Results for 'geometrical analysis'

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  1.  42
    Greek Geometrical Analysis.Norman Gulley - 1958 - Phronesis 3 (1):1-14.
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    Greek Geometrical Analysis.Ali Behboud - 1994 - Centaurus 37 (1):52-86.
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    Ancient geometrical analysis and modern logic.Jaakko Hintikka & Unto Remes - 1976 - In R. S. Cohen, P. K. Feyerabend & M. Wartofsky, Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos. Reidel. pp. 253--276.
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    Greek Geometrical Analysis: Method and Methodology in Pappus’ Collectio.Heike Sefrin-Weis - 2013 - Studia Leibnitiana 45 (1):2-19.
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    Aristotle and Greek Geometrical Analysis.Enrico Berti - 2021 - Philosophia Scientiae 25:9-21.
    This paper aims to show that an examination of some passages in Aristotle’s work can contribute to the resolution of crucial problems related to the interpretation of ancient geometrical analysis. In this context, we will focus in particular on the famous passage of the Posterior Analytics in which Aristotle cryptically refers to the analysis practised by the geometers and we will show the fundamental importance of this passage for a correct understanding of ancient geometrical analysis.
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    Abduction and geometrical analysis. notes on Charles S. Peirce and Edgar Allan Poe.Ilkka Niiniluoto - 1999 - In L. Magnani, Nancy Nersessian & Paul Thagard, Model-Based Reasoning in Scientific Discovery. Kluwer/Plenum. pp. 239--254.
  7. A contribution by al-qūhī to geometrical analysis: Philippe abgrall.Philippe Abgrall - 2002 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 12 (1):53-89.
    The development of geometrical analysis in the 10th century was partly inspired by the reception of the works of Apollonius, which Arab mathematicians translated as early as the preceding century. Al-Qūhī contributed to this development by writing several collections of problems dealing with Apollonian themes and solved by the method of analysis; however, it seems that they do not all occupy the same place in his work. The author gives here the edition, translation, and mathematical commentary of (...)
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    Analysis, si uti scias, potens est. Reappraisal of Heuristic Power of Greek Geometrical Analysis.Ken Saito - 2021 - Philosophia Scientiae 25:23-54.
    In this article, we assess the heuristic power of Greek geometrical analysis by trying to reconstruct some analyses of extant propositions of which only the demonstration is found in the text. We have reconstructed the analysis of the trisection of an angle, the property of the tangent to the parabola, to the hyperbola/ellipse, and to the spiral line. In all of these cases, the results and the demonstrations can be found by the analysis alone, without arguments (...)
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    The Ethics of Technology: A Geometric Analysis of Five Moral Principles.Martin Peterson - 2017 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    In this analytically oriented work, Peterson articulates and defends five moral principles for addressing ethical issues related to new and existing technologies: the cost-benefit principle, the precautionary principle, the sustainability principle, the autonomy principle, and the fairness principle.
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    Effects of Changes of Observer Vantage Points on the Perception of Spatial Structure in Perspective Images: Basic Geometric Analysis.Dejan Todorović - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (5):765-791.
    Every linear perspective image has a center of the perspective construction. Only when observed from that location does a 2D image provide the same stimulus as the original 3D scene. Geometric analyses indicate that observing the image from other vantage points should affect the perceived spatial structure of the scene conveyed by the image, involving transformations such as shear, compression, and dilation. Based on previous research, this paper presents a detailed account of these transformations. The analyses are presented in a (...)
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    Martin Peterson: The Ethics of Technology: A Geometric Analysis of Five Moral Principles: Oxford University Press, 2017, 252 pp, USD 74.00 , ISBN: 9780190652265.Gert-Jan C. Lokhorst - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (5):1641-1643.
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  12. Martin Peterson, "The Ethics of Technology: A Geometric Analysis of Five Moral Principles." Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Brendan Shea - 2019 - Philosophy in Review 39 (2):94-96.
    Martin Peterson’s The Ethics of Technology: A Geometric Analysis of Five Moral Principles offers a welcome contribution to the ethics of technology, understood by Peterson as a branch of applied ethics that attempts ‘to identify the morally right courses of action when we develop, use, or modify technological artifacts’ (3). He argues that problems within this field are best treated by the use of five domain-specific principles: the Cost-Benefit Principle, the Precautionary Principle, the Sustainability Principle, the Autonomy Principle, and (...)
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    The Effects of Reducing Preparation Time on the Execution of Intentionally Curved Trajectories: Optimization and Geometrical Analysis.Dovrat Kohen, Matan Karklinsky, Yaron Meirovitch, Tamar Flash & Lior Shmuelof - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  14. Aristotle on Geometrical Potentialities.Naoya Iwata - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (3):371-397.
    This paper examines Aristotle's discussion of the priority of actuality to potentiality in geometry at Metaphysics Θ9, 1051a21–33. Many scholars have assumed what I call the "geometrical construction" interpretation, according to which his point here concerns the relation between an inquirer's thinking and a geometrical figure. In contrast, I defend what I call the "geometrical analysis" interpretation, according to which it concerns the asymmetrical relation between geometrical propositions in which one is proved by means of (...)
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    Geometric Intuition and Elementary Constructive Analysis.Douglas S. Bridges - 1979 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 25 (33):521-523.
  16.  27
    The method of analysis: Its geometrical origin and its general significance.Richard Robinson - 1976 - Philosophical Books 17 (1):16-18.
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    The geometrical atomism of Roger Bacon.Yael Kedar - 2025 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (2):285-302.
    The paper argues that Roger Bacon adhered to a unique form of geometrical atomism, according to which elemental matter can be analysed into cubic (when at rest) or pyramidal (when in motion) portions. Bacon addressed geometrical atomism from the perspective of the Aristotelian review, using his interpretation of Aristotelian principles to render the theory plausible. He was mostly concerned with solving the contradiction between the angular shapes of the portions and the shape of the elemental spheres. His motivation (...)
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    A Geometrical Representation of the Basic Laws of Categorial Grammar.Claudia Casadio & V. Michele Abrusci - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (3):479-520.
    We present a geometrical analysis of the principles that lay at the basis of Categorial Grammar and of the Lambek Calculus. In Abrusci it is shown that the basic properties known as Residuation laws can be characterized in the framework of Cyclic Multiplicative Linear Logic, a purely non-commutative fragment of Linear Logic. We present a summary of this result and, pursuing this line of investigation, we analyze a well-known set of categorial grammar laws: Monotonicity, Application, Expansion, Type-raising, Composition, (...)
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  19. (1 other version)The Method of Analysis. Its Geometrical Origin and Its General Significance.Jaakko Hintikka & Unto Remes - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (2):205-209.
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    The method of analysis: its geometrical origin and its general significance.Jaakko Hintikka & U. Remes - 1974
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    A Phenomenological Analysis of the Perception of Geometric Illusions.Paul Richer - 1977 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 8 (2):123-135.
  22.  13
    Analysis, constructions and diagrams in classical geometry.Panza Marco - 2021 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 9 (1):181-220.
    Greek ancient and early modern geometry necessarily uses diagrams. Among other things, these enter geometrical analysis. The paper distinguishes two sorts of geometrical analysis and shows that in one of them, dubbed “intra-confgurational” analysis, some diagrams necessarily enter as outcomes of a purely material gesture, namely not as result of a codifed constructive procedure, but as result of a free-hand drawing.
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    The Method of Analysis: Its Geometrical Origin and Its General Significance.James E. Tomberlin - 1976 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 37 (1):131-132.
  24. On geometric objects, the non-existence of a gravitational stress-energy tensor, and the uniqueness of the Einstein field equation.Erik Curiel - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 66:90-102.
    The question of the existence of gravitational stress-energy in general relativity has exercised investigators in the field since the inception of the theory. Folklore has it that no adequate definition of a localized gravitational stress-energetic quantity can be given. Most arguments to that effect invoke one version or another of the Principle of Equivalence. I argue that not only are such arguments of necessity vague and hand-waving but, worse, are beside the point and do not address the heart of the (...)
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  25. "The Method of Analysis. Its Geometrical Origin and Its General Significance" por Jaakkoo Hintikka y Unto Remes.Mario H. Otero - 1976 - Dianoia 22 (22):242.
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    The Method of Analysis. Its Geometrical Origin and Its General SignificanceJaako Hintikka Unto Remes.Laura Guggenbuhl - 1977 - Isis 68 (2):308-309.
  27.  13
    Geometrical Oppositions as Coordinates for a Heraclitus’ Circular Cosmology.Tadeu Cavalcante & Gabriele Cornelli - 2024 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 45 (1):25-54.
    The doctrine of unity of opposites lays in the centre of the debate on Heraclitus’ philosophy. The present article proposes a critical analysis of the mainstream interpretation of geometrical oppositions (fragments DK 22 B 59, B 60 and B 103) as mere examples of different points of view. Instead, we suggest that these fragments are fundamental pieces in Heraclitus cosmology and that they are traces of a circular and archaic paradigm. Indeed, cyclical formulations are spread throughout the fragments (...)
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  28. Geometrical Method and Aristotle's Account of First Principles.H. D. P. Lee - 1935 - Classical Quarterly 29 (02):113-.
    The object of this paper is to show the predominance of the influence of geometrical ideas in Aristotle's account of first principles in the Posterior Analytics— to show that his analysis of first principles is in its essentials an analysis of the first principles of geometry as he conceived them. My proof of this falls into two parts. I. A consideration of the parallel between Aristotle's and Euclid's account of first principles. II. A comparison between the general (...)
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  29. A Geometrical Characterization of the Twin Paradox and its Variants.Gergely Székely - 2010 - Studia Logica 95 (1-2):161 - 182.
    The aim of this paper is to provide a logic-based conceptual analysis of the twin paradox (TwP) theorem within a first-order logic framework. A geometrical characterization of TwP and its variants is given. It is shown that TwP is not logically equivalent to the assumption of the slowing down of moving clocks, and the lack of TwP is not logically equivalent to the Newtonian assumption of absolute time. The logical connection between TwP and a symmetry axiom of special (...)
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    The Method of Analysis: Its Geometrical Origin and Its General Significance. [REVIEW]Ian Mueller - 1976 - Journal of Philosophy 73 (6):158-162.
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  31. Geometrical aspects of local gauge symmetry.Alexandre Guay - 2004
    This paper is an analysis of the geometrical interpretation of local gauge symmetry for theories of the Yang-Mills type.
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  32. Geometric model of gravity, counterfactual solar mass, and the Pioneer anomalies.Andrew Holster - manuscript
    This study analyses the predictions of the General Theory of Relativity (GTR) against a slightly modified version of the standard central mass solution (Schwarzschild solution). It is applied to central gravity in the solar system, the Pioneer spacecraft anomalies (which GTR fails to predict correctly), and planetary orbit distances and times, etc (where GTR is thought consistent.) -/- The modified gravity equation was motivated by a theory originally called ‘TFP’ (Time Flow Physics, 2004). This is now replaced by the ‘Geometric (...)
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  33.  43
    (1 other version)The geometrical basis of arithmetical knowledge: Frege & Dehaene.Sorin Costreie - 2018 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 33 (2):361-370.
    Frege writes in Numbers and Arithmetic about kindergarten-numbers and “an a priori mode of cognition” that they may have “a geometrical source.” This resembles recent findings on arithmetical cognition. In my paper, I explore this resemblance between Gottlob Frege’s later position concerning the geometrical source of arithmetical knowledge, and some current positions in the literature dedicated to arithmetical cognition, especially that of Stanislas Dehaene. In my analysis, I shall try to mainly see to what extent logicism is (...)
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    Mechanistic Images in Geometric Form: Heinrich Hertz's 'Principles of Mechanics'.Jesper Lützen - 2005 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book gives an analysis of Hertz's posthumously published Principles of Mechanics in its philosophical, physical and mathematical context. In a period of heated debates about the true foundation of physical sciences, Hertz's book was conceived and highly regarded as an original and rigorous foundation for a mechanistic research program. Insisting that a law-like account of nature would require hypothetical unobservables, Hertz viewed physical theories as images of the world rather than the true design behind the phenomena. This paved (...)
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  35. Plato on Geometrical Hypothesis in the Meno.Naoya Iwata - 2015 - Apeiron 48 (1):1-20.
    This paper examines the second geometrical problem in the Meno. Its purpose is to explore the implication of Cook Wilson’s interpretation, which has been most widely accepted by scholars, in relation to the nature of hypothesis. I argue that (a) the geometrical hypothesis in question is a tentative answer to a more basic problem, which could not be solved by available methods at that time, and that (b) despite the temporary nature of a hypothesis, there is a rational (...)
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  36. Geometric cardinal invariants, maximal functions and a measure theoretic pigeonhole principle.Juris Steprāns - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (4):517-525.
    It is shown to be consistent with set theory that every set of reals of size ℵ1 is null yet there are ℵ1 planes in Euclidean 3-space whose union is not null. Similar results will be obtained for other geometric objects. The proof relies on results from harmonic analysis about the boundedness of certain harmonic functions and a measure theoretic pigeonhole principle.
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    Geometrization of the physics with teleparallelism. II. Towards a fully geometric Dirac equation.José G. Vargas, Douglas G. Torr & Alvaro Lecompte - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (4):527-547.
    In an accompanying paper (I), it is shown that the basic equations of the theory of Lorentzian connections with teleparallelism (TP) acquire standard forms of physical field equations upon removal of the constraints represented by the Bianchi identities. A classical physical theory results that supersedes general relativity and Maxwell-Lorentz electrodynamics if the connection is viewed as Finslerian. The theory also encompasses a short-range, strong, classical interaction. It has, however, an open end, since the source side of the torsion field equation (...)
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  38.  16
    Logical and Geometrical Distance in Polyhedral Aristotelian Diagrams in Knowledge Representation.Lorenz6 Demey & Hans5 Smessaert - 2017 - Symmetry 9 (10).
    © 2017 by the authors. Aristotelian diagrams visualize the logical relations among a finite set of objects. These diagrams originated in philosophy, but recently, they have also been used extensively in artificial intelligence, in order to study various knowledge representation formalisms. In this paper, we develop the idea that Aristotelian diagrams can be fruitfully studied as geometrical entities. In particular, we focus on four polyhedral Aristotelian diagrams for the Boolean algebra B4, viz. the rhombic dodecahedron, the tetrakis hexahedron, the (...)
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    Self-accommodation of B19′ martensite in Ti–Ni shape memory alloys. Part III. Analysis of habit plane variant clusters by the geometrically nonlinear theory.T. Inamura, T. Nishiura, H. Kawano, H. Hosoda & M. Nishida - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (17):2247-2263.
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    Building the Stemma Codicum of Geometrical Diagrams. A Treatise on Optics by Ibn al-Haytham as a Test Case.Dominique Raynaud - 2014 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 68 (2):207-239.
    In view of the progress made in recent decades in the fields of stemmatology and the analysis of geometric diagrams, the present article explores the possibility of establishing the stemma codicum of a handwritten tradition from geometric diagrams alone. This exploratory method is tested on Ibn al-Haytham’s Epistle on the Shape of the Eclipse, because this work has not yet been issued in a critical edition. Separate stemmata were constructed on the basis of the diagrams and the text, and (...)
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  41.  13
    Graphical Choices and Geometrical Thought in the Transmission of Theodosius’ Spherics from Antiquity to the Renaissance.Michela Malpangotto - 2009 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 64 (1):75-112.
    Spherical geometry studies the sphere not simply as a solid object in itself, but chiefly as the spatial context of the elements which interact on it in a complex three-dimensional arrangement. This compels to establish graphical conventions appropriate for rendering on the same plane—the plane of the diagram itself—the spatial arrangement of the objects under consideration. We will investigate such “graphical choices” made in the Theodosius’ Spherics from antiquity to the Renaissance. Rather than undertaking a minute analysis of every (...)
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  42.  22
    Situating the Debate on “Geometrical Algebra” within the Framework of Premodern Algebra.Michalis Sialaros & Jean Christianidis - 2016 - Science in Context 29 (2):129-150.
    ArgumentThe aim of this paper is to employ the newly contextualized historiographical category of “premodern algebra” in order to revisit the arguably most controversial topic of the last decades in the field of Greek mathematics, namely the debate on “geometrical algebra.” Within this framework, we shift focus from the discrepancy among the views expressed in the debate to some of the historiographical assumptions and methodological approaches that the opposing sides shared. Moreover, by using a series of propositions related toElem.II.5 (...)
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  43.  52
    Information Graph Flow: A Geometric Approximation of Quantum and Statistical Systems.Vitaly Vanchurin - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (6):636-653.
    Given a quantum system with a very large number of degrees of freedom and a preferred tensor product factorization of the Hilbert space we describe how it can be approximated with a very low-dimensional field theory with geometric degrees of freedom. The geometric approximation procedure consists of three steps. The first step is to construct weighted graphs with vertices representing subsystems and edges representing mutual information between subsystems. The second step is to deform the adjacency matrices of the information graphs (...)
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  44.  39
    Barrow, Leibniz and the Geometrical Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of the Calculus.Michael Nauenberg - 2014 - Annals of Science 71 (3):335-354.
    SummaryIn 1693, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz published in the Acta Eruditorum a geometrical proof of the fundamental theorem of the calculus. It is shown that this proof closely resembles Isaac Barrow's proof in Proposition 11, Lecture 10, of his Lectiones Geometricae, published in 1670. This comparison provides evidence that Leibniz gained substantial help from Barrow's book in formulating and presenting his geometrical formulation of this theorem. The analysis herein also supports the work of J. M. Child, who in (...)
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  45.  12
    Spatial diagrams and geometrical reasoning in the theater.Irit Degani-Raz - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (239):177-200.
    This article offers an analysis of the cognitive role of diagrammatic movements in the theater. Based on the recognition of a theatrical work’s inherent ability to provide new insights concerning reality, the article concentrates on the way by which actors’ movements on stage create spatial diagrams that can provide new insights into the spectators’ world. The suggested model of theater’s epistemology results from a combination of Charles S. Peirce’s doctrine of diagrammatic reasoning and David Lewis’s theoretical account of the (...)
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    The Concept of Analysis in Comte’s Philosophy of Mathematics.Warren Schmaus - 1982 - Philosophy Research Archives 8:205-222.
    This paper traces August Comte’s attempts to get clear about the concept of mathematical analysis at various stages in his intellectual development. Comte was especially concerned with distinguishing a method of analysis for the resolution of complex prolems from analysis in the sense of a method of drawing inferences. Geometrical analysis serves as his model for the former. In his attempt to get clear about this notion, he discovers an historical succession of different methods all (...)
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  47. Plato and the Method of Analysis.Stephen Menn - 2002 - Phronesis 47 (3):193-223.
    Late ancient Platonists and Aristotelians describe the method of reasoning to first principles as "analysis." This is a metaphor from geometrical practice. How far back were philosophers taking geometric analysis as a model for philosophy, and what work did they mean this model to do? After giving a logical description of analysis in geometry, and arguing that the standard (not entirely accurate) late ancient logical description of analysis was already familiar in the time of Plato (...)
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  48.  43
    On Euclidean diagrams and geometrical knowledge.Tamires Dal Magro & Manuel J. García-Pérez - 2019 - Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science 34 (2):255.
    We argue against the claim that the employment of diagrams in Euclidean geometry gives rise to gaps in the proofs. First, we argue that it is a mistake to evaluate its merits through the lenses of Hilbert’s formal reconstruction. Second, we elucidate the abilities employed in diagram-based inferences in the Elements and show that diagrams are mathematically reputable tools. Finally, we complement our analysis with a review of recent experimental results purporting to show that, not only is the Euclidean (...)
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    Extrafoveal Processing in Categorical Search for Geometric Shapes: General Tendencies and Individual Variations.Anna Dreneva, Anna Shvarts, Dmitry Chumachenko & Anatoly Krichevets - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (8):e13025.
    The paper addresses the capabilities and limitations of extrafoveal processing during a categorical visual search. Previous research has established that a target could be identified from the very first or without any saccade, suggesting that extrafoveal perception is necessarily involved. However, the limits in complexity defining the processed information are still not clear. We performed four experiments with a gradual increase of stimuli complexity to determine the role of extrafoveal processing in searching for the categorically defined geometric shape. The series (...)
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  50.  30
    Bending the law: geometric tools for quantifying influence in the multinetwork of legal opinions.Greg Leibon, Michael Livermore, Reed Harder, Allen Riddell & Dan Rockmore - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (2):145-167.
    Legal reasoning requires identification through search of authoritative legal texts (such as statutes, constitutions, or prior judicial opinions) that apply to a given legal question. In this paper, using a network representation of US Supreme Court opinions that integrates citation connectivity and topical similarity, we model the activity of law search as an organizing principle in the evolution of the corpus of legal texts. The network model and (parametrized) probabilistic search behavior generates a Pagerank-style ranking of the texts that in (...)
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