of research protected at the constitutional level? No obvious answer can be given to this question, as European and Northern American constitutional systems are not unequivocal and the topic has not been discussed deeply enough.Looking at the constitutions of some European and Northern American countries, it is possible to immediately note that there are essentially two ways to deal with freedom of scientific research. On the one hand, in Canada and in the US, constitutions (...)
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    Reconciling the Freedom of Scientific Inquiry and the Group Interests of Indigenous Peoples in Genetic Research: Article 21 of Taiwan's Indigenous Peoples Basic Act as an Experiment.Chen Chung-Lin - 2010 - Asian Bioethics Review 2 (4):258-272.
  9.  15
    Research privacy or freedom of information?Donald E. Nease & David J. Doukas - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (3):47.
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    Freedom of Speech and Its Limits During Two Decades of Independence.Algimantas Šindeikis - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):1023-1060.
    Freedom of speech has been essential in building democracy in Lithuania after regaining its independence. Exercise of the constitutional freedom of expression within the societies following constitutional values is the major factor shaping the political will of citizens. Wide-ranging, all round public discussion about all public interest issues is possible only when it is subject to due freedom of information. In indirect democracy, strong disseminator of information acting between citizens and the Parliament able to create the field (...)
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    Freedom of Expression and Derogatory Words.Caroline West - 2016 - In Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Kimberley Brownlee & David Coady (eds.), A Companion to Applied Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 236–252.
    Should our commitment to freedom of speech extend to freedom of hate speech: speech that promotes hatred toward an individual or group on the basis of a characteristic such as race, gender, sexuality, nationality, or religion—often, although perhaps not exclusively, using slurs and epithets? Drawing on philosophy of language and empirical research, this essay outlines five theoretical models of how hate speech may function, and explores their implications for this issue. I argue that (some) hate speech can (...)
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  12.  24
    Freedom of Expression Challenged: Scientists’ Perspectives on Hidden Forms of Suppression and Self-censorship.Sampsa Saikkonen & Esa Väliverronen - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (6):1172-1200.
    The media have become an important arena where struggles over the symbolic legitimacy of expert authority take place and where scientific experts increasingly have to compete for public recognition. The rise of authoritarian and populist leaders in many countries and the growing importance of social media have fueled criticism against scientific institutions and individual researchers. This paper discusses the new hidden forms of suppression and self-censorship regarding scientists’ roles as public experts. It is based on two web surveys conducted among (...)
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  13.  62
    Academic freedom of students.Liz Jackson - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (11):1108-1115.
    Academic freedom is often regarded as an absolute value of higher education institutions. Traditionally, its value is related to such topics as tenure, and the need for academic work to be free from undue political influence and other pressures that can challenge time-consuming research processes. However, when an analysis of student freedom begins with arguments about free research and free speech, undergirded as they generally are by liberal political philosophy, other considerations, related to broader views of (...)
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  14.  52
    Freedom of Choice About Incidental Findings Can Frustrate Participants' True Preferences.Jennifer Viberg, Pär Segerdahl, Sophie Langenskiöld & Mats G. Hansson - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (3):203-209.
    Ethicists, regulators and researchers have struggled with the question of whether incidental findings in genomics studies should be disclosed to participants. In the ethical debate, a general consensus is that disclosed information should benefit participants. However, there is no agreement that genetic information will benefit participants, rather it may cause problems such as anxiety. One could get past this disagreement about disclosure of incidental findings by letting participants express their preferences in the consent form. We argue that this freedom (...)
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  15.  33
    M.P.Drahomanov about freedom of conscience and social functionality of religion.M. I. Loboda - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 9:55-59.
    Our research is based on a rather large "library" of various works by M. Drahomanov, which contains his views on religion. Among them: Paradise and Progress, From the History of Relations Between Church and State in Western Europe, Faith and Public Affairs, Fight for Spiritual Power and Freedom of Conscience in the 16th - 17th Centuries,, "Church and State in the Roman Empire", "The Status and Tasks of the Science of Ancient History," "Evangelical Faith in Old England," "Populism (...)
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  16.  85
    Freedom of Conscience, Employee Prerogatives, and Consumer Choice: Veal, Birth Control, and Tanning Beds.J. M. Dieterle - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (2):191-203.
    Does a pharmacist have a right to refuse to fill certain prescriptions? In this paper, I examine cases in which an employee might refuse to do something that is part of his or her job description. I will argue that in some of these cases, an employee does have a right of refusal and in other cases an employee does not. In those cases where the employee does not have a right of refusal, I argue that the refusals are just (...)
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  17.  11
    The freedom of words: abstractness and the power of language.Anna M. Borghi - 2023 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume explores how language, and particularly abstract language, shapes our thought. Academic researchers and graduate students in philosophy of language and cognitive sciences will benefit.
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  18.  21
    Researching Sexual Violence against Older People: Reflecting on the use of Freedom of Information Requests in a Feminist Study.Hannah Bows - 2017 - Feminist Review 115 (1):30-45.
    Domestic and sexual violence research has traditionally been associated with feminist qualitative methodology; however, quantitative methods are increasingly used by feminists in research examining the prevalence of and issues related to rape and sexual assault, either as standalone methods or in combination with other, qualitative methods (i.e. mixed methods). Freedom of Information (FOI) requests are a data collection tool that allow citizens to obtain data held by public authorities in the UK and are particularly useful for uncovering (...)
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  19.  75
    Neurophysiology and freedom of the will.Dirk Hartmann - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 2 (4):275-284.
    In the first two sections of the paper, some basic terminological distinctions regarding “freedom of the will” as a philosophical problem are expounded and discussed. On this basis, the third section focuses on the examination of two neurophysiological experiments (one by Benjamin Libet and one by William Grey Walter), which in recent times are often interpreted as providing an empirical vindication of determinism and, accordingly, a refutation of positions maintaining freedom of the will. It will be argued that (...)
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  20.  12
    Freedom of Religion and Non-discrimination Based on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in Ukraine: Corporate Policy Commitments in Situations of Conflicting Social Expectations.Tamara Horbachevska, Olena Uvarova & Dmytro Vovk - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (2):205-231.
    Conflicting social expectations in a particular state affect the interpretation and implementation of international human rights law. Ideological, religious, and legal factors related to the protection of freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) and freedom from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) in Ukraine put businesses under social pressure. Businesses thus face a legitimate dilemma whether to follow national social expectations perceiving FoRB and freedom from discrimination based on SOGI as rights in conflict or (...)
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  21.  2
    Principles and Limits of Freedom of Expression, Simone Weil’s Ethical Insights.Cécile Ezvan - forthcoming - Philosophy of Management:1-18.
    This article presents the results of a journey into the work of French philosopher Simone Weil, Oppression and liberty and The Need for roots, in order to identify the conditions and limits to the implementation of freedom of expression. This research project aims at identifying the ethical foundations of freedom of expression in a contemporary context where globalization, the media and social networks facilitate a fast dissemination of numerous individual and collective expressions, while the law cannot discern (...)
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  22. Freedom of the Will and No-Self in Buddhism.Pujarini Das & Vineet Sahu - 2018 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 35 (1):121-138.
    The Buddha, unlike the Upaniṣadic or Brahmanical way, has avoided the concept of the self, and it seems to be left with limited conceptual possibilities for free will and moral responsibility. Now, the question is, if the self is crucial for free will, then how can free will be conceptualized in the Buddhist ‘no-self’ (anattā) doctrine. Nevertheless, the Buddha accepts a dynamic notion of cetanā (intention/volition), and it explicitly implies that he rejects the ultimate or absolute freedom of the (...)
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  23.  12
    The freedom of reason.Konstantin Kolenda - 1964 - San Antonio,: Principia Press of Trinity University.
  24. Freedom of the Mind.Carl Sandburg - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  25.  23
    Freedom of the Will and Consumption Restrictions.Ronald Paul Hill - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (2):311-324.
    There is a long-standing interest in business ethics around the concept of free will, but study of its possible influence on consumer behavior is only in the nascent stage. This lack of research is particularly acute in certain consumption contexts, especially ones based on highly restricted access that appear to suggest abrogation of the will. In this paper, we offer a novel approach that involves reexamination of qualitative/ethnographic research that has chronicled consumption restrictions without consideration of potential implications (...)
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  26. Indoctrination, coercion and freedom of will.Gideon Yaffe - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67 (2):335–356.
    Manipulation by another person often undermines freedom. To explain this, a distinction is drawn between two forms of manipulation: indoctrination is defined as causing another person to respond to reasons in a pattern that serves the manipulator’s ends; coercion as supplying another person with reasons that, given the pattern in which he responds to reasons, lead him to act in ways that serve the manipulator’s ends. It is argued that both forms of manipulation undermine freedom because manipulators track (...)
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  27.  26
    Freedom of conscience in Europe? An analysis of three cases of midwives with conscientious objection to abortion.Valerie Fleming, Beate Ramsayer & Teja Škodič Zakšek - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (2):104-108.
    While abortion has been legal in most developed countries for many years, the topic remains controversial. A major area of controversy concerns women’s rights vis-a-vis the rights of health professionals to opt out of providing the service on conscience grounds. Although scholars from various disciplines have addressed this issue in the literature, there is a lack of empirical research on the topic. This paper provides a documentary analysis of three examples of conscientious objection on religious grounds to performing abortion-related (...)
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  28.  19
    The Freedom of the Will.Rollo Handy - 1961 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 21 (3):423-424.
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    The study of freedom of expression in Islamic teachings with an emphasis on Nahj al-Balagha.Marlinda Irwanti, Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel, Tribhuwan Kumar, Iskandar Muda, Forqan Ali Hussein Al-Khafaji, Huda Takleef AlSalami & Aalaa Yaseen Hassan - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):6.
    Freedom of expression is one of the issues of concern to human societies in the contemporary world, because this issue is one of the most important basic rights of people in societies due to its special nature, and on the other hand, it is always in conflict with the authoritarian point of view. Islam accepts freedom of expression for everyone in the Islamic society, but it has specified limits and regulations for it. These restrictions and conditions, more than (...)
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  30. Two Millian Arguments: Using Helen Longino’s Approach to Solve the Problems Philip Kitcher Targeted with His Argument on Freedom of Inquiry.Jaana Eigi - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 5 (1):44-63.
    Philip Kitcher argued that the freedom to pursue one's version of the good life is the main aim of Mill's argument for freedom of expression. According to Kitcher, in certain scientific fields, political and epistemological asymmetries bias research toward conclusions that threaten this most important freedom of underprivileged groups. Accordingly, Kitcher claimed that there are Millian grounds for limiting freedom of inquiry in these fields to protect the freedom of the underprivileged. -/- I explore (...)
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  31.  55
    Ethics of research involving mandatory drug testing of high school athletes in oregon.Adil E. Shamoo & Jonathan D. Moreno - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):25 – 31.
    There is consensus that children have questionable decisional capacity and, therefore, in general a parent or a guardian must give permission to enroll a child in a research study. Moreover, freedom from duress and coercion, the cardinal rule in research involving adults, is even more important for children. This principle is embodied prominently in the Nuremberg Code (1947) and is embodied in various federal human research protection regulations. In a program named "SATURN" (Student Athletic Testing Using (...)
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  32. Silencing and Freedom of Speech in UK Higher Education.Finlay Malcolm - 2021 - British Educational Research Journal 47 (3):520-538.
    Freedom of speech in universities is currently an issue of widespread concern and debate. Recent empirical findings in the UK shed some light on whether speech is unduly restricted in the university, but it suffers from two limitations. First, the results appear contradictory. Some studies show that the issue of free speech is overblown by media reportage, whilst others track serious concerns about free speech arising from certain university policies. Second, the findings exclude important issues concerning restrictions to speech (...)
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  33.  36
    Biomedical Research and Corporate Interests: A Question of Academic Freedom.L. McHenry - 2008 - Mens Sana Monographs 6 (1):146.
    The current situation in medicine has been described as a crisis of credibility, as the profit motive of industry has taken control of clinical trials and the dissemination of data. Pharmaceutical companies maintain a stranglehold over the content of medical journals in three ways: (1) by ghostwriting articles that bias the results of clinical trials, (2) by the sheer economic power they exert on journals due to the purchase of drug advertisements and journal reprints, and (3) by the threat of (...)
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  34.  72
    The Public Ecology of Freedom of Association.Andres Moles - 2014 - Res Publica 20 (1):85-103.
    This paper defends the claim that private associations might be legitimately constrained by a requirement of reasonableness. I present a list of goods that freedom of association protect, and argue that the limits to associational freedom have to be sensitive to the nature of these goods. In defending this claim, I cast doubt on two popular liberal arguments: One is that attitudes cultivated in the private sphere are not likely to spill over into the public arena. The other (...)
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    Chinese Legal Terminology in European and Asian Contexts Analysed on the Example of Freedom of Contract Limits Related to State, Law and Publicity.Paulina Kozanecka - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 53 (1):141-162.
    The aim of this research was to analyse Chinese legal terminology related to limits of freedom of contract in juxtaposition with other European and Asian legal systems. The study was limited to state, law and publicity. The purpose of the comparison was to add a broader perspective to the research on Chinese legal terminology. The research material included civil codes and contract laws of selected European and Asian countries. Among the European codes the great ones were (...)
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  36.  33
    The Freedom of Reason.D. C. Mathur - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (3):451-452.
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    Feyerabend, funding, and the freedom of science: the case of traditional Chinese medicine.Jamie Shaw - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (2):1-27.
    From the 1970s onwards, Feyerabend argues against the freedom of science. This will seem strange to some, as his epistemological anarchism is often taken to suggest that scientists should be free of even the most basic and obvious norms of science. His argument against the freedom of science is heavily influenced by his case study of the interference of Chinese communists in mainland China during the 1950s wherein the government forced local universities to continue researching traditional Chinese medicine (...)
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    Systematic overview of Freedom of Information Act requests to the Department of Health and Human Services from 2008 to 2017.Joseph S. Ross, Peter Lurie, Christopher J. Morten, Joshua D. Wallach & Alexander C. Egilman - 2019 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 4 (1).
    BackgroundThe Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides access to unreleased government records that can be used to enhance the transparency and integrity of biomedical research. We characterized FOIA requests to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies, including request outcomes, processing times, backlogs, and costs.MethodsUsing HHS FOIA annual reports, we extracted data on the number of FOIA requests received and processed by HHS agencies between 2008 and 2017, as well as request outcomes. Processing times were reported in (...)
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  39. Scientific freedom: its grounds and their limitations.Torsten Wilholt - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (2):174-181.
    In various debates about science, appeal is made to the freedom of scientific research. A rationale in favor of this freedom is rarely offered. In this paper, two major arguments are reconstructed that promise to lend support to a principle of scientific freedom. According to the epistemological argument, freedom of research is required in order to organize the collective cognitive effort we call science efficiently. According to the political argument, scientific knowledge needs to be (...)
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  40.  46
    A Non-Paternalistic Model of Research Ethics and Oversight: Assessing the Benefits of Prospective Review.Alex John London - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (4):930-944.
    To judge from the rash of recent law review articles, it is a miracle that research with human subjects in the U.S. continues to draw breath under the asphyxiating heel of the rent-seeking, creativity-stifling, jack-booted bureaucrethics that is the current system of research ethics oversight and review. Institutional Review Boards, sometimes called Research Ethics Committees, have been accused of perpetrating “probably the most widespread violation of the First Amendment in our nation's history,” resulting in a “disaster, not (...)
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  41.  18
    Friendship and freedom of soul in Lawrence's kangaroo.Colin D. Pearce - unknown
    This essay analyzes the relationship between Richard Lovat Summers and Ben Cooley in D.H. Lawrence's 1922 novel "Kangaroo." It argues that the psychological dynamic of the relationship between the two men as presented by Lawrence reveals one of the deepest of human paradoxes - the simultaneous kinship and opposition at work in the bipolarity of philosophy and tyranny, individual independence and unconditional love, the quest for glory and for ultimate truth, and the demands of self-love and of love of mankind. (...)
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  42.  66
    International Experience of Legal Regulation of Freedom of Speech in the Global Information Society.Yuriy Onishchyk, Liudmyla L. Golovko, Vasyl I. Ostapiak, Oleksandra V. Belichenko & Yurii O. Ulianchenko - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (3):1325-1339.
    The article presents the results of the analysis of international legal regulation of the protection of freedom of speech, the right to freedom of expression within the UN and the Council of Europe. A comparative analysis of the definition of the right to express views and beliefs in various international legal acts was made. The case law of the European Court of Human Rights in cases related to the exercise of the right to express one's views and beliefs (...)
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    Rethinking the Right to Freedom of Thought: A Multidisciplinary Analysis.Sjors Ligthart, Christoph Bublitz, Thomas Douglas, Lisa Forsberg & Gerben Meynen - 2022 - Human Rights Law Review 22 (4):1-14.
    In recent years, there has been increased academic interest in the human right to freedom of thought (RFoT). Scholars from various disciplines are currently debating the content and scope of this right. In his annual thematic report of 2021, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief paid explicit and comprehensive attention to the RFoT, encouraging further clarification of the content and scope of the right. This paper aims to contribute to this end, setting the (...)
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    The cultural specifity of research ethics--or why ethical debate in France is different.G. Maio - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (3):147-150.
    In the search for a globally binding ethical minimal consensus in dealing with research on human beings the awareness of the cultural specificity of such questions will be of central importance. France provides a good example of such cultural specificities. Three basic structures of French discussion on research ethics can be enumerated: first the particular weight placed on therapeutic benefit, second a particular accentuation on freedom and voluntarism, and third its lesser attention to the aspect of ability (...)
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    Freedom of Choice Affirmed.John Somerville - 1970 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 31 (1):131-133.
  46.  85
    The betrayal of research confidentiality in British sociology.John Lowman & Ted Palys - 2014 - Research Ethics 10 (2):97-118.
    Research confidentiality in Britain is under attack. Indeed, in some quarters the ‘Law of the Land’ doctrine that absolutely subjugates research ethics to law is already a fait accompli. To illustrate the academic freedom issues at stake, the article discusses: (i) the Cambridge Psychology Research Ethics Committee’s ban of interview questions about a research participant’s involvement in criminal acts; (ii) the awarding of damages against Exeter University when it reneged on its agreement to uphold a (...)
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    Intellectual Freedom and Editorial Responsibilities Within the Context of Controversial Research.David J. Pittenger - 2003 - Ethics and Behavior 13 (2):105-125.
    The primary purpose of this article is to explore the limits that an agent, such as the government or the American Psychological Association, may place on one's right to pursue a program of research or to share the findings of a research project. The primary argument that evolves here is that researchers' rights to pursue an interesting hypothesis, and their freedom of expression, are conditional. The author examines the potential pragmatic and epistemological barriers to a program of (...)
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    Why Not Phase Out Animal Experimentation? Considering Objections from Freedom of Inquiry and Cross-Border Displacement.Nico D. Müller - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-16.
    Animal experimentation raises value conflicts between animal protection and other goods, such as freedom of inquiry or health and safety. If governments can phase out the practice by non-prohibitive incentive-setting, the pro tanto moral rationale for doing so is obvious. So why should they not? This article first sketches a fictional scenario in which a government adopts a phase-out plan for animal experimentation. It then considers two moral objections to this plan: First, the plan unduly restricts freedom of (...)
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    Your Post has Been Removed: Tech Giants and Freedom of Speech.Frederik Stjernfelt & Anne Mette Lauritzen - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access monograph argues established democratic norms for freedom of expression should be implemented on the internet. Moderating policies of tech companies as Facebook, Twitter and Google have resulted in posts being removed on an industrial scale. While this moderation is often encouraged by governments - on the pretext that terrorism, bullying, pornography, “hate speech” and “fake news” will slowly disappear from the internet - it enables tech companies to censure our society. It is the social media companies (...)
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    Ethics of Research Involving Mandatory Drug Testing of High School Athletes in Oregon.Adil E. Shamoo - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):25-31.
    There is consensus that children have questionable decisional capacity and, therefore, in general a parent or a guardian must give permission to enroll a child in a research study. Moreover, freedom from duress and coercion, the cardinal rule in research involving adults, is even more important for children. This principle is embodied prominently in the Nuremberg Code (1947) and is embodied in various federal human research protection regulations. In a program named "SATURN" (Student Athletic Testing Using (...)
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