Results for 'infinite sets'

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  1.  88
    Infinite set unification with application to categorial grammar.Jacek Marciniec - 1997 - Studia Logica 58 (3):339-355.
    In this paper the notion of unifier is extended to the infinite set case. The proof of existence of the most general unifier of any infinite, unifiable set of types (terms) is presented. Learning procedure, based on infinite set unification, is described.
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    Why Believe Infinite Sets Exist?Andrei Mărăşoiu - 2018 - Axiomathes 28 (4):447-460.
    The axiom of infinity states that infinite sets exist. I will argue that this axiom lacks justification. I start by showing that the axiom is not self-evident, so it needs separate justification. Following Maddy’s :481–511, 1988) distinction, I argue that the axiom of infinity lacks both intrinsic and extrinsic justification. Crucial to my project is Skolem’s From Frege to Gödel: a source book in mathematical logic, 1879–1931, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, pp. 290–301, 1922) distinction between a theory of (...)
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    (1 other version)The unconscious as infinite sets: an essay in bi-logic.Ignacio Matte Blanco - 1975 - London: Duckworth.
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    Infinite sets of nonequivalent modalities.Fabio Bellissima - 1989 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 30 (4):574-582.
  5.  22
    Infinite sets that Satisfy the Principle of Omniscience in any Variety of Constructive Mathematics.Martín H. Escardó - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (3):764-784.
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    The Nuisance Principle in Infinite Settings.Sean C. Ebels-Duggan - 2015 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 4 (4):263-268.
    Neo-Fregeans have been troubled by the Nuisance Principle, an abstraction principle that is consistent but not jointly satisfiable with the favored abstraction principle HP. We show that logically this situation persists if one looks at joint consistency rather than satisfiability: under a modest assumption about infinite concepts, NP is also inconsistent with HP.
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    Probability and Infinite Sets.Thomas Bittner - 1993 - Cogito 7 (2):150-152.
  8. Luck and Proportions of Infinite Sets.Roger Clarke - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (7):2947-2949.
    In this note, I point out a mathematically well-defined way of non-trivially comparing the sizes of uncountable sets of equal cardinality.
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    Finite sets and infinite sets in weak intuitionistic arithmetic.Takako Nemoto - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (5-6):607-657.
    In this paper, we consider, for a set \ of natural numbers, the following notions of finitenessFIN1:There are a natural number l and a bijection f between \\);FIN5:It is not the case that \\), and infinitenessINF1:There are not a natural number l and a bijection f between \\);INF5:\\). In this paper, we systematically compare them in the method of constructive reverse mathematics. We show that the equivalence among them can be characterized by various combinations of induction axioms and non-constructive principles, (...)
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    Quantitative relations between infinite sets.Robert Bunn - 1977 - Annals of Science 34 (2):177-191.
    Given the old conception of the relation greater than, the proposition that the whole is greater than the part is an immediate consequence. But being greater in this sense is not incompatible with being equal in the sense of one-one correspondence. Some who failed to recognize this formulated invalid arguments against the possibility of infinite quantities. Others who did realize that the relations of equal and greater when so defined are compatible, concluded that such relations are not appropriately taken (...)
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  11.  44
    Syllogistic Logic with Cardinality Comparisons, on Infinite Sets.Lawrence S. Moss & Selçuk Topal - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (1):1-22.
    This article enlarges classical syllogistic logic with assertions having to do with comparisons between the sizes of sets. So it concerns a logical system whose sentences are of the following forms: Allxareyand Somexarey, There are at least as manyxasy, and There are morexthany. Herexandyrange over subsets (not elements) of a giveninfiniteset. Moreover,xandymay appear complemented (i.e., as$\bar{x}$and$\bar{y}$), with the natural meaning. We formulate a logic for our language that is based on the classical syllogistic. The main result is a soundness/completeness (...)
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  12.  34
    Combinatorial designs on infinite sets.William J. Frascella - 1967 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 8 (1-2):27-47.
  13. A crash course in the mathematics of infinite sets.Peter Suber - unknown
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    An early fifteenth century discussion of infinite sets.E. J. Ashworth - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (2):232-234.
  15.  62
    Monotone reducibility and the family of infinite sets.Douglas Cenzer - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (3):774-782.
    Let A and B be subsets of the space 2 N of sets of natural numbers. A is said to be Wadge reducible to B if there is a continuous map Φ from 2 N into 2 N such that A = Φ -1 (B); A is said to be monotone reducible to B if in addition the map Φ is monotone, that is, $a \subset b$ implies $\Phi (a) \subset \Phi(b)$ . The set A is said to be (...)
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    A set mapping with no infinite free subsets.P. Komjáth - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1400 - 1402.
    It is consistent that there exists a set mapping $F: \lbrack\omega_2\rbrack^2 \rightarrow \lbrack\omega_2\rbrack^{<\omega}$ such that $F(\alpha, \beta) \subseteq \alpha$ for $\alpha < \beta < \omega_2$ and there is no infinite free subset for F. This solves a problem of A. Hajnal and A. Mate.
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  17.  27
    A stronger theorem concerning the non-existence of combinatorial designs on infinite sets.William J. Frascella - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (4):554-558.
  18.  21
    Certain counterexamples to the construction of combinatorial designs on infinite sets.William J. Frascella - 1971 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 12 (4):461-466.
  19.  20
    The non-existence of a certain combinatorial design on an infinite set.William J. Frascella - 1969 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 10 (3):317-323.
  20. The Infinite as Method in Set Theory and Mathematics.Akihiro Kanamori - 2009 - Ontology Studies: Cuadernos de Ontología:31-41.
    Este artículo da cuenta de la aparición histórica de lo infinito en la teoría de conjuntos, y de cómo lo tratamos dentro y fuera de las matemáticas. La primera sección analiza el surgimiento de lo infinito como una cuestión de método en la teoría de conjuntos. La segunda sección analiza el infinito dentro y fuera de las matemáticas, y cómo deben adoptarse. This article address the historical emergence of the infinite in set theory, and how we are to take (...)
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  21.  71
    Infinite lotteries, large and small sets.Luc Lauwers - 2017 - Synthese 194 (6):2203-2209.
    One result of this note is about the nonconstructivity of countably infinite lotteries: even if we impose very weak conditions on the assignment of probabilities to subsets of natural numbers we cannot prove the existence of such assignments constructively, i.e., without something such as the axiom of choice. This is a corollary to a more general theorem about large-small filters, a concept that extends the concept of free ultrafilters. The main theorem is that proving the existence of large-small filters (...)
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  22. Infinite Opinion Sets and Relative Accuracy.Ilho Park & Jaemin Jung - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy 120 (6):285-313.
    We can have credences in an infinite number of propositions—that is, our opinion set can be infinite. Accuracy-first epistemologists have devoted themselves to evaluating credal states with the help of the concept of ‘accuracy’. Unfortunately, under several innocuous assumptions, infinite opinion sets yield several undesirable results, some of which are even fatal, to accuracy-first epistemology. Moreover, accuracy-first epistemologists cannot circumvent these difficulties in any standard way. In this regard, we will suggest a non-standard approach, called a (...)
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    A stronger definition of a recursively infinite set.Charles H. Applebaum - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (3):411-412.
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  24. On Accuracy and Coherence with Infinite Opinion Sets.Mikayla Kelley - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (1):92-128.
    There is a well-known equivalence between avoiding accuracy dominance and having probabilistically coherent credences (see, e.g., de Finetti 1974, Joyce 2009, Predd et al. 2009, Pettigrew 2016). However, this equivalence has been established only when the set of propositions on which credence functions are defined is finite. In this paper, I establish connections between accuracy dominance and coherence when credence functions are defined on an infinite set of propositions. In particular, I establish the necessary results to extend the classic (...)
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  25.  30
    Set theory influenced logic, both through its semantics, by expanding the possible models of various theories and by the formal definition of a model; and through its syntax, by allowing for logical languages in which formulas can be infinite in length or in which the number of symbols is uncountable.Truth Definitions - 1998 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (3).
  26.  23
    The Higher Infinite: Large Cardinals in Set Theory from Their Beginnings.Akihiro Kanamori - 1994 - Springer.
    This is the softcover reprint of the very popular hardcover edition. The theory of large cardinals is currently a broad mainstream of modern set theory, the main area of investigation for the analysis of the relative consistency of mathematical propositions and possible new axioms for mathematics. The first of a projected multi-volume series, this book provides a comprehensive account of the theory of large cardinals from its beginnings and some of the direct outgrowths leading to the frontiers of contemporary research. (...)
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  27.  29
    Randomness via infinite computation and effective descriptive set theory.Merlin Carl & Philipp Schlicht - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (2):766-789.
    We study randomness beyond${\rm{\Pi }}_1^1$-randomness and its Martin-Löf type variant, which was introduced in [16] and further studied in [3]. Here we focus on a class strictly between${\rm{\Pi }}_1^1$and${\rm{\Sigma }}_2^1$that is given by the infinite time Turing machines introduced by Hamkins and Kidder. The main results show that the randomness notions associated with this class have several desirable properties, which resemble those of classical random notions such as Martin-Löf randomness and randomness notions defined via effective descriptive set theory such (...)
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  28. The Power-Set Theorem and the Continuum Hypothesis: A Dialogue concerning Infinite Number.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2016 - Amazon Digital Services LLC.
    The nature of of Infinite Number is discussed in a rigorous but easy-to-follow manner. Special attention is paid to Cantor's proof that any given set has more subsets than members, and it is discussed how this fact bears on the question: How many infinite numbers are there? This work is ideal for people with little or no background in set theory who would like an introduction to the mathematics of the infinite.
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    (1 other version)On infinite size.Bruno Whittle - 2015 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 9:3-19.
    This chapter challenges Cantor’s notion of the ‘power’, or ‘cardinality’, of an infinite set. According to Cantor, two infinite sets have the same cardinality if and only if there is a one-to-one correspondence between them. Cantor showed that there are infinite sets that do not have the same cardinality in this sense. Further, he took this result to show that there are infinite sets of different sizes. This has become the standard understanding of (...)
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  30. A Δ20 set with no infinite low subset in either it or its complement.Rod Downey, Denis R. Hirschfeldt, Steffen Lempp & Reed Solomon - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1371-1381.
    We construct the set of the title, answering a question of Cholak, Jockusch, and Slaman [1], and discuss its connections with the study of the proof-theoretic strength and effective content of versions of Ramsey's Theorem. In particular, our result implies that every ω-model of RCA 0 + SRT 2 2 must contain a nonlow set.
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    Finite Contractions on Infinite Belief Sets.Sven Ove Hansson - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (5):907-920.
    Contractions on belief sets that have no finite representation cannot be finite in the sense that only a finite number of sentences is removed. However, such contractions can be delimited so that the actual change takes place in a logically isolated, finite-based part of the belief set. A construction that answers to this principle is introduced, and is axiomatically characterized. It turns out to coincide with specified meet contraction.
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    Matrices of completely Ramsey sets with infinitely many rows.Athanasios Tsarpalias - 2014 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 60 (1-2):54-58.
    The main result of the present article is the following: Let N be an infinite subset of,, and let be a matrix with infinitely many rows of completely Ramsey subsets of such that for every n,. Then there exist, a sequence of nonempty finite subsets of N, and an infinite subset T of such that for every infinite subset I of. We also give an application of this result to partitions of an uncountable analytic subset of a (...)
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    The "Villain" of Set Theory [review of Shaughan Levine, Understanding the Infinite ].Gary N. Curtis - 1995 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 15 (1).
  34. Infinite Regress Arguments: Some Metaphysical and Epistemological Problems.Timothy Joseph Day - 1986 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    In this dissertation we discuss infinite regress arguments from both a historical and a logical perspective. Throughout we deal with arguments drawn from various areas of philosophy. ;We first consider the regress generating portion of the argument. We find two main ways in which infinite regresses can be developed. The first generates a regress by defining a relation that holds between objects of some kind. An example of such a regress is the causal regress used in some versions (...)
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  35. Infinite Cardinalities, Measuring Knowledge, and Probabilities in Fine-Tuning Arguments.Isaac Choi - 2018 - In Matthew A. Benton, John Hawthorne & Dani Rabinowitz (eds.), Knowledge, Belief, and God: New Insights in Religious Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 103-121.
    This paper deals with two different problems in which infinity plays a central role. I first respond to a claim that infinity renders counting knowledge-level beliefs an infeasible approach to measuring and comparing how much we know. There are two methods of comparing sizes of infinite sets, using the one-to-one correspondence principle or the subset principle, and I argue that we should use the subset principle for measuring knowledge. I then turn to the normalizability and coarse tuning objections (...)
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    From index sets to randomness in ∅ n : random reals and possibly infinite computations. Part II.Verónica Becher & Serge Grigorieff - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (1):124-156.
    We obtain a large class of significant examples of n-random reals (i.e., Martin-Löf random in oracle $\varphi ^{(n - 1)} $ ) à la Chaitin. Any such real is defined as the probability that a universal monotone Turing machine performing possibly infinite computations on infinite (resp. finite large enough, resp. finite self-delimited) inputs produces an output in a given set O ⊆(ℕ). In particular, we develop methods to transfer $\Sigma _n^0 $ or $\Pi _n^0 $ or many-one completeness (...)
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    A Consistent Set of Infinite-Order Probabilities.David Atkinson & Jeanne Peijnenburg - 2013 - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 54:1351-1360.
    Some philosophers have claimed that it is meaningless or paradoxical to consider the probability of a probability. Others have however argued that second-order probabilities do not pose any particular problem. We side with the latter group. On condition that the relevant distinctions are taken into account, second-order probabilities can be shown to be perfectly consistent. May the same be said of an infinite hierarchy of higher-order probabilities? Is it consistent to speak of a probability of a probability, and of (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Infinite time Turing machines.Joel David Hamkins & Andy Lewis - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):567-604.
    Infinite time Turing machines extend the operation of ordinary Turing machines into transfinite ordinal time. By doing so, they provide a natural model of infinitary computability, a theoretical setting for the analysis of the power and limitations of supertask algorithms.
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    Thin Set Versions of Hindman’s Theorem.Denis R. Hirschfeldt & Sarah C. Reitzes - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (4):481-491.
    We examine the reverse mathematical strength of a variation of Hindman’s Theorem (HT) constructed by essentially combining HT with the Thin Set Theorem to obtain a principle that we call thin-HT. This principle states that every coloring c:N→N has an infinite set S⊆N whose finite sums are thin for c, meaning that there is an i with c(s)≠i for all nonempty sums s of finitely many distinct elements of S. We show that there is a computable instance of thin-HT (...)
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    Σ2 Induction and infinite injury priority argument, Part I: Maximal sets and the jump operator.C. T. Chong & Yue Yang - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (3):797 - 814.
    Related Works: Part II: C. T. Chong, Yue Yang. $\Sigma_2$ Induction and Infinite Injury Priority Argument, Part II: Tame $\Sigma_2$ Coding and the Jump Operator. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic, vol. 87, no. 2, 103--116. Mathematical Reviews : MR1490049 Part III: C. T. Chong, Lei Qian, Theodore A. Slaman, Yue Yang. $\Sigma_2$ Induction and Infinite Injury Priority Argument, Part III: Prompt Sets, Minimal Paries and Shoenfield's Conjecture. Mathematical Reviews : MR1818378.
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  41. Measuring the Size of Infinite Collections of Natural Numbers: Was Cantor’s Theory of Infinite Number Inevitable?Paolo Mancosu - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (4):612-646.
    Cantor’s theory of cardinal numbers offers a way to generalize arithmetic from finite sets to infinite sets using the notion of one-to-one association between two sets. As is well known, all countable infinite sets have the same ‘size’ in this account, namely that of the cardinality of the natural numbers. However, throughout the history of reflections on infinity another powerful intuition has played a major role: if a collectionAis properly included in a collectionBthen the (...)
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  42.  69
    Comparative infinite lottery logic.Matthew W. Parker - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 84:28-36.
    As an application of his Material Theory of Induction, Norton (2018; manuscript) argues that the correct inductive logic for a fair infinite lottery, and also for evaluating eternal inflation multiverse models, is radically different from standard probability theory. This is due to a requirement of label independence. It follows, Norton argues, that finite additivity fails, and any two sets of outcomes with the same cardinality and co-cardinality have the same chance. This makes the logic useless for evaluating multiverse (...)
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  43.  38
    Fair Infinite Lotteries, Qualitative Probability, and Regularity.Nicholas DiBella - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (4):824-844.
    A number of philosophers have thought that fair lotteries over countably infinite sets of outcomes are conceptually incoherent by virtue of violating countable additivity. In this article, I show that a qualitative analogue of this argument generalizes to an argument against the conceptual coherence of a much wider class of fair infinite lotteries—including continuous uniform distributions. I argue that this result suggests that fair lotteries over countably infinite sets of outcomes are no more conceptually problematic (...)
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  44.  21
    On Ramsey choice and partial choice for infinite families of n -element sets.Lorenz Halbeisen & Eleftherios Tachtsis - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (5-6):583-606.
    For an integer \, Ramsey Choice\ is the weak choice principle “every infinite setxhas an infinite subset y such that\ has a choice function”, and \ is the weak choice principle “every infinite family of n-element sets has an infinite subfamily with a choice function”. In 1995, Montenegro showed that for \, \. However, the question of whether or not \ for \ is still open. In general, for distinct \, not even the status of (...)
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    Set and revealed preference axioms for multi-valued choice.Hans Peters & Panos Protopapas - 2020 - Theory and Decision 90 (1):11-29.
    We consider choice correspondences that assign a subset to every choice set of alternatives, where the total set of alternatives is an arbitrary finite or infinite set. We focus on the relations between several extensions of the condition of independence of irrelevant alternatives on one hand, and conditions on the revealed preference relation on sets, notably the weak axiom of revealed preference, on the other hand. We also establish the connection between the condition of independence of irrelevant alternatives (...)
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    Infinite Time Turing Machines With Only One Tape.D. E. Seabold & J. D. Hamkins - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (2):271-287.
    Infinite time Turing machines with only one tape are in many respects fully as powerful as their multi-tape cousins. In particular, the two models of machine give rise to the same class of decidable sets, the same degree structure and, at least for partial functions f : ℝ → ℕ, the same class of computable functions. Nevertheless, there are infinite time computable functions f : ℝ → ℝ that are not one-tape computable, and so the two models (...)
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    Kanamori Akihiro. The higher infinite. Large cardinals in set theory from their beginnings. Perspectives in mathematical logic. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, etc., 1994, xxiv + 536 pp. [REVIEW]Azriel Levy - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (1):334-336.
  48. Infinite numbers are large finite numbers.Jeremy Gwiazda - unknown
    In this paper, I suggest that infinite numbers are large finite numbers, and that infinite numbers, properly understood, are 1) of the structure omega + (omega* + omega)Ө + omega*, and 2) the part is smaller than the whole. I present an explanation of these claims in terms of epistemic limitations. I then consider the importance, part of which is demonstrating the contradiction that lies at the heart of Cantorian set theory: the natural numbers are too large to (...)
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  49. Maḥshevet ha-ensof: mi-sefer Be-reshit le-Torat ha-ḳevutsot = Thinking the infinite: from Genesis to set theory.Eliran Bar-El - 2022 - Tel Aviv: Resling.
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    Factorials of infinite cardinals in zf part I: Zf results.Guozhen Shen & Jiachen Yuan - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):224-243.
    For a set x, let ${\cal S}\left$ be the set of all permutations of x. We prove in ZF several results concerning this notion, among which are the following: For all sets x such that ${\cal S}\left$ is Dedekind infinite, $\left| {{{\cal S}_{{\rm{fin}}}}\left} \right| < \left| {{\cal S}\left} \right|$ and there are no finite-to-one functions from ${\cal S}\left$ into ${{\cal S}_{{\rm{fin}}}}\left$, where ${{\cal S}_{{\rm{fin}}}}\left$ denotes the set of all permutations of x which move only finitely many elements. For (...)
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