Results for 'hogs'

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  1.  7
    Die anthropologische Ästhetik Arnold Gehlens und Helmuth Plessners: Entlastung der Kunst und Kunst der Entlastung.Michael Hog - 2015 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Seit dem 18. Jahrhundert gibt es zahlreiche theoretische Versuche, Asthetik und Kunst als Wesensmerkmale des Menschen auszuweisen. Aber erst mit der Entwicklung der modernen philosophischen Anthropologie im 20. Jahrhundert gelang es, philosophische, soziologische und naturwissenschaftliche Aspekte zu einem uberzeugenden Gesamtkonzept zu verknupfen. Dabei sind erstaunlicherweise die einschlagigen Reflexionen der beiden profiliertesten Vertreter der philosophischen Anthropologie, Arnold Gehlens und Helmuth Plessners, bisher kaum zur Kenntnis genommen worden, obwohl sie sich zeitlebens mit asthetischen und kunstgeschichtlichen Fragen beschaftigt haben. Michael Hog untersucht die (...)
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    Hog in Sloth, Fox in Stealth: Man and Beast in Moral Thinking.John Benson - 1974 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 8:265-280.
    Human beings find themselves sharing the world with a great variety of other animals. Besides using them in various ways, we think about them and compare ourselves with them, and it is hard to envisage the difference it would make to our understanding of ourselves if they were not there. For one thing we should not have the concept of the human species, and that human beings should be thought of, however theoretically, as all belonging to one species is of (...)
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    Michael Hog, Die anthropologische Ästhetik Arnold Gehlens und Helmuth Plessners. Entlastung der Kunst und Kunst der Entlastung (= Philosophische Untersuchungen, Bd. 36).Thomas Dworschak - 2017 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 124 (1):134-137.
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  4. Should we genetically engineer hogs?Gary Comstock - 1992 - Between the Species 8 (4):5.
    The paper argues that we should not genetically engineer hogs to suit the preferences of farmers and consumers.
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  5. Strings, Physies and Hogs Bristles: Names, Species and Classification in Locke.Allison Kuklok - 2018 - Locke Studies 18:1-27.
    It is often claimed that classification, on Locke’s view, proceeds by attending to similarities between things, and it is widely argued that nothing about the sensible similarities between things determines how we are to sort them, in which case sorting substances at the phenomenal level must be arbitrary. However, acquaintance with the “internal” or hidden qualities of substances might yet reveal objective boundaries. Citing what I refer to as the Watch passage in Locke’s Essay (henceforth Watches), many commentators claim that (...)
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  6.  51
    Higher-order global states (HOGS) An alternative higher-order model.Robert Van Gulick - 2004 - In Rocco J. Gennaro (ed.), Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness: An Anthology. John Benjamins. pp. 67.
  7. Mental Privacy, Cognitive Liberty, and Hog-tying.Parker Crutchfield - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-16.
    As the science and technology of the brain and mind develop, so do the ways in which brains and minds may be surveilled and manipulated. Some cognitive libertarians worry that these developments undermine cognitive liberty, or “freedom of thought.” I argue that protecting an individual’s cognitive liberty undermines others’ ability to use their own cognitive liberty. Given that the threatening devices and processes are not relevantly different from ordinary and frequent intrusions upon one’s brain and mind, strong protections of cognitive (...)
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  8.  23
    A Combined Prediction Model for Hog Futures Prices Based on WOA-LightGBM-CEEMDAN.Xiang Wang, Shen Gao, Yibin Guo, Shiyu Zhou, Yonghui Duan & Daqing Wu - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-15.
    An integrated hog futures price forecasting model based on whale optimization algorithm, LightGBM, and Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise is proposed to overcome the limitations of a single machine learning model with low prediction accuracy and insufficient model stability. The simulation process begins with a grey correlation analysis of the hog futures price index system in order to identify influencing factors; after that, the WOA-LightGBM model is developed, and the WOA algorithm is used to optimize the LightGBM (...)
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    The state, hog hotels, and the "right to farm": A curious relationship. [REVIEW]Laura B. DeLind - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12 (3):34-44.
    A grassroots protest against a large-scale confinement swine facility in Jackson Country, Michigan resulted in an out-of-court settlement that redressed the concerns of local residents. At the same time, the protest was instrumental in modifying state-level legislation to secure greater legal protection for intensive animal agriculture. The paper traces this ironic turn of events. Original efforts to regulate industrial agriculture were publicly reinterpreted by agribusiness as an assault on the "right to farm" of all farmers, regardless of scale and organizational (...)
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  10.  42
    We should not manipulate the genome of domestic hogs.Steve F. Sapontzis - 1991 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 4 (2):177-185.
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  11. Biology and Authority in Industrial US Contract Hog Production.Fecal Free - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (1):79-93.
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    Aristotle and Egoism in Ground Hog Day.Joseph Kupfer - 1997 - Film and Philosophy 4:38-46.
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    Feminist Emancipatory Discourse from Astell's `Hog-Tending' through de Beauvoir's `Complicity' to Nussbaum's `Human Capabilities'.Viki Soady & Helen Wishart - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (3):281-290.
    Even after two millennia, through her adherence to the Hegelian/sartrean model of transcendence versus immanence, Simone de Beauvoir perpetuated the valorization of male risk-taking over the creation and nurture of life, obligations she assigned solely to the female. Nonetheless, her dispassionate, meticulous, phenomenological description of women's lived experience in The Second Sex, combined with her insistence that women, in spite of their oppression, must choose to become subjects, to `engage in freely chosen projects', has spurred contemporary feminist theorists to expand (...)
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  14.  16
    Isolated Handwritten Pashto Character Recognition Using a K-NN Classification Tool based on Zoning and HOG Feature Extraction Techniques.Juanjuan Huang, Ihtisham Ul Haq, Chaolan Dai, Sulaiman Khan, Shah Nazir & Muhammad Imtiaz - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Handwritten text recognition is considered as the most challenging task for the research community due to slight change in different characters’ shape in handwritten documents. The unavailability of a standard dataset makes it vaguer in nature for the researchers to work on. To address these problems, this paper presents an optical character recognition system for the recognition of offline Pashto characters. The problem of the unavailability of a standard handwritten Pashto characters database is addressed by developing a medium-sized database of (...)
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  15.  49
    It is morally permissible to manipulate the genome of domestic hogs.Charles Blatz - 1991 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 4 (2):166-176.
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  16.  72
    The effects of the industrialization of US livestock agriculture on promoting sustainable production practices.C. Clare Hinrichs & Rick Welsh - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (2):125-141.
    US livestock agriculture hasdeveloped and intensified according to a strictproductionist model that emphasizes industrialefficiency. Sustainability problems associatedwith this model have become increasinglyevident and more contested. Traditionalapproaches to promoting sustainable agriculturehave emphasized education and outreach toencourage on-farm adoption of alternativeproduction systems. Such efforts build on anunderlying assumption that farmers areempowered to make decisions regarding theorganization and management of theiroperations. However, as vertical coordinationin agriculture continues, especially in theanimal agriculture sectors, this assumptionbecomes less valid. This paper examines how thechanging industrial structure in (...)
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  17.  72
    Fecal free: Biology and authority in industrialized Midwestern pork production. [REVIEW]Ronald Rich - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (1):79-93.
    Ethnographically, “fecal free” is a lexical marker that invokes a form of industrialized swine husbandry used in large-scale confinement hog production. Using participant observation and interview research with Illinois contract hog producers, I explore the basis of this husbandry in the biological fragility of confinement hogs. Rather than biology being a simplistic “state of nature,” as it was in early neo-Marxist and populist studies of the 1970s, the frailty of confinement hogs suggests that industrial hog biology is a (...)
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  18.  13
    The Food Sharing Revolution: How Start-Ups, Pop-Ups, and Co-Ops Are Changing the Way We Eat.Michael S. Carolan - 2018 - Island Press/Center for Resource Economics.
    Marvin is a contract hog farmer in Iowa. He owns his land, his barn, his tractor, and his animal crates. He has seen profits drop steadily for the last twenty years and feels trapped. Josh is a dairy farmer on a cooperative in Massachusetts. He doesn’t own his cows, his land, his seed, or even all of his equipment. Josh has a healthy income and feels like he’s made it. In The Food Sharing Revolution, Michael Carolan tells the stories of (...)
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  19. Vegetarianism.Stuart Rachels - unknown
    1. Animal Cruelty Industrial farming is appallingly abusive to animals. Pigs. In America, nine-tenths of pregnant sows live in “gestation crates. ” These pens are so small that the animals can barely move. When the sows are first crated, they may flail around, in an attempt to get out. But soon they give up. Crated pigs often show signs of depression: they engage meaningless, repetitive behavior, like chewing the air or biting the bars of the stall. The sows live like (...)
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  20.  43
    Care Theory and "caring" systems of agriculture.Janel M. Curry - 2002 - Agriculture and Human Values 19 (2):119-131.
    Care Theory is a growing schoolof ethics that starts with the assumption ofthe relational nature of human beings. Incontrast, the dominant assumption of theautonomous view of human nature has made itdifficult to integrate ``relational'' aspects ofreality into the realm of political actionrelated to agriculture. Variables such ascommunity attachment, community vitality andrichness, and environmental ``fit'' cannot beincorporated into policy because such variablesare perceived to be tainted by ``attachment,''and compromise rational judgement. Feministagricultural theorists parallel Care Theory andhave the potential of extending Care (...)
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  21.  59
    Pigs and People: Sociological Perspectives on the Discipline of Nonhuman Animals in Intensive Confinement.Joel Novek - 2005 - Society and Animals 13 (3):221-244.
    Highly concentrated intensive confinement systems have become the norm in agriculture concerning nonhuman animals. These systems have provoked a lively debate from an animal welfare perspective. Sociologists can contribute to this debate by drawing parallels between the institutional regulation of human beings and of animals under confinement. Results of research on the transformation of Canadian hog production from the 1950s to the present—based on the evolution of plans for sow housing produced by the Canada Plan Service—showed a much tighter compression (...)
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  22. Motivating objective bayesianism: From empirical constraints to objective probabilities.Jon Williamson - manuscript
    Kyburg goes half-way towards objective Bayesianism. He accepts that frequencies constrain rational belief to an interval but stops short of isolating an optimal degree of belief within this interval. I examine the case for going the whole hog.
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  23.  37
    Environmental Ethics in the Midwest: Interdisciplinary Approaches.Ian Smith & Matt Ferkany (eds.) - 2022 - Michigan State University Press.
    This volume brings scholarly attention to the Midwest and to how broader concerns of environmental ethics manifest. Consisting of eight essays, a wide range of topics is covered, such as agrarian ethics and Stoicism, the Dakota access pipeline and Indigenous women's activism, philosophy of law and species classification, environmental justice and the Flint water crisis, hog farming and anti-microbial drug resistance, science education standards and climate change education, virtue ethics and ecological restoration, and environmental pragmatism and the Clear Water Act; (...)
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  24. Sokratisk dialog som pedagogisk metod.Erik Persson - 2015 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 2015 (2):13-19.
    Sokrates var inte bara en filosofisk nydanare. Genom sitt sätt att involvera sina samtalspartners i den filosofiska processen var han också i hög utsträckning en pedagogisk nydanare. Hans pedagogiska grundidé var den så kallade majeutiska metoden – det vill säga ”barnmorskemetoden”. Med det menade han att han inte överförde sina egna färdiga tankar till den han talade med utan han hjälpte sin samtalspartner att föda sina egna tankar. Inom pedagogiken är det vanligt att använda den så kallade ”Sokratiska metoden” vilket (...)
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  25.  16
    Against Ag Biotech.Gary L. Comstock - 2000 - In L. Comstock Gary (ed.), Vexing Nature?: On the Ethical Case Against Agricultural Biotechnology. Boston: Kluwer. pp. 139-173.
    When Francis Bacon declared his intent to torment and interfere with nature, he probably did not envision sickly experimental hogs with human genes. But the Baconian desire to understand nature and place “her” at our command has entrenched itself in our collective psyche, and the bioengineering epoch has enabled us to impose our desires in ways Bacon could not have imagined. In so doing, have we stepped over the bounds of decency?
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    Image Recognition and Simulation Based on Distributed Artificial Intelligence.Tao Fan - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    This paper studies the traditional target classification and recognition algorithm based on Histogram of Oriented Gradients feature extraction and Support Vector Machine classification and applies this algorithm to distributed artificial intelligence image recognition. Due to the huge number of images, the general detection speed cannot meet the requirements. We have improved the HOG feature extraction algorithm. Using principal component analysis to perform dimensionality reduction operations on HOG features and doing distributed artificial intelligence image recognition experiments, the results show that the (...)
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  27.  65
    Economic impact and public costs of confined animal feeding operations at the parcel level of Craven County, North Carolina.Jungik Kim, Peter Goldsmith & Michael H. Thomas - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (1):29-42.
    Conflicts have arisen between communities and operators of confined animal feeding as farms have become bigger in order to maintain their competitiveness. These conflicts have been difficult to resolve because measuring and allocating the benefits and costs of livestock production is difficult. This papers demonstrates a policy tool for promoting compromise whereby the community gets reduced negative impacts from livestock while at the same time continues to benefit from livestock jobs, taxes, and related economic activity. Public economic benefits and public (...)
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  28.  14
    From Parnassus to Eden.Christopher Michael McDonough - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (2):297-301.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From Parnassus to EdenChristopher McDonoughFor Rebekah SmithIn these pages some seven years ago, Robert Renehan (1992) discussed the passage from book 19 of the Odyssey in which the young Odysseus’ cousins sing a healing incantation over his wound in the wilderness of Mount Parnassus. 1 Renehan was specifically interested in bringing to light the Old Irish comparanda, so as to display the Indo-European roots of this particular form of (...)
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    Andras perspektiv.Peter Pagin - unknown
    I sin uppsats "Satsens subjekt och textens"2 ger Staffan Hellberg en översikt över vad han kallat empatimarkörer (alternativt ‘perspektivmarkörer’, sid 2) i berättande prosa. Grundidén, så som jag förstått den, är att en empatimarkör visar på en viss typ av förändring av berättarperspektivet. Hellberg skriver: Det är vanligt, för att inte säga normalt, i modern berättarteknik, att händelseförloppet upplevs genom en deltagande persons sinnen eller på annat sätt behandlas ur dennes synvinkel.3 Utgångspunkten är att en berättelse återges på ett för (...)
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    Stress signaling in yeast.Helmut Ruis & Christoph Schüller - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (11):959-965.
    In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae three positive transcriptional control elements are activated by stress conditions: heat shock elements (HSEs), stress response elements (STREs) and AP‐1 responsive elements (AREs). HSEs bind heat shock transcription factor (HSF), which is activated by stress conditions causing accumulation of abnormal proteins. STREs mediate transcriptional activation by multiple stress conditions. They are controlled by high osmolarity via the HOG signal pathway, which comprises a MAP kinase module and a two‐component system homologous to prokaryotic signal transducers. AREs (...)
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  31.  9
    Thought and incarnation in Hegel.Stephen Theron - 2020 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    "God became man that man might become God. This thought, expressed in terms of a sharing of natures, human and divine, is to be found in the most ancient Christian liturgies and still in use, at the Offertory typically. This book shows how Hegel fleshes this thought out, shorn though of picture-language, in conscious or less-than-conscious continuity with this Biblical belief in the power to become the sons of God. This involves some stripping away of the false fleshliness cast over (...)
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  32.  7
    Nature and conduct.Richard Stanley Peters (ed.) - 1975 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Bambrough, R. Essay on man.--Quinton, A. Has man an essence?--Warnock, G. J. Kant and anthropology.--Honderich, T. On inequality and violence, and the differences we make between them.--Cherry, C. Agreement, objectivity and the sentiment of humanity in morals.--Gregory, I. Psycho-analysis, human nature and human conduct.--Gosling, J. The natural supremacy of conscience.--Scruton, R. Reason and happiness.--Wollheim, R. Needs, desires, and moral turpitude.--Hollis, M. My role and its duties.--Watkins, J. Three views concerning human freedom.--Letwin, S. R. Nature, history, and morality.--Passmore, J. Attitudes to (...)
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  33. Far-Persons.Gary Comstock - 2017 - In Woodhall Andrew & Garmendia da Trindade Gabriel (eds.), Ethics and/or Politics: Approaching the Issues Concerning Nonhuman Animals. Palgrave. pp. 39-71.
    I argue for the moral relevance of a category of individuals I characterize as far-persons. Following Gary Varner, I distinguish near-persons, animals with a " robust autonoetic consciousness " but lacking an adult human's " biographical sense of self, " from the merely sentient, those animals living "entirely in the present." I note the possibility of a third class. Far-persons lack a biographical sense of self, possess a weak autonoetic consciousness, and are able to travel mentally through time a distance (...)
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  34.  49
    Alternatives, traditions, and diversity in agriculture.Anna Peterson - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (1):95-106.
    This review essay examines several recentbooks about agriculture, including two books on thelinks between cultural and biological diversity intraditional agriculture, two books on the US farmcrisis, and a collected volume examining globalaspects of agricultural restructuring andsustainability. Finally, a history of ``alternative''agriculture provides a framework for thinking aboutthe ways the different cases shed light on the complexrelations between tradition and innovation inagriculture. A historical perspective highlights theextent to which ``alternative'' is a relative term. Themonocrop, ``factory'' mode that dominate US agriculturetoday certainly (...)
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